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Environment 2 9


A. Match each word with its definition.

1. _____ to plan a. below n. volume
2. _____ genuine b. bottom o. within
3. _____ to get larger c. devise
4. _____ the lowest part d. drill
5. _____ unchanging e. estimate
6. _____ to make holes f. expand
7. _____ an answer g. object
8. _____ to guess h. permanent
9. _____ a thing i. real
10. _____ inside j. simple
11. _____ the space something takes k. solution
12. _____ the top l. substance
13. _____ easy m. surface

B. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

1. _____ A cake can have several lawyers.
2. _____ Married people never separate.
3. _____ Clouds are at the bottom of the ocean.
4. _____ Estimates are usually exact.
5. _____ You can float on the surface of a lake.
6. _____ Gold is a substance.
7. _____ You can drill holes in a liquid substance.

C. Match the words that have opposite meanings.

1. ____ bottom a. changing
2. ____ below b. together
3. ____ separate c. difficult
4. ____ simple d. top
5. ____ solution e. problem
6. ____ permanent f. above

D. Match the words that have similar meanings.

1. ____ estimate a. different
2. ____ forever b. genuine
3. ____ object c. answer
4. ____ real d. thing
5. ____ separate e. guess
6. ____ solution f. always
10 Environment 2

E. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from A, B, C

and D above.
1. You can _______________ your knowledge of the environment
by reading about it.
2. Machines cannot last _________. They always require repairs.
3. Someone should _______________ a better method to
_______________ for oil.
4. There is _______________ danger that industrial chemicals will
damage people’s heath _______.
5. Many ships damaged in terrible storms are at the ___________
of the ocean.
6. Fish swim _______________ the ______________ of the water.
7. In mathematics class I had to find the _________ of a large box.
8. They can only _______________ the amount of damage made
by the oil leak. They’re still not certain of the exact amount.
9. If you put water and oil into a glass, they will ___________ into
two ________.
10. A dark chemical _______________ polluted the water.

F. Circle the word which is different in meaning.

1. solution answer problem
2. drill object thing
3. permanently forever change
4. expand space volume
5. real lawyer genuine
6. devise plan problem
7. substance surface top

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