Filmer e Schady, 2011

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Journal of Development Economics 96 (2011) 150–157

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Journal of Development Economics

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / d eve c

Does more cash in conditional cash transfer programs always lead to larger impacts
on school attendance?
Deon Filmer a, Norbert Schady b,⁎
The World Bank, United States
Inter-American Development Bank, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: There is considerable evidence that conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs can have large impacts on school
Received 30 June 2009 enrollment, including in very poor countries. However, little is known about what features of program design
Received in revised form 12 May 2010 account for the observed outcomes. In this paper we analyze the impact of a program in Cambodia that made
Accepted 13 May 2010
payments of varying magnitude to otherwise comparable households. The identification is based on a sharp
regression discontinuity design. We find that a modest cash transfer, equivalent to approximately 2% of the
JEL classification:
consumption of the median recipient household, had a substantial impact on school attendance, approximately
25 percentage points. A somewhat larger transfer did not raise attendance rates above this level.
O15 © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Conditional cash transfers
Transfer size

1. Introduction Despite the popularity of CCTs, little is known about what features
of program design—including the amount of the cash that is
Conditional cash transfers (CCTs)—programs that transfer cash to transferred, how frequently conditions are monitored, whether non-
poor households, conditional on them making pre-specified invest- complying households are penalized, and the gender of the recipients
ments in the education and (sometimes) health of their children—have of the cash (often, but not always, the mother of the child)—account
become very popular in developing countries. A recent review (Fiszbein for the observed outcomes. And yet, identifying the features of the CCT
and Schady, 2009) estimates that at least 29 developing countries have a “package” that explain the increase in school enrollment is important
CCT in place. In many countries, including in Brazil, Ecuador, and Mexico, to designing more effective and efficient programs.
the CCT is the largest social assistance program, covering millions of This paper analyzes the impact of one feature of program design—
households, and accounting for as much as 0.5% of GDP. namely, the magnitude of the transfer. Evidence on the relative
There is by now a good deal of evidence that indicates that CCTs importance of the cash amount in a CCT is scarce. De Janvry and
can have significant impacts on the school enrollment of children in Sadoulet (2006) focus on the much-studied PROGRESA program in
recipient households. That evidence spans countries as varied as Mexico. They exploit the fact that there is a cap on the total amount of
Mexico (Schultz, 2004), Ecuador (Schady and Araujo, 2008), Brazil (de transfers that a household can receive from the program, which
Janvry et al., 2008), Colombia (Attanasio et al., 2005), Nicaragua generates different per-child transfers depending on the number of
(Maluccio and Flores, 2005), Pakistan (Chaudhury and Parajuli, 2008), children in a household. De Janvry and Sadoulet conclude that the
and Cambodia (Filmer and Schady, 2008). The estimated program marginal effect of the transfer amount is high—in the transition from 6th
effects can be quite large—for example, Filmer and Schady (2008) to 7th grade, when dropout rates in the absence of PROGRESA transfers
estimate that a program that gave transfers to poor families in are high, every US $10 result in an additional 1.42 percentage points in
Cambodia conditional on them keeping teenage girls enrolled in enrollment. (The mean per student transfer is $169.) However, de Janvry
school raised enrollment rates by between 20 and 30 percentage and Sadoulet impose linearity in the relationship, so the model does not
points. allow for declining marginal impacts; moreover, the cap in transfer
amount is a function of family size and composition, and these
characteristics may themselves not be orthogonal with school enroll-
⁎ Corresponding author. ment decisions, independent of the transfer. Todd and Wolpin (2006)
E-mail address: (N. Schady). also analyze PROGRESA, but use a structural dynamic model that

0304-3878/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Filmer, N. Schady / Journal of Development Economics 96 (2011) 150–157 151

