The Griffin, Vol. 1.1 September 2010

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Philadelphia, PA September 2010

The Free Student Newspaper of Chestnut Hill College

Students return from England, Spain

MARY MARZANO Spain. Canela, a native of the
‘12 Dominican Republic, traveled
________ to Madrid, Alicante, Valencia,
This summer, several Segovia, Avila and Elda.
Chestnut Hill College students Cultural differences were
traveled the globe and complet- immediately apparent to the stu-
ed study-abroad programs in dents. Graveline recalls a USA-
Salamanca, Spain, and London, England “football” match:
England. “Do not scream raucously for
Seniors Jessica Fisher and the Americans when you are
Melissa Graveline spent eight outnumbered 15 to about 100.
weeks at City University in Lon- You will get covered in beer,”
don, while seniors Jill Sanger she quickly learned. Fisher also
and Rubby Canela studied in observed pub culture. “It was
Salamanca, Spain at University perfectly acceptable for people
of Salamanca and Mester Uni- to leave work midday for World
versity, respectively. Cup matches and drinks,” she
During her time abroad, said.
Graveline experienced not only Sanger, who chose Sala-
England, but those of Scot- manca for its pure Spanish dia-
land, Wales and France. While lect, adapted a new meal sched-
in Scotland, she took a tour of ule. “Lunch is the largest meal
the Scottish Highlands. “Driv- of the day and isn’t served un-
ing through the curving roads til 2 pm,” she said. “All stores Graveline ‘11 and Jessica Fisher ‘11 at Salisbury Cathedral Melissa Graveline ‘11
and looking up to the tops of except restaurants close mid- London as an Art Capitol, assigning 20 pages to read for course explored sex, sexual-
mountains shrouded in clouds afternoon for siesta following ity, and gender as they are con-
composed of lectures along- one class,” said Fisher.
made my breath catch in my lunch.” structed and preformed, spe-
side museum and gallery visits. In conjunction with her
throat; I fell in love with Scot- The students’ academic ex- cifically in the city of London,
land,” said Graveline. Fisher periences were both challenging She found her studies to be less History major and minors in
also explored beyond London, and familiar. An English Lit- challenging than courses she’s Religious and Women’s stud- “Study Abroad”
taking trips to Amsterdam, erature major and Art History taken at CHC: “A [City Univer- ies, Graveline took a course in Continued on 2
Netherlands, and Barcelona, minor, Fisher took a course, sity] professor apologized for Sex, Gender, and the City. The

College Community Unites to

Support Wood Family
CORA MAHON at Sugarloaf, they spend most mensely appreciative of all the
‘11 of their time with him at the support they have received
________ hospital. The college commu- from Chestnut Hill College
“Stay Strong Woody” is the nity has come together to sup- and asks that we continue to
mantra in hearts and thoughts port Mike Wood and his family keep Mike in our prayers and
of students, staff and admin- through this difficult time. thoughts. If any community
istration as the Chestnut Hill His roommates and close members are able to help with
College community hopes for a friends assembled a banner for fundraising and outreach initia-
fellow Griffin’s recovery. anyone to sign outside of the tives, please contact Campus
Michael Wood, a first-se- cafeteria with their thoughts Ministry or Student Activities.
mester senior, was in a serious and prayers. Many staff and Through his own strength and
car accident on September 3 and faculty members have offered through the strength of the col-
remains in critical condition at home-cooked meals to the fam- lege community, there are high
Albert Einstein Hospital. Mike ily as an alternative to hospital hopes for Mike’s recovery.
is a twenty year-old Political Sci- cafeteria and vending machines.
ence major and former member Fundraising has also been initi-
of the men’s soccer team. The ated in the form of donations
Wood family, in order to be from restaurants and jewelry Photo contributed by friends
with Mike, has taken off work auctions to help the family pay and family of Michael Wood
and left their homes to be clos- for parking and medical ex-
er to him. Although the College penses.
has offered to house the family The Wood family is im-

