Personalized Medicine Ginsburg

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Opinion TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.19 No.

12 December 2001 491

Personalized medicine: Innovation in pharmaceutical industry R&D strategy

Knowledge of the molecular basis of disease is already
transforming pharmaceutical development. Drug

revolutionizing drug discovery and development has traditionally been a

linear process (Fig. 1) with little feedback from later
clinical development stages on the overall process.

discovery and patient The adoption of a personalized medicine strategy in

drug discovery and development necessitates a
paradigm shift from a linear process to an integrated

care and heuristic one (Fig. 2). This new approach will
involve a series of research feedback loops. The early
stages of discovery, including selection and validation
of drug targets, small-molecule screening and
Geoffrey S. Ginsburg and Jeanette J. McCarthy chemistry, and preclinical assessment of compounds,
will be linked with later stages of clinical
development. Molecular, pharmacological and
Advances in human genome research are opening the door to a new paradigm patient clinical data will be captured at various
for practising medicine that promises to transform healthcare. Personalized phases and integrated in a ‘knowledge management
medicine, the use of marker-assisted diagnosis and targeted therapies derived system’ that will be used to facilitate rational drug
from an individual’s molecular profile, will impact the way drugs are developed design around molecular diseases.
and medicine is practiced. Knowledge of the molecular basis of disease will Genomic technologies have already taken hold and
lead to novel target identification, toxicogenomic markers to screen are impacting the pharmaceutical industry. High-
compounds and improved selection of clinical trial patients, which will throughput sequencing and transcript profiling have
fundamentally change the pharmaceutical industry.The traditional linear been applied to cell-based and animal models of disease
process of drug discovery and development will be replaced by an integrated or directly to human tissues to identify rapidly gene
and heuristic approach. In addition, patient care will be revolutionized through targets that initiate the drug discovery process.
the use of novel molecular predisposition, screening, diagnostic, prognostic, Bioinformatics, proteomics and animal models are used
pharmacogenomic and monitoring markers.Although numerous challenges to further validate genes as targets before proceeding to
will need to be met to make personalized medicine a reality, with time, this high-throughput screening of vast compound libraries
approach will replace the traditional trial-and-error practice of medicine. for the development of small-molecule drugs. The
impact of genomics on drug development can already
The post-genome era has begun, and with it the promise be seen: earlier this year, Millennium Pharmaceuticals
of tailoring the practice of medicine to the individual. (Cambridge, MA) and Bayer AG (Leverkeusen,
This emerging field of personalized medicine Germany) announced what is believed to be the first
encompasses the use of risk algorithms, molecular small molecule drug candidate discovered against a
diagnostics, targeted therapies and pharmacogenomics genomics-derived target in the field of cancer1. In the
to improve health care. Personalized medicine will near future, a flood of new drug therapies targeted at
provide the link between an individual’s molecular the molecular basis of disease will become available.
and clinical profiles, allowing physicians to make the Genomic technologies applied to target identification
right patient-care decisions and allowing patients the can simultaneously identify genes that are co-regulated
opportunity to make informed and directed lifestyle with drug targets. Both targets and co-regulated
decisions for their future well-being. Molecular genes could be potential surrogate biomarkers for use
diagnostics, the use of DNA-, protein- or mRNA-based in preclinical and clinical studies, an example of
biological markers to predict the risk of developing integration of the early and late stages of drug discovery
disease or the molecular phenotype of an existing one, and development. Ideal surrogate markers include
will change the way we currently define disease. cell-surface proteins and secreted proteins, which are
Genomic analysis of diseases with homogeneous clinical amenable to sensitive mass-spectroscopic or antibody-
phenotypes will unveil distinct molecular entities based detection in the blood. The gene encoding leptin,
Geoffrey S. Ginsburg*
that require different treatment strategies for a regulator of body fat discovered using genomic
Millennium optimal outcomes. Clinical diseases as we know them technologies2, is not only proven to be a valuable drug
Pharmaceuticals Inc., will be replaced by molecular classification. Therapies target but blood leptin levels might be of use as a
45 Sidney Street,
directed at the root cause of disease will replace those monitoring marker of drug-associated weight gain3 or as
Cambridge, MA 02139,
USA. that simply treat the symptoms of disease. Finally, a a response to growth-hormone treatment in children4.
*e-mail: ginsburg@ pharmacogenomic test that predicts therapy response Further down the discovery process, toxicogenomic based on a patient’s genomic profile will accompany markers predictive for adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
Jeanette J. McCarthy many drugs. Personalized medicine will involve might influence selection and optimization of lead
Millennium radical changes in the pharmaceutical industry and compounds before human studies. Microarray
Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
medical practice and is likely to affect many aspects analytical tools to define molecular profiles that predict
One Kendall Square,
Bldg 700, Cambridge, of society. Most importantly, the individual whose ADRs in humans are being investigated using existing
MA 02139, USA. health is at stake will benefit enormously. drugs that are known to produce unwarranted 0167-7799/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0167-7799(01)01814-5
492 Opinion TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.19 No.12 December 2001