incorporates fertility and schooling choices to simulate various The cash is transferred to the parents, and program officials do not
counterfactual policy alternatives, and allow for varying marginal monitor how the money is spent.
impacts. After estimating the structural parameters of their model In the initial period we evaluate, the program operated in 100 of
using data from the experimental control group, they simulate halving the approximately 800 lower secondary schools in Cambodia. Schools
and doubling the transfer amounts. They find that the impact of the were selected on the basis of administrative data that indicated that
program on mean years of completed schooling is linearly increasing in poverty rates in the areas served by these schools were high and, by
the amount of the transfer up to the actual transfer amount, and implication, secondary school enrollment rates low. The selection of
increasing but at a slightly diminishing rate thereafter (up to their CSP recipients within eligible schools was done in three stages. First,
simulated doubling of the transfer). Despite these earlier contributions, using administrative data from the 100 CSP schools, program officials
however, there is to date no study that analyzes a program that identified all of the primary “feeder” schools for every CSP school. (A
deliberately altered the transfer amounts for comparable households primary school was designated a feeder school if it had sent
with the explicit aim of estimating whether households that received graduating students to a given CSP school in recent years.) Second,
larger transfers in fact were more likely to send their children to within feeder schools all 6th graders were asked to complete a CSP
school than those which received smaller ones. “application” form—regardless of whether these students or their
In this paper, we use data from Cambodia, where a program known parents had previously expressed an interest in attending secondary
as the CESSP Scholarship Program (CSP) made cash transfers of different school. The application form consisted of 26 questions about
magnitudes to observationally very similar households.1 The program household size and composition, parental education, the character-
ranked children in 6th grade, the last year of primary school, based on an istics of the home (the material of roof and floors), availability of a
index of the likelihood of dropping out of school. Within each program toilet, running water, and electricity, and ownership of a number of
school, children with the highest probability of dropping out were household durables—see Table 1. These characteristics were correlat-
offered a “large” scholarship (US $60 per year), those with intermediate ed with the probability of school dropout, as indicated by an analysis
probabilities of dropping out were offered a “small” scholarship (US $45 of recent nationwide household survey data4; the questions were also
per year), and those with lower probabilities were not offered a reasonably easy for students of this age to answer, and for peers and
scholarship by the program. (As we discuss below, the scholarships are teachers to validate during the verification stage of the application
in effect cash transfers that are conditional on school enrollment.) The process.5 Once completed and validated at the classroom level, forms
program eligibility rules lend themselves to an identification strategy were collected by head-teachers, and sent to the capital, Phnom Penh.
based on regression discontinuity. The intuition is that we compare the There, a firm contracted for this purpose “scored” them, using the
school attendance of children “just above” and “just below” the two responses and the set of weights that reflected how well each
cutoffs—that which determines eligibility for a large scholarship, and characteristic predicted the likelihood of school dropout in the na-
that which determines eligibility for a small scholarship. tionwide household surveys.6 The formula used was the same for
We present evidence that is consistent with a sharply diminishing every school and, once calculated, the scores could not be revised.7
marginal response of school attendance to transfer size. The $45 Finally, within every CSP school, all applicants were ranked by the
scholarship had a very large impact on school attendance, about 25 score, regardless of which feeder school they came from. In “large”
percentage points, but the $60 scholarship did not significantly raise CSP schools, with total enrollment above 200, 25 students with the
attendance above this level. Because the CSP program only offered lowest value of the score were offered a scholarship of $60, and the
scholarships of two magnitudes, we cannot trace out the schedule of next 25 students with the lowest score were offered a scholarship of
school attendance responses to transfers of different magnitudes over $45; in “small” schools, with total enrollment below 200 students, 15
a broad range. Also, we cannot conclusively explain why households students were offered the $60 scholarship, and 15 were offered the
responded to the smaller and larger transfers in much the same way— $45 scholarship. In total, just over 3800 scholarships were offered.8
although there are a number of plausible explanations, which we The list of students offered scholarships was then posted in each CSP
discuss below. Nevertheless, our main result is important because the school, as well as in the corresponding feeder schools. Once families
transfers made by the CSP program are an order of magnitude smaller had been offered a scholarship, those who accepted received the cash
than those made by many CCT programs in Latin America. This raises award three times a year at widely publicized ceremonies held in their
the possibility that these programs could have impacts on school school.
attendance that are similar to those which they currently have, but at
a fraction of the cost. 2.2. Data

We analyze the impact of the program among the first cohort of

2. Program, data, and identification strategy2 eligible children. These children filled out application forms in May

2.1. Program
Data from the 1999 Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey (CSES), the 2000 Cambodia
The program we analyze, the CSP, offers “scholarships” to 6th Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), and the 2001 Cambodia Child Labor Survey
grade students conditional on enrolling in school in 7th grade, the first (CCLS) were pooled.
year of lower secondary school. These scholarships are renewable for Forms were filled out in school, on a single day. Students and parents were not told
beforehand of the content of the forms, nor were they ever told the scoring formula.
the three years of lower secondary school, conditional on enrollment,
This was done to minimize the possibility of strategic responses—for example, by a
regular attendance, and on-time promotion from one grade to the student seeking to maximize her chances of receiving the award.
next. Although they are referred to as “scholarships” by the 6
The original analysis that was used to set the dropout scores was based on a probit
government and donors, these are effectively child-specific CCTs.3 regression, where the dependent variable took on the value of one if a child had
completed 7th grade, conditional on having completed 5th grade, and the explanatory
variables were the set of household characteristics listed above and in Table 1 below.
In this regression, the characteristics were highly jointly significant (p-value of less
CESSP stands for Cambodia Education Sector Support Project. than 0.001), and explain roughly 12 percent of the variation in completion.
2 7
This description of program design and data sources draws from Filmer and The program did allow for a complaints mechanism if an applicant felt they had
Schady (2009a). been wrongly denied a scholarship, but there were virtually no revisions made as a
This is in contrast to many other CCT programs which identify households for result of this process.
program participation, and then make transfers conditional of the behaviors of all Occasionally, there were tied scores at the cut-off. In these cases, all applicants
children (and sometimes adults) within those households. with the tied score at the cut-off were offered the scholarships.
152 D. Filmer, N. Schady / Journal of Development Economics 96 (2011) 150–157

