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Understanding By Design Unit Template

Title of Unit Interactions and Interdependence of Nations Grade Level Grade 9

Subject Social Studies Time Frame 1 month

Developed By Philip Braun

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Broad Areas of Learning

How are the BAL incorporated into this unit?

Sense of Self, Community and Place: During this unit students will have the opportunity to observe how past societies have had a part in creating the
society and community that they find themselves in. By learning about the society that they find themselves in they will also learn about themselves and
the community that they live in and how they fit into it all.
Life Long Learners: Students will develop an understanding of how a society works and the effects that different societies can have on one another.
Students observe the effects that societies have on one another and how it relates to the present. They will be able to understand and explain the
differences in thinking before and after colonization and the clashing of societies. Students will gain a knowledge of the rise of colonialism and the effects
that European ways of thinking effected Indigenous societies. Students will learn to be diligent of the policies a government creates and how the ways
they effect different people. Students will understand how different roles within society have changed, such as gender, race, etc. as society has
Engaged Citizens: Students will be able to come up with practical solutions to many issues that date in time, providing different possible actions that could
have helped prevent or enhanced different periods in the history or the societies studied. Students will learn that there are several different ways to
properly run a society and that they have the ability and a part to play in their society and what they do can make a positive impact on their community.
Students will gain an understanding on how multiple perspectives can accurately describe one event and the importance of taking in multiple perspectives
while looking at historical narratives.

Cross curricular Competencies

How will this unit promote the CCC?

Developing Thinking – Students will have the opportunity to think contextually and be able to apply historical information into present application.
Students will be encouraged to self-reflect on their own history that applies to the topic and their beliefs and biases that have derived from this time.
Developing Identity/Interdependence – Through study of a specific group during this time students will be able to demonstrate mental, physical,
mental, and spiritual growth. This growth will help students relate to their communities better.
Developing Literacies – Students can look at primary sources to understand the different dynamics of the societies being studied and the different
struggles and joys people might have had. Students will create a project utilizing a method of literacy of their choosing that was prevalent in a society of
their choosing.
Developing Social Responsibility – Students will look at how the interactions between different societies impacted both the period studied and the
present day. Students will observe how the actions of the governments of the societies involved effected the citizens of each society.

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)

IN9.1 Explain what constitutes a society.

IN9.2 Compare the factors that shape worldviews in a society, including time and place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education.

IN9.3 Analyze the ways a worldview is expressed in the daily life of a society.

IN9.4 Determine the influence of worldview on the choices, decisions, and interactions in a society.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

What understandings about the big ideas are desired? (what you want What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content? (open-
students to understand & be able to use several years from now) ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content
What misunderstandings are predictable? of the enduring understanding)
Students will understand that... Content specific….

 What a society is and that it may take several forms. - Why is it important to study and learn about society?
 First Nations and Inuit people had many different societies. - How can the different dimension of Canadian society be applied
 Location plays a large part in how a society is run. to gain a better understanding of the broad Canadian history?
 Worldview has a significant influence on every component of a - Why is developing an understanding of multiple societies
society. important?
 Not all societies are run properly. - What are some societal barriers that prevent people from
 Societies are ever changing and evolving. understanding each other’s perspectives?
 Perspective is a crucial component when analyzing history. - Is there such a thing as an ideal society?
 Understanding history can help understand why the world is the way - What would make the ideal society?
it is.
 Being culturally aware of how societies other than their own will help FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular…
students engage within the multiculturalism of Canada in a respectful
way.  How did the clash of numerous societies affect Indigenous
Related misconceptions…  How should Canadian society go about integrating other
 Canada’s societal past is not squeaky clean.  How can students improve their society for the good of all who
 There were a large number of societies prior to Canada’s beginning. share in it?
Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? This content What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills
knowledge may come from the indicators, or might also address pre-requisite and/or behaviours that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their
knowledge that students will need for this unit. work in this unit. These will come from the indicators.

