4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 08:25 AM

4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

What: 4X4 AG River Trip 2016

This is one of those events you cannot miss. Anyone who has been on
one of these river trips will tell you that it’s an absolute must. Adventure,
camaraderie, friendships, and plenty fun.
This year we are going to Limpopo again.

Molototsi and Klein Letaba rivers near Giyani, Limpopo.

Friday 5th – Tuesday 9th August.
Tuesday the 9th is a public holiday but you would need to take a day’s
leave on Friday the 5th and Monday 8th.
For those who are able to take leave on Friday 5th, you can leave in the
early hours of Saturday morning, drive through and meet us at our
camping spot in the river.

Summary of the plan:

Friday 5th
Travel to the Molototsi river. It’s a 5 to 6 hour drive if you drive straight
through, but more like 7 hours if you want to stop on the way for lunch
etc. our last fuel stop is about 30km before the camping spot in the river
bed. Google maps tells me that from my house in Fourways area to the
river turnoff is 444km.
Saturday 6th
Breakfast and begin driving the Molototsi river at 8am. At around 3-4pm
we look for a good spot in the river bed to set up camp for the night.
Sunday 7th
Breakfast and begin driving the Molototsi river at 8am. At around 3-4pm
we should reach the end of the Molotetsi (where it meets with the
Letaba) having driven about 88km over the 2 days. We take a 5km drive
on the dirt road followed by a 22km drive on tar to the Klein Letaba
river. We drive into the riverbed and head towards the Kruger park
fence where we set up camp for the night.
Monday 8th
Breakfast and begin driving the Klein Letaba river bed towards Giyani at
8am. At around 3-4pm we camp for the night
Tuesday 9th
Breakfast and begin driving the last section of the Klein Letaba where
we exit at Giyani. We will refuel andpump tyres in Giyani and then drive
the ± 500km journey back to JHB

R200 per vehicle for 4X4 Action Group members
R300 for non members (which includes an annual membership fee so you
can be part of this awesome club, should you wish).
For 4X4 Action group life members, good news! No cost! mahala! Its

We donate the proceeds to a nearby charity called nourish. You can read
about them here http://www.nourish.org.za/

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016
What you should budget for:
Fuel for around 1000Km of tar driving and about 130Km of thick sand
Tollgate fees if you are traveling on the N1.
All of your food and drink for the entire trip. You need to be totally self-

Payments must be made into the 4X4 Action Group Account using your
forum name + RT as the reference (eg. Anthony ForgeyRT, or SidestepRT,
or pietRT)
Banking Details:
Nedbank Fourways
Account holder : 4x4Action Group
Account Number: 1051513812 (Current Account)
Branch Code: 168-405
Note: Payment secures your spot

Group size:
Maximum 15 vehicles.
The attendance list will be in post #3.
I will create an overflow list and will move the list up if any of the first 15
withdraw for any reason.

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 08:26 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Other Info:

You don’t have to have an extreme 4X4 vehicle for this trip, it’s not that
kind of trip. There are some challenging obstacles but many standard
4x4’s have done this trip without damage. We all pitch in anyway and
pack rocks and help out where we can and there is a lot of camaraderie
on the trip.

Cellphone signal varies from non-existent to reasonably good depending

on where we are.

If you have two way radios, bring them. There will be a mix license free,
VHF (ORRA frequencies) and maybe even some UHF radios which we will
use to communicate to each other on the trip.

We will have a satellite phone with us for use in case of emergencies.

Fuel consumption will increase during the 130km of sand driving. Some
of the bigger, heavier petrol vehicles (Patrols, cruisers, V8’s) get around
2km/l so that’s about 70 to 80 liters in the river. Most others will be less,
but it would be advisable to have some extra fuel in jerry cans if you are

No drinking of alcohol during the driving times will be accepted. You are
welcome to indulge yourself once we arrive at the evening’s campsite.

You will need to bring enough water to drink as well as enough water to

We set up a communal fire and sit around it to kuier for the evening and
tell stories of the adventures, events and mishaps of the day.
We normally require everyone to collect local dead wood for the evening,
but it would be advisable to take a few bags along because these rivers
are very popular driving spots and there have been reports that the
availability of wood is not what it was a few years back. We usually drag
large pieces of wood to the central fire and then just take coals from the
fire when you are ready to cook.

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This is a bos #### type of trip so if you are sensitive about your
ablution requirements, this trip is going to be rough for you.

All your litter must be carried away with you, not buried in the riverbed.
So bring a bin bag or 2 along with you for that.

We stop on and off during the day, so your lunch is an on the go affair. I
usually cook extra meat in the evenings and make rolls or something
similar for eating during the day which is easy to eat without having to
unpack the whole kitchen.

Link to previous river trips:


Route details and GPS Co-Ords:

I have taken these coordinates from google maps. Some of them may
not be 100% accurate to the meter, so those who are GPS fundi’s (which
I am not) please accept that the intention is to give enough info for you
to get a pretty good idea of the route only.