Table 1 specification, we pool the results from all four visits; as a robustness
Average characteristics of scholarship applicants. check, we also run separate regressions by visit.
Mean SD The identification strategy we use in this paper is based on re-
gression discontinuity (RD). We run separate regressions that
Male 0.519 (0.500)
Live with mother 0.894 (0.307) compare applicants who were offered a $60 scholarship and those
Mother attended school 0.583 (0.493) offered a $45 scholarship; and those that were offered a $45
Live with father 0.774 (0.419) scholarship compared to those who were not offered a scholarship.
Father attended school 0.703 (0.457)
The regressions take the following form:
Parent is civil servant 0.106 (0.308)
Num. of other kids in hh 1.232 (1.160)
Num. of adults in hh 2.913 (1.658)
Disabled hh member 0.149 (0.356)
Yis = αs + f ð:Þ + Tis β + εis ð1Þ
Own bicycle 0.798 (0.402)
Own ox/horses cart 0.360 (0.480)
Own motorbike 0.356 (0.479)
where Yis is an indicator variable which takes on the value of one if
Own car or truck 0.058 (0.234)
Own radio 0.468 (0.499) child i is present at school during the unannounced visit, and zero
Own TV 0.606 (0.489) otherwise; αs is a set of CSP school fixed effects; f(.) is the control
Hard roof 0.771 (0.420) function, a flexible parametrization of the dropout-risk score. In
Finished floors 0.090 (0.286) practice, we use a quartic in the score; Tis is an indicator variable
Wood floors 0.847 (0.360)
Piped water 0.038 (0.190)
that takes on the value of one if a student was offered a $60
Well/pump water 0.739 (0.439) scholarship (in the regressions that limit the sample to children
Purchased water 0.030 (0.170) who were offered either a $60 or a $45 scholarship), or an indicator
Flush toilet 0.158 (0.364) variable that takes on the value of one if a student was offered a $45
Pit latrine toilet 0.120 (0.325)
scholarship (in the regressions that limit the sample to children
Generator for lighting 0.056 (0.230)
Battery for lighting 0.597 (0.490) who were offered either a $45 scholarship or no scholarship at all);
Clean cooking fuel 0.036 (0.186) and εis is the regression error term. In this set-up, the coefficient β is
Note: Sample size is 25,917.
a measure of the impact of receiving a scholarship of a given
magnitude. Because we have multiple (four) observations per child,
we cluster standard errors at the level of the child. Results are very
similar if, instead, we cluster errors at the level of the primary or
2005, and the list of scholarship recipients was posted in November secondary school.10
2005. Data are available at numerous points in time. First, we have Three things are worth noting about this specification. First,
access to the composite dropout score, as well as the individual because the score perfectly predicts whether an applicant is offered a
characteristics that make up the score for all 26,537 scholarship $60 scholarship, a $45 scholarship, or no scholarship at all, this is a
applicants. Second, we conducted four unannounced visits to the case of sharp (as opposed to fuzzy) RD. Second, because we focus on
100 CSP schools (in February, April, and June 2006, and in June the impact of being offered a scholarship, rather than that of actually
2007). These data allow us to physically verify school attendance of taking up a scholarship, these are Intent-to-Treat (ITT) estimates of
applicants, and are the main source of data we use to estimate the program impact. Third, as with every approach based on RD, the
program effects. Finally, we fielded a household survey of almost estimated effect is “local”. Specifically, it is an estimate of the impact of
3500 randomly selected applicants and their families in five the scholarship program around the cutoff. However, where the cutoff
provinces.9 The household survey was collected between October falls in terms of the dropout-risk score varies from school to school.
and December of 2006, approximately 18 months after children This is because the number of students offered a scholarship was the
filled out the application forms. For the present analysis, we use same in every large and small CSP school, respectively, but both the
these data mainly to check the robustness of the findings from the number of 6th graders and the distribution of the underlying
school visits. characteristics that make up the dropout-risk score varied.11 The
Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of students who completed estimates of β are therefore weighted averages of the impacts for
application forms. It shows that applicants generally had low so- these different cutoff values. We discuss this point in more detail
cioeconomic status. Forty-two percent of mothers, and 30% of fathers, below.
never attended school. Approximately three-quarters of households An identifying assumption for RD is that, conditional on a flexible
have a well or pump outside the home as their main water source, and parametrization of the control function (in our case, the dropout
only 16% have a flush toilet. score), there are no observable or unobservable differences between
observations on either side of the cutoff. A standard check on this
assumption is to run regressions of a given characteristic (rather than
2.3. Identification strategy the outcome of interest) on the control function and the treatment
dummy (Imbens and Lemieux, 2008). If the control function is
The dependent variable throughout our analysis is an indicator correctly specified, we would expect that the coefficient on the
variable that takes on the value of one if a child was present on the day treatment variable in these regressions would generally not be
of the unannounced school visit, and zero otherwise. In our basic significant at conventional levels.