Students will know... Students will be able to…

 What constitutes a society and the characteristics and attributes that  See the affects that one society can have on another and how
formulate a definition of a society. that has impacted the society that they live in today.
 How a group’s geographical location effects how their society  Analyze and compare how past events effect the present.
functions and changes the way in which they live.  Research a topic and present their findings, coming up with their
 That there are numerous different societies around the world and own ideologies.
Canada had a large number of different societies before European  Compare to different things and highlight important aspects such
societies came. as shortcomings and successes.
 Different societies actions may be a result of leadership, roles,  Understand how they fit into society and the way that their
cultural traditions and ceremonies, worldview, and means. actions can impact society for better or worse.
 How indigenous societies functioned.
 What ethnocentrism is and the effects that it had on indigenous
peoples and their society.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? (describes the learning activity in
“story” form. Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding
in a real life situation. Describe your performance task scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task
G – Goal
What should students accomplish by Goal – to understand a specific society and the key parts that make it a society, such as: goals, needs, roles,
completing this task? institutions, etc.
R – Role
What role (perspective) will your students
be taking? Role – students will be experts on society and use their expertise to examine a particular society. Students will
A – Audience choose as society, culture, or group and create a representation of that society highlight the key parts that they
Who is the relevant audience? have learned make up a society.
S – Situation
The context or challenge provided to the
Audience – the rest of the class and teacher. Students will create a representation of their choosing and teach
the teacher and class about the society that they studied.

Situation – students will be challenged with the task of researching a society and highlight the key factors that
make up that society or create their own fictional society that encompasses the factors that constitute a society.
P – Product, Performance This task will be the students opportunity to show what they have learned about societies, culture, etc.
What product/performance will the
student Product – students will be able to choose how they want to represent their findings. They will have a choice
create? between: creating a presentation that they must show the class (this can be in the form of PowerPoint, video, or
other), a written paper showing their findings, a poster showing their findings, or a map of the societies layout
and essential qualities.

Standards – students will be marked according to a rubric provided. This rubric will be filled out by both the
students and the teachers to create their final mark.

Rubric will be co-constructed between the students and teacher.

S – Standards & Criteria for Success
Create the rubric for the Performance Task

Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment

Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
journals or other means) will students demonstrate achievement of the
desired results? Formative and summative assessments used throughout
the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
Students will be given an opportunity to evaluate their work throughout the
 To begin the unit students will go through the KWL chart to discuss unit. This will be in the form of the journals to end each week. Students will
what they Know, Want to Know, and at the end what they have be given a short amount of time to look over their work and what they are
Learned. learning and assess where they started and where they are now in terms of
 Students will have two smaller assignments that will build up to and their learning. During this time students will also have they option to share
prepare them for their final project. These assignments will be used and assess their classmates, though this will strictly be optional, if a student
for summative and formative assessment to help both the teacher does not want to share their work with others they will not be forced to.
and student see where their learning is at and what areas need
extra emphasis. One of these assignments will be a group research The final project will be another opportunity for students to self-assess.
presentation, while the other will be an individual research Once they have completed their final project they will fill out the rubric that
assignment. they created with the teacher and assess how they did. The student’s own
 Students will also write in journals to record their learning and write assessment combined with the teachers will create their final mark.
down any questions that they may have about the content or
assignments. In his way the teacher will be able to see what the
students are learning and adhere to any possible struggles the
students may be having. These journals will also be an avenue for
students to observe and evaluate their own learning.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
 achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
 equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students know where they are going?
What experiences do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the learners been ascertained? Have the learners been
part of the pre-planning in any way? What individual needs do you anticipate will need to be addressed?
Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the physical environment be arranged to enhance learning?

Students will be headed towards a greater understanding of what a society is and how they can vary depending on time, place, etc. Students should have
some understanding of what a society is based on their real-life experiences in school and at home. Due to the differences in each student’s experience,
everyone will come into the unit with a different outlook and understanding of worldview and society. Through a unit layout of topics, assignments, and
expectations students will have an understanding of what is expected of them and the direction they will be headed in this unit. The broadness of the final
project and the range of topics and people allow for each student to have their interests met and have the ability to express those interests. Students will
be able to help with the planning through there involvement in journals, mini research projects and the creation of their final project rubric. I anticipate that
there will be students that need extra attention and there will be lots of opportunity for the teacher to aid these students. In the same way some students
may need an extra challenge. In these cases, students that find themselves ahead of the game will be challenged to aid their peers that need extra
attention. Due to the broadness of the final assignment I anticipate that many students will seek aid in deciding who to research and how to represent their
findings. In these cases, I will point them towards their passions in hopes that they will incorporate the things they love into their work. Much of this
learning will occur in the classroom, with the exception of one lesson that will use the community as a classroom. therefore, I plan to situate the classroom
in a way that each student will feel visible. The classroom will be arranged with desks in a U shape facing the board so that all students can be seen and
heard. A large part of their class work will take place in the computer lab and library where students will have agency over their own learning.

