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Said UAL PlaLeLRRotLstAL WoI-enis Mae 1211/414/e9, ct, 15-9-2011 YA ez, MATHEMATICS Standard 11 (Semester II) @ PLepGE India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage, I shall always strive to be worthy of it I shall respect my parents, teachers and all my elders and treat everyone with courtesy. I pledge my devotion to my country and its peopl My happiness lies in their well-being and prosper Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks yayan’, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagar-382 010 © Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks, Gandhinagar Copyright of this book is rescrved by Gujarat State Board of S hol Textbooks. ‘No reproduction of this book, in whole or in part, in any form is permitted without the written permission of the Din tor, Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks. Authors Dr A. P. Shah (Convener) Shri Rajiv S. Choksi Dr A. H. Hasmani Shri Jaykrishna N. Bhatt Shri Vipul R. Shah Reviewers Dr M. M. Trivedi Shri Shaileshbhai Sheth Shri Kantilal N. Prajapati Shri Vijaybhai S. Mehta Shri Parimalbhai B. Purohit Shri Sharadbhai B. Bakotra Shri M, M, James Shri Shakil N, Munshi Shri Mahmadsharif A. Aliyani Shri A. E. Pillai Shri Bhaveshbhai A. Pathak Language Reviewer Shri Harbhadrasinh I. Sarvaiya Artist Shri Manish P. Parekh, Co-ordinator Shri Ashish H. Borisagar (Subject Co-ordinator : Mathematics) Preparation and Planning Shri Haresh $. Limbachiya (Dy. Director : Academic) Lay-out and Planning Shri Haresh $. Limbachiya (Dy. Director : Production) PREFACE ‘The Gujarat State Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board has prepared new syllabi in accordance with the new national syllabi prepared by the N.C.E.R.T. These syllabi are sanctioned by the Government of Gujarat. It is a pleasure for the Gujarat State Board of School ‘Textbooks, to place before the sudents this textbook of Mathematics for Standard 11 (Semester II) prepared accord syllabus, Before publishing the textbook, its manuscript has been fully reviewed by experts and teachers teaching at this level. given by teachers and experts, we have made necessary changes in the manuscript before publishing the textbook. The Board has taken special care to ensure that this textbook is interesting, useful and free from errors. However, we welcome any suggestions from people interested in education, to improve the quality of the textbook. Wf to the new llowing suggestions Dr. Bharat Pandit Director Sujit Gulati .. Executive President Date; 05-08-2015 Gandhinagar First Edition + Dr. Bharat Pandit, Director, on behalf of Gujarat State Board of School Textbooks, Published by 2011, Reprint : 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 “Vidyayan’, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagar Printed by = It shall be the duty of every citizen of India (A) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem; B) to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom; © to uphold and proteet the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India; (D) to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so; ©) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women; (F) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture; (G) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures; a) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform; oO to safeguard public property and to abjure violence; o to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement; (kK) to provide opportunities for education by the parent or the guardian, to his child or a ward between the age of 6-14 years as the case may be, “Constitution of India : Section 51 A INDEX A Se eae Principle of Mathematical Induction Complex Numbers Binomial Theorem Addition and Factor Formulae Values of Trigonometrie Functions for Multiples and Submultiples Trigonometric Equations and Properties of a Triangle Sequences and Series Conies Three Dimensional Geometry Limits Derivative Answers Terminology (In Gujarati) 22 48 62 a1 ML 130 160 200 225 256 274 282 About This Textbook... We have created a background in the book of Mathematics for standard 11, semester I about formation of new syllabus and writing textbooks following curriculum of NCERT. First of all, this book was written in English, It was reviewed by teachers and professors teaching in English medium schools and colleges. According to the suggestions made by experts, necessary amendments were made and the manuscript was translated in Gujarati. It was again reviewed by experts teaching in Gujarati medium; considering their suggestions, the necessary changes were made. Thus, the manuscript prepared was compeletely read by the authors in workshops and the authors gave final touches to the manuscript. In chapter 1, mathematical induction which is a tool to prove many properties about statements related to natural numbers is studied. Also, we have shown the use of mathematical induction in various fields using various formats. Chapter 2 gives an introduction to complex number system, Fundamental theorem of algebra, square roots and cube roots of complex numbers, Argand diagrams, inequaliti presented in a very lucid manner in this chapter. Any algebraic n degree equation with real coefficients can be solved using complex numbers and thus complex numbers are very usefull. Chapter 3 introduces binomial theorem which is an extension of expansions of the squares and the cubes studied at secondary school level. Binomial theorem for positive index is useful while using polynomials. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 advance the study of trigonometry studied in semester I. These chapters are useful to study properties of triangles and for studying general solution of trigonometric equations, In chapter 7, there are arithmetic progression, geometric progression and power series (index I, 2 and 3). In chapter 8, elementary study of conics and primary information have been given. We mention intersection of cones and general second degree curves. In chapter 9, there is a study of three dimensional geometry. To study this, vector is an important tool. So in the beginning of the chapter, we have given introduction of vectors. The study of three dimensional geometry is limited to section of a line segment. Chapter 10 and 11 suggest the beginning of the calculus. Only intuitive concept of limit has been taken and then limit has been defined. We have stressed how to obtain limit using lemmas and theorems. ‘The concept of limit has been explained with the help of graphs but students are not supposed to draw the graphs. Having defined differentiation, we have explained how to obtain derivatives of elementary functions. There are ample number of examples so that a student can understand all the concepts by himself / herself and a teacher can lead a student to self study. At the end of every chapter enough number of multiple choice questions have been given so that understanding of concept can be evaluated. We intend to render a student enough study material from the textbook itself. Attractive four colour printing is an additional attraction of s ete. have been Vv the book. We have given some information about contribution of Indian Mathematicians at the end of some chapters. Enough care has been taken to make the textbook maximally interesting and errorfree. However all constructive suggestions regarding further improvement in the textbook are most welcome. We hope teachers and students both will find this book usefull and valuable. —Authors Please consider following points while teaching textbook. Following is necessary for study by students and teachers. But it will not be asked in the board examination. ‘Chapter Exercise Examples Chapter | ___Bxercise | + Ex. No. 21 21, 24 Chapter 2 Exercise 2+ Ex. No, 16 Chapter 5 Exercise 5 : Ex. No. 19 to 22 Chapter & = 13, 14, 19, 32 Chapter 10° Article 10.3 14, 15, 16 Exercise 10 : From statements of examples 1, 2, 3 remove the word “definition” Chapter IT Exercise 11 + Ex. No. 6, 20(4) 17, 26 In Example 19 Let Pin) : sins = nin tx cose Following is useful for higher studies and competitive examinations, but not for board examination. Chapter Exercise Examples Chapter 1 _ Exercise 1+ Ex. No. 9, 24, 29 2 Chapter 2 Exercise 23+ Ex. No. 3 = Chapter $ Exercise 83 + Ex. No. 3, 4 [ Exercise 84 + Ex. No. 8, 9 Exercise 8: Ex. No. 6 Chapter 10 Exercise 10: Ex. No. 9 Chapter 11 Exercise 11: Ex. No.20(23) Chapter a Mathematics is the queen of science and number theory is the queen of mathematics. — Gauss Mathematies passes not only truth but also supreme beauty ! = Bertrand Russell 1.1 Introduction We have studied one method of reasoning, deductive reasoning, For example, consider the following statements Q) 142434... + 100 = 5050 Q) 142434. ¢n= MED GB) Let n = 100 in 2). 142 +3 +. + 100 = LMAO ~ (50,101) = 5050 Here we want to prove that sum of all integers from | to 100 is 5050. We have a general result TH2434.. += 22+) We take m = 100 in it and get the required result. Here, we apply a general principle to deduce a particular result. Consider (1) If3 divides product ab, then 3 divides a or 3 divides b. (2) Ifp is a prime and p divides ab then p divides a or p divides 6. (3) Let p = 3 in (2) as 3 is a prime. Hence, if 3 divides product ab, then 3 divides a or 3 divides 8. Here also we apply a general principle to deduce a particular result. (1) Amitabh Bachchan is @ good actor. (2) Actors are awarded national Padma honour in their category, if selected. (3) Amitabh Bachchan was selected and got Padma honour. PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION 1 Here also a similar situation occurs. But consider the following against this deductive reasoning, 4-1-3 is divisible by 3. Re 15 is divisible by 3 4 — 1 = 63 is divisible by 3. Here we observe a pattem and we make a conjecture that for every positive integer n, 4" — 1 is divisible by 3. So from a particular case, we conjecture a general result. This is not a proof. This inductive assumption has to be proved. All conjectures may not be true, For example, Wn +41 isa prime for n = 1, 2, 3,...39. But for m = 41, 41? — 41 + 41 = 41? is obviously not a prime, Hence we cannot deduce that n? — m + 41 is a prime by observing values for n= 1,2, 3,39 So, inductive argument starts from a particular case and by rigorous deduction the conjecture is proved. The history of this dates back to Plato. In 370 B.C, Plato's parmenides (Discussions or Dialogues) contained an early example of implicit inductive proof. The early traces of mathematical induction can be found in Euclid’s proof that number of primes is infinite. Bhaskara I's cyclic method (Chakravala) also introduces mathematical induction. Sorites paradox used the method of descent. He said 10,00,000 grains of sand form a heap. Removing one grain from the heap does not change the situation. So continuing the argument even one grain or no grain also forms a heap ! Around 1000 A.D., Al-Karaji introduced mathematical induction for arithmetic sequences in ‘Al-Pakiuri and proved the binomial theorem and properties of Pascal's triangle. The first explicit formulation of the principle of mathematical induction was given by Pascal in Traité-du-triangle arithmetique (1665). French mathematician Fermat and Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli used the principle. The modern rigorous and systematic treatment came only in 19th century with George Boole, Sanders Peirce, Peano and Dedekind. 1.2 Induction Principle We start with following principle Principle of Induction ; If a statement P(n) of natural variable m is true for m = 1 and if P(A) is true => P(k + 1) is true, k EN, then P(x) is true, Vn € N. Let us be given a statement P(n) involving a natural variable to be true for all natural numbers 7. We prove it in two stages (1). The basis : We prove it for m = 1 (or 0 o the lowest value). (2) Inductive step : Assuming that the statement holds for some natural number k, prove it forn=k+1 Then P(n) is true for all n € N, 2 MATHEMATICS 2 Domino effect We are presented with a ‘long’ row of dominos such that, (1) The (2) Whenever a domino falls, its next neighbour will fal. So it is concluded that all of the dominos will fall. So the proof is like this. The first statement in an infinite sequence of statements is true and if it is true for some k € N, it is true for the next value of the variable, then the given sequence of statements is true for all n € N. In logical symbols, (WP) [P(1) A (Wk € N) (PR) => PK + 1))] => (Wn © NY[POO] This ean be proved by using well-ordering principle which states that every non-empty subset of N has a least element. Proof : Let § be the set of natural numbers for which P(n) is false. 1 € S as P(1) is true. If S is non-empty, it has a least element ¢ which is not I. Let ¢ = n + 1. Since # is the least element for which P() is false, P(n) is true. Also P(n) => P(m + 1). Hence P(n + 1) = PQ) is true, a contradiction. Hence S = f os P(n) is true, Wn € N. ‘Sometimes paradoxes are created by misuse of the principle. irst domino will fall. There is a famous Polya's proof that there is no horse of different colour. Basis : If there is only one horse, there is only one colour and hence P(1) is true, Induction step : Assume that in any set of n horses, all have the same colour. Consider a set of n+ L horses numbered 1, 2, 3,...2-+ 1. Consider the subsets (1, 2, 3,... m} and (2,3, 4,..0-+ 1}. Bach is a set of » horses and therefore they have the same colour and since they are overlapping sets, all n+ 1 horses have same colour. This argument is true for | horse and m 2 3 horses. But for 2 horses the set {1} and {2} are disjoint and the argument falls flat, 1.3. Examples ‘Now we will apply the principle of mathematical induction to some examples. nine Example 1: Prove 1 +2 +3 +..¢n= MED, nen Solution : Let Ps 142-434. MOLD, ne W For n= 1, LikS. = 1 and RaLs. = 22 = 1, Hence, P() is tue Let P(k) be true ic. P(n) is tue for n = k, k EN. 1243 bee AbD o For = k + 1 we have to prove, 142434. 441) = Kemken Now 14243+..