In the models with data pooled across visits, the regression also includes indicator
The provinces are Battambang, Kampong Thom, Kratie, Prey Veng, and Takeo, variables indicating which of the school visits the observation corresponds to.
and the sample was based on randomly selected schools in these five provinces. The All else being equal, in CSP schools that received more applications, and in those in
survey was limited to applicants ranked no more than 35 places above the cutoff for which children have characteristics that make it more likely they will drop out, a child
the US $45 scholarship in these schools. This restriction was imposed to maximize with a high dropout-risk score is more likely to be turned down for a scholarship than
the number of schools, while maintaining the density of observations “around” the a similar child applying to a school that receives fewer applications or serves a
cut-off. population with a lower average dropout-risk score.
D. Filmer, N. Schady / Journal of Development Economics 96 (2011) 150–157 153

Table 2 ranking based on the dropout-risk score, relative to the cutoff. We do

“Dummy Regression Discontinuity” on applicant characteristics. this by showing the raw average attendance at each value of the
$45 vs. no scholarship $60 vs. $45 scholarship relative rank, as well as predictions from a quartic in the relative
rank.12,13 Fig. 1 has two panels, corresponding to differences between
All Within All Within
observations 10 ranks observations 10 ranks children offered $45 scholarships and those offered no scholarship
of cutoff of cutoff (left-hand panel), and those offered $60 scholarships compared with
Male − 0.063* 0.002 − 0.037 0.045 those offered $45 scholarships (right-hand panel). In each case,
Live with mother 0.026* − 0.018 0.024 0.000 distinct “jumps” at the cutoff would suggest that the program affected
Mother attended school 0.035* − 0.007 0.024 − 0.004 the behavior of applicants.
Live with father 0.014 − 0.015 0.045 − 0.025 The left-hand panel of Fig. 1 shows that, in the absence of the
Father attended school 0.023 0.026 0.038 − 0.009
Parent is civil servant − 0.006 0.005 − 0.009 − 0.01
scholarship, dropout rates after 6th grade are very high: At the cutoff,
Num. of other kids in hh − 0.011 0.141* 0.093 0.267* only 44% of children who were not offered a scholarship at the end of
Num. of adults in hh − 0.117* 0.056 0.124 0.027 6th grade were in school at the time of the school visit. The $45
Disabled hh member − 0.035* 0.052* − 0.02 0.059* scholarship has a large effect on school attendance, around 25 per-
Own bicycle 0.014 0.03 0.016 0.039
centage points. The right-hand side of the panel suggests very little
Own ox/horses cart − 0.004 0.015 0.019 0.000
Own motorbike 0.043* 0.005 − 0.001 0.013 difference in school attendance between children who were offered a
Own car or truck − 0.006 0.001 0.000 0.003 $60 scholarship and those who were offered a $45 scholarship.
Own radio − 0.001 0.027 − 0.001 0.024 Our main set of results is presented in Table 3. For every
Own TV 0.030* − 0.023 − 0.015 − 0.041* specification, we present three panels. In the top panel, the sample
Hard roof 0.011 − 0.017 − 0.038 − 0.045
Finished floors 0.019* 0.002 0.007 0.000
is limited to children who were offered a $45 scholarship and those
Wood floors − 0.011 0.013 − 0.034 0.003 who were offered no scholarship (excluding children who were
Piped water − 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.001 offered a $60 scholarship); in the middle panel, the sample is limited
Well/Pump water 0.002 − 0.032 − 0.016 −0.03 to children who were offered a $45 or a $60 scholarship (excluding
Purchased water 0.016* 0.000 0.006 − 0.009
children who were not offered any scholarship); the bottom panel
Flush toilet − 0.028* 0.003 0.013 0.001
Pit latrine toilet − 0.008 0.019 0.000 0.023 compares the magnitude of the program effects from these two
Generator for lighting − 0.015* 0.000 − 0.004 − 0.003 specifications by reporting the average percentage point increase in
Battery for lighting 0.053* − 0.028 − 0.022 − 0.033 attendance per dollar of scholarship transfer.
Clean cooking fuel 0.004 − 0.001 0.014* − 0.001 We present the results from six specifications. The first two
Observations 23,999 2053 3853 2040
specifications use the full sample. Specification (1) includes a quartic
Note: Each cell reports the estimate of the coefficient on the treatment dummy variable in the score, and specification (2) adds a set of school fixed effects. The
in a regression of a given characteristic on the control function and the treatment
next four specifications use only observations within ten ranks of the
dummy. Robust standard errors; * indicates that the coefficient in the “dummy RD” is
significantly different from zero at the 5% level. relevant cutoff. Specification (3) is comparable to (2) for this smaller
