Humanising Nursing Care A Theoretical Model

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Nursing Practice Keywords: Education/Humanising

care/Values/Person-centred care
Humanisation theory ●This article has been double-blind
peer reviewed

The first in a series of two articles about humanising care explores a theoretical
framework based on eight aspects of what it is to be human
humanising care part 1 of 2

Humanising nursing care:

a theoretical model
In this article... 5 key
 he eight dimensions of humanisation and dehumanisation
Practice points for each of the eight dimensions 1 Focusing on
what it is to be
human will help us
The importance of person-centred care
to reflect on our
practice critically
Authors Ann Hemingway is senior lecturer
public health; Janet Scammell is associate
professor; Vanessa Heaslip is senior lecturer
rather than their problems ensures they
are not treated like objects, problems,
needs or diseases. For example, how often
2 The eight
put the individual
adult nursing; all at School of Health and do nurses see a patient with dementia as patient at the
Social Care, Bournemouth University. a list of fragmented risks and issues, centre of care
Abstract Hemingway et al (2012)
Humanising nursing care: a theoretical
model. Nursing Times; 108: 40, 26-27.
instead of an individual with the potential
to be involved in solving problems? This
focus does not lead to a shared vision of
3 Having a
clear value
framework helps
This article is the first of two exploring how care but a dependency upon the nurse to to ensure the best
nurses can humanise care. It presents a make decisions. quality of care
theoretical framework developed by
Todres et al (2009) that explores eight
central aspects of what it is to be human.
Practice Point 1: nurses must never
make those we care for feel like objects. 4 This approach
helps us to
focus on being
The second article, published next week, Agency vs passivity with other human
looks at the role of nurse education in As humans, we make choices and are gen- beings rather than
humanising care. erally held accountable for our actions. We doing tasks

do not usually see ourselves as totally pas- This different
he need to put the person at the sive or determined but as having the poten- way of caring is
heart of care has been raised in tial to live and act within limits; seeing not focused on the
policy (Department of Health, ourselves as having a sense of freedom professional group
2005; 2004) and health profes- appears to be linked to social, physical and but on us as human
sionals have an integral role in developing mental health (Stansfeld et al, 2002). beings
person-centred services (DH, 2010). Ensuring we maintain patients’ sense of
This article explores the framework pre- agency offers another way of viewing indi-
sented by Todres et al (2009) and shows how viduals that helps us to make sure that
it can be used to improve nursing care. The choice and accountability are woven into
framework presents central aspects of what interactions and interventions. We have to
it means to be human as eight dimensions consider the possibilities that enable indi-
of humanisation/dehumanisation (Box 1). viduals to manage their care.
These can be used to identify humanising Practice Point 2: nurses need to offer
and dehumanising elements in care sys- and enable choice and freedom for patients.
tems and nurse/patient interaction. Each
has a practice point for reflection. Uniqueness vs homogenisation
Our uniqueness as human beings can never
Insiderness vs objectification be reduced to a list of characteristics such as
To be human is to experience life in rela- age, gender, ethnicity; each of us is unique
tion to how you are; the world is experi- in relation to our relationships and our con-
enced through mood, feeling and emotion text, and this is how we see ourselves.
(insiderness). De-emphasising uniqueness by fitting Being in hospital
An approach that focuses on patients’ people into a group – such as diabetic, can cause a sense
abilities (skills, knowledge, motivation) smoker or obese – can encourage a one size of dislocation

26 Nursing Times 02.10.12 / Vol 108 No 40 /

Nursing For more articles on nursing management, go to

fits all approach to care, which separates

individuals from the context of their life. Box 1. The dimensions of humanisation
We need to consider an individual’s con- Forms of humanisation Forms of dehumanisation
text, carers, friends, family and home to Insiderness Objectification
balance any generalisations that hide char- Agency Passivity
acteristics that make people who they are. Uniqueness Homogenisation
Practice Point 3: nurses need to get to Togetherness Isolation
know patients and their contexts to build Sense making Loss of meaning

