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Maria Liza J.

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Name of HR Staff Mr. Douglas Reedier

Position Director of Human Resources Colgate-Palmolive Company
Company Address Line 1 300 Park
Company Address Line 2 Avenue New York,
Company Address Line 3 NY 10022

Dear Sir/Ma’am:

I am writing to apply for an work-study Chemical Engineering position at your company. As a

senior in Chemical Engineering at the Mindanao State University - Marawi graduating in
(tentative date of Graduation), I am very interested in the processing of food products and not
only I have read a great deal about your excellent company, I am also a regular of your
produced goods. I welcome the opportunity to contribute greatly in your company while I gain
knowledge and experience in working for you. I can bring fresh ideas to your team and at the
same time, I can be a very pro-active team member.

As you can see from my attached resume, I developed my research and engineering skills
through my academic projects. My scholastic grades speaks for themselves. The time I spent as
a working student, as an officer to several clubs, and as an active member to our church has
prepared me to be tenacious, determined, organized and responsible. I serve our church
wholeheartedly and have been trusted to organized activities for the church members and for
the small neighboring community in our University.

I look forward to learning more about career opportunities at your company. If you have any
questions, please contact me at (phone and email again)

Thank you for your consideration.


Your Name

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