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Region VI

Division of Iloilo
Guimbal, Iloilo

English Grade 7
Third Grading Periodical Test

Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer

1. It is an account of human beings responding to human situation that can be read at a single sitting.
a. Short Story b. Novel c. Poem d. Epic

2. This refers to person or animal that takes part in the action of a story.
a. Setting b. Plot c. Character d. Theme

3. It is the sequence of events in a short story.

a. Character b. Plot c. Theme d. Setting

4. is also known as main or major character.

a. Antagonist b. Protagonist c. Director d. Author

5. The following are parts of a plot except .

a. Exposition b. Climax c. Resolution d. Conclusion

6. The opposite of the main character that creates conflict in a story.

a. Protagonist b. Author c. Antagonist d. Director

For numbers 7-10, refer to the passage below.

The Goose And The Golden Egg

There was once a Countryman who possessed the most wonderful Goose you can imagine, for
every day when he visited the nest, the Goose had laid a beautiful, glittering, golden egg.
The Countryman took the eggs to market and soon began to get rich. But it was not long before
he grew impatient with the Goose because she gave him only a single golden egg a day. He was not
getting rich fast enough.
Then one day, after he had finished counting his money, the idea came to him that he could get
all the golden eggs at once by killing the Goose and cutting it open. But when the deed was done, not a
single golden egg did he find, and his precious Goose was dead.

7. Where did the story happen?

a. Pond b. Mountain c. City d. Countryside

8. What attitude does the Countryman possess?

a. Industrious b. Helpful c. Discontented d. Unselfish

9. What kind of egg does the goose gives to the Countryman?

a. Silver b. Red c. Yellow d. Gold

10. Who are the characters in the story?

a. Farmer and Rabbit b. Dog and Man c. Goose and Egg d. Countryman and Goose

11. January: New Year December:

a. Valentines Day b. Halloween c. Christmas Day d. Flores de Mayo

12. He: Pronoun Friendly:

a. Adverb b. Adjective c. Verb d. Preposition
13. Period: Declarative Question Mark:
a. Imperative b. Exclamatory c. Interrogative d. Declarative

14. This refers to a struggle between two opposing forces of the antagonist and protagonist in literature.
a. Conflict b. Resolution c. Exposition d. Climax

15. A struggle between the character and outside forces.

a. Internal Conflict b. War c. External Conflict d. Fighting

16. Pattern of conflict wherein the force of protagonist moves consistently towards victory.
a. Completed Chain b. Reversal c. Internal Conflict d. External Conflict

17. Pattern of conflict wherein the role of the character loses hope at the end of the story.
a. Completed Chain b. Reversal c. Internal Conflict d. External Conflict

18. The following are examples of external conflict except Character vs. .
a. Character b. Nature c. Himself d. Supernatural Power

For numbers 19-25, refer your choices below. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
a. Character vs. Character c. Character vs. Society e. Character vs. Supernatural Power
b. Character vs. Himself d. Character vs. Nature

19. Tacloban People vs. Typhoon Yolanda

20. Dog vs. Cat
21. President Aquino vs. Filipinos
22. Pacquiao vs. Mayweather
23. Elena vs. her thoughts
24. Flood vs. Illegal loggers
25. Ogie vs. Batman

26. are words with the same spelling and pronunciation but differ in meaning.
a. Homophones b. Homonyms c. Blended Words d. Antonyms

27. are words with the same pronunciation but differ in spelling and meaning.
a. Homophones b. Homonyms c. Blended Words d. Synonyms

For numbers 28- 32, write A if the words are Homonyms and B for Homophones.
28. record- record
29. address- address
30. course- course
31. dessert- desert
32. plain- plane

33. It is the use of local words, details on weather, geography etc. that create an impression of the locale
of the story.
a. Conflict b. Point of View c. Local Colors d. Translation

34. It is the angle of narration in a story.

a. Conflict b. Translation c. Local Colors d. Point of View

35. Third person point of view who knows everything about the character he is telling about.
a. Limited b. Omniscient c. Witness d. Reporter

36. Third person point of view who just tells a story from one character’s viewpoint.
a.Reporter b. Omniscient c. Witness d. Limited
For numbers 37- 42, refer your choices below. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
a. Newspaper c. Obituary Page e. Entertainment Section g. Magazine
b. Sports Page d. Editorial Page f. Classified Ads Section

37. It is a printed source of various kind of current information.

38. Contains list of people who died and the time and place of their burials.
39. Printed in this section are articles called editorials.
40. This page contains new about sports.
41. It contains games and puzzles, comic strips and daily horoscope.
42. This section contains advertisements.

43. The following defines a kernel sentence except .

a. Simple b. Declarative c. Passive d. Independent Clause

44. A sentence with dependent clause is known as .

a. Kernel Sentence b. Simple c. Compound d. Embedded Sentence

For numbers 45-50, write A if the sentence is Kernel and B if it is Embedded.

45. Danica recorded the data in her laptop.

46. Because it rained yesterday, we decided not to go swimming anymore.
47. We are eating our lunch when someone knocks the door.
48. Mr. Wilson invited me to his wedding.
49. Indeed, drinking alcoholic beverage which has become men’s pastime is a way of strengthening their
50. Arvin tried his best to win the competition.

******************************** GOOD LUCK ***********************************

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