News 2 STYLE 4 Opinion 6 Sports 8

2 The Griffin


Vol. I, Issue 1
The Free Student The International Quid-
Newspaper of ditch Association (IQA) an-
Chestnut Hill College nounced its incorporation as
a non-profit organization this
summer and its plans to host
Max Kaplan ‘11 the fourth-annual Quidditch
Editor-in-Chief World Cup at New York City’s
DeWitt Clinton Park.
Jarreau Freeman ‘11 With nearly 900 teams span-
Managing Editor ning colleges and high schools
in North and South America,
Europe, Australia, and Asia,
Mary Marzano ‘12
the IQA orchestrates the rapid
News Editor
expansion of the sport inspired
by J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter
Olivia Marcinka ‘13
series. CHC students, the first
Opinion Editor
in Philadelphia to play, adapted Max Kaplan ‘11 Above, NYC children play Quidditch at an IQA demonstration in Central
the sport in 2008; Max Kaplan, Park. Below, CHC’s Quidditch Team at the 2010 Middlebury Quidditch World Cup
Jill Sanger ‘11
the College’s commissioner, day clinic to teach area elemen-
Sports Editor
joined the IQA’s board of direc- tary and middle school students
tors in 2009. the sport in the spring.
Kyle Bachmann ‘10 Alongside the ever-ex-
Sports Editor First, though, comes the
panding league of high school highlight of many a Harry Pot-
and college teams, the IQA
Jen Jones ‘12 ter fan’s year: the Quidditch
recently found a new audience
Style Editor World Cup. The three previous
for the sport: America’s youth.
World Cups have been hosted
“We have organized successful
Bleu Lane ‘12 by Middlebury College in Mid-
youth clinics in several states
Style Editor dlebury, VT. According to Be-
across the US and beyond that
have created magical moments nepe, the goal to “expose the
Aizaz Gill ‘14 for children of all ages and in- game to a wider audience and
Online Editor spired youngsters to start their allow more teams from around
own teams,” said IQA CEO the country” warranted reloca- Max Kaplan ‘11
Westly Mandoske ‘13 and President Alex Benepe. tion to DeWitt Clinton Park in to the public. As in years past, dent Activities, will be held at
Layout Editor The IQA will raise funds Manhattan, a move in CHC’s
CHC students will have the op- the College on October 16. For
in support of children’s liter- favor.
portunity to travel to New York more information on the IQA,
Michael Bradley ‘14 acy, donating to international The Cup, to be held No- visit:
Assistant Layout Editor non-profits like First Book and vember 13 and 14, will see City on a coach bus to see the
Reading is Fundamental. In over 60 high school and col- matches at a discounted rate.
Susan Magee, M.F.A. conjunction, Chestnut Hill Ac- lege teams compete. Teams will Additionally, the Phila- For more information
Advisor tivities Team (CHAT) plans to compete on four fields, and ad- delphia Brotherly Love Cup, about Service Opportu-
host Camp Quidditch, a one- mission will be free and open sponsored by CHAT and Stu- nities, stop by Campus
Ministry, St. Joe’s Third

Meet Campus Ministry

The Griffin strives for ac- Floor, or contact Sr. Min-
curacy and fair represen- dy Welding or Sr. Michelle
tation in all of its publica-
tions and correctness. If an
error is found, e-mail the nities. Several retreats are in the works for
issue number, the article in the upcoming year: Busy People Retreat,
which the error was found, Woman’s Retreat, and Silent Retreat. Also,
and the correction that students can get involved with Rite of Chris-
needs to be made. The re- tian Initiation of Adults program for those
sulting correction will be who are interested in learning about the
printed in the next edition Catholic faith, and the Scholars in Service
of The Griffin. Program. Students can look forward to a
concert on the summer house lawn. This is a
time for students to come together, eat good
Make your opinion heard food, and enjoy the talent of fellow Griffins.
by submitting letters to Mass dates and times will be posted at
the campus ministry office for those inter-
the editor or contributions
ested. On Sunday evenings, a van will go to
to The Griffin. Submissions Caitlin Kain ‘13
Game Night at Campus Ministry brings friends, current and the 6 p.m. mass at Our Mother of Consola-
become property of The future, together. tion Parish in Germantown.
Griffin and are subject to JARREAU FREEMAN all the time,” she Welding encourages students to feel free
editing for style, clarity and ‘11 said. “Well, we live in the real world too. We to stop by Campus Ministry and say hello.
space concerns. _____________ truly want to provide a place for students to Everyone there is excited to welcome new
The Campus Ministry office, on the meet new people, engage in healthy, happy students to the college community. Students
third floor of Saint Joseph’s Hall, is a place conversation, know that a friend is around to will meet new-comer Sister Michelle Lesher,
Interested in writing, pho- where students can explore community comfort them in times of need”. Assistant Director of Campus Ministry and
tographing, layout or de- service, discover spirituality, and meet new At Campus Ministry, students can rest student interns Sarah Doherty ’11, Elijah
sign? Fill out a short form people. assured that there is always something go- Goloub ’11, and Cora Mahon ’11.
on our Facebook and The “Our goal is to provide a comfortable ing on. Campus Ministry hosts many great “Campus Ministry is about relation-
Griffin will contact you. place for students to discuss, share ideas, service opportunities like feeding the home- ships,” said Sr. Mindy. “We want to know
learn from one another, and seek friend- less at St. Francis Inn and volunteering at who you are. You can give as much as you
ship, comfort, and support,” said Sr. Mindy Impact Thrift Store. It is known for Open want, you can do as little as you want. All
Email The Griffin at: Welding, IHM, director of Campus Minis- Mic Nights, Ladies’ Eve of Reflection, and we want you to know is that we are here try. “You don’t have to be Catholic to come weekend retreats like SEARCH and Life for you. Come with ideas, come with your
or visit The Griffin on Face- into Campus Ministry. Some people have Choices Retreat. humor; come with whatever it is you have.
book. this idea that it is just about prayer and God Campus Ministry is expanding opportu- Come just as yourself. You will not regret it.”
The Griffin 3

