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I know from the start of using Facebook and making friends and loosing friends;
people have said I talk to much; which is a shocker; because when you talk on fa
cebook; you write. I don’t hardly speak at all; just ask my personal friends who
grew up with me and gone to school with me.
I do like to write and once I started to learn the Faith from the great books of
Augustine, Jerome, Aquinas, Cardinal Ratzinger; Pope Benedict XVI, Gregory the
Great, All the Church Fathers and I would consider Pope Benedict XVI a student o
f the Church Fathers and a new Church Father; for starting up the idea of Venera
ble Pope John Paul II; New Re-evangelism of the West and the other cultures that
need the Gospel re-taught to them.
I have come to love Cardinal Newman; I’ve only read one sermon of his and that was
enough; the sermon is called: Second Spring. It is about the Church coming bac
k to England and starts off when the Church left and how it left; but everything
starts to develop in the sermon and you finally understand why the sermon is ca
lled Second Spring; the Second Spring time of the Church; the Return of Catholic
England. We all pray for that day to come and also for the ending of the split
; so the Church can breath as One again with Her other lung.
I have called this new section of work My Apologia; because I want to say I’m sorr
y to those I’ve hurt by writing too much and nearly addicted to; if you are still
on my friend’s list and you have gone through this; I am deeply sorry and have con
fessed it over and over in the confessional every two weeks or less.
In college and in high school; even through middle school and grade school; I ne
ver could write well; until I asked the Holy Spirit one night laying in bed to h
elp me write better. I do believe He has helped and only if I prayed to Him soo
ner but God didn’t want it to happen until that moment; if God wanted me to write
like I do now; He would of gave me the hint to pray to the Holy Spirit back then
Now, it has costed me friendships left and right; because I never seem to run ou
t of things to write on or to say when I write. I know I must have drived them
nuts and up the wall and that is why they told me to stop and write only every o
ther week or month; which I tried to do.
But I wanted to write and so I wrote; some works were called introduction to pre
-theology or some that reached the soul. I do not know if the new works are any
good; some have comments saying so and others sound like German or Polish was m
y first lanuage and not English; depending how well I’m feeling or if I am tired;
I will write and it will sound Eastern European.
So far no priest has corrected me; but followed me on all my writings; which is
a good sign; but I hope they try to follow the different spiritualities in my wr
itings from Carmelite, Augustine, Benedictine, Franciscan, even you could say Ma
rian and Passionists. I welcome any correction; because it will be a great work
of humility.
Being told I write too much; is also a great work in humility; which everyone; i
ncluding myself needs to work on. For those who have been hurt or bombarded wit
h me writing in messages or anything; I ask for your forgiveness and prayers.
I thank you for your prayers and forgiveness; may your prayers help me to learn
and live a virtuous life of humility.


Chapter One

Why Be Catholic?

Why should we be Catholic?

It sounds hard being a Catholic; all these rules and demands you must do in orde
r to make God happy.
No, God is happy; He wants us to be happy; which means we follow the rules and b
e filled with joy from Heaven. All the rules we have to follow; helps us learn
to love God in the right way and also to love our neighbor as ourself.
If we do not love ourself; then how could we love our neighbor? We can’t and it s
hows today; all the abortions taking place and homo-sexual union fights; everyth
ing; because we do not love ourself as God wants us to love. Every single act o
f sin in the world today is from us not loving ourself first and then our neighb
To be Catholic means more than to follow rules or guide lines; it’s almost a way o
f life. To be Catholic means to be a family; to have a family; with all the 1 b
illion members on earth and all those in Heaven and Purgatory. One big family.
We have rules from a loving Father; who wants us to be with Him in Heaven. Jesu
s gave us food and drink; which we partake of everytime we go to Mass; His body
and blood.
In the time of the Protestants; John Calvin called those who are Catholic in the
west; Roman Catholics and started to call us The Roman Catholic Church. But th
e name or word Catholic means; Universal. There is One Church; but many Rites.
All the Rites have something in common; the Divine Liturgy; the Holy Mass or Ho
ly Sacrifice of the Mass. Those who are in the West are called the Roman Rite.
Even the Eastern Rites are now in the West for us to experience; all Catholics a
re welcome to go to the different Rites for Sunday Mass or any Mass.
In all the Rites; all seven Sacraments are vaild. Which means you need the pri
esthood founded by Jesus Christ; only the Orthodox has the other vaild priesthoo
d and Sacraments.
So, Why Be Catholic? Because you have the fullness of Truth; you are in one big
family; your brothers and sisters are saints in heaven and on earth. Mary is o
ur Mother and we have the One True God to worship.
We have the great Sacraments which give us a share in Divine Life; the Eucharist
, Baptism and Confession; when we mess up; we go to Confession; which I love to
do and glad I can go every two weeks or even week and five days if I need to. T
o feel that peaceful feeling re-enter you and surround you; so that you know; yo
ur sins are forgiven.
That is why we should be Catholic. Yes, it is difficult to be Catholic in a un-
godly world; but that is our job; be the Light for the World to bring God back i
nto the World.
The world is not to love us; they are to hate us, kill us, lock us up. We as fo
llowers of Christ; we bring Him back into the world through our examples and if
need to; we shall teach our faith through words.


Chapter Two

Why Did I Remain a Catholic?

Back in college before I got hurt; you could say I had girls hanging around me;
was it because I was good at football; I would say so; a guy who wanted to play
football and then playing football after school with the college football player
s. What a experience; going against the national champion Junior College footba
ll team.
Their big but skinny defensive tackle would be a linebacker and I would be a tig
ht end; this was on a cement basketball court with all the lines. My roommate w
as the quarter back; I ran a come back route right at the out of bounds lines; c
aught the ball with my finger tips and two feet in bounds.
Did that a lot actually; the football guys were amazed and saying I should try o
ut next year; because they saw my drive to be the best. I’m sure those girls woul
d of asked me out or maybe I would of asked them; but I didn’t. I knew they were
using me as a object. Once I got hurt; only one asked me almost every day if I
was doing better or how I was; I knew I had a friend and didn’t want to mess anyth
ing up.
I came home because of my best friend’s brother’s death; a week before Christmas. I
made a choice to stay home and go to college where I live; incase anything happ
ens; I will be close by. I still had my contacts I made back in college; girls
out of state; even out of the country; bahamas. One of them said I should try a
Southern Baptist service; I knew if I stepped into one of their churches; they
would eat me a live; for being a Catholic.
My new roommate actually listened to me when I had too much to drink and told my
best friend I wasn’t Catholic anymore. I told him; “you should never listen to me
when I’m drunk.” After college still living a Pagan Life style for a while and met
a girl on myspace. She was one of those Church of Christ protestants; she wante
d me to be with her for ever. I almost left the True Church of Christ; but afte
r a few confessions and a mother’s gentle hand giving me a book, Rediscovering Cat
holicism; it lighted my soul on fire; it brought back a long distance memory fro
m when I was six years old; when the Lord used a priest to ask me if I wanted to
become a priest.
What kept me in the Church was God Himself using different people; my mom and Go
d using a book to re-light my soul on fire for Him. Plus the Mass, the Eucharis
t and most of all; confession and the Blessed Mother.
If you love the Catholic Faith; then you love History; because we have a lot of
history to find out how the Church started, where and how many rites. Just a be
autiful faith we have; it’s not centered on the people but on God Himself and it’s a
eternal faith; it can never die or be destroyed.


Chapter Three

The Eucharist and How Jesus helped to keep me Catholic

First, let us talk on the Eucharist and find out what is the Eucharist?
The Eucharist is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. It’s His bod
y and blood that He talked and teached about in the Gospel According to St. John
How can the bread at Mass and the wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ
? Well, Jesus is Divine; which means He can go through time; because time has n
o hold on Him. He went forward in time a few hours to where He was on the cross
; where He gave Himself for us as the ransom to free us from the bonds of the de
vil. So, Jesus brought His body that was on the cross to the altar or the table
of the Last Supper; the bread became His body. The same with His blood and the
wine became His blood.
The Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus Christ; the food that nourishes our

Now on the Eucharist and How Jesus helped to keep me in the Church:
Galatians 3:1 “O stupid Galatians! Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus
Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?”
In this Scripture we see Paul correcting the Galatians harshly; because they are
loosing their faith and loosing their reverence of the Mass. They were not the
re when Jesus was killed; but they are there when Jesus is publicly pictured as
Crucified in the Mass.
The Mass kept me Catholic; because Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist and w
hen the Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated; Jesus is publicly shown as crucifie
d and that you can’t get in Protestantism.
Every first Friday and every Lent; Jesus is exposed on the altar in the flesh; s
o everyone can see Him and He can see us. Going to pray at the church; He is th
ere body and soul in the Tabernacle.
Learning what you can to love Jesus more in the Eucharist; opens my eyes and mak
es me cry when I see immodest dress; a rush job Mass. Not caring for the crumbs
of Jesus; each crumb is Jesus. Reading and watching Padre Pio’s last Mass makes
your heart nearly explode; for the love and reverence he has for Jesus in the Eu
I love the Eucharist; just spending a hour every First Friday almost doesn’t cut t
he time I want to spend with Jesus; even if I’m worn out; I could spend two hours
with Him; if parents allows it. I love Jesus in the Eucharist.
“O most sacred, most loving heart of Jesus, thou art concealed in the Holy Euchari
st, and thou beatest for us still…. Thou art the heart of the Most High made man…. T
hy Sacred Heart is the instrument and organ of Thy love. It did beat for us. It
yearned for us. It ached for our salvation. It was on fire through zeal, that th
e glory of God might be manifested in and by us…. In worshipping thee I worship my
incarnate God, my Emmanuel,”
- John Henry Cardinal Newman
“A cloud of incense was rising on high; the people suddenly all bowed low; what co
uld it mean? The truth flashed on him, fearfully yet sweetly; it was the Blessed
Sacrament — it was the Lord Incarnate who was on the altar, who had come to visit
and bless his people. It was the Great Presence, which makes a Catholic Church
different from every other place in the world; which makes it, as no other place
can be — holy.”
- John Henry Cardinal Newman, Loss and Gain: The Story of a Convert

I wanted to share some qoutes by Cardinal Newman on the Eucharist to help educat
e people on the Eucharist.

