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 Nov 13,2016  Comments Off  By admin  News

Does the birth chart live on after you die?  You Tube Videos

By Alphee  Interviews

I remember reading many years ago a book by Ivy Jacobsen in which she mentioned that the  AstroInvestigators
natal chart keeps living on even after you pass away.  In the last couple weeks I decided to
test this concept and see if this is really true.  In order to test this concept an accurate
birthtime for the native is a necessity. Seeing that the new project for my ‘gators research
group is to rectify all of the United States presidents’ charts we needed to collect birth

Fortunately for us there are a few books on presidents chart, however, each one gives a
different birth time.  I decided to feed two birds with one seed and decided to  research Ivy’s
statement  using a few recti ed charts of our U.S. presidents.

Astrodatabank gives John Fitzgerald Kennedy a time of 3 PM which gives him a 20° Libra 

Doris Chase Doane gives him 19 LIbra 59 rising witha a time of 3:15:28 Pm LMT in her book ,
Horoscopes of U.S. Presidents.

“A Recti cation Manual: The American Presidency“, by D. H. presents the time of 3:39:15 PM
wtih a rising sign of 27 Libra 37.

I recti ed President John F, Kennedy’s chart time to 3:17: 32 Pm which makes his Ascendant
23 Libra 24:06 rising.

The events that I used to verify if John F. Kennedy’s charts lives on are listed below.   All the
events that I used occurred after his untimely tragic death.

Father died November 16, 1969

Mother died January 22, 1995

His son, John, died July 16, 1999

His wife, Jackie, May 19, 1994

Jackie married Ari Onassis October 20, 1968

His son, John, got married September 21, 1996

Father’s Death
His father’s death occurred on November 16, 1969 when the Solar Arc Sun was exactly
conjunct his midheaven.

In Tertiary progressions Venus, ruler of his natal eighth house, conjuncts the eighth house

In Minor progressions the Midheaven is in opposition to Uranus, the ruler of his intercepted
fourth house.

Mother’s Death
In Secondary Progresstion the Moon is exactly conjucnt his MC.

the Sun in his eighth house.  In transit the planet Neptune squared the Ascendant.  Neptune is
in his 10th house of the mother. In backward transit Jupiter conjuncts the ascendant bringing
in an eighth house energy to his ascendant.  He has Jupiter in his eighth house in his natal
chart. The progressed Moon was conjunct the Miidheaven. The prior eclipse was conjunct his
fth house cusp which is the eighth from the 10th.

Death of his son, John

The previous eclipse was conjunct the fth house cusp.  In transit Jupiter squared the planet
Neptune ruling the fth house and Jupiter is in is eighth house bringing in both the fth and
eighth houses. In backward transit the prior eclipse was in the exact opposition to the Sun in
the eighth house.

In minor progression the Sun was conjunct the Midheaven and the minor progression
ascendant made a tight conjunction the Moon – the eighth from the fth house of his son.

Jackie, his wife, died May 19,1994

The prior eclipse was in the seventh house of marriage partners.  In backward transit Mars,
the ruler of the seventh house, was semi-square the ascendant.

In secondary progression Mercury was conjunct the Moon.  Mercury is in his natal seventh

The tertiary converse Moon opposed Saturn exactly while tertiary Venus exactly opposed
Saturn, both indicating losing a love one.  The progressed tertiary midheaven was conjunct
Jupiter in his eighth.

Converse solar arcs showed a tight square between Jupiter and the Sun, both in his eighth
house.  Solar Arc Pluto also made a tight square to Venus in the eighth house.  Pluto, ruled
the eighth from his wife’s seventh house. The tertiary converse progressed  moon opposed
his natal Saturn and the delineation of that can be losing a loved one.

These are just a few of the many astrological correlations that I found and which are too
numerous to mention here.

His son, John, married September 21, 1996

The new moon and Mercury at station direct were both conjunct his moon in his 11th house.
The 11th house being the seventh from his son is the house of his son’s marriage.

In backward transit Jupiter was exactly conjunct is 11th house moon again indicating the
house of his son’s marriage.

Tertiary Jupiter was conjunct Neptune ruling the fth house.

In minor converse progression Neptune, ruler of the fth, was sextile Mercury, ruler of the
11th of his son marriage.

We can even see when his wife Jackie married  Onassis and and his brother, Edward
Kennedy, had his cancer operation.

A Provatative Idea
It’s amazing how the chart can live on forever.  Seeing that this concept does hold validity, I
wonder…. does it mean that we could predict when the soul is reborn again?  Just when did
John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s soul energy really begin?  I guess this is a metaphysical question
that has plagued so many of us to question our origins. Did he (and we) live in another life
with a chart that prepared the way for this present one?  Did John F Kennedy’s essence truly
manifest on his birthdate of May 29, 1917 or did it already previously manifest elsewhere?  If
the chart of a person who has passed away still lives on what are the possible rami cations
of the chart for future incarnations?

Wow.. it seems that the chart holds even more than we are aware of  and offers so much to
seriously ponder.

I want to thanks Ivy for makng me aware of the concept

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