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Finally we would like to thank God courage and determination to complete this work successful Das @ PLS. (Elongation) Shortening of bar; 1.7 Bars with Cross-seatons varying in stops; 1.8 Bars with Continuously Varying Cross-sectons; 1.9 Elongation 1.10 Principle af suner postion; 1.11 Indeterminate Structural Problems. Exercises po ee Se 2, STRESSES IN COMPOSITE SECTION cha 108 Be 2.1 Composite Section: 2.2 Volumetric Strain; 2.3 Elastic constants; 2.4 Temperature stresses including compound bar. Exercises COMPOUND STRESSES .ed plane); 2.3 Sign Convertion; 3.4 Principal stresses and) Je Planes; 3.5 Member subjected to direct stress in one plane 16 Member subjected '0 dit induced by state perpendicular normal (OR Member subjected to general two dimensional Moh’ circle for plane stress; 3.10 Sign conventions for Mohr's circle; 3.11 Mohr's circle when the body Is subjected to two mutually perpendicular stresses of unequal and alke; 3.12 Mohr’ circle For tne body subjected to two mutually perpendicular stresses of unequal and nike: 9.13 Mohr’ citele for a body subjected to cirect stresses in two ¥ounauisip ssons seays ¢1'9 uoessenduerse & sso1ve uot sau 1704S 219 wieoq y ssons seaysfquczvou Jo} uossesdeg :supeq u ssenns Buveayg O19 Moly 6°9 !uoHOes 2 0 fapedeo Suriueo Wwowoyy 9 ‘esmeAina Jo snipes pue WwEWOW eee Supueg ussmog,duusuoneioy £9 “(y\) sxe leaneN e°9 ‘Bupuoq 909-88 SuadVd NOUSANO- NLA Eee] ‘duis ut suoxdunssy $9 upuag atuig Jo hou +9 iGupvon or er ardurs 0 bupve ang 8 "usage seen Bupveg 29 uoRenGond 9 Sop 61d" swag NI SASSSULS BVIHS ONY ONIGNSE “9 ‘sasiorexg 'sp20]}0 sack wevauip 0 pevselens susvaqj0 sed 1ualeup soy sumed walwou! pus pue eoi9} sways g's juswoyy SupUag pue exoLeoUS Peo usanieq dusuonsteN ss uoquennog ufig y's suawow Buipusg pUE S010, s20us B's ‘suoddng pur spe07 weeR jo sad] Z'¢‘voronponut ye sasioexg ous eousuds Yow) Sty yous reavpURsD yong eu SESPOASSL'p tooKa Sowers SuopUIKO oR EL'pfeunssaxd eu 5 (EOHOUCS UI BJO SuOKSLEWIPL seGuELD ZI°y: SNINN109 40 ALTIEVS © OLSV1a GNY SLAVHS HVTNOUID 4O NOISHOL “8. ae UML 1p Si80uNf0 para OF» Yeunton pue ybu29 Herswerg) weeqpaueddns Ads ‘4a uojsuewip w soBu2Ug 5 Sey 6:L powew sAeqnoeW 8° “pouious vosesCetu egnog J. "weEd e JO ‘eunssaie few oj peoelans essay feaupuiKo ULL sp -Uoanpo gy ‘ones pue ado Bupuy 0} spo\gaur uaa 9 !uoNanLoo UBS Sz sent uns pw ‘usuoyejaseunyenno wowou! ut suosdunssy Fz ‘ansn9 UoRoeY Jo} Logenbe renuso¥a EO vonoaye9 0} uoTenbe ynoweaLOINa YO MRED alos SouRyBIsED Sy ‘seas ‘suonoos Buen qin ‘SHe9 aewisud jo ABioUe Weng Ey ‘ASseue gmeag Zp ‘uononpanU) tp Jo spes pue vossayap ‘edojs ussmeq uogeiey ez ‘veuiow Bupueq 422048 0 erp Apq & ui pevois hBvous ‘uzojun 0 pepstqns weeq & jo edojspue uoRosy9q 2: ‘uoHONpORLI LZ Les 9¢b Wv3d 40 NOILO31Jaq “Z 822 - Loz SGOHISW ADUSNA “b sesi910xq ‘Uoqo9s senauo @ ssoN0e UONNqUIE SANE JLOUS S19 ‘uoo9s 1, ® ss0198 UONNUISIP SS0:18 1e0US P1°9 {voNDSs-| UR SSO1DB sasjo1exg, "weisfs sseus reuojsueup omy jesau28 40} oj SauoW 10 ‘S818 Bays ojduss © fq pelueduiosoe suonoaap znapuodied Aveninus CHAPTER 1 1 Introduction. The study of Mechanics of Materials isto prvi various Machines and Load bearing structuces— e and desighing ion tgtweenexteray applied las and their bjt Metical ted Cereal ng ss mtels forthe design of machineries and bjt forthe design of truss, lab, beams, clus engineers