God bless

Chapter Four

How Confessions Plays a role in my life

Without the Sacrament of Confession; I could not receive Jesus in the Eucharist;
no Catholic could.
But, Confession has been part of my life; started out once in a while before I t
old the bishop my answer to the question I was asked when I was six.
Then it went to One Month for confession; which is very good time table; but now
I go to Confession every two weeks; but I went 1 week and 5 days; which helped

But why go to Confession to a priest?

Yes, a priest is just a normal man. But, what we do not see is that Jesus is tr
uly on the other side of the screen in the person of that priest. If there is n
o other means of Confession and you have been hurt in a serious accident and you
r time is limited; tell God your sins personally; until a priest arrives to the
To make this point even more; let us turn to Sacred Scripture.

Gospel According to St. John 20:19-23

“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where t
he disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and
said to them, “Peace be with you.”
When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejo
iced when they saw the Lord. (Jesus) said to them again, “Peace be with you. As th
e Father has sent me, so I send you.”
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the holy
Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are

Confession is where we are in a way judged but after we confess our sins to Jesu
s through the priest; we receive forgiveness; our soul is raised to life once ag
ain and we feel and take part of God’s Mercy and the share of Divine Life that we
receive in Confession.
I love Confession; yes it scares you but in a good way; because it humbles you.
You are standing out side praying and preparing and then the door opens up and y
ou shut the door right behind you; it makes a sound as if it made a air tight fi
t. Then you kneel before God Himself who works through the priest.
Through Confession; our soul is cleansed through the Blood of the Lamb; made whi
te as the Lamb’s fur.
Our souls enters dead but then is raised to new life with the words of Love and
Mercy, “I absolve you of your sins; In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
.” Beautiful and wonderful words.
To love going to Confession is to love God fully; because you want to remain pur
e and free from all sin and keep the share in Divine Life.
May God help you to come back to Confession and repent of all your sins; so you
may receive Jesus in the Eucharist.

God Bless

Chapter Five

On the Holy Mass

Galatians 3:1
“O stupid Galatians! Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was pub
licly portrayed as crucified?”
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
“For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, o
n the night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, brok
e it and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant
in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”
For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of
the Lord until he comes.”

The Holy Mass; Sanctus Missa.

What a wonderful event. It is not a service as Protestants say or Catholics who
have become secular and say it’s a service. The Holy Mass is a Sacrifice.
The Holy Sacrifice; the Holy Mass; is just wonderful. Padre Pio said, “you should
feel as if you are on Calvary.” Which means no joy, no messing around; but we st
are and adore Jesus on the Cross; but we feel sorrow as we witness Jesus’ death.
But in the same time at Mass; we start at Calvary but we end at the tomb and Jes
us is risen. We go from total sorrow from witnessing our Lord’s death and go to t
he joy Mary had; which is not earthly joy that is here for a bit and then is gon
e; but the joy the Apostles, Mary and the other disciples had for their entire l
ife spreading the Gospel; taking the punishments and even up to the last second
of their life when they were martyred. That is the Joy I am talking about.
It is sad to see people enter the church for Mass; grumpy and exit grumpy and fi
ghting with the family. Why does this happen? Because they do not prepare for
Mass; they have to pray prayers like the priest does to prepare themselves for M
If the parents argue and yell a lot; you are asking for trouble; because what th
e kids see the parents do; the kids become angry and grumpy like the parents.
Parents are the first ones to take responsiblities for their actions; No family
should be angry all the time and it will trickle down to the kids and then the p
arents wonder why they get yelled at by the kids; the kids are the great imitato
rs; all the kids in world could win a Oscar award or Emmy Award for their acting
; because it’s spot on to how the parents act around the children or if the childr
en can hear the parents.
If parents would spend less time arguing and more time praying; being a great ex
ample for the children; those children will be living a holy life; the parents w
ould be living a model life that is given by the Holy Family. Which all familie
s are to do.
Yes getting angry is human nature; there is pro-anger; which Christ showed by ge
tting the tax collectors, money changers, the animal sellers out of the temple.
Then negative anger; which is losing your temper for no reason and taking it ou
t on someone else or causing a argument.
If your dad is involved with porn and you let your anger out; that is justified
anger or pro-anger; which Jesus shown in the temple; to clean up the mess. Or a
ny other immoral activity; let the Lion of the Holy Spirit speak and Mother Ange
lica gave it a name, “Yell Theology.”
Now, if parents would take the children to Mass early; not twenty minutes early
but an hour early; so they can go to Confession, say the prayers to prepare your
self for the Mass and then spend the rest of the time in Adoration with Jesus.
This is so beautiful; because I do this. You should make it a practice to go to
confession every two weeks; I go before Mass; to make sure I am pure and clean
to receive Jesus. Also to strengthen my soul incase there is a immodest dresser
; I can keep my eyes on Jesus. My last confession was a week and five days. Co
nfession is there for us to prepare ourself for Mass.
With the Mass and with a pure and clean soul; you take part in the heavenly rejo
icing; by being clean and then receiving Jesus’ body and blood in the Eucharist an
d even drinking the Precious blood.
This is why we must prepare ourself for Mass; because we take part in the Holy S
acrifice of the Mass; we have our own roles.
Now, what if someone says they don’t get anything out of Mass?
Well, that is easy; what do you put into the Mass? Nothing. If you put nothing
into Mass; you receive nothing and nothing happens; you aren’t changed. Yes, ev
eryone receives Sanctifying Grace from the Eucharist and Precious Blood; if you
have sin on your soul; you receive tiny amounts; if you are clean from sin becau
se of Confession; you receive great amounts. But, you; yourself; must put effor
t into the Mass; so you receive everything; all the graces given.
If you do not prepare for Mass; you will remain the same grumpy self. If you pr
epare well; then you will receive all the graces; if you prepare poorly; then it’s
as if you didn’t prepare at all.
Prepare yourself for Holy Mass; check your conscience, go to Confession, spend t
he extra hour in silent adoration. Dress modestly, act properly, if your young
child asks a question on the Mass; instruct them on the fullness of the Faith; n
ot the watered down secular style of faith people live by today.
Leave your purse in the car or at home, same with a cell phone; unless there is
a emergency; but put the phone on vibrate; if the vibrate is silent and not loud
. The parent incharge must keep the phone at all times if it is emergency; so t
he kids do not text or anything.
Prepare everything ahead of time; wake up early.
Once you prepare yourself properly; the Mass will come alive for you and you wil
l see what Padre Pio was talking about.

God bless

Chapter Six

On God’s Mercy and Forgiveness

Gospel According to St. John 21:15-17
“When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, d
o you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you
.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.”He then said to him a second time, “Simon, son of Joh
n, do you love me?”
He said to him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.”
He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was distr
essed that he had said to him a third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lor
d, you know everything; you know that I love you.” (Jesus) said to him, “Feed my she
The Writing
I chose this passage to show God’s Mercy and forgiveness that Jesus shown to Peter
when Peter denied Jesus three times and so Jesus asked Peter three times if he
loved Him.
Jesus asks us these questions to see if we Love Him still. When we go to confes
sion; we are shown mercy and given forgiveness; sometimes not all at once but we
are shown mercy; but the forgiveness we must earn if the priest says not yet.
I know from experience when I came back from that un-godly life style from colle
ge; going to confession was hard and I had to prepare and to make sure I was rea
dy; just like Fr. Corapi; no one pressured me but I knew it was time and wow the
feeling of forgiveness and God’s Mercy was wonderful; there are no words to expla
in it.
Yes my sins kept sneaking back and I kept going to confession on a three to two
month time frame; after a while I started to feel that freedom from those sins;
which is like you are liberated.
When the doctor told me I had LT and needed the shots to bring up the level from
the unsafe level for a man; everything was ok; but when we got different bottle
s of a little different style testatrone; the side effects; Puberty.
Then I started to fall once again and it became hard; once I found out confessio
n was given every Sunday at Mass down the road from my house. I started out goi
ng every two weeks. Which is wonderful.
Going every two weeks you can feel God’s Mercy and forgiveness and know God’s Mercy
forgives and washes away all sin. Peter started to weep because he denied Jesu
s and then he went to Mary; the best thing anyone could of done; if Judas would
of done this; she would of shown him compassion and lead him to her Son.

Because the sin of Judas is not bigger than God’s Mercy. Also, we do not know wha
t he said when the last moment of his life was done; all he could of said was, “Lo
rd Have Mercy on me.” and that would of been enough. So, we do not know if Judas
is in Heaven, hell or Purgatory.
God’s Mercy and Forgiveness gives us hope of being in Heaven when we die. But we
have to ask for God’s Mercy and Forgiveness; we must humble ourself to receive His
Mercy and Forgiveness in Confession.
Do not be afraid to go to Him; His anger lasts only a moment but His Mercy and F
orgiveness lasts for all eternity.

