Organisasi Behaviour FT1

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Research has found which of the Big 5 personality traits to be related to leader emergence and

leader effectiveness?
Select one:
a. conscientiousness.
b. agreeableness.
c. assertiveness.
d. creativity.

Reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities may include all of the following
Select one:
a. modifications in employee schedules.
b. providing auxiliary equipment like telephone amplifiers.
c. physical changes to the company facilities (e.g. wheelchair ramp).
d. assignment of their essential job functions to other employees.

ABC Corporation has its sights clearly set on XYZ Company. The firm's employees often talk
about “cutting XYZ off at the knees.” Recently a lawsuit was filed against ABC by XYZ because
ABC “raided” the middle-level management level of XYZ and hired away 5 of its 7 managers.
ABC has a(n) ____________________ culture.
Select one:
a. service
b. outcome
c. stable
d. aggressive

A company with a stable culture is

Select one:
a. flexible, adaptable, and experiments with new ideas.
b. predictable, rule-oriented, and bureaucratic.
c. achievement-oriented, results-oriented, and action-oriented.
d. fair, supportive, and respects individual rights.

Which of the following is a dimension by which individuals are grouped in the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator (MBTI)?
Select one:
a. seeing/hearing
b. organized/disorganized
c. extraversion/intraversion
d. emotional instability
Bill is speaking to a group of fellow marketing specialists at a national convention. He opens his
presentation with a “dumb blonde joke”. Unfortunately, there is dead silence in the room. Bill
did not fully address which barrier to communication in preparing his speech?
Select one:
a. filtering
b. selective perception
c. lack of source familiarity or credibility
d. semantics

Coercive power
Select one:
a. is the ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance.
b. is the ability to influence due to the possession of knowledge or skill.
c. stems from the personal characteristics of the person such as the degree to which we
respect and want to be like them.
d. stems from one's organizational role or position.

The company was organized into the detergent area, the dishwashing soap area, and the health
and beauty aid area. This firm has a
Select one:
a. divisional structure.
b. functional structure.
c. mechanistic structure.
d. matrix structure.

Organizational culture consists of three levels:

Select one:
a. assumptions, orientations, and beliefs.
b. beliefs, values, and artifacts.
c. artifacts, assumptions, and beliefs.
d. assumptions, artifacts, and values.

Maurice is a manager in the production area of a large manufacturing firm. He sets a tight
production schedule every day and makes certain each employee knows what job he is
performing that day and how to perform it. Maurice has a ____________ leadership style.
Select one:
a. directive
b. supportive
c. participative
d. achievement-oriented

Major organizational changes can cause employees to experience higher levels of stress at work.
Which of the following is considered a type of organizational change?
Select one:
a. changes in executive leadership
b. changes in policies and protocols
c. changes in workforce due to a merger or acquisition
d. all of the above

The first step of an organizational behavior modification (OB Mod) program is

Select one:
a. evaluate and maintain.
b. identify behavior to be modified.
c. analyze behavior antecedents and outcomes.
d. measure the baseline level.

Research shows that when confronted with a conflict situation, subordinates are most likely to
use which of the following conflict handling styles?
Select one:
a. compromising
b. forcing
c. “devil's advocate”
d. competing

Ned and Michael are managers of two different departments at Beckett Corporation. The two
have not gotten along well over the years. Yesterday the two attended a budget meeting for the
new fiscal year. Both wanted more funding for their departments. When the finance vice
president suggested an increase for Ned's department, Michael became quite agitated and made a
number of accusations about the nature of the numbers that Ned had used to support his position.
After the meeting, Michael cornered the finance vice president in his office and continued his
spiel on why his department deserved the extra funding but Ned's did not. What style of conflict
handling does Michael exhibit?
Select one:
a. compromise
b. accommodation
c. competition
d. avoidance

Mike was playing video games. His mother came downstairs and said, “Mike, your room is a
mess. I want you to go upstairs right now and clean it up or you will not be able to go out on
Saturday.” Mike wanted to finish his game but saved it instead and went to clean his room. Mike
has responded to Mom's influence attempt with
Select one:
a. compliance.
b. resistance.
c. commitment.
d. exchange.

Jason sent an email to his mother, “Ur never going 2 believe this. That prof gave me no credit for
my paper. I h8 him.” (with emoticons included). When his mother got the e-mail, it took her
quite some time to decipher the message. Jason should have considered his audience when he
_________ the message.
Select one:
a. decoded
b. validated
c. received
d. encoded

Which of the following statements regarding absenteeism is accurate?