Fig. 1.Traditional drug

discovery – a linear
Target Protein
process.The historical Hit to
discovery assay Preclinical Phase I Phase II Phase III FDA Phase IV
process of drug discovery lead
and validation HTS
has been linear, with little
opportunity for feedback
TRENDS in Biotechnology
or improvement on the
upstream components of
the process from
downstream results. hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, cardiotoxicity or bone markers that accompany the drug on the market but
Abbreviations: FDA, Food
marrow suppression. Companies such as Affymetrix also will afford opportunities to apply human
and Drug Administration;
HTS, high-throughput (Santa Clara, CA), GeneLogic (Gaithersburg, MD) biological information to earlier phases of discovery
screening. and Curagen (New Haven, CT) are developing gene and development. Molecular profiles of patients
expression-based assays that can be used to test identified in Phase I and II clinical studies as likely
preclinical compounds for their propensity to induce non-responders (potentially indicating complex
ADRs based on these studies. Predictive toxicogenomic molecular taxonomy of the disease being treated)
screening of preclinical compounds should become as might represent an opportunity for pharmaceutical
routine in preclinical drug development as it is today companies to initiate discovery programs. Novel
to examine an association between a compound and therapies could be developed around the
the HERG (human ether-related a-GoGo) potassium non-responders’ specific molecular subclass of disease.
channel5 – a test that predicts whether the compound The personalized medicine strategy for drug discovery
will produce prolongation of electrocardiographic QT and development should yield a spectrum of product
intervals, and possibly sudden death, in patients. opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry.
Pharmacodynamic and pharmacogenomic markers Diagnostic risk assessment and disease-monitoring
predictive of drug toxicity in humans can be introduced tools that accurately quantify disease burden in patients
into Phase I, II or III clinical trials where, in principle, will be a direct outcome of research during the early
patient selection and/or stratification within studies discovery process. Pharmacogenomic markers of efficacy
can be guided on the basis of markers correlating with and side effects will be used in conjunction with specific
safety and efficacy. Recent studies of human genetic drugs to target drug therapy to those patients who will
variation in the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes that have an optimal response. The business rationale for
are largely responsible for drug metabolism, for targeted therapies, which some argue will decrease
example, have suggested that using individual market share, is that such products will eventually
genetic variation at these loci to select patients for expand the market by recruiting patients from less
clinical trials might reduce ADRs by 10%–20% (Ref. 6). effective therapies or by identifying less symptomatic
Pharmacogenomics will be an important component of individuals who might benefit from prophylactic therapy.
personalized medicine and is already being embraced The clinical phases of drug development afford the
by pharmaceutical companies as a means of improving opportunity to capture patient clinical data, imaging
efficiency in the drug development process. An and in vitro molecular response data simultaneously.
individual’s response to a drug is the complex Academic medical centers and clinical research
combination of both genetic and non-genetic factors. organizations are now conducting clinical trials with
Genetic variants in the drug target itself, disease future research in mind. Archiving biological specimens
pathway genes or drug-metabolizing enzymes, might along with traditional clinical covariates is becoming
all be used as predictors of drug efficacy or toxicity. The routine. Some centers are also actively engaged in
pharmaceutical industry has recognized the a priori pharmacogenomic marker research. In the near future,
need for tools to enable pharmacogenomic research. In clinical trials might be conducted in specialized units
1999, ten companies and the Wellcome Trust formed a where detailed clinical, biological and genomic data are
consortium to discover and map the most common type collected and integrated. Genome- and proteome-wide
of genetic variation, single nucleotide polymorphisms profiles together with biological pathway databases,
(SNPs). To date, >800 000 SNPs have been deposited imaging and clinical data on every patient will be
into the SNP Consortium’s public database used to analyze an individual’s disease and drug
( A high-resolution SNP response. The understanding of the biology of disease
map will expedite the identification of genes for and drug action gleaned from these sophisticated
complex diseases, such as asthma, diabetes mellitus, new paradigms will dramatically accelerate the
atherosclerosis and psychiatric disorders. The SNP realization of truly personalized medicine (Box 1).
database will also be a tool for pharmacogenomic
investigations during clinical development. Today, Molecular diagnosis will determine prognosis and
many pharmaceutical companies are designing their therapy
clinical trials to enable the routine collection and Personalized medicine is rooted in the hypothesis that
storage of DNA and other biological specimens that diseases are heterogeneous, from their causes to rates
will be used in future pharmacogenomic studies. of progression to their response to drugs. Each person’s
Careful biological monitoring during clinical disease might be unique and therefore that person
development will not only lead to pharmacogenomic needs to be treated as an individual. With limited
Opinion TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.19 No.12 December 2001 493