sample. Specification (4) allows for school-specific control functions,
in addition to school-specific intercepts. Specification (5) builds
Table 2 presents the results from these regressions, separately for
directly on the visual evidence in Fig. 1; instead of modeling the
the $45 and $60 scholarships. One concern with RD estimates is that
control function in terms of the dropout-risk score, we include a
they can use observations that are very far from the cutoff to estimate
quartic in each applicant's relative rank—literally, the rank-distance
the shape of the control function. A standard robustness check
from the cutoff. Finally, specification (6) is based on the household
involves limiting the sample to observations that are close to the
survey rather than the school visits.14 We note that it is unusual to
cutoff. In Table 2, we present results for the full sample, and for a
have data from both unannounced school visits and an independently
sample limited to observations within 10 ranks of the relevant cutoff.
administered household survey to compare results.
The first column of Table 2 shows that, in those comparisons
Table 3 makes clear that the $45 scholarship had a substantial
that focus on children that were offered a $45 scholarship, relative to
effect on school attendance. The impact ranges from 23 to 28 per-
no scholarship at all, almost half (12 out of 26) of the coefficients
centage points across specifications, from a counterfactual level of
on the treatment are significant at the 5% level. This suggests that a
44%. In contrast, the impact of the additional $15 is modest, between 1
quartic in the control function does not fully adjust for differences
between children who were offered a $45 scholarship and those who
were offered no scholarship, although the magnitude of the implied Because the cut-off falls at different values of the underlying score in different
schools, depending on the number of applications, the mean characteristics of
effects is generally small in comparison with the means for these
applicants, and whether a school was defined as “large” or “small”, it is not informative
characteristics—see Table 1. The second column of the table shows, to graph outcomes as a function of the score. Rather, for these figures we redefine an
however, that when the sample is limited to observations within 10 applicant's score in terms of the distance to the school-specific cut-off, so that (for
ranks of the cutoff, the treatment dummy is only significant in two example), a value of − 1 represents the “next-to-last” applicant to be offered a $45 (or
$60) scholarship within a school, 0 the “last” applicant offered a scholarship, and a
cases—roughly what we would expect to occur by chance alone. This
value of + 1 represents the “first” applicant within a school who was turned down for
suggests that a quartic in the control function does a much better job a scholarship of that amount. The figures then graph outcomes as a function of this
equalizing the characteristics of children in this smaller sample. For relative rank.
this reason, our preferred specification is based on this smaller These figures pool data from the four visits. They do not include the vector of
sample. The third and fourth columns, which focus on comparisons school fixed effects or indicator variables for school visit.
The household data have two potential disadvantages for our purpose. First, the
between children who were offered $45 and $60 scholarships, show
sample is considerably smaller (a sample of just under 3500 applicants, rather than the
that the coefficients on the treatment dummy are only significant in entire universe of more than 26,500 applicants in the first year of the program).
one case when the full sample is used and in two cases when the Second, since it is based on reported current enrollment status, it is conceivable
sample is limited to observations within 10 ranks of the cutoff. parents might misreport the school enrollment status of their children, and that this
misreporting is itself correlated with whether or not they were offered a scholarship,
and of what magnitude. Specifically, the concern is that parents who have received a
3. Results scholarship are more likely to report that their children are enrolled in school, even if
they are not, than parents who were turned down for a scholarship (or who were
offered a smaller scholarship); in this case, our estimates of the CSP program effects
Before turning to the estimates of Eq. (1) we motivate our results might be biased upwards. On the other hand, the household survey has an advantage
by showing school attendance for applicants as a function of the in that it asks parents about enrollment in any school, not just a CSP school.
154 D. Filmer, N. Schady / Journal of Development Economics 96 (2011) 150–157

