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I. Answer any two of the following: 10

a. What is GIS? What are the different applications of GIS?

Computer system for Capturing, storing, querying, analyzing, and displaying geospatial
data. (1 mark)

Land use planning, natural hazard assessment, wildlife habitat analysis, riparian zone
monitoring, timber management. (2 marks)( atleast 3 examples of the real world)
(2 marks)

b. What is Map Projection? What are the commonly used Map Projections?

The outcome of the transformation process that changes the earth’s spherical surface
to a plane is a map projection. This represents the systematic arrangement of parallels
and meridians on a plane surface representing the geographic coordinate system ( 1

Commonly used map projections are;( 4 marks)

A conformal projection which preserves the local angles and shapes.

An equivalent projection which represents in correct relative size

An equidistant projection which maintains the consistency of scale along certain lines.

An azimuthal projection which retains the accurate directions

c. Describe projected coordinated system and also explain what is conversion between

This is also known as plane coordinate system. This is built on map projections. It is
meant for detailed calculations and positioning and used in large scale mapping.
Inorder to maintain the accuracy for measurements, a projected coordinated system
is divided into different zones, each zone defined by a different projection centre.
Three projected coordinated systems are commonly used in US: the universal
transverse Mecator (UTM), the universal polar sterographic grid system (UPS), state
plane coordinate system (SPC). (3 marks)

Conversion between datums involves the transformation and computation of

geographic coordinates. There are software packages available to do this conversion.
Nadcon is a software by NGS for conversion from NAD27 to NAD 83.GPS usually have
the options to read coordinates based on different datums. Intercountry
exchangeability is possible through this datum conversion. (2 marks)
d. How is data structure represented in Geo-Database Data Model?

The geo database data model distinguishes between “feature class” and “feature
dataset” in data structure. A feature class stores spatial data of the same geometry
type. A feature dataset stores feature classes that share the same coordinate system
and area extent. ( 2 marks)
Geodatabase Feature Dataset

Feature Class

Feature Class
Feature Class

(2 marks)

Need not include feature class in a feature data set. It is standalone dataset. If it
included in a dataset then they participate in topological relationship with each other.

(1 mark)

II. Answer any two of the following: 10

a. Write short notes on :

1. U.S. geological Survey

It is a major provider of GIS data in US. It offers pathways to USGS national
mapping and remotely sensed data and to thematic data clearinghouse on
biological, geologic and water resources data. Public data includes both vector
and raster data.
Digital Line Graphs(DLG) are digital representations of point, line and area
features from the USGS quadrangle maps at the scale of 1:24000, 1:100000
and 1:2000000. National Land Cover Data (NLCD) 1992 include 21 thematic
classes for the conterminous US. The data from U.S geological survey can be
downloaded from its official websites,, for DEM and NED type of data ( 2 ½ marks)
2. Federal Geographic data Committee

It is a 19 member interagency committee. It leads the development of policies,

metadata standards, and training to support the National Spatial Data
Infrastructure (NSDI) and the coordination efforts. It is aimed at sharing of
geospatial data throughout all levels of government, the private and non-profit
sectors as well as the academic community. ( 2 1/2 marks)

b. How to create geospatial data? Explain any two methods

There are several ways to create geospatial data. Some methods are Remotely
sensed data, Field Data, text files with x,y coordinates, Digitizing using digitizing table,
scanning ( 1 mark)

(Note: Students can prefer any two among these) ( 2 marks each)

c. Explain affine transformation.

It allows rotation, translation, skew and different scaling on a rectangular object,

while preserving line parallelism. Rotation rotates the object’s x and y axes from the
origin. Translation shifts its origin to a new location. Skew allows a non
perpendicularity between the axes thus changing its shape to a parallelogram with a
slanted direction. Differential scaling changes the scale expanding or reducing in the x
and/or y direction. Mathematically it is defined as the first order polynomial

X = Ax + By + C

Y = Dx + Ey + F

Where x, y are the input coordinates that are given and X, Y are the output
coordinates to be detr mined and A, B,C,D,E,F are the transformation coefficients. It is
also called as six parameter transformation since it involves six estimated
coefficients.( 4 marks)
( 1 mark)

d. What is bilinear interpolation? Using bilinear interpolation method find the value of x
in the following figure.