Clubs Recruit New Members at Fair DANA CONSALVO abused animals in Greece. The
‘11 Knitting Club works hand-in-
__________ hand with Knit A Square, an
Student Government As- organization that makes blan-
sociation hosted its annual Club kets for children affected by
and Organization Fair on Sep- HIV/AIDS, and The Ronald
tember 9 in the Fournier Hall McDonald House, knitting hats
Social Room, giving students for cancer patients.
the opportunity to sign up for Students Helping Hondu-
new and returning clubs and ras is a long-standing national
meet new friends with similar nonprofit, but is newly con-
interests. nected to Chestnut Hill College.
The room was full of inter- It gives students the chance to
ested students perusing the ta- help children and make a differ-
bles and discussing clubs’ goals ence in their lives. Mike Glasner,
and plans. club representative and enthusi-
Freshman Brandon Wilt- ast, said, “You get off the bus
bank, a communications major, and right away these children
decided that instead of join- are looking up at you, and you
ing an existing organization he see it in their eyes, and they’ll
Max Kaplan ‘11 would start his own. He created grab your hand. And that’s it,
the Entertainment Club min- you become their best friend.”
utes before the fair began, with For students looking for
hopes of gathering students cultural flair, La Voz Latina is a
with various talents to help en- popular choice. “Chestnut Hill
tertain CHC. New clubs this College has a very diverse back-
year include the Shakespeare ground,” said Richard Browne,
Club, an outlet for enthusiasts who is a club member. “We
to read and perform the Bard’s want to learn about what you’re
works. Also new is the Show about. We want to know about
Choir Club, whose founders cultures other than just Span-
Danielle Molino and Esther ish,”. The club will offer lessons
McCrea plan as a venue for stu- in salsa dancing and speaking
dents to sing a variety of songs Spanish, as well as appreciation
focusing on different themes. of the Spanish culture through
There are several inspiring food and conversation.
clubs whose goals are to help With nearly ten new orga-
those in need, including the nizations formed in the first
History Club, Knitting Club two weeks of school, club pros-
and Students Helping Hon- pects appear strong for the new
Above, Brandon Wiltbank ‘14 collects signups for the capricious Entertainment Club. Be- duras. Owen Ward, History academic year. Amidst the 40
low, Alecia Farrar ‘13, left, and Brittany Davis ‘10, right, represent the AAAS. Club President, told prospec- existing organizations, those
tive members about the annual who can’t find a club of inter-
ABROAD STATS Greek Animal Rescue project
that the club hosts. They raise
est can take Wilbank’s lead and
start their own.
Rubby Canela ‘12 money for the abundance of
International Business, Lan-

Study abroad
guage and Culture Major,
Spanish minor. Studied at Mes-
ter University in Salamanca,
Spain for one month. Courses:
Spanish Business and an In- Continued from 1 ments and valuable new per-
ternship. Visited Spanish cities spectives. “There is so much
through literature, art, and
of Madrid, Alicante, Valencia, more out there,” said Sanger.
theatre. “The course reminded
Segovia, Avila, and Elda. “Being in Spain really opened
me of Dr. Suzanne del Gizzo’s
Jessica Fisher ‘11 my eyes not only to their cul-
Gender and Literature course,”
English Lit. Major, Art Histo- ture, but to life in general; it’s
said Graveline.
ry Minor. Studied at City Uni- not about what you have, but
In Spain, Sanger and Cane-
versity in London, England for the experiences you have that
la took courses taught entirely
eight weeks. Courses: London make it worthwhile.”
in Spanish. Sanger’s array of
as an Art Capital. Visited Ox- Fisher vividly remembers
courses towards her Spanish
ford, England; Amsterdam, waiting in a seven-hour line to
Sanger, her sister, and a friend enjoy Jill Sanger ‘11 minor included Spanish Lan-
the Netherlands and Barcelo- see tennis star Andy Roddick
Salamanca’s Summer Weather guage and Grammar, Spanish
na, Spain. Sponsored by Arca- play on Wimbledon’s courts.
Culture, Spanish History, and
dia University. weeks. Visited: in Scotland: Edinburgh, Glen Coe and Loch Ness; “Time seems to move imper-
Spanish Art. Canela, an Inter-
Melissa Graveline ‘11 in England Canterbury, Bath, Salisbury; Cardiff, Wales and Paris, ceptibly fast, but the world is
national Business, Language,
History Major, Religious and France. Sponsored by Arcadia University full of rich opportunities,” she
and Culture major, completed
Women’s Studies Minors. Jill Sanger ‘11 said of the trip. “Continue to
an internship while taking a
Studied at City University in Communications Major, Spanish minor. Studied at Universidad de pursue and take these opportu-
course in business.
London, England for eight Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain for one month. Courses: Spanish nities, from your golden youth
Their time abroad offered
weeks. Courses: Sex, Gender, Language & Grammar, Culture, History and Art. Visited Spanish to your old and wrinkled days!”
each student unforgettable mo-
and the City. Length of trip: 8 cities Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Aveiro, Portugal.
4 The Griffin

