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NAMA : _________________________ KELAS : ________ TARIKH : ______________

1. You are provided with flour, yeast, sugar and water. You are required to prepare dough and to
investigate the effect of sugar on the size of the dough.
Anda diberikan tepung, yis, gula dan air. Anda dikehendaki menyediakan doh serta menyiasat
kesan gula ke atas saiz doh.

The planning of your investigation must include the following aspects.

Rancangan penyiasatan anda mestilah merangkumi aspek-aspek berikut:
• Problem statement
Pernyataan masalah
• Hypothesis
• Variables
• List of materials and apparatus
Senarai bahan dan radas
• Procedure of the experiment
Prosedur eksperimen
• Presentation of data
Persembahan data
• Conclusion
[17 marks/Rajah]

2.A group of students carried out an experiment to study the effect of concentration of a solution on plant cells.
The diagram below shows the apparatus set up in the experiment.
Sekumpulan pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan kepekatan suatu larutan
terhadap sel tumbuhan. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan susunan radas dalam eksperimen itu.


The table below shows the length of the potato strips after being immersed in sucrose solutions of
concentration 0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.3 M, 0.4 M, 0.5 M and 0.6 M for 40 minutes.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan panjang jalur ubi kentang setelah direndam di dalam larutan sukrosa
berkepekatan 0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.3 M, 0.4 M, 0.5 M dan 0.6 M, selama 40 minit.

Table A/Jadual A

a) (i) Based on the table, state two observations on the relationship between the concentration of the
sucrose solution and the texture of the potato strips.
Berdasarkan jadual tersebut, nyatakan dua pemerhatian mengenai hubungan antara kepekatan
larutan sukrosa dan tekstur jalur ubi kentang itu.
Observation 1/Pemerhatian 1:




Observation 2/Pemerhatian 2:



[3 marks/3 markah]

(ii) State the inference which corresponds to the observation in (a)(i).

Nyatakan inferens yang berkaitan dengan pemerhatian di (a)(i).
Inference from observation 1/Inferens daripada pemerhatian 1:




Inference from observation 2/Inferens daripada pemerhatian 2:



[3 marks/3 markah]

(b)Using the information provided in the table A, complete the table below.
Dengan menggunakan maklumat yang disediakan dalam Jadual A, lengkapkan jadual di bawah.

[3 marks/3 markah]

(c)(i) Complete the table below based on the experiment.

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah berdasarkan eksperimen itu.

[3 marks/3 markah]

(ii) State the apparatus and the materials used in the experiment.
Nyatakan radas dan bahan yang digunakan dalam eksperimen itu.




[3 marks/3 markah]

(d)State a hypothesis for this experiment.
Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.




[3 marks/3 markah]

(e)(i) Based on Table A, construct a table to record the results of the experiment which includes the following
Berdasarkan Jadual A, bina satu jadual untuk mencatatkan keputusan eksperimen yang meliputi
aspek-aspek berikut:
• Concentration of the sucrose solution
Kepekatan larutan sukrosa
• Difference in length
Perbezaan panjang
• Percentage difference in length
Peratus perbezaan panjang

[3 marks/3 markah]

(ii) Plot a graph of percentage difference in length against concentration of sucrose solution.
Plotkan satu graf peratus perbezaan panjang melawan kepekatan larutan sukrosa.

[3 marks/3 markah]

(iii) Based on the graph in (e)(ii), state the concentration of the cell sap of the potato strips.
Berdasarkan graf di (e)(ii), nyatakan kepekatan sap sel jalur ubi kentang.



[3 marks/3 markah]

(f) Based on this experiment, what can you deduce about the solution which is isotonic to the cell sap of the
cells of a potato strip?
Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, apakah yang dapat anda rumuskan tentang larutan isotonik bagi jalur ubi



[3 marks/3 markah]

(g)The experiment is repeated by using sweet potato strips instead of potato strips. Predict what the result

of the second experiment will be.

Eksperimen ini diulangi dengan menggunakan jalur ubi keledek bagi menggantikan jalur ubi kentang.
Ramalkan keputusan eksperimen kedua ini.



