f1 Fair Fair Synopsis Blanks

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Name: _________________________ Class: ________________________

HOLIDAY READING: Short Story: Fair’s Fair

Summary of Story

Complete the blanks below based on the story.

played park car return invited

keep street purse collect discussing
father news wash ball money
together walk able jobs five

Raj, Sam and Lee were good friends. They lived on the same _________________
(1). One day, Raj had some great _________________ (2). The fair had come to town and
his ___________________(3) had promised to take him there. He _____________ (4) his
friends to come along.

Unfortunately, Lee’s mother told him that they had no _______________ (5) to go to
the fair. Lee was very disappointed.

The three friends decided to help Lee _______________ (6) money by doing little
______________ (7) around the town. The first job was to ______________ (8) Sam’s
father’s _____________ (9). They ________________ (10) around, so Sam’s dad was
angry and did not give them any money.

Next, they went to Raj’s Mum. Mrs Green, her friend, gave them the job to
_______________ (11) her dog at the ________________ (12). There, Micky ruined a girl’s
_______________ (13). They decided to give the money from Mrs Green to the girl for a
new ball.

While ________________ (14) what to do next, they saw a woman dropped her
________________ (15). At first, they wanted to ______________ (16) it. But then they
decided to ________________ (17) it because it was not theirs. The woman was very happy
to get her purse back. She rewarded them with ________________(18) pounds. In the end,
they were _________________ (19) to go to the fair __________________ (20).

Answer the questions below:

1. Name the three main characters of the story: __________________________________
2. State ONE lesson you have learnt from this story:

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