One of the resampling methods to find the pixel values. It uses the average of four
nearest pixel values from three linear interpolations to compute the unknown x value
in the image. ( 1 mark)

I2.5,2.4= (3.0-2.4)/(3-2) * 8 + (2.4 – 2)/(3-2) * 6

= .6 * 8 + .4 * 6
= 4.8 + 2.4 = 7.2 ( 1 mark)

I3.5,2.4= (3.0-2.4)/(3-2) * 16 + (2.4 – 2)/(3-2) * 8

= .6 * 16 + .4 * 8
= 9.6 + 3.2 = 12.8 ( 1 mark)

I3.0,2.4= (3.5-3.0)/(3.5-2.5) * 7.2 + (3.0 – 2.5)/(3.5-2.5) * 12.8

= .5 * 7.2 + .5 * 12.8
= 3.6 + 6.4 = 10 ( 2 marks)
III. Answer any two of the following: 10
a. How are the attributes of Geospatial data represented and how is it managed?

The attribute data of Geospatial data is to be digitized and edited if necessary. The
attribute data is stored in relational database. The table consists of rows and
columns. Each row represents a spatial feature and each column represents a
characteristic of that feature. It should be possible to enter new data, search for
existing data, retrieve the data, do calculations or any other manipulations and display
the output.

Two elements in the design of relational database are the key and the type of data
relationship. Key is used for joining more than one table and the type of relationship
shows how the tables are linked. It uses the same relational database management
concepts as we do for any other software application for data storage

b. Explain the colour schemes and its use in maps

Cartographers have suggested general color schemes that combine value and chroma
for displaying quantitative data. Some of the color schemes are:

The single hue scheme: uses a single hue but varies the combination of value and
chroma to produce sequential color scheme such as from light red to dark red.

The hue and value scheme : progresses from a light value of one hue to a darker value
of a different hue.

The diverging or double ended scheme: uses graduated colors between two dominant

The part spectral scheme : uses adjacent colors of the visible spectrum to show
variations in magnitude

The full spectral scheme : uses all colors in the visible spectrum

(Each color 1 mark, and the use of the scheme is expected by an example)

c. Describe the types of relationships that exist between the relational data.

(Definition of relations database) 1 mark




( description of each of them with an example) 4 marks

d. Write a short note on Typography and its type variations

Typography refers to use of text in map(cartography). Text is treated as map symbol

with its variations ( 1 mark) //

1. Here the explanation is expected for typeface with examples

2. Type width with examples
3. Font and its uses
4. Color scheme with example ( font color) ( 1 mark for each of the above)//

IV. Answer any two of the following: 10

a. How Descriptive Statistics is used in data exploration? Also state any two types of
graphs used for data representation and analysis

It summarizes the values of a data set. They include the following:

Range, median, first quartile, third quartile, mean, variance, standard deviation, z
score ( description required for each) ( 4 marks)

Bar chart also known as histogram groups data into equal intervals and uses bars to
show the number or frequency of values falling within each class. Bubble chart has
varying sized bubbles that are made proportional to the value of a third variable.
(here it can be any two types of charts) 1 mark

b. What is Spatial Data Query? What are the various methods of feature selection?

It refers to the process of retrieving a data subset from a layer by working directly
with features. As the geographic interface to the database, spatial data query
complements attribute data query in data exploration. The results of spatial data
query can be simultaneously inspected in the map, linked to the highlighted records in
the table and displayed in charts. They can also be saved as a new data set for further
processing. ( 3 marks)

By cursor

By graphic

By Spatial relationship

Combining Attribute and spatial data queries ( one line description of each is

(2 marks)

c. Describe query by cell value with an example.

The cell value in a raster typically represents a specific attribute value at the cell
location. The operand in raster data query is the raster itself rather than a field as in
the case of vector data query. ( 1 mark)

Slope, aspect with example ( 4 marks)

d. How map comparison can be used for data exploration?