¢&+D=(4243+.4 O44) = HEY FH ID by @ = a+ (41) = dendem PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION Hence, P(k + 1) is true. P(1) is true and P(A) is true, => P(k + 1) is true. “*. Pn) is true, Vn © N by principle of mathematical induction. Note s This example has historical importance, Obviously, 1 +2 + 3+... + 100 = 5050. according to this formula, When this formula was not known, Gauss, at very young age, calculated this by the following method and surprised his teacher Buttner and assistant teacher Bartels Let S= 142434... +100 @ SS = 100499498441 (i) Adding (i) and (ii) 2. 28 = (101) + (101) + ... 100 times i + Gi) co $= 1012000 5050, This was done in no time ! Let us review a geometric ‘proof’ Consider a rectangle of sides m and m + 1 divided into subrectangles of unit sides as shown. The portion under the dark ladder has area 1 +2434... +n. By symmetry the rectangle has area A+ I+T +t MAA LD nny) z 1d 243 4040 Example 2 : Prove 12 + 22 + 32 +... + n2 aostent). neN Solution : Let P(a) : P+ 24324 .. +9? = MAEVE ye N Let m= 1, LHS, = 1? = 1 and RHS, = 2X3 = 1 PQ) is true Let P(A) be true, EN P4244. 42 = Metnek sy 6 Let = b+ 1 5 LHS. 2424324. ¢ 2+ e+ 1? = MetDORTD 4 | EDP = kt v [Beas] 28 +k +6k+6) i rr = kt nek +1k+6) 7 = ADK +I CK z = ker wk tienes ey z RHS. MATHEMATICS-2 P(k + 1) is true, P(R) is true => PU + 1) is true. P(n) is true, Vn € N by principle of mathematical induction Example 3 : Prove 13 + 23 +33 +... + 9 Solution : Let Pom) : 13 + 23 + 33 + Fora = 1, L.H 3 = 1 and RHS, P(1) is true. Let P(A) be true. Bases eae Bde Let n= k+ 1 LHS. = P4243 4..4 646413 = = eM Db ak + D] = EE tak = eew k +2 7 RLS. PCE + 1) is true P(R) is true => P(k + 1) is true. P(n) is true, Vn € N by PML (Now onwards we shall abbreviate Principle of Mathematical Induction as PM.L.) Example 4 : Prove 1+3+5+..+@Qn—1) =m, ne N Solution : Let P): 14345 +..4+Qn—1)= 9% me N 1, LHS. = I and RLS, = 1? = 1 P(1) is true Let P(k) be true 14345+..+0k-D-8 Let Letn =k +1 LHS. = 143454. 4Qk- 1) +040 =P 42k+1 = (+ 1P = RAS. PU + 1) is true P(&) is true => P(k + 1) is true P(n) is true, Vn € N by PML PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION Example § : Prove 7 Solution + Let P@) : Thy + 7 1 n ppg te + ae ~ eT MEN Let n= 1. LHS. = = $ and RMS. = $ PCI) is true. Let P(A) be true. at. ck Tat yg t+ eee ~ ET Ts Let =k +1 LHS. = py ot yt tot RED + RRDETD k 1 “Eri + EenkFD kk ne1 eee Kee 2k +1 Fn +D _ ay Tenders ke TH RUS. PU + 1) is tue PQ) is true = PCR+ 1) is true “. Pn) is true, Wn € N by PML Example 6 : Prove 1-1! + 2-2! 4. + nem) = (a + DI .neN Solution + Let PQ) : lel! + 2-2) 4 ..-#aenl = (n+ DE- 1, me N Let m= 1LLHS. = 1-1l=1,RHS.= (1+ 1!-1= 21-151 PCI) is true. Let P(X) be true. Tell + 2-21 ob okt k+I-1 Letn=k +1 LHS. = 1-1) $ 2-214 3-314. +k ++ DEF D! =(k+ DIA 1 ++ DEF D! =(k+ DFE DI = + F2-1 (k+ 21-1 RAS. 6 MATHEMATICS 2 °. PU+ 1) is true <. P(k) is true => P(k + 1) is true. P(n) is true, Vn © N by PMI. Example 7 : Prove (1+4)(1+4)(1+2) (0 + a ) = (n+ 12, nN Solution Let Pon :(143)(148) (148) (1+ 24) P(k + 1) is true. P(n) is true, Wn € N by PMI. Example 8 : Prove 1+2+ 2-22 43-23 + 0 #ne2"=(n—12"*1+20EN (This type of series is called arithmetico geometric series.) Solution : Let P(w) : 1-2 2+243+234 m2 =(n=12"*142,0EN Let m= 1, LHS, = 2 and RLS. = 0+ 2=2 PC) is true. Let P(A) be true. PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION 1 Hence, 1-24 2-27 + 2. + ke 2 = (k-th $2 Lem =k+1 LHS. DH DPE T BH + MAE RH DET == kth 424+ Dk! =(k-1+k+ Dott 42 = 2k 21+ =k 2k+242-RHS, Pk + 1) is true, P(&) is true => P(k-+ 1) is true *. P(n) is true, Wn © N by PML Example 9 : Prove a+ ar + ar? +... + art=1 = Solution : Let P@) a+ ar + a+... + ar"~! Let m= 1. LHS. = @ and RES, = PQ) is true. Let P(A) be true. atart+ar +... + ark Let =k +1 LHS. = a+ ar + ar + wt ak~ + art Pe + 1) is true P(K) is true => P(k + 1) is true. P(n) is true, Vn © N by PML Example 10 : Prove 3°" *? — 8n — 9 is divisible by 8, n € N Solution : Let P(m) ; 32"*2 — 8 — 9 is divisible by 8, € N Let n= 1, 34— 8— 9 = 81 — 8 — 9 = 64 is divisible by 8. CFD MEN (#D MEN MATHEMATICS-2 Let P(&) be true. Hence 32 +? — 8k — 9 is divisible by 8. Let n= k-+ 1. Now, 3% +4- gk +1) -9 Qk +) +2=2k+4) N23? — Bk 8-9 3% +2 (84 1)— 8-8-9 @ s+) = g.3+2 4 ght? ge gg = +2 ge—9 + G%+2—1) Now, 8 divides 3% +? - 8k - 9 by p(k) Also, 8 divides 8324+? — 1) 8 divides 32 + 2 — 8k — 9 + 8037 *?- 1) HUD +2 8k + 1) ~ 9 is divisible by 8. P(E +1) is true °. PUR) is true => P(k + 1) is true, P(n) is true, Vn € N by PML Another Method : P(n) : 32” *2— 8m ~ 9 is divisible by 8 n © N For n = 1, 32 *? — 8(1) — 9 = 64 is divisible by 8, P(1) is true. Let P() be true. 32% *2 — 8k — 9 is divisible by 8. 37k +2 — 8k — 9 = 8m where m € N @ Now, Let n =k +1, 34k +) +2 ge + 1) — 9 = F742 x 32 — SE-B 9 (8k +9 + 89 —8kK— 8-9 (From () = 72k + 81+ 72m — 8k-8-9 = 64k + 72m + 64 ° P+ 1) is true c. P(k) is true => P(e + 1) is true, ©. Pn) is true, Vn € N by PML. PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION 9 Example 11 : Prove 20022 *! + 20032" * | is divisible by 4005, © N Solution : Let P(n) : 20022" + ! + 20032" * ! is divisible by 4005, » © N Let n= 1. 20023 + 20035 = (2002 + 2003) [(2002)? — (2002}(2003) + (2003)*] = (4005) (2002)? — (2002(2003) + (2003) “. (2002) + (2003)? is divisible by 4005. co PC) is tre Let P() be true. 20022 +1 + 20032* 1 is divisible by 400s. Len = k+1 Now, 20027 + D1 4 299326 + 141 = 20022 + 3 — 200228 * € (2003)? + (2002) + '. (2003)? + (2003)? + 3 = (2002) 1 (2002)? — (2003)?] + (2003)? {(2002)2* + 1 + (2003) +] = —(4005) (2002) +" + (2003)? [(2002* +! + (20037# + 1] Now, (2002 * | (2003)% + ! is divisible by 4005, (Pa) (2002)2* +1 + (2003)24+ 10+ 1 is divisible by 4005. PCE + 1) is true P(&) is true => P(k + 1) is true Pin) is true, Vn € N by PMLL Example 12 : Prove x2" — y?" is divisible by x + y, m © N Solution + Let PQ) : <2” — y" is divisible by x + y, n © N Let m= 1. Then x? — y? = (x — y)(x + y) and so x2 — y? is divisible by x + y. P(1) is true. Let P(k) be true vs xk — 2k is divisible by x + y. Letm=k+ 1. EHD yh F Da kt? Why y kyr yr? = 22k (2 — 92) + Park Ph =k Oe = ye ty) + PF OPK PH Now, x2 — 2h is divisible by ( +). rm) 2+) 2k 0) is divisible by (x +9). 10 MATHEMATICS 2 °. PU+ 1) is true P(R) is true => P(E + 1) is true. P(n) is true, Vn € N by PMI. Example 13 : Prove 1? + 2? + 32 +... + 2? > Solution : Let P(n) Let m= 1. LAS. PC) is true. Let P(é) be true. Peers Rok Let m= k+1. Now 22+ RHF RHF DE + e+ IP Now, & + (k +1)? 1B + 32 + 6k + 3) = +3 + 3k + 1+ 3k +2) >t +3 + 3k+ 1 as tGkt+ 22 $>0 Ket > tet iy SPE P AS HFEF IPD HEE DF 2 PE + 1) is true PR) is true => PQ + 1) is true, P(n) is true, Vn © N by PML. @ di) (by (i) and (ii) Example 14; Prove 1+<4Qn+ 17, n€N Solution : Let Pw): 1+ 243 4+..+n P(E + 1) is true. P(n) is true, Vn € N by PML. Example 15 : Prove (1 + x" 21 +n, 1 © N >) Solution : Let Pim): (1 +x!" 21 tax, n EN Letn=1. (+x! s1tx214¢1+x ° PQ) is true Let P(A) be true. oR Lt he Letm=k+ 1. Now, (1 +x *1= (1+ 9 +x) 21+ kyl +9) (by PQ) and as x > —1) (+aftlalteetxth? 2 ltktxaske N20 Cel ++ De P(k + 1) is true. P(A) is true => P(k + 1) is true. P(n) is true, Wn € N by PML. Example 16 : Prove 1+ yy + op ++ 4 S2-1,nEN +ors2-hanen Solution : Let Pon): 1+ gy yr to Let = 1, LHS. = 1, RHS.=2—1=1 P(1) is true. Let P(k) be true. ty4 at at ltytetntBs2-F 1 Add [Ey pF on both the sides. a, 1,-1 , +.tet+ dep S2-t+aE @ Hence, 1 + 2 MATHEMATICS 2 1,—1__ 1, -, 1 Now, 2— 4g + Gan? 2 e+ Gee te WT wk-14k -2- Ta + ear +e -2- e+ Ga - ee L kok=-1 “2- Tai * eka = a ~ Ret aay 1, al a 2-$4 Gap <2- FH (K€ N gives Fee > 0) Gd l+pty tet Ga <2- Ee (by ( and (id) P(K + 1) is true, P(R) is true => PK + 1) is true, P(x) is true Wn € N by PML Example 17: Prove (5) + (7) + (2) +..4 (A) <2", ne N sotasion stat P69 (8) + (2) +(8) 44 (2) 2% we Let n= 1. Luts. = (8) + (#) = 2, RLS. = PCL) is true. Let P(A) be true. G+ G) ++ @)-2 uats.= (+P) +e E+E = (5) + (0) +) + (Ci) +@)) ++ (Wh) +) +0) (5 (6) =) =.) = (EE 1.) Ca +09) =2[() + G+ G++] =2-26 = 2 1=RHS. PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION 13 P(k + 1) is true, <. P(R) is true => PC + 1) is true, P(n) is true, Vn € N by PML 1.4 Some Variants of P.M.L. Variant 1: If P() is @ statement involving natural variable » and if P(kg) is tue for some positive integer fy and if the truth of P(k) for some integer k > ky implies the truth of P(k + 1), then P(w) is true Wn € N, such that 2 ky, Example 18 : Prove 2" > m9; 25, ne N Solution + Let Pw): 2" > ns n25, mE N Let n= 5. (ky = 5), 25 = 32, 5% = 25 and 32 > 25. P(S) is true Let P(R) be true for & > 5. Hence, 2* > #2 Letm=k+1 Now, 24+ 1 = 2-2 > 24? Now, 2 = (k+ 1)? = 22-2 2k-1 =R-2%k+1-2 =(kK+ 12-2>0ask25 D> (k+ 1 tS HIP (by @ and Gi P(k + 1) is true, P(&) is true => P(k + 1) is true P(n) is true, Vn € N by PML Variant 2 : Let P(m) be a statement of integer variable 1. a> eR) @ (ii) ) If P(1) and P(2) are true and if P(E) and P(K + 1) are true for some positive integer k implies Pk + 2) is also true, then P(m) is true for all m € N. Example 19 : Let a, be a sequence of natural numbers with a, 42 = Say 41 — 64, for n 2 1. Prove a, = 2" +3", Wn EN Solution: Let P@) : Ifa, =Sa, 1 — 64, for n> 1, a, =5, ay Sand 2! + Let m= 1. a 24+3=5. Hence, P(1) is true, Let m= 2. a) = 13 and 2 +32 =4+9= 13, Hence, P(2) is true. Let ap = 26 + 34 agg = ETE AEST for kD 1 ; ay = 13 and 13, then a, =2" +3", Vn N. 4 MATHEMATICS-2 Now, dy. = Say 4 1 — Say Skt 14361) 6.2 — 6.36 = 5-2-2 + 5-38-35 — 62k 6-34 = 2410 — 6) + 3 (15 — 6) gh. 22 + 332 gk+2 4 gh? °. POE + 2) is true, P(A) is true and P(k + 1) is true => PU + 2) is true. P(n) is true, Wn € N by PML Miscellaneous Problems : Example 20 : Prove that any payment of & 4 or more can be made using & 2 and & 5 coins only. Solution : Let P(n) : Any payment of 4 or more can be made using € 2 and & 5 coins only. neN For m= 4, we require two coins of & 2 to pay & 4. Let the statement be true for k > 4. Let n= k+ 1 Consider two cases (1) If the payment for € & contains a 5 coin, take it back and give 3, € 2 coins, Hence k+6—5 =k + | rupees are paid. (2). If the payment for & & does not contain any % 5 coin, since k > 4, he must have paid at least two & 2 coins, Take them back and pay one & 5 coin, Hence k+5—4 =k + | are paid, Pik + 1) is true, P(R) is true => P(E + 1) is true. P(n) be true, for Vn © N by PMA. Example 21 : Prove that any integer n > 23 can be put in the form Tx + Sy rENU {0}, yENU {0}. n, where Solution : Let P(m) : Any integer m > 23 can be put in the form Tx + Sy =m, where xENU (OL YENU {0}. Let n= 24, Then 7-2 + 5+2= 24 is the required form with x = y =2 PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION 1s Let Tx + Sy =k fork 224, rE NU (0},yENU {0} @ Now, 5°3-7-2=1 «iy x = 2)+ Sy +3)=k+1 (Adding (i) and (ii) Here y +3 € NU {0} andx-2€ NU {0} ifx #0 orl Let x = 0. Then Sy = kB 24. Thus y > 5, using (i) 7-3 = 5:4 = 1 and Sy = k gives on adding. 7345-4) =k+1 20y-420 w25) P(k + 1) is true, if x = 0 Here x = Let x = I. Hence, 7 + Sy = k, using (i). Then Sy = k= 72 17. Thus y > 4 7-3—5-4= 1 and 7 + Sy ~k gives on adding. tiv) (a) + Sty — 4) = K+ 1 with y— 42 0 and x = 4 (Adding in (iv)) & PG + 1) is true, *. P(A) is true => P(K + 1) is true, P(n) is true for Vn € N by PML ‘Example 22 : (Tower of Hanoi) We have three pegs and a collection of disks of different sizes. Initially they are on top on each other according to their size on the first peg, the largest being on the bottom and the smallest on the top. A move in this game consists of moving disks from one peg to another such that larger disk can never rest on a smaller one. Prove that the number of moves to transfer all disks from first peg to the last peg using the second peg as intermediate is 2” — 1, € N. Solution : Let P(w) : The number of moves to transfer all disks from first peg to the last peg using the second peg as intermediate is 2" — 1, n € N. Let n = 1, obviously there is only one move. 1 (Pt) Suppose there are 2* — 1 moves to transfer k disks as required. PCI) is true. 2! — First we move top & disks to the second peg using the third peg as the intermediate one. This will take 24 — 1 moves. Now move the last disk to the third peg. This is one move. Now move k disks from second peg to the third peg in 2* — 1 moves. The total number moves is 2 — 1 + 1+ 26-1 = 2-24 = *. Pk + 1) is proved, PCR) is true => PC + 1) is true *. Pin) is true, Vn € N by PML. 16 MATHEMATICS 2 2B © N, 1 © N (to be done after chapter 3) ean +2eNnnen ng nS Why Gn _ S+34SSHOD _ 165 a Tos 7s 7 os i 16> PQ) is true. Let P(&) be true, Hence, H+ E+ B+ Bk EN T 16s Let =k+1 e+ eens | eta, 6k +1) consider (5 shy ep = + DN HY + + DS + ET DBT EE = {i+ (De ea (ie) + 2004 Ge le e+ et) + a(t+ (er Ge) + The RLS, in (1) represents a natural number. Bye, okey +R4 ky hen cero! 4 dent 4 een! 4 ken tt ts By By 4 Bk + a natural number Kh 4 4 + Ok + a natural number € N Pk ++ 1) is true. P(e) is true => P(k + 1) is true, Pin) is true for Vn © N by PML PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION 0 Example 24 : There are 2n persons in a hall, Some persons handshake with others, There do not cexist any three persons who have handshakes with each other. Prove that the number of handshakes is at most n?. Solution : Let P(m) : There are 2n persons in a hall, Some persons handshake with others, There do not exist any three persons who have handshakes with each other, Then the number of handshakes is at most 12, For m= 1, there are two persons. Hence there is at most 1 = 1? handshake. PC) is true, Let P(K) be true. Let n= k+ 1. Now there are 2k + 2 persons. Choose two persons A and B who have had a handshake, f there are no two such persons, number of handshakes is zero which is at most (k ++ 1)”. Now the remaining 2k persons had at most «2 handshakes (P(K) is true). A and B have one handshake. Each of 2k persons could shake hands with A or B only as no three persons had handshakes with each other. Hence the number of handshakes is at most B+ 1+ 2k= (+P Pk + 1) is true *. PQ) is true => PCR + 1) is true, “+ P(n) is true for Vn © N by PML ‘A paradox : Prove the following by the principle of mathematical induction : (1 to 19) (» € N) P24 22-5 bat mon + 1) = AED TDCN ED 2. at (atd) + (at 2d) +... (a+ (n= Id) = dna + (n= Dd) 1 +..