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ing the life of construction.

The study il- points in this paper and we feel they have Both Mr. Richards and Mr. Schatzel elab-
lustrates the importance of coverings and been very worth-while contributions. orate upon the prime importance of an im-
moisture resistance since the rubber under Mr. Bullard has pointed out that, while pervious cable sheath and, in answer to Mr.
lead in 1930 was of comparable grade to the cost comparisons shown are based upon Schatzel's inquiry, the following data are
that under braid. a fixed dollar value, actually there has been submitted:
Under conclusion 3 the authors mention a considerable currency depreciation in the
the rapid rate of failure of rubber and braid past 25 years, and he suggests that changes Rubber-braid cable-vintage 1930 = 30-per-
installed about 1930. Cables purchased at in dollar value may have significant effect. cent rubber with tapes and weather proof
this time for network stressed particularly This is quite true and it may readily be braid
heat resistance and neglected moisture re- shown that in a period of depreciating cur- Rubber-lead cable-vintage 1930 = "inter-
sistence entirely. We believe that a detailed rency the longer-lived cable is favored. mediate" rubber and lead sheath
analysis of those cables which still do func- Over the period under consideration the
tion and the specification to which they wide swings in dollar value are indicated by It is to be noted that the 30-per-cent rubber
were purchased may give valuable evidence the relative prices paid for no. 4/0 R/B insulation used at that time was not de-
to correlate laboratory tests. cable: signed for underground use but was gener-
We believe the confidence expressed by 1929 1.00 ally recognized in the industry for use in dry
the authors in the improved life to be ex- 1932 (low point) -0.41 locations.
pected for modern types of rubber and neo- 1954 = 1.91
The rubber insulation used for the leaded
prene sheath is well justified. With modern cable at that time was known as "inter-
types of compounds, the life estimate for all Mr. Richards suggests that rubber-lead mediate" rubber, a compound containing
types of cable mentioned by the authors cable may have an economic life definitely less than 30-per-cent rubber. The "per-
could well be increased. Wte congratulate in excess of 30 years. This is quite possible formance"-type rubber insulation used since
the authors in making available to all of us and to that extent leaded construction 1936 with nonleaded cable has been in ac-
such a factual and useful study. would be favored, but it must also be cordance with American Society for Testing
recognized that over such long periods of Materials specifications for this type of insu-
time obsolescence and inadequacy loom lation plus additional requirements limiting
E. L. Leinbach and C. P. Xenis: The larger as factors in limiting cable life on the water absorption and requiring increased
discussions have brouight out interesting system. resistance to heat.

