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Blotting techniques
SNOW (southern, northern, western)
DROP (DNA, RNA, Protein)

PKa Values
Don't Express Hate, Create Your Kindness Right
3.7, 4.3, 6, 8.2, 10.1, 10.5, 12

(D: aspartic acid, E: glutamic acid, H: histidine, C: cysteine, Y: tyrosine, K:

lysine, R: arginine)

Amino acids

One letter amino acid abbreviations:

Nonpolar, hydrophobic: Give All People With Vaginas Intimate Love My Friend

Polar, hydrophilic: Suck The Yam Nuggets Quietly Cynthia (STYNQC)

+,basic: Kiss Rocky Hard (KRH)

-,acidic: Dave Eats (DE)

They are ordered in increasing complexity in structure, and separated by the four

Basic amino acids

histidine, arginine, lysine


TCA cycle

Can I Keep Selling Sex For Money Officer? Citrate to Isocitrate to Alpha-Keto to
Succinyl-CoA to Succinate to Fumarate to Malate to OAA

TCA cycle

O Canada Is A Super Song For Me (substrates of the Krebs Cycle: oxaloacetate,

citrate, isocitrate, alpha-ketoglutarate, succinyl coA, succinate, fumarate, malate)

Fates of pyruvate

The four fates of Pyruvate--Go ahead and Lactate GALA

• G = Glucose

• A = Alanine

• A = Acetyl Co-A

• Lactate

Beta vs. alpha carbohydrates

alpha = trans/down, beta = cis/up
bow down to alpha, beta beat me up

Lysogenic vs. lytic virus lifecycle

Viral DNA incorporated into host genome and just replicated not transcribed
Lysogenic is a longer word so it takes longer (dormant)

retrovirus has RNA reverse transcriptase
Two r's in retrovirus: RNA reverse (transcriptase)

Nitrogenous bases
PUR As two Gold rings
Adenine, Guanine
Purines are two ring structures
CUT the py
Cytosine, Uracil, Thymine
THYmine has an additional meTHYl

cytosine, thymine (RNA equivalent uracil)
Have y's in them

DNA replication
DNA is read 3'-5' left to right like we read. But is synthesized 5'-3' largest to
smallest just how a pyramid is built.

mRNA post-processing
Exons Expressed, Introns in the trash
Exons exit nucleus, Introns stay IN

Stop codons
UAG: U Are Great
UAA: U Are Awesome
UGA: U Got Ass!

Stop codons

UAG: U Ain't Good

UAA: U Are Awful
UGA: U go Away

O2 dissociation curve shifts

a right shift is DATE with CO2
• CO2
• D - 2,3 Diphosphoglycerate DPG
• A - Acidosis
• T - Temperature
• E - Exercise

Kidney proximal tubule functions

Proximal Tubule: ROW USA
• Reabsorbs
• Organic (solutes),
• Water
• Urea
• Secretes
• Ammonia

Sodium/Potassium pump
Pump K in
2 letters in IN (2 K+ in)
3 letters in OUT (3 Na+ out)

Flow of food through the digestive system

Eating is MESSI
Mouth  esophagus  stomach  small intestine

Functions of the liver:
 Protein synthesis
 Urea production
 Storage
 Hormone synthesis
 Detoxification
 Glucose and fat metabolism

Epidermal layers

Come, Let's Get Sun Burned

Layers of the epidermis: stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum

granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale

Epidermal layers

Some Californians Like Games on Sandy Beaches

• Stratum Corineum

• Lucidum

• Granulosum

• Spinosum

• Basalis

Cardiac blood flow

Try before you buy!

Blood flows through the TRIcuspid before the Bicuspid

Cardiac cycle
systole = contraction, diastole = relaxation
I Contracted a Cyst

Atrioventricular valves


LEFT atrioventricular BICUSPID

RIGHT atrioventricular TRICUSPID

Left AV valve is also known as the mitral valve, which is apparently often used
instead of bicuspid

Anterior pituitary hormones

Follicle-stimulating (FSH)
Luteinizing (LH)
Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH)
Thyroid stimulating (TSH)
Growth hormone (GH)

Pancreas hormones
insulin, glucagon, somastatin
I GLUed ON SOMe TATs to my pancreas

Hormones that increase blood glucose

Hormones That Increase Blood Glucose STENGG
• Somatotropin (growth hormone)
• Thryroid hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine)
• Epinephrine
• Norepinephrine
• Glucagon
• Glucocorticoids

Calcium regulating hormones

Calcitonin: calcium into bones
Parathyroid: rids bone of calcium

Hypothalamus Functions

Hypothalamus wears TAN HATS

• Thirst and water balance

• Adenohypophysis

• Neurohypophysis

• Hunger and satiety

• Autonomic regulation

• Temperature regulation

• Sexual urges and emotions

Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Mutations, migration, drift, non-random mating, selection
Maggie May Does Not Smoke

Cell cycle
Growth phase 1, S phase (DNA synthesis/replication), Growth phase 2, Mitosis,
Go Sally Go Make Children!

