APN Project Proposal

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Request for Funding Proposal

"The best way to find you is to lose yourself in the service of others''
---- Mahatma Gandhi
A.Palsamy Nadar Educational Trust
APN Educational trust, is a charitable organization formalized
in the year 2006 (Document no: 211/2006) but in service s inc e
1992. The primary objective was to empower the socially
under privileged children from the rural areas in and around
Sirkali Town, by providing free education, their fundamental
rights to realize their dreams. Subsequent to our registration
over a decade, we have subsequently played a major role in the
transformation of education for the underprivileged children in
our locality. The 12A registration no of the Trust is 31/2011-12
with the 80G Certificate order No : 7162 E ( 31 / 2011 – 12 / CIT
– II / Trichy).

The Trust was founded by Mr. Ramar, a philanthropist, who

dedicated his lifetime to empowering the masses named the
trust after his mentor, Mr. Palsamy Nadar as a mark of
respect. The prominent Vani Vilas school was
established in 1932, ran out of time and in the verge of
winding up by the Government. But Mr. Ramar
envisioned the resurrection of the school back to its glory
days and realized that the aspired transformation would
be possible, through a clear cut f r a m e w o r k a n d
organizational structure to bring his dreams to life.

Mr. Ramar founded the Trust with the help of few

other like-minded people to Fund the philanthropic
activities. The main objective of the trust is to
organize funds to provide free education for the
under privileged students in the rural areas to
develop their life skills in order to eradicate social
evils and socio-economic conditions across the
society. The Trust also support community-based
projects/development programs, all of which can
be attended by parents and older family
members to enrich their education, thus bringing
some cohesiveness into the community alongside
the children’s education.
Community Need
Being a fast developing country, the national vision of improving educational
systems and developing infrastructure, particularly in the rural areas or villages
has been a concern for the Government, which mandated the private contribution
in the form of NGOs.
Sadly, there are many challenges to overcome the first being Poverty. Even
though Government encourage free education in the rural villages, the mindset of
the locals that more working hands will earn more money to put food on the table
and clothes on their back; instead of sending children to school, parents send
them to work and make them earn a living at a tender age.
Secondly, the location of majority of schools is not within the reach of many
families who wish to send their children to school. Practically it is extremely hard
to achieve without proper transport.
Thirdly, there is a complete lack of proper infrastructure in village schools that
doesn’t encourage students to attend classes. There are no proper classrooms,
teaching equipment’s, or even clean toilets. All these factors have been a
significant deterrent for children exercising their right to education.
Due to the above pressures, many children are not living as a normal child should.
They are not getting good quality time with their parents; they are not
getting an education, nor are they getting the chance to play as children should.
This can potentially have a devastating effect on this upcoming generation as
they grow up feeling demoralized, lacking confidence and self-worth,
therefore making it difficult for them to fit into normal society. The results can be
that these children eventually turn to violence and crime, with many children
sleeping on the streets and experiencing abuse.
According to National Policy of Education, 1968 and National policy on education
resolution of 1986 (modified in 1992) the Indian Government has realized that
quality education is the pillar of national development, for it is through education
that the nation obtains skilled manpower to serve in various sector in the nation's
economy. It is through quality education India will be able to create a strong and
competitive economy which can effectively cope with the challenges of
development and which can also easily and confidently adapt to the changing
market and technological conditions in the region and global economy.
India’s political and social life is passing through a phase, which poses the danger
of erosion, to long accept values. The goats of secularism, socialism, democracy
and professional ethics are coming under increasing strain. The rural areas with
poor infrastructure and social services will not get the benefit of trained and
educated youth, unless rural-urban disparities are reduced and determined
measures are taken to promote diversification and dispersal of employment
The area around the Sirkali Town, which APN is operating, has a Clan of about
453542 inhabitants of which Sixty One (61) percent is youth and children.
The children who are old enough and strong enough will walk to school to
Sirkali, walking a distance of approx. 15km, taking them 1½ hours. The
children then of course have the return journey this situation is unacceptable.
Due to the lack of educational facilities in Sirkali and also the distance to the
nearest school, many children, particularly the younger ones in this area, are
not receiving education. This causes great concern for their wellbeing by their

APN Initiatives
Founder’s view is that the most appropriate way of raising the living standards
of the poor people in the rural and urban communities is to promote and
support activities which contribute to income generation, self-reliance,
economic independence, job creation and are self-helping in nature. In
selecting major educational projects an emphasis should be placed on those
projects, which will raise the social and economic potential of our youth and
APN wants to make a difference in improving the lives of people everywhere, and
joins the daily effort of its fellow advocates to raise awareness, educate and build
bridges. APN has changed the mindset gradually through their solution oriented
initiatives, by offering free of cost Nutritious food , Uniform, academic materials,
Transportation and technology enabled infrastructure.
In all our actions we strive for honesty and transparency. Decisions are guided by
a commitment to social justice as well as a long-term commitment to the
community we serve. We aim to undertake our responsibilities with care, wisdom
and love. We value and affirm children’s diverse backgrounds in our school. The
close relationship between our school and communities mean that we are able to
respond sensitively and effectively to the particular needs of the underprivileged
students – financially, socially, and culturally.