How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)

Students will enter the unit with a number of questions on the board for them to answer that will cause them to reflect on what they have come to know
and understand about what a society is. The questions are made to be broad and really cause them to think deeply about why it is important to learn about
societies. The teacher will also provide the students with their own example of a society and final project that they created to express that society. Through
this, students will be motivated and inspired to learn and create their own final projects as well as have an idea of what is expected of them.

What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit? How will you
equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
# Lesson Title Lesson Activities CCCs Resources

0 What
Constitutes a - Students, with the teacher will go over the unit syllabus and discuss expectations, DT Syllabus,
Society? IN9.1 assignments, forms of assessment, and the overall goal of the unit. (15 minutes) DII Pens/pencils,
- Students, with the teacher will go through a KWL chart discussing what they Know, Want to DSR PowerPoint,
know, and what they will/have Learn(ed). (15 minutes) DL Journals,
- Following the KWL chart a brief lecture will be given to give students an overview of terms and Handouts
the general structure of what constitutes a society so that they will be able to look for and
identify those things throughout the unit. (20 minutes)
- Students will complete their KWL charts to end the class filling in anything new that they have
learned. As the unit goes on students will have the opportunity to continue to add to the
Learned section of their chart. (10 minutes)
- All handouts, videos, pictures, and other teaching resources from each class will be posted on
a Weebly webpage. This will give students access to all materials in the case that they miss a
class, lose a handout, or need to review material.
Cultures within As students enter the classroom they will notice that the desks/tables are placed in a circle. Students Questions on
society will take a seat and begin the class by answering a number of questions in their journals. Questions DT the board,
(Culturally may include: DII Journals,
Responsive) - Why is it important to study and learn about society? DSR Pens,
IN9.1 - How can the different dimension of Canadian society be applied to gain a better understanding DL pencils, etc.
IN9.2 of the broad Canadian history?
- What do you understand about culture within Canada? How do the diverse cultures within
Canada affect Canadian society?
- Why is developing an understanding of multiple societies important?
- What are some societal barriers that prevent people from understanding each other’s
- Is there such a thing as an ideal society?
- What would make the ideal society? (15 minutes)
These questions are meant to get the students thinking about their own ideas that they have
developed about society. This initial activity will be used later as the students reflect on what they
thought at the beginning and whether or not their views have changed by the end.

The teacher will explain how the sharing circle is an important part of Aboriginal oral tradition and the
purpose for it being used is to incorporate a little bit of that culture into the class. The circle will be
declared a safe place for people to share.
- Following their journal writing students will take time to go around the sharing circle and share
their answer to the questions: What do you understand about culture within Canada? How do
the diverse cultures within Canada affect Canadian society? If students do not feel comfortable
sharing they will have the option to pass and be involved through their listening.
- Students, with a shoulder partner, will discuss what they know about cultural diversity.
Following a brief chat with their neighbors, if comfortable, students will share what they
discussed with the rest of the circle.
- Students, with the teacher, will brainstorm ideas of how they can work to be more culturally
aware and responsive at the individual, a class, school, and community levels. These ideas will
be recorded on a poster and put up in the classroom.
- Students again will be asked to share with their shoulder partner an experience that they had,
positive or negative, where they encountered a culture, religion, way of knowing, etc. that was
different from their own. Following their discussions, they will, if comfortable, share with the
rest of the circle. (30 minutes)
The lesson will close with the teacher sharing with the students the purpose behind the lesson.
Students will understand that living in Canada means that they share this country, this land with many
diverse cultures, religions, ways of knowing, etc. and because of this they need to be aware of this and
continually be learning about people who view the world differently than them. Students will
understand that this unit will encompass a number of different cultures and societies from both the
past and present. They will be challenged to critically think and write in their journals about how that
will impact their future and the future of Canadian society. Student will also comment on a few key
things that they learned during the lesson. The teacher will encourage students to bring their learning
home with them and discuss these topics with the people they live with. (15 minutes)