+ GiepantD 4 12D DBA Pt mln + IYO + 2) = REO pens 9 S. L4S494..4 dn - 3) = nQn—1) 1 ~ Gy 18 MATHEMATICS 2 Bebe 1 6 tartar tty 14-421, ak 7 qth ttt. + aa aT 1 1 1 nin +3) 8 Tas tang t+ anata ~ The n+ 1)3N? $9 30 9. Wee ttt t= Bt 10. Ifay= 1a) = 1,4, = 4,4 + 4,97 23, then ay bay + ast. a, LL. 41"— 1 is divisible by 40. 12. 4007" — 1 is divisible by 2003. 13. 7" = 6n~ 1 is divisible by 36. 14, 2-774 3-5" — 5 isa multiple of 24. 15, 11"*?-4 122"+1 js divisible by 133. 16. n(n + 1)Qn + 1) is divisible by 6. apsttles 7 13142032 43-58 +004 peg = OM 18, 107+3-4"'2 45 is divisible by 9, mymen 1. +e + Ben ony 1 20. Prove Smtr S TaaT 21, For Lucas’ sequence a, . prove a, < (1.75)" 22, Prove 2” > n3, ifn 2 10 23. Prove a polygon of n sides has “= diagonals, n > 3 ay 2 23, then prove that } (This {a,} is called Fibonacci sequence.) 25. If:N Nf) = Lf) = 5, f+ =f) + Bln — DY, m BZ then prove that f(n) = 2" + (-1)" 26. If: NN, f= Lf + fen = 2" then prove that f(m) = 2" = 1 27. ay lay = la, = <1 t4,_9 23 then prove that a) + ag + ag +... ay_= aq 41 — 1 28, Ifa, = 1, a) = I and a, = 24,1 +34, 35 23 then prove that a, = 2(-1)" + 3" for m € N 29. Prove that every integer n > 12 can be written in the form 7x + 3y XENU (}, yENU {0} PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION 19 30. Prove that (3 + J5)'+ (3 — V5)" is even, n € N. 31, Select a proper option (a), (b), (¢) or (d) from given options and write in the box given on the right so that the statement becomes correct : (2) For PQ) 2 2" Pk + DEN (3) Po) 14 243-4..4 r+ 1 = GEOMED ye oO (a) PC) requires LS. = 7 = RLS. (b) PCI) requires LAILS. LS. (©) PR) = P(K + 1) is not true for EN (d) It is false that P(n) is true, Vn € N by PML. (4) If uu is true and P(R) is true => P(R + 1) is true for k > =I, then P(n) is true for all n € NU {0, —I} Oo (a) PC) (b) PO) © PQ) (@) PQ) (5) PG) : Every prime is of the form 22" + 1 is not true, for n = oO @ (b)2 ©o ds (6) P(r): 2” — 1 is a prime for m Oo @1 (b) 3 4 @s (7) P(t) : ? — n+ 41 is a prime, is false for n = Oo @! (2 3 @al (8) Pn): 2n + 1 is a prime, is false for n = Oo @! (2 3 @4 (9) Pl) : 4n + 1 is a prime, is false for n =... Oo f@)1 (b) 3 7 @il (10)P(n) : 2" > n? is true for n Oo (a) 2 (b)3 (4 (d) 5 20 MATHEMATICS 2 Puzzle ‘There are m people in a room each being put on a hat from amongst at least m white hats and n= 1 black hats. They stand in a queue, so that every one can see the colour of the hat of the person standing in front of him. Starting from back we ask the persons in tun, ‘Do you know what is the colour of your hat 2° If the first (m — 1) persons say no, the person in the front will say “Yes the colour of my hat is white.’ Prove. Solution + Let P(n) = If the first ( — 1) persons say no, the person in the front will say yes. For n= 1, there is no black hat (1 — white.” Suppose the statement is true for =k. Let n= k + 1 See how the man standing in the front would think, Suppose my hat is black, Then excluding ‘me there are k people with at least k white hats and k — | black hats. By P(k), since the first (k= 1) persons said no, the person behind me must say yes. ‘I know the colour of my hat.” 0). Hence the first person will say, ‘yes, my hat is But he said no. So the colour of my hat cannot be black. Hence it is white. o. P+ 1) is true, “. P(b) is truc => P(k + 1) is true, <. P(n) is true, Wn € N by PML Explanation : If n = 2, there is one black hat and at least two white hats. If the last person sees a black hat put on by the person in front of him, he would definitely say, *Yes, colour of my hat is white,” as there is only one black hat. But he is not able to answer. So the first person logically thinks he has put on a white hat and the person behind might have put on a black or a white hat, Bo WorB + PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICALINDUCTION a Chapter 24 A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. = Paul Erdos As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain and as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality. ~ Albert Einstein 2.1 Introduction In previous classes, we have studied the number sets N, Z, Q and R. We know that the set of rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers constitute the set of real numbers. We also studied properties of numbers and solutions of Tinear equations in one variable and two variables. We also discussed the solutions of quadratic equations in one variable. We observed that if the discriminant 62 — 4ac < 0, the quadratic equation ax? + bx + ¢ = 0, a, b, c € Ra #0 has no solution in R. For example x? + 1 = 0 has no solution in R. To allow the square root of negative numbers, the real number system has to be extended to a larger system. In fact, Greeks were the first to recognize the fact that square root of a negative number does not exist in the real number system. The Indian mathematician Mahavira or Maviracharya (850 A.D.) too mentions this difficulty in his work ‘Ganitasara Sangraha’. The extension of real number system should be in such a way that the algebraic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be defined properly. This new set is called the set of Complex Numbers and is denoted by C. 2.2 The Set R X R and the Set of Complex Numbers We begin with the set R of real numbers to obtain the set C of complex numbers. RX R is the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers. RXR= (5) [ae R BER We shall define the equality, addition and multiplication of two elements of RX R. n MATHEMATICS 2 (1) Equality : Two elements (a, 6) and (¢, d) of RX R are defined to be equal if a = ¢ and d. Thus a= cb = d= (a, = For example, (1, 0) = (sin?x + cos?x, logl) but (1, 4) # (4, 1) @) Addition : The sum of two elements (a, b) and (¢, d) of RX R is defined as follows : @ D+ d= ate b+d For example, (5, 2) + (2, 3) = (5 + 2,2 +3) =(7, 9) (3) Multiplication : The product of two elements (a, 5) and (c, d) of R X R is defined ‘as follows : (a ble, d) = (ae ~ bd, ad + be) For example, (5, 2)2, 3) = (5 X 2-23, 5X3 +2 2)=(4, 19) The set R X R with these rules called the set of complex numbers and it is denoted by C. Generally, we denote a complex number by z. 23 Basic Algebraic Properties of Complex Numbers We have discussed the properties of closure, commutativity, associativity and distributivity with respect to operations of addition and multiplication on R. We shall see that these properties hold good in C too. ‘The operation of addition satisties the following properties (1) The closure property : The sum of two complex numbers is a complex number. ie tne Wye We also say that the addition is binary operation on C. 2) The commutative property : 2, +z, +2, Waa €C (3) The associative property : (cz, +z) +2 = 2 + (+e) Vey ta EC (4) The existence of additive identity : There exists a complex number O = (0, 0), called an additive identity or the zero complex number, such that ztO=z2=O+7 Weec It can be proved that the additive identity O is unique. In fact if (a, b) + (% y) = (a, 6) for all (a, b) © C, then a +x= 4, bry=b, ox 0 yao. Thus, (x, ») = (0, 0) Also (4, 6) + 0, 0) = (a, 6). (5) The existence of additive inverse : To every complex number z = (a, 6), there corresponds a complex number (a, -5), denoted by —z, called the additive inverse (or negative) of z such that z + (a, -4) = (0, 0) = O. We observe that, 7 + (-2) = (a, 6) + (a —b) = (a+ a), b+ (6) = (0, 0) = 0 (O'is the additive identity.) Also, (2) +2 = 0 We can prove that for z € C, its additive inverse —z is unique. (COMPLEX NUMBERS 2B “+t, 6) is the additive inverse of (a, 6). ‘The operation of multiplication satisfies following properties: (1) The closure property : The product of Oo complex numbers is a complex number. ie. 32) € C, Vay EC We also say that the multiplication is a binary operation on C. (2) The commutative property : 2,2, = 22, Wz, € C (3) The associative property : (z)z3)zy ~ z(Z23) Wey, ty € © (4) The existence of multiplicative identity : There exists a complex number (1, 0), called a multiplicative identity such that z(1, 0) = z= (1, 0), Wz € C By taking z = (a, 5), z. (1, 0) = (a B)(1, 0) = (a = 0, 0 + 5) = (a, b) = Also, (1, 0)z = z(1, 0) =z The multiplicative identity (1, 0) is unique. (5) The existence of multiplicative inverse : To each non-zero complex number z = (a, 5), oe ate (denoted by 2"), called a there corresponds a complex number ( multiplicative inverse of z such that perls(,0)e2-2 ((1, 0) is the multiplicative identity) Since (a, 6) # (0, 0), a + 6° #0 and hence = = [25> asl € Cand ») a-uilsia eel A = (ort _ (a8 od ao Oe wee Also, z! + = (1, 0) Note that for each non-zero z € C, its multiplicative inverse <* is unique. is also denoted in 4 4 MATHEMATICS 2 The existence of multiplicative inverse enables us to show that if a product z)2» is zero, then at least one of the factors 2, and 2, is zero. (why 2) (6) The distributive laws : For any three complex numbers 21, 23, 23 (@) 2G, +29) = 24) +2475 (D) @ + 29)23 = 2423 + 2925 2.4 Ras a Subset of C By definition, every complex number is an ordered pair of real numbers. Let us denote by R’ the set of those complex numbers (a, 6) in which 6 = 0. So, R'= {(a, 0) | a € R}. Obviously R' CC. Let (a, 0), (b, 0) be two elements of R’. Note that, (1) (a0) = (6, 0) ee a=b 2) @D+E,0=@th HER (3) (a, 0X6, 0) = (ab, 0) € RE ‘Thus, the sum as well as the product of two elements of Ris again an element of R!, Moreover, the first component of the sum or product of two numbers (a, 0) and (6, 0) is obtained merely by adding ‘or multiplying respectively the first components a and , while the second component remains zero. Infact R’ is closed for addition and multiplication as in C, So as far as equality, sum and multiplication are concemed, the complex numbers of the form (a, 0) behave exactly like real number a. Hence we identify complex numbers of the form (a, 0) with a and write a for (a, 0). Thus (4, 0) = 4, (0, 0) =0 ete. In this way we look upon every real number a as the complex number (a, 0), which allows us to identify R with R’ and so R= RC. Thus we have NG ZG Q CRE C. Now 0 = (0, 0) = 0, the additive identity (1, 0) = 1, the multiplicative identity. 2.5 Representation of a Complex Number in the form a + ib By writing a for (a, 0) we are able to represent a complex number (a, 6) in another form. Firstly, let us get familiar with a special complex number (0, 1). We use the symbol i for this complex number. Thus, i = (0, 1). Now, 2 = (0, 1)(0, 1) = (0-0 1-1, 0-1 + 1-0) =(-1, 0) |. In the year 1737 Euler was the first person to introduce the symbol i for the complex number (0, 1), satisfying # =—1. i = (0, 1) is called an imaginary number. Now, (a, 5) = (a, 0) + (0, b) (2, 0) + 0, 1K, 0) ©, DE, 0) = @ - 0,0 + 5) = Ob) atib Gb) = atib Hence, every complex number (a, 6) can be expressed in the form a + ib, where a6 € Rand ? =-1, (COMPLEX NUMBERS 25 Thus, C = {a + ib | a 6 € RY According to the commutative law for multiplication, ib = bi. Hence, a + ib = a + bi For example, (3, 5) = 3 + 5i, (0, 1) = 0 + T= 74, (5, 0) = 5 +01=5 For the complex number z = a + bi, « is called the real part of z and is denoted by Re(z) and 6 is called the imaginary part of z and is denoted by Im(z) So, 2 = a + ib = Rez) + ilm(z). For example, if z = 3 + 2i, then Re(z) = 3 and Jm(z) = 2. Note that both the real and imaginary parts of a complex number are real numbers, A complex number, whose real part is zero and whose imaginary part is non-zero is ealled a purely imaginary number. For example, 91 = 0 + 9/ is a purely imaginary number. Let us now revert to the algebraic operations on complex numbers which are in the form a + bi Equality of two complex numbers = Two complex numbers 2) = a+ bi and z) = ¢ + di are equal ie. (a, b) = (¢, d) if a= and bed Ifz= a+ bi=0 then a= 0 and b= 0. = 040 Example 1 : if 3x + Gx — y)i = 4 + (6)i, where x and y are real numbers, then find the values of wand y. Solution » We have 3x + (Gx — y)i= 4 + (-6)i, Since a + bi = c + di = a= c and b= d, we get 3x = 4, 3x — y= —6. On solving, we get x= 4, y= 10 Addition of two complex numbers Let 2) = a + bi and 2 = ¢ + di be any two complex numbers. Then the sum of 2) = (4, 5), 2) = (6 d) is as follows At y= GH+CGA=(@tQbtd=atet +d For example, (2 + 202i) + (-3 + 2)= (2 - 3) + V2 + V2) 1+ 3v3i Difference of two complex numbers : Let z, and z, be any two complex numbers. The difference 2, — 2) is defined by, yg ty ty) Let 2, = (a b= @ Then ~z) = (-e, a) =~ )+b- di For example, (2 + ¥3i) — (-3 + 2¥3i) = 2 — 3) + (W3 - 2V3)i — Vii 26 MATHEMATICS 2 Muttiplication of two complex numbers : Let 2) = a + bi and 2 = ¢ + di be any two complex numbers. rey 24% = (ae — bd) + (ad + boy For example, (2 + ¥3i(-3 + V3i) = (2 x (3) — V3.3) + 2V3 + V3 x (3) = (6-3) + V3 - 303) = -9 - V3F ‘We can open the bracket and multiply them because of the distributive laws. Quotient of two complex numbers : 4 Let 2; and 2 be any two complex numbers where, z, # 0. The quotient = is defined as ay. — abi o —=b_ +P e+) ee a i. Im fact, + $ aE 1 3 60-430) = 48) = 2472 —a Sins! oy @=-) aA atm! Powers of i : We shall assume that the usual laws of indices hold good for integral powers of 2. -1,8 = 2% is ‘We know that i2 if B= tat “i, #=@P=C1P=18 1 ete Remember, 2 = Also, we have i =txt = Lete. i In general, for any integer k, @ = 1, M+ 1 = i, M+? = —1, MOS = 94] Example 2: Evaluate (i) [: +(4) | sone 0 0 f fsa ef DARE AE + 100 (COMPLEX NUMBERS 27 GAL PERE A E+ OT + PH 4 | 4 1000 SGT TF DEGRA 1 AED AGH =0+0+..40=0 i +1) (250 brackets) Conjugate of a Complex Number : If z = (a, ) = a + bi, then its conjugate complex number is defined to be the complex number bi = (a, —b) and is denoted by Z. We note that 27 = (a + bia ~ bi) = a ~ 697 = a? + 6%. So just like a surd Z acts like a “rationalising” factor. Since 27 = a + B? is real, we express complex number “as “2° so that the denominator 47 is real. Let us understand this concept by a few examples. Example 3 : Express the following in the form of a + ib, where a b € R QGray @ Se @ wean . Ons +8i _ M+ 16imS6im6 Solution : () <= it 01+ 64 pe anc @=-» 540i TH x 1=4 (multiply and divide by conjugate of 1 + 9) 78~ 78: —404 + 407? = 19-597 pty sea @ Otay he ex Se gos gay or directly (6-4 49" = Gyqr = 4H = (formula of =!) (+i) _ Pease @ Tey Ta 1esi-3- 28 MATHEMATICS 2 a cosh + isin AO TecosB=isin® ~ TrcosO= isin * Tr cosds isin _ te cos8isin® © (cosy + si + e050 + isin = Tye0s8+ 20050 sin Le cos + isin yc 1+-c0s8 sin 2a cos) * | 2+ cos8 14; sin z 20+ cosB) Example 4 : Find the real values of x and y so that asin - aya O Si “i Q) qari ~ 3ery > Solution : (1) S4BE= 2h be +O -291G —) + Py +0 -3yG +) = 6 + 9G -9i (Multiplying both sides by @ +3 — 9) Bx + (x= 2) + [Br = 2) — x] + GY — (= 3) + By +31 = B)HF= OF DI (ax + 9y = 3) + Ox = Ty = 3) = 107 4x + 9y = 3 = 0 and 2x — Ty -3 = 10 (Equality of two complex numbers) 4x + 9y = 3 = 0 and 2x — Ty - 13 =0 Solving the above simultaneous equations, we get x = 3, y= —1. oO i- ivGx +») — Gy + 4ilir + 1) = 0 (Multiplying both sides by (ix + 1x + y)) (By + 4x) + Gry +2 3-4) 0+ 0 (Cy + 4x) + ig? - 4) =0+ 10 By + 4x = 0 and y?