need this subject for the design of aircraft. ae 1.2 Properties of Material 1.2.1 Classification of Engineering Materials fied as (i) Metals and Non-Metals such gl jr Alloys such as iron, steel, copper, al ‘The metals may be fu 1 non-ferrous metals are those which will have @ metal other than iron as their main at‘such as copper, aluminium, bras, tin, zinc ete 1.2.2 Choice or Selection of Engineering Materials crt wens wn, ss0n8 Un 7 z SuIeng pus soms0ng adwIs 20% [enuoueWO ut pur suso9 vo sa8ouNt urfto) 20} Aresso2eu 5) yeorew ayn jo Kuadoud sayy. Suauewsad peo| sapun paonpoid jatar 8 Jo Kedosd ayp sy sponser (1) rity (9) wens, ‘sveyayeyy jo ‘quod Suuyjaur pue Ayanronpuos jeu “fusuap ‘adeys ‘azys ‘mojo ‘aatsny ave sjouorous ap yo sopodoad fe JEW JO Sonsodosg JeoIShyg EZ ‘somuodosd yrayleyaou pur quo “eaxsKuyd are syeuoreus ay jo aBesn ayn auusojap Yotyan sonsadond wuesodiu ay, pe} ste 4eu 2400924 (1) Sreueien jo soneuooN = 4 Mechanics of Materials: ‘Simple Stresses and Strains s (wily Hardness 1.3.2 Stress When a body is acted upon by external force or loa, internal resisting force is setup, such be ess hence tes isthe resistance offered by the body to deformation. {o resist inder nce to wear, rat ‘Scratch test isthe ability of a materi different properties such as resis hardness may be classified pressing a loaded diamon make a scratch. 1 Indentation test consists of pressing a body of standard specimen. Example Brin (vil) Strength : i, deformat i) Indentation west le area of cross-section. Thus this internal resisting force per unit area at any section is denoted by 6 (sigma). A loaded member remains in equifibrium tance offered by the member against deformation and applied force are equal FE where F Wess = = where PF’ = Resi ing force. F = Applied force, ‘ofthe applied load. divided by the area of the test specimen is termed as the ullimate strength of the ‘material and is expressed in the unit of stress (ix) Stitiness = rial to resist deformation under stess. The stifTness is measured by F ) = A— E Resist force (F J nanent deformation called creep. This property is considered in 7 >= : 5 Fig. 13 1.3 Stress, strain and Hooke’s Law — 1.3.4 Load : A) Nowial sess. (3, i) Shea sess of Tangential stress Bearing stess () Bending tess () Tw iportant types of stresses, le stress (b) Compressive stress Iki defined as any external force fing on a body. The follo ing four types of loads are or Tors stress along the axis ofthe rod id as shown in Fig 14 ey a Fig. 14 is known as a v o8t128y 7 “g 0} fenbe st uonses 2yp tg 90 S013 papnjouos sw weadep vu sy 2 wosg X= x uono@s ay ut dosop ls SasS05 “J apmUTew o s9%05aysuo1 oF parafgns at 8 yn sun sed ap jt MONT “Sf UH UNOS Se stants Poul g pu Y SeIn{d Om JOpstO> sn0486)9 aut soe ap it MONT Seg pout @ pu (dy = 20 er iiy toe x ) 9014 x . eu sion pe ar puny Auousos an sassans says = busts wy 4 Fama aI sours uonoos si sai sans Susays Jo a 20 + 4 “42310) 03 paddy =, 4 200 jad xX WongOs espIsue0 KON, Andou -f soy yeas ov ausoddo put nba woroeesyriun e sey is ty aoe *, bo 2 so 3010 JP Se Uno! ADEN Sum : evi ae snoys 4 " 4 ©) 61 Tia g 20804 payddy =, 4 201) = Sunstsan ‘aman soa gy re 230) Suns199 5 Y 4 Le (2) 220) “p 20i04 21/5401 2 ou (3) 69) Binso bq © sous (e) 3 et ons Supe PE : sons 200 aie 4 a ssons aysuay (6) Yew. \y sans aussaudueg (q sans unc guuyy Yo : : a9 1 (©) 5346 mt Jo ate sossans jeuwon‘ssané yoHp Jo