Select one:
a. Instituting organizational policies that penalize absenteeism are reasonable approaches to
controlling the problem.
b. Wellness programs are a viable way to address employee absenteeism.
c. Flexibility in work scheduling does little to address absenteeism concerns.
d. Personality has been consistently linked to absenteeism.

Ned keeps saying to his coach, “I am really concerned that I won't be able to remember the plays
when you put me in. Maybe you should play someone else.” Ned seems to be demonstrating
Select one:
a. low openness to experience.
b. low self-monitoring.
c. a proactive personality.
d. low self-efficacy.

Analyzing Trader Joe's success using Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation would suggest
Select one:
a. contextual factors, like being among the best paid employees in the retail industry, are the
only reason for the firm's success.
b. content factors, like the collaborative atmosphere in each supermarket, are the only reason
for the firm's success.
c. growth needs, like the autonomy of opening products for customer samples, are the only
reason for the firm's success.
d. Contextual, content, and growth needs factors all help to contribute to Trader Joe's

The personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs is
Select one:
a. filtering.
b. semantics.
c. selective perception.
d. information overload.

Nicholas is the production manager for a manufacturing firm. He has two supervisors who are
experiencing conflict with each other based upon personality differences. Nicholas should have
held a meeting last week to discuss next year's budget, but cancelled it because the two
supervisors had a verbal confrontation on the shop floor the previous day. What conflict handling
style is Nicholas demonstrating?
Select one:
a. compromise
b. collaboration
c. avoidance
d. accommodation

The calibrator role

Select one:
a. keeps the team on track by suggesting any needed changes to the team's process.
b. supports those with expertise toward the team's goals.
c. uses good listening skills and humor to defuse tense situations.
d. helps transform ideas into action.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory of motivation

Select one:
a. suggests once basic needs are satisfied, higher order needs become motivators.
b. enjoys strong research support.
c. is a systematic approach managers can utilize to explain the similar needs employees have
at any given time and the similar reactions of employees to similar treatment.
d. was developed based on Maslow's observations of individual employees in a variety of
workplace settings.
According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, what dimension describes those who would like
to have clarity and closure?
Select one:
a. thinking
b. feeling
c. intuition
d. judgment

A trusted individual who provides the employee with advice and support regarding career-related
matters is a
Select one:
a. coworker.
b. manager.
c. mentor.
d. counselor.

An organization that eliminates traditional barriers between departments as well as barriers

between the organization and the external environment is a
Select one:
a. matrix organization.
b. functional organization.
c. boundaryless organization.
d. divisional organization.

Which of the following statements regarding the closure phase of negotiations is accurate?
Select one:
a. Closure is the phase of the negotiation process where you either have come to an
agreement or walk away from an unacceptable offer.
b. Rejection of an offer during closure can be an opportunity to walk away.
c. It is usually clear why an agreement has not been reached during negotiation.
d. If the best offer in a negotiation has been rejected, there is nothing left to do.

Which is the first step in the rational decision-making model?

Select one:
a. Establish decision criteria.
b. Identify the problem.
c. Weigh decision criteria.
d. Generate alternatives.

Which of the following statements about factors that cause work attitudes is accurate?
Select one:
a. Job satisfaction is purely environmental.
b. Person-job fit is positively related to job satisfaction.
c. Psychological contract breach leads to high job satisfaction.
d. Organizational justice results in psychological contract breach.

You work for your college's annual alumni fund. You have averaged 25 phone calls in a three-
hour shift throughout your employment. Your supervisor now demands that you increase that
number to 40 calls per three-hour shift. You feel that you do not have the skills or the time to
make 40 calls and that this is an unrealistic goal. According to expectancy theory, you are
Select one:
a. low expectancy.
b. low instrumentality.
c. low valence.
d. low equity.

Which of the following statements regarding leadership and ethics is accurate?

Select one:
a. People in positions of authority are influential in driving others to ethical or unethical
b. Ethics is a matter of organizational culture rather than leadership style.
c. The contingency theories of leadership are explicit in noting the important role that ethics
play in effective leadership.
d. Ethical behaviors are a central component to transactional leadership theory.

Lauren takes a personality survey and finds she strongly exhibits the trait of agreeableness. She
might be described as being
Select one:
a. organized, punctual, systematic and dependable.
b. nice, tolerant, sensitive and kind.
c. outgoing, talkative, and sociable.
d. curious, creative and original.

Abdul tends to emphasize harmonious interpersonal relationships, prefers to be with friends, and
enjoys family events. Abdul would probably be categorized as being
Select one:
a. low in need for achievement.
b. high in need for affiliation.
c. high in need for power.
d. low in need for affiliation.