Indigenous This lesson will focus on the different First Nations and Inuit societies throughout Canada prior to Journals,
societies IN9.2 European contact. The focus will be on understanding how the different societies conducted DT PowerPoint,
themselves based on their geographical locations and the results of that. DII Poster paper,
- Students will be asked to answer the question: What is worldview? This will be recorded in DSR Pens,
their ongoing journals. (5 minutes) DL pencils,
- A brief lecture will be given to outline the different First Nation societies based on their markers,
geographical locations so that students will understand that a groups location is a large Glue, etc.
indicator in how a society will run. (15 minutes) Computer
lab, notify
- Students will then be split into 7 different groups based on the different First Nations societies the librarian
geographical locations (Woodland, Iroquoian, Plains, Plateau, Pacific, and Mackenzie and that the
Yukon River Basins, and Inuit). In these groups students will research about the society they students
have been given looking at the factors that shape worldviews in a society, including time and may come.
place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education.
Students will be able to use computers, books, etc. to conduct their research. As they research
they will put pen, marker, glue, etc. to paper and create a representation of their society on a
poster. Students will be encouraged to choose roles within their groups based on strengths,
weaknesses and overall comfortability with their role. For example, students who are not
comfortable talking in front of the class will not be required to speak, instead they could take
on a different role during the research and recording time. (40 minutes)
Indigenous This lesson will be a continuation of the previous lesson on First Nations societies. DT PowerPoint,
societies IN9.3, - A brief lecture will be given to reemphasize what worldview is and examples will be given on DSR Poster paper,
different ways that worldview is expressed in the daily life of a society. (15 minutes) DII Pens,
- Students will then continue doing their research in their groups. They will be asked to search DL pencils,
for the ways in which their society expressed their worldview daily and how that worldview markers,
influenced choices, decisions, and interactions. Students will continue to create their posters Glue, etc.
while they research. (45 minutes) Computer
This will be the last class to work on their posters, depending on how many groups are completed at lab, notify
the end of the class more time may be given. If most groups have completed their work, those who the librarian
are not finished will have it for homework. Groups will present their posters the following week. that the
may come.
European At this point students should have a good understanding of the different things that make up a society. DT Journals,
societies IN9.2 - Students will be asked to answer in their journals the questions: How did European societies DII Pen/pencils,
differ from First Nations societies? What things shaped European worldview in terms of time, DSR PowerPoint
place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education? DL
(15 minutes)
- A lecture will be given that will outline the powerful societies within Europe around the time of
early contact. This will include a study of France and Britain and the power structures that
influenced their worldview, economics, roles, etc. (45 minutes)

European Students will be asked to begin this class by writing in their journals what they learned in the previous
societies IN9.3, lesson. (5 minutes) DT
IN9.4 - Keeping in mind what they learned about European power societies, students will be asked DII Journals,
walk around the school and community and look for remaining evidence of these societies. DSR Cameras,
Students will document what they find, through pictures, recording (written or spoken), or DL Pen/pencils
other means. Students will use their phones or other devices to help them document what
they find. (45 minutes)
- Students will be asked to return to the classroom with 10 minutes remaining in class. During
the final 10 minutes students will share and discuss their findings. In order to share videos and
pictures students will need to upload them onto a google document. (10 minutes)