shaft stresses of dangerous magnitude

Nonunirorm Torque in Induction Motors may be expected. The type of asym-
metry which is of major importance in
such cases is that which originates in un-
Caused by Unbalanced Rotor Impedances balanced rotor rheostats of the liquid
a -=1200
A 3-PHASE induction motor operating the frequency of the variable torque may Bim =maximum value of stator flux, webers
under balanced conditions of im- lie between 6 and 24 cycles per second. per square meter
B2M =maximum value of rotor flux, webers
pressed voltage and circuit constants de- Under normal operation of the motor per square meter
livers uniform positive torque provided the rotor unbalance, and consequently Els= positive-sequence electromotive force
that attention is limited to the funda- also the amplitude of the variable torque in the stator winding, volts per phase,
mentals of the voltage and flux waves. component, will remain rather small, but complex number
Any unbalancing will result in additional in certain applications this torque may E2R = negative-sequence electromotive force
in the rotor winding, volts per phase,
torque components of two types: attain such large proportions as to pre- complex number
1. Uniform negative torque. sent a serious problem. lis = positive-sequence stator current, am-
For example, wound-rotor induction peres, complex number
2. Variable torque having an amplitude fiR = positive-sequence rotor current, am-
and periodicity which depend upon the type motors of considerable size 10,000 horse-
peres, complex number
and degree of the phase asymmetry. power or more are used, sometimes in '2s = negative-sequence stator current, am-
combination with synchronous motors, to peres, complex number
For example, the effect of unbalanced drive the impellers in wind tunnels. The '2R = negative-sequence rotor current, am-
impressed voltage is to produce a variable motors, blowers, and their shafts consti- peres, complex number
torque which has a frequency of 2f tute a mechanical system which may have kT=torque constant, defined by equation 2
cycles per second and an amplitude pro- ns = synchronous speed, revolutions per
natural periods of torsional vibration of minute (rpm)
portional to the square of the negative- from 1 to 50 cycles per second, so that if RS = stator resistance, ohms per phase
sequence component of the voltage. the variable driving torque caused by RR =rotor resistance, ohms per phase
The purpose of this paper is to analyze electric unbalance happens to coincide RA, RB, RC = external rotor resistances,
the variable torque produced by an un- ohms
with one of these natural frequencies, s = slip
balancing of the phase impedances of the T= instantaneous value of vibratory torque,
rotor of a machine of the wound-rotor Paper 54-323, recommended by the AIEE Rotating
Machinery Committee and approved by the AIEE newtonmeters
type. It will be shown that the frequency Committee on Technical Operatiosis for presenta- TM =maximum value of vibratory torque,
tion at the AIEE Fall General Meeting, Chicago,
of this variable torque is 2sf, a relatively Ill., October 11-15, 1954. Manuscript submitted newtonmeters
low value under ordinary conditions; but March 10, 1954; made available for printing June V= network voltage, volts per phase
induction motors may be operated at 23, 1954. V1R = positive-sequence rotor (terminal)
OLLE I. ELGERD is with Washington University, voltage, volts per phase, complex
slips ranging from 5 to 20 per cent, so that St. Louis, Mo. number

DECEMBER 1954 Elgerd-NVonuniform Torque in Induction Mlotors 1481

+ T4




Fig. I (above). The torque forming flux and current waves in an induc-
tion motor under completely balanced conditions. The flux wave is asso- c I IR
ciated with the stator. Both waves travel with n5 rpm relative to the
stator, sn. rpm relative to the rotor

Fig. 2 (right). The actual voltages and currents as measured at the motor 12R
terminals (section 1-1 in Fig. 4) are resolved into their positive-sequence ~A