The last fuel stop before we enter the Molototsi river bed is at Gerrys
filling station in the village of Maphalle on the R81(S 23 28 2.2, E 30 18
28.7). Idoubt that they operate after hours, so if you don’t join one of
the convoys and come later, you may need to drive into Giyani to top up.
On Friday night we will turn north west off of the tar road at S 23 28
43.5, E 30 28 23.9 enter the river bed at S 23 28 27.3, E 30 27 54.2 and
drive north to north east to camp in the area near S 23 27 2.6, E 30 29
Those who are desperate for fuel halfway through the Molototsi River
drive can drive to die Eiland to refuel S 23 39 21.8, E 30 40 13.2. This
can be done by exiting the river at the bridge at Dzumeri S 23 34 20.9, E
30 42 38.9and driving south to the filling station outside Die Eiland at S
23 39 22.0, E 30 40 12.8. It’s a 24km tar road to Die Eiland from the
Dzumeri Bridge.
We exit the Molototsi river just after it joins with the Groot Letaba at S
23 41 1.3, E 30 56 7.7We then drive a short distance to the Selwana
main road at S 23 41 31.4, E 30 56 6.3.
Those who are desperate for fuel at this point can drive to die Eiland to
refuel S 23 39 21.8, E 30 40 13.2. This can be done by turning left on the
Selwana main road and following the road for 31km dirt road to the
filling station outside Die Eiland at S 23 39 22.0, E 30 40 12.8.
Those who don’t need to refuel will drive East on the dirt road for about
5km and then turn left into the tar road at S 23 40 57.7, E 30 59
36.1where we head north for about 22km
We enter the klein Letaba river off the bridge at S 23 29 11.6, E 31 0
Our first camping spot in the klein Letaba river is near the Kruger fence
at S 23 29 21.6, E 31 3 28.3
we follow the Kein Letaba river all the way to just before Giyani and we
exit the river at a point around S 23 20 35.6, E 30 43 7.7where the river
is close to the tar road. We turn right into the tar road at S 23 20 43.6, E
30 42 58.9 and head 6km on the tar road into Giyani to refuel and inflate
tyres at the Shell at S 23 18 29.5, E 30 41 9.5.
We may have to exit earlier depending on what the recent rains have
done to the river bed near Giyani. In which case we may exit the river at
S 23 21 58.2, E 30 45 14.2 and drive west where we will turn right at
the tar road here S 23 21 56.5, E 30 44 58.7 which is a 10km tar road
drive to Giyani.

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 08:26 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Attendance List:
1. Anthony Forgey
2. Sidestep

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3. Dustbin
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown
8. stephan
9. BernieE
10. matthew green
11. philip grobler
12. Spartan01
13. Nicktravel
14. Ben Van Dyk
15. François Hamman (Tapie)

Overflow list:


23-5-16 Rechard withdraw
27-6-16 Hercules Pieterse withdraw
04-07-16 Tapie & Arno Combrink withdraw
05-07-16 Ben Van Dyk Withdraw & return Yaaay!
06-07-16 Rabbiddog and Troy
07-07-16 Tapie rejoin

Crips 2016/04/20, 08:29 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Oosies 2016/04/20, 08:30 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Sounds awesome! Been dying to do a river trip but sadly won't make
this one... I will be walking the Sani.

Please reserve a spot for me on your next one!

Quake 2016/04/20, 08:31 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Looks like a jol!!!

Falls on my wife's birthday.. But I will start working on her..

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Sidestep 2016/04/20, 08:36 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Oom Anthony....you know my reply.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

joubertjg 2016/04/20, 08:40 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

2014 was blast

2016 will be even better
please reserve
ben van dyk
arno combrink
neil botha
ronald brown
francois hamman
hercules pieterse
matthew green
philip grobler

Dustbin 2016/04/20, 08:41 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Hi Anthony


Ben van Dyk

Andrew van Staden
Rechard Timm
Jurgen Huiseman
Stephan Vermaak
Bernard Enslin
Hercules Pieterse
Matthew Green
Francois Hamman
John Joubert
Niel Botha
Phillip Grobbelaar
Ronald Botha
Arno Combrink

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 08:41 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

are you serious?

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Dustbin 2016/04/20, 08:46 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by joubertjg

2014 was blast
2016 will be even better
please reserve
ben van dyk
arno combrink
neil botha
ronald brown
francois hamman
hercules pieterse
matthew green
philip grobler


Originally Posted by Dustbin

Hi Anthony


Ben van Dyk

Andrew van Staden
Rechard Timm
Jurgen Huiseman
Stephan Vermaak
Bernard Enslin
Hercules Pieterse
Matthew Green
Francois Hamman
John Joubert
Niel Botha
Phillip Grobbelaar
Ronald Botha
Arno Combrink

Same list ...;D;D;D

rechardt 2016/04/20, 08:46 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

are you serious?

Dead serious. .
More serious than dead.
Payment will be made today for some.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

Dustbin 2016/04/20, 08:51 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by rechardt

Dead serious. .
More serious than dead.
Payment will be made today for some.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

I will pay shortly... under my forum name. Quickest paid up trip ever!

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 08:54 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Payment secures

I will now start adding to the overflow list

this must be a record!

Dustbin 2016/04/20, 08:55 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Paid ;D

joubertjg 2016/04/20, 08:55 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


some good memories.......

