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Bible Quiz- Exodus 1 to 20

1. Name the treasure cities made by the Israelites for the Pharaoh

2. Who named Moses?

3. “I have been a stranger in a strange land” Name the person who said these words?

4. Name the mountain titled the “Mountain of god”

5. “By the way in the Inn, the lord met him and sought to kill him.” Kill Whom?

6. “I am the lord” To whom did God Speak this?

7. Name the parents of Moses?

8. When Moses and Aaron spoke to the Pharaoh, what was their age?

9. Name the Plague due to which the Magicians were not able to stand before Moses?

10. For how many years the Israelites dwelt in Egypt?

11. When the Israelites started their Journey by foot, how many men were present?

12. When is the festival of Unleavened Bread? (From what date to what date)

13. Name the person whose bones were carried with them by the Israelites

14. What was in between the camp of the Israelites and the Egyptians?

15. After crossing the Red sea, where did the Israelites first murmur against Moses?

16. Name the place where the people were about to stone Moses.

17. Name the people who helped Mosses in keeping his hands up

18. Name the alter made by Moses

19. What type of stone should not be used for making the Alter?

20. Name the first born of Moses.

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