God bless

Chapter Seven

Marian Spirituality

Our Blessed Mother and the Rosary played and is playing a great role in my life;
I pray the Rosary every day; sometimes two to three times a day. When I first
started after you could say my re-vert to the Catholic Faith; I prayed the Rosar
y seven-teen times a day; one time I got to twenty; but twenty was a little hard
for me.
On EWTN at six-thirty am there is morning Rosary, then at ten-thirty mid-morning
Rosary and Angelus prayer. Then I usually say a afternoon Rosary and at eight-
thirty pm; there is the final Rosary of the day.
Mary shows us the way to her Son; Jesus. She does not distract us or take away
us from her Son; but the opposite; she is like the highway to her Son; without t
he road work.
Once we get to Jesus and start living a life to get to Heaven; then the road wor
k and detours begin. The road to heaven is a mess and expect the traffic to be
backed up and going through the detours.
Now, why pray the Rosary?
When we pray the Rosary; we pray the Gospels; the life of Christ; we pray the Go
od News; who is the Good News? Jesus. We pray Jesus. Yes we go through Mary b
ut she brings us to her Son or she goes to her Son on our behalf.
Let us take on the main problem from Protestants: “Where in the bible does it say
we have to pray to Mary and where is the Hail Mary prayer you say over and over?”
Well, Mary intercedes for the Wedding party at Cana; that is a prayer for her in
tercession and second the Gospel According to St. Luke.
I am sure this right here won’t help stop the bickering; so I must show the Script
ure to prove this.
Luke 1:28 “Hail Full of Grace! The Lord is with thee” Luke 1:42 “”Most blessed are you
among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
John 2:1-5
“On the third day there was a wedding 2 in Cana 3 in Galilee, and the mother of Je
sus was there.
Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran shor
t, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”
(And) Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not
yet come.” His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.”

The Hail Mary is in Scripture and so is going to Mary for her intercession and y
ou see that she doesn’t mess with it but takes it to her Son and her Son takes car
e of it.

The Rosary is powerful; if you pray the Rosary prayerfully and reverently; with
the Rosary through the intercession of Mary to her Son; we can save souls; we ca
n fix the world.

With the Rosary I think it was that Christian Europe was protected against the M
uslims from the east and with the Rosary we won a major sea battle.
To read Scripture is great but to pray Scripture is even better; you meditate on
Scripture; each mystery of the Rosary is part of the Life of Christ and the fin
al moments of Mary on earth and brough to Heaven and crowned Queen of Heaven and

Mary is the Queen Mother and our Mother and Queen as well. She does not sit and
do nothing but she takes care of the Kingdom and the people; if the people come
s to her; she brings the cases to her Son; the King. That is what Mary does.

God bless

Chapter Eight
Franciscan Spirituality

In this chapter Marian Spirituality continues; because St. Francis has a great l
ove for the Blessed Mother and the devotion on the Passion and the Cross. But w
e do not know if St. Francis started the devotion or the Cistercian monk; St. Be
Let us keep going on the Marian Spirituality; because there is another Spiritual
ity that only focuses on the Passion.
It is believed that Jesus when He rose from the dead; came to His mother first;
which I would think would be proper; to go show His mom that He is ok and alive.

I know if God would bring me back from the dead for some reason; my first stop w
ould be to mommy and comfort her and get some clothes too.
I love this tradition; because it makes sense; a good jewish boy would visit his
mother after a accident and she would take care of it.
With this came the Franciscan Crown; Seven joys and Seven Sorrows of Mary.
When we pray the Franciscan Crown; we see all the events through the eyes of Mar
St. Francis at Christmas time started the first Christmas Nativity or Cresch; ho
pe I spelled it right; he started one with real people and St. Clare could not g
o to the Basilica to see this; but the wall in her cell went away and she was th
ere in the Basilica; and never left her room; because she was ill. She saw ever
ything. This is why she is the patron of tv networks.
Franciscan Spirituality is the love of the Blessed Mother, the Christ child cres
ch and the Holy Eucharist.
Also the love of the Crucified Lord. It all started with the Crucified Lord tel
ling St. Francis to “Rebuild My Church.”

How can I live a Franciscan Spirituality?

You must live a simple life and a prayerful life. St. Francis always preached t
o the people but sometimes he used words. Live your faith by action and if some
one asks you a question; then use words. To be simple does not mean put on the
clothing of a begger.
But to live a simple is not to have everything in the world; live with the thing
s you need to live, nice modest clothing, shoes, food, drink, one computer, one
tv; get one of those dvd/vcr combos; few movies, a bed and smell good.
To live simple is not to buy everything that is new or everything you want; you
must make Sacrifices by living without new products or extra stuff.
Learn to love silence and prayer to contemplate on God.
I don’t know or even remember when St. Francis and his brothers settled in at a fr
iary but I know St. Francis gave St. Clare and her sisters the newly rebuilt by
hand church by St. Francis where Jesus talked to him. The Poor Clares were star
After watching the movie St. Francis and also watching Padre Pio; made me love t
he life style. The life style of living simple and in poverty; wearing the clot
hes of a begger. I also love the Cistercian and Benedictine way of life too; I
like the old traditional monastic way of life; if you read the Rule of St. Bened
ict and read the rule of St. Francis; it’s just amazing.
But there are those who live the life as a hersey. I remember a so called, “Poor
Claire nun” on facebook said they follow the rule of St. Augustine but are Francis
cans; they live together with the friars.
Which is not following any rules of Monastic life; because one didn’t want to caus
e temptations of the flesh between the men and women. That is why St. Francis a
nd the brothers stayed away for long periods of time and allowed Claire and her
sisters to grow closer to God.
Every once and while St. Francis would come and teach the sisters.
St. Francis and Claire were models on living poverty, obedience and remain celeb
ate and chaste. Which we all should come to love and learn how to follow them.

Because they followed Mary and she was the best follower of her Son.

God bless

Chapter Nine

On the Passionist Spirituality

The Passionists contemplate on one thing; the Passion and death of Christ. Well
, so do I. I’ve written many things on the Passion, the Cross and His tears. All
to do with contemplating on Him.
This Spirituality is also in the Franciscan Spirituality; but some aren’t for sure
. But, If it is; then you could say everything is connected.
Why a Devotion to the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ?
To have a devotion to the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ is to come to know H
is love for us and how we are to love one another through the example of Jesus C
It is so awe and inspiring to understand that God went through it all in the ga
rden; regarding to sorrow and felt the worse of it; for us and be a example for
us that He went through it and knows what it means to enter into great sorrow an
d to feel that great weight upon our shoulders.
With the devotion to the Passion of Christ; you are strengthened in all your wor
ries, troubles, pains, bruises, whatever; because He went through it all first.
It gives great comfort to know you are not alone in times of struggles, sorrow o
r fear; because Jesus went through it all.
To love the Passion of Christ; is to unite my sufferings to Him in His Passion a
nd death. To do this is to turn the sufferings into graces for those who need th
e graces for strength or courage or anything in God’s Will.
To unite ourself to the Passion; is what Mary did on the way of the cross and at
the foot of the cross; she united her sorrow with her Son’s; because all the grac
es come through Mary but come from God. Mary helps us to receive the graces; so
they are safe to handle.
In times of temptations; I either call on my guardian angel to beat it back and
away from me or I make the temptations suffer; I give it to Jesus in the Passion
and boom; no more temptation and Jesus comforts you but also gives you the stre
ngth you need to fight off the temptations; with His help.
Through the Passion of Christ; we truly see what is taking place at Mass on the
altar of sacrifice. The blood and water gushing forth from His side; He being ra
ised up on the Cross for us; is when Jesus through the priest raises up the host
which becomes Jesus’ body and the same happens when the chalice is raised. You se
e what is literally happening at the Mass every day.

What were Jesus’ tears for?

The wonderful part of the Passion; is the tears Jesus shed for us.
When did Jesus’ cry for us? He cried for us in the garden; because of our sins, I’m
sure He cried at the Pillar and we know He cried when those nails are being drov
e through His hands and feet.
With the tears of Christ; those were His greatest prayers for us; so we may go t
o confession and enter into the share of the divine life and share that with oth
ers and bring them closer to Christ.
St. Augustine’s mom; St. Monica; prayed her greatest prayers for twenty years; her
tears converted her son; plus with the help of St. Ambrose and his sermon at Ma
Our tears; are united to Christ; because when Christ wept; He was weeping for us
; He wanted us to love Him and He gave His all and died for us; because He loved
us so much.
He loved us more than we could ever understand; the greatest love a friend has f
or a friend; is to lay down his or her own life for them.
The tears of Christ; speaks a thousand words; every word describes His love for
us. Why do we think tears are always when we are sad and not prayers for those w
e love dearly?
Because we are too complicated and God is so simple; that is why our minds can’t e
ven wrap around God in His entire Self.
We have proofs of God; we have them where we are; we can see them, hear them, to
uch them; but as Jesus said, “Blessed are those who believe but do not see.”
We have faith in God; yet we can’t see to believe in God but our faith comes from
God; so we trust God is there and won’t leave us; because He won’t; because we need
Him to do everything.
He knows everything we do; even the sinful.
When we cry and shed tears; use them to forgive that person who made you cry. Je
sus sure did and plus He said it; even though it was hard for Him to speak.
If you can’t speak right a way; but are crying; use those tears to speak to God an
d forgive those who hurt you.

Hey, what about His cross?