ssousjeuoU SB UNOU =F aoe ns en - orsej2ipusdied won an ut Suoe sossnsFoypuodsoia9 a pun soos BUN a4) SE TONES SOD Ly ssans anssaduog, zai Su + 88008 JeWHON (W) Z Sag pe seasons was Sinai 0 Som “8 Mechanics of Materials [Now consider the ease shown in Fi Y-¥. ke, the rivets are subjected to do located between the two planes, F plane isequalto 5(s F=F* + P=2F') 1.9, Here shear takes place in two planes X - X and le shear. From the diagrams and the por js concluded that for eq Average sh Fit % Average shearing stess =“ ="= 5+ Fig. 19 (iv) Bearing stress : . ‘Bolts, pins and rivets create stesses in the member they connect along the bearing surface or surface of contact. A localised compressive stress atthe surface of contact between two members of a mac part that are relatively at rest is known as bearing stress or crushing stress. — Fig. 110 sed by a bolt as shown ‘and apposite to the force F exerted by the Consider two plates ca force Fea oblained by dividing 1 force F* by the area of the rectangle representing the projection of the bolt onthe plate section Be came Bearing tess, = “= 77 where 1 = Thickness of plate and d = Diameter of the Strain When a force Jengthis known as Toad acts on a body steain or simply stain, denoted by (epsilon) ore. ° ‘Simple Stresses and Strains 9 siain e = 8 caine = 8 where 8 = Deformation, 1 = Origin is dimensionless and it may be, ({) Tensile stain (i) Compressive su length Volumetric strain (iv) Shear strain (v) Superficial st () Tensite strain A of i fc F The sth iedeted Pie tat "P gubjected t0 a te th of bar extends to AC as “The extension per ile strain Extensionofbar__ AC-AB_BC_ 8 * Tensilestmin © = Srginalengthofbar AB AB” T (i) Compressive strain fer a uniform bar AB of initial "T subjected to a compressive force F. shortening per unit length Fig. 112 < Shortening ofthe bar AB-AC _ BC _ 8 Compressive strain © = Grain length ofbar = AB" AB (ii) Volumetric strain vis defined as change in volume per unit volume. 7 . GA Shear strain Consider Fig. 113 subjected to st faces AB and CD. his deformation is expressed in terms of gular displacement, ng stresses on undergoes deformation "moJ9q passnosip ave yeuereu jo samodond a 28 a 6 sonje uoneBuop9 ap Supp jd aovanjot ona tp wate a2HeRp (Lede poxou ai uowrsods ap uo swed souajaso%n ein wnoure xp Suture fe, Stop ayy uouoods ova juonos 3019 [63 pomnseou a nun uoje300 pu peo, josanyea Zuypuedsaoo iy Buoy pu etiare jo uaa ues & Buypeoy Kjjenpes8 Jo ssisuoo sa) ayy “GALLN) auLyseUs Suxsay pessonqun st auryorU [L190 ySua puepueis¥ wy pouguuo}9p AjuoUtD ase soyzodoud jeouuEoU af, 9015 ply 40} uoneias wjeARS-ssoNg ESL uoneje! ulens-ssang sit ( a \e — aur suowanp 01 12410 T usin st poo uonaanp ayvuy ureas s9quloun vo!suat wo aseo Uy si oat0] =p Hp UF esN0g = 4p dp abis0G = PO ay 1 WE, em roumiet ay T 7 uensyeeey pM SHOISSOG Pu ¢ uaei0q u 30} w yo anqea yy om) 40 1120 ™ kg porowap Ayyensn sia weIst0D et T se unouy 5] ures jeurpmysuo} ayy 0) utes (22010) Jo oF ‘uot st peo} paydde jo wonDextp oy o1sepnoipuadiad ures 2 S211 1DauNp O pagafqns $1 KPoq sninpowy sSun0x 20 Kyonse|g jo sninpoyy= ary 3 1 eng rusysueg = LAS Sang SninpoW s Zunox, 20 aoNseIg Jo snjnpoyy se unoUY st UE|SUOS yUR}suOD S| Uren SuIpuodsoui09 ‘Sy urenso4y ISC}9 EAI Pepro} st UaTPLU RUD TEM SOVES 9 27 8,9}00H SEL q pose voneunoyap p09 04 221s pus adays jeuiBi0 st ¥90q SoUUOD Kpoq a4 “paxoUas st 3390) jewsanY> 