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Internship II Weekly Reports

Matthew Robinson

Wright State University


Wright State University

Department of Leadership Studies
Student Affairs in Higher Education Administration

SAA 7670 Internship II

Student Name: Matthew Robinson Dates included in report: May 8 – May 12

Hours worked at site this week: 20 hours Cumulative hours: 20

Describe the activities you participated in during this week:

This week I began my internship at Auburn University at Montgomery in the Office of
Student Involvement and Leadership programs. This week was mostly comprised of
completing required paperwork in addition to becoming acclimated to the office. I
worked on an agenda for one of our upcoming planning retreats for the Campus
Activities Board as well as attended training for the Maxient conduct system that AUM
employs. I was also given the opportunity to sit in on a meeting between our office,
facilities, grounds, conferences services, and campus police. This meeting is so that each
office can remain in contact and give the most up to date information to each other one
what is happening on campus.

Provide a brief reflection regarding your experiences this week:

I am very excited to begin my internship at AUM. This office does a lot for the university
and I will be able to have piece in many different functional areas. I have already learned
a lot in just one week and I hope that this trend continues for the rest of the summer.

Wright State University

Department of Leadership Studies
Student Affairs in Higher Education Administration

SAA 7670 Internship II

Student Name: Matthew Robinson Dates included in report: May 15 – May 19

Hours worked at site this week: 20 hours Cumulative hours: 40

Describe the activities you participated in during this week:

This week I continued to work on the development of our Campus Activities Board
Retreat as well as the curriculum for the Freshman Forum. I also had the opportunity to
work with Auburn Montgomery’s mascot Curtiss the Warhawk at an appearance. I
trained two members of the mascot team as this was the first time either of them had to be
at an appearance outside of campus.

Provide a brief reflection regarding your experiences this week:

This week was very busy both in and out of the office. Working with the mascot is
always a treat and I felt that the two students I worked with learned a great deal during
our time together. I also am really looking forward to this retreat as I will be presenting
on the topic of Universal Design in terms of university programming. I think that it will
be very valuable to our team and I am looking forward to the feedback I receive from

Wright State University

Department of Leadership Studies
Student Affairs in Higher Education Administration

SAA 7670 Internship II

Student Name: Matthew Robinson Dates included in report: May 22- May 26
Hours worked at site this week: 20 hours Cumulative hours: 60

Describe the activities you participated in during this week:

This week was our Campus Activity Board’s summer retreat. This retreat is focused on
the executive board developing programs for AUM students in the fall. These programs
are designed with all students in mind and the executive board worked hard to make sure
that everyone could enjoy their semester with fun events. I also gave a presentation about
Universal Design in terms of university programming to the executive board, so that they
plan events with an inclusive frame of mind. The students responded very well to the
presentation and took many notes. I also helped give a presentation about True Colors,
which have become very familiar with through the workshop class.

Provide a brief reflection regarding your experiences this week:

The retreat was very successful. All the programs have been set and the students did an
excellent job of designing programs that all students can enjoy. I am very proud of the
work they have done and I hope to see some of the fruits of their labor in the fall. I was
also very pleased with both of the presentations I was a part of and I really feel like I
made an impact on the thinking of these students. It’s humbling to see students learning
from information I presented, and I hope that I continue to get the opportunity to work
with students in this capacity.

Wright State University

Department of Leadership Studies
Student Affairs in Higher Education Administration

SAA 7670 Internship II

Student Name: Matthew Robinson Dates included in report: May 29- June 2
Hours worked at site this week: 25 hours Cumulative hours: 85 hours

Describe the activities you participated in during this week:

This week we focused on getting pictures for the Fraternity and Sorority life brochure
that we have been working on for the past couple of weeks. This will serve as branding
for our Greek life on campus, which is currently almost nonexistent. It is our hope that
this will help recruitment of new members and clear up misconceptions about our
students who are involved. The photo shoot was excellent and all of our students are
really excited to see the final product. I also did a great deal with developing the
curriculum of our Freshman Forum program, which is used to help freshman get involved
with Student Government or involved with campus as a whole.

Provide a brief reflection regarding your experiences this week:

This week was very busy and involved being a part of multiple projects at once. I really
enjoyed having something to do each day and I think I could do well in a smaller
environment like this in the future. I will continue to work on both FF and the brochure
until the end of my internship. I really think both will turn out great and benefit students,
which is the most important part to me.

Wright State University

Department of Leadership Studies
Student Affairs in Higher Education Administration

SAA 7670 Internship II

Student Name: Matthew Robinson Dates included in report: June 5- June 9

Hours worked at site this week: 20 hours Cumulative hours: 105 hours

Describe the activities you participated in during this week:

This week our office began putting the finishing touches on the Freshman Forum
curriculum. After meeting with the director of our office as well as the SGA member who
will be in charge of Freshman Forum, I will be making changes to the curriculum and
then sending it to be printed as well as creating online copies. This has been a summer
long project and I am looking forward to seeing its completion.

Provide a brief reflection regarding your experiences this week:

My time in the internship is coming to a close soon and I meet that with a bittersweet
reaction. I look forward to coming back to Wright State but I have really enjoyed my
time learning at AUM. I have picked up a lot from my supervisors and I really enjoy the
work environment. Freshman Forum has become an interest of mine and I hope to see it
successful at AUM. I think the students will enjoy what we have planned and they will
gain some great leadership skills along the way.

Wright State University

Department of Leadership Studies
Student Affairs in Higher Education Administration

SAA 7670 Internship II

Student Name: Matthew Robinson Dates included in report: June 12- June 16
Hours worked at site this week: 20 hours Cumulative hours: 125 hours

Describe the activities you participated in during this week:

This week was a bit laid back in our office. My supervisor Joel and his wife are having a
baby in July so the entire division of student affairs threw a surprise Daddy Shower for
him. Everyone brought diapers and books for the family. It was really amazing to see the
amount of support the division had for one of its members. I hope that wherever my next
professional home has a familial culture similar to AUM. I also began finalizing the
advertising material that I have been developing for AUM Sorority and Fraternity life.
We only need a couple more things to put into the work and we will be finished. So far I
am very proud of what we have put together and I look forward to seeing the finished

Provide a brief reflection regarding your experiences this week:

This week was a nice change of pace from the blazing speed of the internship so far.
Seeing the division come together for the benefit of a member of the team was really
cool. I loved taking part in the shower and seeing how loving this community can be.
This culture is something I hope to continue to be a part of, no matter where I go.

I will be returning to Wright State at the end of July, and I am very excited to begin the
final year in the SAHE program with my cohort!

Wright State University


Department of Leadership Studies

Student Affairs in Higher Education Administration

SAA 7670 Internship II

Student Name: Matthew Robinson Dates included in report: June 19- June 23
Hours worked at site this week: 25 hours Cumulative hours: 150 hours

Describe the activities you participated in during this week:

This week was the final week of my internship at Auburn University at Montgomery. I
completed the Fraternity and Sorority life magazine project this week. It has been a labor
of love to say the least, but I am really happy with the finished product. I also worked on
finishing up all of the paperwork requirements for the internship and I will be sending
those shortly.

Provide a brief reflection regarding your experiences this week:

I cannot believe how quickly this internship has come and gone. I have learned a lot
about myself and the type of work environment I want to be in. I am also glad to see that
my projects are completed and will soon be implemented in the fall. I wish I could see
them come to fruition, but I will be keeping in touch with my supervisors to see if we had
success or not. My hope is that students will benefit from these materials and that these
tools will be used to enhance student involvement on Auburn University at
Montgomery’s campus.

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