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3/31/2018 Ultimate Bush Master 2015

Ultimate Bush Master 2015

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rechardt 2015/07/03, 11:13 AM

Ultimate Bush Master 2015

It’s that time of the year again.

The 4x4 Action group is proud to request nominations for the Ultimate
Bush Master 2015. This is where we acknowledge and encourage all our
members to become safety-conscious, experienced,environmentally
aware, courteous, competent, helpful, well-trained outdoors person’s.

This will be the second year that this initiative is done where the Person
and not just the Vehicle is judged.

The Ultimate Bush Master is different in that it is about the person &their
behavior & attitude always. It does not assess you purely on one event
over one or two days, but rather who you are ALL the time.

All members of the 4x4 Action Group are eligible for entry and
Suitable candidates will be nominated by their peers (in good standing)
A short motivation to be sent to The OP ofthis Thread or any of the other
Action Group executive members via PM.

A panel will review the candidates and the supporting submissions &
then decide whether a candidate qualifies to be given the honour of
being named‘Ultimate Bush Master’.

The qualities we seek in a person who will be honoured with the title
Ultimate Bush Master include inter alia:

The Right Attitude:

A humble person who quietly & competently goes about his task.

Environmental awareness:
A person who does not litter, in fact, he or she will pick up litter where
A person who knows proper bush toilet etiquette.
Who does not cause unnecessary damage to the soil or plant life.

A friendly helpful person, one who slows down when driving through a
Offers to assist a stranded fellow traveler, helps others with recoveries

Driving skill & ability:

A competent Off Roader, who reads the best line,(not the hardest/most
spectacular line),
A person to who ‘As slow as possible, as fast as necessary’ is 2nd

Vehicle preparedness:
A person who never goes off road without his compressor, gauge,
recovery equipment, recovery points, spares etc.
A person who has sufficient recovery gear for the task & who’s vehicle is
equipped & prepared for the trip to be undertaken. Tyres at correct
pressures, vehicle is a serviceable condition etc. 1/5
3/31/2018 Ultimate Bush Master 2015

Campsite etiquette and set up:

A person who sets up a well laid out, efficient campsite whether with it
isjust a tarp or latest trailer/caravan.
Who positions his camp taking the terrain, sunrise & sunset, water flow
etc. into account.

A team player, helpful, willing to provide advice & assistance. Willing to
lend a hand or a word of encouragement.
A person willing to share his knowledge & experience.

Meals & Cooking:

An original bush tucker, who brings appropriate supplies & has awell-
planned efficient food packing.
For example, the 1st nights meat is not at the bottom of the freezer, one
who knows what is required to cook
The meals & has sufficient gas, wood or charcoal for the duration.

Braai/fire control and effectiveness:

A person who understands fire safety , who ensures vehicles are a safe
distance away, who has sand or fire
Extinguishing equipment nearby in case of an emergency, one who kills
his fireproperly before departing
A campsite.

Navigation skills:
A person who possess sufficient GPS knowledge for the trip to be
undertaken.One for whom getting lost is highly

Safety awareness:
A person who wearing their seat belt (unless crossing water), who
knows to havethe window closed 3/4 when
doing an obstacle, who ensure there are no loose items in the vehicle
which maymove/shift during an obstacle
or should the vehicle tip, flip, or roll. A person who ensures their
passengers are not a liability.

Adventurous not reckless:

Whilst we want a person who is brave & daring, we do not seek one
who is reckless with his property or who would endanger himself or

However, if a person gets nominated & all agree on the nomination

however,there are questions over one aspect of that person's ability,
we reserve theright to set up a test to determine if they have the
required ability.

Please note that the panel’s decision will be final. No correspondence

will beentered into.
Titles can be removed should an UBM display unbecoming behavior.
This is not a competition between persons, but between you &
The winner or winners will be announced at this year’s 4X4 Action Group
Year end Function and remember. It's open to both men and woman.
Good luck and let the nominations begin

Keith Newnham 2015/07/04, 10:04 AM

I nominate Gasman PM sent 2/5
3/31/2018 Ultimate Bush Master 2015

hunter26 2015/07/04, 11:48 AM

In all fairness this competition can only be gauged on a number of GTGs

or outings, correct me if I'm wrong.

Dustbin 2015/07/04, 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by hunter26

In all fairness this competition can only be gauged on a
number of GTGs or outings, correct me if I'm wrong.

Well you cannot be a Bushmaster if:

You never get into the bush

Are never seen in the bush by others
Never show that you have been in the bush
Only talk about going into the bush
Don't know the difference between an ATKV oord and the
Don't know the difference between the bush, and a bush...

hunter26 2015/07/04, 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew bin Achmet

Well you cannot be a Bushmaster if:

[*]You never get into the bush[*]Are never seen in the

bush by others[*]Never show that you have been in the
bush[*]Only talk about going into the bush[*]Don't know
the difference between an ATKV oord and the bush...
[*]Don't know the difference between the bush, and a

4x2s are ignored if they go into the bush, especially if offering free
recovery practice ;-).

Since I can't partake I and am a 4x4 AG member, I'm giving my vote to

Mad Manny to use. Good luck to the nominees.

rechardt 2015/07/04, 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Keith Newnham 3/5
3/31/2018 Ultimate Bush Master 2015

I nominate Gasman PM sent

Thanks Keith.
Nomination and motivation received.

Eurard 2015/07/04, 03:26 PM

Can we have a 2015 Ultimate Bush Masterbator. I know someone that

will wear this title easily, could be like a wooden trophy or something.

Dustbin 2015/07/04, 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Eurard

Can we have a 2015 Ultimate Bush Masterbator. I know
someone that will wear this title easily, could be like a
wooden trophy or something.

Or a rubber one

rechardt 2015/07/05, 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew bin Achmet

Or a rubber one

U mean something with batteries. ..

Eurard 2015/07/06, 05:23 PM

Hang tight the rubber tree wooden vibrating trophy has been made ...
I'll be right back.........

rechardt 2015/07/06, 07:59 PM

A Few nominations received already. ..keep them coming.....

rechardt 2015/09/07, 07:19 PM 4/5
3/31/2018 Ultimate Bush Master 2015

The time draws near. .please keep those nominations coming.

rechardt 2015/11/13, 02:51 PM

Congratulations to our winners of the 2015 Ultimate Bush Master

Gerard Oosthuizen
Anthony Forgey.
Well deserved gentleman.

A ll times are G M T +2 . T he time now is 0 6 :2 5 P M .

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