24 ST "wonewuo}2p autos o8:epun 1 spud Apoq 2g Kpog e UO S198 2010} [ewinxd UE Wath away ose yet ysedng ‘wens ferousadng (A) © our ous s; 4 se) a ay esi " 8g” imap OT = urens sways Sreuaien j0 so1weKDOR oF 2 Mechanics of Materials Simple Stresses and Strains 7 (@ Proportional limit True stress-str ro 5.2 Stress-strain relation for other materials including non-ferrous metals Lurves for steel having carbon content varying from 0.12% to igh carbon content Hooke's law holds good upto the poi knowns proportion ed as point at §] J Neminst oF convent stress begins to deviate from the ° Cghoanseteeea o.sxc é curve | 1205] é E680 3 10 5 100 OKC Stain seo ' (i Elastic it, A [7 s0gqns Yos “suIeaIs aBAe] Ai2n oxdn uaqeus 9p 1D “Bo sleuoreLs oqwei29 pu sse/d “uo 220009 ‘wos! 109 ae sousrew apg Jo sejdusexg tod pjor6 24 oct Fy (.wu)ny) song — sagan prey loz lows joiz ‘Sreueren 70 s3]0e eR (quiuyyy) sang —__ vod peut ayqeuyop ‘turaj9 aay rou sop if ysnoyn MP 2}quIOpISUOD suqIYD ho) ye ws AE 357 Working stress and factor of safely Mechanics of Materials lower than maxim ress is known as working stress 1um stress to the working stress, For he factor of safety is based on yield stress. Yield = Factor of safety (FOS) = yar material, where the yield poi Factor of safety Fe 1.6 Extension (Elongation) / Shortening of bar ® ‘Consider a bar shown in Fig. 1.22. F Stress o = — where F = Applied force, A = Cross-sectional area 3 SS A —_a re f 20% greater is required be reduced. (VTU, Model Question? Simple Stesses and Strains w ie, 02 = = Ext. Eno? x2x10° ama Applied load F= 125663.7 W = 125.6657 kN Since the rd 1256637100 om = ee dP x10" 4 F =1000 KN =10°N; FOS =2; 6, = 280 MPa = 280 Ni i dedi feo2d 1 | xOubidediameter= © 20 terials have the sme yield pin on 6, = 0, = 260m? = SONI 7 Fos” 2 = d-2ed-2x024=064 F Ee(i-os') uu roses SE = Manone ees 1 Ayeuonsodoag () auwin pecuog = EOPSLET 2 9 sainpoyy sfunox, esiveot sucri= 8 =! 2 aunng sia ¢ 09 Pro fodowd ie ypou $2uN0R puy OL snyapous 2unoy () = wonmos (eo 6¢ 190 29a ‘nal ssonsupyeaaqana (a) lwoneduop aBequ2d.04 (41) smnpoqy sume, (9 ‘ww For = seq yo Bue anes you ‘uuu S10 = N51 090 DEOL apg = eq 349 Jo MIU] IAD tw gf = 284 999530 39]0uNeIG “son wos 9915 pm euo porsapu0d ses 3999 ’ scox sexs 7 MUN ELSES Gao 7 we 2 We HR 2 oy bxonseyo 50 snp0 Tr Yip 7B 7 Mase JOSMREOHN 1 ¥ Le sueng :¥ = o ssang 8 y = wonmes: o ‘Sureng pus sescans dus B=g wun ggg = 7! wm S79 = 10070 0st = 9 NOL S= NA OS= 4! WWM Se =P sueest19 = vay JV eo) (we Ve wos os / bssousaqisstunng eq 49 34130 Kee, oe "3 = pssonsojqssimng 09 foe 1¥ 0¢1 £0 269 woHoy porS.04 Mame 9g = AON OST = sau ore = NIV OcE=9 was op =? — 7 (Go0e Stor ‘nutad 4) 209 sou prs 40g pu -ppuweyp yeu) ow s90¢611 = p aiid joscrouep cing. =" (90-02 a = ont ot Sreveien 10 06 a 2 Mechanics of Materials ‘True breaking stress : Load at ‘Retualevss-seetional area of the bara failure ‘True breaking stress = (iv) Percentage elongation : Total increase ia length 104-80 ercentage elongation = AMINE OIENED 190) 100 = 30% Percent ‘Original length w 7 Exoniple: 1.6 The folowing data refer toa mild sted specimen tested ina laboratory. Diameter of specimen = 25 mm Gauge length of specimen = 200 mm Extension under a load of 20 kN= 0.04 mm ‘Load at yield point = 150 kN Maximum Load =225KN Length of specimen after failure = 275 Neck diameter = 18.25 mm Determine: ‘Young's Modulus (i) Yiotd stress ul (iv) Percentage elongation Percentage reduction in area (si) Safe stress adopting a factor of safety of 2.5 imate stress Soh Young's modulus : Tofind Yo 4074s SOT =203720Niman? =2.0372>10'Nmm! Young's M car i) View stress oat at vied point Yield sess = Original eross- sectional area ofthe Dar 0x10? 