Phase II Phase III NDA Box 1. Personalized medicine: advantages to the

pharmaceutical industry
Phase I
Increased efficiency and reduced costs of target
Novel surrogates PGx markers New and lead discovery
Phase Reduced timelines and costs of clinical trials
Emergence of new gene targets for drug discovery
Knowledge management system
Product differentiation in the market place

Predictive Novel surrogates PGx diagnostic

Animal ADMET markers Box 2. Personalized medicine: advantages to
discovery patients and clinicians

Animal models Drug Validate gene Higher probability of desired outcome with a drug
validation candidate as target
Low probability of untoward side effects
TRENDS in Biotechnology Preventive strategies
Focused therapies
Fig. 2. Future drug understanding of the molecular basis of disease, we have Reduced costs
discovery – an integrated relied on non-specific clinical signs. As genomic tools are Better health and better healthcare
process. Genomic
information and markers
sharpened, so will be our ability to dissect disease into its
emerging at each stage of component parts. Clinical phenotypes thought to be one
the discovery process disease will be subclassified by a new genomic development – a paradigm that will, for the first time,
will be used as tools both
taxonomy. Recent discoveries in the molecular allow physicians to take a global molecular view of an
upstream and
downstream, resulting in pathology of cancer have highlighted important and individual patient’s disease. During the course of a
better pharmaceuticals clinically significant differences in the gene chronic disease with a long clinical prodrome, the
and personalized expression patterns of a variety of tumors, including research and product development strategies for
medicine products.
leukemias7 and breast cancer8. In cardiovascular personalized medicine aims to impact the course of the
A knowledge warehouse
will store information disease, genetic heterogeneity has been identified in disease at six major points (Fig. 3). Genetic variants
enabling continued the Long QT syndrome, a disorder of ventricular can be used to predict the predisposition of an
process and product depolarization where clinical manifestations range from individual for future disease development. Genetic
Abbreviations: ADMET,
no visible signs to sudden death. The etiology of the variants associated with increased or decreased risk of
absorption, distribution, Long QT syndrome is attributed to mutations in one disease will be the basis of genotype-directed treatment
metabolism, excretion of at least four different ion channels (HERG, recommendations. Individuals deemed at high risk of
and toxicity; IND,
KVLQT1, SCN5A or KCNE1)9. The clinical course disease can be targeted for preventive therapy or
investigational new drug;
NDA, new drug of the disease, level of aggressive therapy and choice lifestyle modifications. Preventive therapies have been
application; PGx, of therapy (Na+-channel blocker versus K+-channel fully embraced by the medical community, as evidenced
pharmacogenomics. blocker versus beta blocker) are now determined by by the use of selective estrogen-receptor modulators
the genetic etiology of the syndrome10–12. for patients at risk of breast cancer14 and osteoporosis15,
Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is another and the use of statins in patients at risk of developing
example of a genetically heterogeneous disease with a coronary artery disease16. High-risk individuals should
clinical phenotype of ventricular hypertrophy. be periodically screened (using protein-based markers,
Familial cardiomyopathy results from >80 different serum analytes and/or molecular imaging) for
mutations, each affecting the expression of a cardiac preclinical disease detection. The molecular equivalent
muscle sarcomeric protein. Mutation-specific prognoses of the pap smear, mammogram or blood-pressure
have been established that mandate screening to measurement will define more precisely the
determine who requires more frequent clinical predilection for disease development. In patients with
monitoring, therapeutic intervention and family preclinical or symptomatic disease, molecular diagnosis
screening13. As the underlying molecular architecture based on gene- or protein-expression fingerprints might
of other diseases is determined, medical practice will differentiate diverse diseases with similar clinical
be tailored to properly diagnose and treat them. phenotypes. A set of different molecular markers
could determine prognosis (the slope of the curve),
Innovation in patient care distinguishing those with an aggressive form and rapid
The ultimate goal of personalized medicine is to define progression of disease from individuals with slower
disease at the molecular level so that preventive disease progression, tailoring therapy accordingly.
resources and therapeutic agents can be directed at In choosing a therapeutic, the decision is guided by
the right population of people while they are still well molecular markers (pharmacogenomics) that correlate
(Box 2). The application of new technologies and the with safety and efficacy of specific compounds.
integration of data from an individual will lead to a Finally, monitoring the disease progression following
new paradigm in patient care that will emerge from therapy will utilize many of the molecular markers
strategies employed in pharmaceutical research and developed for screening and diagnosis.
494 Opinion TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.19 No.12 December 2001