BurnieE 2016/04/20, 09:00 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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Sent from my SM-T815 using Tapatalk

BurnieE 2016/04/20, 09:01 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Bernhard = burniee

Sent from my SM-T815 using Tapatalk

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 09:03 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Payment Received

Sidestep 2016/04/20, 09:10 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Payment done

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

Dustbin 2016/04/20, 09:13 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

My name is missing!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 09:17 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by BurnieE

Bernhard = burniee

Sent from my SM-T815 using Tapatalk


Dustbin 2016/04/20, 09:20 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016
Originally Posted by Dustbin
My name is missing!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

There is no:



Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 09:20 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Dustbin

My name is missing!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Joubertjg relaced with dustbin, John's request

Dustbin 2016/04/20, 09:23 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

Joubertjg relaced with dustbin


Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 09:34 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

For now I will just keep adding to the overflow list. My experience has
been that some do pull out closer to the time.

Dustbin 2016/04/20, 09:37 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

For now I will just keep adding to the overflow list. My
experience has been that some do pull out closer to the

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

incrediblebob 2016/04/20, 05:28 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


I'll need to bum a lift and camping gear,all my thingies are
here(Kenya),so I nominate Ben aka Bend or Bvandyk to volunteer.

Dustbin 2016/04/20, 05:29 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by incrediblebob

I'll need to bum a lift and camping gear,all my thingies are
here(Kenya),so I nominate Ben aka Bend or Bvandyk to


Sent from my GT-P5200 using Tapatalk

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 05:33 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by incrediblebob

I'll need to bum a lift and camping gear,all my thingies are
here(Kenya),so I nominate Ben aka Bend or Bvandyk to

Ben already told me you are going with him

incrediblebob 2016/04/20, 05:33 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1 Attachment(s)
I was sent this pic from a local guy after the river trip
He wanted to know which forum member resembles
it as it was born not long after the 2015 trip:eek:

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

incrediblebob 2016/04/20, 05:35 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

Ben already told me you are going with him

'Going' with him:o

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/20, 05:43 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by incrediblebob

'Going' with him:o

hey, what happens in the car stays in the car

Tapie 2016/04/20, 09:28 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Ja gaan Epic wees !

Crips 2016/04/21, 12:21 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by incrediblebob

I was sent this pic from a local guy after the river trip
He wanted to know which forum member resembles it as it
was born not long after the 2015 trip:eek:

Mmm mmm, looks like Ben.... [emoji48]

Sent from my B15Q using Tapatalk

bvandyk 2016/04/21, 12:27 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by incrediblebob

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

I was sent this pic from a local guy after the river trip
He wanted to know which forum member resembles it as it
was born not long after the 2015 trip:eek:

Must be this guy that got stuck the every 5 minutes :'(


rabbiddog 2016/04/23, 09:32 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Anthony add us to the overflow list

rechardt 2016/04/23, 09:38 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by rabbiddog

Anthony add us to the overflow list

Just come Peter.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/23, 09:46 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by rabbiddog

Anthony add us to the overflow list


Dustbin 2016/04/25, 09:35 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

Fuel consumption will increase during the 130km of sand

driving. Some of the bigger, heavier petrol vehicles
(Patrols, cruisers, V8’s) get around 2km/l so that’s about

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016
70 to 80 liters in the river. Most others will be less, but it
would be advisable to have some extra fuel in jerry cans if
you are unsure.

Jurgen..... Wat gaan jy maak???

No drinking of alcohol during the driving times will be

accepted. You are welcome to indulge yourself once we
arrive at the evening’s campsite.

Bob!!! Whiskey shots!!! ;D

You will need to bring enough water to drink as well as

enough water to wash

Wash? :o

We set up a communal fire and sit around it to kuier for

the evening and tell stories of the adventures, events and
mishaps of the day.

And laugh at the guys who got stuck!

The next point is very important to you Jurgen and to

Anthoney... Hence he repeated it twice!!! ;D;D

The last fuel stop before we enter the Molototsi river bed
is at Gerrys filling station in the village of Maphalle on the
R81(S 23 28 2.2, E 30 18 28.7). Idoubt that they operate
after hours, so if you don’t join one of the convoys and
come later, you may need to drive into Giyani to top up.
On Friday night we will turn north west off of the tar road
at S 23 28 43.5, E 30 28 23.9 enter the river bed at S 23
28 27.3, E 30 27 54.2 and drive north to north east to
camp in the area near S 23 27 2.6, E 30 29 35.7.
Those who are desperate for fuel halfway through the
Molototsi River drive can drive to die Eiland to refuel S
23 39 21.8, E 30 40 13.2. This can be done by exiting
the river at the bridge at Dzumeri S 23 34 20.9, E 30 42
38.9and driving south to the filling station outside Die
Eiland at S 23 39 22.0, E 30 40 12.8. It’s a 24km tar
road to Die Eiland from the Dzumeri Bridge.
We exit the Molototsi river just after it joins with the
Groot Letaba at S 23 41 1.3, E 30 56 7.7We then drive a
short distance to the Selwana main road at S 23 41
31.4, E 30 56 6.3.
Those who are desperate for fuel at this point can drive
to die Eiland to refuel S 23 39 21.8, E 30 40 13.2. This
can be done by turning left on the Selwana main road
and following the road for 31km dirt road to the filling
station outside Die Eiland at S 23 39 22.0, E 30 40 12.8.