A guide to It’s Always Sunny’s

favorite Philadelphia haunts
The Gang is back this fall for another season of It’s Always
Sunny in Philadelphia! If you haven’t tuned into the sitcom, it
follows the lives of five dysfunctional bar owners and is set in
South Philly. It was created by three guys from Philadelphia who
also star as main characters in the show. If you have tuned into
the show, then get ready for season six which premieres Thurs-
day September 16th. Dennis, Dee, Frank, Mac, and Charlie will
be back to get into more ridiculous situations while incorporat-
ing controversial issues and maintaining their self-centered and
unethical ways.
Want to experience Philadelphia as seen on the show? Take
the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia tour created by VisitPhilly.
com. Here is a list of places the Gang frequents on the show.
1. The Laff House 2. The Italian Market 3. Anthony’s Italian Coffee 4. Mac’s Tavern 5. Philadelphia Java
(221 South Street) (902 South 9th Street) House (226 Market Street, Company
In season 4, Dee attempt- The Gang frequents this (903 South 9th Street) For the 21+ crowd (518 South 4th Street)
ed to perform stand-up at this outdoor market which is lo- This coffee house is lo- Owned by the actors who While Charlie frequents
comedy club located on South cated on 9th Street and is just a cated on South 9th Street. play Mac and Dee on the show, this spot to admire his crush,
street. While Dee’s act didn’t few blocks from the ever-pop- Here, you can grab a bite to Mac’s Tavern is an appropri- you can grab a drink, check out
go very well, the Laff House is ular South Street Here, you eat or have some espresso, sit ate tour stop because the Gang work by local artists, and surf
a great place to check out local can get fresh produce, meat, at a table outside, and enjoy spends most of their time in the web using the free Wi-Fi.
and national comedy acts. It is baked goods, and flowers. the neighborhood just like the their bar, Paddy’s Pub. This Philadelphia Java Company is
a good idea to get your tickets Gang. spot can be found on Market located on 4th and South Street.
ahead of time. Street in Olde City.

Kick off the new school year with fresh, new tunes
Bleu Lane, Jen Jones
‘12 Shark In the Water by VV Brown
Cavanaugh Park by
by Something Arcade
Corporate Skinny
Bon Iver

September movie round-up

Aziaz Gill
Machete On the run from a major drug lord, Machete The Town Jon Hamm (of Mad Men) stars as a tenacious
(Danny Trejo) is a former “Mexican Federale” who FBI agent trying to bring down a gang that has been
September 3rd September 17th
travels city to city in search of “work”. He finds it responsible for several, dangerous robberies occur-
when Michal Benz (Jeff Fahey) puts a hit out on ring in Boston.
McLaughlin (Robert DeNiro) the Senator who is The aforementioned gang of four is going
behind the recent push to deport illegal immigrants through their own issues as member Doug MacRay
back across the border. What seems like an assassina- (Ben Affleck) falls in love with a bank manager (Re-
tion attempt turns out to be anything but that as the becca Hall) who was the victim at the gang’s most
executioner becomes the prey. recent heist. Along with MacRays heart, the bank
While it may seem like another revenge movie manager also possesses the key to possibly sending
this movie has the chance to be complex and con- the entire gang to jail. MacRay’s partner in crime,
troversial. Currently Arizona is in the process of try- Jem (Jeremy Rattner), realizes the risk and prepares
ing to enforce one of the strongest anti-immigration to eliminate the gang’s only mistake. Former friends
laws in the history of the U.S. and the executives be- turn into bitter rivals as the chase begins to see who
hind Machete’s promotion have made full use of that can survive in this action-packed thriller.
as they push their movie as topical. Even if you don’t Truthfully, though, this movie had me at Don
enjoy politics, you can still expect a violent, bloody Draper (John Hamm’s character on Mad Men) fea-
and action packed affair when it comes to Machete. tured in a heist movie.
The Griffin 5

Diverse group of artists to perform in Philadelphia this fall

Bleu Lane, ‘12
Seeing an artist or band perform live can be a great way to experience their music. Philadelphia has many venues which offer a diverse selection of con-
certs. Each of the venues are easily accessible through public transportation. Check out some of the musicians who will be in our city this fall.

Thursday September 16: Monday September 27: Wednesday October 6: Thursday November 4: Tuesday November 9:
Wiz Khalifa will be at the Tro- Jason Derulo is having a 7:30 Ratatat will be at the Electric Wolf Parade is having a show Mumford & Sons will be at
cadero Theatre. The native p.m. concert at the Theatre of Factory. The show is at 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre. the Electric Factory. The
Pennsylvania rapper has gained Living Arts. This pop star has and advance tickets are $22. The all-ages show is at 7:30 p.m. members of this British folk
popularity this year and has been all over the radio this past This electronic music duo is and tickets are $20 in advance. band are known to switch in-
signed with a major label. It is year. If his infectious songs are known to have psychedelic live The indie rock band has recent- struments on stage. The show
an all-ages show beginning at constantly getting stuck in your performances that make you ly released their third album, begins at 8 p.m. and tickets are
7:30 PM. Tickets are $18.50 in head, this might be the show get off your feet and dance to Expo 86, and this stop is a part $22 in advance.
advance. for you. Tickets are $35.25 and their contagious beats. of their North American tour.
the show is all-ages.

You and I by Ingrid Michaelson

I go

Superhuman Touch by
Black Swan

..............................................................Cut Here..............................................................