2x35? Ena = 305.58 Noun? ‘Simple Stresses and Strains at (i) Ultimate stress: wh Maximum load Mimatestess = Dipl cross nal area of he bar = BRI se 366 Non? 2x25? 7 (x) Prenag elongation ol increasing gg _ 218 Percentage clones ‘Original length 200 218% () Percentage reduction in area : Original cfs area~ Final fs area Percentage reduction in area = ene * 100 Eoxas* -Rxcig2s* =f x 10-4678 Exast 4 (i) Safe stress : Yield stess__ 305: Safe sess = Se = 5S - 122.232 Nm? Factor of safety "35 Load any | 25 [Extension (men) | 0.0125 [0.025] 0.0375 20 | 225 | 25] 275 | 20 0.425 | 0.45. |.173, 225 | 375 = 5 a ia] 2e late fo 0.15% Proof stress. Solu Proportionality stress Po the graph, Lood Vs Extension as shown in Fig. 123 From the graph load atthe proportion 125KN 1251000 7 Limit of proporionatiy = ZI? 0 95.57 Nim? (i) 015% Proot stress %50=0.075 mm wera Je) py a4 Y ve v 4 T wonseg % woRDes, wonseS, wr ta uy uous 5 4 30 nd yee we oF pazofgns uor}D9s Butea Jo Joquia feamonas¥ epIoQ sdoqs uy Buyfuen suonses-sso19 unm Sieg ZL too tapos uopses pas yp 20241 = ¥ SOUL Sa oh = seam yo ssa smy79%6 = pospump ou wuguse= (@-s000 © = coat “2” (@-@ E = ¥ vop2ee-s19 0 801y _P2pawepJ20U puEG sr2WNIP JNO Jo UORDRS moIo4 JO _Ulw9OgT =29MJoUoHEEE S19 JORRAY “uonoes aygenns sa88g uw 09's Sonoqt ww oy npr wus wer sour, seep geese 22m go stump ouaep2 oso Sep oan Sue} 790 SHES] sO} = Por YOST. prsa0} nn pat ouNTOSTO Pe aysandun> ee ue 1690) pos 94 FIqAH PEI ONO Y ST aay voor ston HLEOI= See = 99015 4001 9ST erg (wx vorsuar3— zo 7 “wm vorxost * ¥ Laon Fao ow aunset= S= Seem = ossonsajqussiuuag 201579'97= pro} jooud e san axsno-aip 2 worms ‘Un Vonzesn xt wut SLD Ores: yo.—mp Woy Ybe ay Jo UORIed ou 1 EE EI z ‘Sue pu Sassen ads epee SUED z 24 Mechanics of Materials ‘Simple Stresses and Strains 25 ‘Section ‘Stress Strain ‘Extension ‘Solution Tonal exesion fer 8 = Extesion of steer + Extersion of asa Fi ies Bo he 1 5th ; soto? x80 Exenionofseetter §, « Fine 3 oot mm Fly AE, 2x30? x2x108 2. MRE ‘ 2 Bitenton of beass br 8, = 8-8,=.074-017 -057 mm AL 3 a ee ae ai 8, = 10° x 600 548,482 714 Fo 7 ie, 057 = BAO x60 $8,494 Fk Be Baan, L Youngsmodulsot brass, = 1.005% 10? ite sectons remade of erent marl hen ihc srare prevent fom ueling ey total length ofthe member to decrease 0.3 men. The ¥ Stoel bor 60 mm x 60 mm 430 mm Aron [30 «N | |__ Aluminium bar E = Brass eee 3 | 100 mm x 1009 [|- £00 mm ———=}-— 600 mm —>} Fig. 125 Data: . F=3OKN=30x10N; 8-074; B= 2% 105 Ni 1,=800 mm; 4,=30.m 1, =600 mm 34, =20 mm oreixone _ ay _ o» . uu sero= 2 23 2% yaa uosenom sere O9EX O1xSL Hy . usu ur pasa Joa ea ova ovxrxons . uu yaoo= = BY 2 > pty uy sseasen OO hex OIXS uossaxdwoou 5 por siJ0 9 oan uu p= SOTA 2'Y He yuo) w aseonaa . dor xo00IxS ~ iy uossaduco us pola ay Hed ayaa = wonmes. scr ie wigs a] 7 [as 002 = *v enw o9¢ www ore} |. 