Cell cycle
Cell Cycle: Go Santa Go! Merry Christmas! G1, S, G2, M, C
• Growth phase 1
• DNA Synthesis (replication)
• Growth phase 2
• Mitosis
• Cytokinesis

Cell division
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Germ layers
Components of Germ layers
• Ectoderm - E words - Exterior layer/ Enamel/ Encephalon(brain)/ Epidermis
• Mesoderm - M words - Middle layer/ Mesenchyme/ Muscles
• ENdoderm -- INside layer (GI tract, respiratory tract and thyroid/thymus)

Morula, Blastula, Gastrula
Must Be Good

Path of sperm
Seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra, penis

Biological taxonomy
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
King Philip Came Over For Gold & Silver

White blood cells

Neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
Nobody Likes Me Eating Badgers

Bacterial conjugation
sexual reproduction in bacteria
like a conjugal visit
Bacterial cell wall and staining
Gram Positive = P's Purple Peptidoglycan (thick) Positive

Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic

Sympathetic = fight or flight, parasympathetic = rest & digest
Paraplegics do a lot of sitting & resting

Nerve fibers & location in spinal cord

Sensory afferent, motor efferent, dorsal (towards back) afferent, ventral
(towards front) efferent

Chordate traits
Dorsal nerve cord, notochord, pharyngeal slits, postanal tail
Do Not Pinch People

Cranial nerves

Oh, oh, oh! To Touch And Feel A Guy's Vein And Hotdog!








Auditory vestibular


(spinal) accessory


 If you need to know if they're sensory vs. motor "Some say marry money
but my brother says big brains matter more" S = sensory, M= motor, B =
both (obviously)

Muscle contraction

Muscle Contraction & Calcium: "Calico Cats Contract Muscles" Calcium Cation
attaches to Calmodulin, which activates Myosin

Fat soluble vitamins

Vitamins D, E, K, A

Oxidation & Reduction

LEO the lion says GER

Loss of Electrons is Oxidation

Gain of Electrons is Reduction

Electronegativity trend
F > O > N > Cl > Br > I > S > C > H
Diatomic elements
Have No Fear of Ice Cold Beer
Have (hydrogen) No (nitrogen) Fear (Flourine) Of (oxygen) Ice (iodine) Cold
(chlorine) Beer (bromine)

Water soluble compounds

Nitrates (NO3-)
Acetate (CH3CO2-)
Group 1 metal cations (Li, Na, K, Cs, Rb)
Sulfates (SO42-) except with PMS Castro Bar
Halogens except with PMS
Ammonium (NH4+)
PMS = Pb (Lead), Mercury (Hg), Silver (Ag)
Castro Bar = Ca (Calcium), Str (Strontium), Ba (Barium)

Acid classifications
Increasing nuance/complexity when in alphabetical order.
Arrenhius = acid forms H3O+ & base forms OH- in water (most elementary
Brownsted-Lowry = acids donate protons (H+) and bases accept them.
Lewis = acids accept electron pairs and bases donate them.

La Chatelier's principle and equilibrium

When K & Q are in alphabetical order the arrow points to the direction the
reaction will go to re-establish equilibrium.
K > Q then reaction will go right, increasing product concentration.
K < Q then reaction will go left, increasing reactant concentration.

Valence electrons
H likes to gain 1 e- to be stable, O 2, N 3, C 4
HONC 1234

Electrochemical cells
Reduction at cathode, oxidation at anode

State functions
volume (V), Gibb's free energy (G), pressure (P), enthalphy (H), internal energy
(E), entropy (S), temperature (T), potential energy (U), density (D)

Acidic cations
Al, Fe, NH4, Zn, Cu, Be, Cr
A Fact No Zebra Could Be Creepy

Vitamin solubility


BC there was water, AC there was wine (B/C are WATER SOLUBLE)

Ion solubility

a mnemonic for insolubility is HOMO POSOCOS (HydrOxides, Metal Oxides, PO3,

SO3, CO3, S), with exceptions being *CaSrBa

Periodic trends

Remember how it works for electronegativity. It increases left to right and

decreases top to bottom. The other periodic trends all follow the same pattern,
except atomic radius, which is opposite.

Acidic cations
Al, Fe, NH4, Zn, Cu, Be, Cr "A fact: No Zebra Could Be Creepy."

HNMR functional groups shift ranges

3-5 ppm: halogens
7 ppm: aromatic
9-12 ppm: carboxyl & aldehyde

Diverging lens image

diminished, upright, virtual

UV: upright, virtual
IR: inverted, real
RIP: real, inverted, positive i
VUN: virtual, upright, negative i

Harmonic motion
WaKuM and WigGLe for relation of the frequency factor to the spring constant
and mass, and the frequency factor to gravity and the length of pendulum

ω as in angular velocity
ω = √k/m for a spring and ω = √g/L for a pendulum.

Period of a pendulum
T = 2π√(L/g)
pendulum on her period sits on a toilet (L) and g comes out
like circumference of a circle (2π*r)

Freud’s psychosocial stages

Freud's stages Oral Anal Phallic Latent - Old Americans Pussies Lack Genitalia

Processing centers of the brain

LGN -visual relay center of the thalamus MGN - auditory relay center of the
Think of "light and might" for Lateral and Medial Geniculate nucleus

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