components, V1R, IIR, and negative-sequence components, V2R, 12R

V2R = negative-sequence rotor (terminal)
voltage, volts per phase, complex
number B
Xo=exciting reactance of motor, ohms per
Xs = stator leakage reactance, ohms per dimensions and the winding data. note that the latter system will be station-
phase This torque is constant only if the ary with respect to the stator if the slip s
XR = rotor leakage reactance, ohms per phase angle so between flux and current is 0.5. This fact has important conse-
waves is independent of time; but if quences so far as the torque is concerned,
pl=phase difference between Els and I1s,
degrees these waves travel around the air gap at as will be shown later.
P2= phase difference between E2R and different speeds the angle so will itself be a In the following analysis it will be as-
- 12R, degrees harmonic function of time and the torque sumed for the sake of simplicity that
7=degree of rotor unbalance defined by will accordingly vary sinusoidally with an
- =.AR/R. Here is assumed that 1. The motor is supplied from a 3-phase
RA' :RB=R, Rc=R+AR amplitude kTEI/f. bus of infinite capacity which maintains a
Because of the assumed unbalanced constant impressed voltage of V volts per
rotor impedances, the voltage drops across phase, Fig. 4.
the liquid rheostats, and the correspond- 2. All computations are made in terms of
The torque developed in any electric ing unbalanced currents therein, may quantities referred to the primary (stator).
machine results from the interaction be- be resolved into positive- and negative- 3. The exciting impedance of the motor is
tween the distributed flux due to the sequence components, all having the fre- purely inductive and equal to Xo ohms per
quency sf cycles per second; see Fig. 2. phase.
stator winding and the distributed current
in the rotor conductors.',2 It will be as- Using the subscripts R and S to indicate
sumed that both the flux and the current rotor and stator quantities, and the sub- Derivation of General Formula
are sinusoidally distributed, as indicated scripts 1 and 2 to indicate the positive and for Variable Torque
in Fig. 1, and that if higher harmonics are negative sequences respectively, the rotor
currents will then be represented by I1R The relative speed between the two
present they may be neglected. It fol- wave systems is 2snu rpm, and therefore
lows that the torque can be expressed as and I2R. Rotor current I1R will give rise to
the positive-sequence stator current Is the angle a in Fig. 3 may be written
T = constant X BMAM (1)
of frequency f; and rotor current I2R will a = 27r2sft (3)
where give rise to a stator current I2s of fre-
quency (1- 2s)f. Table 1. Six Waves of Flux and Current
AM = amplitude, amperes per meter, of the
assumed sinusoidally distributed cur- Moreover, in addition to the main Speed in
rent sheet (A M is proportional to stator flux associated with the impressed RPM
actual current I) voltage V, there will be another air-gap Item
Amplitude to Rotor
BM =maximum air-gap flux density which flux wave associated with the negative-
is proportional to the induced elec- sequence rotor voltage V2R. There are
tromotive force per phase E divided Main flux due to impressed
by the frequencyf accordingly six different waves of flux voltage V .................Bo....... +sfs
and current to be considered, as shown in Flux wave due to V2R
Positive-sequence rotor cur-
........Sflm.......B -ss

whence Table I; see also Fig. 3. These six waves rent ....................... IlR . +sns
Negative-sequence rotor
represent two wave systems, one of which current .................... I2R -sns
T = kTr I cos SD newtonmeters (2) travels around the air gap at synchronous Positive-sequence stator
f current Ils +sns
speed n, rpm, and the other one with the

Negative-sequence stator
where kT is a function of the machine speed (1 -2s)n, rpm. It is interesting to current ..................... I2S -sns

1 48- Elgerd-Nonuniform Torque in Induction Motors DECEMBER 1954

B2 R

f T2 +
~ ~ ~ ~I
Fig. 3. Flux and current waves existing in a loaded induction motor
with unbalanced rotor impedances. The wave system consisting of B1s,
Its, and lR travels with a speed of n. rpm relative to the stator, sn5 rpm
relative to the rotor. The wave system consisting of B2R, 12X, and 12R
travels with a speed of (1 -2s)n. rpm relative to the stator, -sn8 rpm

I +



Fig. 4. A loaded induction motor with unbalanced

Only one motor phase is shown




rotor rheostats.

s = 0.5 owing to the fact that flux wave 2

has zero speed relative to the stator. This
relative to the rotor. The arrows indicate motion relative to the rotor means that no flux-reducing currents are
induced in the stator and consequently
the flux will reach a very high amplitude.
It is evident that the variable com- equations 15 through 22, and it is also
ponent of the total torque now must con- shown there how the torque constant kT Conclusions
sist of two components. One, T14, is a re- can be determined from the design data of
sult of the interactions between flux wave the motors. It has been shown that an induction
1 and current wave 4, and the other, T25, The torque amplitude TM is thus com- motor subject to unbalance of the rotor
between flux wave 2 and current wave 5. pletely determined, but because of the impedances will deliver an air-gap torque
The instantaneous value T of this complexity of the equations they do not that contains a harmonic component of
torque is the sum of the two lend themselves to simple interpretations. twice the slip frequency. The amplitude
It is evident that the torque is a function of this oscillatory torque component is de-
T=T14+T25 (4)
of both slip and the degree of unbalance. pendent upon slip and degree of unbal-
or A more complete study of equations 15 ance, and equations have been given for
through 22, 6, and 7 will reveal that the its determination. These equations have
T=T14M cos (a - 2)+T25MV cos (a-PIi) (5) magnitude of the variable component of been based upon completely generalized
From equation 2 the torque is conditioned by the following assumptions, and they are therefore ap-
T14M =kT
T25Mk= tI s1 If the degree of unbalance in the rotor 0 6
impedances is represented by -j, the largest cr

