Track 2 (Combat 1) Track Focus

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Track 2 (Combat 1)

Track Focus  Lift the HR with Tae Kwon Do

 Legs conditioning with Capoeira
Jump kick OTS Layer 1:
 Back knee, switch kick
 Ball of the foot, target to stomach
 Hips forward, abs braced, shoulders lean back
 Jump kick, step back
Layer 2:
 Option: Step kick, step back
 Swing the arms to support balance
 Soften knee, retract, soft landing  protect joints
 Lift back knee, brace the abs, take momentum to switch
the leg mid-air
Rear knee, lunge Layer 1:
 Hips square, abs braces, chest up
 Long stride back, back knee toward the floor
 Sweep arms for balance
Layer 2:
 Option: Level 2 touch chin or ankle
 Squeeze glutes to drive the knee up
 Hips square,
 Abs braced to support lower back
 Chest up, spine straight  for safety
Track 3 (Power Training 1)
Track Focus Uppercut
Uppercut Layer 1:
 Punch straight up to the chin with knuckles
 Elbow 45o, vertical punch
 Elbow do not pass the ribs
Layer 2:
 Bend the front leg, back heel up to stay grounded
 Drop shoulder down and forward
 Body move side to side activate the oblique
 Engage core, twist hips to generate power
 Lean into the punch
Jab, cross combo Layer 1:
 Jab, cross, jab, scissor
 Target nose, lips, or chin
 Strike with big knuckles
 Scissor: Lean forward, guards up, abs braced, soften
Layer 2:
 Soften the elbow  joints safety
 Rotate through abs and shoulders
 Shoulder forward, extend punch
 Push-pull from shoulders
 Shoulder relax  increase speed
 Squeeze fists for more power
Track 4 (Combat 2)
Track Focus Integrated training (legs and core)
Low & mid block Layer 1:
combo  Wide combat stance, abs braced
 Chest up, shoulder back, grounded through the heels
 Arms to the inside of thigh, rotate outwards in line with
 Triple block combo: Add extra low block
 Kick to opponent's side body with top of foot or shin
Layer 2:
 Relax and tense at the end of block
 Postural upright
 Squeeze the floor together between feet
 Light and agile in the kick
 Retract before landing
 Slide into roundhouse for speed
Side kick repeater Layer 1:
combo  Set the heel
 Kick and tap, in-out-in
 Strike with side of foot, heel up & toes down, to the ribs
 Soft knee on supporting leg, lean away
Layer 2:
 Abs braced for balance
 Squeeze the glutes to drive the leg
 Extend the kick as far as possible
Tricep push-up Layer 1:
plank combo  Hands under shoulder, on knees, tuck toes
 Chest and hips square to the floor
 Press down, shoulder to elbow height, elbow close to ribs
 Squeeze the armpits
 Lift to plank, butt in
 Abs braced
Track 5 (Power Training 2)
Track Focus High intensity interval training (power and endurance)
Hook combo Layer 1:
 Target to the jaw with knuckle
 Elbow 90o, circular punch
 Release heel, rotate hips and shoulder forward
 Body hook: target to ribs
Layer 2:
 Lift the elbow shoulder height to isolate the shoulder
 Release the heel, rotate your hips and move the
shoulders  Move your body as one unit
 Total body movement to maintain speed and power
 Keep the punch short and sharp every time
Cross Layer 1:
 Punch straight forward into the nose
Layer 2:
 Rotate the body to create massive power
 Driving out of the legs
 Shoulders forward right beside the cheek and extend
your arm
 Tuck elbow to the ribs
Squat jump Layer 1:
 Legs wider than hips
 Hips back and down, knee out
 Chest up, abs braced
 Soft landing
Layer 2:
 Drive out of the legs
 Swing the arms to help jump
Track 6 (Combat 3)
Track Focus Leg conditioning
Kick KATA Layer 1:
 Side, front, back, step
 Ribs, chest, stomach
Layer 2:
 Same spot on every kick
 Keep chopping on the same spot
 Use the whole body to power the kick
 Slam it, drive the heel into kick
 Push and pull the kick
 Engage the glutes to drive/ to add power
Back kick Layer 1:
 Look over shoulder
 Hips square to the floor
 Heel up, toes down
 Push and pull, extend the kick
Layer 2:
 Engage the glutes to drive/ to add power
 Brace the abs to support lower back
Lunge Layer 1:
 Hips square, abs braces, chest up
 Long stride back
 Knee toward the floor
Layer 2:
 Level 2 touch chin or ankle
 Spine straight for safety
Track 7 (Muay Thai)
Track Focus
Ascending elbow  Fingers to upper back
 Strike with tip of elbow
 Target to the chin
 Pop chest out, squeeze upper back to drive/ add power
 Lift elbow vertically
Descending elbow  Lift elbow, drop diagonally
 Strike with tip of elbow
 Target nose bridge
 Crunch the abs as throwing the elbow to drive/ add
 Soft knee, release heels to rotate
Running man knee Layer 1:
 Butt back, swing knees forward
 Crunch the abs
 Hands reach up and pull to the hips
Layer 2:
 Option: Stay grounded in the running man knees
 Drive off the floor into the knee, add a little hop
 Shunt hips forward, lift knees higher
Street brawl  Long stride, lunge position
downward punch  Lift elbow on top of the shoulder, fist above the head,
drop into punch
 Chest remain upright, open the armpit
 Aim for the mid-shin in full range
 Keep the core braced as throwing the punch  Support
the lower back
Track 8 (Power Training 3)
Track Focus Jab
Jab combo Layer 1:
 Front stance
 Target nose, lips, or chin
 Strike with big knuckles
 Soften the elbow
 Jab (4x), Double jab
Layer 2:
 Rotate through abs and shoulders to drive/ add power
 Shoulder forward, extend punch
 Push-pull from shoulders
Hook combo Layer 1:
 Combat stance
 Target to the jaw
 Elbow 90o, circular punch
 Release heel, rotate hips and shoulder forward
 Hooks (4x), jump jack (4x)
Layer 2:
 Active recovery
 Lift the elbow shoulder height to isolate shoulder
 Rotate the body when throw the hook
 Total body movement to maintain speed and power
 Drive from the legs, turn the hips
 Keep the punch short and sharp every time
 Option: Hooks (4x), squat and up
Track 9 (Conditioning)
Track Focus Total core conditioning
Scissor legs  Lie on back
 Palms up, shoulders away from ears
 Abs braced
 Lift knee above hips, extend the legs up, take them apart
 Cross legs and open, maintaining strong core brace
 Option: Add crunch on every leg cross, eye gaze through
the legs
Double oblique  Lie on side glute
crunch  Lower arm, extend to support
 Lift legs off the floor
 Crunch knees toward the chest, lifting armpit toward
hips, arm extended
 Option: One leg (lower leg) down to the floor

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