003 = ‘v ia esos] 4 oz = ty ly _aiwy 0% 121558430 SpA 30 MMP, POH oI Jo Hp EU9] m SBuNIS MN CPO ore dvs uo pods seman ys gg er UME seq 30 Po pee aL, FaOuIOX, ‘uu 299°¢6¢ = "] vorsed app ave Yiu goeert , 001 4" F=05r = 190 “9 a y [see 001 cae 1 Tosr. | <0105T arco ssvent sneer ont OTx0st (4% —0s¥),01xOsT. = sco “1 wu sep¢ = "puomiod appr aye sowie ~: Py OrKOsT ores . + = Fo uotuod apm ay a ssang . ‘wonsod apppau ag ye sore) = apne aera pe ere ogy i | NA OSL =“) i op P—NOSL 0120) tenbo st smmpout sno, wus $79 94 0 3109 amp Jo woHEBUOFD Yeo) a J WoAOd PPI 249 0 waa ay puy o=Ty “uot 40d appre ay) Jo se}aWEID 249 BUIMLIREP “wNUYN ODT 0} ‘wopod ape ax) 9 S595 247 "NA OST JO PEOL ASH x.o1 PaFALqNS F Lz" Bq WL UMOYS.10q Y TTF ora NABLSOP=NoBLSOF = 12010) ouddy = 28 Mechanics of Materials, Part DE Part DE of the rod is in tension Fly _ 15.10 300 * Terease in len! =00375 mm = -0.1 0.024 + 0.135 + 0.0375 = +0485 mm (Increase in length) 140 kN} 4.40. ——} 4.——| 4.100 mnt 140 kN A 200mm 8 260mm __ © Fig. 129 Solution i) Stresses in each section F_ Mox10? dea” sinsecon AB oy = Ge e= LAORS Nn ~~ i F _ 140x10* - i ae 3 14010? Aco qe }) Total extension of bar ‘Total extension of bar 8 = 8444+ 5y-+ Simple Stresses and Strains 29 Sanilas , Sncclec , Sco:beo E E E 14085 « 200 + 49.515 x 250-4 17.825 220} Tong and 1250 main area. Ifthe beam a vertical {ial rod be F. For the equilibrium of the rigid beam, taking moments about the 4043 = Fx2 P=60kN F Suessinthe section BD 6, = ‘Stress in the section DE 6, = = Maxim ‘Total elongation o ‘Tal elongation ofthe rod 8 [2-2 (=e) tT 1 | uP a »)e yt ( izes 7 C9-P)E 2 = gavq ain jo worsuarxa oy, * rn i! o€? — at — a aC1- PE = qwowy2 4p jo woIsuang cy 7 0y-'p) 2 =p = ypue so8se ay woy x anuesip v ww s0q ap Jo uorno0s-ssouo Jo vas us? a { = 1 )-p=p : a-vex(ahp patopisuoo uo}79s tp e309 a Jo Ja}WEIp 2 99 p 197 “puo Jobo ayy wos} x SouRESIP B18 xP 40g Jo YHBUD|feUaLsa|D UE J9p%sU0D seplag 21 awe jo stu jo ory > §p—'p = 1 un800] 19 1240 sorawEp wt U04 wert & ous} ox xe 2p pu g 99 reuatew ap Jo AfSa Jo soynpous ap 27 ZE"] gut uns Se 7 WIBUA uD seipo agp sraursp v0} Soytun ade pue pueau0 ve ip sare se 369 Suuoden y Uttoz Aingyoune ‘gooz Atmf/oung “to9¢ 3ny ‘.L.A4) 4eq seIno3}9 Bujredey Ajuuoslun Jo sisfjeu Suyadey Ajwaoyun Jo sisAfeur oyp vt paresis 01 pSuo} aun ap 20n0 payeuSoqut 29 pinoys uorssarda jes 404 votssaidxo jpiaua8 ayy seq 2yp yo yiSuay yuauoye ain wos eq ap “oprsuo> 1s "uoN22$ $s019 BuyéseR fjsnonunuaD Ip sH04 405 HONYUO} Suonoes-sso9 BulA1e, AIsnonunuog ym Sieg 8") ° WE = wus QQ =) A109 Jo yiFuI] + Trl * €S6E°E + (10008) -O1 x SoRS = oveex(ese=-05)x2syorxex00%2 Px y YB) = 9 wesw 2+0= ‘v0 "veya = x vou wemvouonesauy=3 amy +42 = yo) “91 ory sal * pl supesouy fwesves=0 = ¥ OL Wee ph ye bly =wouapjowtiem = ap +) 42 Bphy = roms = AP 1 Sr std 2 ¥ ; , a” Ww (wt ela, (er 26.2 2 3Y_ = yy mousy yo wou VAP = PU +a) “21 Py Palobe 849] enews jo worsuenrg Vu + +d) = (P+VUL+A) “91 ?a)t Wry Woy wt iaraeD aes b(t) Eton syns certs | “i uons9s 24) sof39 word Jo wien amnog ge ‘$61 Bl 01 q Woy JorsUeIp BurAseA KuuoytuN 4 40q I9]U09 pos v J9pysu03 coc Ane‘aual os 95 JEUOWOTO yf OAOge SSOUIS “SUONZRS jTe TE aUIES st ssaNs 2ouIg TYBIBM j128 04 anp uonoas Buyedey AjuoUn Jo 4eq Jo uoNeBUOIg Z'6°L 2a mo[9q ssans = voN % Tueng pe sorrang adurs §—— *WURIEH IO SqUeKBONT = aed fo achanies of Materials Simple Stresses and Strains at : ® “Then th deformation of ech sections obtained. The otal deformation ofthe body wil be 48, tog (aay = ual sections. Consider the example Ab te | qa Ande 5 F 5 When ret A&A, A : a 20 KN A= Aver | | | L 0 camer ised fo iting aod of ats oe nd the length ofthe ing 200m Taking wit eight ot stel = T84N wand =?» 