From equation 5 the following final value of the rotor unbalance that can be 0

expression for the oscillatory torque am- expected under normal conditions of C] 5
plitude can be derived. operation is about 7t = 10 per cent. Within
TM =
this range Els, Als, Sj, and sP2 are practi- 11
cally independent of -q, at least for s<20
\/Tl4M2+ T25V 2+2T14M T25M COS ( PI- 2) per cent. As I2R is approximately propor- U-
(7) tional to -1 and E2R approximately propor- 3
The phase angles Soj and c2 between tional to I2R, the torque amplitude will be
flux and current waves, Fig. 3, express practically proportional to -j. 2
also the phase difference between electro- Fig. 5 shows torque curves calculated
motive force waves and current waves, for a 25,000-horsepower motor. The pro-
i.e. portionality between TM and Xq appears
clearly in the high-speed zone (s<20 per
(Pi = I(Ejs)(118) cent).
VP2 = /(E2' )(-I12R) (8) 50 100
It has thus been shown that the ampli- UNBALANCE
tude of the pulsating torque is a function
Fig. 5. The oscillatory torque amplitude Tm
Although a motor is seldom operated plotted versus slip of the motor for three
of the magnitudes and phase angles of the with a greater slip than 0.2, it is of in- different values of rotor unbalance iq. TM is
electromotive forces E1S and E2R and the terest to study the torque within the total given in per cent of rated torque. The curves
currents lis and I2R. Equations for these speed range, Fig. 5. The torque reaches are calculated for an induction motor rated
quantities are derived in the Appendix a very pronounced maximum value at 25,000 horsepower at a slip of 16.67 per cent

DECEMBER 1954 Elgerd-Nonuniform Torque in Induction Motors 1483

xs XR S.xs RC SX R RR
Is IR 12S 12R
X0 VI R E2R s X0 V2R

Fig. 6. The conventional equivalent diagram for an induction motor Fig. 7. The equivalent diagram for an induction motor where a negative-
modified to hold for the case of unbalanced rotor rheostats. (Compare sequence voltage V2R of frequency sf is applied to the rotor while the
with Figs. 2 and 4.) The diagram applies to the positive-sequence motor is running with a slip of s
system of voltages and currents

plicable to a motor having any degree of snS-[(1 -s)n,] 2s-1

S1 =- (12) 12S =I2R+ . (18)
rotor unbalance. In this paper, par- sns s JsX0
ticular stress has been placed upon the From the equivalent diagram, Fig. 7 l'IR = Z3I1R+-Z5I2 (19)
unbalanced conditions that may occur R

during normal operation of the motor. V2R=(-I2R)X T12R = Z4I1R+Z3I.2R (20)

The oscillatory torque amplitude will [- Rs +j(1 1- 2s)X ,]js.
reach extremely high values under fault LR [-Rs+j(1 -2s)(X, + XO)
conditions in the rotor, i.e., open circuit in (13) E2R = V2R+IT2R(RR +jSXR) (22)
one phase or short circuit between two The link between the positive- and n
Calculation of Torque Constant kT
phases. tive-sequence systems is finally establi
An investigation of the 25,000-horse- by expressing the voltage across the li
rheostats by means of symmetrical im The torque coiistant kT may be calcu-
power motor just mentioned indicated lated in several different ways. It is evi-
that the highest value of torque amplitude dent that the rated torque delivered under
could be expected for the first-mentioned completely balanced and rated conditions is
ViR= (RA+RB+Rc)IlR+ given by the expression
type of fault (RA= RB, RC ce ). In this 3