Going out guide: September

September 24 September 27 All of September through November 7
LCD Soundsystem and DJs: “The Summer Groovin’ East Live Dreadful Things Happen: The Brothers
of Radness Finale” Where: East Parlor, St. Joseph Hall, CHC Grimm and Maurice Sendak Exhibition
Where: The Naval Cruise Terminal When: 7 p.m. Where: Rosenbach Museum & Gallery
at the Philadelphia Naval Yard Admission: Free When: Museum hours
When: 9 p.m. Admission: $5 (with student ID)
Admission: $25 For more information, visit
For more information, visit Led by Chestnut Hill College music faculty mem-
ber Chris Kuczynski, Groovin’ East’s three mem-
Critically acclaimed DJ James Murphy, known by fans bers will perform a Jazz set in the East Parlor In a series of drawings initially inspired by Hansel and
worldwide as LCD Soundsystem, will headline R5 of St. Joseph Hall. Bring a group of friends and Gretel, this exhibitions includes a multitude of eerie
Productions’ Summer of Radness Finale. The show, support a great local trio. pieces of art all depicting famous fairy-tales.
sponsored by Urban Outfitters, will feature a variety
of other resident DJs and is a perfect summer wrap-
up for music lovers.
6 The Griffin

Subjective Scrutiny

Welcome to The Griffin’s Griffin a hand-picked selection as our next issue, slated to be
September 2010 edition. By of news that’s worth printing in your hands on October 1
now, you’ve noticed that the from both campus and beyond. and on the first of each month
paper you’re holding is very dif- The Internet is to news what thereafter.
ferent than its predecessors: it’s car horns are to music. I believe I speak on behalf
lighter, has fewer sections, and Building a newspaper is no of our entire editorial team
is in your hands much earlier in small feat, but our editors have when I say welcome, thanks
the semester than ever before. already proven themselves wor- for reading, and we hope this
In fact, if we’ve done our thy of the challenge: our bright, marks the beginning of a fan-
job well, this paper will remind motivated, and diverse team, tastic year.
you what makes print journal- from incoming freshmen to se-
ism an art form not to soon be niors, compiled this issue mid- All the best,
forgotten. Columbia Univer- summer between work, sports,
sity’s Andie Tucher once said, and studying abroad. Much like Max Kaplan ‘11
“The distinction we don’t need Student Government members Editor in Chief
newspapers because we’re get- are your representatives, our
ting everything online is kind editors and writers are your
of like saying we don’t need voice. The Griffin is, first and
farmers because I buy all my foremost, your paper. Share
food at the supermarket. It has your feedback with us through
to come from somewhere.” In letters and we’ll gladly publish
a culture plagued by informa- them. Give us your suggestions
tion overload, consider The and you may see them as soon
Travis Wolfe ‘12

Diagnostic Disorder Letter from the Editors

Dilemma meant to follow DSM guide- When The Griffin’s former However, I am pleased that I September issue, which illus-
lines with prudence, many phy- editors asked to talk to me after accepted the challenge. I have trates their devotion toward
sicians can be quick to diagnose class, I certainly wasn’t expect- learned that I can’t live my life creating a great paper.
OLIVIA MARCINKA ing to be asked to become the avoiding challenges. I owe it to The Griffin, like many
without consideration. While
‘13 paper’s new Managing Editor. myself to face my fears, make things on campus, has under-
“textbook knowledge” may be
_______________ Running The Griffin? Talk a few mistakes, and see where gone some changes, but I know
desired for students, one can-
Have you ever experienced about a major responsibility. I end up. that they are changes you will
not judge the mental state of
feelings of distress? Maybe a Was I really up for the chal- Thankfully, I am not han- love. I hope you will join us
another based solely on a strict
day when you find that inevi- lenge? dling this big job alone. The as we continue on this voyage
set of qualifications. Granted
table rain cloud never leaving For the last two years I en- Griffin’s staff this year is phe- toward creating a newspaper
the patient may have every
its spot behind your shoulders? joyed being on the newspaper’s nomenal. I have the opportu- that reflects the heart and mis-
symptom in the book, there
If so, you‘re most likely suffer- is still room for the doctor to sideline. I wrote articles but nity to share the responsibil- sion of Chestnut Hill College.
ing from a severe case of Major make realistic deductions from never had the task of making ity with Max Kaplan, Editor I know it will be a ride we will
Depressive Disorder. Well, at what they see. This fact poses sure deadlines were met and in Chief, ‘11. He has already never forget.
least that is what qualified phy- the real argument to lay not writers had assignments. When shown amazing leadership skills
sicians from the Diagnostic and with the DSM-5 task force, but asked to be an editor, part of and an enthusiasm for the pub- Jarreau Freeman ‘11
Statistical Manual of Mental the psychiatrists themselves. Dr. me wanted to turn down the lication I admire, and I am so Managing Editor
Disorders (DSM)-5 task force John Z. Sadler, contributor to job, continue to coast along, excited that we will be able to
have decided for you. Psychiatric Times, explains that and watch on the sidelines work together to create a paper
This group of 27 physicians “the DSM is an administrative while someone else took on the I know you will thoroughly en-
has been providing revisions to document for tracking service arduous task. joy.
the newest edition of the DSM use. It’s a nosology of disease. I accepted the challenge, The team of editors is
for about ten years. The DSM-5 It’s a coded system for billing. but not without chai tea and wonderful and have cut their
is due for publication in May of It is used (however lamentably) late-night chats with mom. summers short to start on the
2013. Although these revisions as a textbook of psychopathol- also shown that about half of ality; the lenses we see out of.
are debatable, the sections in
which a physician is to diagnose
ogy for students and residents.
It provides diagnostic schemes
the 27 million Americans were
taking antidepressants for other
FUNFOTO With this in mind, wherever you
are you can always find some-
their patient by using a series of for short-and long-term clinical MICHAEL WENZ
conditions such as back pain, thing to spark your interest. If
guidelines is flawed. According trials.” ‘13
nerve pain, or fatigue. school isn’t your forte, then do
to the recent changes proposed As seemingly more people ________
As we continue to move to- what you must during the day
to the DSM-5, a patient can are diagnosed with mental ill- The scenery is changing
ward a completely sedated style and then change your lens.
be diagnosed with a very seri- ness, average feelings of grief this time of year and travel is
of life, we risk losing recogni- Think about something
ous condition for very minimal or stress are hailed as fatal increasing as the college-bound
tion of normalcy. I mean that tranquil or that interests you. It
symptoms in exchange. leeches preying on American move into their home for the
self-awareness of thoughts, doesn’t matter if you’re stuck
The American Psychiat- blood. A larger percentage of next several months. Some see
feelings, and actions would be somewhere, you can always use
ric Association currently has the population is now turning this time as separation from the
obsolete. The incredible void your imagination to bring you
an Internet site that offers up- to chemical “solutions” to ease familiar and on to a transient
of apathy would absorb any somewhere else. And if that
dates on the DSM-5 revisions. their emotional struggles. This work camp, with dread and
chance of experiencing emo- doesn’t work, just go on Google
This website provides the cur- gives an opportunity for profit disappointment around every
tion. and surf the net until you find
rent definition of any disorder, to the drug companies distrib- turn. Hold on, that’s no fun, something cool and roll with it.
the proposed definition in the uting antidepressant medica- Make your opinion heard that outlook makes me want to No matter your location,
fifth edition, the rationale be- tion. In a study led by Mark by submitting letters to the be in close proximity to a natu- find a better view. Move your
hind their decision to make the Olfson of the New York State editor or contributions to The ral disaster. camera, change your lens, fun
change, and an intensity scale Psychiatric Institute and Co- Griffin. Others, however, view it as can be found anywhere. Wel-
offering a linear point system to lumbia University, it was con- Submissions become prop- a reunion with some of their come back to a new year at
human behavior. cluded that 10% of Americans erty of The Griffin and are favorite vacation friends. While Chestnut Hill.
Although it is blatantly (27 million) were using antide- subject to editing for style, these views may be different,
stressed that a physician is pressants in 2005. Studies had clarity and space concerns. what we see shares a common-
The Griffin 7