-4=0 (at i= 0 a=0,6=0) 0 gives us y= +2 pe For y = 2 we get x = 4 and for y = -2 we get x = ‘The solution set is {(3,2).(-4.-2)} 1. Express the following complex numbers in the form a + bi @ W2-)- id - V20 Q 2-3-2 +4 © 6 ase e-3iy (COMPLEX NUMBERS 29 2.6 O ya +S © wa-me=5 o» (Sif Find the real values of x and y, if () xt 4yi= ait y +3 Q) G+ Six + G2 +2 + 61-0 @ fat pyrite @) Ot + 2x) — GP + y) = GB - 5) + (1 +291) (5) Gy — 292 + 92 = lo + Find the multiplicative inverse of 3-7 @atw oes 3 (AM -3P 8-7 Show that, (1) Re(iz) = —Im(z) (2) Im(iz) = Retz) Verify that each of the two complex numbers ~ 1 + i satisfies the equation 2? — 22 + 2 Conjugate and Modulus of a Complex Number Complex Conjugate : We know if : = a + bi, = As an example, ()ifz=34 then -5i 2) If z = § —3i, then F = 5 +3 G) If (A) Iz = 34 = 0 + 34, then Z = 0 - 37 = 37 Here are some basic facts about conjugates. 3 +04, then Z = 3 — 04 For any three complex numbers z, 2}, 2) we have the following properties Re(z) 4, 2= 7 if and only if zis real where 2, # 0 The above properties are easy to verify. Let us verify some of them. Let z= at ib a-ib o [= ab =atib=z ‘MATHEMATICS 2. 24+ Fat ib +a— ib = 2a = 2Re(z) as Ree) = a Zeratib=a-ibearb= ‘Thus, z = Z if and only if z is real. Modulus of a complex number : Modulus of a complex number z= a+ ib is defined as [a2 452 and is denoted by ya? +b? Note that | z [is a real number and | z| 20, Vz € C As an example, if 2 = 3 + 4i, then |z|= 9416 = /25. Notice that if z is a real number (ie. z = @ + 07) then, |z |= va? = | a, where | z | is the modulus of the complex number and | | is the absolute value of the real number (recall that for any Thus, real number a we have va? =| a). Properties of modulus : Oifand only ifz=0 2. [2] 2] Ree) k | 21 | dm) | leP 4. 7 [az 1= 141 112 | 8. | 2) +218] 2, | +] 2] (Triangular inequality) (Why triangular 2) 10. |2)— 2212 141-1221 Let us verify some of the above properties R08 fart =O P+ P= 0 a= 0, b= 07-0 + BP = (Rele)? + (ime)? > (Rete)? | =| >| Re(2) | Similarly, | z | > | Jm(e) | (a+ iba — ib)= a + P=] 2 P Lel=La+ib|= Ja? eo? and |Z |= La— i l= Ja? + (ab)? = fa? +0 (COMPLEX NUMBERS 31 | 222 P= 120) (Gen) ae) Gan @1q) @z) =laPlar 3 1= 12) 11221 % late Pa@ tang +e =a14 +e t+A1y +24 =|nk Pan Ia Pla P tay + am a) = 12, P +12 P+ 2Re(2) Sly PtlaPtaalle | lz) P+laP +212) 1121 =a 1+ le 1P a tHlslaltls| 4 talmlylsiy-al tial lal-l2ISl4741 Similarly, [zy |—| 4) 1S 12721-14471 But, |2) 1-12) lorl2, 1-12) 1=|l4 1-121] fae R then |a| =a or —a) Ila l-l4l[Sla-al or le 12 [la l—le I . ati Example § : Find the conjugate and modulus of (1) 2-3)? Q) === Solution : (1) (2 = 38? = 4 = 12) - 9 = -5 = 124 ©. Complex conjugate of (2 — 30? is -S + 12/ and 1@-392|-|2-39P-449-13 siti @ Let 2= SEF aati FF Beier? = a+ 10i s = wots — Siand |2|= 2? 43? = JO lest) BTS or Tir ~~ ye ~ 429 2 MATHEMATICS 2 Example 6: If z= x + yi and |3z| =| 2-4) then prove that x? + y? +x = 2 Solution : We have | 3z|=|z- 4] | 3x + 397] =| @- 4) +y/| 902 +P) = -4P +P 92 + oy? = 2 - Be + 16 +9? 8x2 + & + 82 = 16 ety tra2 Example 7 : If 2, = 3 + 4i and z) ~ 12 — Si, verify the following 2 =4R Olytyl 0) re fey (r>0) Py? =| 2| and tan ‘The form z = r(cos® + 7 sin6) is ealled the polar form of the complex number z. Also @ is known as amplitude or argument of z, written as arg(2). are many values of @ satisfying x = reos® and y = rsin®, Each of these @ is an argument of z. The se sine and cosine functions are periodic, there unique value of @ such that —% 0 E, it y>o arg + in) = {9 it argo +) = 47 m if x<0 te. if y 0 or y < 0 respectively. 2, sinQ => and -m< OS 7. Also, 056 > 0,y > 0, then we can get 8, 0.< 0 < H, such that cos =, sind = 2. (i) Ix <0, y > 0, then we find OF such that cosoe = a since = 4 0 (iv) Ix > 0, <0, then we find «such that coset =, since = 0 Example 10 : Write the following complex numbers in polar form. Determine the modulus and the principal value of the argument in each case () iti (2) -1 + JBI @)-v3 =i isi 63 ©) 21 m1 (8) 21 Solution : (I) Let z= 1+i=x+a The polar form of z is JZ (cos H+ isin) r= WB, arg: = 0=E @) tat z=-1+ Ji yi B ¥ie3 =2 xtiy (COMPLEX NUMBERS a (xl = lvl = v3) Since x <0, y > 0, P(B) lies in the second quadrant. O-n-a-n-E- 2 The polar form of z is 2 (cos 2H + isin Also, |z |= = 2, argz = 0 = 2B. @) Letz=-V5 -i=x+ip x23, y=7 re|zl= (it =2 cos = =F and sin® cost =, sinon = 4 (xl=J31yl=0 x ane = = QZ @--n+a--n+2-==5 ‘The pola fom of zis 2(cos($)+sin(—$B)) Also, | z| == 2, argz =O = Lete-1-inetyy cos0 = 2 = Fe and sind = = = “+ cos0t = sind = (el=hlyl=D =i anF Since x > 0, y <0, P(®) lies in the fourth quadrant. 2 O--a--E The polar form of z is J2| ( 0. So Its polar form is I(cos0 + isin0) Also, | |= 1, arg 2= 0 = 0 (8) Let 2 = 24. Here 2 = 0 + iy and y > 0. So its polar form is 2(cos + isin E) Also, |= |= 2, arg 2 = 0 = Find the absolute value and the principal argument of the following complex numbers wo Se (iy ) 4 = a SERED 5) 3a + ay If 2 = 3 +2, then verify the following o Itz, = 3 + 2i and z) = 2 —i, then verify the following Fl @az1SRe@ Siz] Gz () ate 4% Qa Z-% @4 If z is a non-zero complex number, show that (77!) = (2)! Ltt If (a + iby? = T25, show that a? + 6 = If 2, and 2) are two complex numbers such that | 2; | = | 2) | then is it necessary that 21 = 2 ? Justify your answer. gol A complex number z = a + ib is such that arg (257) = %. Show that a + 62 — 2b = 1 Find the maximum value of |1-+2+22+25|, if C and|z|S3. ()) Ihz=a + ib and 22-1] =| 2-2, prove that 3(a? + 6%) = 4a (2) fz € C such that [22 — 3] =| 32 — 2 |, prove that | z | = (3) If'z € C such that |2z— 1] =| 2-2), prove that |z |= 1. Show that complex number —3 + 2i is closer to the origin than 1 + 4. Represent the points —2 + 3i,—2 — i and 4 — in the Argand diagram and prove that they are vertices of a right angled triangle. Find the complex number z whose modulus is 4 and argument is 37. If (1 = Silay = 22 = 7i, find z, and z,, where z, and 2, are conjugate complex numbers. If (a + iby = x + iy prove that x? + 7? = (@ + BYP. asi? tg x + iy, then find the value of x + y * (COMPLEX NUMBERS 39 2.8 Square Roots of a Complex Number If (a + iby = 2 = x + iy, we say that a + ib is a square root of z Let z =x + iy and let a square root of 2 be the complex number a + ib, if it exists xtiy=(a+ iby xt iy = (@ = BY) + Qabyi sg = b= x and 2ab = y @ Now, a +0 = [ep paer = ery? (by (0) Gi) From (i) and (i) we get 202 = |z | 4x ie. a= 2, 7 and b If y > 0, then a and 4 both positive or both negative as y = 2ab, farex , , eax Therefore, the square roots of x + iy are 4 a +i ) If y <0, then out of @ and , one is positive and another is negative. aex_, fi Therefore, the square roots of x + iy are Ay ae ifs } Now, we have proved that every complex number has two square roots. (2) 7+ 241 =-1<0 Find the square roots of (1) V3 — Example 1 Solution : (1) Let z= ¥3 — i, Here x = J3, lel=yitay? = JERI =2 TEE _, EEE We know that ify <0, then the square roots of x + iy are f Y= C Now 24 fF = Seal = ew? B41 B- The square roots of z = V3 — i are { z z (2 V2 =2) (2) Let2=7 +241, Here x= 7, y= 24> 0 lz |= fay? = (BEST = 25 fzitx |, flex) We know that if y > 0, then the square roots of x + iy are S43 I 2547 Hence the square roots of 7 + 24% are +| ¥—3— +4y => Example 12 : Find the square roots of (1) | @)-1 G)i @) () Letz=1 1. Let the square roots of z be a + ib. (a+ ib =1 @— B+ 2abi=1=1 +05 | = 44+ 30. 40 MATHEMATICS 2 @ — b? = 1, 2ab = 0. From 2ab = 0 we have a = 0 or b = 0. From a = 0, we have —6? = | which is not possible as b € R. So a # 0. v. 2ab = 0 gives b= 0 Square roots of 1 are £1. | Note sn Ry we know square root of Vere El (2) Let z= I, Let the square root of 2 be a + ib. (a+ bP = 1 @ — P+ 2abi = -1 @ — b= =1, 2ab = 0 2ab = 0 gives a= 0 or B= 0 But 6 = 0 gives a® = -1 whicl e a= and B= 1 bea 2. Square roots of —1 are ti. (as we expected since ® = —1) not possible as a € R. So b #0, Remember # = -1. larly the square roots of —4 are 42, the square roots of -3 are tV3i. (3) Let z =a ib be a square root of i (a+ iP @ — + Liab =i @ — = 0 and 2ab = 1 a=b or a=-b But a =—b gives 2a? = 1 using 2ab This is not possible. Sa band 2a = 1 4+) gme ge 4 a= +75. Since a = b we have b = +75. (4) Let z = -i. From (3) above a® — B? = 0, 2ab = -1 Sa=b or a=-b If a= b, then 2a? (COMPLEX NUMBERS a 2.9 Quadratic Equations having Complex Roots We have studied quadratic equations and solved them in the set of real numbers when the value of discriminant is non-negative. ie, when D 2 0. Now we can answer the unanswered question, ‘What happens when D <0. Now let us try to solve quadratic equation ax? + by + ¢ where D = 6? — dae < 0. a bee RaFo, at tixte If ax? + bx + 6 ~ 0, then (ax+ Now, b2 — dac < 0 tifiac-P a0) 2a ICD <0, roots of ax? + bx +6 = 0 are PEND. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra : Every polynomial equation having complex coefficients and degree 2 1 has at least one complex root. Example 13 : Solve (1) x2 + 3 = 0 2) 2x? + x +1 = 0 3) V3 - J2x + 3V3 =0 Solution : @ SB dac=1—4.2-1=-7<0 Therefore, the solutions are given by x = (3) Here, a = V3, b = -J2, ¢ = 303 BP dac = 2 — 4V3 393 = 2-31 Therefore, the solutions are given by x 2.10 Cube Roots of U Let z be a cube roots of unity. Then, 23 = 1 Be 2 MATHEMATICS 2 E- DE + + N=0 z=lor24st1=0 Bi t Hence, the cube roots of unity are 1, aes Properties of Cube Roots of Unity : (1). Each of the two non-real cube roots of unity is the square of each other. 4 +i then «2 = (=) da = 2ti 432 Li Let @ = Also, (2)? = «4 = 08 = @. Hence cube roots of unity are 1, ©, © (2) We observe that sum of the cube roots of unity is 0. ie. 1 + @ + (3) It can easily verify that product of cube roots of unity is 1. ie. 1+ @ + @? = 0 aii in the Argand plane as A, B, C respectively then A is ‘ (0, eb) a c(h B) ree ow AR = BE= AC AE Tae (4) Representing 1, C are the vertices of an equilateral triangle. (Figure 2.7) Figure 2.7 Solve (er +2=0 Qetxtl 6) BP +x 4 V5 = 0 (6) 3x? = ay + @xPtet Roo Ore Hti= Find the square roots of ()4+4i3i (@)S- 12% GB) B+ i (43 — 40107 Ott ete e Teste OM M-16H W-25 WH) -10 When do we have | 2; +2) |= |2;| + |2)| 2 Prove your contention Prove that in the Argand plane if P represents z and Q represents iz, then OP = OQ and mZPOQ = F, State geometrical meaning, Prove points representing z, iz, -z and —iz in Argand plane form a square. What is the relation between representation of z and Z in the Argand plane ? COMPLEX NUMBERS B Miscellaneous Problems : Example 14: Example 15 : Find real @ such that + ind all the complex numbers = satisfying the condition Solution : Let z = x + iy be such that Z = 22. x y= 0? —) + iy) By definition of equality of complex numbers, we have x From the second result we have either y = 0 or x Assume first y = 0. Then from x Sx Oorx= 1 v= So in this case z = 0 or z= 1 Now, if (=x — yy) 1 4, then & 2 syed L iB So in the second case z s ‘Consequently, there are four complex numbers 0, 1, 4 + &, 4- iB satisfying the equation 2 2isin® THEE is real. Also find the number. 34 2isin@ 34 2isin@ | 1+ 2isin® Solution + We have, [asim ~ Tests X Tain 3-4 isin + 2isin+4i?sin™® TF Asin _ pe ssi@ sind ~Trasinte + 14 4sin'® If the given complex number is real, its imaginary part is zero, ssin® Therefore, 73 5sim™@ sin = 0 O-mkeZ 4 340 This number is F5p = 3 scsi) “FHT } to the standard form. 25 Reduce : (1) le +(4) | @ iti Find the modulus of For any two complex numbers z; and zp, prove that Re(zz9) = Re(z,)Re(z,) — Im(z,)Im(z5), ‘MATHEMATICS 10. wu. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. 19. 20. 21. Find the value of Re(f(2)) and Im(f (2)) for f (2) = Show that the point set of the equation |z— 1] =|2+7| represents a line through the origin whose slope is —I. Prove that | (27 + 5\V2 — 9 |= V3) 22+ 5]. If 2, and zy are distinct complex numbers with | 2) |= I, then find the value of 1 If GabB + Tab ~ |, where GB, a and b real, express 6 in terms of & and B. If («+ i) = a + tb, prove that + G2 = 2) y Solve ; (I) x27 — 2x +3 = 0 (2) 27x? — 10x +1 = 0 (3) 21x? — 28x + 10= 0. 2 Ifz € Cand|z| $2, find the maximum and minimum values of | 2 — 3 | For 2 = 3 — 2i show that 22 — 62 + 13 = 0. Hence obtain the value of 24 — 423 + 6:2 — 42 +17. in ie cs = 1, then find the least positive integral value of m. 2b wove that (x2 + y?)? = Sop prove that (<2 + 92? = SF Find the value of z which satisfies the equation | 2 |—2= 1 + 24 If the complex numbers 2), 2», z represent the vertices of an equilateral triangle such that | ay |= [2 [=] 25 then show that 2, + 2) + 23 = 0. Show that the area of the triangle in the Argand diagram formed by the complex numbers z, iz and yep. zteist iniz 1 => zis real, Ifz =x + iy and w= show that | Ifz = -5 +4i, show that 24 + 925 + 3522 — z+ 164 = 0. If =x + iy, prove that |x |+1¥ 1S v2121 Select a proper option (a), (b), (c) or (d) from given options and write in the box given on the right so that the statement becomes correct : (1) Solution of | z- 4 | <| z —2 | is given by o {a) Re(z) > 0 (b) Rez) < 0 (c) Re(z) > 3 (d) Re(z) > 2 (2 If]z—1P=|2P +1, then z lies the Argand diagram, Oo @xr+ryeal (b) the imaginary axis (¢) the real axis (d) ek +3=0 (3) If| z+ 4 | $3, then the maximum value of | 2 +1 | is o @6 wo oF 10 (4) The conjugate of a complex number is 7Ly. Then that complex number is o © on om (5) MHP tlt mt 2 4 3 is equal to o fa) 1 (b) -1 (©) 0 (in (COMPLEX NUMBERS 45 (6) The multiplicative inverse of 2% oO Ot OFR-F OB OR +B 0) tex + y= SER then 2 +? = oO @ 1 1 wo (8) The smallest positive integer m for which (I + i? o @4 () 8 2 (9) On the Argand plane the complex number “7 lies in the ..... quadrant. oO (a) first (b) second (©) third (@) fourth (10) arg“) = o @o om oF @—m (11) The complex: numbers sinx + icos2x and cosx ~ isin2x are conjugate of each other, for...