Gemba Kaizen Is A Japanese Concept of Continuous Improvement Designed For Enhancing Processes and Reducing Waste

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Gemba Kaizen is a Japanese concept of continuous improvement designed for

enhancing processes and reducing waste.

Within a lean context, Gemba simply refers to the location where value is created, while
Kaizen relates to improvements. However, the concept of Gemba Kaizen holds many
more meanings than its literal translation.
According to the Kaizen Institute, an organisation which has embraced the concept is
constantly striving to improve its processes, promotes discipline and standardisation,
and believes the processes in place for solving problems are more valuable than the
solutions themselves.
Masaaki Imai, founder of the institute, explained "Kaizen is a mindset. Although many
lean practitioners have Kaizen in their toolbox, those who strive to live it each day are
the people who are making a difference in people's lives."
Gemba Kaizen embraces the skills of a whole organization, inviting and rewarding
employee contributions and understanding even the smallest improvements will create
greater value over time. The concept focuses on achieving continuous improvement
through activities on the work floor.
The 'Five Ss'
One of the key concepts of Kaizen is the pursuit of operation excellence through a
housekeeping technique known as the 'five Ss'. The Kaizen Institute recommends the
'five Ss' are a good place for an organization to start when introducing the concept, as it
allows all employees to get involved.
Seiri – or sort – is the first 'S'. This deals with the literal contents of the Gemba,
removing any items which are excess to requirements to create a more streamlined
working area.
Next comes seiton, meaning to set things in order, when a system is introduced giving
every item its own place, meaning the tools necessary for work are easily accessible –
reducing wasted time.
Seiso, translated to mean scrub, is the third 'S'. The stage does not simply relate to
keeping a workplace in a clean, but also taking pride in keeping things in order.
Seiketsu is the next stage, which refers to the standardisation of processes throughout
the workplace. "Visual management is an important aspect to facilitate easy
understanding of these standards," the Kaizen Institute explained.
Once the first four steps have been completed, the company must then focus on
shitsuki; sustaining the changes which have been made.
Seiri Sort

Seiton Set in order

Seiso Scrub

Seiketsu Standardization of Process

Shitsuki Sustaining the Changes

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