particular case the oscillatory torque (RA+a2RB+aRc)12R I8 R I

(E1s, (23)
proved to be of the same order of magni- (14)Trated =- kTr ~~f cos 11R)
tude as the rated torque of the motor.
IO. = (RA-+aRR+a2Rc)IIR± Eis and I1R in this expression may be
3 readily obtained by using equations 15, 17,
and 21 substituting rated value of the slip.
Appendix. Derivation oF 3(RA ±RB+R, Because Trated and f are known it is thus
Equations possible to calculate kT from equation 23.
For simplicity let
The positive- and negative-sequence sys-
tems are analyzed separately, and are then Z1 =RR+sRs+jS(XR+XS) References
linked together by means of symmetrical
impedances. All equations are derived for Z2 = -RR+jSXR+ 1. THEORY OF ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHIN-
phase A3. ERY (book), A. S. Langsdorf. McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1937, pp. 412-14.
jsX0[ -Rs+j(1 -2s)X8]
Positive-Sequence System -Rs+j(1 -2s)(Xs+X)
ING CURRENT MACHINERY) (book), F. Dahigren.
From Fig. 4 Tekniska Hogskolans Studentkar, Stockholm,
Sweden, 1948, pp. 6-
19) Z3= (RA+RB+Rc)
V=Els+(Rs+jXs)I1S 3. SYMMETRICAI, COMPONENTS (book), C. F.
Wagner, R. D. Evans. McGraw-Hill Book Com-
(1 pany, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1933, pp. 345-62.
sEls =I1R(RR+jSXR)+ VlR (10)
-Z4= (RA+aRB+a2Rc)
Els = (Ils -IIR)jXO ,i
. .

The well-known equivalent diagram for Z5= (RA+a2RB+aRc)

an induction motor is thus modified in
accordance with Fig. 6. and from equations 9 through 14 we then
C. Concordia (General Electric Company,
Negative-Sequence System
'1~R = sV (15) Schenectady, 'N. Y.'3: It may be of interest
The negative-sequence voltage V2R of (Zl+Z3)(Z2-Z3)+Z4Z5 to point out another, and we believe a much
frequency sf may now be considered as a simpler, way of determining the pulsating
"terminal voltage" applied to the rotor. 12R 1 R (16)
component of torque in an induction motor
The equivalent diagram can therefore still Z2-Z3 caused by unequal rotor resistances. In-
be used if all reactances are multiplied by s, stead of developing a special and rather
Fig. 7. Slip s1 is related to the actual slip s
s vIR+* ( 17) involved wNay of looking at this problem,
we have simply used the long-established