Cant wait!

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Anthony Forgey 2016/04/25, 11:51 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Ja Andrew. I may have a different vehicle by then. Patrol.

Apparently there is a filling station in Dzumeri, but I couldnt locate it on

google maps. GPS will prolly indicate.

JurgenH 2016/04/26, 01:06 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Andrew, I don't think I'll have a problem, but to be safe let's organise a
test run and see... ;)

Dustbin 2016/04/26, 01:19 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Good memories

rechardt 2016/04/26, 01:41 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Dustbin


Good memories

Oh yeah!

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

Mad Manny 2016/04/27, 12:00 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

I filled up in Tzaneen.
Did the RT.
Had 1/4 tank when we left the river...

Dustbin 2016/04/27, 04:28 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Jip, thats good

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Dustbin 2016/05/15, 06:37 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Counting the days

Anthony Forgey 2016/05/15, 09:02 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Me too.

offroadbiker 2016/05/17, 08:12 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

We (Patrol guys) will meet you guys somewhere in the river....

Will be doing the trip in reverse this year, starting at Giyani doing the
Little Letaba first and then onto the Moletotsi.

Don't know how much rain there was this season but from last year's
experience take your own wood with, it is becoming a very scarce
resource in the river.

Anthony Forgey 2016/05/17, 10:10 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Dirk I saw that you were doing it, thats why I am doing it in reverse.

we will stop and greet when we cross paths.

offroadbiker 2016/05/17, 10:51 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Great, looking forward to see you in the river.... in your Patrol :-)

Dustbin 2016/05/17, 10:55 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

Dirk I saw that you were doing it, thats why I am doing it
in reverse.

we will stop and greet when we cross paths.

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016
THAT.... is going to be a GROOT party!!!

Anthony Forgey 2016/05/17, 11:02 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by offroadbiker

Great, looking forward to see you in the river.... in your
Patrol :-)

I certainly hope to have one by then!

Dustbin 2016/05/23, 06:24 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Where are we meeting the Friday?

rechardt 2016/05/23, 06:29 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Guys. Sorry i am out of this trip. There is a paid up spot for any action
Group member. Please let Anthony Forgey know that you are taking my
spot if you would like to go.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

Anthony Forgey 2016/05/23, 07:05 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Andrew are you referring to a group convoy location? If so,then the

recently collapsed petroport is probably the best spot. Probably around
9:45 for 10am

Rechard- sadly noted, thanks.

Dustbin 2016/05/24, 08:34 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

Andrew are you referring to a group convoy location? If
so,then the recently collapsed petroport is probably the
best spot. Probably around 9:45 for 10am

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Rechard- sadly noted, thanks.

I found it


On Friday night we will turn north west off of the tar road
at S 23 28 43.5, E 30 28 23.9 enter the river bed at S 23
28 27.3, E 30 27 54.2 and drive north to north east to
camp in the area near S 23 27 2.6, E 30 29 35.7.

Anthony Forgey 2016/05/24, 08:47 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

I took all the coordinates from google. Some of them are not 100%
exactly where I had my pin drop, but its pretty close.

pfgrobler 2016/05/29, 09:08 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Hande4Voet 2016/06/01, 03:11 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

This is a bucket list trip for me, and I really thought I would go this year.
But those dates won't be possible. Aggenee. 😢

Anthony Forgey 2016/06/02, 07:58 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by HandeVierVoetJimny

This is a bucket list trip for me, and I really thought I
would go this year. But those dates won't be possible.
Aggenee. 😢

They are great trips. Certainly one of my favourites.

nicktravel 2016/06/05, 05:20 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Is there still space ,can i be added and take my swambo with.

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Anthony Forgey 2016/06/05, 06:58 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by nicktravel

Is there still space ,can i be added and take my swambo

Welcome. I will add you to the overflow list.

nicktravel 2016/06/05, 06:59 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Thank Anthony

Dustbin 2016/06/17, 09:37 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

48 sleeps!!!!

Anthony Forgey 2016/06/17, 09:40 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

I'm Looking forward to it. Real adventure stuff.

Mad Manny 2016/06/21, 07:32 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

44 sleeps !!!!

Quake 2016/06/22, 02:31 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Please add me to the waiting list..

Anthony Forgey 2016/06/22, 02:38 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

will do Troy

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Haggy4x4Bedinges 2016/06/22, 02:43 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

I am only landing in SA the last day of the trip eish:'(

Dustbin 2016/06/24, 05:09 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

42 to go

Dustbin 2016/06/26, 02:50 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Hi Anthony.

Hercules has told me he will not be going. Could you please move Grant
(Spartan 01) into his place.


rechardt 2016/06/26, 08:29 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Quake

Please add me to the waiting list..

Troy.. me sitting in Nigeria. You can have my spot as I am not going. Its
already paid for. Let Anthony know to slot you in.

Quake 2016/06/26, 10:14 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

No man, who is gonna make the curry.. Now I'm sad, happy but sad...

Dustbin 2016/06/27, 04:08 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by rechardt

Troy.. me sitting in Nigeria. You can have my spot as I am
not going. Its already paid for. Let Anthony know to slot
you in.

