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Petroleum Plant Design

Oil and Gas Exploration Production

November 05, 2014

Looking for oil and gas is a job very long and complex many stages.
Each stage must be thorough and accurate exploration data
generated so accurate, so that in the process of lifting successful oil
production, not dry hole and failures occur in drilling process.

The following stages of data collection prior to drilling (drilling)

- Gravity surveys: data collection method is by measuring the

difference in gravity caused by differences in the density of material
in the geological structure of the earth's crust.

- Magnetic surveys: is the method of measurement of the earth's

magnetic Leld differences due to differences in the magnetic
properties of the metal content of the rocks in the soil depth.

Both methods of investigation on the initial investigation conducted

in the area is estimated there are deposits / reserves of oil and gas
such as a basin (basin). From the data of magnetic and gravity survey
was then conducted mapping areas that are economically proLtable
when done exploration, then the area is estimated to have oil content
is mostly done more in-depth survey with seismic methods.

Seismic survey is by reQecting the shock wave (shock-wave) is

directed to an artiLcial reservoir and surrounding areas through the
rocks and captured by means of receivers. By various layers of
material in the basement, this shock wave will be reQected to the
surface as the pulse pressure (by hydrophones in the water) or as
acceleration (by geophones on land). ReQected signal is then digitally
processed into a subsurface acoustic maps to then be visualized.

Application of seismic methods:

Exploration stage: to determine the structure and stratigraphy of

sediment where wells will be dug.

Assessment and development stages: to estimate the volume of

hydrocarbon reserves and to plan the development of the most good.

In the production phase: to monitor the condition of the reservoir,

such as analyzing the contact between the Quid reservoir (gas-oil-
water), the distribution of reservoir Quid and pressure changes.

After evaluating the content of the oil in the reservoir, the next stage
is to build a sub-surface facilities (Well-construction) includes drilling
(drilling), install tubular wells (casing) and cementing (cementing).
Then to make the well completion process is ready for use. This
process includes a perforated pipe that is perforating the casing;
installation of all of the pipes and the packer and its accessories to
bring oil and gas to the surface; installation of wellhead (wellhead or
Christmas tree) at the surface; installation of various safety
equipment, the installation of the pump if necessary, etc. If needed,
the method of stimulation was also performed in this phase. Further
well-evaluation to evaluate the condition of wells and formations in
the well.

Oil and Gas

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