1484 Elgerd-Nonuniform Torque in Induction Mlotors D-EMBSIBER 1954

methods in general use for the calculation Equation 28 is derived by taking axes 0.5 per cent is experienced in the curve
of starting performance of synchronous fixed in the rotor in space, phase with and due to the rapid change of negative-sequence
motors, where a similar rotor impedance at 90 degrees to the resistor having the constants as 1-2s approaches 0. Prac-
unbalance, caused by the salient field poles value R(1 ±+e). Then by inspection Rd tically speaking, this cusp is of little im-
and by the differences between the amortis- (at 90 degrees) is unchanged, and Rq (at portance since at half-speed the torsional
seur characteristics in the pole (direct) 0 degrees) is changed by two-thirds of the frequency is equal to the line frequency
and interpole (quadrature) axis, always change in one phase. and it is standard commercial design prac-
exists. The induction motor is merely a It should be pointed out that simple tice to avoid torsional build-ups under
special case of this more general synchro- exact expressions for the torque pulsation short-circuit conditions by not permitting
nous-motor case, in which only the rotor are only possible if a rotor axis of sym- the natural frequencies of the drive to
resistances are unequal in the two axes. metry can be found. If all the resistors approach line frequency. A recent study
Equations for the calculation of the have different values, only an approximate has shown that induction motor decrements
pulsating component of torque have been equation is feasible, regardless of what kind are so short that the natural frequency of
given in reference 1 and on pages 178 and of components are used. On the other the shafting does not appreciably affect the
179 of reference 2 in terms of the usual hand, since the actual amount of unbalance short-circuit stresses; however, because of
2-reaction-theory direct- and quadrature- is in general unknown, the usual purpose the problem just mentioned, caution is still
axis quantities, and in reference 2, pages of calculation is to determine allowable advisable on wound-rotor drives.
170 and 171, in terms of "forward" and degrees of unbalance, and for this purpose
"backward" rotating currents and fluxes. the type of unbalance having axes of
These forward and backward components symmetry is as good as any other. Eric T. B. Gross (Illinois Institute of
are similar to the conventional symmetrical We have several drives in service similar Technology, Chicago, Ill.): The various
components except that they are calculated to those mentioned by the author, and we effects of unbalanced rotor impedances on
with reference to axes fixed in the rotor have made numerous investigations of the operational characteristics of induction
rather than in the stator, and are thus the permissible rotor resistance unbalance motors have aroused the interest of elec-
considerably easier to calculate and to for these drives. Our calculations have trical engineers for more than a half-
visualize. Instead of six quantities, as in been based upon the torque equations century. The first paper was written by
the paper, we have at most only four of this discussion and upon the torsional H. Goerges and published in 1896.1 Since
quantities with which to deal, and, as has vibration characteristics of the mechanical that time, more than 30 investigators
been shown in reference 2, this can be system, including the determination of the analyzed various phases of the problem.
reduced in most cases to only one quantity. torsional natural frequencies and of the A recent paper2 contains many references
If stator resistance is negligible the for- torque amplification at resonance. Aside which may be of interest to the author.
ward rotating flux is simply proportional from the possibility of high shaft stresses It may be worth while to mention that
to the applied voltage, the backward mentioned by the author, we have been symmetrical component analysis has been
rotating flux is zero, and the forward concerned with avoiding the possibility of the preferred method for dealing with this
rotating current no longer enters the torque reversal at gears and at gear-type problem. However, if the rotor unsym-
equation. Thus the only quantity that couplings. metry is general, in addition to two equiva-