[3 marks/3 markah]

1.Problem statement:
Pernyataan Masalah:
Will sugar make the dough rise faster?
Adakah gula menyebabkan doh naik dengan cepat?
Adding sugar to dough will make the dough rise faster
Menambah gula pada doh akan menyebabkan doh naik dengan cepat
Pemboleh ubah:
• Manipulated variable: The presence of sugar
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Kehadiran gula
• Responding variable: The size of dough
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: saiz doh
• Constant variable: The temperature, pH, amount of flour, yeast and water
Pemboleh ubah malar: Suhu, ph, kuantiti tepung, yis dan air.
Wheat flour, yeast, sugar and water
Tepung gandum, yis, sugar dan air.
Mixing bowl, wooden spoon, tray, stopwatch, towel, ruler and measuring cylinder.
Mangkuk, sudu, dulang, jam randik, tuala, pembaris dan silinder penyukat.
1. The following ingredients are weighed:
Bahan-bahan berikut ditimbang:

Dough with
Ingredients Dough without
Bahan sugar
Doh dengan
-bahan Doh tanpa gula
100 g 100 g
2g 2g
0g 20 g
50 cm3 50 cm3

2. The two types of dough are prepared separately.

Dua jenis doh yang disediakan berasingan.
3. Dough without sugar: Repeat step 3.
Doh tanpa gula: Ulang langkah 3
4. Dough with sugar: Sugar is dissolved in water. Then, flour, yeast and syrup are mixed

together and kneaded in a mixing bowl for 10 minutes. The dough is rounded and placed
in a tray.
Doh dengan gula: Gula dilarutkan dalam air. Kemudian, tepung, yis dan sirup
dicampurkan sekali dan diuli di dalam mangkuk untuk 10 minit. Doh dibulatkan dan
diletakkan pada dulang.
5. The diameters of the two types of dough are measured.
Diameter bagi dua jenis doh ini disukat.
6. The trays are covered with towels.
Dulang dialas dengan tuala.
7. The diameters of the two types of dough are measured every 10 minutes.
Diameter bagi dua jenis doh ini disukat setiap 10 minit.
Presentation of data:
Perwakilan data:
Diameter Diameter
of dough of dough
without with sugar
sugar (mm) (mm)
Diameter doh Diameter doh
tanpa gula(mm) dengan gula(mm)

Conclusion: Sugar causes dough to rise faster. The hypothesis is accepted.

Kesimpulan: Gula menyebabkan doh naik dengan cepat. Hipotesis diterima.
2.(a) (i) Observation 1 : The potato strip that is immersed in the 0.1 M solution becomes
turgid and firm.
Pemerhatian 1: Jalur ubi kentang yang direndam di dalam larutan 0.1 M menjadi
segah dan keras.

Observation 2 : The potato strip that is immersed in the 0.6 M solution becomes
Pemerhatian 2: Jalur ubi kentang yang direndam di dalam larutan 0.6 Mmenjadi

(ii) Inference 1:For the potato strip that is immersed in the 0.1 M solution, water has
entered the cell vacuoles by osmosis.
Inferens 1 : Untuk jalur ubi kentang yang direndam di dalam larutan 0.1 M, air
memasuki vakuol sel secara osmosis.

Inference 2 : For the potato strip that is immersed in the 0.6 M solution, water has left
the cell vacuoles.
Inferens 2 : Untuk jalur ubi kentang yang direndam di dalam larutan 0.6 M, air keluar
dari vakuol sel.


(c) (i)

(ii) • Apparatus: Petri dish, blade, beaker, ruler, forceps, tissue paper
Radas: Piring Petri, pisau, bikar, pembaris, forsep, kertas tisu

• Materials: Sucrose solutions of concentration 0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.3 M, 0.4 M, 0.5 M,
0.6 M, freshly cut potato strips, distilled water
Bahan: Larutan sukrosa berkepekatan 0.1 M, 0.2 M, 0.3 M, 0.4 M, 0.5 M, 0.6
M, jalur ubi
kentang yang baru dipotong, air suling

(d) When a potato strip is immersed in an isotonic solution, there is no change in its
Apabila jalur ubi kentang direndam di dalam larutan isotonik, tidak ada sebarang
perubahan pada panjangnya.

(e) (i)


(iii) 0.36 M

(f) In this experiment, the sucrose solution with 0.36 M of concentration is isotonic to the
cell sap of the cells of a potato strip, because the rate of movement of water into and out
of the cells is the same.
Dalam eksperimen ini, larutan sukrosa berkepekatan 0.36 M adalah isotonik terhadap
sap sel jalur ubi kentang kerana kadar pergerakan air masuk dan keluar dari sel adalah

(g) The sucrose solution which is isotonic to the cell sap of the cells of the sweet potato
will be different.
Larutan sukrosa yang isotonik terhadap sap sel ubi keledek mungkin berbeza.


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