“The cross is love.” St. Teresa of Avila

Let us talk on the Cross. I have listed the topic on this writing, “The cross is l
ove.” St. Teresa of Avila.
Back when God created everything and Man and Woman fell from the grace of God; t
he share of Divine Life. God had in the plans from the start of redemption; beca
use God knows all and it was the test He gave the Angels. Those Angels who said,
“I will not serve that man who is God.”
God knew He had to redeem us; why did He chose to become Man and die on the cros
s? God could of snapped His fingers and everything would of been made perfect ag
ain; but God chose to humble Himself to walk among us, to experience all the har
dships we suffer; to become close to us; so we won’t feel all alone and that God w
ill know what we go through.
Jesus; the God-Man; in the Passion; He was tested in the garden and felt all the
sorrow; as we see in the movie; Satan; tested Him in the garden. God the Father
sent Jesus a angel to comfort Him and to strengthen Him. Jesus passed the Test
and Remained faithful to the Father and stomped the head of the snake in that mo
Jesus started off better than Adam did in the Garden of Eden; Jesus beat off the
temptation to give up the chalice of suffering given by the Father. Jesus praye
d; His face transformed and the Apostles could see the fear and sorrow in His fa
ce. A while before at the Sermon on the Mount; Jesus gave the doctrine of what i
t means to be a follower; “Whoever wants to follow Me, you must deny yourself, pic
k up your cross and carry it daily.”
What does Jesus mean to deny ourself? St. John the Bapist in the Jordan said it
wonderfully: “I must decrease and the Lord must increase.” We are to decrease, die t
o the world and let the Lord increase in our life and in the world around us.
Now, in the garden; Jesus wanted the Father to be glorified through Him and to l
et the Father’s Will be done. To have the Father’s Will be done; meant the Son dying
for us and redeeming us from our sins and eternal death. Through this Jesus all
owed Himself to be taken like a lamb; so innocent and pure through the judgement
; as the lamb was checked out to see if it is pure and when was found out to be
pure; Jesus was silent and always at prayer.
Finally, Jesus accepted His cross with love. He embraced the cross and accepted
it freely. But to see Jesus’ cross; we must see everything that is given to us in
Scripture. Which would be when He was born in that cold cave on that early Chris
tmas morning. Followed by the leaving early to go to Egypt to be kept from being
His life which is given in Scripture; showed the start of His mission and His cr
oss. He embraced everything in a gentle nature; even when He whipped the money c
hangers and tax collectors and traders; to remove them from the temple; to resto
re the House of His Father.
His cross was designed by the Father; so He could handle it God gives us our cro
sses; but they are designed so we can carry the Cross but not get wore out. If t
he Cross seems too much; we can ask God to help us or take away some of the cros
When Jesus accepted the cross with love; He gave us the way to accept our cross;
by accepting it and embracing it with Love. The Way of the Cross; Jesus showed
us the Love of the Cross. With the cross bars of the Cross; where the arms reach
out; this is where the Love comes from. Is there a ending to the cross bars?
No. They are never ending; it is the picture of God’s Mercy; His Mercy never ends.
The Cross is Love; because the cross-bars reach out as a hug welcoming us home;
welcoming those sinners who repent home. This is the Cross and it is Love.

I could not come up with new words and so I think God was saying, “you have alread
y written on this; just use the words you already have.”

God bless

Chapter Ten

St. Augustine Spirituality

What do I mean St. Augustine Spirituality?

His greatest Spiritual Work is his Confessions. His entire Confessions is one b
ig prayer from page one to the end. Right on page one is this, “our hearts are re
stless until they rest in Thee O Lord.”
What does that mean our hearts are restless until they rest in God?
Our hearts are restless; they get no rest or comfort from anyone else’s heart; bec
ause we are human. We are humans and God created us.
God created us so that we may know, love and serve Him. Our hearts long to be w
ith God; even if we are full of sin. Do you remember those blocks where you hav
e to match the right shape of the blocks? Well; it’s like that; there is a hole or
space that has a shape; only God can fit into.
Now, our hearts are not complete until they rest in God. God completes us; beca
use we can rest in Him. Once we come to Him; we become fully human.
What does it mean become fully human?
To be fully human means we are to live in the Divine Life. Jesus and Mary and a
ll the saints who are in Heaven are fully human; because there is no more corrup
tion of the body.
Right now we are human but only to the point; because we have corruption in the
body because we are not in Heaven yet; on earth we have corruption and we have t
o fight to save our souls and to keep our souls clean. We see the restlessness
in our life through the corruption of sin on earth; we can not fully sleep or be
at peace.
When St. Augustine says we are restless; means we are not at peace; because true
peace comes from God and we only receive that peace when we are with Him in Hea
ven. St. Jean Marie Vianney and Padre Pio were restless too; because the devil
kept attacking them to try to get them to sin and because of all the sinners com
ing to repent.
We are not at Peace; until God has taken over our entire life; once we let Him t
ake over; we will be restless until our death and maybe for ever. We need to le
t Him come freely and take over our life so that we enter into that Peace and we
can rest in God.

God bless

Chapter Eleven

John Cardinal Henry Newman Spirituality

Blessed John Cardinal Henry Newman; started out as a Anglican priest in the Angl
ican Religious Community. He was a famous writer and then when he became a prie
st; his sermons were amazing. He started to dig into history and the further he
went; more Catholic truth he found.
He wrote many famous sermons; both as a Anglican and a Catholic priest and then
Cardinal. He wrote fifty thousand letters. He wrote a lot of great sermons and
he also wrote a book he called Apologia; where he defended the faith. I want t
o get his Apologia and read it; plus study it.
I got my idea to write My Apologia from Cardinal Newman; he wrote his to defend
the faith; mine is to witness to Catholics who are lacking and who don’t know. Ev
en witness to Protestants who are doing a false spirituality or devotion.
Cardinal Newman loved the Eucharist and is now with the Eucharist for all eterni
ty; he sees the mystery of the Eucharist in Heaven and he loves the Blessed Moth
I’ve only read one sermon: The Second Spring; it was wonderful. He showed how the
Church left England and all the hardships that came against the Catholics and al
l the deaths of the saints. The sneaking around the Catholics had to do to live
their faith. In the second half of the sermon it was on the return of the Chur
ch; the Second Spring time of the Church in England and how it starts to come ba
ck and how the government slowly accepted the Church and everyone started to com
e back. Not without hardships; but at the end; the Church was back in England.
It was a beautiful sermon and very long.
Finally his big devotion to St. Francis De Sales; who was also a Oratory Father
before he became the bishop. His picture is on the wall over the altar in Cardi
nal Newman’s rooms and the bed room turned into chapel; because a Cardinal needs a
private chapel.
Pray to Cardinal Newman; he needs one more miracle to become a saint.

May God bless you

Chapter Twelve

The Cure of Ars

He was born outside a small town in France. He lived on a farm; he took the she
ep to graze down in a valley; every day he left home with his Rosary and statue
of Mary; down there was a hallowed out tree that became the altar/shrine for Mar
He lead his friends in a small procession singing hymns to the Blessed Mother.
They said the Rosary and he gave a short sermon.
Every day he did this when he took the sheep out to graze. Not even the soldier
s knew about him doing this. He had the learning disorder where he had problems
remembering and a little slower process time on subjects except History and Soc
ial Studies.
When it came time for harvest he had to go home and help. After the harvest sea
son the French Revolutionary War broke out and all the schools and churches were
A Cistercian priest was hiding out at the Vianney house; a lot of priests were;
where Jean Vianney Sr. could be deported to the Moon many times over. But the C
istercian priest had the honor to hear young Jean Marie’s confession when he was 7
years old. Jean Marie may have never done any major sins in his life.
When he was 13, he took the classes for First Communion; which took place at a f
arm house. Outside the window was a hay trailer being loaded; because it needed
to be and also to block out the candle light of the church inside the home.
He was always a poor and not smart farm boy; even in seminary; it showed. He ne
arly didn’t get accepted to be ordained; but he passed the question portion and wa
s sent on for Holy Orders.
He practiced the life style and penance of the Desert Fathers, not much sleep, n
ot much food, lots of prayer and keeping long hour vigils. This he did in Ars t
oo. He loved Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He dressed up the church for Jesu
s and put over the side chapel where confessions were heard: “One dance costed St.
John the Baptist his head.”
Everytime a big sinner came to repent; the devil came and made a fuss and noise
to scare St. Jean Vianney; sometimes the devil lighted the Cure of Ars’ bed on fir
e. One time he got so scared; he got the toughest towns man to keep guard in th
e church. His name was Tommy and he had a shotgun for protection.
All of a sudden the devil showed up; made terrible noises on the door, the floor
; every where; poor Tommy with a shotgun could not be brave enough to face the d
evil. Tommy ran home. I don’t know if Tommy ever returned; I’m sure he did for Mas
s and Confession.
He started up the Eucharistic Processions at night and had some way to have the
entire town hear what is taking place and the hymns and prayers. You would see
candles around the town and leading back into town to the church.
Now, it seems God has granted me the grace to live St. Jean Marie Vianney’s life.
I too have the same learning disorder but once everything is slown down; I can
understand and remember the information. I am also a poor boy living on a farm;
praying, writing, reading and talking with friends.
Sharing my knowledge on the faith with people and the love of the faith too. I
have hit a brick wall; where the bishop and vocation director sent four young me
n to the seminary who were out of state; older and the same age I was in 2008; w
ho had one year of college or none. Now at Mass last Saturday; I heard the name
s of the local guys who are younger than me; maybe the same thing; one year or t
wo of college.
A priest will tell the bishop about me and if that does something; I am not goin
g to accept it; because I’ve been hurt enough by the bishop and vocation director.
But I may have a chance to enter religious life in a year when I can fill out
the paper work and see if I get in.
His life must of been full of ups and downs; but I do not know why God wanted me
to have the same life as the Cure of Ars growing up. If you are going through
something the same; do not lose hope; trust in God.