Functional structures
Select one:
a. are most effective when an organization has a large number of products.
b. are most effective in dynamic environments.
c. tend to facilitate the effective performance of employees with general mental abilities.
d. are cost-effective structures for the human resource and information technology
departments of most companies.

Which of the following is an advantage to job specialization?

Select one:
a. Training costs are higher, but because of the specialized nature of tasks, they are learned
more fully.
b. The nature of the jobs leads to lower absenteeism.
c. Staffing costs are lower because the repetitive nature of tasks makes skill requirements
d. The nature of the jobs is especially effective in rapidly changing environments.

Anita seems to take life as it comes. When the refrigerator and washing machine broke down in
the same day flooding the kitchen, she laughed it off saying, “It could always be worse.” She
then went and called the appliance repair service. Anita has a _________________ personality.
Select one:
a. Type A
b. Type B
c. pessimistic.
d. neurotic

Which of the following best represents the self-focused strategy of impression management?
Select one:
a. “I like your tattoo.”
b. “Maybe we could grab lunch?”
c. “I am a hard worker.”
d. “You must really be an expert in this.”

Security, safety and social equality are all examples of

Select one:
a. cultural assumptions.
b. cultural artifacts.
c. cultural values.
d. cultural orientations.

Which of the following statements regarding the explanations for the glass ceiling is
Select one:
a. The glass ceiling may exist for women because they lack the education levels necessary to
assume high-level managerial positions.
b. The glass ceiling may be based on the stereotype that the male characteristic of
assertiveness is necessary to manage, but women tend to be passive.
c. The glass ceiling may exist for women because their accomplishments are often not
valued as highly as are those of their male counterparts.
d. The glass ceiling may exist for women because they are viewed as displaying submissive
characteristics in contrast to their male counterparts who are viewed as possessing more

Communication that is asynchronous

Select one:
a. is written for one receiver, but can be read by many.
b. is written for one receiver and read by one receiver.
c. is written by the sender and can be read any time by the receiver.
d. is written for many but often read by only a few.

Emotional resonance refers to

Select one:
a. a technique that ignores the negative emotions of clients.
b. the gap between individuals' words and their true feelings.
c. a technique that identifies employees' feelings about their work.
d. an emotional barrier between individuals.

Which of the following is considered a key aspect to ensuring a successful meeting?

Select one:
a. Start the meeting when everyone arrives.
b. Don't worry about group dynamics.
c. Manage the group dynamic for full participation.
d. Let participants discuss whatever is on their mind.

The decision-making technique designed to help with group decision making by ensuring that all
members participate fully is
Select one:
a. majority rule.
b. consensus.
c. the Delphi technique.
d. the nominal group technique.

A manager with low focus and low energy would most likely
Select one:
a. procrastinate at work.
b. be distracted at work.
c. be disengaged at work.
d. be totally absorbed in work.

Which of the following statements about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is accurate?
Select one:
a. The original objective of the MBTI was to determine whether World War II veterans
would successfully readjust to civilian life after the military.
b. The MBTI relies on types, not traits.
c. The MBTI is a very effective tool to use in making selection decisions.
d. The MBTI classifies people based on observing their behavior.

Which of the following is a research finding about race diversity? According to prior research
Select one:
a. African Americans are more likely to turnover than their Caucasian counterparts.
b. the sales performance of Hispanics is equal to their Caucasian counterparts.
c. Caucasian Americans are more likely to be absent from work than their African American
d. ethnic minorities are more likely to experience a satisfying work environment than their
Caucasian counterparts.

Nick's roommate is attending a networking event for his business fraternity this weekend. He
says, “Nick, you are so good at going up to someone and starting a conversation. You always
seem to know what to do and what to say. You never seem awkward and you can talk to anyone
about anything. I want to handle this networking event well—give me some tips.” Nick seems to
be very
Select one:
a. agreeable.
b. conscientious.
c. narcissistic.
d. extraverted.
Which of stage in Tuckman's group development model is characterized by the establishment of
ground rules and operating procedures and goals by group participants?
Select one:
a. forming
b. storming
c. norming
d. performing

Making choices among alternative courses of action, including inaction, is

Select one:
a. decision making.
b. programmed decisions.
c. satisficing.
d. Consensus.

Which of the following statements regarding research on emotional contagion is true?

Select one:
a. Positive emotions can be contagious, but negative emotions are not.
b. All people are equally susceptible to emotional contagion.
c. The spillover from positive emotions lasts longer than that from negative emotions.
d. Emotions are especially salient in teams and thus teams can exhibit emotional contagion
just as individuals can.

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