Integrating Ecology Into Biotechnology

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Integrating ecology into biotechnology

Katherine D McMahon1, Hector Garcia Martin2 and Philip Hugenholtz2

New high-throughput culture-independent molecular tools aerodynamics, combustion and electronics translated into
are allowing the scientific community to characterize and more efficient and cheaper automobiles. But first, environ-
understand the microbial communities underpinning mental biotechnologists must survive the indigestion pro-
environmental biotechnology processes in unprecedented duced by a data overload from the new tools, and learn how
ways. By creatively leveraging these new data sources, to best use these data to create a quantitative predictive
microbial ecology has the potential to transition from a purely framework. In this review, we will mainly use wastewater
descriptive to a predictive framework, in which ecological treatment processes to illustrate the use of ecological
principles are integrated and exploited to engineer systems principles in understanding biotechnological processes.
that are biologically optimized for the desired goal. But to
achieve this goal, ecology, engineering and microbiology From tools to principles
curricula need to be changed from the very root to better Many authors before us have remarked on the revolution-
promote interdisciplinarity. ary impact that molecular tools have had on the disciplines
Addresses of microbial ecology and environmental biotechnology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of over the past two decades [2,3,4,5]. As we continue to
Wisconsin-Madison, 1415 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI, USA move beyond the cataloging of 16S rRNA genes and
Microbial Ecology Program, DOE Joint Genome Institute,
2800 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
begin to catalog whole (meta)genomes, (meta)transcrip-
tomes, (meta)proteomes, and ultimately (meta)metabo-
Corresponding author: McMahon, Katherine D lomes [1,6,7], the need to work within a framework
( designed to integrate data at a previously unimaginable
scale is becoming ever greater. We will need to turn to the
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2007, 18:1–6 disciplines of ecology and ecosystem science for guidance.
This review comes from a themed issue on Here we emphasize the need to go beyond descriptive
Environmental biotechnology
Edited by Eliora Z Ron and Phillip Hugenholtz
science and apply theoretical ecology to understand,
model, and manage environmental biotechnology sys-
tems. The basic principles of ecology developed during
a century of study focused on how macroscale organisms
0958-1669/$ – see front matter
# 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. interact with their environment and fellow community
members should be mined by environmental biotechnol-
DOI 10.1016/j.copbio.2007.04.007 ogists for useful conceptual frameworks.

Environmental biotechnology systems tend to be engi-

Introduction neered to select for a few high-performing functional
Ecology is the study of the distribution and abundance of groups that may or may not be represented by a single
organisms and their biotic and abiotic interactions in an coherent phylogenetic group. Examples include nitrifiers
environmental setting. Biotechnological processes often in activated sludge [8], reductive dechlorinators in con-
rely on microbial organisms contained within an engin- taminated groundwater [9] or methanogens in anaerobic
eered environment designed to allow some level of digesters [10]. Engineers and microbial ecologists alike
operator control. All too often, however, such processes have been preoccupied by the search for ‘super bugs’
overlook or ignore the microbial communities that under- capable of carrying out these kinds of crucial processes
pin the process. This has not necessarily been due to a lack quickly, reliably, and predictably. At first glance this
of interest in the underlying communities, but primarily approach seems quite reasonable: enrich for the best
because of a lack of tools with which to dissect and monitor organism available to get the job done for the least cost.
microbial organisms in a cost-effective and timely fashion. However, when addressed within an ecological frame-
To date, efforts to describe microbial communities of work, the objective of designing and operating stable and
biotechnological relevance have been largely descriptive. resilient high-performing systems could be met in strik-
However, a plethora of new high-throughput culture- ingly different ways.
independent molecular tools [1] hold the promise of
turning microbial ecology into a quantitative predictive A disturbing mind-set
science. Once the discipline becomes predictive, it can Perhaps the most widely appreciated concept borrowed
then be used to improve biotechnological processes in a from ecologists by environmental biotechnologists is the
directed manner, in much the same way that advances in proposed relationship between biodiversity and system Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2007, 18:1–6

Please cite this article in press as: McMahon KD, et al., Integrating ecology into biotechnology, Curr Opin Biotechnol (2007), doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2007.04.007