God bless
In this I would like to thank God for everything and for St. Augustine’s intercess
ion. For all those in Heaven helped and prayed.
With this I shall end and say, “our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee O
May this open your eyes and wake you up.
God bless


Welcome to book two of Meum Apologia. Most who are older and well schooled have
read Blessed Cardinal Newman’s Apologia. I too have a great love for his writing
s and thought and am writing my own Apologia.
His Apologia was called his Confessions. I do not know but I hope to find out o
ne day and read his Apologia.
First book, you could say was my biography and talking about my devotions and sp
iritualities in the Church I try to live; which is hard; because they are so man
The main one we all have to live is Marian; which is speaking to our Blessed Mot
her; whose birthday is today and we wish you a happy birthday Momma Mary.
In book II; I know the first chapter which will be Discerning Jesus in the Eucha
rist. The other chapters I do not know yet but when it comes time to write them
; I’m sure the Holy Spirit or my Guardian Angel will tell me.
May Blessed John Cardinal Henry Newman intercede for us all.

Chapter One

Discerning Jesus In The Eucharist

To discern Jesus in the Eucharist; we must come to know Him who is in the Euchar
istic Species. It is not where we say “oh yes, I love Jesus” then we turn around a
nd live a pagan life style. No, to come to know Jesus is to live our life as He
taught us how to live in the Scriptures.
In the Gospel according to St. Matthew, we are not worry what we will eat, wear
or drink or what will come the next day but the day at hand. Because the Pagans
seek what they will wear, drink, eat or what the next day will come and Jesus t
ells us to seek the Kingdom of Heaven first and then the other stuff second.
Again in the Gospel According to St. Matthew, the Sermon on the Mount; tells us
how to live and how to follow Christ. In the Sermon on the Mount we receive the
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.
Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. (Verse 7)
Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. (Verse 8)
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the king
dom of heaven.
With the teaching on not worrying, the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatiudes and
the teaching on the Bread of Life; we come to know Jesus and with that we can d
iscern Him in the Eucharist.
We must come to know Jesus through living how He taught us and then we come to k
now Him through His mother; Mary. Now let us start to discern Jesus in the Euch
How do we discern?
We discern by praying. We pray and ask God what is His Will for us and we keep
praying and asking in silence; in silence is the only way we will hear the answe
r from God.
Now, we must discern in the same way.
When we discern Jesus in the Eucharist; we pray in front of the Eucharist either
in the Tabernacle or exposed. We ask Jesus to make Him known to us.
When we ask; we ask Him to open us up and make our faith greater so we can belie
ve. What happen to those two disciples when Jesus walked with them and they did
not notice Him?
He opened up the Scriptures from the Old Testatment and through all the prophets
and Psalms. Their hearts were burning and their faith was becoming stronger; t
hey asked Him to say; because it was night; so He stayed.
He took bread, blessed it and broke it and gave it to them; what happened?
Their eyes could see the wounds on His hands and He vanished; which means what?
His true presence is in the bread He gave them; it became His body.
These two disciples; they discerned Jesus in the Eucharist and saw first hand th
at He truly is in the Eucharist. They ate His body and ran back to tell everyon
Jesus showed up right after those two arrived and Thomas was told to come to Him
and place his finger in the nail wound and his hand in His side. He believed b
y Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen but believed.”
When we discern Jesus in the Eucharist we will be opened up; just like those two
disciples and finally when the bread is broken and given; which is the host at
Mass and once we see that; we will be shown Jesus and our hearts will burn and w
e will cry; because Jesus made Himself known to us.
We have to ask Him to stay and let Him explain through all of Scripture; once He
does this and we learn from Him; we are moved to ask Him to stay with us and He
does in the Eucharistic Species.
Does Jesus ever go away?
No, He never goes away; He is always there in the Tabernacle. Before the Tabern
acle was made; yes they ate the extra consencrated hosts. But finally they crea
ted this box made of gold to house the Real Presence of Jesus; which is Jesus.
Until He comes again; His body will remain in the Tabernacle; even when He comes
; we do not come to Him until the Angels blow the horns to tell us to come; whic
h is the signal to mean that it is truly Him and no fake christ.
Even Augustine was asked, “what will you do if Jesus comes today?” He said, “I will c
ontinue to write this letter.” Because you have to be sure that it is Jesus and n
ot a deciever. Jesus will always be with us; in Eucharistic form and when He co
mes back; we will seem Him; just like when the Apostles walked with Him.
In the Eucharist; that is Jesus Christ body, blood and soul and divinity; He is
truly there. Whenever a priest lost his faith in the True Presence; what happen
s? Jesus makes Himself known to that priest by changing the Eucharist into fles
h and the chalice into blood; which it is; but it actual blood in the chalice.
Jesus is in the Eucharist and in the Precious blood. Ask Him to open up Scriptu
re to teach you of Him and then ask Him to open your eyes as the two disciples w
hen You broke bread.

God bless

Chapter Two

On Human Suffering

In the world we have human suffering; even our own country; we are loosing our f
reedoms and liberties; our country has a few months to regain our freedoms or lo
se them all totally.
We used to have freedoms to practice our religion; even at places of murder; now
they beat us, cut us and even kill us by shootings. In Iran we have a case of
stoning that is on hold; because Holy Father is stepping in; because they have t
he wrong woman.
Our world is filled with human sufferings; even in our free country; which by la
w is not free anymore; from so much human sufferings and socialists in charge; w
e still can go to college; but even then; they have corrupted most schools with
their socialistic ideas to corrupt the children; so that the parents will not ev
en know their children when they come home.
We must never lose hope in God; because we need to keep the faith in God.

Why did we allow those who want to take freedom and corrupt our minds into offic

We allowed them because we were not thinking; we were not prepared. We lacked i
n knowledge of who was running for office. But now we are preparing ourself to
remove the trash from office or keep them out of office.

What good is Human Suffering?

Human Suffering by itself is worth nothing and has nothing good in it. But once
we put God with the Human Suffering; it means something.
There is a reason for Human Suffering when God is put into it; because God becam
e Man and went through Human Suffering on the Cross.
With the Cross Human Suffering has a purpose and God allows evil to happen; to b
ring the greater good out of it.
We must not forget; God went through Human Suffering to redeem us; we must put o
ur human sufferings with Jesus on the Cross; to have meaning and power. To be a
Christian we have to suffer; because Christ suffered for us.
All the evils in the world will either be devoured by their own evil or they wil
l come back in a different name.
Which I do believe is happening in abortion and planned parenthood; where the fo
under of Planned Parenthood let Hitler borrow the Eugenics to do tests on human
beings and they torture them and kill them in the name of science.
Which is happening today; even worse than in the time of Hitler and his thugs.
We must never lose hope in God; because God will bring about a greater good; He
will raise up saints to defend Truth. Human Suffering has a meaning; redemptive

I will write more on this later.


Chapter Three
On Human Suffering II

I have said I would write on this again and I am. But let us focus on the evils
of Human Suffering that God allows.
All these evils or sufferings we go through; why does God allow them; even when
it deals with a young child?
All sufferings are the same but when it deals with child; it seems to hurt the p
arents more; why? Because they were not able to protect their child or take tha
t suffering from them.
When times of suffering happens; do we think at all? Yes we think and say that
is “my child laying there helpless.” “I want to take the suffering from my child.”
But we must think not of Man but of God. God allows things to happen and if the
y weren’t suppose to happen; they don’t. God knows when a suffering will take place
I know parents do worry for their children when they are hurt or sick; some do n
ot even care. Now, it is good to worry; because that is a parent’s nature to worr
y and know when their child is hurt or needs them. But, fear is worthless.
Fear is worthless; nothing good comes from fear. Only a good fear is that of Fe
ar the Lord; the being afraid of offending God the Father. That is good fear bu
t all other fears are worthless.
When we feel fear from our sufferings; we must find a way to turn that fear from
our suffering into joy by lifting up our hearts in prayer with the suffering an
d allowing Christ to take the suffering from us and use it as redemptive sufferi
When we fear from our sufferings; we must not be afraid; because God is with you
; even when you sin; yes you loss the share of Divine Life; but God can never le
ave you; He wants you to come back to Him through the Sacrament of Confession.
Go to confession; especially when you are in Human Suffering; so you feel the lo
ve of God in your life. Be not afraid; go to God; run to God; let Him take your
life over.
God wants you to let Him take your life over and bring you closer to Him through
your sufferings. Ask Him to come into your life. To help go through our human
sufferings; let God use that suffering in Redemptive suffering.

Chapter Three:II

What is Redemptive Suffering?

Redemptive Suffering is offering our sufferings to Jesus on the Cross. When we

lift our sufferings to Jesus; we take part in the redemptive work; which Mary t
ook part in with her White Martyrdom; dying in a way with her Son.
We too are to die with Christ on the Cross; through our sufferings and by offeri
ng them up to help bring non-Catholics, ex-Catholics; sinners who haven’t been to
Confession back to the Church and into the Confessional to bring them home to re
deem their souls through offering our sufferings to make our sufferings united t
o Jesus’ sufferings on Cross.

Chapter Three:III

Why is Redemptive Suffering Important?