nonmetastatic human melanoma cell lines. As a

result, they identified several genes that are
selectively unregulated in the metastatic lines that
could have use in patient management.
Monitoring The acknowledgement that post-transcriptional
Therapy Pharmacogenomics modification of proteins might be an important
Clinical severity

initiation determinant of disease is one factor driving the use

of proteomic technologies for discovering molecular
Symptom disease markers. These technologies include traditional
Diagnosis and prognosis
onset 2D gel electrophoresis in addition to more advanced
mass-spectrometry methods. Proteomic analysis
Disease might be used in medical microbiology in which the
entire proteome of an organism can be studied or in
Predisposition diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or central
nervous system disorders in which protein-rich fluids
Time (months–years) at the site of injury, such as synovial joint and
TRENDS in Biotechnology cerebral spinal fluid, respectively, are available for
analysis. Cell line supernatants or explants from tumor
Fig. 3. Research, Personalized medicine: it’s happening now tissues have already been used in large-scale expression
intervention and The past few years have seen major advances in profiling experiments to identify cancer markers. Page
personalized medicine
opportunities at stages of
technology and the growth of genomic information as et al.22 compared the proteome of purified normal
a hypothetical disease. a byproduct of the human genome project. As a result, human luminal (from which most breast cancer is
Six areas where new and innovative markers of disease are being derived) with that of myoepithelial breast cells. They
personalized medicine
uncovered at an unprecedented rate. At the DNA detected 170 proteins that differed between the two cell
strategies will benefit
the individual are level, >350 genetic tests are currently available types. These experiments might shed light onto the
predisposition, screening, ( Although most tests are for process of cancer development and ultimately find
diagnosis, prognosis, rare, monogenic disorders, some are becoming available use as cancer diagnosis or monitoring markers.
pharmacogenomics and
for more common, complex diseases. Examples include Pharmacogenomic tests are finding their way into
monitoring. At each stage
the types of markers and APOE testing among dementia patients for differential practice in several disease areas. Genotype resistance
their commercial diagnosis of Alzheimer disease, and Factor V Leiden testing of HIV isolates has demonstrable clinical utility
applications will vary, as testing for predisposition to venous thrombosis. and provides a way to assist therapeutic decision-
they will for specific
Furthermore, for most common diseases, a large making in patients whose levels of HIV RNA are
number of genetic markers suggesting association with rising23. In addition, assays are available to detect the
disease are reported in the literature. Advances in SNP- HER2 protein receptor or copies of the HER2 gene
discovery technologies are providing opportunities for sequence to determine eligibility for herceptin
large-scale candidate gene studies17,18. Indeed, whole- treatment or adriamycin treatment, respectively, in
genome association studies are being contemplated for node-positive breast cancer patients24. The Food and
finding genetic predisposition markers for common, Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the
complex diseases18. The next three to five years will see pharmacogenomic marker HER2 linked to herceptin
an explosion of new information in this area and the represents an important precedent for regulatory
development of new predictive tests for complex diseases. approval of personalized medicine products.
Identification of RNA and protein markers for
screening, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring is also Challenges of realizing the promise of personalized
under way, facilitated through advances in transcript medicine
profiling and proteomics. The basic research methods In spite of the achievement of a complete human genome
used in the discovery of these markers require access sequence, there are numerous challenges in realizing
to relevant disease tissues. Because tumor samples the personalized medicine vision (Box 3). Identifying
are routinely biopsied or removed, the first disease genetic variants that are markers of disease or drug
area likely to benefit from these technologies is response requires sifting through several million
cancer. Advances in our ability to classify disease are SNPs in the human genome to find those that
best illustrated in the work of Golub et al.7 This contribute to the disease and then demonstrating that
landmark paper illustrates how gene-expression the SNPs are clinically valid markers and are useful
profiling can be used to classify two related cancer for managing patients. To uncover DNA variants that
types. Expression patterns of 50 genes were predict common, complex diseases that result from a
determined to distinguish accurately between acute combination of genes and environmental factors will
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid require cost-effective, high-throughput genotyping;
leukemia (AML). Similar approaches have been large, well-characterized patient populations;
taken to identify candidate prognostic markers for sophisticated computational methodologies; and a
melanoma. Clark et al.20 and Bittner et al.21 used detailed understanding of the biological pathways of
transcript profiling to compare metastatic with disease. Uncovering mRNA and protein markers for
Opinion TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.19 No.12 December 2001 495