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Your spot was filled with John.. [emoji38]

Quake 2016/06/27, 06:15 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Lol, no stress, I still have to get this past SWAMBO, it's on her birthday
weekend.. Lol so I might still fall out..

Dustbin 2016/06/27, 06:51 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Quake

Lol, no stress, I still have to get this past SWAMBO, it's on
her birthday weekend.. Lol so I might still fall out..

I'm sure there will still be space.

Anthony Forgey 2016/06/27, 10:10 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Hercules removed
list moved up
Spartan01 now on main list.

Dustbin 2016/06/27, 11:10 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

39 days to go!

offroadbiker 2016/06/27, 11:12 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Starting to get exited... >:D>:D

Anthony Forgey 2016/06/27, 11:19 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

now I just need a vehicle :o

Dustbin 2016/06/27, 11:20 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

now I just need a vehicle :o

Is your Paj sold?

offroadbiker 2016/06/27, 11:21 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

There is a beaut on the Patrol forum for 90k............

Anthony Forgey 2016/06/27, 11:32 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Dustbin

Is your Paj sold?

not yet. had a number of bites but no cash.


Originally Posted by offroadbiker

There is a beaut on the Patrol forum for 90k............

Thanks Dirk, I emailed Johan yesterday. He had a potential buyer coming

down from gauteng to view. He said he will keep me updated though.

offroadbiker 2016/06/27, 11:33 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Bought my "old" Patrol - the gold one back on Saturday:o

Anthony Forgey 2016/06/27, 11:38 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by offroadbiker

Bought my "old" Patrol - the gold one back on Saturday:o

wow. Pieter did a lot of good stuff to it too.

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Dustbin 2016/06/29, 05:39 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Thirty seven days.......

Dammit it's still so far!

Dustbin 2016/07/04, 06:25 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Hi Anthony

I received confirmation yesterday that Francois (Tapie) and Arno

Combrink will not be joining us..

Please fill the list with the peoples on the bench, we can sort the
payments out later... ;)

32 Sleeps!!!!!!

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/04, 08:36 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

List updated

nicktravel 2016/07/04, 01:06 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

I cant wait for the trip !!'

bvandyk 2016/07/05, 07:54 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Please remove my name from the list

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/05, 08:31 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Ben I have removed your name.

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/05, 08:35 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

list updated. (Post #3)

overflow list now empty.

Attendance List:
1. Anthony Forgey
2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown
8. stephan
9. BernieE
10. matthew green
11. philip grobler
12. Spartan01
13. Rabbiddog & SueAnne
14. Nicktravel & Swambo
15. Quake

Overflow list:


iandvl 2016/07/05, 08:36 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Anthony - I'll be going along with the Patrol forum folks, so I guess I'll
see you in the river some time then... :)

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/05, 08:40 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Hi Ian. I'm sure we will. probably on day 2 or 3 when we pass each


Anthony Forgey 2016/07/05, 11:38 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

attendance list (post#3) updated


Dustbin 2016/07/05, 12:33 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

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list updated. (Post #3)

overflow list now empty.

Attendance List:
1. Anthony Forgey
2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown
8. stephan
9. BernieE
10. matthew green
11. philip grobler
12. Spartan01
13. Rabbiddog & SueAnne
14. Nicktravel & Swambo
15. Quake

Overflow list:


Anthony, seeing that the overflow list has cleared nicely, I would like to
invite Oldtimer, I have heard that he was unhappy that the places got
booked so fast, I'm sure with your permission, we could accommodate

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/06, 10:06 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Just a reminder from Post #1

R200 per vehicle for 4X4 Action Group members
R300 for non members (which includes an annual membership fee so
you can be part of this awesome club, should you wish).
For 4X4 Action group life members, good news! No cost! mahala! Its

you don't need to be an AG member to attend, but you pay an extra

R100 if you are not. As it happens annual club membership is R100, and
you have an option of becoming a club member if you wish.

to become a member go here:


Anthony Forgey 2016/07/06, 10:22 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016
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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Just a reminder from Post #1

R200 per vehicle for 4X4 Action Group members
R300 for non members (which includes an annual membership fee so
you can be part of this awesome club, should you wish).
For 4X4 Action group life members, good news! No cost! mahala! Its

you don't need to be an AG member to attend, but you pay an extra

R100 if you are not. As it happens annual club membership is R100, and
you have an option of becoming a club member if you wish.

to become a member go here:


Anthony Forgey 2016/07/06, 03:00 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

6 Attachment(s)
So we are a month away
from the trip.
I will start a whatsapp group shortly which will be used for more detailed
trip info and communication so please will all those on the list PM me
their cell numbers.

Even if you are an experienced tripper, it may be a good idea to read

through post 1 and 2 again in planning your packing and shopping list.

If anyone coming on the trip has a satphone please will you let me
know, otherwise I will try to arrange a satphone for emergency calls on
the trip.

If anyone has good suggestions to make the trip run more smoothly or
to add to the trip experience, please let me know

here's some teasers in the meantime....