Most Protestants do not agree with this; because Jesus already died for us and s
aved us; why do we need to suffer and give our sufferings up to Him to help brin
g others back to the faith?
As St. Paul says about sufferings; yes Jesus suffered enough but we have not and
so we need to suffer for Christ and give our sufferings up to Christ so that th
rough His death and His sufferings; our sufferings are united to Him and are not
worthless. If you unite your sufferings to Christ; suffering has a meaning; a
redemption meaning.
So, Redemptive Suffering is important because we take part in the Redemption wor
k of Christ by offering our sufferings up to Him on the Cross. He redeems us bu
t we unite to His work through our sufferings.
He is the redeemer but through His telling us by taking up our cross daily and f
ollowing Him; which means we are to suffer like Him but when we take up His cros
s; we give our sufferings to Him through the Cross.
Finally, we go through suffering every day and the world wants us to be chained
in our suffering and think there is no hope or nothing to do with redemption but
we know that this is false; because with our suffering; we can offer it up to C
hrist through the Cross and take part in Redemptive Suffering.

God bless

Chapter Four

Why Co-Habitation is Wrong?

Well first, what is Co-Habitation? Co-Habitation is living with the opposite ge

nder outside of marriage or if you are a homo-sexual who is active; then living
with the same gender; plus having a sexual realtionship.
Homo-sexuals CAN NOT BE MARRIED; now I will be called by their made up word; “homo
phobic”. Because I am against homo-sexuality. Wrong, I am not against Homo-sexua
If you are homo-sexual and living a chaste and celibate life style and staying a
way from sinful activity and people and places of sin and temptation; then Homo-
Sexuality is Not a Sin.
But when they live a open homo-sexuality with a active life style; having sex or
wanting to get a marriage; then Homo-sexuality becomes a sin.
Now, living with your partner and having sex; is a Sin and against Church Teachi
ng for a homo-sexual person. A homo-sexual is to live single, chaste and celiba
te life style for all their life until they come to understanding that they were
not born a homo-sexual but they were put into this way of life; either by choic
e or by something in your life that damaged yourself where you can’t trust the opp
osite gender.
Now to the big topic at hand which needs to stop now; Co-habitation between boy
friends and girl friends in college, high school, grade school, middle school, e
ngaged couples going through the Pre-Cana Classes to get married.
In by no means is Co-Habitation Right; when you do this; you are sining and goin
g against Church Teaching. Priests must wake up and be strict as that one pries
t in Spain.
Those who are engaged and going through Pre-Cana classes to get married and livi
ng together; they can go through classes but will not be allowed to Marry until
they live apart for certain amount of months. They must live a chaste and celib
ate life style and remain engaged but grow in holiness and not in sin.
If you are dating in grade school, middle school and high school; and some reaso
If the boy friend’s parents are out of town; call up his relatives and send him ov
er there for the days.
Or if he comes to visit; I would have your child who is dating that man; sleep i
n your room on the floor or air up bed. Seperate them as far as you can when it’s
time for bed time and find out how to keep a ear open and a eye too.
Now, in college. College is for Higher Learning to get a degree not to party an
d have sex. College is for Learning; not for sports. Sports are extra; not pri
mary. Learning is Prime and Sports are Extra. Party is Extra. You are there t
o learn.
You are there to grow in your faith by living the faith and going to Mass; going
to the Sacraments; even Confession. Study the list of roommates if there is on
e and find out if he is a party guy, learning guy or a man of faith; better yet;
your own dorm.
Treat it as a cell; in a monastery or closter. Hang a Crucifix on the wall, hav
e EWTN on and have new bulletins up to know when everything is.

God bless
Chapter Five

Sexual Relations In Marriage Only

This topic came from for some reason; my past when I had sexual relations outsid
e of marriage and I know the difficulties and hardships young people go through;
because my first time was before I was twelve years old and I prayed that this
never happened but it did and I found the notes my girl friend and I passed betw
een us in class to see what step to take after school.
God must of wanted all this to happen; because it did happen and I’m not proud of
it; more sad by it; because her and I offended Our Heavenly Father; at the time
we were not thinking of Him but of us.
Now, I am changed and studying to become a priest; at least doing my best at hom
e while the bishop and vocation director decide if I have waited enough or join
up and earn the clothing of a begger; the Franciscan Habit.
Some kids today say they could handle a sexual relationship but no kid can. I m
atured before all my class; when our fifth grade class put on a play for Martin
Luther King Jr. my voice went from high to low; now I can say that famous line f
rom Johnny Cash, “Hello I’m Johnny Cash” and it sounds like him; that is how low my vo
ice has gotten. No matter how fast your voice changes and everything happens; yo
u are not ready for a sexual relationship.
A sexual relationship is something that is to be special; something between Man
and wife on their wedding night and all through their marriage to create life.
I know I have two sides yelling at me; those who did have sex out of marriage wh
o had children and are still in high school or starting college; then the second
group of people are the homo-sexuals living in sin.
I am sad to say; three people I love dearly; three people I consider family and
two are; the third person is my ex from fifth grade; she said she got engaged to
a man and they had a child together; my two cousins; both girls and both in col
lege; maybe a year or two out of high school.
There could be others I know; but I just saw my other cousin yesterday when my p
arents and I left Dairy Queen and headed for the day of shopping. She seemed ha
ppy and joyful; as she should be and glad she chose life; glad all three chose l
ife; but that does not mean what they did is right. Because it is not right at
When you take the gift of yourself out of it for your spouse at your wedding nig
ht; you take the gift of surprise out of it; because people today want to do a t
est drive to see if they have chemistry and so they have sexual relations to fin
d this out.
They maybe thinking about the other person but mostly they are thinking about th
eir own self.
How can they be thinking of their own self when they have sex with a person they
Love, ha! That is not love. If you are not married and having sex; that is not
Love. It is Sin; mortal sin; which is grave matter. One mortal sin on your sou
l when you die; you won’t like the place where you sent yourself.
If you truly love each other; you would not send each other to hell by having se
x outside of marriage; not even live together. If you are homo-sexual and havin
g sex and when you have a union done; still Mortal Sin.
A homo-sexual is to remain single, chaste and celibate for their entire life; un
til they can be made heter-sexual once again. Then they can marry; but not when
they are homo-sexual.
Sex is not a game, it is not a sport or something you do for fun or relaxation.
Sex is something Man and Wife do to create life; as God has commanded them to d
o; to fill the earth with their off-spring.
That is why I pray I could of watched Fr. Corapi sooner than when I did and watc
hed EWTN; because if I knew it existed; I’m sure my good friend and ex girl friend
would be better off and I bet still pure too; still be virgins I bet.
We have so much filth on the tv today and people reporting news, doing shows and
reporting sports; we have to care for our eyes; to keep ourself pure the best w
e can. Purity and Virginity is the greatest gift one could give their spouse at
their wedding night.
When you are married; that is only when you can have a sexual relationship with
your spouse. Because both of you can handle it and because both of you are comm
anded to have relations to fill the earth with off-spring.
Do not think you can’t sin with your husband or wife; when you start to use one an
other or both as objects; then you have committed mortal sin. Give each other f
reely to each other; not use each other.
If you kids love one another and think you are to be together; guess what; try t
alking to each other and talking to each other’s family; but do not have sex. If
you truly love one another; you won’t send each other to hell for being selfish an
d trying to use each other.

God bless

Chapter Six

On Human Suffering Again

This goes under the subject of Human Suffering; because I do not know if there a
re other guys who have a hard time with the side effects with the testatrone sho
ts to raise the Testatrone level from the Low Testatrone level.
I started out with two big viles of testatrone that was thick and in the paper o
n side effects said nothing about returning to Puberty.
After the good stuff was gone; the doctor gives me a new prescription to get new
viles of testatrone and it’s more watery and in the side effects from the new stu
ff is returning to Puberty.
Do you remember puberty; sexual attraction and urges comes and goes like crazy?
Sometimes you can’t control them. Most of the time the urges comes when you slee
p and you can’t control them when you sleep.
Sometimes I can’t control the urges or fight them off during the day and the man j
uices flow for no reason.
It is a suffering; because you are trying to live a pure life and a chaste life
and a celibate life; and when those times come and you can’t control them; you sta
rt to wonder if you sinned and I do too.
My mom said the urges I can’t control they are not a sin; because they are caused
medically. But the last time I went to confession; I confessed it and you all s
hould too.
It may not be a sin and you did not even Masturbate; and the stuff comes out; wh
at can you do?
I pray and sometimes that doesn’t even help. It may not help because the medicine
isn’t allow God to over take the problem.
As the exorcism of the young lady in Germany; where the meds the doctors put her
on; could not respond the way to where she could kick out the demons and the de
vil out; but this is all medical on this issue.
I want to say, Trust in God’s Mercy and offer this suffering up to Jesus on the Cr
oss and He will help you.

God bless

Chapter Seven

We Are At War

I have just returned from seeing Fr. John Corapi Live in person; it was on Spiri
tual Warfare and part two will be in the small lion’s den; New Jersey.
Now, we need to understand something. We are at war. Are we at war with flesh
and blood? Nope. Who are we at war with? Principalities and Powers of darkness.
How can we fight this war? By prayer, confession and the Eucharist.
Now, let us go on prayer for starters.
The Holy Rosary. The devil is scared of the Blessed Mother and he hates her. T
he Holy Rosary is powerful form of prayer.
What is the Holy Rosary?

It is praying the Gospels.

