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Kim Do Ik (Marco) 200600297

In the unit 1 when people are looking to buy a product they usually don·t know
where it comes from or how it is made. As we can see there are several steps
and materials used to make a product.

Robyn wakes up every single day and looks from the window and say s to himself,
how can men make such products. He hears the noise of the factory,
transportation going and coming , how people are stuck in rush hour, moving
trains, and the traffic jam.

Also we can see some problems of manufacturing and services because they see
flaws in the design after obtaining the product.

What about the manufacturing? Manufacturing is important b ecause if we don·t

have a manufactured product we can·t have commercialization and propaganda of
the product.

The following sectors are the main parts of the industrial infrastructure.

In the primary sector they extract the recourses. By farming, fishing, foresting,
mines for different materials like gold, silver, aluminum, steel and other kind of
raw material once they have taken these resources they make a simple process
to deliver to the secondary sector.

In the secondary sector they have factor ies where the raw materials are
processed and made into one piece. Where they cut, strength the raw material,
press, boil, coal.

Lastly the tertiary sector is when the finished product is promoted to the
consumers, giving a good commercial service, transpo rting the final products to
marts, department stores, convenience stores and other.

   primary sector, secondary sector, tertiary sector,
manufacturing, consumers, products, services,
Taejong Kim 200700889

In this unit, we have briefly learned some basic fundaments as to how to

become a good manager. There are some qualities that are very essential to
become a respected manager. Those qualities include leadership, logic, having
good ideas, being communi cative, and etc.

According to a business professor and consultant Peter Drucker, there are 5

steps of management: lanning, rganizing, easuring, ntegrating and

As for planning, we have to set a feasible plan with specifics of how to

accomplish our goals. And in this phase, we include strategy, tactics, and
allocating resources. When we organize, we have to know how to organize our
team by knowing each and ever y one of their characteristics and assigning them
to perform jobs in which they are good at.

Also, communication is very important to managers since it is the managers·

responsibility to inform their objectives correctly and precisely to their
subordinates in addition to forming teams, doing some more personnel work,
such as promotion and salary, and supervising.

Managers should also make sure that the jobs assigned to their subordinates
are being carried out correctly and excellently followed by developing
themselves and their subordinates.

It has been very conventional for managers to perform their jobs in this way,
nowadays, styles and objectives of management has been changed to adapt to
certain circumstances or industries.

   decisive, motivate, inspire, competent, subordinate,
allocating, resources, communication, innovation, intuition, supervise, objectives

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