Attachment 409585

Attachment 409586

Attachment 409588

Attachment 409590

Attachment 409592

Attachment 409593

Dustbin 2016/07/06, 07:33 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Quake 2016/07/06, 08:09 PM

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016
Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Cool, I made the list...

And today my wife comes home to tell me she is in Kenya for work from
the 7th.. So I'm stuck with the kids..
Unless this is a family trip, I'll be salt missing yet another river trip..
This is going to become a bucket list item...

PATROLLICA 2016/07/06, 09:23 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

[QUOTE=Anthony Forgey;3279789]

here's some teasers in the meantime....

Attachment 409592


Hy daar is Dirk ook. ;D

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/06, 09:38 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Dirk gets around!

Since then he has sold his trollie, bought another and bought his old one
back again.
Dirk and Oelies showed me great kindness on that trip.

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/06, 09:39 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Quake

Cool, I made the list...
And today my wife comes home to tell me she is in Kenya
for work from the 7th.. So I'm stuck with the kids..
Unless this is a family trip, I'll be salt missing yet another
river trip..
This is going to become a bucket list item...

What a pity Troy.

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/06, 09:47 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Attendance list updated

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There is now a spot open on the main list

PATROLLICA 2016/07/06, 10:29 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Quake

Cool, I made the list...
And today my wife comes home to tell me she is in Kenya
for work from the 7th.. So I'm stuck with the kids..
Unless this is a family trip, I'll be salt missing yet another
river trip..
This is going to become a bucket list item...

Take the kids with....

Dustbin 2016/07/07, 03:05 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

Attendance list updated

There is now a spot open on the main list

François Hamman (Tapie), will be joining us again... if there is a spot.

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/07, 07:42 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Dustbin

François Hamman (Tapie), will be joining us again... if there
is a spot.

List updated with Tapie included

now full again....

Quake 2016/07/07, 05:29 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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Originally Posted by SJC

Take the kids with....

I will actually give them an option, but i doubt teenage girls want to
boskak... Lol

bvandyk 2016/07/07, 10:12 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

What language are we speaking in the river? UHF or VHF?

Did you organise nurses for my co-driver?

PATROLLICA 2016/07/07, 10:23 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Quake

I will actually give them an option, but i doubt teenage girls
want to boskak... Lol


Dustbin 2016/07/08, 05:41 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by bvandyk

What language are we speaking in the river? UHF or VHF?

Did you organise nurses for my co-driver?

Russian? ^-^

And.... are the nurses for Bob?

bvandyk 2016/07/08, 06:33 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

How about russian nurses?

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Anthony Forgey 2016/07/08, 06:48 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Ben, is he coming?

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/08, 07:00 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by bvandyk

What language are we speaking in the river? UHF or VHF?

Good question.

We will probably speak both. So lets find out. Everyone with radios
please copy the list and indicate whether you have a radio in if you do,
what type and what frequencies.

For those who don't have radios, don't worry, its not a must have, it just
makes comms a lot easier because a lot of the time there is no cellphone
signal. And it gives us a chance to play with our toys;D

Attendance List:
1. Anthony Forgey VHF - ORRA
2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown
8. stephan
9. BernieE
10. matthew green
11. philip grobler
12. Spartan01
13. Nicktravel
14. Ben Van Dyk
15. François Hamman (Tapie)

Dustbin 2016/07/08, 07:19 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1. Anthony Forgey VHF - ORRA

2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin VHF and UHF, but Ben needs to tune them for me
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown
8. stephan
9. BernieE
10. matthew green
11. philip grobler
12. Spartan01 UHF
13. Nicktravel
14. Ben Van Dyk
15. François Hamman (Tapie)

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

bvandyk 2016/07/08, 08:26 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1. Anthony Forgey VHF - ORRA

2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin VHF and UHF, but Ben needs to tune them for me
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown
8. stephan
9. BernieE
10. matthew green
11. philip grobler
12. Spartan01 UHF
13. Nicktravel
14. Ben Van Dyk VHF - ORRA & UHF currently on the Zartek Channels
- but can change it
15. François Hamman (Tapie)

BurnieE 2016/07/08, 10:11 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1. Anthony Forgey VHF - ORRA

2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin VHF and UHF, but Ben needs to tune them for me
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown
8. stephan
9. BernieE - UHF with channels standard Zartek (Ne Ben?)
10. matthew green
11. philip grobler
12. Spartan01 UHF
13. Nicktravel
14. Ben Van Dyk VHF - ORRA & UHF currently on the Zartek Channels
- but can change it
15. François Hamman (Tapie)

RonB 2016/07/08, 10:28 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1. Anthony Forgey VHF - ORRA

2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin VHF and UHF, but Ben needs to tune them for me
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown - UHF
8. stephan
9. BernieE - UHF with channels standard Zartek (Ne Ben?)
10. matthew green
11. philip grobler
12. Spartan01 UHF
13. Nicktravel
14. Ben Van Dyk VHF - ORRA & UHF currently on the Zartek
Channels - but can change it
15. François Hamman (Tapie)

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ManaMan 2016/07/08, 10:43 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1. Anthony Forgey VHF - ORRA