It helps GIS to sort out the relationship between different maps. If the maps to be
compared consist of only point or line features, they can be coded in different colors
and superimposed on one another in a single view. A semi-transparent layer allows
another layer to show through. ( 2 marks)
First option: to place all polygons and raster layers along with other point and line
Second option: use a set of adjacent views one for each polygon or raster layer, similar
to the use of small multiples
Third option : use map symbols that cane show multiple data sets.
( Each option 1 mark. Options need to be described a little more)

V. Answer any two of the following: 10

a. Explain buffering and how it is helpful in vector analysis

Buffering creates two areas based on proximity, one area that is within a specified
distance of selected features and the other area that is beyond.(1 mark)

(Explanation with diagrams showing how buffering around points, lines and areas
occur. Variations in buffering to be dealt in one line and give some applications of
buffering) ( 4 marks)

b. What is overlay? How are slivers related with overlays?

It combines the geometries and attributes of two feature layers to create the output.
The geometry of the output represents the geometric intersection of features from
the input layers. (The pictorial representation) ( 3 marks)

Slivers are the common error from overlaying polygon layers. The existence of slivers
often occurs from digitizing errors.( 2 marks)

(Give a pictorial form of slivers)

c. Explain neighbourhood operation in raster analysis and calculate the same for the
following data

1 2 3 3 2

2 1 3 2 3

1 3 2 3 1

2 2 2 1 1

3 1 3 3 2

A neighborhood operation involves a focal cell and a set of its surrounding cells. The
surrounding cells are chosen for their distance and/or directional relationship to the
focal cell. Common neighborhoods include rectangles, circles, annuluses, and wedges.
(2 marks)

2.00 2.44 2.44

2.00 2.11 2.00
2.11 2.22 2.00

( 3 marks.. steps should be shown in calculation)

d. Differentiate between physical distance and cost distance

It is very important to know the differences between the following as it is very much
required for real world applications

Physical distance Cost distance

Measures straight line or Euclidean Measures the cost of traversing the

distance physical distance
It measures the straight line distance Shortest distance could be found but
away from cells designated as the again more dependent on the cost of
source cells. the distance

It buffers the source cells with wavelike Cost can be stored for future usage
continuous distances over the entire
raster or to a specified maximum

( 5 marks)

VI. Answer any two of the following: 10

a. What is spatial interpolation? What are the different types of spatial interpolation?

Spatial interpolation is the process of using points with known values to estimate at
other points. We can estimate precipitation value at a location with no recorded data
by using known precipitation readings at nearby weather stations. It is applied to a
raster with estimates made for all cells. ( 2 marks)


First type of grouping

Global interpolation

Local interpolation

And also these methods can be grouped in to

Exact interpolation

Inexact interpolation


Deterministic and Stochastic ( 1 mark for each grouping. One line description required
for each type)

b. Find the unknown value at 0 with the known values given as below:
Point X Y Value

1 20 25 12

2 15 20 15

3 18 20 16

4 14 16 10

0 15 18 ?

c. What are Thiessen Polygons? Give an example

It assumes that any point within a polygon is closer to the polugon’s known point than
any other unknown points. Was developed for estimating the areal averages of
precipitation by making sure that any point within a polygon is closer to the polygon’s
weather station than any other station. Also known as Voronoi polygons, they are
used in variety of applications especially for service area analysis of public facilities.

They do not use an interpolator but require initial triangulation for connecting known
points. Delaunay triangulation is often used in preparing thiessen polygons. After
triangulation, thiessen polygons can be easily constructed by connecting lines drawn
perpendicular to the sides of each triangle at their midpoints ( 4 marks)

(example 1 mark)

d. Explain the use of thin plate splines

Thin plate splines create a surface that passes through the control points and has the
least possible change in slope at all points. They fit the control points with a minimum
curvature surface. The approximation of thin plate splines is of the form:

Q(x,y) = ∑Aidi2 log di + a + bx + cy

Where x, y are the coordinates of the point to be interpolated and d i2 = (x-xi)2 + (y-yi)2

And xi and yi are the coordinates of control point i. Thin plate splines has two
components, (a + bx + cy) represents the local trend function and d i2 log di represents
the basic function which is designed to obtain the minimum curvature surfaces. The
coefficients are obtained by a linear system of equations ( formula to be written) ( 5

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