2 Environmental biotechnology

stability [3,5,11]. The latter can be characterized by strategy [23]. Fluctuating performance and community
measures of resistance, resilience, and scale of temporal dynamics were correlated in denitrifying bioreactors, and
variability. Although ecologists still debate whether process instability was induced by altering nitrate loadings
positive correlations between diversity and stability are [24]. Pulsed nutrient dynamics provided to activated
universal (and therefore useful for predictive purposes) sludge organisms generated community functions that
[12–15], much theoretical and experimental work has been were different depending on the pulse regime [25]. Inter-
done to explore the processes that could be generating this estingly, community composition was more distinct across
relationship. The uncoupling of stability in ecosystem systems than could be explained by the different pulse
function and community composition is of particular in- regimes explored, suggesting that stochastic inter-specific
terest as environmental biotechnologists seek to under- interactions played a major role in structuring the bacterial
stand the significance of observed community dynamics in assemblages. This observation hints at the need to consider
the face of stable process performance [5,16]. principles of non-linear dynamics and complexity theory,
particularly in the absence of external abiotic disturbances
One of the most puzzling observations made by ecologists (see also below) [26]. Future challenges include the need
was elegantly articulated by Hutchinson in the classic to determine what type of disturbance regimes will satisfy
‘paradox of the plankton’ [17]. Simply put, why do we our engineering goal of process stability. These may be
observe multiple species with over-lapping niches (i.e. very process specific.
functions) co-existing in an ecosystem, when the principles
of competitive exclusion dictate that they should not? A Community assembly: from pattern to
popular answer to this question points to the influence of process
habitat heterogeneity in both time and space, which is the If our design objectives become directed toward maintain-
foundation of the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis ing maximal diversity and functional redundancy, how
[18]. This conceptual framework integrates observed pat- does this influence our choice of process configuration
terns of community succession and spatial heterogeneity. and mode of operation? We could turn to neutral models
Disturbances occurring at different scales and frequencies such as the Unified Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeo-
create patches (either in space or time) that harbor com- graphy [27] when considering ways to predict and control
munities in varying stages of succession towards a climax. community assembly. This framework, based on the Island
Most ecosystems we observe are not yet at equilibrium, Theory of Biogeography [28], was developed mainly to
which would be characterized by competitive exclusion by explain patterns observed in communities of macroscale
the fittest species. Thus, any community under the influ- organisms such as plants and birds, although it is based on
ence of periodic disturbances acting externally to the general principles applicable even to the microbial world.
system would not be expected to be at equilibrium. Com- It proposes a stochastic model of community assembly that
munity succession was recently linked to the development relies primarily on rates of immigration and extinction, with
of stable process performance in a circulation flush toilet biodiversity being ultimately constrained by the area (or
[19]. Convergent succession appeared to occur in a five- volume) sampled and dispersal limitations. Microbial ecol-
compartment anaerobic migrating blanket reactor per- ogists have only recently attempted to search for and des-
turbed by sulfate [20] and in activated sludge systems cribe such spatial patterns of taxa distribution [29,30].
fed with non-ionic surfactants [21]. However, methodological limitations continue to plague
interpretation of such data [31], as does a lack of infor-
Indeed, environmental biotechnologists must consider the mation about dispersal rates and mechanisms. Different
concept of disturbance from several perspectives. First, microbial taxa appear to be influenced to varying degrees
variability in abiotic system components is unavoidable: for by dispersal limitation. For example, narrowly defined
example, wastewater treatment influents are extremely phylogenetic groups of Candidatus Accumulibacter phos-
heterogeneous in time. If ecosystem function (process phatis, a model polyphosphate-accumulating organism in
performance) is maintained by functional redundancy in activated sludge, appear to be globally dispersed [32,33]
the face of disturbance, then our engineering objective (V Kunin et al., unpublished), while populations of Sulfo-
should be to maximize diversity. An activated sludge lobus, a thermophilic archaeon found in hot springs, showed
system operated to remove surfactants performed better evidence for geographic isolation [34]. Much effort will be
and was more resistant to invasion by competitors when the required to understand and quantify dispersal character-
communities were more diverse [22]. On the other hand, istics for microbial taxa that are important in environmental
engineered disturbances can be used to control community biotechnology systems. Still, neutral community assembly
assembly [5,16]. Methanogenic digesters were found to models are appealing because of their simple architecture
recover more quickly from organic overload conditions and potential for parameterization [35,36].
when their communities had been subjected to previous
perturbations [10]. Competition between acetoclastic Other more deterministic approaches to predicting the
methanogen species with different kinetic characteristics outcome of community assembly weigh more heavily
could be manipulated using a defined digester feeding the importance of interspecific competition and niche

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2007, 18:1–6

Please cite this article in press as: McMahon KD, et al., Integrating ecology into biotechnology, Curr Opin Biotechnol (2007), doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2007.04.007

