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Abdullah Aamir Abdul Wahab

051 - 15 -122397 051 - 15 - 122374

Supervised By

MRs. Sana Yusuf

A Final Year Project Report is

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Computer Sciences

Department of Computing & Technology

Iqra University, Islamabad Campus

January 2018
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Objectives.............................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Problem Description ............................................................................................................................. 3
4. Methodology......................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Project Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 4
6. Brief Feasibility Study............................................................................................................................ 4
7. Solution Application Areas .................................................................................................................... 4
8. Tools/Technology .................................................................................................................................. 4
9. Expertise of the Team Members........................................................................................................... 4
11. References ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1. Introduction
The project” MUHAFFIZ” is about security of a particular area or place that comes under
the range of a camera. Through this project we will detect suspicious activities like if
someone try to throw something inside the building. Another suspicious activity could be
if someone leave something (bag, bomb) in the area. As this belonging can be harmful and
it can cause a big damage so, it must be detected. After detecting such activities a
notification or alerts will generate. By doing this perfectly, we can secure any sensitive or
restricted area form these sort of suspicious activities.

2. Objectives
The objective of this project is to make a security system that detects some suspicious
activities happening at any restricted area and make it secure by using this system. The
main objective of our project is to provide security to any sensitive area.

3. Problem Description

In sensitive areas where security is needed. Any kind of dubious activity cannot be ignore.
We need such area to be secure from all kind of doubtful movements specially, if an enemy
want to throw something inside the wall. This something can be any grenade or any gas
shell. This activity should immediately be detected and after this detection done an alert
should be generate.

In our system we are going to detect specific activities like thrown object and any belonging
left by a person in that area and after detection performed, a notification will immediately
be sent over a phone through android application. By doing this we can enhance the security
of any sensitive area.

4. Methodology
This system is very useful in sensitive areas like schools, homes and defense area where
security is needed. We will use data sets that are publically available and by using those
datasets we will train our system for detecting activities in different scenarios. As this
project is research based, so we will study different already defined algorithms. Our idea
is to import all those points from algorithms that provide best result in multiple cases. So,
the final product that comes will work efficiently and precisely.
5. Project Scope
Our system can provide an essential security to any sensitive area. As currently we have
focused upon a throwing activity and abandoned object detection. The basic goal of this
project is to provide security to sensitive areas. In sensitive areas, security is always the
main concern hence it’s always needed. By adding more activities like recognizing that
object and by adding a second camera that work on facial recognition of that person who
is throwing that object, into this system we can enhance security and ensure better

6. Brief Feasibility Study

We have to look for the best matching algorithm that efficiently detect suspicious
activities. In thrown object detection we have to use motion detection [1]. After this
motion detected perfectly we’ll go for detection of moving object as we have to rectify
other moving object like birds.

i. Risks Involved: There can be a particular case where this system fails to detect
suspicious activity so, a generic solution is needed. We will use multiple cases and
test many cases that helps us to provide the generic solution,
ii. Resource Requirement: cameras, android phone.

7. Solution Application Areas

This project can be very useful for any institution or companies that needs security. Schools
and defense areas where security of high precision is needed. For e.g. if anyone tries to
throw grenade inside wall of school, if we have any system that detects this activity before
it cause any damage, School staff can make some arrangements which can save many lives.

8. Tools/Technology
 Cameras
 Matlab
 OpenCV
 EmguCV
 Python/C /C#/C++
 Android Studio
 Android Device
9. Expertise of the Team Members
Our team is good in doing programming. We have entrust in image processing and we also have
studied a course “Computer Vision” through that we are hoping to make this kind of project.

10. Milestones
 Detect thrown object
 Detect unattended bag or any object.
 Use best algorithm
 Accuracy
 Efficient system

11. References
1. Evan Ribnick, Stefan Atev, Osama Masoud, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos, and Richard
Voyles “Detection of Thrown Objects in Indoor and Outdoor Scenes”. Motion
detection. Page2 Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota –
Twin Cities

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