[—] (x= keZ (by x= 0 (x= (krd)m kez (d) no value of x (12)If a complex number lies in the third quadrant, then its conjugate lies in the .... quadrant. [—] (@) first (b) sevond (©) third (@ fourth (13)The complex number with modulus 2 and argument 2 is... oOo (a) -1 + 3 = ot+8 @i-& (14)Argument of 1 — iv? is... Oo @F () 2F ot @ 2 (15)If the cube roots of unity are 1, @, @?, then 1 + @ + @? = ..... oO @ 1 0 oa @o 46 MATHEMATICS 2 6. For complex number 7. Modulus of a complex number z = a + ib is| 2 |= a+b? 8. The complex number x + iy which corresponds to the ordered pair (x, y) can be represented geometrically as the unique point P(x, y) in the XY-plane and vice-versa, 9. Square roots of x + iy are {ERE Jayde SBI a + bi, its complex conjugate is 7 +5 pe 10. The cube roots of unity are 1, © z LL. If 6 — dae <0, the solutions of ax? + bx +¢= 0 where a, b,c R,a #0 are —e— Brahmagupta was the first to use zero as a number. He gave rules to compute with zero. Negative numbers did not appear in Brahmaphuta siddhanta but in the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art (Jiu zhang suan-shu) around 200 BC. Brahmagupta's most famous work is his Brahmasphutasiddhanta. Brahmagupta gave the solution of the general linear equation in chapter eighteen of Brahmasphutasiddhanta. ‘The difference between rypas, when inverted and divided by the difference of the unknowns, is the unknown in the equation. The rupas are [subtracted on the side] below that from which the square and the unknown are to be subtracted which is a solution equivalent to x = jg Where rupas represents constants. He further gave two equivalent solutions to the general quadratic equation. Diminish by the middle [number] the square root of the rupas multiplied by four times the square and increased by the square of the middle; divide the remainder by twice the square. the middle, Whatever is the square root of the rupas multiplied by the square [and] increased by the square of half the unknown, diminish that by half the unknown (and) divide [the remainder] by its square, [The result is] the unknown which are, respectively, solutions equivalent to, x = (lack Bb 2a Brahmagupta then goes on to give the sum of the squares and cubes of the first » integers. ‘The sum of the squares is that [sum] multiplied by twice the [number of] step[s] increased by one [and] divided by three. The sum of the cubes is the square of that [sum] Piles of these with identical balls [ean also be computed]. It is important to note here Brahmagupta found the result in terms of the sum of the first rn integers, He gives the sum of the squares of the first 1 natural numbers as n(n + 1)2n + 1)/6 and nine) P z a Chapter 3 The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God. — Euclid I like mathematics because it is not human and has nothing particular to do with this planet or with the whole accidental universe, because like Spinoza’s God, it won't love us in return. ~ Bertrand Russelt If there is God, he is a great mathematician. — Paul Dirac 3.1 Introduction In earlier classes, we have learnt about expansions like, (at bate (a bP = a + 2ab + (a+ bY = a + 3° + 3ab? + 6 and even (a + 5)! as a product of (a+ by with (a + 6) (a + byt = at + 4a%b + Garb? + dab + BA. However, the expansions of (a + b)°, (a + 4)®, ... become difficult by using multiplication. It is believed that in the eleventh century, Persian poet and mathematician Omar Khayysim gave the general formula for (a + bY", where 1 is a positive integer. This formula or expansion is called the Binomial Theorem. Fuctid (Fourth B.C.) a Greek mathematician gave a specific example of Binomial Expansion for n= 2. An Indian mathematician Pingla (Third Century B.C.) had given the idea about the his order expansions. In the tenth century an Indian mathematician Halayadha was aware of general binomial theorem and Pascal's Triangle. Persian mathematician Al-Karaji and in 13th century Chinese ‘mathematician Yang hui have also obtained such results. ‘The coefficients of the consecutive terms in the expansion of (a + BY, form = 1, 2, 3, .. ean also be obtained from a row from triangular arrangement of numbers, known as Pascal's Triangle named after French mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). 48 MATHEMATICS 2 Index Coefficients an : O00 : NNN In Pascal's Triangle first and last element of any row is 1, while the other elements are obtained by adding the numbers of the upper row which are at the beginning of the arrows Pascal's Triangle : The first row is 1 1 ) ie (0) Ct) The second wwis 1-2 Here the Fist and last ety is 1 andthe middle term is obtained assum of the two terms of Ist row, because (3) + (2) = 3) (7) + (= (°F) Similars, the thi row is 13.3 1 the fst and las tem is 1, the second tern is obtained as the sum of Ist and 2nd term of 2nd row ie. 1+2=3 as (5) + (7) = (}) and 3rd term is obtained as the sum of 2nd and 3rd terms of 2nd row ie. 2+1=3 as (7) + (3) = (3). In the same manner, let us check Sth row in the light of above discussion. 4th row 194 6 4 1 6 HO @ @ the Sth row: 1 a+4) @+6 644 tI) 1 3 10 10 5 (aot = (7) By using the formula (") = sygl4G57, 0S r 10000 10000 is smalfer out of (1+1)!% and 10000. 1. Expand the following : 5 5 M(t+4),@49 Qa-2 Gr-9> M(s-b).@#0 2. Expand (1) (1 +x4x)" Q)-x+0) 3. Evaluate by using binomial theorem : 2) (0.98)! 2) 9)" @) Gone Using binomial theorem, indicate which one is larger ? (1.01)! or 100 * 3.3 General and Middle Term 1. The expansion of (a + by" contains (n+ 1) terms. If we consider Ty, Ty, T3. Ty 1 as the first, second, third, .. (n + 1)th terms respectively in the expansion of (a + by", then n 2) nn - , Ty = (Cat y= (Har 1b, 15 = (Bar 28% an Ty a = (de We may take the general term as T, = (Der —"BOSr Sn 2. in (a+ BY"; mis even, then m + 1 is odd. So the middle term is (2+1)" term. , neayh So (2+1)" term =( +) term is the middle term. For example, in the expansion of (2x + y)!®, the middle term is #22 = 6th term. If n is odd, sth th then m+ 1 is even, s0 thee are tvo mile terms : (24) term and 22)" term, For example, in the expansion of (2x + 39°, the middle terms are aH = Sth term and oe Gth term, ‘Example 5 : Find the fourth term in the expansion of (3x — y)'. Solution : Here, a= 3x, b=. =7 Now, T, 1 = (WJat=' To find Ty, we let r= 3 w+i=4 BINOMIAL THEOREM 33 Ter elxhyy —2835 x43 the expansion of (x=), #0) Example 6 : Find the coefficient of x7 Solution : Here, a =x, 5 Tra = (ilar Coe! ‘ sample 7: Find the constant tem inthe expansion of (232=4)" itt exits & #0) Solution : Suppose the constant term (ie. term in which index of x is zero) exists and it is (+ Dth term. Here, a= 2x2, 6 =—4,n=11 Ter = (Rarer (ax - (4) (ayn = ery © For the constant term, index of x is zero. 22-3r=0 r én 3 Our assumption is wrong. . Constant term does not exist in the expansion. Seay). ‘Example 8 : Find the middle term / terms in the expansion of Solution : As m = 9 is odd, so we have two middle terms namely, n+l _ 941 © sun term and 243 = 943 ‘erm BEY = 21 = seh term and 23 = 253 = 6th t Here, a = $, 6 = 3y,n=9 Teer = (Reto a4 84 MATHEMATICS 2 and Te = (8)-(4)'7*- Gs 41-6 9-8:7-6-5/ x4) TEs! S(% ‘Jessy 15309 02 ys Middle terms are S123 x5y4 and 15302 x45, / \i2 ‘Example 9 ; Obtain the term independent of x in the expansion of (WF =) («> 0) Solution + Here, T, (ey (ey 2)" 1 e-t-> (7) “War * War (7) phew * cay For the term independent of x, we let 6— 35 = 0 1110-9 | T238 36 Find the coefficient of : (1) x® in (+ 2) (2) x? in (= Find the constant term in the expansion of os Ey’. eo OF #)ueo The coefficients of x7 and x in the expansion of (24+4f)" are equal, find 1. Find the middle term or terms in the expansion of ay \s 20 O2-F) a Gl o(34)ceo aorta If the coefficient of x3 in the expansion of (1 + x)" is 20, find x, If the coefficients of fifth, sixth and seventh terms in the expansion of (1 + x)" are in arithm« progression, ‘Miscellaneous Problems : Example 10 : Find the coefficient of x3 in the expansion of the product (I — 2)!5 + (1 + 3x9 Solution : Applying binomial theorem to get (1 — x)!5 and (1 + 3x)4, we have BINOMIAL THEOREM 58 (08 (8) ~ (ie (Go +o Ce (+39 = Ge +." = (Jon! + (Jan? + (Jaw? + Gan + (21 Now, we want to find the coefficient of x3 in the product (1 — x))5 - (1 + 3x), we shall simply collect the terms containing x° from the product, without finding complete product. they are (3) -(1)e7%) ~ (F)e-(3)o% + (2)2-(on - (B)s-(2) a3 Is Ise abot sex E892 BD a ge SB, Legian — Sox S392 + EO gay BE = (108 = 810 + 1260 — 455)x3 = 103%3 +. Coefficient of in (1 — x9!5 + (1 + 3x)! is 103 10 Example 11 : If the middle term in the expansion of (£43) is 8064, find Solution : Here n = 10 mis even, so middle term is nt2 _ 10+2 a BER = OF? — 6th term 10-5 GY Example 12 : Prove that (3 + J8)5 + (3 — J8)° = 6726. Hence deduce that, 6725 < (3 + ¥B)5 < 6726. Hence obtain [(3 + J8)'] Solution : G+ VBS = (Sas + Flare + Qlara8e + (JorWa* + (awh + {WH @ G6 = V8 =({)a - (arwh + Qlarwey - Bere? + (awa! - (Hao Adding (i) and (ii), we have 6+ VBS + 6 — VBS = 2(3)ons + Bar? + (anva] = 2ft-243 + S$.27-8 + 53-68] (@) ()) = 21243 + 2160 + 960] = 213363] = 616 56 MATHEMATICS 2 Now, 3 + vB)3 — VB) = and (3 + vB) > 0. Hence 3— vB > 0. Also 3 + JB)>1 3-8 <1 0<3-WB<1 0. As the sum of he coefficients of these tems is 127, we have (3-2 (4-1 z 1 = 2n + 2nn = 1) = 127 1 = 2n + 2n? — 2m — 127 = 2? — 4n — 126 = 0 m—2n- 63-0 (n= in +7) = 0 n=9orn= But -7 € N n=9 Example 14 : Use the binomial theorem to show that dividing 8” — 7n by 49 leaves the remainder 1. Solution : 8° =(1 +7)" + (tr (2) + (3) ++ (i) bem +2) + Or et Cra] 1 + 49m, where m= [(2) + (8)7 +0 (8)=2] € 8" In Dividing 8" — 7n by 49 leaves the remainder 1 BINOMIAL THEOREM 57 Pxample 15 : Prove that : (2)? + (%)? + (3) tat (MPP = SE Vine N Solution + [Motivation : See the RLS. = GB = pS = (2m), which is the coefficient of x" in the expansion of (1 + x)*".] (Pt = xO EDP = (0) + (e+ Qh ++ (taker + (He) x [o)er + (rot + Gen +t (tide Ce] Now coefficient of x in the expansion of (1 +)?" is (24) and coetcien of x in RAS. = (®)° (1) + a (8)? taking produc term wise) GY + (P+ GP e+ GP = (rt) _ an! Example 16 : Prove that :(7)(") + (")() + (8)(2) ++ (hil(®) = qoSeaae Vn e N Solution + [Motivation : See RUS. = Fog eiment = (yt). i is the coefficient of 1 inthe expansion of (1 +9] (+x = +x @ +1" =[6) + Gee Glee Ea)em t+ Ge] x UG) (ier 8+ G)er-2 + (Ber 9 tn (a)] Now coefficient of x”~! in (1 +2)?" is (,22)) and the coefficient of x"~ in RLS. is (5)(7) + (7)(3) + GG) ++ (n 2 N(h) GG) + OG) ++ GL) = (2) > arts Example 17 : Prove that : (3) +3(7) + 5(3) +..+ Qn + 1)(j) = (n+ 2%, Vn e N Solution: Let (3) +3(2) + 5(3) +..+ Qn = (ny) + Qn + D(h) = s @ Using (") = (,.% ,) and taking terms in the reverse order, we have Gan + 18) + n= 0%) + n= 398) +t Sula) + ana) + (2) = 8 « Adding corresponding terms of (i) and (ii), we have (+ Qn+ 190) +6 + n= (7) +6 + An — 392) ++ (n= 3) + Nq22) + n= + 3)(n2y) + Ont D+ OG) = 28 58 MATHEMATICS 2 en 2(6) + (i) + (2) ++ (a)] = 28 2n + 1)-2" = 28 S= (+ 12" so, (3) + 3(7) +5(5) ++ Qn + H(f) =o + 2" Example 18 : If in the expansion of (x — 2)", the sum of fifth and sixth term is zero then find the value of . If m= 8 then find >. Solution + Here, T = (2) «x= 4-2y98 and Ty = (8) x= 5-Cay98 Now, Ts + Tg = 0. So, Ts = ~Ty 2. (A) -(aytext= 4g = 19) aysaxt = 5. 9S 1 a Tsay 16x" yt = age C32)" alin=ayin=5)1 “y= Sana klned ; x2 Taking n = 8, we have zak ys ‘Example 19 : Obtain the sum of the last thirty coefficients in the expansion of (1 +2)®. Solution : There are 60 terms in the expansion of (1 + x)°°. Sum of the coefficients of last thirty terms is, = (33) + (8) + (2) ++ (8) + (8) (sist 30 coetticients (7), (2), (33) @ Seat) ie 8=(5) + (34) + (3) ++ (2) + (0) (using (7) = (2) + (7) ++ (8) (adding respective sides of (i) and (ii) 28 ? _ 958 7 1, Obtain the ratio of the coefficients of x" in the expansion of (1 + x)" and (1 + x)" !, 2. If the coefficients of (r — 2)th and (2r — 5)th terms in the expansion of (I + 2)°8 are equal, find r. 3. Find x, y and 7 in the expansion of (x + y)! if the first three terms in the expansion are 64, 960 and 6000. 4, ‘The 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of (a + 6Y" are 240, 720 and 1080, find a, ® and n. BINOMIAL THEOREM 59 6. Prove that (2 + V3)? + (2 — 3)? = 1008s. Hence deduce that, 10083 < (2 + V3)? < 10084. Find n, if the ratio of the fourth term to the fourth term from the end in the expansion of (@+) Find the coefficient of x* in the expansion of (1 — x)'2-(1 + 29). is 6:1 The sum of the coefficients of the frst three terms in the expansion of (x?—2)' (x # 0) is 376, find the coefficient of x4 Using the binomial theorem, show that 32~8n — 1 is divisible by 64, for m © N Prove the following identities : (Wn € N) @ (+20) © (+40) +40) ++ AG) = et Select a proper option (a), (b), (e) or (d) from given options and write in the box given on the right so that the statement becomes correct 35) +..+ r+ Y(t) = +222" (1) If the coefficients of Sth and 19th terms in the expansion of (1 + x)" are equal, then 1 soe oO (@ 18 (b) 24 (©) 2 (@) 20 (2) If the coefficients of (* — 6)th and (2r — 2)th terms in the expansion of (1 + x)°? are equal, then r= Oo (@) -2 14 © 34 (20 (3) The coefficient of x2! in the expansion of (x + x2)? is ...... oO @ (?) (0) (3) (2) (4) The number of terms in the expansion of (2x + 3y + 42)° of type x+y. 2 is o (a) 10 (b) 15 21 wa (5) If (2 + V3)" + (2 — V3)! = x + pV, then y oO (a) 0 (b) 36 (12 wo (6) If T, _ ; is the middle term of (a + 4)!°, then r = o (@) 6 (bs @7 ws 12 (7) Constant term in the expansion of (227 =L)", (#0) is ou oO (a) 7920 (b) 495 (©) -7920 (495 (TY 4 CF) eat (NT) = oe > 0 oa (@2" (b) 2"-! () "= 1 (dy ar-t aa oo MATHEMATICS2 " Middle term in the expansion of (2x+3L) is () © (Jeo © (A) @()o Sum of the coeffi (2) (3) o() 8) ts of x13)? and x2y!5 in the expansion of (x + y)!