APN leadership has roots in the community and is drawn from the local migrant
population. This is one of the key strengths and affirms the right of people to make
their own decisions about the issues that affect their lives. As a local organization
APN are in a uniquely credible situation to deliver local development services
more effectively than outside organizations. It also means that APN do not have
an expensive administrative headquarters in a City.
Current Challenge
APN Trust as a whole will assume the responsibility of providing resource
support to the rural children around Sirkali town for implementing
programs of educational transformation, reducing disparities,
universalisation of elementary education, adult literacy, scientific and
technological research etc.,
As per the 2013 Population index over 1,47,000 kids in the locality are
below the age group of 10 years, whose families falls under the poverty line.
Not only that the existing 35 plus schools together can accommodate
maximum of 42% students only. Out of which 23 schools are privately run
institutions whose fees structure is not affordable to many families.
The APN Trust run school Campus is around 3500 Sq ft with the built-up area of
3000Sqft. From 36 students strength in 2006 the school has grown over 500
students in 2016. The school runs classes up to 5th standard and extends
sponsorship / scholarship to the selected children for further studies.
Scaling the school to higher secondary level would enable more under
privileged children to obtain their basic rights, education at free of cost.
Also minimum levels of learning will be laid down for each stage of
As our school grows more, the challenges to solve grew complex. The major
challenge is mobilizing fund for the school Operations and capacity
development activities to accommodate more students. i.e to scale up the
level and accommodate more students’ essential infrastructure and
healthy fund flow is mandated.
In the past, the trust was relied on Volunteer or minimal contributions locally in
addition to the Trustees’ personal contributions. But constant increase in number
of students created a challenge to continue the free services with the limited
contributions. It was realized that the trust member’s contributions alone
would not be sufficient to run the institution as planned and decided to
seek support in form of Funding from corporates and individuals.
Fortunately around the globe there are amazing organisations like yours
filled with passionate, intelligent people working round the clock to
discover, formulate and provide solutions to the social cause? The trust is
approaching the corporates & Individuals for funding support in two
various initiatives, i.e Regular operations and Capacity development.

1. Regular Operations of the school

In and around Sirkali, more than 62% of the children belongs to family of farmers
and earmarked as underprivileged, below poverty line. Currently the trust bears
the cost on students admitted towards their education, transportation, food,
books, stationary, medical checkups above the cost towards rent, teacher’s salary,
electricity bills, telephone bills and statutory tax/contributions.
As of today the trust is incurring approximately Rs.4,00,00,000/- p.a to provide
the basics required to facilitate education for the children who are admitted in the
school. This includes

Sl. No Particulars Monthly (average) Annual ( average)

1 Teachers & Staff Salary 6,16,000.00 73,92,000.00
2 School Operations ( rent, utilities 22,46,200.00 27,63,200.00
& maintenance)
3 Supplies ( Stationary, accessories 39,00,000.00
Training Materials, Uniforms etc.,)
4 Health & Nutrition ( Food & 11,85,000.00 1,42,20,000.00
periodical health checkup)
5 Transportation 1,08,000.00 12,96,000.00
6 Study Tours and special events 19,52,000.00
7 Statutory Compliance 15,00,000.00
8 Technology support & services 5,00,000.00
9 General Fund (Administration) 25,00,000.00
You can choose to fund one or more activities, cover the cost of teacher’s salaries,
student nutrition, Student Health practices, Transportation, Study materials,
Uniforms, Education tours or put your money into our general purpose fund so
that we can use it to have a direct and positive impact on the quality of children’s
lives, now and in the future.
APN’s admin team at Sirkali is very small and the overheads are minimal, so that
we can maximise direct use of funds in schools and for children which the donors
can be sure that their contributions reach their target. We work with you to set up
an agreement, so that you can be sure that we are using your money in the way
that you have chosen.