JILL SANGER United States directs the de- First, it is important to know
‘11 fense with a 57% saving per- that the name Philadelphia
_________ centage. The remainder of the Union was chosen to represent
With World Cup hysteria team is rounded out by players the union of the 13 colonies,
fading, more attention can be ranging from 19 to 31 years of of which Philadelphia was the
paid to soccer teams closer to age from all over the world, first capital. The colonies are
home. A nearby Chester Coun- including: Congo, Venezuela, also the inspiration for 13 stars

Union soccer comes to Philly

Greg Carroccio/Sideline Photos

ty field boasts the Philadelphia Brazil, Colombia, Finland, Ar- at the bottom of the crest. play soccer. So, if you share Remaining Home Games
Union, a newly formed Men’s gentina, and, of course, the The rattlesnake was derived the same passion and want to
At PPL Park
Major League Soccer team rep- United States. With unity, from Benjamin Franklin’s po- support the continued growth
resenting the historical city of these players bring trademark litical cartoons during the Rev- of soccer in the United States,
Philadelphia. Completing their moves from their native coun- olutionary War, representing take a ride on 476 to PPL Park 25 Sept.
inaugural game with a loss in tries to compile the feisty Phil- the danger of disunity. Navy in Chester for an impressive Union vs. Chivas USA
March 2010, the Union is now adelphia Union. blue and gold were pulled view along the water and a 4 p.m.
making steady strides in the Draped in blue and gold and from the uniforms of soldiers soccer spirit on par with that
2 Oct.
climax of their season with a showcasing a snake on their of the Continental Army and found in Europe. With the sea-
6-6-13 record. chest, the players represent light blue represents the civic son winding down and tickets Union vs. Houston Dynamo
French native Sebastien Le much more than what’s seen flag of Philadelphia. Lastly, starting at $25, it’s an afford- 4 p.m.
Toux leads the offense for the to the eye. Many hours of his- the logo is drawn together by a able warm-weather getaway. 7 Oct.
Union with nine goals and nine torical research were applied to circle, signifying unity. Union vs. Los Angeles Gal-
assists on the season, while each color chosen and design The team came together out
goalkeeper Chris Seitz of the contained in the Union’s logo. of one common passion: to
8 p.m.