° is . —$- Brahmagupta's formula Brahmagupta's most famous result in geom- etry ishis formula for eyclic quadrilaterals. Given the lengths of the sides of any cyclic quadrilateral, Brahmagupta gave an approximate and an exact formula for the figure’s area. @ ‘The approximate area is the product of the halves of the sums of the opposite sides of quadrilateral. The accurate [area] is the square root the product of the half of the sum of the sides diminished by [each] side of the quadrilateral So given the lengths p, q, r and s of sides of a cyclic quadrilateral, the approximate area , penyats) oe teuh pigtr+s F is( 3 [=] white, toning = P7LETES, the exact area is (r= y= ge=NG=9) Heron's formula is a special case of this formula and it can be derived by setting one of the sides equal to zero. (#0) Oo a Chapter Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting. — Gottfried Leibnitz 4.1 Introduction We have studied the fundamental ideas and properties of trigonometric functions. Now, we will see how to express values of trigonometric functions with variables &£ + B and ot — B in terms of values of trigonometric functions with variables @ and fi, where ot and B are real numbers. These formulae are known as addition formulae. With the help of these formulae, we will derive factor formulae and study their uses. If f(@®) = ax, x € Ris a linear function, then Ax = yy = ale = y) = ax — ay = f(x) — FO) Thus, Ax — y) = f(x) — FO) ‘Now, consider the trigonometric function f(x) = cosx, 1 = E and B = B. For these values of ot and B, ct ~ B= - . so cos(er ~ B) ~ cost = - = cos® — cosh 1 Gi But costt ~ cosB = cos — cost = 2-H - 8 eG Thus, cos(at — 8) # cosot — cos Thus, what is true for a Tinear function may not be true for trigonometric functions. Similarly other results can also be quoted, Now, we will obtain the formula of cos(o — 8) using cosa, cosB, sino, sinB, 4.2 The Addition Formulae We shall first prove a formula for cos(ot — B) and cos(o. + B). Let us see the expression for cas(ot — B). a ‘MATHEMATICS 2 Theorem 1: For @, B € R xy (1) cos(ot — B) = cos0t cos + since sinB Prot R(@-B) (2) cos(ct + B) = cosor cosB — since sinB Pas Proof : Case (1) : Let ot, B € (0, 2m) We have three possibilities for 0 and B by law AC, 0) of trichotomy. 9 They are (J O>B Gi)a=B GipaB Suppose the trigonometric points on the unit circle corresponding to ot, B and ot — B are P,Q and R paws 7 respectively. By definition, P(6t) = (coset, sine), Q(B) = (cos, sinB) and R¢ot — B) = (cas(ax — B), since — By). Also A is (1, 0). ‘As shown in figure we have (AP) = & (AQ) = B and (AR) = a — B. As B cos(t = B) = cosor cosB + sincr sin Case (2): &, BER For the given ot, B € R, we can find at, By € (0, 27), such that 0: = 2mq0 + 04, and B= 2ne +B, mneZ &- B= 2mm + a, - Grn +B) 2m — ny + ch, — By, = 2k + ch, — By, where k= m =n € Z As sin and cos are periodie functions whose principal period is 27 cost = costhy, cos = cos, and cos(ot ~ B) = cas(04; - By) Thus, cos( — B) = cas(aty - By) = cos, cos, + sind, sinB, (Case (1)) = costt cos + sinos sin cos(0t — B) = cos0t cos + since sin From ease (1) and case (2) we see that for all o, BE R cos(ct — B) = cost cos + since sin (2). We have, cos(ct + B) = cos(et — (-B)) = coset cos(—B) + since sin) = cosct cos — sindt sin —(cos(-B) = cosB, sin) = —sinB) cos(0t + B) = cos0t cos — sinct sinB Corollay 1 + (1) cos(Z=8) = sin® (2) sin(E-8) = cos Proof : (1) We know that forall o, B R, cos(ct — B) = cos0t cos + sinct sins 6 MATHEMATICS-2 We substitute ot = % and b= @ in the above identity. We get, cos $8) = cost cosO + sink sind = 0-cos® + 1+ sin® sin® cos(E-0) = sind (2) If we replace 8 by B — 0 in cos(¥—8) = sind, we get cof$-E-8)] - of -0) cox0 = sin(E-8) sin(E-8) = cos Theorem 2 : (1) sin(ct — B) = sinot cosB — cosct sinB 2) sin(@. + B) = since cos + cosoe sins Proof : (1) sin(o - B)= cos [E - (at - B)] (cos($-8) = sin) = cos[(F—a1) + B] = cos[E=C) cos ~ sin( #0) sinB = sino. cos ~ cosot sinfS sin(0t — B) = sinct cos — cos0t sinfS (2) sin(oc + B) = sin [oe — (-B)) = sin0t cast) — cos0t- sint—B) sin0t- cos + cosot- sins (cos(-®) = cos® and sin(-®) = —sin®) sin(+ B) = sind cosB + cosot- sins 4.3 Other Formulae for Allied Numbers We have seen from theorems 1 and 2 that for all real numbers ot and B. cos(— B) = cos0t cos + sinot sinB 7 0s(04-+ B) = cosor cos — sinos sin ti sin(ot— B) = since cos) ~ coset sin an sin( + B) = since cos + cose sinB Ww We have also seen that for all 8 € R, sin(Z-) = cos®, cos(£-8) = sind ADDITION FORMULAE AND FACTOR FORMULAE, 65 Potting 0 = © and B = 0 in (iv) and (i) respectivel we get sin(E+8) = sin cos® + cos™ sin® = 1 + cos® + 0-sin® = cos sin(E+8) = cos ‘Z. cos — = cos(E+8) = cos cos® — sin sin® = 0 - cos — 1 sin8 = —sin® cos(E +0) = -sind and hence, tan(Z+8) = -cor8 Similarly putting, 1 = 4 and B = 0 in (i) to (iv), we get sin(4B-0) = ~co30, cos( 3-8) = -sin8 tan(2E-8) = cox Similarly, sin( 2 +8) = -cos0, cos(2E +8) = sin8 tan(2+0) = —co18 Again putting & = 1m, B = @ and o = 27, B = 4 in (i) to (iv), we can prove the following sin( — Q) = sin, cos(t — 8) = —cos®, tan(e — 8) = ~tan sin(T + 8) = —sin®, cas(me + 0) = ~cos®, tan(ae + 8) = tan sin(2m — 8) = —sin®, cos(2 — 8) = cas®, tan(2m — 8) = ~tan® sin(2m + 0) = sinO, cos(2% + 8) = cos®, tan(2m + 8) = tanO We will be using these formulae frequently for solving examples, so it would be very useful to remember them, As an aid to memory, remember the following, First of all, it is enough to consider values of trigonometric functions sinot, cos0t ete. where 0S < 2m, because if 8 € R then 8 = 2n + OL, 0S OL < 2m. We let 0 < B < F. Then typical real numbers $ — B, F + B, 3F — B and 3 + B correspond to the trigonometric points which lie in the I, Hl, III, IV quadrants respectively. From figure 4.2 for any real value, trigonometric function change as x cm Z+B | F-B under, sin > cos, cos —> sin, tan —> cot, cot > tan, sec > cose, cosee > sec ag) FOB +B £48) ij ewes P(E +B) is in second quadrant In the second quadrant sin(B+B) > 0. Note : Choice of sign is according to the original function on the left. x sin(E +B) = cos. ane ) sv $B) is ve. p(2E=B) is in the third quadrant and in the third quadrant cos 66 ‘MATHEMATICS 2 cos EB) = sin n-p |) B ‘Now have a look at the figure 4.3, . . n+p an-B For any such transformations, the trigonometric functions remain same. sin — sin, cos — cos etc. Figure 4.3. Choice of sign is according to the quadrant of the original function. The trigonometric point P(e + B) is in the third quadrant and sin(mt + B) is ve in the third quadrant. Hence, sin(m + B) = —sin, sane + B tanB (tan(% + B) is +ve in third quadrant.) Now P(2n — B) is in the fourth quadrant. Hence, sec(2m — B) = sec, cosee(2m — B) = ~cosee (as see takes +ve and cosec takes ve values in the fourth quadrant.) Now, let us find sin(8) and cos(S2) using there rules, sen+2m sin] —— sin( 1270 +22) onl = sin? (12% is a period of sine function.) 3n-m sin] (sine takes -+ve values in the second quadrant.) (148 is a period of cosine function.) (cosine takes —ve values in the third quadrant.) ‘The Principle Period of tan : We know that sin(at + @) sin®, cos(t + 8) = —cos®, So tan(re + @) = can® Thus, 7 is a period of tan. Now we will prove that 7% is the principal period of tan. ADDITION FORMULAE AND FACTOR FORMULAE o ‘Suppose the principal period of ran is p. Now, fan(® + p) = 1an, V0, 8+ pe R- {2k+1) Elke z} In particular, taking @ = 0, w tanp = 0 pak The least positive value of p is 7. ‘Thus, 7 is the principal period of san. Example 1 : Evaluate : (1) cos120° (2) si (4m is a period of sine.) (3m is a period of tan.) 4 (sec(-®) = sec®) (2m is a period of sec.) \ UW + co2 Q) sin. cosHE + cos2B «sin 3) cos? + cos? E+ (3) cost E+ cos? 2 ST 4. cos? I cos? E+ cos? 2 68 MATHEMATICS , sinf0-4) taf E+8) coseccor+®) Solution 5) Gosii—ay * torame® + seE-8) msinfE-6) cor, cosecO Tena + eo + cosec8 =cos meb tODF+CD I-1-1=-1 2) sin¥% «cog ME + cos2 . sin 2) sink - cos + cos2E - sinh el 2). sin(31 +B) cos(28—B) + cos(t— = sink cos + (cos) «sin 3 © - A Baa TTT 72 = 3-1 aoa cos? B + cos? 3h + sin?(E — SE) +. sin® ) E+ cos? B+ sin? (Z + 2 4 cos? E + sin? (= 2 cos? E + cos? TE + sin? (5E) + sin? = (cos? + sin? ©) + (cos? 5 + sin? (cos? + sin? $) + (cos? 3+ sin? 3B) 1+ =2 Example 3 : Decide whether following numbers are positive or negative (1) sint10° + cost10% (2) cosecHIE ~ sec Solution : (1) sin110® + cos110° = sin(180° — 70°) + cas(90° + 20°) = sin70® — sin20° ‘Now sine is an increasing fimetion in the first quadrant. 70 > 20. Hence sin70° > sin20® sin 70° = sin20° > 0 sin110° + cos110° is positive. vm id 2) coset — sect 1on+sm) 18n-™ ~ cosee( EE) — see SEE™) coree(+ $B) ~ see 12 sm x E+ cosecE Now, as sine is increasing and so casec is a decreasing function in the first quadrant and Rem 2 <2 ADDITION FORMULAE AND FACTOR FORMULAE oo 8 % 10. a. 12. 13. EZ > cosec: cosecE > a cosecHZE — secHTE ig positive, 12 12 Evaluate @) coni38—@) tan( 2) 6) cos( 8) (A) sec690° (3) cosee (6) cor =) Prove : (2 to 11) cos($+8) « see(-Q) tan(at ~ 0) + see(2m + 0)-sin(e + 0) + col F—8) = 0 sin h-O) _coseoh +8) cosec2m+0) SinTe® ®) * Cosect=EVO) " sinGT cosec2® sint-6) -tan{E-8)- sinc -6)- sec(-E +8) sinte+8)-cog E—8)-cosec(n—6)-cor(zn—8) ' sin(n + I)A+cos(n + 2)A — cos(n + I)A+sin(n + 2)A = sin sin?(40° + 8) + sin°(S0° — 0) = 1 £0 333° = 05567" an 297 + sin aT see129° - cosee 31° mata = CaseC39 — sec59 cose" cos + B + C) = cos cosB cosC — sin + sinB + cosC — sinA cosB sinC — cosA sinB sinC sino sin(B — Y) + sinB - sincy — 0) + siny- sin(o. — B) = 0 (sinct — costt) «(sin + cos) = sin(oe — B) — cos(e + B) For AABC, prove following results () sin(B + ©) = sind (2) cas(A + B) = “cos \ 6) sin 2F5) = cos (4) tan — BC) = tad sin(B-+C) -c0s(B+6)-sin4 cos (8) Si) cos) since) -cosoR= a) 1 (6) If cosA = cosB cosC, then prove that 2cofB cofC = 1 For a convex quadrilateral ABCD, prove that (1). sin(A + B) + sin(C + D) = sin(B + C) + sin(A + D) 2) com(A + B+ C) + cotD 0 MATHEMATICS-2 14, For cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, prove that (1) cosA + cosB + cosC + cosd = 0 2) sind + sinB = sinC + sinD If a — B=, then prove that 2sinot — cosB = V3sinB. 16. If @ = 8%, then prove that cas’@ — sin’@ — 2tanO + sec?® — 4cot?O = 0. Eve 2 I sin? E+ sin? DE + sin? DE + sin? E+ sin? ME 17. Evaluate : (1) sin? + sin® 3B + sin? SE + sin® TE + sin? + sin? 1H Q) sine + sin(te + x) + sinQm + x) + ...2n terms. () cosx + cos(m — x) + cos(2m — x) + cos(3M — x) +... @n + 1) terms, if x = F cot B - cot B- cot B- cor B- cot B (4) M35 Moy toy ot 1 18, Determine whether each ofthe following is postive or nezatve (1) sins + cos @) ta ® + cof 2) jo 0 ana as (3) tami 11° = cot tt (8) cose + sec sin—0) +1an(qe+0)-+1anst 6) 19. If tan = (=) and E < 6 0) For 6 > 0, the range of bsint is [-b, 6] = [15] 161]. (151 = 5) Now; for b <0, —1 S sinc $1 €> —b > since > b © bS bsinct Sb For b < 0, the range is [b. —b] = [1], [6 (\b| =) The range of f(t) = bsindt is 6 | | Case (2): a #0, b= 0 Then, f(a) Case 3) a #0, 6 #0 In this case, we shall express acosGt + hsindt in the form rcas(® — 0). acoso, Its range is [| a |, Jal] as before, As rcos(8 — ot) = rcos@ cosa + rsin® sinct, we shall find r and @ such that a = r-cos®, = rsin®, (r > 0) n MATHEMATICS-2 These equations imply that a + 8? = 7? and tanO = & r= Ja? 452. As the range of tan function is R, corresponding to real number 4 we can find © R- {2n—1)% |n € Z} such that cand -4 Hence, for given a and 6 (both non-zero), we can select Vere? and @ such that tan = 4 ‘We can select @, so that reos® = a, rsin® = b. Thus, f()) = acostt + bsinot = reos® cosa. + r sin sind =r (e030 cos0t + sin® sind) =rcox(8 - 0) S(O) = rcos( ~ 0) 1S cos(8 = ) $1 —r S reo — &) Sr >o The range of f(@) is [=r 7 Hence, range of /(00) is [-Ya? +0? fa? +0? | This means that the maximum value attained by f(t) is fa2--62 and the minimum value is ya? b> 4.6 Addition Formulae for tan and cot (@) Ia, Band a+ Be R- {2k- HE | ke Z}, then rano1-+ sani tan (06 + B) = Tanor-tanBs and if, Band @- Be R- {2k- HE | ke Z}, then tano.—tanB tan (0 — BY TE raneretanS sin(O.+P) _ sinorcosi+coscxsinB Proof tan (t+ B)~ oscars By ~ cosceeosB—ain cain (a+Be R-{an-¥|4e 2}) As, Be R= {2k HE | ke Z}, coset #0, cof #0 Hence, dividing both numerator and denominator by cos¢t - cas, we get tan. tan tan c+ B) = Similarly, we can get, tan(at — B) (2) Ifa, Bando + Be R— few] ke Z}, then ADDITION FORMULAE AND FACTOR FORMULAE B ot cota cot| cot (+ BY TB Score and if @, B and « — Be R— {kt |k © Z}, then corerscorB-+t cot (& ~ B) = ~copB core coX+P) _ cosds-cosf— sinct- sin sin(O+B) ~ sino.-cos+cos0.