2. Capacity Development
The APN Trust is seeking to establish a School on the land donated by the
founder. APN construct a purpose-built school to provide a stable educational
environment (CBSE) with nominal fee structure. The campus will also
accommodate the existing Vani Vilas School within a safe and affirming
environment, an essential good education for children who have never received or
experienced in the State board curriculum. Also the Free education model will
scale up the standards by upgrading to higher secondary level.
In a longer run the CBSE School, from its revenue generation will fund the
expenses of the Vani Vilas School and protect its free education model. Towards
this cause we continue to actively raise funds through the work of our Trustees,
Corporates, Events and Funding Proposals involving our communities and
well-wishers in supporting the construction of the school. The new school will be
provided with adequate facilities, equipment and supplies to meet the needs of
students, parents and teachers.
The students of Vani Vilas School will have access to classrooms, computer labs,
the school library, gymnasiums, Auditorium, outdoor recreation areas and other
facilities during school, afterschool and Holidays. The timescale for constructing
the school is 18 months from the start date, when resources are available. Once
the school is open, it will run indefinitely. The school will be situated in a
rural area at Sirkali by-pass, off the Sirkali Town, in Nagapttinam district of
Tamilnadu state in India.
The School will require:
Building and construction materials for Kindergarten, Elementary, High &
Higher Secondary School blocks for both CBSE & State board schools. The
School is expected to provide education over 2500 children and employ 78
trained/qualified teachers and 42 administrative staff approx.
The structure of the Formal Education and Training System in the new school
constitutes three (3) years of pre-primary education, Five (5) years of primary
education, Five (5) years of High school (Ordinary Level) and two (2) years of
Higher Secondary (Advanced Level). In short 3:5:5:2.
The School will:
Enable children to reach their full potential by providing them with a good
education. This in turn will help them to mature psychologically,
emotionally and develop good social skills.
Provide local employment thus boosting the morale of those in the
surrounding communities.
Keep families together in a community context, as the school is a local
Assist in the reduction of violence and crime through community-based
projects established outside of school hours.
The Scope of the project proposal document
This project proposal is about the School construction of which will be named on a
later date. Upon completion, it will have pre-primary education, primary
education and secondary education. Secondary education will consist of ordinary
level and high school level. The official language will be English in CBSE & Tamil
in State board school, which will be used at all levels.
As mentioned earlier, the scope of this project proposal will be to construct the
Full-fledged schools within five years, whereby pre-primary school and primary
school will start simultaneously in one year while building construction will be
progressing. Ordinary secondary school is planned to commence in year three and
advanced level in year four.
APN Trust will endeavor to raise funds through its Trustees, by approaching the
prospective Corporates, Individuals and conducting Events.
APN Trust is requesting support from you, as Donor, towards the cost of the
building and construction materials for the school.

Project Description
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for
others and the world remains and are immortal."
--------Albert Pike
To improve the services and accommodating the increasing number of children,
the trust decided to acquire land and develop infrastructure / building additional
classrooms. So that the entire school can be shifted to the new premises with
better facilities. While some corporate houses have been active in collaborating
with NGOs by contributing to this most righteous cause, many more should take it
up as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and donate for education
of kids in India that can help pay for basic infrastructure in schools, transport and
scholarships for the brightest students.

The primary purpose of the Project is to build a world class Infrastructure to

encourage the overall development of under privileged students and create
opportunities for global learning experiences by adopting various pedagogies and
proven prodigies that will benefit the school, students, teachers and communities

 Maximize the benefits of international education – social, cultural, and

economic – for all rural communities, families, and businesses.
 Develop more opportunities for the students and school to develop
international / Technological partnerships.
Attracting more underprivileged students to study, and eventually contribute
in developing productive citizens across the country which aims to:
 Create productive and result oriented students
 Ensure that all students receive quality learning and life experiences.
emphasizing on collaborative innovation with learners, academic
advisers and specialists as part of the development culture whilst providing
an array of support services that will significantly enhance student
success rates;
diversifying and improving our services continually for the benefit of
socially backward
Building partnerships w i t h public, non-governmental and private
institutions to better respond to educational, economic and societal needs.
Budget Summary
A full detailed estimated budget is included as Appendix. In brief, we are asking
you, as Donor, to provide funding for any part of the projects underlined, in
detail below.