The Gospels are the good news and the good news is not something but a somebody
and His name is Jesus Christ. The Holy Rosary is Praying Jesus. Because Jesus
is the Good News and is the Word of God.
When you pray the Rosary; you meditate on the life of Christ. All but two myste
ries are found in Scripture. In Scripture you find the Hail Mary in the first c
hapter of Luke when the Angel came to Mary, “Hail Full of Grace, the Lord is with
thee.” Then when she came to her cousin’s home and the prayer was finished: “blessed
are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
When the disciple asks Jesus, “Teach us how to pray.” Then Jesus teaches them the O
ur Father.
If you pray the Holy Rosary slowly and reverently; your prayer will be so powerf
ul and have a greater effect on people; through the graces given by Mary; who is
given control of the graces to be given by being the spouse of the Holy Spirit
and she can chose who and where and when to give the graces as well and we learn
this from St. Louis De Montfort.

On The Holy Mass

Now the most powerful form of prayer is the Holy Mass. Which we take part in ev
ery day, Sunday and Holy Days. Missing Mass on Sunday and Holy Day without a go
od reason; is not a good answer on missing Mass. Unless you are a cop, EMT, doc
tor or nurse, fire fighter, other emergency crews; you have a good reason. If y
ou are sick or hurt; another good reason; unless you got sick or hurt drinking a
nd you can walk, stand or drive; then get to Mass.
The Holy Mass is the most important form of worship in the Christian Faith.
What is the Mass?
“You are about to witness the most sublime act on earth. Jesus Christ will shortl
y be present on the altar and will offer Himself to the everlasting Father ae di
d twenty centuries ago. In fact the Mass, which you are about to witness, is th
e bloodless renewal of Christ’s sacrifce on Calvary.”
“Sacrifice, the public worship of the gods through the offering of tangible and ma
terial objects, has been the essence of all religions from the very beginning of
time. This is especially the case of Christianity, the true religion, with its
foundations in the Mosaic Law. God, since the very beginning of His covenant w
ith man, has required His people to offer sacrifices in acknowledgement of His s
upreme dominion over them and in reparation for the offenses committed against t
he divine law. It was not until the sixteenth century, with the proliferation o
f the Protestant errors, that groups of Christians began to reject the idea of a
sacrificial Mass and to substitute in its stead a communion ceremony in which a
community gathered together in worship God with prayer and song.”
“The very nature of a sacrificial act requires that there be a minister, or priest
, ordained by God to offer the oblation. In the Old Covenant God chose priests
from the family of Aaron to offer sacrifce and to minister to Him in the temple.
With the coming of Christ there was a new covenant established that built upon
the old. This new covenant did not change the precepts of the old but rather b
rought them to fruition: ‘Do not think that I have come to destroy the law or the
prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” (Mt. 5:17). The sacrificial
priesthood of the New Covenant was divinely instituted on Holy Thursday night w
hen Christ, after He had consecrated and offered His Body and Blood, said to the
Apostles: “Do this for a commemoration of me.” Since this time of the bishops, suc
essors to the Apostles, have ordained priests to perpetuate the sacrifice of Chr
ist through the offering of the Holy Mass.” Taken from the booklet, For The Visit
or At Mass.
We have learned about the Holy Rosary and the Mass.
Now, we are at War against Principalities and Powers as St. Paul writes in Ephes
ians and he tells us to put on the Armor of God. Which is the Truth of God and
the Word of God.
When we take part at Mass with a pure soul; we are strengthened by receiving the
Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and taking part of Jesus giving Himself to the F
ather to ransom us from the devil; by Jesus’ death; He destroyed death.
At war, we need medics and when we go to confession; we go to a medic and we are
healed and then we are sent back out to the front lines. When our soul dies; w
e go to confession and the soul is raised back to life; by having Sanctfying Gra
ce re-enter into the soul and our share in Divine Life is back and we are made c
lean and pure.
We must stay near the Holy Sacraments; which bring us and helps us become closer
to God and by receiving Sanctfying Grace through Baptism, Confession and the Eu
charist. All Sacraments are Sacred; because they are Divine made and blessed by
Christ when He walked the earth.
That is what St. Paul is talking about; by putting on the Armor of God to defend
against the enemy and how to defend the Church.

God bless

Chapter Eight

On The Rosary

What is the Holy Rosary?

It is praying the Gospels.
The Gospels are the good news and the good news is not something but a somebody
and His name is Jesus Christ. The Holy Rosary is Praying Jesus. Because Jesus
is the Good News and is the Word of God.
When you pray the Rosary; you meditate on the life of Christ. All but two myste
ries are found in Scripture. In Scripture you find the Hail Mary in the first c
hapter of Luke when the Angel came to Mary, “Hail Full of Grace, the Lord is with
thee.” Then when she came to her cousin’s home and the prayer was finished: “blessed
are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
When the disciple asks Jesus, “Teach us how to pray.” Then Jesus teaches them the O
ur Father.
If you pray the Holy Rosary slowly and reverently; your prayer will be so powerf
ul and have a greater effect on people; through the graces given by Mary; who is
given control of the graces to be given by being the spouse of the Holy Spirit
and she can chose who and where and when to give the graces as well and we learn
this from St. Louis De Montfort.
Padre Pio called the Rosary his weapon. One night the devil was attacking and h
e called out to a young friar, “Get me my weapon, get me my weapon!” The young fria
r told Padre Pio, “you are a Capuchin Friar; you can’t have a weapon.” Padre Pio said
, “get me my Rosary!”
Yes, the Holy Rosary is a weapon and our weapon we use to defend against the dev
il and all his demons who attack us and tempt us. The Rosary is not a Sacrament
but a Sacramental.
Do not get me wrong, when you pray that Rosary; the devil or one of the other de
mons can tempt you and try to make you sin; but if they do; they will still get
burned by it. So Pray that Rosary.
The Rosary is one of the most powerful prayers we have to defend ourself against
the devil and his demons. Next is the St. Michael Prayer and the best is the M
But right now, let us focus on the Rosary. The Holy Rosary was given to St. Dom
inic from Mary and he was told to pray it and have others pray it to have the wo
rld corrected from all the sins and have all the wars stop; it actually worked a
nd the priests and bishops started to act like they should be.
If we would pray the Rosary as we are told to do. If every person would pray on
e Rosary a day, the world would be fixed and all the corruption, murder, wars, p
overty, everything would be taken care of it and made well.
So, Pray the Rosary; Pray the Gospels; which is Praying Jesus Christ.

God bless

Chapter Nine

When people say there is nothingness, I see God. Power and Suffering, I see red
emption. Fear, Love.

In today’s socialistic world; even in America; people say there is nothingness and
no need for God; but there is a God; because nothingness is nothingness and we
always needed God and God has always been there and will always be; because God
can never end or begin.
They want us to live without talking about God or live without God; but we can n
ot; because we can not live without God; because then we become dumb by not bein
g able to think or live; because we need God to live and think. We live in a in
complete way when we are without our faith in God. We also think in a incomplet
e way also without God. We need God in our life so that we may live and think i
n a complete way.
When they want us to live without God and take away God from us; they want to ha
ve full power over us. Which leads us into suffering. What does it mean when w
e are taken over and we must live without God; means they want us to make gods o
ut of every day things or even ourself or even those in power.
Which leads us into suffering; a suffering that is a evil but through this evil
comes a redemption that Jesus brought us by the Cross. We cause Jesus and Mary
suffering by doing what the socialistic people want us to do. We cause them suf
fering; especially Jesus when we turn from Him and turn to ourself or another pe
rson or another thing and make that thing or person a god.
Redemption comes from suffering; suffering starts out as a evil but God Himself
suffered and turned suffering froma evil into redemption; salvation. That is wh
y us Christians are called to suffer and a Christian life is full of suffering a
nd that we should not be afraid to suffer one little pain or one big pain or any
thing; we go through sufferings; even when we sleep; Suffering helps us to come
closer to God and when we offer our sufferings up to Him; we take part as Mary d
id at the foot of the cross; by taking part in Redemptive Suffering.
Through the fear these people want us to live in and when they try to take God f
rom us; yes, it is fearful but when we see fear; we should see love. Love destr
oys all fears. God destroys all fears with His Love. When we are fearful of th
e times; we must remember that God takes those fears and destroys them with His
Love and gives us comfort and courage to live in these times. When our politica
ns want to destroy everything God has created and remove Himself from schools, p
laces of work, eating places, theatres, every where; we must never forget that G
od conqueors all and removes those fears and sufferings and turns them into cour
age, He comforts us and He shows how to love these people.
With the Love of God; we can defeat these people and convert them; but only with
the Love of God; not by hatred, guns or by force. We should not force anything
or use hatred or fear or anything that will injure people; but through the Love
of God; we can convert them and bring them True Happiness.

God bless

Chapter Ten

How To Love as God Wants us to Love

In the past chapter I responded to the issues of the times. I would like to tel
l you a story that Pope John Paul II told his students; something a talior told
him during World War II in Poland.
“You see all the hate around us; Love conqueors the hate; but if you use hate to f
ight hate; hate comes back in a different color or label. We must Love to remov
e hate.”
Now, how are we to love these people who want to destroy the faith in God that w
e have or remove God? Yes, we are to tell them that we do not agree with them a
nd never will; but to conqueor hate with hate, volience or volience; is not the
answer; we are to love everyone.
But, the soceity has the false idea of love. They say lust and sex and co-habit
ation is Love. That is not love; that is what the devil calls love.
Love is where we give ourself as Jesus did for us on the Cross.
Where we forgive those who hurt us; if we can not forgive; how can we call ourse
lf a Christian? We can’t. If we hate those who hate us; we can not be a Christia
To love those as Jesus loves us; is to care for their soul and for their well be
ing. To love them as Jesus loves us and also them; means we are to love them by
living our faith by action.
When we live the Catholic faith in the world; people will see the examples on ho
w to be happy and joyful in a time of suffering. With this; the example will te
ach them how to love as God loves us.
Finally, when they come up to us and yell at us or insult us; we are not to get
upset but smile and say “I will pray for you.” Once we do that, we show the final e
xample of Jesus when He was killed on the Cross and we must also forgive them.