10" Nes Cota the wal angation ofthe wire oe Free body diagrams @=10mm;— FETRNIO00N; f=200m=210-mm Y= BUN = 781 Nam Be2310 Ninn Secrow AB Solution: — . x10 “7 vow] Let esz0-t6an: 5 =i « Extensinof wie do tse weigh = ; ° 26 —— : Texto x(2x10°) | _ eawtanioyf secnow 86 A . 16-4= 1240 Exesionof wie de to weigh 1268, =< FL 1000x210" = HO ann Ease section 6D 4 Totlentenion § = 55,2784 1275262205524 mm rt 2oxi0" Tl B= 545,784 74205004 rease=z0nf a, bo gait yrs of super position [VTU, Dec.07/Jan.03] When a number of lsds esting on body the esukng sta, according tthe principle af superposition willbe the algebraic sum of sins cased by individual oud. 1 . 12x10 , 20.10% ‘While using this principle for an elastic body which is subjected to a number of direct forces + at different sections along the length of body, first the free body diagram of individual section is ae dav, Ifthe sections are made of different materials then AAIINIVINANANANANAAAIAAADA 3 ) 103) 16105} 1210, | 20x10, AA EASES b= va wy afueys ee, ey viva] ur afueys jog, * ‘uu p1u0'T == 896E0~ L999 018x008 _ 9 = FY 2°9¢¢) woutes youorenue; onorx anor ay * Pl wu g96¢0= or raxone ‘dorix ,07 x08 '9(c) wowas jo uonsenu9D Oixysxone _ gly osx o1x0s Ty tu 12660 82s Jo uoneSu01g uw 6190=19r0 + SuLvO= 9 +'9= 9309 rx jovoneu0p ag wu styroe oe = ec) newts jovonti Fe E+ vio wots jovonierg axe a wu seer Oo ‘9(@)wowgesyouonezuoig ave oresanse” 9" ay ® 7) wry Y WIN LY TPT = vorxoor ‘o (z) wewas ayy ui ssang_ / & / (ort wok wy UN E656 = Yt (1 wewses agus é yom OP “ ats TRE OOOT arco | — Few 002 —~| xs Niro = lio Orr sr 3 . lororos oso uma mS —| woos uw ooe ° | ww ooe Nx 001 oe N41 001 =002 - o0€ wor nF] oF ios on F6% otroe-aq | 7 fw 001 —) 9 a w | wrcos-oot + 00¢—-] um ee” L--wvooe suis nasa 0 wee Kpo9 24 | aT ot +0z+0s = 0g “21 spuono Zunoe spe 24 onbo.9q snus pss 1B spe nor Bude speoy 39 2 Jo WH weer he mar oor WU OORT war oos | = Nwiot NNoz NA OB. NOs 1007 *e2eH4 LAT ~ ~ ya 99 = 2309 0m Jo donebons oor yp pag sostirs [1 unoys se s2o40) exe oF parofans << ‘Suyaey 409 28039 ETFO ® ‘sujeng pue sossang aus ‘P18 a spseo1 Tunzespto|o jenbo-q smu 2pis 1431 Spuenor Bie spy 30924 yo wn (@ 11 Figur unoys ax susuidas warp jo wesSerp {p04 204 a4, NYOOI=a PIT = ODE = d +000 “2H rage [arse Pus 08 4 Ni 002 wu oz 9 008 Lf ‘(900 wae LAL 849 007 = 3.11404 949 39 woesuyD (eo ay) 2andiuon osty (6) 19° SU wHoHS Se 26g se|MOUP eyo u>KUBOS ua, U sas, DNpDUNAINI9] ‘evaren 0 s2ue Son w & “ Mechanics of Materials 4 ‘oun IVTU, Aug/ 2001) y g — nN —40 kN ay x = eae e = in am Fig. 1.43 (a) ow towards right side must be equal to loads acting towards lf side R404) =P : Reaction R = P—100 The free body diagram of differnt segments ae as shown below 8 | too P10) sowao —_| ; 400 mi FY] 400 man ee ay 7 2000 mm_ {1000 mm| P-AP-100}-80 |1000 mm| [2000 mm | [2000 | oa [22cm __ (2 =100}2000 _ (5-500) Contraction ofthe segment ABS, = 400% E 400x100 _ 250 Extension of segment BC 8, = een & 400xE ~ E Eh a0xi000 _ 100 Extension of segment CD8, = AE A00xE * oral change in length ofthe bar 8 = 8, +845, (sP—300) =z ie, OF = 250 | 100 E jie, SP -300 = 350 Load P= 170kN Sip Stresses and Strains 45 [VTU, Aug/Sep, 2000], OOKN| — 20mm ——Z00KN — 250kN=- 15mmg 25 mmo 100 mm 200 mm 150mm © Fig, 144 (a) ofthe bar, loads acting towards right side must be equal to loads ating towards left side. ie, 3004, = 1004250 Load P, ="50kN ‘The free body diagram of