has to be calculated is the backward rotating lent circuits some resulting equations must
current, which has the simple equation REFERENCES be used to solve the problem. Only if the
(reference 2, equation 463) 1. SALIENT POLE MOTORS OUT OF SYNCHRONISM, rotor has single axis symmetry (e.g., if the
A. H. Lauder. AIEE Transactions (Electrical rotor impedances in two phases are equal,
11 1\ e Entgineering), vol. 55, June 1936, Pp. 636-49. but different from that in the third phase,
FORMANCE (book), C. Concordia. John Wiley and
or if the rotor has salient-pole characteris-
tics) is it possible to interconnect the
The forward rotating flux is simply Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1951.
positive- and negative-sequence networks
directly through a third network.
Bf =0ag2(25) Gurney L. Godwin (Westinghouse Electric REFERENCES
and the magnitude of the torque pulsation Corporation, East Pittsburgh, Pa.): Mr. 1. INDUCTION MOT1ORS JPERATING AT REDUCED
Elgerd is to be congratulated on his timely SPEED, Hans Goerges. Electrical Rezview, London,
is England, vol. 39, 1896, pp. 689-90.
and interesting paper on a subject of great
importance in connection with wound-rotor 2. THE GOERGES PHENOMENON-INDUCTION MO-
induction motor drives. Harold L. Garbarino, Eric T. B. Gross. AIEE
If, in addition, the motor leakage re- It should be pointed out that equation 15 Transactions, vol, 69. pt. II 1950, pp. 1569-75.
actances are neglected, as will generally of the paper is not an exact equation;
be reasonable for the actual operating however, for most purposes it is a suffi-
conditions of a wound-rotor motor with a ciently good approximation. Olle I. Elgerd: I appreciate the construc-
liquid-rheostat secondary load, a still Mr. Elgerd's statement that the torque tive remarks of the discussers. It is true,
simpler equation may be obtained. In this amplitude will be practically proportional as both Mr. Concordia and Mr. Godwin
case, the ratio of the pulsating torque to to t7 for 7'Y<O.1 and s<0.2 is capable of con- point out, that the problem can be con-
the average, or load, torque is given by siderable extension. It can be shown that siderably simplified under certain assump-
for 7'<0.3 and constant Z3 the change in tions. If the degree of unbalance is small,
positive-sequence current introduced by it is easy to prove that equation 7 equals
T28v Rq+Rd the unbalance is less than 0.01 per cent. the approximative expression 28 in Mr.
TM is therefore proportional to 77 within Concordia's discussion. However, it should
Considering the case -where one phase of this accuracy for all values of s. The be noted that the x-alue of slip also enters
a 3-phase resistance is R(1+e), the other curves of Fig. 5 do not bear out this re- the picture. It might be allowed to neglect
two being R, equation 27 reduces to lationship and must therefore be ques- RS besides RRIS in the normal speed range,
tioned. but definitely wrong should the slip have
Tavt +e31(28) It is suggested that since wound-rotor
motors are normally operated with sec-
a value close to unity. A general treatment
of the problem should take the backward
ondary control more useful data can be rotating flux wave into consideration as is
Thus the per-cent torque pulsation is presented by plotting curves of TM against done in the paper. Only by so doing are
simply, and conservatively, one-third of s for constant values of positive-sequence we able to calculate the torque amplitude
the per-cent resistance unbalance for torque (T1) and for one value of -q (probably for any degree of unibalance and any speed.
relatively small unbalances, while for the 77=0.0l). TM for other values of 77 at least The only restriction is that the rotor un-
limiting cases we have: for short circuit of up to 0.3 can be ratioed from it. balance has to be of such a nature that it
one phase (e = -1) the torque pulsation is It will be found, up to pullout which is is possible to find one axis of rotor sym-
half the load torque, and for the open the limit of the practical range of interest, metry. This is definitely possible with the
circuit of one phase the torque pulsation is that TR (Z4/Z3) TIN (sq/3) T1 except very definition of "unbalance" as given in the
equal to the load torque. close to half-speed where a cusp as high as paper.