use in screening, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring

Box 3. Challenges of realizing the promise of
of disease will have its own set of challenges. Access to
personalized medicine
optimal relevant tissues might not be possible for
many diseases. Proteomic technologies require further SNP or DNA-based marker discovery
development, as do computational approaches for Access to patient populations
analyzing massive amounts of gene and protein profile Genotyping costs
data. To realize the vision of personalized medicine, Computational methodologies
the agenda for medical and pharmaceutical research
must include the assembly and integration data from mRNA and protein marker discovery
many sources on large numbers of patients. Clinical Access to clinical tissue samples
investigations should incorporate genotyping and Technology development (proteomics)
molecular profiling technologies along with traditional Computational methodologies
clinical data collection and should establish a
repository of patient samples where possible. Marker utilization in practice
New molecular markers might face many hurdles Assay platform development
before they can be implemented in patient care. The Large scale data and knowledge management
issues range from FDA regulation and acceptance of Ethical, legal, and social considerations
these new markers, to developing tractable assay Physician and patient education
platforms, to resolving issues around the ethical, legal
and social implications of obtaining highly sensitive
genetic information. Foremost among these, in our the physician will examine a patient’s genetic profile
opinion, is the education and engagement of physicians (stored on CD ROMs or equivalent), lifestyle, and results
and patients in the paradigm shift to objective, from objective molecular screening and monitoring tests.
quantitative marker-based clinical care. If appropriate Algorithms, derived from previous research efforts, will
patient management systems, integrated databases, be used to compute the likelihood that a patient develops
educational tools and genetic counseling are not in a host of chronic diseases. The focus of medicine at
place, then it will be difficult to realize the significant this juncture will be entirely preventive. Lifestyle
benefits forecast from this approach. Fortunately, we modifications and the use of prophylactic therapy will be
have already learned valuable lessons from past efforts recommended based on what is best for that patient to
to implement genetic screening for sickle cell anemia, avoid chronic disease to which they could be susceptible.
and from more recent efforts to screen for BRCA1 The ‘office’ of the future might itself be virtual;
mutations in breast cancer families. The ethical, legal Internet office visits might supplant some of the direct
and social implications (ELSI) of human genetic patient–physician contact. Patients will be more
research are the subject of a government-funded knowledgeable of their own health and risk profiles
program ( The US and more active in directing their own healthcare.
government is playing an active role in addressing
public concern over genetic information by, among Summary
other things, drafting legislation to protect patients Personalized medicine promises to offer the right
from discrimination by employers and insurance treatment for the right patient at the right time.
companies25. Furthermore, health professionals are Although that promise might seem far off, there is clear
rising to the challenge of educating both their evidence that the traditional trial-and-error practice of
members and the public. The American Medical medicine is eroding in favor of more precise marker-
Association has co-founded the National Coalition assisted diagnosis and treatment. For the patient, the
for Health Professional Education in Genetics benefits are clear: safer and more effective treatment
( to promote health professional of disease. For industry there appears an equally
education and access to genetic information. desirable outcome of this approach: increased efficiency,
productivity and better product lines. Society as a
A vision for the practice of medicine in the 21st century whole will also realize a benefit: more focused
In the next decade, medical care will undergo application of precious healthcare resources to those in
revolutionary changes. No longer will medical practice need of them most. The realization of personalized
be limited to the empirical extrapolation of a patient’s medicine is not without challenges, yet many of these
care from generalized clinical-trial results. Traditional challenges are being addressed. By encouraging public
medical practice, based on trial-and-error, results in dialogue and debate, we expect that there will be
both under-treatment and over-treatment, multiple continued progress forward. Lastly, as we take on
office visits, the need for drug monitoring, and frequent more and more of the burden of our own health and
regimen changes. More than 100 000 deaths per year are well-being, educational forums must be developed for
attributed to adverse drug reactions26. A personalized patients and physicians alike to understand the
approach of tailored care for every individual based complex nature of the genomic information that is being
on their specific, molecular disease will become the used for decision making. Then we will have truly
standard of care. In the prototypical office visit of 2015, fulfilled the promise of the future.
496 Opinion TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.19 No.12 December 2001