-sinB As, Be R= (ke [ke Z), since #0, sin #0, Proof : cot (ot + B) = (a+Be R- {in| ke Z)) Hence, dividing both numerator and denominator by sindt « sin, we get cote cotB— cot (at + B) = corps core, cord corr Similarly, we can prove that, cont — B) = Cotp—cora, i E and cot E 4.7 Value of tan E and cor E 8 XP seal _ T= tan = 2) cor 2) co = cot 4 ia Wai * Vout ati sah yg 3-1 z a co 2+ “ MATHEMATICS 2 5 pan( E x Also, tanS% = tan(E-H) = cor = 2+ V3 and - 45 cotS = con $=) = tan Example 4 : If sine. $, 2 < a 0 (ot + B) is in the first quadrant. Second method for determining quadrant : To determine the quadrant of P(& + B), we can use another method. sin(0t + B) = sinot cos + caso. sin (S)C) + @GR)- AR Bee cos(ot + B)= coset cosh — sinc sin = 22 (Method 1) As sin(@. + B) >0 and cos(ck + B) > 0, PCL + B) is in the Fist quadrant Now, for P— B). B-B>o o<-B< Band Bcacn @ Reape (adding inequalities in (i)) ADDITION FORMULAE AND FACTOR FORMULAE 6B P(& — ) is in the second or in the third quadrant. As sine takes +ve values in the second quadrant and -ve values in the third quadrant and cosine takes —ve values in the second and in the third both quadrants, so to determine the quadrant of P(t — B), we must find sin(ct — B). sin(ot — B) = since cos — coset sin = (5)(6) - GY) - A = sin. - B) <0 P(o — B) is in the third quadrant. Example § : Find the range of sin@ + cos(8+ 4) Solution : Suppose f(@) = sin + cos(0+3} - cos = sin® sin™ = sin® + cos cos — sin® sin = sin + Leos — sind sin® = acos® + bsin® cos +(1 £ ‘Comparing f(8) with acos® + bsin®, we get pao tore ao ~ fo - fewer . [at . & 1 rk B-g The range of (8) is [-r, 7] [ai Ea Example 6 : Determine whether the sin!10° + cosl10? is positive or negative Solution + Suppose f(0) = sin110® + cost 10° = §2(Fzsint10° + Fecosit0°) = YB (cos4s® sin110° + sind5? cost10°) = vB sin(1108 + 45°) = vB siniss® > 0 (00 < 155 < 180) “.sin110® + cos110° is positive |__ Net The cmp 3 eked ei hin hp cn be od by is ute med is | 16 MATHEMATICS 2 Example 7 : Express J3sinO. — cos in the form rsin( — 0) and find r and @, where, r > 0, 0s@<2n Solution + Let £(@) = J3sinoe — cos Multiplying and dividing by J(J3)2 +(—12 = V4 =2, Fee) = (Lsine. - Leoset) 2fsincr cos = cos sin) = 2sin (a - E = rsin(ct ~ 0) r=2,0= 2. Here @ = & satisfies 0 < @ < 2n. Example 8 : If /3cost — sin = rcos(o. — 8), find r and 8. r > 0, where (i) 0< 0 <2n Gi) B 0 and 0 < & < 2m. SE <0 <0 and cost — Jsintt = reos(ot ~ 8), find r and 0. Prove (%-a) = Bicos o1= sino coo _ oficos 21°= sina” tal) = cosa dasina — 2) 103° = ooo Te sin a? (3) tanBA «tan2A + tanA = 1an3A — tan2A — tand (@) cot co2A — coA+cot3A — col3A+ cot = 1 (9) tan25°- tam15° + tan15® « tan50° + tan25° « tan30° If A + B= &, then prove that (2) (1 + tanA\( + tanB) = 2 2) (CofA — 1N(corB - 1) = 2 (1) Prove that A + B = 3 = sanA = tanB + 2tan(A — B) (2) Prove that 1an65° = 1an25° + 2tans0° IfA+ B+ C= (2k + IE, k © Z, then prove that (1) tan. tanB + tanB tanC + tanC tan = 1 (2) cot + cofB + cotC = cotA cotB cot 8 MATHEMATICS-2 14, 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 48 WA+B+C = kn, ke Z, then prove that (1) tan. + tanB + tanC = tan. tanB tan 2) com -cotC + coC-cotA + cot cof = 1 If sand = 3, tanB = 4,0 + sin6o° — sin80°] ols — sing0°] 43 [sinc180° — 80%) + is snsos + sn) : 3 # = Rus. 80 ‘MATHEMATICS 2 Example 13 : If A + B = 90° then find the maximum and minimum values of sinA - sinB, Solution : Let y = sinA«sinB = sinA sin(90° — A) = sin cosA Then, y = LQsinh seas) = Lfsin(A + A) — sin(A = A)] 2 1 - = dsindA, (sind = 0) Now, IS simA $1 st + cos a eos + sine (4) 2cosSH + cos (5) Bcos15% + cos45° + cosT5® (6) Bsin10° - sin5O° + sin70° Prove (1) sin($+9) sin(F—8) = 40528 2) sin + sin(B-8) « sin(2+0) = 45in30 ZX . cos 3m sm GB) 2cos » cos8E + cost + cosdh = 0 (4) €0820° + cos40° + cos60° - cos80 = (5) 4cos12° + cos48® + cos72° = cos36° Prove that 4cos0 + cos(¥—8) cos +8) = cos30 and deduce that 086° cos42° cos66° cosT8® = sh. = 2sinT0°. 1 Find the value of 35m 10" oT Prove that cos + cost + cosh ADDITION FORMULAE AND FACTOR FORMULAE aL 4.9 Expressing the Sum or the Difference as a Product We have seen the formula (v) to (viii) which are reproduced below 2sind.- cos = sin(e + B) + sin(ce — B) ww) 2cost - sinB = sin(ae + B) — since — B) (wi) 2cos0t - cos = cos(at + B) + cos(. — B) (vii) 2sinet- sinB = cos(o. — B) — cos(a. + B) wii Let us substitute 4 + B = C and ot — B = D in these formulae. Then, @ = £* and B -[5®. We get 2 z sn + td = 24 £42) ca $32) C+D) c-D) sinc ~ sind = roo $$”) sin S$) reo S$) oul °$2) aol) of $2) oof 32) ml 2) ‘These formulae are useful as they express sums or differences as products cosC + cosD cosD — cosC casC — cosD = Example 14 : Express the following as products : (1) sin6® + sins (2) sin6® ~ sin2® G) cos58 + c0328 (4) cos68 — cosi08 (5) sin — 1 (6) cos +1 : 10) Solution + (1) sin6® + sind = aun 52) nf 2 i = 2sin5® cos 2) sin6 = sin20 = 2en{ 2322) sn 2522) = 2cos40 sin20 + 59-20% ©) 1150 + 6028 = rene 2322) col 2572) ~ reo cord 100) (4) c0s68 — cosi08 --2n{ 22) a ® oe = =2sin80 sin(-20) = 2sin80 sin26 o+d () sin 1 = sin ~ sin = 2eos( 8,8 2eos(9+2) 2 ‘MATHEMATICS 2 8+0) @-0) (6) cos® +1 = cos® + cos0 = 2ea =| oof > | = 2c0s% cos® 2 = 2eost 2 Example 15 : Prove that (1) €0820° + cos60° + cost00° + cosl40° = + (2) 1+ cosdA + cost. + cos6A = AcosA« cos2A + cos3A (3) ¥Bsim10° + J2.8in55° = cos80° + 2cos50° Solution + (1) LHS. = c0s20° + cos60° + cos100° + cos 40° 1 100" + 140” 03209 + 4 + 2cos| —3— | cos| = c0520 + 4 + 2e0s120° cos20%) c0s20° + $ + 2cas(180° — 60°) cos20° + cas20° — 2cas60° cos20° 1 ° — 2. Leos209 4 + cos20° — 2- Leos20' = 4 + c0s20° — cos20° 1 4=RHS. Q) LMS. 1 + cos2A + costa + cos6A (cos0 + cos2A) + (cost + cos6A) 2cosA + cosA + 2cosSA-cosA = 2cosA(cosA + cosSA) = 2cosA(2cos3A - cos2A) = dcosA- cos2A-cos3A = RLS. GB) LHS. = J3sin10° + J2 sin55° = 2sin60° sinl0® + 2sin45® sinSS® 055° — cos70° + cosl0° — cos100° = casS0° — cas(180° — 80°) = (cas70° — cos10°) = €0s50° + cos80° + 2sin40 sin30° = cos50° + cos80° + 2sin(90? — 50) -2 cas50° + cos80° + cos50° = cos80° + 2cos50% = RWS 2 100" = 140" — (cos(-20°) = cos20°) (rearranging) ADDITION FORMULAE AND FACTOR FORMULAE 1. Convert into a form of product (1) sin 70 + sin3® 2) sin9 + sin2B (3) sin30 — sinSO 2 (4) sin2® — sin3B (5) cost18 + e039 6) cos + costtO 2 (1) c0s58 = cast18 (8) cos ~ cos 3B (9) cos = 1 2 2 (10) sin® + 1 (11) cos® + sind (12) sin — cos Prove : (2 to 7) 2 B) ©) © o 3) @ 2) Q) 6 @) 7 @ cos88° + ca65° + cat 789= 0 Q) cos — cook = sin cosh sin + cos65° = eon ) BTR cos TA 4 cosSA SSNTA—sInSK ~ COM £0520 cos = c0s30 cos22 = sins sinS 4 sin + sin(®+2Z) + sin(@+4Z) = 0 (cosos + cos)? + (sinc + sinB)? = 4eos? (258) 7 (cosot — cosB)? + (sinot — sin)? = Asin? 4) AFB 6p BHC i,C4A z z z AtB (BEC CA Sin + sinB + sinC ~ sin(A + B+ C) = Asin: cosh + cosB + cosC + cos(A + B + C) = 4eas- sin(A +B) —2sinA +sin(A—B) cox A+B) =2c08A + c05(A=B) = tan, 0S 3A +2€085A + COSTA “COSA + 3C055A + 0055A ~ 1 Bi Geir 7 cesur 74 2) vBsim10° + F3c0s35° = sinS5° + 2e0s65° ‘082A — sin2A tan3A itn sin = nsin(® + 2c) © tan(@ + 0) = =p tano. sin(2A + 3B) = SsinB => 2tan(A + 2B) = 3tan(A + B) * ‘Miscellaneous Problems : Example 16 : Prove that 0 < ot, B < E => sin(ot + B) < sinct + sinfS and deduce from this that Sin49® + sind > 1. MATHEMATICS-2 Solution + sin(ot + B) — since — sinB = sino cosh + cose. sinfb — sinas — sinB = sino. (cos — 1) + sin (cos — 1) @ Now, as 0.< 0, B< B, 500 < sintt < 1,0 < sinB <1 and 0-< cosa < 1,0< cosB <1 cost — 1 < 0, cosB — 1 <0 sinot(cosB — 1) < 0 and sinB(cosc — 1) <0 sino(cosB — 1) + sinB(costt ~ 1) <0 sin(ot + B) ~ sings — sin < 0 sin(0t + B) < sino + sinB Now, taking & = 49°, B= 419 AS 0< 49. < 90 and 0 < 41 < 90 sin(49° + 41°) < sin49® + singl® sin90° < sind9® + sind sin49° + sindl° > 1 & and 0.< 0 B.< then prove tat andar = 58 Example 17: Ifeos(@. + B) = 4, sin(at — B)= & Solution = We have, 0 tan(oe + B) > tance + tanfb and deduce that 1an35° + tan25° < J. Prove that 2/anb + cof = tan, => 2tan(ce — B) = cor. sino. since Tekeos, 4 "8 = Fe costh If @ + B = ot and sin = ksinB prove that ran = If sinA + cosB = 0 in AABC, prove that AABC is an obtuse angled triangle and that 0 cos20 = men. Select a proper option (a), (b), (¢) or (d) from given options and write in the box given on the right so that the statement becomes correct 0s 10° sin 10° (1) The value of Te is oO (a) tan2s° (b) 1an35° (©) tan55° (d) tan80° (2) The value of cos245° + sinl55° is o fist Gat Bn @o ors OF OF (3) The value of cos(270° + 4) cos(90° — ct) — sin(270° — Ot) case is. o @-1 (b) 0 ot @1 (4) The value of 2sin(Z) sin( 2 oO @FZ @) 1 @s (5) If A = 125 and x = sinA® + cosA°, then o (@x0 @xz0 (6) If tance = Ly and tan = sez, 0 < 0 B-< B), then & + B is oO (0 oF oF OF (7) The value of Be is. o @o 1 ©2 @3 (8) sin190° + cos190° o (a) is negative (b) is zero (©) is positive (d) is not defined. tan 25° tan 345" (9) HF corts® = m, then I a m= 2m mnt mt @ Gat Oa OFA @ ya (10)The value of log tanl® + log tan2° + ... + log tan89° is o @o 1 ©2 @s tan’ 1s" (11) The value of [Saas is o @1 we 2 oe MATHEMATICS-2 (12)The value of cas480° sin150° + sin600° £05390 is. 1 @F (o) 0 @-l Oz (13)tan25° + 1an20° + tan25° 1an20° is equal to... @o 1 or @2 (14)In AABC, if tanA 4, then the measure of angle C is a @s oF ot (at (15)The value of Y3cosec20° — sec20° is .. (@ 4 1 ()2 (4 (16)The value of /3sin75° ~ cos75° OF On oe wr cos? + cos? SE + cos? SE an + cost Ty + cos! Tp @z mo or @F (18)The value of cos15° — sin 15° is oF wo ot OF ‘iojeos278 ~ cos2s7# is equal to @é OF Or OF ADDITION FORMULAE AND FACTOR FORMULAE |. tan (ot + B) = |. cos( + B)- cos( — B) = cos?ct — sin®B cos(at + B)-cos(ct — B) = cos°B — sinor ). The range of f(t) = acoso, + dsinB, Oo, BER abe R e+ P40 is [-Yo?+62, fo?-+5? J. In proper domain, tanci-+tanf3 T=tantistanB tanc.—tan{3 + tan (0 — B= Te rantteranB. 2 22, « cas© + cosD = 2reos( £5? . 2sind. cos = sina + B) + sin(a. — By . 2cosot sinB = sin(or + B) — sinc — B) ~ 2costt. cos = cos(ot + B) + cos(ot — B) . since sinB = cos(ct — B) — cos(a. + B) . sinc + sinD = aain( S$") cox $5") |. sin — sind = 220s $7) snl $2) eal) cosC — cosd = ~2sin( S$?) sin( so MATHEMATICS-2 Chapter B Geometry is not true, it is advantageous. — Henri Poincare ‘Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore. ~ Albert Einstein 5.1 Introduction In this chapter we shall use addition formulae to obtain values of trigonometric funetions for multiples like 2c, 36r etc. of 0 and for sub-multiples like & of ct, Then we will obtain the values of trigonometric functions for some standard particular numbers and finally, we will use them for proving some conditional identities. 5.2 Trigonometric Functions of 26 (1) Formula for sin20, : For 0, B € R, sin(O. + B) = sine cosB + coso sinB Substituting B =o. in this formula, ssin(Ot. + 08) = sindt cosot + coset sinc sin20t = 2sinO. cose @ (2) Formulae for cos2et : For 0, B € R, cos(& + B) = cosot cos — sind sinB Putting B = Of in this we see that, cos(G + Ot) = cosOt cosO. — sinOt sind . cos20t = cose = sin?os «i cos20t = cos’ — (1 — cos?) cos20t = 2cos?O — 1 iy VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES oo Again, cos2Q, = cos*o — sin? = 1 = sitar — sinto, 0820, = 1 = 2sin?oe Gv) So we have, cos20t = cos? — sin*% = 1 — 2sin*Q = 2cos* — 1 Thus, once sinot and cost for OF € R are known, we can obtain the values of sin2. and c0s20. using above formulae. Also values of sine and cosine functions for numbers that are twice of the given numbers can be obtained. From (iii) and (iv) we have, 1 + cos20L = 2cos*o, 1 — cos20. These are quite usefull forms. 2sin20 If we replace 20. by 0. (and so ot by 2), we get = 2sin& « cosS singe = 2sin& - cos 20. — ig? 2 2 cost = cos Also we have 1 + cosot = 2cos*&! and 1 — cose = 2sin*Z (3) sin20,, cos20t and fan2 in terms of tance. Sindh = 2sin0L- cost 2sin0t-coso. c0s'0. + sin’. (cos?n + sin? = 1) Ifa R— {2k— 1) | k€ Z}. then cosot # 0. So let us divide both numerator and denominator by cos*ot, Then, Yano. Sin20. = tant w) c0s204. = coset — sin? CoSOL+ SiO Again, taking © R- {(2k— 1) | ke Z}, cosor# 0, we divide both numerator and denominator by cos?4t, to get letata, - costa, = wi Now suppose OL and 261 both are in the domain of tan. Then tan20. = tan(OL + 0) atta @e R-[{2k- HE | ke ZU {ex HF | ke 7] pat is tandox = [ma oi Finally, assuming that © and 2ct are in the domain of cor, we can similarly prove that (ae R- {| ke 2}) cot. cor, cor = i) Note that if & # AE for alk € 7, then cortanly O # ka for all FE 7, because ke = 2, eZ. 2 MATHEMATICS 2 Thus, if oc # 4 for all ke Z, then coro. = In the results (v), (vi) and (vii), if we replace 20 by Ot (and so replace o& by 2), we get rand rand sino = at Petar ge cose If we put tan& = 1, then above formulae become 2 Sin. = Ty Fs cose = 5.3 Trigonometrie Funetions of 30, (1) _sin30t = sin(2on + a) sin2¢t cost + cos20t- sind = (2sin0t - cosot) + cost + (1 — 2sin?ct)- since = 2sin0. cost + since — 2sin3o, sinOt (1 — sin®0L) + sine — 2sinboe = 2since — 2sin3ot + sinot — 2sinPe S3sindt — Asin3 sin3OL = 3sin0t — 4sin3o (ix) (2) cos30.= cos(O + 204) = cos0h cos20. — sintt sin20t = cos0.- (2cos?& — 1) — sinOt (2sin& cost) = 2cos%0t — cost, — 2eos- sin? = 2cos30t — caso — 2cosos (I — cos?0t) = 2cos'0. — cos0. — 2eastt + 2cas a = 4eos*& — 3coso. “6 €0830= 4eos* — 3cos. (& (3) Taking of, 204, 304 in the domain of fan, that is oF # Qk— 1), 0 # Qk — VE and oF # 2k — ERE Z (Remember that every odd multiple of F is an odd multiple of 4, for example 3 = ie. (2k- NE | ke Z} c {ek- DE | ke 2}) tan30 = tan(20. + Ot) tan20.+ tanoy T= tan20,1an01, — ana. Tera 21an 01% tan OL—tan OL = tan"0.= 21an0, VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 93 van Ot ~ tan "CL © y= aan 701 Ge R— {0k DE ke 7 an 01 — tan fa3 OT an OL Ge R— (kD ke 7} (xi) This formula remains true even if 201 is in the domain of tan. (20 € Diy) Similarly, we can prove that if , 20t and 364 € D,,., then atinat MaeDeez kn {in [ke Z} c {| ke 2} cot OL 3cot conse. = gy HE R- (AE ke 2} (xii) Indeed, this s true for all a = AZ, ke 7, Thus, for any 0 € R, we can calculate sin3ct, cas3ck and tan3ot, if sinoL, cosce and tande are given. Also values of trigonometric functions of 40, 5G, ... ete. can be expressed in terms of trigonometric funetions of Ct sin sin 0+ co: Example 1 : Prove : (1) TRG = san 2) Ty 5in eos 8 3) Teese = tan(E—0) (4) sec + cand = ta sin 2sin8.cos8 Solution + () LALS. = tah = SSG = tan = RUS. sin@+ cos & 1+ sin 2 cos 0 Q) LHS. = sin 2+ (1=cos 8) cor¥ os 41) sn 2a cos (2s +1) @) LAS. = 4 MATHEMATICS 2 sind @) LIS. = Zap + Sy _ besin® cos Example 2 : Express cos4@ in terms of cos® and sinS® in terms of sin. Solution : 0848 = e0s2(28) = 203220 1 = 2(2c0s° = 12 = 1 = 2(Acos'® — 4eos?® + 1) — 1 = 8cos'® — 8038 +1 sinS® = (sinS® + sin®) — sin® = 2sin38 0326 — sin® = 2(3sin® — 4sin*@)(1 — 2sin®®) — sin8 = 6sin® — 12sin*® — Bin®8 + 16sin%® — sin® sinS® = \6sin5 — 20sin* + Ssin8 ‘Example 3 : Prove that cosA « cos(60° — A) cos(60° + A) = cos3A and use it to find the value of €0520° «cos40° « cas60° « cos80°. Solution : L.H.S. = cosA + cos(60° — A) cos(60° + A) cosA(cos?60° — sin®A) = cosh(4 ~ sin?) cosA(4 = (1 = cos?A)) 2 (4cas¥A — eos) Leos3A = 4cos3 = RUS, Now, c0s20° « cos40° . cos60° « cos80° = 4(cos20° « cos(60° + 20°) cos(60° — 20°) $e0s3(20°)] (A = 20°) Example 4 : Prove that cos°8 + cas} Solution + We know that cos30 = 4cos*@ — 3c0s0. So, cos*O = 4(cos30 + 3cos0) VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 95 LHS. = c0s°8 + cos'(2= +8) + cos'(4E+8) 4(cos30 + 3cos0] + 4[eost2n + 30) + 3cos(2+8)] 1 2fc0s38 + 3eos8] + = 4cos38 + Heos® + cos(2E+8) + cos($+8)] 40338 + Sfeos® + 2costm + 8) cos] 4 £0330 + 3[cas0 — 2036 x 4] 3 cas30 + 3 =a oe = 4.c0s30 + 4(cos0 ~ cos) ~ 4c0s30 = RI : sin Example 5 : Prove that cosA = cos2A -cos22A -cos25A -..cos2"=1A = Ty and use it to find value of cos . cosAl . cos§ . cost the value of cos5* «cos 75 «cosy «costs Solution : sin2® = 2sin® cos® sinc cos = $8 LHS. = cos c0s2A cosh « c0523A + ..