Fig. 1. Attendance above and below cutoffs.

and 3 percentage points, and is generally not significant at conven- schooling. Administrators of the CSP program set the size of the
tional levels. The average per-dollar percentage point increase in smaller scholarship at this level because they estimated this to be the
attendance that results from the first $45 ranges from 0.51 to direct cost of schooling, based on their own records. Remarkably, in
0.62, while that which results from the additional $15 ranges from our data, households who were not offered any scholarship because of
0.06 to 0.20. their low dropout scores spent, on average, US $44 per child per year
The results in Table 3 are consistent with a sharply diminishing on schooling (including expenditures on school fees, textbooks,
marginal response of school attendance to transfer size over the $45 uniforms, and a variety of other small, daily expenses).
to $60 range. We do not have data on scholarships smaller than $45 or The cost of schooling is given by the sum of the direct and
larger than $60, so we cannot trace out the curve of per-dollar impacts opportunity costs of attending school. In principle, the fact that the
of scholarships over a broader range. However, there are a variety of magnitude of the US $45 scholarship appears to correspond to the
mechanisms that could in principle account for the pattern of results direct cost of schooling in Cambodia should have no bearing on the
we observe. It is likely that there is heterogeneity in both the benefits shape of the function that relates the magnitude of the scholarship to
to and the costs of schooling. Children in the left-hand tail of the its impact on enrollment. However, there are at least two scenarios
distribution of benefits, or in the right-hand tail of the distribution of under which the US $45 value may be important. First, credit- and
costs, may need very large transfers in order to bring them into school. cash-constrained households in rural Cambodia may have difficulty
Under these circumstances, increasing enrollment rates from 44% to making direct payments for schooling. Second, even in the absence of
roughly 70%, as accomplished by the smaller scholarship, may be credit-constraints, households may be reluctant to “part with their
cheaper in per dollar terms than increasing them beyond this level. money” and make direct payments for schooling. In effect, households
We also note that the $45 amount of the smaller scholarship is may view the direct and opportunity costs of schooling differently.
meaningful because it appears to correspond to the direct cost of Although we know of no concrete evidence of this kind of behavior in

Table 3
Impact of different scholarship amounts on attendance—alternative specifications.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Single Single control Model (2) restricted School-specific control Model (2) with relative rank Model (2) using household
control function with to observations within function and school FE instead of dropout-risk score survey data on school enrollment
function school FE 10 ranks of cutoff restricted to observations restricted to observations restricted to observations
within 10 ranks of cutoff within 10 ranks of cutoff within 10 ranks of cutoff

$45 versus $0
Coefficient 0.260 0.231 0.233 0.278 0.228 0.237
(0.010) (0.010) (0.023) (0.059) (0.026) (0.038)
Observations 95493 95493 8177 8177 8177 1504

$60 versus $45

Coefficient 0.024 0.018 0.010 0.009 0.023 0.030
(0.012) (0.016) (0.020) (0.041) (0.026) (0.034)
Observations 15334 15334 8117 8117 8117 1566

Average percentage point increase in attendance per $

First $45 0.58 0.51 0.52 0.62 0.51 0.53
Next $15 0.16 0.12 0.07 0.06 0.15 0.20

Note: School visits are pooled across four visits. Standard errors adjust for clustering at the applicant level.
D. Filmer, N. Schady / Journal of Development Economics 96 (2011) 150–157 155