DECEMBER 1 954 Elgerd-Nonuniform Torque in Induction Motors 1485

I disagree with Mr. Concordia in his The question here is whether the induction theory, and in the second place be ready to
statement that his method of approach is motor is to be considered a special case of transform the rotor impedances of the
simpler than the method presented in the a synchronous machine or vice versa. If induction machine into equivalent imped-
paper. Both methods deal with four we want to treat the induction motor in ances in d- and q-directions. It should also
different quantities in the general case (not accordance with a theory developed for a be noted that such a transformation is
six, as stated by Mr. Concordia), namely synchronous machine, in the first place impossible in the case of complete un-
two flux waves and two current waves, we have to be very familiar with that symmetry of the rotor impedances.

A)utotransformers for Power Systems units or a 3-phase autotransformer can be

connected extended delta as in Fig. 4.
These two connections are sometimes used
for small installations, particularly where
0. T. FARRY standard single-phase units are suitable.
The zigzag connection (Fig. 5) has the
advantage that a neutral point is available
A UTOTRANSFORMERS have series winding, it follows that this ratio for grounding and third harmonic volt-
been receiving so much attention expresses the equivalent size of the auto- ages tend to cancel out. However, four
recently in the power transmission field, transformer as compared to a conven- windings are required per leg and it gen-
because of their low cost and high ef- tional 2-winding transformer. This ratio, erally has no economic advantage over a
ficiency, that it is appropriate to examine called the coratio, may be expressed as wye-connected autotransformer.
their advantages and disadvantages, and coratio= (high voltage-low voltage)/high Phase displacement, either with or
their applications. This paper will in- voltage. without voltage change, can be accom-
clude methods of calculating the equiva- The symnbol r is used in this paper torep- plished with autotransformers. A con-
lent size, the operating characteristics, resent coratio as defined. It is a major nection for 30-degree phase displacement
and the limiting features and protection factor in determining the equivalent size with no voltage change is illustrated in
required where these properties differ of simple single-phase- or wye-connected Fig. 6, where the windings are shown
from those of conventional transformers. 3-phase autotransformers. Generally the as straight lines. Each leg has three
The study of reactance and short-circuit smaller the coratio, the greater the econ- windings, the voltage values of which, ex-
currents is of importance for power in- omy derived by using an autotrans- pressed in per unit of line-to-neutral volt-
stallations of autotransformers, while it is former instead of a conventional trans- age are 0.5176, 0.8165, and 0.2988. Since
not usually necessary in their other ap- former. If the coratio is large, there is these four connections, while unique,
plications, such as voltage balancers and little or no advantage in an autotrans- have very limited application, their cal-
motor-starting compensators. A first former. A coratio of more than 2/3 is culations will not be covered in this paper.
step in this study will be a review of the seldom used. The wye connection (Fig. 7) is the one
elementary principles. Disadvantages of autotransformers most generally employed for 3-phase use,
A simple autotransformer is equivalent must not be overlooked. One is that the and is the one considered in our further
in size to a conventional transformer high voltage may be carried back into the discussion.
rated much lower, as illustrated in Figs. low-voltage circuit in case of an accidental Taps above or below the rated high
1 and 2. In the transformer of Fig. 1, ground at certain places. This may be voltage can be placed in the series winding
each winding is of 600-kva size, one hav- guarded against by adequately grounding as indicated in Fig. 8, which represents
ing 15 kv and 40 amperes; and the other the neutral or common terminal of the one leg of a 3-phase wye-connected auto-
10 kv and 60 amperes. In the autotrans- autotransformer. A more serious disad-
former of Fig. 2, which has the same out- vantage is the low impedance inherent in Fig. I (right). Con-
put capacity, the series winding has only the autotransformer and which is a func- ventional transformer
5 kv and 40 amperes, and is therefore of tion of the coratio and other factors.
200-kva size. The common winding must Short-circuit currents of destruCtive mag-
carry ampere turns equal and opposite to nitude may be encountered because of the
the ampere turns in the series winding so low impedance. A third disadvantage is
it, also, is of 200-kva size. Therefore, the difficulty of providing proper surge
this autotransformer is equal in size to a protection to the windings of an auto- WINDING
conventional 200-kva transformer with- transformer. These disadvantages make 10 K V
out taps. it necessary to analyze the characteristics Fig. 2 (below). 600 K VA
It is evident that for a simple auto- of autotransformers so that proper steps Autotransformer 60 AMPERES
transformer the size of the series winding may be taken to overcome them.
is the output kva multiplied by (high
-0 15 KV
kv-low kv)/high kv. Since the common Connections HIGH VOLTAGE
winding must be the same kvTa size as the
The simple single-phase autotrans-
Paper 54-324, recommended by the AIEE Trans- former is illustrated in Fig. 2. For 3-
formers Committee and approved by the AIEE
Committee on Technical Operations for presenta- phase use, two or three single-phase units COMMON SERIES
tion at the AIEE Fall General Meeting, Chicago,
Ill., October 11-15, 1954. Manuscript submitted can be connected together in various WINDING WINDING
January 14, 1954; made available for printing
June 23, 1954.
ways, some of which will now be re- IOKV 20AMPERES 5 KV

0. T. FARRY is with the Wagner Electric Cor-

viewed. Two single-phase units can be 10 KV
200 KVA
poration, St. Louis, Mo. connected open delta as in Fig. 3. Three LOW VOLTAGE

1486 Farry-A utotransformers for Power Systems DE-CEMBE-R 195-4

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