God bless

Chapter Eleven

To Form The Conscience Correctly

Today, people have no idea what a formed Conscience is or why you need a formed
Conscience that is proper where you know that the immoral is wrong and moral is
good. But, we have no idea that there is a way to form your conscience correctl
How many kids are having sex at a young age? How many husbands and wives are ch
eating on each other? How many college students take part in homo-sexual activi
ty and say they are still hetero-sexual?
I could say hundreds of thousands and parents don’t even know about it.
Why are these things happening? One, because they have not formed their conscie
nce properly and second, they are forming their conscience wrongly to do what is
wrong as right and right as wrong.
So, what does it mean to have a moral conscience?

Charles Boyer
“Conscience! Conscience! divine, immortal instinct and heavenly voice!” (Rousseau, E
mile, IV). With this apostrophe the Savoyard Vicar addresses that human faculty
which enables man to distinguish good from evil, which prohibits him from doing
evil and makes him love the good. Conscience is no more than reason applied to m
oral conduct in order to regulate it. Just as our speculative knowledge derives
from a few basic, immediately formed principles which enlighten it and guide it,
so our moral judgements are derived from a few practical principles. The first
of these principles is that we must do good and avoid evil. As soon as the human
intelligence comes into contact with perceptible things, the conscience forms t
hese principles. Created to know being, the intelligence immediately grasps the
basic laws of what is and what should be. Thus it reveals its origin, since the
absolute, universal and necessary character cannot come from itself but rather f
rom a higher light which illumines it. Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas understo
od this profoundly and clearly taught it.Some philosophers who excluded the othe
r roads towards God, finally discover this. The voice of the conscience is a com
mandment that one can violate but one cannot suffocate nor modify it. This impli
es a duality and rules out all monism. For this reason, Armando Carlini gave up
the idealism of Gentile. Kant himself, after having done away with metaphysics,
wrote this lovely sentence: “Two things fill the soul with admiration and continua
lly renewed respect: the star-filled sky above us and the moral law within us. “
When the judgement of conscience conforms to the principles we receive from natu
ral reason, or proceeds from them without deviation, it is correct and pronounce
s that which is good. But is it always correct? Can we say that conscience is in
fallible? Rousseau seemed to think so since he continued his apostrophe to consc
ience as follows: “Secure guide of an ignorant and limited, but intelligent and fr
ee being, infallible judge of good and evil that makes man like to God!” He contra
sts it to our understanding which is without rules and to our reasoning which is
without principles, both of which lead us astray from error to error. But consc
ience is not a faculty distinct from intellect and reason. Just as the intellect
is infallible when it enunciates the first speculative principles and that whic
h immediately follows from them, so conscience is infallible when it proceeds fr
om the first practical principles and their immediate applications. But when the
conclusions are more remote in the intellectual sphere as in the moral sphere,
we can make mistakes. In this case we can judge as true that which is false and
as good that which is evil.
Therefore we cannot have blind faith in our judgements but we must form them wel
l, the moral judgements which are those of the conscience and the others. Just a
s speculative intelligence acquires greater ease in finding truth by acquiring g
ood habits or intellectual virtues, so also practical intelligence perfects its
power to judge correctly the moral value of acts by acquiring certain virtues, p
articularly the virtues of wisdom and prudence. A conscience is well formed when
its judgements proceed from wisdom and prudence. Otherwise it can be badly form
Now, if conscience is not necessarily well formed and can even be very poorly fo
rmed, how are we to understand the precept: we must follow our own conscience? L
et us now distinguish the various cases.
If conscience is prudently formed and one has every reason to believe it to be s
o, then, obviously, one must follow it. If there be some doubt about the legitim
acy of an act to be performed, one cannot act with this uncertain conscience. Ho
wever one can often resort to some certain principles which make the legitimacy
of the act certain, in spite of the fact that the law is in doubt.
Is it possible to believe that one’s conscience is well formed and, however, be mi
staken? This is possible, and an act based on this conscience will not be sinful
. But objectively speaking, this act does not proceed from wisdom and prudence a
nd consequently, because of the nature of the error, it will often be possible t
o realize one’s mistake.
Is it possible to find oneself faced with a clear and certain law and still viol
ate it with a prudently formed conscience, that is, one formed objectively with
wisdom and prudence? If the law does not allow for exceptions, it is clear that
the answer to this is in the negative.
In the light of these considerations, seeing on the one hand that conscience, th
e guide of our actions, must be prudently formed, and on the other hand that a p
rudently formed conscience conforms to the law that is certain, I believe that e
very Catholic whose conscience is truly and prudently formed, will conform in hi
s conduct—if he wants to avoid sin—to the judgement of the Supreme Pontiff of the Ch
urch, when he gives, with the authority and certainty of the ordinary magisteriu
m, the decision contained in the Encyclical Humanae Vitae.”

What is a immoral conscience?

A immoral conscience is where the conscience tells us to do the opposite of what
is right and vote for the unjust things and to have everything immoral seem rig
Most people today have no thought about what they are doing and what the consequ
ences are for them.
Let us touch on one example: a older boy and a girl who is not of the legal age;
the two have sex; which consists of rape and is punishable by time in Prison.
Let us take another example: a wife cheating on her husband with a younger man;
there you break God’s law and have to deal with a husband who is on fire and very
upset; might have to deal with his shotgun too.
Another example of a immoral conscience is where you steal but you do not take w
hat you stole back and ask forgiveness.
Anything wrong you do; because you think is right; means your conscience is immo
rally formed or formed in a improper way.
Our Conscience is the voice inside us that tells us this is right or this is wro
ng. If our conscience is formed wrong; we do not have that Just Voice inside us
but the immoral voice that is shown on the cartoon Tom and Jerry as a little de
vil telling him to do something bad.
When the angel shows up on the other shoulder telling him to do the right thing;
that is what our conscience should do; tell us what to do; which is what God te
lls our Guardian Angel to tell us that this is right and we can do this or this
is wrong and we must not dot his.
Yes, our Guardian Angel is right by us telling us what is right and wrong; but w
e also have the evil one and his demons on the other side saying, “go ahead, it wo
n’t harm you and it’s good for you.” Which many have fallen for today.
So, how to form your conscience correctly takes prayer, silence; so you can list
en to God and even your guardian angel who guards you and I and even guides us t
hrough life. Confession, Mass, Rosary, Scripture, Eucharistic Adoration forms t
he correct Conscience.
God bless

Chapter Twelve

Trusting In God

Let us start with some Scripture from the Navarre Bible:

Mt. 6:19-34
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and
where theives break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and stea
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The eye is the lamp
of the body. So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light; b
ut if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then
the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other
, or be will devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and
Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or w
hat you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life mo
re than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; th
ey neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feed
s them.
Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add
one cubit to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing?
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet
I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. B
ut if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow i
s thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you.
O men of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, What shall we eat?
or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear? For the Gentiles seek all these
things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first h
is kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.
Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for its
elf. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.”
How many people today have trust in God?
People will say they trust Him; but you can’t say it but you must show it and live
it. We are not to worry if we don’t have the money for something we truly need a
nd we must fall to our knees and pray and ask God for help. Ask the Blessed Mot
her for help and she will help you.
I know I need to work on Trusting In God more; because without Him; I can do not
hing; I can do stuff but it won’t be the right thing to do or say or think; becaus
e we can’t even have a good thought without God. Everything we would do would hav
e no meaning; just like the work most people do; where they don’t offer it up to G
Many today in the world have forgotten to offer up their day, time, work, food,
drink, etc up to God; so God may bless it; but most have no problem using slande
r or gossip in the day; which hurts others and do not even think that they thems
elves are sining.
To trust in God means we are to have entire and total faith in God and that He w
ill get us through the day and if we need something that is important and can’t af
ford it or can’t pay for a hotel room; we must have trust in God and faith in Him.
Once we have trust in Him and faith in Him; we will be given what is needed; b
ut first we must search for His Kingdom and live a life of Holiness; which is ri


When you are nearing death or sick; we must never lose hope in God and when we s
tarted to put trust in God on everything else; when we are sick and everything f
eels helpless; we should put our life in the hands of God. So we won’t fear anymo
re or get restless; and everything is taken care of.
Finally, once we come to enter the time of death; the person on the death bed or
even everyone else; no one should be crying but we should be praying by their b
ed side. Intrusting the person to God and asking through the Litany of the Sain
ts to have company to bring them into Eternal Life. That is why the people on t
he way receive food for the journey; the Eucharist and blessed with holy oils an
d have confession. If they have enough time; usually there could be a Mass and
Confession. But through all these prayers the person and the people around are
comforted and their trust in God will be so great and no time to worry.
God bless
The Conclusion

In this book we have touched on many topics and all deal with the faith and the
human person. This is so important because we must understand human suffering,
how to handle human suffering, and how we are to trust in God. I hope these twe
lve chapters will be read and help people in the faith and help everyone’s underst
In the next Apologia will have a new name from MY to something else; I’m not sure
what it will be or what will the topics or chapters will be but for right now; t
his work is finish until book three.
May God bless you and hold you in His hand and keep you from all sins.

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