2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin VHF and UHF, but Ben needs to tune them for me
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown - UHF
8. stephan
9. BernieE - UHF with channels standard Zartek (Ne Ben?)
10. matthew green UHF (Bosvark)
11. philip grobler12. Spartan01 UHF
13. Nicktravel
14. Ben Van Dyk VHF - ORRA & UHF currently on the Zartek
Channels - but can change it
15. François Hamman (Tapie)

JurgenH 2016/07/08, 11:42 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1. Anthony Forgey VHF - ORRA

2. Sidestep
3. Dustbin VHF and UHF, but Ben needs to tune them for me
4. Joubertjg
5. jurgenh UHF (Bosvark) Brand new, just opened the box, so ready
to test...;D
6. neil botha
7. ronald brown - UHF
8. stephan UHF (Bosvark) Brand new, just opened the box, so ready
to test...;D
9. BernieE - UHF with channels standard Zartek (Ne Ben?)
10. matthew green UHF (Bosvark)
11. philip grobler12. Spartan01 UHF
13. Nicktravel
14. Ben Van Dyk VHF - ORRA & UHF currently on the Zartek Channels
- but can change it
15. François Hamman (Tapie)

Stephan_v 2016/07/08, 06:15 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

What Jurgen said :)

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/08, 10:39 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Looks like we are pretty well covered with comms.

Dustbin 2016/07/10, 06:22 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016
I want to go now...

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/11, 07:45 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Only 25 days to go and we will be in the river.

Thank you to all who have pm'd me your contact numbers.

those that didn't, don't worry I got your numbers from Andrew.
I will start the whatsapp group this week.

Dustbin 2016/07/12, 03:37 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Dustbin 2016/07/13, 07:14 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Dustbin 2016/07/14, 07:13 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

22.. More days

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/14, 07:46 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Dammit Andrew you beat me to it today.

yes, 22 days. 3 weeks and 1 day, 3/4 of a month.

Dustbin 2016/07/14, 09:35 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

Dammit Andrew you beat me to it today.

yes, 22 days. 3 weeks and 1 day, 3/4 of a month.

21 days, 22 hours, 24 minutes and 10 seconds

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Dustbin 2016/07/15, 08:08 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Anthony Forgey 2016/07/15, 10:08 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1 Attachment(s)
From the recent photos of the river trip for Willie it
appears that there is still a fair amount of firewood in
the river

Attachment 410701

Dustbin 2016/07/15, 10:10 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

From the recent photos of the river trip for Willie it
appears that there is still a fair amount of firewood in the

Attachment 410701

You mean... There was...

Dustbin 2016/07/19, 06:06 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Just a note:.....

And 17 more days...

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/19, 06:29 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Looks like generally hot conditions with a little cold spell interrupting it.

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Dustbin 2016/07/19, 06:34 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Anthony Forgey

Looks like generally hot conditions with a little cold spell
interrupting it.

Yes.... and.... At least 8 days of rain a week before we go... ::)

I will pack some sand bags.;D

Who has got some muds for me?

JurgenH 2016/07/19, 01:04 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Pack some pontoon's then? ;D;D

Dustbin 2016/07/23, 05:30 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

13 days..... only 13 days

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/25, 09:31 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Gentlemen, bring your recovery kit with you.

The rain will most likely not result in visible water flow, but it will raise
the water table. That means we will have more fun with bogging and

There will be no prizes for not getting stuck. Just be prepared to help
anyone who gets stuck.

I will be driving with Antonie (Sidestep) so I will have my hands free to

help where I can.

Really looking forward to this trip!

Dustbin 2016/07/26, 06:48 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1 Attachment(s)

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Attachment 412145

10 Sleepies!!!!

JurgensSt 2016/07/26, 09:33 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Eendag as ek groot EN verantwoordelik is , wil ek saam gaan

JurgenH 2016/07/26, 09:40 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by JurgensSt

Eendag as ek groot EN verantwoordelik is , wil ek saam

Dis 'n experience, jy sal nooit spyt wees nie!

Ons is almal nou en dan bietjie onverantwoordelik, maar in die groep

hou ons mekaar in toom... of ten minste terwyl ons ry... ;D>:D

iandvl 2016/07/26, 09:42 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Anthony - we'll see you in the river. Please leave us some wood. 8)8)8)

Dustbin 2016/07/26, 09:45 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


http://www.4x4community.co.za/forum/printthread.php?t=249298&pp=200 35/42
3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016
Originally Posted by JurgenH
Dis 'n experience, jy sal nooit spyt wees nie!

Ons is almal nou en dan bietjie onverantwoordelik, maar in

die groep hou ons mekaar in toom... of ten minste terwyl
ons ry... ;D>:D

En dan kruip ons tent toe...

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/26, 09:57 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by iandvl

Anthony - we'll see you in the river. Please leave us some
wood. 8)8)8)

more like the other way around. The Patrol group is masssive!

Dustbin 2016/07/28, 09:11 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 412416

nicktravel 2016/07/28, 12:27 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Cant wait anymore !!!