trusting relationships and discover what is Personal journey Loss of personal journey
important to them. Sense of place 
Embodiment Reductionism
Togetherness vs isolation
To be human is to be part of a community, Source: Todres et al (2009)
while recognising others’ uniqueness.
Social isolation can damage health, and An excessive emphasis on labelling our Embodiment relates to how we experi-
negative relationships may cause harm. patients negatively as needy or problem- ence the world and this includes our per-
Social isolation is detrimental to the out- atic does nothing to enhance their sense of ceptions of our context and its possibili-
comes of chronic physical and psycholog- pride and engagement with past, present ties or limits. It may be affected by illness,
ical disease (Drennan et al, 2008). and future. Indeed this approach could be or changes in body image or ability.
Nurses need to be aware of the impor- said to be disempowering and disabling. An excessive emphasis on physiology
tance of interaction between nurses and Practice Point 6: patients are often in and tests, while not recognising the indi-
patients, as well as between patients and unfamiliar situations and their life has been vidual within their social context, limits
carers, friends or family. Trust between interrupted. We need to acknowledge and our ability to respond to another human
nurses and patients is paramount, and cen- value their concerns and help them to adapt. being in a caring and dignified way.
tral to trust is patient dignity. Practice Point 8: everyone is unique
Practice Point 4: nurses need to offer Sense of place vs dislocation and valuable and nurses need to treat
support to those we care for and the oppor- To be human is to come from a particular everyone with respect and dignity.
tunity to build relationships and friend- place. A sense of home and place is not just
ships. a collection of objects or experiences; it Conclusion
offers security, comfort and familiarity. As qualified and student nurses, we have
Sense-making vs loss of meaning Spaces can potentially provide an envi- an individual and collective responsibility
To be human is to care about the meaning ronment where connections between to maintain the best standards of care.
of events and experiences. The immediacy people can flourish (Hemingway and Ste- Focusing care on what is important to
of the search for meaning can outweigh vens, 2011). Day rooms or social areas allow individuals as human beings enables
the significance of the search for truth. patients to talk to each other. nurses to understand and more fully
When people are counted as a number Insufficient attention may have been appreciate the individual’s personal expe-
or statistic, treatment or prevention paid to spaces within homes and commu- rience of ill health so they can better sup-
opportunities may not make sense because nities in relation to eating and exercise, port them. Doing so, could ensure a digni-
what is “significant” statistically does not which contribute to unhealthily lifestyles fied and respectful approach to care that
necessarily balance with their experience. (Hemingway, 2012). The effect of place and puts the patient first. NT
For example, smoking may be the way a residence on health cannot be ignored;
person copes with stress or reducing their arguably, the only way to intervene success-
food intake. If we are going to help that fully is to be ready to listen to what makes a Department of Health (2010) Person Centred
Planning Advice for Professionals. London: DH.
person to quit, we need to find alternatives sense of home and place for individuals. Department of Health (2005) Creating a
for the reason behind that behaviour. People Some researchers (Martinsen, 2006) Patient-Led NHS: Delivering the NHS Improvement
may make sense of their wellbeing by have argued that space and architecture are Plan. London: DH.
Department of Health (2004) NHS Improvement
looking at how they live rather than through important preservers of human dignity, Plan: Putting People at the Heart of Public
official presentations of risks and problems. particularly within caring contexts. This Services. London: DH.
Practice Point 5: nurses need to explain could be achieved through maintaining Drennan J et al (2008) Support networks of older
what is happening and ensure that patients privacy, giving time to find out the objects people living in the community. International
Journal of Older People Nursing; 8: 234-242.
and relatives understand fully their situa- or tasks that give an individual comfort, Hemingway A (2012) Can humanisation theory
tion in their context. and flexibility about visiting times. contribute to the philosophical debate in public
Practice Point 7: healthcare environ- health? Public Health; 126: 448-453.
Hemingway A, Stevens P (2011) Innovating to
Personal journey vs loss of ments can be frightening and depressing; achieve sustainable wellbeing inside the built
personal journey we need to do the best we can to mitigate environment. Perspectives in Public Health; 131: 3,
People move through time in a meaningful this and reduce the sense of dislocation. 117-118.
Martinsen K (2006) Care and Vulnerability.
way, positioning themselves in terms of
Stockholm: Akribe.
past, present and future. People are Embodiment vs reductionism Stansfeld SA (2002) Psychological distress as a
familiar with the past and could be ambiva- We experience the world through our risk factor for CHD in the Whitehall II study.
lent, fearful, excited or bored by the future. bodies in a positive or negative way. An International Journal of Epidemiology; 31: 248–255.
Todres L et al (2009) The humanization of
Experiences of health and healthcare are individual’s biology cannot be understood healthcare: a value framework for qualitative
only a part of life. However, interruption or without considering the psychological,

research. International Journal of Qualitative

threat from illness may cause distress. social and socio-cultural aspects. Studies on Health and Well-being; 4: 2, 68-77. / Vol 108 No 40 / Nursing Times 02.10.12 27

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