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30 Pagina 3

Call number The Tiber has been the soul of Rome

060608 since its very birth. The fact that the city
owes its existence to it is described
or visit

[Roma tiaspetta
already in the first scene of the legend of
For tourist information,
cultural events and entertainment offered in Rome its foundation, with Romulus and Remus
who, running aground under the ficus
LIST OF T.I.P. (Tourism Information Points)
ruminalis, suck the sugary essence from

• G.B. Pastine Ciampino
International Arrivals – Baggage Collection Area (9.00 - 18.30) the fruits pending a proper feed of milk.
• Fiumicino
International Airport "Leonardo Da Vinci"- Arrivals The symbiotic relationship between Rome
International - Terminal T - 3 (9.00 - 18.30)
• Ostia Lido and the Tiber went on through the
Lungomare Paolo Toscanelli corner Piazza Anco Marzio
centuries: until the Seventies Romans
(9.30 - 19.00)
• Castel Sant'Angelo
Piazza Pia (9.30 - 19.00)
Translated by: Renzo Arzeni
used to spend their summer Sundays on
• Minghetti
Via Marco Minghetti (9.30 - 19.00) the river banks, as recounted for example
• Navona
Piazza delle Cinque Lune (9.30 - 19.00) by Dino Risi in his famous film “Poveri ma
• Nazionale
Via Nazionale - near Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Belli” (“Poor but Beautiful”), while, to this
(9.30 - 19.00)
day, at midday every first of January,
• Santa Maria Maggiore
Via dell'Olmata (9.30 - 19.00) Addresses
Photos: A. Cenni - M. Cristofani

courageous divers carry out the propitiatory

• Sonnino
Piazza Sidney Sonnino (9.30 - 19.00)
rite of hurtling down into the cold water. 1 Isola Tiberina.
• Termini Buses: 63 and 271. Trams: 3 and 8.
Via Giovanni Giolitti, 34 (Battelli di Roma. Points of call: Ponte Duca
Inside Building F - Platform 24 (8.00 - 20.30) d’Aosta, Ponte Risorgimento, Ponte Cavour, Ponte
Sant’Angelo, Ponte Sisto, Calata Anguillara).
2 Ponte Rotto. Buses: 63, 271. Trams: 3 and 8.
The Card that offers you
Transport and 2 Museums free 3 Ponte Sant’Angelo. Metro: line A, Lepanto stop. Buses: 23, 34, 40, 49, 62, 280, 492 and 990. Tram: 19.
4 Mausoleo di Adriano. Metro: line A, Lepanto stop.
Buses: 23, 34, 40, 49, 62, 280, 492 and 990. Tram: 19.
5 Ara Pacis Augustae. The Lungotevere in Augusta,
corner of Via Tomacelli. Tue. - Sun. 9.00 - 19.00. Closed
on Mondays, 1 January, 1 May and 25 December. 24
and 31 December 9.00 - 14.00. Metro:
line A, Flaminio stop, and from here bus 628 or 926.
6 Ponte Milvio. Buses: 2 and 32.
PIEGHEVOLI DEFINITIVI INGLESE 4 ant MODIF_Layout 1 26/10/10 12.30 Pagina 4

The Tiber A spectacle

[If you happen to be near the Isola Rome be drawn to the new shrine in the Ara
and the city: of giants Tiberina and would like to feel a bit like a viewed Pacis Augustae (the Altar of Augustan
an ancestral mirroring Roman, buy a grattachecca in one of the from the Peace), a candid, futurist creation of the
relationship themselves typical kiosks you can find along the Tiber: American architect Richard Meier. The
Lungotevere. This is simply grated ice altar was constructed between 13 and
in the water a sight
mixed with fruit and juice of a single taste, 9 BC to celebrate the feats of the
and it also provides you with an excellent not to be
missed Emperor Augustus in Spain and Gaul.
opportunity to enjoy the views of the river

Ponte Sant’Angelo
while you are eating it! On the left bank of the river, instead,
Isola Tiberina

you will find the Mausoleum of

The two sides of the Tiber are today Hadrian, the tomb constructed by the
joined by more than thirty bridges. Emperor Hadrian at the beginning of
Several of the ancient Roman bridges the 2nd century AD, which the popes
no longer exist; in Papal Rome and in started using for their own defence
the modern city (seven were built in onwards from the Middle Ages.
In ancient times, close to the Isola along the Lungotevere, whose trees
the 19th century and ten in the 20th
Tiberina was the trading point betwe-
century) others were constructed, and
take on particularly evocative colours [ If between one walk and another
en the Etruscan populations who in autumn and spring. you find it is time for the evening meal, go
dominated the right bank and the villa- all of them together create a fascina- to Ponte Milvio, nicknamed the “soft brid-
ges of the left bank. And it was preci- ting setting of archaeology and history. Ponte Sant’Angelo is an absolutely spe- ge” because it always seems on the point
sely on this island that, according to Veritable monuments accompanying cial bridge: in 1535 Pope Clement VII of collapsing, for an aperitif among the
the course of the river, giants reflected young Romans. With its little tower in
legend, the serpent of Aeschulapius, had statues of the Apostles St. Peter
complacently in the water: Ponte Valadier’s Neoclassical style, in the warm
during the plague of 293 BC, indicated and St. Paul placed there for his arri- season the Bridge is the rendezvous of
the place where a temple should be Sant'Angelo, Ponte Fabricio, Ponte val, and to these were added those of crowds of go-getting 30-year-olds and
erected. Ever since that moment the Rotto, Ponte Garibaldi,… the sight of the four Evangelists and of the under-18s, at times paralyzing the traffic in
island has always been used as a them will appeal to your eyes and to Patriarchs. In 1669 Pope Clement IX the adjacent piazza.
place connected with health: in the your heart as you make your way commissioned a new parapet, desi-
16th century the first nucleus of the gned by Bernini, and on this were pla-
Fatebenefratelli Hospital – still one of ced ten statues of angels bearing the
There are the city’s best hospitals – was built instruments of the Passion.
more than there. Subsequently, on the ruins of
thirty bridges the temple of Aeschulapius, the [ Seeing Rome from the Tiber means,
Church of San Bartolomeo all’Isola still today, reliving a remote atmosphere
spanning this and realizing the truest dimension of the
was founded.
mythical river city. Thanks to the Battelli (boats) of Rome
it has again been possible in the past few
Facing the Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island), years to discover the Eternal City from an
you can admire the Ponte Rotto unusual and surprising, point of view. An

Ara Pacis Augustae

(Broken Bridge), as it is called, the only experience not to be missed!
span that still exists of the Pons
Ponte Rotto

Aemilius, the first stone bridge of If you have arrived at the Lungotevere
Rome, dating from 179 BC. Augusta, your attention will inevitably

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