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Assessment FOR Learning Reflection

I feel like making a rubric for this volleyball unit was a fair way to assess my student’s

learning at the end of the term. The rubric will allow me to assess the students throughout the

whole unit with consistency. I will assess the students with this rubric in a checklist form during

the unit so that students are able to receive feedback on what skills they need to improve and

what specific component of the skill they need to improve. At the end of the unit I will take the

formative checklist evaluations to come up with the summative assessment for the student’s

learning. I believe it would be unfair to take one day to assess a volleyball skill on the rubric as

students may get nervous and perform less knowing it is an assessment day. Along with the

checklist students will also write in journals as a self-assessment piece that will reflect what they

think they need to improve on and where they think they succeeded after each lesson.

Additionally, teacher observation and direct feedback will be given as the students practice their

skills throughout the lessons which will help connect the formative assessments to the

summative assessment.

This rubric contains the specific components of each volleyball skill that I will be looking

for when assessing. The rubric outlines the basic skills needed to participate in a game of

volleyball which targets outcome number five from the grade 9 physical education curriculum:

PE9.5- Build skills towards proficiency in four self-selected complex movement skills including

one from four of the following categories: target games, striking/fielding games, net/wall games,

invasion/territorial games, alternate environment activities. The rubric will also assess students

on their teamwork, knowledge of rules, and strategy skills. Participating in game like situations

where teamwork, rules, strategies are incorporated will target outcome six of the grade nine
physical education curriculum: PE9.6- Design and implement, collaboratively, plans to use

effective tactics and strategies (while considering rules and skills when participating in a variety

of movement activity situations) to enhance performance and enjoyment of self and others in

each of the following: target games, striking/fielding games, net/wall games, invasion/territorial

games, low-organizational, inventive, and cooperative games. The rubric will also assess

students on their ability to work cooperatively as a positive teammate in a social setting which

targets outcome twelve of the grade 9 physical education curriculum: PE9.12- Demonstrate an

understanding of and incorporate positive social behaviours into all aspects of personal

involvement in movement activities, in the context of both a participant and a spectator, after

examining the positive and negative influences of organized sports, movement competitions

(e.g., dance competition), and mass media on the social behaviour of self and others.

Students will be given this rubric at the beginning of the unit to see what they will

specifically be assessed on in the unit. If any students have an objection or feel like any of the

criteria should be changed then a class discussion will be had to come up with an agreed upon

decision. Also, if I feel like the class is at a lower or higher level then what is expected on the

rubric, amendments can be made to suit the needs of the students. I believe that it is important

for my students to know how the six checklists and their two self-assessments during the

unit will work to create a final grade on the rubric (explained in assessment piece above).

The rubric indicates building skills and strategies/tactics in proficiency in volleyball which

is a net and wall game and assesses if the students have learned the outcomes. By doing

these things I believe my assessment for learning piece is easy for students to understand and

check if students achieved outcomes. Before the final assessment of learning piece is complete

students will be instructed through lessons that will create interest and interaction between peers.
Students will be taught lessons that will focus primarily on volleyball skill development for the

first part of the unit. These lessons will consist of numerous repetitions along with incorporating

games and drills that include peer interactions such as team and partner work. The last half of

this unit will consist of practicing skills in game-like situations and students will play the game

of volleyball while learning strategies and rules of the game. Teamwork will be essential in this

part of the unit for students to learn and engage in. I believe that I plan lessons and assessments

that are based on the curricular outcomes as my plans effectively integrate outcomes and

indicators with instructional strategies and assessment. The rubric for my assessment of learning

of students provides clear evidence of my students applying their learning in a performance task.

Different modifications and adaptations can be made in this unit to fit the needs of all

students. I am prepared to bring in a different ball that is bigger and lighter which will increase

air time so that students have more time to get under the ball. Also adapting some of the rules,

like allowing one bounce, is another modification that can be made to accommodate all students.

Using a badminton net or lowering of the volleyball net is another modification that can be

made to suit the needs of all students. Students will also work from where they are

successful at getting the ball over the net. The rubric can be adapted to physical

exceptionalities where only one limb is available for contact as well. I plan on setting up two

games in the gym allowing for different skill levels to play together can help accommodate

students who are less competitive and at a lower skill level to gain confidence, while also

challenging higher skilled students to play against each other. For EAL students a variety of

instructional strategies will be used to help communicate to them and for those students to

understand better (visual (demonstrations), verbal (cues), kinesthetic maneuvering

(performing skills). A microphone will be used for students will hearing impairments. To
challenge students who are advanced I will allow them to take steps back once they are

comfortable at a certain distance, I will challenge them to work on accuracy of controlling

the ball while bumping, setting, serving, and attacking. For EAL students a variety of

instructional strategies will be used to deliver the content including visual, verbal, and

kinesthetic. This will allow for differentiated instruction and can help deliver the content to

students who’s first language is not English. I believe my plans reflect preparation to meet

common learning needs of outcome 14: I understand how to plan for differentiation and


This unit will help develop the physical literacy of students so that they become

competent in a wide variety of physical activities and lead them to be active life-long. Visual

demonstrations, verbal instruction, peer interactions, and physical activities will be incorporated

into this unit which will allow students to develop their literacy skills through the six strands of

communication. I believe I am describing key subject literacies with my students and the

learning activities that would help develop those in students. I believe the final task in my unit

elicits evidence of application in a new situation. My final assessment will provide clear

evidence of my students applying their learning in a performance task. Students final

performance task will be to play a game of volleyball with the skills they have learned and

with modified rules/adaptations based on student’s needs. The final 2 days of playing

volleyball will give students the opportunity to improve their checklist scores on their skills,

that will be used to help produce their final grade on the rubric.

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