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Drug discovery of the in most cases not known. The set of drug targets for
the pharmaceutical industry was rather small and
according to a recent estimate1, only 483 targets

future: the implications account for all drugs on the market. Approximately
45% of these are cell membrane receptors, 28% are
enzymes and the remaining classes comprise

of the human hormones (11%), ion channels (5%), nuclear receptors

(2%) and DNA (2%). About 7% of the targets are not
known biochemically. The surprisingly low number

genome project of drug targets illustrates that the identification of

interesting targets was a main bottleneck of the drug
discovery process. In addition, the technology
portfolio of the pharmaceutical industry was rather
Thomas Reiss narrow and based mainly on chemistry and
pharmacology. With the advent of genome research
during the past decade, this traditional, although
The elucidation of the 3.2-gigabase human genome will have various impacts successful, concept of drug development started to
on drug discovery.The number of drug targets will increase by at least one change considerably. The publication of the human
order of magnitude and target validation will become a high-throughput genome sequence in February 2001 (Refs 2,3) marks
process.To benefit from these opportunities, a theory-based integration of the a new area of biological research that will have
vast amount of new biological data into models of biological systems is called significant implications for drug discovery.
for.The skills and knowledge required for genome-based drug discovery of the
future go beyond the traditional competencies of the pharmaceutical industry. The human genome
Cooperation with biotechnology firms and research institutions during drug As a basis for the following discussion, Table 1
discovery and development will become even more important. provides a brief summary of important features of the
human genome2–4. The total size of the genome is
Thomas Reiss
Until the late 20th century, drug discovery was estimated to 3.2 gigabases (Gb). Of this, 2.95 Gb is
Fraunhofer Institute for mainly a linear process based on the screening and euchromatin, which represents the gene-regions of a
Systems and Innovation testing of thousands of chemical and natural genome. Approximately 28% of the sequence is
Research, Breslauer Str.
substances for potential therapeutic activity. transcribed into RNA. Only 5% of the transcribed
48, 76139 Karlsruhe,
Germany. Screening was time consuming and more or less sequence (equivalent to 1.1–1.4% of the total
e-mail: random because drug targets and drug functions were sequence) encodes protein. The total number of 0167-7799/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0167-7799(01)01811-X

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