Table 4 generally have larger effects on the school attendance of better-off

Impact of different scholarship amounts on attendance, by school visit. children, our results could confound the effect of the size of the
February/March 2006 April/May 2006 June 2006 June 2007 scholarship ($60 versus $45) with the underlying socio-economic
status (very poor versus somewhat less poor)—and bias the results
$45 versus $0
Coefficient 0.254 0.263 0.239 0.171 towards a finding of a low marginal impact of the higher transfer
(0.029) (0.030) (0.031) (0.031) amount.
Observations 2053 2053 2018 2053 Although this is possible in principle, it seems unlikely on a
number of counts. First, a scholarship of a given magnitude will tend
$60 versus $45
Coefficient − 0.023 0.028 0.012 0.021 to be a higher proportion of income or consumption of poorer
(0.025) (0.029) (0.032) (0.032) families, so we might expect it to have a larger effect on the school
Observations 2040 2040 1997 2040 enrollment of children in these families. Second, school enrollment
and attendance rates tend to be lower among poorer families, so there
Average percentage point increase in attendance increase per $
is more margin for improvement. Third, poorer families are more
First $45 0.56 0.58 0.53 0.38
Next $15 − 0.15 0.19 0.08 0.14 likely to be credit-constrained than those that are relatively better-off.
In practice, a number of studies have shown that transfers tend to
Note: Sample limited to observations within 10 ranks of cutoff. Robust standard errors.
have larger impacts on the school enrollment of relatively poorer
children, including in Nicaragua (Maluccio and Flores, 2005), Mexico
(Behrman et al., 2005) and Cambodia (Filmer and Schady, 2008,
schooling decisions, it is in line with explanations that stress the which focuses on an earlier scholarship program, the JFPR, which did
importance of framing, loss aversion and other behaviors that are not not make payments of varying magnitudes).16
considered in the simplest, “standard” model of consumer behavior, Nevertheless, to reassure ourselves that our estimates of the
but have received a growing attention in the literature on psychology relative impacts of scholarships of different magnitudes are not
and economics (see the review by DellaVigna, 2009). Either credit- confounded by differences in socio-economic status, we proceed as
constraints or a reluctance to make payments for schooling could follows. We first run school-specific regressions to estimate the
introduce a kink in program impacts on school attendance at the value impact of the $45 and $60 scholarships in each of the 100 eligible
equivalent to the direct cost of schooling. In the absence of an schools. These regressions are comparable to those described in
experiment with a larger number of scholarship amounts, in Eq. (1) in that they each include a quartic in the score, as before, but
particular scholarships smaller than the direct cost of schooling, we the specification now allows for the coefficient β to vary by school. In
cannot assess whether the returns to scholarship size in terms of Fig. 2, we then plot the coefficients from these regressions (which
attendance diminish smoothly, or fall sharply around the $45 value. were implicitly averaged in the aggregated results in Tables 3 and 4)
We next extend our basic results in two ways. First, we present against the value of the score at the cutoff, separately for the $45
separate estimates for each school visit in Table 4. These regressions scholarship (left-hand panel) and the $60 scholarship (right-hand
are based on specification (3) in Table 3. The coefficients on the panel). Each of these points therefore plots the impact of the
program effects for the first three visits are all reasonably similar, program on attendance for schools with lower (left side of the x-
implying impacts of between 24 and 26 percentage points. On the axis) to higher (right side of the x-axis) average socio-economic
other hand, the coefficient on the CSP treatment from the June 2007 status. We also graph the values from a nonparametric (Fan)
visit, when applicants would have been enrolled in 8th grade if they regression of the program effect on the value of the score at the
continued in school and did not repeat grades, suggests a program cutoff, and the corresponding 95% confidence interval, again
effect of approximately 17 percentage points, which is significantly separately for the two scholarship amounts.17 Fig. 2 makes two
smaller than that for the earlier visits.15 We note that the estimated things obvious. First, there is considerable overlap in the value of the
program effect on the basis of the June 2007 school visit is very close cutoff for the $45 and $60 scholarships. In more than two-thirds of
in magnitude to that estimated using the household survey, 18 schools the “last” child to receive a $45 scholarship has a value of the
percentage points; the household survey also corresponds to score between 20 and 30; this is also the case in more than half of the
enrollment in 8th grade for children who do not repeat grades. schools for children who receive a $60 scholarship. Second, the left-
Most importantly for the discussion in this paper, and as with the hand panel of the figure shows that, if anything, the impact of the
specifications that pool data from all of the school visits, the evidence $45 scholarship rises as the cutoff falls to lower values of the
in Table 4 suggests that the impact of the additional $15 was much composite dropout-risk score, corresponding to children in families
smaller in per dollar terms than that of the first $45. who are poorer.18 We therefore conclude that our main results are
The second way in which we extend our results is by considering
the question of the possible heterogeneity of program effects by the
underlying socioeconomic status of recipients. This is important
because the average applicant who was offered a $60 scholarship had 16
These and other examples are discussed in Fiszbein and Schady (2009).
lower socio-economic status than the average applicant who was Confidence intervals are obtained from the distribution of βs from 1000 bootstrap
offered a $45 scholarship, by construction. Therefore, if scholarships replications of the Fan regressions.
Separately, we tested for the significance of this slope by estimating a parametric
version of the Fan results in Fig. 2. Specifically, we regressed the school-specific
impacts on a quartic of the score and tested for the joint significance of the four
powers of the score. For the $45 versus no scholarship estimates, the p-value for the
test of joint significance is 0.030, suggesting that the score is indeed a significant
For the impact of $45 versus no scholarship, we cannot reject the null that the predictor of the magnitude of the impact. This result is qualitatively unchanged if we
coefficients for the first, second and third visits are equal (p-values for the tests of weight the observations by the inverse of the squared standard error of the school-
equality are never less than 0.445). On the other hand, the coefficients for the first specific impacts (which gives more weight to more precisely estimated impacts)—the
three visits are each significantly different from the coefficient for the fourth visit p-value in that model is 0.001; and is also qualitatively unaffected by using robust
(with p-values of 0.021, 0.012, 0.040 for the test of equality between the first versus standard errors to account for potential heteroskedasticity—the p-value is 0.021 for the
fourth, second versus fourth, and third versus fourth visits, respectively). For the robust unweighted specification, and b0.001 for the robust weighted specification. In a
impact of the $60 versus $45 scholarships the impacts are all insignificantly different simplified parametric specification in which the score enters only linearly, the
from zero, and insignificantly different from each other. These tests are based on coefficient on the score is significant and negative in every specification. For the $60
simultaneous estimation of all four rounds by Seemingly Unrelated Regression versus $45 estimates the slope is insignificantly different from zero in all specifica-
Estimation (SURE) with clustering at the applicant level. tions.
156 D. Filmer, N. Schady / Journal of Development Economics 96 (2011) 150–157

