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Table of Contents

 Declaration……………………………………………………………….................2
 Acknowledgement.....................................................................................................3
 Introduction………..……………………………………………………………….6
 History of Russian Legal System…………………………………………………..7
 Executive ..................................................................................................................8
 Judiciary……….........................................................................................................9
 Courts …………………............................................................................................11
 Constitutional Court............................................................11
 Supreme Court.....................................................................12
 Regional Court……………………………………….........13
 District Court………….......................................................13
 Magistrate Court…………………………………………..14
 Law of Russia………………………………………………………………………14
 Criminal Procedure……………………………………………....14
 Legislative branch of Russia……………………………………...………………...15
 Parliament………………………………………………………..15
 Structure of federal assembly……………………………………16
 Legislative power………………………………………………..17
 Legislative Process………………………………………………19
 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………...19
 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………20
Scope and significance
The research paper has been developed with a view to provide an effective legal knowledge upon
the given topic .Taking appropriate measures to overlook the important as well as relevant
information significant to mention in pursuing the projects. This project would undertake an
extensive study of the Russian constitution complete with its history, roots of origin to its
parliamentary structure and on to the Russian judiciary and its interplay with the organs of the
Russian administration .project would also study in .Project hold significance due to the variance
Russian model hold in contrast to the world’s legal system and in such manner holds key to
improvement for every legal system in some manner or another .Russia is an integral and
important part of the global scenario be it economic ,political or social ,in such circumstances it
is important not just to study the Russian legal system but also as to how it goes about to
augment and solidify the accentuation of Russian growth and development .

Research methodology

Research Methodology in the making of this project will be Doctrinal Research methodology
.This methodology will be suited for the topic of the project. Doctrinal Research methodology
involves the analysis of the Legal Doctrine and how it has been developed and applied
.Researchers who deal with this type of research mainly concern with the philosophy of law and
topic involved. Besides reference from legal books, journals and documents are given due weight
age which provided needful contribution required in proper completion of the research.

Literature Overview
The contribution of the books as duly cited was immense completion of the project. They acted
as a reliable guide and companion throughout entire research .The content provided by the
document as a referred in the making of the project, were capable of providing authenticity to the
research. Above all information from a series of reference books were also taken into account to
provide further emphasizes upon the research.

Hypothesis or research question

1. How does the history of Russia as a nation lead to development of its modern
2. What can be said about the nature and the composition of the Russian parliament and the
role that it plays in the country?
3. What is the form or manner in which judiciary in Russia interact and interplay with other
branches of administration and state?

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