Global Impact of Athletes

16 Oct.
Union vs. NY Red Bulls
6 p.m.
HANNAH CAMPBELL Cup. After a disappointing 2006 low the team to advance, but it for his country is Jamaican- the Right Honorable Usain
‘11 World Cup, it was hard to en- was the first time since the 1930 born sprinter Usain Bolt. Bolt Bolt), a highway named in his
____________ vision the American team pro- World Cup that the U.S finished became instantly famous after honor, a 400-meter stadium
The definition of an athlete, gressing anywhere beyond the at the top of their group. For setting new world records in the with a track exactly replicating
according to the Merriam- first round of competition; the just a moment, Landon Dono- 100 and 200-meter finals in the one in Berlin in his name, and a
Webster dictionary, is “a person world remained uninterested van was the American hero. 2008 Beijing Olympics, making twelve-foot chunk of the Berlin
who is trained or skilled in ex- in the American team as much The day Donovan scored, it him the first sprinter to hold wall.
ercises, sports, or games requir- as Americans themselves did. became less about soccer and 100 and 200-meter world re- Governing Mayor of Berlin,
ing physical strength, agility, or Soccer is described as “the one more about uniting a nation cords simultaneously since the Klaus Wowereit, who presented
stamina.” But athletes like Jim sport Americans aren’t cultur- behind a team. Not only were introduction of electronic tim- Bolt with his piece of the Berlin
Thorpe, Babe Ruth, and more ally equipped in dominating.” Americans filled with pride for ing. He proceeded to break his wall, is quoted saying, “one can
recently Tiger Woods and Ser- However, that never deterred a sport once barely acknowl- own 200-meter world record in tear down walls that had been
ena Williams, challenge this Donovan: with his teammates edged, but they realized the the 2009 Berlin World Champi- considered as insurmountable.”
definition. The mystery of our by his side, the world was soon world was watching (and they onships by .11 seconds. Beyond Usain Bolt and Landon Dono-
present decade is what to call paying attention. were putting on quite a great all the numbers and technicali- van have done just that: they
the few who go above and be- On June 23, in the 91st min- display). Most everyone has ties, Usain Bolt’s apparent ef- are internationally recognized,
yond. ‘Athlete’ seems too insuf- ute of the American team’s fi- now come to realize the spirit fortlessness is a spectacle to respected, and admired, chal-
ficient a word. Instead, let their nal group game of the World that lies within American ath- watch. lenging a textbook definition of
titles be Landon Donovan and Cup, Landon Donovan scored letes, one that seems to course Since breaking these world re- “athlete.”
Usain Bolt. a game-changing goal against through Landon Donovan’s cords, Bolt has received numer-
Landon Donovan recently Algeria and secured the USA’s veins, making him the perfect ous endorsements, an Order of
concluded a courageous perfor- place in the round of sixteen. representative for his country. Distinction from the Jamaican
mance in the 2010 FIFA World Not only did Donovan’s goal al- Equally a great representative government (he is now called

Upcoming home game calendar

16 Sept. vs. University of the Sciences 4 p.m. 28 Sept. Men’s & Women’s Cross Country
Men’s Soccer 24 Sept. Women’s Soccer Belmont Classic
vs. Goldey-Beacom College Women’s Tennis vs. Holy Family University Belmont Plateau, Fairmount Park
Plymouth Whitemarsh 6:30 p.m. vs. Post University 4 p.m. Soccer Field 4 p.m. 11 a.m.
17 Sept. 25 Sept. 29 Sept.
4 Oct.
Men’s Tennis Women’s Tennis Men’s Soccer
vs. Merrimack College 3 p.m. vs. St. Thomas Aquinas College Women’s Soccer
vs. Concordia University 1 p.m.
18 Sept. Men’s & Women’s Cross Country Plymouth Whitemarsh 6:30 p.m. vs. Lincoln University
Women’s Soccer Philadelphia Metro Invitational Women’s Volleyball Plymouth Whitemarsh 5 p.m.
vs. Concordia College Belmont Plateau, Fairmount Park vs. University of the Sciences 7 p.m. Men’s Soccer
Soccer Field 1 p.m. 12 p.m. 30 Sept. vs. Lincoln University
Men’s Soccer Women’s Soccer Women’s Volleyball Plymouth Whitemarsh 7 p.m.
vs. Concordia College vs. Post University vs. Wilmington University 7 p.m.
6 Oct.
Soccer Field 3 p.m. Soccer Field 1 p.m. 1 Oct.
Women’s Volleyball
20 Sept. Men’s Soccer Men’s Tennis
Men’s Tennis vs. Post University vs. Philadelphia University 3 p.m. vs. Lincoln University 7 p.m.
vs. LeMoyne College 2 p.m. Soccer Field 3 p.m. 2 Oct.
23 Sept. Women’s Volleyball Women’s Tennis For more information, visit:
Men’s Tennis vs. Bloomfield College 12 p.m. vs. West Chester University 12 p.m.
8 The Griffin
Current record:
Men’s Tennis: 1-0
Women’s Tennis: 1-2
Men’s Soccer: 3-1
Women’s Soccer: 2-1-1
Men’s Cross Country: 0-0
Women’s Cross County: 0-0
Women’s Volleyball: 0-6
*as of 9/12/2010

Jess Veazey, ‘13 Jess Veazey, ‘13

(Left) Mike Pugliese, #13, prepares a tackle for the ball on University of the District of Columbia (UDC) player #11. (Right) Darius Gbunblee, #22,
prepares for a penalty on the UDC goal.