6 Final Project - The final project will resurface and be discussed answering any question or confusions that
work period students may have. During this time the students and teacher will co-create the rubric that will DT Pens/pencils,
be in place for marking their final projects. DII Journals,
- Students will be given the remainder of the period to look through their journals, reflect on DL Computers,
their group projects, and think about a possible society that they would like to study or create, Library
and create a representation of for their final projects. By the end of the class each student
should have selected a society and come up with a few possible ways in which they would like
to represent their work. Each student will run their ideas by the teacher for approval.
Indigenous On this day students will again gather into their groups that they created their First Nations and Inuit DT Posters,
societies IN9.2, society posters. Each group will be given around 7 minutes to present. While each group presents, DII Journals,
IN9.3, IN9.4 those that are not presenting will be asked to record in their journals the key aspects that other groups DSR Pens/pencils
present. Students will also be encouraged to record any further questions they may have and possible DL
areas that they need further clarification. These journal recordings will be a way for the teacher to
formatively assess how well each student is grasping the content.
Societies collide Now that students have an understanding of both First Nations, Inuit, and European powerhouse DT PowerPoint,
IN9.1, IN9.4 societies they will focus on the consequences of the collision of societies and worldviews. DII Pens/pencils
- A lecture will be given to outline the consequences of contact, such as the ideas of “civilized” DSR
and “primitive” and how they have affected the ways in which different societies are viewed. DL
Students will learn about the fur trade, the motives of Europeans and First Nations and what
occurred as a result. How worldviews influenced one another and how each group treated
each other during times of trading and settlement. Students will also learn about how Metis
society functioned and came about as a result of the societies joining.
9 Following a lesson on the societies coming together students will watch a film based on Canada’s
Societies collide history. They will watch the first episode, “Worlds Collide,” from the series Canada: The Story of Us. Projector,
continued This lesson will take place in the computer lab to ensure every student can access google docs. and Handouts,
(Technological Kahoot. Pens/pencils,
Integration) - Students will be given an overview on how to access and use google docs. They will find on Kahoot
IN9.1, IN9.4 the google doc several questions pertaining to the film. With the teacher, students will go software,
through the question to ensure they are familiar with what each question is asking. Students Computer
will be instructed to follow the film and answer questions as they watch. lab
- Students will watch the episode paying close attention and answering the questions handed
out to them. These questions will be a way for the teacher to assess them as they learn and to
assess what they have comprehended. (45 minutes)

- Following the film students will have the opportunity to show what they have learned through
a Kahoot quiz. During this part of the lesson students will need to use their computer to
answer the questions presented. The questions on the quiz will focus on key events and
information pertaining to the film. This will be a fun way for students to reflect and assess
their own learning, as well as a way for the teacher to assess what each student learned. (15
Following the lesson on early contact and the collision of societies, students will learn about early
10 Early Canadian Canadian society. DT Journals,
society IN9.3 - To begin the class students will be asked to answer the following questions in their journals: DII Pens/pencils,
How did the early Canadian society function and act? What rules and policies were put in place DSR Computer
as a result? Who had power? Who determined roles? What was the common worldview? Were DL lab,
there multiple societies and worldviews in Canada at that time? (10 minutes) Library,
- Once they have completed these questions students will be given a small project similar to the Poster paper,
group project they did earlier in the unit only this time they will be asked to work alone. With Markers,
the teacher’s guidance, students will research (using phones, computers, library resources) an Scissors,
ethnic group or culture that differed from the general Canadian society at the time and create Glue, etc.
a poster to represent that group. They should include research of the groups past and origin
as well as their place in Canadian society at that time. This project will not have to be
presented to the class, but posters will be displayed in the classroom. (50 minutes)
This project along with their previous group project and journal entries will be used for inspiration for
their final project. Students will be allowed to use any of these projects to complete their final project.
For example, they could do a further study of the group that they researched in groups or on their
own. Because these projects will help them with their final project they will only be given one class to
work on it.
Final project Students will be given time to work on their final projects with the aid of the teacher if needed. DT Journals,
work period - During this class students will have the opportunity to use computers, phones, or other means DII Pens/pencils,
of research. They will be encouraged to search for creative ways to represent their projects. DSR Computer
DL lab,
Poster paper,
Glue, etc.

Final project Students will be given time to work on their final projects with the aid of the teacher if needed. DT Journals,
work period - During this class students will have the opportunity to use computers, phones, or other means DII Pens/pencils,
of research. They will also have to opportunity to use cameras or other devices that will aid in DSR Computer
the creation/representation of their projects. DL lab,
Poster paper,
Glue, etc.