Dustbin 2016/07/28, 12:45 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1. Sidestep + Anthony Forgey (Jeep Wrangler Sahara)

2. Dustbin (Nissan Hardbody NP300 2.4)
3. Joubertjg (Mitsubishi Triton 3.5 V6)
4. jurgenh (Jeep Wrangler Rubicon)
5. neil botha (Mitsubishi Colt 2.8Td)
6. ronald brown (Toyota Fortuner D4d)
7. stephan (Toyota Hilux D4d)
8. BernieE (Mazda BT-50 3.2TDCi)
9. matthew green (Toyota Fortuner D4d)
10. philip grobler (Mitsubishi Pajero 3.2 Did)
11. Spartan01 (Ford Everest 3.0 TDCi)
12. Nicktravel (Land Rover Discovery TDV6)
13. Ben Van Dyk (Land Rover Defender Puma)
14. François Hamman (Tapie) (Land Cruiser 80 4.2D)

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

2 x Wranglers
1 x Disco
1 x Defender
2 x Fortuners
1 x Hilux
1 x Paj
1 x Colt
1 x Triton
1 x Mazda
1 x Datsun
1 x Fordjie
1 x Cruiser

Nice mixed bunch!!!!>:D

Anthony Forgey 2016/07/29, 12:03 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1. Anthony Forgey + Sidestep (Antonie)

2. Dustbin VHF and UHF, but Ben needs to tune them for me Can relay
3. Joubertjg
4. jurgenh UHF (Bosvark) Brand new, just opened the box, so ready to
5. neil botha
6. ronald brown - UHF
7. stephan UHF (Bosvark) Brand new, just opened the box, so ready to
8. BernieE - UHF with channels standard Zartek (Ne Ben?)
9. matthew green UHF (Bosvark)
10. philip grobler
11. Spartan01 UHF
12. Nicktravel
13. Ben Van Dyk VHF - ORRA & UHF currently on the Zartek Channels -
but can change it Can relay messages
14. François Hamman (Tapie)

So 8 of the group have UHF. those with VHF also have UHF (Ben and
Andrew). looks like UHF is what we will be using, with Ben and Andrew
able to transmit over a longer distance (theoretically)

Dustbin 2016/07/31, 05:35 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

5 Sleeps

Dustbin 2016/08/01, 06:12 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016



Anthony Forgey 2016/08/01, 11:16 PM

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Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 412863

Anthony Forgey 2016/08/02, 06:52 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

3 Sleeps

Dustbin 2016/08/02, 09:31 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

So everybody and his mother will be in the river...

Patrol Club
G Wagon Club
Hilux Club
4x4 AG

And some privateers.. I know of at least two groups.

Gonna feel like we are in Durban...


Just keep left guys!!!

offroadbiker 2016/08/02, 09:34 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Ouch - that is a fair amount of vehicles, when did they all decide on the
trip? Anny idea who is starting where?

Dustbin 2016/08/02, 09:35 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by offroadbiker

Ouch - that is a fair amount of vehicles, when did they all
decide on the trip? Anny idea who is starting where?

No starting points confirmed though

offroadbiker 2016/08/02, 09:41 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Well at least we had a Gentleman's agreement to start on opposite

sides^-^ Luckily for you guys as well most other groups only do the
Klein Letaba and not the Moletotsi so they should be finished when you
get there

Dustbin 2016/08/02, 09:44 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by offroadbiker

Well at least we had a Gentleman's agreement to start on
opposite sides^-^ Luckily for you guys as well most other
groups only do the Klein Letaba and not the Moletotsi so
they should be finished when you get there

All the groups except you guys are doing the Molototsi as well...::)

offroadbiker 2016/08/02, 09:45 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

We will be doing both

Dustbin 2016/08/02, 09:46 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by offroadbiker

we will be doing both



offroadbiker 2016/08/02, 09:52 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

That is of course if there is enough fuel...:-[

iandvl 2016/08/02, 09:55 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

It is the fuel situation that worries me... :confused::confused::confused:

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Anthony Forgey 2016/08/02, 03:18 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


there is plenty of river for all of us....

Dustbin 2016/08/02, 04:49 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Ok... get it... I must bring a large hammer

Dustbin 2016/08/03, 11:49 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Just one more work day in our way

njvermaak 2016/08/04, 08:14 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016


Originally Posted by Dustbin

So everybody and his mother will be in the river...

Patrol Club
G Wagon Club
Hilux Club
4x4 AG

And some privateers.. I know of at least two groups.

Gonna feel like we are in Durban...


Just keep left guys!!!

Going to be a busy weekend in the river. We are three cars starting on

Saturday, only doing the Molotots till Tuesday.

Enjoy gents, have fun!

Dustbin 2016/08/09, 05:21 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Thanks guys. .... awesome!

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3/31/2018 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Anthony Forgey 2016/08/09, 07:44 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

It was our pleasure Andrew

Anthony Forgey 2016/08/09, 07:47 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Please post pics, videos and comments/ reports in

the thread new thread created. I just makes it
easier to find pics and videos. Here:

RonB 2016/08/10, 08:32 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

Big thank you to Anthony for arranging a great trip, and everybody for
making it a unforgettable experience.

joubertjg 2016/08/10, 09:12 AM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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great kuier at the camp fires assistance to be guided through the
obstacles, a great big thank you, it’s due to such camaraderie that I own
a 4x4
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Dustbin 2016/08/10, 12:19 PM

Re: 4X4 Action Group River Trip 2016

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