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Istanbul Solo Rules

Rules by: b c (avguy2) / Document by: JCV (Sleepstupid) 

Setup changes: ​
Setup using the 2 player version except where noted below.)

* Only 3 Rubies are placed on the Gemstone Dealer and the Sultan's Palace each. The Rubies are
placed with one free space between each other, starting on the priciest space (upper right corner). So
the first Ruby for example costs 19 Lira, the second 21 Lira etc. Just take a look at the pic (red circle
are Rubies):

* All the mosque tiles are used in the game. The four stacks are placed on their respective place tile
(like in the game with 5 players).

* To keep track of turns the merchant that isn't used in the game is placed facedown next to the first
place tile.

Gameplay changes:
* Before each turn move the tracker "merchant" to the next tile. (It doesn't interact with anything.)
When it reaches tile 16 simply move to 1 on the next turn.

* When you gain a mosque tile from a stack (for example the blue one), take a mosque tile off the top
of ​
each​of the other 3 stacks and remove them from the game (in this example the red, green and
yellow ones). That means for each mosque tile you will need to have more goods, up to 5 for the

* When you sell goods at one of the markets the demand tile of the other market also is exchanged (it
is placed underneath its own stack).

How many turns do you need to collect 6 Rubies?  

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