March Newsletter 2018

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Back in Turkey

Once Again!
At the recommendation of
one of our team members,
we planned our ministry
time with couples at the
Marma Hotel in beautiful
Maltepe east of Istanbul
nestled among pine trees.
We worked with a total of 9 Volume 8, Issue 2 March 31, 2018
-couples over a 4-week peri-
od. I believe that every cou-
ple that attended received
Testimony of a Worker Couple!
from the Lord to increase
intimacy in their marriage. This couple is from the UK We weren't sure what to expect
By no means do any of us and serving in Turkey. before coming and we were a bit
take credit for that. I tell nervous. But we were delighted to
the attending couples that,
We wanted to write to thank you be partnered with Peter and
"your Marriage Intensive
began when they said yes and your excellent team for loving Marty who made us feel appreci-
for a slot on the calendar, and leading us so well in the Mar- ated, cared for and loved. We also
because our teammates riage Intensive in Istanbul a few- just had a good old time with
begin to pray for our them! They are so fun :) We also
time together that God weeks ago.
feel that the tools we came away
would accomplish what he
wants to accomplish in So often in our lives as overseas with will be useful for us in bring-
their marriage," and He is workers people wish to partner with ing change not only to our mar-
faithful! and support us in the work that we riage, but also massively helpful
Our second week we had a do. We are very thankful for this. in helping the local and expat
very diversified group cul- But our time with the Marriage In- members of our church (married
turally 1-Korean couple, 1- or not) to work through emotional
Brazilian couple, and 1-
tensive was a different kind of
needs, communication barriers
American and Singaporean blessing because we felt the love,
couple that traveled from grace and kindness of people giving and bring God right into the cen-
Malaysia to attend. not to what we do, but to support ter of their relationships (rather
Since my "bride" was not who we are. Of course, this kind of than being sidelined). We are ex-
ready to travel abroad yet, I giving naturally effects all that we cited to share what we have
was blessed to have a do as well. But the love felt, the learned with them.
"Shadow Couple" from
Hong Kong. They were a
grace received and the change that
very warm & relation- takes place is far deeper, less Mark, we were sad not to meet
al couple to have assisting quantifiable perhaps, but far longer
your beautiful wife, but we send
me. They have a desire to lasting in our own lives. Thank you you both
train and share with cou- to all those who gave generously to our love, best wishes and prayers
ples that speak Canton-
ese. My time in Turkey
the heart of missions by paying at- for strength, blessing and many
went by way to quickly. tention to the hearts of those on the 'grace-surprises' as you continue
Our team now travels to
field. to obey God and transform the
Ukraine & Slovenia where lives of many.
they will work with 42-
couples between the 2-
countries. Very best wishes and love to all
the team,
A Brother and Sister in Christ
Page 2

Ministry Prayer Requests

 Pray for the teams going to  Pray for continued training of Answers to Prayer!
Slovenia and Ukraine. Mentor Couples and expan-
 The travel ban to Turkey has been
 Pray for protection of Turkish sion of Haven of Hope Inter- lifted.! Thank you Lord!
churches and pastors because national.
 Duplication by:
of threats and political unrest.  Pray for financial support to Mentor Couples in Turkey and Ro-
 Pray for the economy of Tur- increase as the cost of ex- mania doing intensives with Global
panding the ministry has in- Workers and native couples
key; the tourism industry has
taken a real hit. creased.  Fully trained couples doing Inten-
sives Internationally and stateside.
 Pray for Global Workers to
come to us throughout the  Turkish and Romanian translated
materials are in use.

Mark and Pat’s prayer requests.

Please continue to pray for a church home for us.
That we begin to meet couples in Sun City.
We get back into a rhythm in our daily lives.

Peter & I enjoyed walking around the campus. On the 3rd day, we came upon an Ostrich in
the barnyard area we had previously walked by. We looked forward to seeing "Big Bird each
day, and one day he/she got up close and personal.

It is not every University that has it’s own:

mosque, hotel, high school, grade school,
and barnyard, but Maltepe does!
We now have a Website if you would like to
maybe share with others.
Contributions can be made to:
Haven of Hope
13427 Pond Springs Rd. Austin, TX.
78729 Also for your convenience anyone can go online
Or Online Donations to make a donation.
1. Go to this link http:// 1. Go to this link http://
media-center media-
2. Select Give on Line center
3. Go to drop down box and select 2. Select Give on Line
Haven of Hope.
3. Go to drop down box and select Haven of Hope.
U.S.A. Phone Number!
512/573-8400 Mark


Prayer Partners
& Financial
We would like to ask
you to consider partner-
ing with our work in the
following ways…
Prayer is the most
important thing you can
do to help us. Would you
please contact us via
email to sign up to be-
come a prayer partner of
Haven of Hope.
Financial Support
We continue to give Mar-
riage Intensives to Global
Workers as a gift
(housing, food and the
intensive) both stateside
as well as International-
ly. Please prayerfully
consider supporting Ha-
ven of Hope. Any amount
helps. Thank you!
The Turkish people love beauty and art. In the
hotel you will find lovely art pieces; some of them ancient and some are repro-
ductions but quite beautiful either way.

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