CHC defeats UDC in impressive overtime win goalie, Kyle Heatherington, early in the game.
ASHLEY MCGRAIL Only three minutes later (58:20), the Griffins
‘14 Out of CHC’s 22 shots on goal, the majority were scored again as a goal by Carl Essenthier, on a play
_________________ attempted in the first half, while UDC’s 22 shots were set up by midfielder Mark Pugliese, went searing by
It was an overtime goal by Carl Essenthier, af- mostly attempted in the second. After more impres- Heatherington.
ter an exhilarating back-and-forth game between the sive work from the defensive, and very impressive CHC was in the lead 2-1. The Firebirds came
Griffins and the University of the District of Colum- stops and blocks from sophomore goalie Goldstein, back quickly with goals by forward Kane Moar and
bia (UDC) Firebirds, that had fans jumping out of the score remained 1-0 at half-time. an impressive 20-yard free-kick by midfielder Tansu
their seats cheering with their team to celebrate the While the team rested and cooled off during half- Korkmaz. Midfielder Chris Moore brought put the
Griffins’ win. On Thursday, September 9, the men’s time, students who attended were given free pizza for team back in the lead with a rebound goal three min-
soccer team took the field determined to win. supporting their team while they waited for the boys utes before ovetime.
Despite the drop in temperature, which left many to take the field again, hoping for a comeback. Both In the end, with 40 seconds remaining, forward
fans draped in blankets and sweatshirts, and trailing teams fought hard in the second half, which led to Ryan Lannutti put Essenthier in the perfect position
1-0 in the first half after a goal by Mario Benegas slid tension between the teams and a quite few fouls. to score against Heatherington, and he did just that.
by Griffin goalie Michael Goldstein, spirit remained At 55:55, senior defense player Maurice Blanton The crowd went wild, the Griffins patted each other
high. However, a lack of defense wasn’t to blame. De- scored on a penalty kick, tying the game at 1-1 and on their backs in triumph, and CHC was victorious.
fense went to work early, allowing few chances for had fans standing, clapping, and screaming in appre- The Griffins are now (2-1-0), and they aren’t slowing
UDC to score; the team pressured their opponent’s ciation. down.

A look back at the unforgettable 2010 FIFA World Cup one- and two-goal deficits what it’s all about.
judging from a fan’s perspec-
KYLE BACHMAN membering.
tive, was when Uruguay’s Luis wasn’t something fans were used There’s nothing better than
‘14 The atmosphere was elec-
Suarez blocked a sure goal with to or wanted to see, but the way having everyone forget about
______________ tric, the goals were incredible,
his hand at the goal line against in which it happened was truly their daily problems, put aside
One goal can change not the referee’s calls were ques-
Ghana in the quarterfinals. This exhilarating. Donovan’s extra their differences and just agree
just a nation, but the world in tionable at times, but the end
moment in itself was unex- time goal against Algeria was on something simple as putting
the FIFA World Cup. The one result was a tournament full of
pected in the 121st minute of one of the greatest moments in a ball in the back of a net. And
goal scored by Spain’s Andres memories that no soccer fan
the game and clearly a penalty. U.S. men’s soccer history. It put even if it was just for a couple
Iniesta gave his team a 1-0 win will soon forget. This tourna-
Ghana’s Asamoah Gyan was al- the U.S. through to the second weeks, this simple game of soc-
and their first ever World Cup ment had everything to offer
ready 2-for-2 in penalty shots in round and gave a nation some- cer showed us that there is hope
title, changing the lives for fans for all of the countries, and
the tournament and was picked thing to cheer about and come for all of us in life, as individu-
many fans and players alike. more.
to take the shot that would put together for, which is really als and as a country.
The fans had waited so For the United States, pos-
his country into the semifinals.
long to be able to run through sibly the most memorable goal
However, Gyan banged his
streets with nothing on their of the tournament was when
shot off the crossbar and gave
minds but simply celebrating Landon Donovan’s goal in extra
Uruguay new life and hope.
the victory. It changed the life time gave the U.S. a 1-0 victory
Uruguay eventually won the
of a coach who had worked so over Algeria and helped them
hard to compile a team worthy advance to the second round. game in penalty kicks, but the
real story of the game was the
of winning the Cup, while not Another goal to remember
moments leading up to the re-
allowing that team to lose their was from Netherland’s Giovan-
focus and fall short after a first ni Van Bronckhorst against
For U.S. soccer fans, this
round loss. Uruguay in the semifinals of the
was probably the most exciting
The 2010 World Cup finale tournament. He took one touch
group of games they have ever
between Spain and the Nether- toward the goal and made a
had the pleasure of watching.
lands dramatically ended with a shot from 30 yards out that was
Obviously it didn’t end the way
116th minute goal decided by on a rope leading to the upper
the fans wanted, but there was After nearly a month of gameplay Spain was victorious in
Spain’s Iniesta for the win in ex- post just past the outstretched
plenty to be proud of and dis- winning in the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. This trium-
tra time. But there were plenty arms of the Uruguay keeper.
appointed at along the way. phant feat marks Spain’s first World Cup win since the start
of exciting moments along the The most unforgettable
Having to battle back from of the tournament in 1930.
way that are definitely worth re- moment of the tournament,

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