Integrating ecology into biotechnology McMahon, Martin and Hugenholtz 3

partitioning. Although this framework often seems diame- fluctuations in anaerobic bioreactors. Phage therapy has
trically opposed to the neutral theories of Hubbell [27] and been proposed as a promising biocontrol strategy to
Bell [37], ecologists have recently argued that neutral manage nuisance organisms (e.g. those causing filamen-
patterns of distribution and abundance are merely an tous foaming and bulking) or to improve pathogen inac-
emergent property [38] of more deterministic processes tivation during wastewater treatment [57], although few
that rely on local selection [39,40,41,42–44]. Theoretical studies have explored this application. Clearly, much
ecologists are themselves still working to develop concep- remains to be learned about these important drivers of
tual models to capture the tension between stabilizing prokaryotic community composition in engineered sys-
mechanisms (i.e. niches) and fitness equivalence (neutral- tems. Again, the most promising approach for directly
ity and habitat filtering) that is expected to create observed accessing viral communities is through the use of high-
patterns of community assembly and species-coexistence throughput culture-independent molecular methods [58].
[45–47]. The usefulness of this approach has already been
demonstrated for human gut microbial communities [48]. Describe, explain, predict, control
Principles of non-linear dynamics have also been invoked Ecologists have long used models to try to quantitatively
to explain oscillatory behavior among populations of com- understand ecosystems. The goal of modeling is to inte-
petitors in the absence of disturbance [26,49]. These and grate all available data to distill the main processes that
other related concepts could easily be applied to studies of drive the system. A good model should then be capable of
environmental biotechnology systems designed to observe predicting the behavior of the system to the required
the community dynamics resulting from non-equilibrium resolution. In fact, it is fair to say that if you cannot predict
conditions [50–52], and to make predictions about com- the behavior of the system you do not really understand it.
munity development. Microbial ecologists and environ-
mental biotechnologists will only benefit from becoming The challenge before us is to effectively integrate
and remaining engaged in this effort to further develop community-wide high-resolution molecular data into a
such models. quantitative predictive framework. One promising appr-
oach is flux balance analysis (FBA), a widely used method
An additional layer of complexity: trophic for metabolic modeling of microorganisms [59,60].
food web interactions Although other approaches for modeling cellular pro-
Microbial communities and populations in engineered cesses have been developed [61–66], their use in gen-
systems are also subject to ‘top-down’ control exerted by ome-scale simulations is hampered by the requirement
predators such as viruses (bacteriophage) and protozoan for a large number of parameters and associated compu-
bacteriovores (e.g. ciliates and flagellates). However, few tational complexity. FBA does not require kinetic para-
studies have addressed either type of predator–prey meters for the reactions involved and can be scaled to deal
dynamic. It is noteworthy that models designed to predict with complete genomes. Moreover, FBA has been shown
process performance, such as the series of Activated to provide predictions of growth rates [67], growth of
Sludge Models [53], do not include food-web interactions gene deletion mutants [68,69] and metabolic fluxes [70],
of any kind, despite the wealth of theoretical information compatible with experimental data in a high number of
available from studies of aquatic microbial food webs. In cases for Escherichia coli and other species [71,72].
particular, viral diversity and abundance in environmental
biotechnology systems is expected to exceed that of FBA produces results by finding the set of metabolic
prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. A survey of phage fluxes that maximizes a given goal (typically growth rate
in full-scale wastewater treatment plants and over time [59]) within a set of constraints. The two fundamental
in a laboratory-scale reactor using pulse-field gel electro- constraints are the reaction stoichiometry for the meta-
phoresis revealed unexpected similarities in the viral bolic network inferred from the metabolic reconstruction
populations across plants, and differential patterns of and empirical data on measurable fluxes (e.g. acetate
persistence and variability in the laboratory-scale reactor uptake or growth rate); other constraints, such as gene
[54]. No clear relationship was observed between phage regulation, refine this basic model [73]. Presently,
and bacterial community dynamics in the laboratory- genome-scale FBA has been restricted to single
scale reactor. Similarly, no conclusive link between abun- pure-culture model organisms, such as E. coli. Very
dance of the activated sludge bacterium Microlunatus recently, FBA has been successfully applied to a
phosphovorans and its lytic phage was observed in a simple mutualistic co-culture system comprising a sulfate
laboratory-scale enhanced biological phosphorus removal reducer and methanogen with available genome sequences
system [55]. Phage-like particles were also found to be [74]. Several ecologically relevant characteristics in-
abundant and dynamic in a methanogenic upflow anae- cluding co-culture cell ratios and metabolic fluxes could
robic sludge blanket digester [56]. Prokaryotic commu- be predicted using the approach. This heralds the begin-
nities were not investigated in this study, but the ning of whole genome-based community modeling at the
authors speculate that predator–prey dynamics could molecular level. The next step will be to make use of
explain previously observed community and performance metagenomic datasets in a similar way. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2007, 18:1–6

Please cite this article in press as: McMahon KD, et al., Integrating ecology into biotechnology, Curr Opin Biotechnol (2007), doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2007.04.007

4 Environmental biotechnology

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Please cite this article in press as: McMahon KD, et al., Integrating ecology into biotechnology, Curr Opin Biotechnol (2007), doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2007.04.007

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Please cite this article in press as: McMahon KD, et al., Integrating ecology into biotechnology, Curr Opin Biotechnol (2007), doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2007.04.007

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Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2007, 18:1–6

Please cite this article in press as: McMahon KD, et al., Integrating ecology into biotechnology, Curr Opin Biotechnol (2007), doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2007.04.007

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