The overall total for the School Project at Sirkali Intersection is estimated at
INR 26,61,70,100 ( Twenty Six Crores Sixty One lakhs Seventy thousands One
hundred only) to build 1,87,407 Sq. feet concrete structure. The school project is
divided into smaller projects below:
Preliminary Works / General Obligations = INR 52,00,000/-

Main School Project:

Kindergarten Division = INR 85,00,100/-
Elementary Division = INR 2,74,00,000/-
High School Division = INR 2,93,00,000/-
Higher Secondary Division = INR 85,50,000/-
Vani Vilas School ( K12) = INR 4,64,00,000/-

Common Facilities includes

Auditorium, Open air Stadium &
External Courtyard Works = INR 14,08,20,000/-

Total Costs Include: -

Managerial Costs of 45% of the total cost i.e. Labor 25% , Transportation 10%
Contingency 10% , (All inclusive of Material Costs)

Projected Cost Estimate for the

construction of the proposed APN School System
Location : Sirkali Intersection / Bypass, Sirkali
Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Amount
1 Preliminary Works / General Obligation
1.1 Mobilization & Site Preparation Lump sum 1 3,600,000 3600000
Bonds, Insurance, Interest fees &
1.2 Lump sum 1 1,600,000 1600000
Sub Total 5200000
2 Main School Project ( CBSE )
2.1 Kinder stand Division
Academic Building (includes crèche
2.1.1 3763 Sq. Ft 1900 7149700
and play area)
2.1.2 Verandah 700 Sq. Ft 1600 1120000
2.1.3 Walkway 144 Sq. Ft 1600 230400
Sub Total 4607 8500100
Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Amount
2.2 Elementary School Division
2.2.1 Academic Building 12000 Sq. Ft 1900 22800000
2.2.2 Toilet Building 700 Sq. Ft 2200 1540000
2.2.3 Verandah 750 Sq. Ft 1600 1200000
2.2.4. Walkway 750 Sq. Ft 1600 1200000
2.2.5 Entrance Porch 300 Sq. Ft 2200 660000
Sub Total 14500 27400000
2.3 High School Division
2.3.1 Academic Building 13000 Sq. Ft 1900 24700000
2.3.2 Toilet Building 700 Sq. Ft 2200 1540000
2.3.3 Verandah 750 Sq. Ft 1600 1200000
2.3.4 Walkway 750 Sq. Ft 1600 1200000
2.3.5 Entrance Porch 300 Sq. Ft 2200 660000
Sub Total 15500 29300000
2.4 Higher Secondary School Division
2.4.1 Academic Building 3500 Sq. Ft 1900 6650000
2.4.2 Toilet Building 500 Sq. Ft 2200 1100000
2.4.3 Verandah 300 Sq. Ft 1600 480000
2.4.4 Walkway 200 Sq. Ft 1600 320000
Sub Total 4500 8550000
2.5 Vani Vilas School
Academic Building ( Elementary to
2.5.1 20000 Sq. Ft 1900 38000000
Higher secondary)
2.5.2 Toilet Building 1500 Sq. Ft 2200 3300000
2.5.3 Verandah 750 Sq. Ft 1600 1200000
2.5.4 Walkway 1750 Sq. Ft 1600 2800000
2.5.5 Entrance Porch 500 Sq. Ft 2200 1100000
Sub Total 24500 46400000

Estimated Cost for the Structural Framework = 12,53,50,100 /-

Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Amount
2.6 Common Facilities
2.6.1 Administrative Block 6000 Sq. Ft 2200 13200000
2.6.2 Chemistry Labs 1500 Sq. Ft 2200 3300000
2.6.3 Physics Labs 1500 Sq. Ft 2200 3300000
2.6.4 Biology (Zoology & Botony) Labs 2000 Sq. Ft 2200 4400000
2.6.5 Computer Lab 2000 Sq. Ft 2200 4400000
2.6.6 Library 1000 Sq. Ft 1900 1900000
2.6.7 Play Ground 48000 Sq. Ft 0 600000
2.6.8 Auditorium 10000 Sq. Ft 2200 22000000
2.6.9 Open air Stadium 35000 Sq. Ft 1800 63000000
2.6.10 Sports Room 1500 Sq. Ft 2600 3900000
2.6.11 Music Room 750 Sq. Ft 2600 1950000
2.6.12 Cafeteria / Dining hall / Food Court 5000 Sq. Ft 2200 11000000
2.6.13 Central Server / UPS room 500 Sq. Ft 2200 1100000
2.6.14 First Aid / Dispensary 250 Sq. Ft 2200 550000
2.6.15 Parking Area 6000 Sq. Ft 0 300000
2.6.16 Security / watchman bunkers 300 Sq. Ft 1900 570000
2.6.17 Maintenance Store 500 Sq. Ft 1900 950000
2.6.18 Water treatment Plant 1000 Sq. Ft 2200 2200000
2.6.19 Water storage Bunkers 1000 Sq. Ft 2200 2200000
Sub Total 123800 140820000

Grand Total 187407 Sq. Ft ₹ 26,61,70,100

Should you feel that these amounts are more than you can contribute, we ask you
to consider the pleasing contribution.

We look forward to hearing from you and hope that we can work together in the

For APN Trust

Trust Representative

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