Ancestors Lesson

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Sarah Stevens

Second Grade Ancestors Lesson

Content Standards:
History-Social Science 2.1.1- Trace the history of a family through the use of primary
and secondary sources, including artifacts, photographs, interviews, and documents

Big Idea:
We can learn more about our family history by using various primary and secondary

Essential Question:
How can students determine the meaning of a word that has more than one definition?

Students will be able to:
• Identify, define, and give examples of a(n) primary source, secondary source,
artifact, and document
• Know how to use their resources to find out more about their family

Instructional Materials: Student Materials:

TE copy of worksheet booklet Worksheet booklet
Whiteboard/Markers Pencil
Chart Paper and Flip Chart/Markers
Book, Who’s Who in My Family?

This lesson will include a lot of oral discussion, so any of my ELL or other struggling
students should have no problem with participating, because they are already familiar
with their families and family experiences. I will give visual and oral examples of what is
expected, and I will be walking around during the independent practice to support any
student that needs help or an extra challenge.

Anticipatory Set:
1. Set Standards and expectations for behavior:
a. Students will listen during instruction and respond to questions
appropriately. They will not shout out the answers unless asked to do so.
2. Provide Hook/Motivation (activating prior knowledge):
a. Read aloud the book, Who’s Who in My Family? This book talks about all
of the different types of family members there are, so it will get them
thinking about who is in their family and what kinds of sources they might
have to learn from.
3. Transfer Learning:
a. I will explain that there are many different types of families and that no
family is the same, which is why we are doing our Ancestors project-to
learn more about each other and the families and backgrounds that we
come from.
4. State Purpose:
a. We are going to learn about the different ways that we can find out
information about our families and our family history and which things
will be helpful to you when you fill out your ancestors packet.

1. Have the students sit at the rug while I go over the flip chart and explain the
definitions of primary and secondary sources, artifacts, photographs, interviews,
and documents and any other vocabulary that they will need.
2. Next, we will brainstorm and write on large chart paper different examples of
primary and secondary sources, artifacts, and documents.
3. If there is time, we will read the story in the flip chart about a girl’s family
experiences, and have a short discussion about the resources that she could use to
learn more about her family.

Guided Practice:
Give the table monitors the booklets hand out.
1. Once everyone has one, I will quickly reiterate the definitions of the vocabulary
words, and then we will read the booklet together.
2. I will give them directions and prompt them to answer the questions given as we
come across them in the worksheet.

Independent Practice:
1. Students will work independently during the writing and drawing portions of the
lesson, but since this lesson is the introduction to the unit on ancestors, today will
be mostly instruction and guided practice.

When everyone has finished the worksheet, I will have them all put away their may do
folders and sit in their seats. I will then ask them a closure question to see how well they
understand the material so far:
1. Who can tell me an example of a primary source (secondary source, document,
artifact, etc.)?
Boys and girls, we will be learning a lot more about families and our ancestors for the
next few weeks, so make sure you are going your ancestor packet at home to be ready!

1. I will judge the extent of their knowledge and understanding by their responses
during the instruction.
2. Students were able to fill out the booklet correctly with thoughtful responses.

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