« 6082" ~ 1A sina? ay sinaQA)—_sin20"""a) einen" Asin A" 25inF—A sina"™n) sin?" - sink F-sing ~ RUS. cosh . cosAlh . cost . cost = —costlh . cos . cos SE. cosh TS "OSG CONTE * C085 15 "COSTS" COSTS. COSTS LIE = cos — (cost = cos( ~6sin = sin n+ ®) 6sin iesn= 6 Prove (1 to 19): sin2 cos28 1 Teron = 608 2. Tense ~ cE +8) 8 coi = 0 cos . 3. tan + cot® = reosec® 4. pp - n(B-9) 96 MATHEMATICS 2 Lt sina + e082 5. TF simB cosa ~ 60 cor8—1an0 128i = sec® + cosec® = 2cosec2® 8. sec20 — tan20 ~ ran(Z—-8) sinsO—2sin 30+ sin® 9. = tan sin® ~sin® sin'Q—cos"8 11, J3cosec20° — sec20° = 4 10. = 2sin® 12. 2(cos8@ — sin88) = cos20 + cos*28 13. If tance = 4 and tank = 4, then ran(ar + B) = 3. cos = 2x42) 14, If cos = A(x+4 “1 4(24+) then c0s20 = 2( + and cos 15. 6 17, £088 18. cos%8 sin30 + sin*O cos30 = $sin48 19. cos5O cos30 + sin°® sin30 = cos*20 20, If sinA = 3, 0-< A < & then find the value of sin2A, cos2A, tan2A and sind 21. If 150 =m, then prove that cos « cos20 « cas30 « cos40 « cos50 « cas60 - cos70 = re 22. Show that 24+ 42+ J2+2c0s88 = 2c0s0, where 0< 0 < Z, 23. Prove that tan@ + ran( +8) + can (22 +6) = 31an3® and deduce that tan20° + tan80° + tani40° = 3¥3 24. Prove that san8 « tan( +8) . tan(E=) = 1an38 and deduce that tan6° « tan 42° + tan66° « tan 78° = 1 25. Prove : cos60 = 32cosO — 48cos*8 + 18cos?O — 1 * 5.4 Trigonometric Functions of & in Terms of cos0t (1) We know that cos20. = 1 — 2sin?0.. If we put OF in place of 201 (and & in place of 0), we get 2a cos g. = 2sin’ VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 97 2s = 1 — cose oso, 2a sine @) @) ag. _ Arcos. ta = Tos. 5.5 a Values of Trigonometric Functions for Some Special Numbers sinl8° : Suppose @ = 18° *. 58=90° 30 +20 = 90° 20 = 90° - 36 sin26 = sin(90° — 3) sin20 = cos30 2sin® cos 2sin® = 4cos°8 — 3 4c0s50 — 3cos 2sin® = 4(1 — sin?) — 3 2sin® = 4 — 4sin?® — 3 4sin?O + 2sin — 1 = 0 WH _ 2425 +5 ¥ 7 Here @ = 18°, Hence, P(@) is in the first quadrant. sin® > 0 5 sin 8° (2) costs? = Substituting = 18° in cos? = | — sin®0, we get cos?18°= 1 — sin? 18° + = — [SH] ~ eases. —a Similarly, substituting tin place of 204 (and © in place of @) in cos2cx = 2eos?ct = 1 (@ # 2k - OR KE Z (cos8® # 0) 98 ‘MATHEMATICS-2 104205, cos?18°= go= 1042 costes = fies (0 < 18 < 90, So costt? > 0) (3) cos36° : Substituting @ = 18° in cos28 c0s36° = 1 — 2sin2 18° -1-f4 ~ 2sin®®, we get =5+2v5-1 _ 24+2v5 _ E+ nt as Substituting @ = 36° in sin20 = 1 — cos20, we get 1 — cos?36° Bah -1-(& S+2W5+1 1- |e sin?36° 25 _ 10— 25 16 (0 < 36 < 90. So sin36° > 0) We can similarly get sines and cosines of multiples of 18 like 54, 72, 144 ete. In fact, costae = [oe 25 6 an 7 sin 2° = sin(90° — 18°) and sinS4® = sin(90® — 36°) = cos36° = Similarly, cos72° = sin18° and cos54® = sin36° (0 < 224 < 90, So sin224” > 0) VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 99 (6) In the same way, we get cosz2° ) tanh? 2991° = pan? 83? tant22d? = ta f-1 fi-1 - “Pa bai 1 221° Now, 0 < 224 < 90. Hence, an224° > 0 tan204° = JB = 1 Similarly, we can show that co224" = J2 + 1, We can also get value of sines and cosines 1° of 672° ete. cos672° = sin224°, sin674° = cos224° and tan674° = con2d” : : Ze en find the value of sin® + cos® Example 6 : If cot = =3 Fon find the value of sin + cos Solution + Since cor® tan z sec*® = 1 + tan°@ = 1 + — cos = 8 a sin + co =e + = 43m IM + sint IM — 3 Example 7 : Prove that sin'Z + sint 3 + sin’ SE + sint 2 = 3 Solution : LHS.= on + sint AE + sin SE + int UE intB + sint EL + sint (n-2 s 3 = a(sint + int 3 2sin' + sin’ 3) = aGue BP + 6008) reosk | (1 cos: , cos -A[(! 3) +(: (swe cos 9) z TT z ‘MATHEMATICS-2 100 : : = z - an 1 co B) + (1-58) ( 2 2. ea) +3] -4 1 3 v2+1t+d4 V2] 4 2 RES. Example 8 : If sint + sin = a and cost + cos = 6, prove that aah o-| pa — (1) costae — By = £F=2 (ay tn 8) -4 a Solution : (1) We have sinc + sinB = a and coset + cosB = b ‘Squaring and adding, (sings + sinB + (coset + cos = a + B Sin0t + 2sin0t sinB + sin2B + coset + 2cos0t cosBs + cos?B = a2 +b 2+ 2(cos0t cos + sindt sinB) = a? + b Q) ew Example 9 : Prove sin'® + cos'® = thy : G — 4eos40 + cos80) Solution : sin'® + cas'® = (sin® cos®)t 1 = FO2sin® cos)" L Te G ~ Ae0s48 + c0s80) VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 101 1. same = 3, © — 10. cos6° + cos42° + cos66° + cos78° = covSE «cost» cost LL. 16cos3 12, (1+ cosB\(1 + cos5B)(1 + cos 5.6 Conditional Identities ‘Now we shall discuss some identities satisfying certain conditions €.8, Sin2A + sin2B + sin2C = AsinA sinB sinC for A + B+ C =X. This identity is true for all A.B, C satisfying the condition A + B + C = %, Therefore, this identity is called a con entity. (On the other hand sin?A + cosA = 1 is true for every A ‘This is an example of an unconditional identity, ional yout any condi Most of the relations, relating to the angles of a triangle are of the type of conditional identities. They are useful in understanding the properties of a triangle, Here we need to keep the following in mind. A+B+C=n A+B=m—-C and S55 =F wh AsBY sin(A + B) = sinC and sil z= cos In the same way, o = sin cos(A + B) = cos and eos: 102 MATHEMATICS 2 Example 10 : If A+B + C = %, then prove that, Sin2A + sin2B + sin2C = AsinA sinB sinC. Solution + LHS. = sin2A + sin2B + sin2C 2sin(A + B) cos(A — B) + 2sinC + cosC 2sin(me — C) cost — B) + 2sinC + cosC A+B4EC=m = 2sinC + cos(A — B) + 2sinC + cos = 2sinC [cos(A — B) + cosC] = 2sinC [cos(A — B) ~ cos(A + B)] (A+B+C=m = 2sin© [-2sinA - sin(-B)] = 4sinA sinB sin® (sin(B) = —sinB) RUS, Example 11 : If A+ B + C = J, then prove that cas? + cos?B + cosC = 2I1 + sind sinB sinC Solution : LH.S.= cos?A + cos*B + cos*C = Micon, Lecoma y Ereone = $13 + cos2A + cos2B + cos2C] = $13 + 2cos(A + B) cos(A ~ B) + 1 ~ 2sin®C] = 14 + 2eas(A + B)-cos(A — B) — 2sin?C] 2 + cos(E—C) - cos(A = B)= sinc (A+B = 2+ sin [cos(A — B)— sinC] 2+ sinC [cos(A — B)— cos(A + B)] (A+B 2 + sin [-2sind « sin(—B)] = 2+ 2sinA sinB sinC = 2 [1 + sin sinB sinC] or second method : LHS. = cos*A + cos?B + cos’C CoP +1 = sin’ + 1 = sinPC = 2+ (costa — sin®B) ~ sin?C 2 + cos(A + B) cos(A — B) ~ si’ = 2+ co(E=C). cost = B)= sin? = 2+ sinC-cos(A — B) — sin’ 2+ sinC [cos(A — B) — sinC] = 2 + sin [cos(A - B) ~ cos(A + B)] = 2 + sinC [-2sinA -sin(-B)] = 2[1 + sinA sinB sinC] = RLS. VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 103 1, IfA+B+C =, prove that (1) c0s2A + cos2B + cos2C = 4cosA. cosB cosC Q) sina + sinB + sinC = 4eos$ cos® cos 3) cos + cosB + cosC = 1 + 4sin& sin® sin$ A) sin? + sinB + siPC = 2(1 + cos cosB cosC) (5) cos?A + cos?B + cos*C = 2eosA cosB cosC siPD + sinPB + sit — 2sind sinB sinS (6) sir + siPB + siPS = 1 2sin& sin® sin A + cos + coset in sin® sin® OD cor + cosh + cos = 21 + sin sin} sin$ (8) sin?A + sin?B — sin?C = 2sinA sinB cosC 2. A+ B+ C=, prove that (1) sin?A + sin?B + sin®C = 1 — 2sinA sinB sinc (2) sin2A + sin2B + sin2C (3) sin? — sinPB + sin2C = 1 — DeosA sinB cas cos. cosB cos Miscellaneous Problems : Example 12 : Prove that sani424° = 2 + V2 - V3 - V6 som « 1 1) Solution + taml423° = tan(90° + 523°) = -e01524° = ~cot524 = ~voi( 45° + 7 cor = corre +1 cos7d— sits? cost + sin cos 78 sin? cost sine 2sin 72” x cos: cos? 74° — sin? 73° 104 MATHEMATICS 2 sins? cos = sin (45° =30°) costs — 30°) Bo a “Te ME _ Mii eet ot = +0 Wi ~ Wen G0 _ fb -2h 3454-9 rn =-v6 +42 42-3 =2+d2-V3- V6 Example 13 : If A + B+ C =f, then prove that ma) sin + sin® + sin$ = 1 + ssn m-B ) aft Solution + RLS, = 1 + 4s 254) sin( 2 1 + asin( 255) si 1 wten(") sin $2) [eo 25 = e828) ol 254) = 14 (sin + sin) ~ (sind — sin aS > + | (A+B4+C=m) B — sin + sin = 1+ sin + sin + sing = sind + sin + sing A + sinB + sin$ = LHS Bxample 14 : If O and B be the roots of the equation acos@ + bsind = c, prove that B jan + tani = 2b. Hence, deduce that tan (se Solution : acos@ + bsin® = ¢ ay 21a tae = ata? san a= atar?& + rb1an8 =e + cta® + eta (a+ ota? — rbtan® + (@ - a) = 0 VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 105 B 9 and tank. and its roots are tan and san This is a quadratic equation in tan2 s g Lab = [| h) = a «tan £ eB) tan%+ rane wow, ta 28 - van San 2b 2 bb ate-cha 3a a 1 tra ‘Example 15 : Prove using principle of mathematical induction, cos6 + c0s20 + 00538 +..+ cosn® = sin @ 2B . o9s 28, cosec® — Solution : Let, Pon): cos® + c0s28 + c0s3+... + cosn® = sin BAY , os 1 For n= 1, LILS, ~ cos0, RLS. = sin® «cos - cosec$ = 1 sin@-cos? sing = cos = RES (cos20 = 20058 — 1) P(1) is true. Let P(R) is true, 038 + 60520 + cos +... + coskO = sintk + 1)9- cos#® . cosec® — 1 Le n= k+1 LHS. = cos@ + c0s20 + cos30 +... + cask® + cos(k + 10 sn(E)o. cos! sind = 1+ cos(k + 1)8 (0i( 220 cos $B + 2sin cos(k + 198) — 1 1 [x PRD 5 Ghe90 kee) z z sinQ + sin sag [ (oi S28 + snQ)] — 1 Lay [fan E28 cog AHO] — 2 7 z 106 MATHEMATICS 2 -cosec® = 1 costkt00 Pk + 1) is true P(A) is true, => P(k + 1) is true, P(n) is true for Vn € N by PML Prove ; (1 to 15) 1. tan{Z+8) = sec + ran cot 0+ cose @ 2. corO= cose OHI ~ COZ _ _ sco 3. tamer = V5 tanfb => cosdet = FoR « tant 4. tank = c0s8 => sina = 5. If sin = a, then the roots of a(l + x2) = 2x are ran and con®. 6. If cos = a, then the roots of 4x? = 4x + 1 = a? are cos?@ and sin? 7. If Gand B are the roots of the equation acos® + bsin® = c, then enb ase (0) cos + on = PAE and cose cosB = 2) tance + tan = GME and sano. «tan 3) sino. + B) = A 8. cos = 1 |10c0s6 + Scos38 + coss8] 9. 2cos + 1(2cos0 — 1}2c0s20 = 1)(2cos40 — 1) = 2cos8 + 1 10. cosecO + cosec20 + cosect® + cots = cor 11, (05248 — sin212°) — (608266? — sin'6®) = 4 se0t8-1 | sani sec4B=1 ~ tan20 13. core = V2 + V3 + JE +6 14. tan = 4202 -W2 +1) 15, 4sin27 = 45405 — ¥3-V5 16. Ifx = sinO + cosO + sin20 and y = cos + sind « sin20, 12. then prove that (¢ +3)? + @—y)3 =2. VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 107 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. If A+B +C =X, prove that (1) sin(B + 26) + sin(C + 2A) + sin(A + 2B) = asi 55) oil Q) cosh + cosh + cos = eos 25") -cos( 252) +cos( 2Z5) Prove : AABC is right angled triangle <> cos?A + cos*B + cos*C = 1 € sin?A + sin’B + sin?C = 2 Prove by principle of mathematical induction : (19 to 22) Sin + sind + sinSx +. sin(Qn — Dx = Sie tant + Ltant scot = com tank + Land ++ a c ylang 3 Ot . = intB DO int cose sin + sind8 + + sinn® = sin 209, sint®. cosec® cos0t- c0s20L+ cosdch- ...- e092" toy, = Sn 2 2" sind. Select a proper option (a), (b), (c) or (d) from given options and write in the box given on the right so that the statement becomes correct (1) One root of 4x3 — 3x = 4 is. Oo (a) sin70° (b) sin10° (c) sin20° (d) cos70° (2) The range of the function cas'® — sin'® is o @ (0,1) OU © 1) Mey (3) The range of sec'® + cosec® is oO @ [1, a (o) RY (©) [8 ®) @R-CLD (4) The value of cos674.” is o Bae ovi-1 wie (5) The value of 3sink — 4sin'E is oO @y 1 wt (6) It sind = 3, B < @ @atb (18) The value of cos6° - sin24° - cos72° is ... @zZ o) = OF @t (19) The maximum value of the expression sin®® + cos®® is @1 (Od oz @e (20) If cosA = 4, then the value of 32sin. sinS& is equal to my (1 () iT © vit @il * VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIPLES AND SUBMULTIPLES 109 Summary We studied following points in this chapter 1. sin20L = sine cose 2. 03204 = cos*0L — sin?et = 2eos*er = 1 = 1 — 2sin?ce 3. 1 + cos2ct = 2cos?er and 1 — cos2aL = 2sin?ot 21an 4. sin20.= Trane. I= tan*0. 8. cos20 = ag 6. ae R- [{2k - DB} vu {2k - Bh] ke Z ~{k 1 ae R- (| ke z} sin30L = sino — 4sinSor, 9. cos30. = 4eosSer — 3cos0t stan 0. tan? x 10. tan30 = Saag, ae R- {2k - 3, k € 7} cot scot FESS BOO _ pe F 11, cota = SER ae R-{E [ae 2} 20, _ 1=c0s0. 12, sin? “ ro _ Ltcost 13, co? = Leos 14, @eR- {2k-e| ke Z} Pa ior als . 6 16. sin36° = io 17, sinzad° = no MATHEMATICS 2 Chapter If equations are trains threading the landscape of numbers, then no train stops at pi. = Richard Preston Pure mathematics is in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. ~ Albert Einstein 6.1 Introduction In the previous semester and in chapters 4, 5 we have studied about trigonometric functions, their ‘graphs and their properties like zeros, range, periodic nature, identities. Trigonometry is useful in land surveying, We know that by using trigonometry we can find the height of a hill without actually measuring it, In 1852, Radhanath Sikdar, an Indian mathematician and a surveyor from Bengal, ‘was the first to identify Mount Everest as the world’s highest peak, using trigonometric calculations. ‘Trigonometry is useful in modern navigation such as satellite systems, astronomy, aviation, oceanography. In this chapter we will learn how to solve trigonometric equations and properties of a triangle using trigonometry. 6.2 Trigonometric Equations A trigonometric equation is an equation containing trigonometric functions, e.g. sin2x — 4cosx is a trigonometric equation. A trigonometric equation that holds true for all values of the variable in its domain is called a trigonometric identity, e.g. cos28 = 2cos*® — | is a trigonometric identity. There are other equations, which are true only for some proper subsets of domain of functions involved. ‘We will learn some techniques for solving such trigonometric equations, as well as how to obtain the complete set of solutions of an equation based on a single solution of that equation. The equations sinx = $ has not only the solution x= E but also x= 52, x= 2+ - x=3n— EZ ete. are also solutions of sinx = 4. Thus, we can say that x = Z is a solution of sine = > but it is not the complete solution of the equation. A general solution to an equation is the set of all possible solutions of that equation. Note that some trigonometric equations may not have any solution, e.g. sin = 7, Due to periodic nature of trigonometric functions, ifa trigonometric equation has a solution it may have infinitely many solutions. ‘The set of all such solution is known as the general solution. ‘TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS AND PROPERTIES OF A TRIANGLE mt

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