13 Is there an - Students will be asked to think critically about what an ideal society would look like. They will
ideal society? consider whether it is even possible to achieve this society. This reflection will be done in their DT
journals. (15 minutes) Students that feel they have completed their work early will be asked to DII Journals,
read the book that they chose at the beginning of the unit. DSR Pens/pencils
- Following their journal writings, students will have they options to share their thoughts. DL
Together with the teacher they will record their ideas of an ideal society on the board. (20
- Together with the teacher students will discuss ways in which our society restricts the
possibility of the ideal society and changes they could make going forward. (15 minutes)
- Remaining class time will be used to work on their final projects. (10 minutes)
Final Project On the final day of the unit students will bring their final projects to class as have them on display. The DT Final
Fair classroom will be set up similar to a science fair giving students a chance to walk around and view DII projects,
each other’s projects. Time will also be set aside for students that need PowerPoint or a similar method DSR Projector,
to present their work. DL PowerPoint,

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study:
Is there alignment between outcomes, performance All the assessment pieces and learning experiences align with the outcomes. Each will
assessment and learning experiences? build students’ understanding of the outcomes and why they are engaging in the learning
experiences. Each assessment piece builds the students up and prepares them for their
final project. In the same way students will understand that the final project reflects and
encompasses each outcome within the unit.

Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:

Have I made purposeful adjustments to the curriculum Students who are struggling will have the opportunity to work alongside their classmates
content (not outcomes), instructional practices, and/or and learn with and from one another. In this way their peers will be able to aid them in
the learning environment to meet the learning needs and their work. Throughout the unit students will right in their journals. Each week the teacher
diversities of all my students? will review their journals and be able to establish areas in which certain students may be
struggling and make accommodations to aid them to ensure that each student
understands. In this way the teacher will also be able to come alongside them and give
them help in areas that they may need help. During the group project students will assign
roles according to strengths so that each student will be able to contribute equally. For
their final project students will have the opportunity to use one of the assignments they
have already created and build upon it if they wish.

For students who need a challenge:

A lot of the work within this unit is based around group work, therefore students that find
themselves needing an extra challenge will have the opportunity to work alongside their
peers and aid those who may be struggling when the teacher does not have the
opportunity. During the periods that students will be working alone they will have the
opportunity to push themselves and go above expectations in their assignments. When
either of the first two scenarios does not provide enough of a challenge, students that find
themselves ahead of the game will be asked to read and analyze a book of their choosing
and the ways in which it exemplifies a society. Each student in the class will select a book,
but it will only be necessary if the student is needing a challenge. For their final project,
students that need a challenge will be encouraged (though not forced) to try something
out of their comfort zone. They will also be encouraged to research a society that is
different from one they have already researched.

Instructional Approaches:
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student I attempt to use a variety of strategies from students centered to teacher led. The goal is
centered instructional approaches? for them to take control of their own learning and direct where it goes. I also use a fair
amount of lecture style teaching to make sure the students understand the important
concepts and ideas so that they have a base understanding for when they conduct their
own research.

Resource Based Learning:

Do the students have access to various resources on an Student resources vary from lecture notes, readings both online and in text, and resources
ongoing basis? found right inside the school and surrounding community.

FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender

Equity/Multicultural Education: The topics covered study First Nations, Metis, and Inuit societies, their worldviews and the
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while honoring ways that their way of life was affected by European society. The content of the unit also
each child’s identity? discusses a large variety of other societies and groups within Canada and the world, while
addresses societies roles in the past, present, and future. I will address different gender
roles in differing societies and how our current society is progressing in that regard. I
address these issues while trying to promote each individual student’s identity as they
reflect and assess where they fit into society and come to own that identity.

PGP Goals 2. 1 knowledge of Canadian history, especially in reference to

Saskatchewan and Western Canada. – I will try to have students
understand early and current Canadian societies. During this time I
will express a knowledge of Canadian history.
2.3 knowledge of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit culture and history
(e.g., Treaties, Residential School, Scrip and Worldview). – worldview
is the area I will really try to emphasize during this unit, helping
students gain an understanding of the different FNMI worldviews.
4.2 the ability to incorporate First Nations, Métis, and Inuit
knowledge, content and perspective into all teaching areas. – similar
to the above goal I will attempt to instill the knowledge and
perspectives of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people.

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)

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