Fig. 2. School-specific estimates of impact of scholarship on school attendance, as a function of the dropout-risk score at the cutoff between scholarship levels.

very unlikely to be driven by the fact that children who were offered increase school attendance rates, however, our results raise the
$60 scholarships were on average somewhat poorer than those who possibility that they could accomplish this goal at a fraction of the cost.
were offered $45 scholarships. Further research is needed on a number of counts. It is conceivable
that children who received larger transfers did better than those who
received smaller transfers in other dimensions—although we have
4. Conclusion elsewhere shown that children who were brought into school by the
CSP appear to learn very little while in school (Filmer and Schady,
A great deal is known about the impacts of CCT programs on a 2009b). In addition, one would ideally want to evaluate a larger
variety of outcomes, including school enrollment. Yet remarkably number of scholarship sizes to be able to trace out the schedule that
little is known about what features of program design account for the relates the impact on school attendance to the transfer size over a
observed CCT program effects. In this paper, we focus on one broader range. Finally, additional direct experimental or quasi-
important element of program design—namely, the amount of experimental evidence from other programs would be informative
money that is transferred. We find evidence consistent with sharply about whether the patterns we observe in Cambodia also occur
diminishing marginal returns to transfer size. We discuss a variety of elsewhere where CCT programs are being designed or implemented.
scenarios under which this result would be plausible. The fact that the
value of the smaller scholarship is very close to the value of the direct
cost of schooling may be important if households are cash- and credit- Acknowledgments
constrained, or if they perceive the direct and opportunity costs of
schooling differently. We thank Luis Benveniste, Francisco Ferreira, Berk Ozler, two
The amounts transferred by the CSP program in Cambodia are very referees, and the editor Mark Rosenzweig for helpful comments, and
small compared to those transferred by other CCTs, in particular in the World Bank Education Team for Cambodia and the members of
Latin America: The $45 transfer accounts for approximately 2% of the Scholarship Team of the Royal Government of Cambodia's Ministry of
consumption of the median recipient household in Cambodia, while Education for valuable assistance in carrying out this work. This work
the comparable values are 22% for recipients of Oportunidades in benefited from funding from the World Bank's Research Support Budget
Mexico, 29% for recipients of the Red de Protección Social program in (P094396) as well as the Bank-Netherlands Partnership Program Trust
Nicaragua, 17% for recipients of the Familias en Acción program in Fund (TF055023). The findings, interpretations, and conclusions
Colombia, and 6% for recipients of the Bolsa Familia program in Brazil expressed in this paper are those of the authors; they do not necessarily
and the Bono de Desarrollo Humano program in Ecuador.19 CCT represent the views of the World Bank, the Inter-American Development
programs have a variety of objectives, including redistribution and Bank, their Executive Directors, or the governments they represent.
promoting investment in human capital. Insofar as they seek to

These figures are based on Fiszbein and Schady (2009), Table 3.2. They are broadly
consistent with those reported elsewhere (for example, Schultz, 2004 on PROGRESA, Attanasio, Orazio, Battistin, Erich, Fitzsimons, Emla, Mesnard, Alice, Vera-Hernández,
and Schady and Araujo, 2008 on the Bono de Desarrollo Humano). The exact values Marcos, 2005. How Effective are Conditional Cash Transfers? Evidence from
Colombia. IFS Briefing Note No. 54. The Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, UK.
depend on the survey used, in particular the year it refers to (because many programs
have expanded dramatically, taking on new population groups with different
Behrman, Jere R., Sengupta, Piyali, Todd, Petra, 2005. Progressing through PROGRESA:
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effect on school enrollment, such as the South Africa Old Age Pension (OAP) scheme the impact of the female school stipend programme on public school enrolments in
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