different segments are shown in Las 8 A 8 100 in| an 300-250+50 300-100, | 250-50 mm® T= 100 kN = 200 kid = 200 kN 25mm 200 mom 100mm © D 100300 +280) 15 mmg [+50 KN = 5OKN 150mm Fig. 144 (0) in the segment AB, 0, = Sb = ~~". _ 318.31 Nim (Tensile) san acsepne to, « Hen 20” 7 snp bo Eas 50x10" ast 4 += 282,942 Nimm (Tensile) (oe Bm unoqs 9 swoues ay Jo we: §E9 25 a4, Nase = gpo0T wad oct 09 = 9544 * spray 20g ay young nba 24ps04, 2p ya spren01 Funoe speo] oy nba 9q sna aps spremon rns A weo wST wT qe. QI v| mae OZ 3s Too a 0S Ta OOF a OB sb 30) Cressopou g Jo 2904 1p pu 4 30 ada 269 1s va enue) wu g9L6 = g yifua| ut aSunyD HOE, “et wu gous ~= e9¢c0~ ez980~Ezeco="e—FY='g = g UFuo] U aBuEYD feo, OC x09%,01xS0TH _ Tpipgu _ su gogei9 = EXOD SOTASOTSS © PPB 59 a0 woud prada jo uonesivop SO Coorx oKOsxOr ae @errng sa! 00014 | |» 008 —} woez| fume toes ore! ya] é 03+08 ne Or-0z! © OS 0E-OZT. oz 3 [voy p a Wa Oop” Wa Or 7 ers ae IS _ovxsoix ext, wa ono Waa GT ROG #8 3A Wa Jo wos otxsotx(.oc- ,o1)x2 1xso1x ort wu ezzzo= x ~ OFX oor EX DIF * piegounsonea + wonospaogun o vosmany = 'g gywoulos,o uonesuo (SP equnos a sous sou fo 24 au, NYOEI=05+0€ 40 = a Ja} spars nba fae a oy 8 24 smu 2p WBtspeno! Bune Spey seq om Jo WLS Neg = woumes (0) spt ey 009 si 098 —~j=— an 008 8 lv ig i wo} # Pope a 3 TOF ie lw wu Lc00~ =s10+ gi¥0~ sor So-+0+'g = 9 209 a jo Buoy ws oBuey> yerog, 7 4 .a¥ _&, wwaizo= w= BY = %¢ ap nutes jo vonetuo ve Fe > Paomnusory 1a Oso 7 wu sto = = '9 D9 mows jo voces ooexceru07 i aaa ° tu gor 9 = 01861 = pay noutas jo corxiesie a Srevien jo soueioon 48 Mechanics of Materials ‘Simple Stresses and Strains af A 5B B. c Al 60KN —]84-120+96 60-84 i I120+96 § 400 mn? P60 kN =2ay 800mm [aan 4 1000 mme—— — 1500 mm —=| 8 a c D q toKN 60-844 120) + | 640 é =96 kN ener : ome tS zou | & ous segments 5 O eaxi0 5 sinsegment a3, 0, = 22° «50 nn? Cen Su i, 09 = 1SONImm* (Tensile) 30 kN Stress in segment BC, 6, insegment CD, «, = ‘otal elongation of bar Elongation of segment AB, 8, Co ion of segment BC. 6 Elongation of segment CD, 8, = ‘Tol change in length 8 = 8 4 8,+5, = 07143 ~02143 + 0.6095 = 1.1095 mm (elongation) ‘otal strain in the bar foal stain inthe bare = €,+€,¢€,=SE—: sl “ er EEE wt 130-30+160 = F,-o,40)= aa =1333«10°Censile) sth and uniform section of 500 mis suspended vertically and loaded as \gE = 2% 10° N/mm’, Determine the total elongation ofthe bar neglecting Fig. 147 (a) inthe upward direction body: 60-19 =50kN 60-10-20 30kN 5 ¢ al ; q d 500mm'| «| 509mm) «I 500mm" 5 8 c! Ol 10+20+30=60kN 20+30=50KN 30 kN Fig. 147 (0) longation ofthe bar 5 = Elongation of segment AB + Elongation of segment BC+ E ent CD ten B= Bsn ee BE BE 30500 300%2x10" = 030 +025 +0.15=0.70 mm eras OF ox Te L-St OE inoge swowou Suh, N09 ‘asco =" = ‘| TE solxixe ie most Pep] 4 Ms 4 aig sei loos 3 B la ‘ae= gwen) wows ah jo ase sie ure uieog py 1 1p 1o}SON eq Y>H Ka powszw> peo mp puny 7] BU] wes -(e) 641 St uy unoys se seq 9341 Pors0ddns s NY 9 Jo peo wat r1Z= SSExZ="9 = * (uoNenbs wong s0 8 u worsuay, = Hyg wRuMY w YOISUAA, =“ wow ogre = Oe Ga oDsTFE . $3.2 95¥ = Fy ayn pas ovouevo “ 2 septs = ymos = wmonst=ust= Ye!) kuunorc='a wugsee WsIxonorxi9ee omy, or T="7 gute 7 = ysgug="y . . crea, = “gas ume vonefu0r3 wonsnd per 'ALAd sa amy woneB00r3 (2) (srt ag “ws 15 00 24 30 gq 1 woeBunF CH) san Om) Suyso}q sfounodsa uN oT xz ue = foam paguissang » = “oan wnmunyy wssong slut 7 puE WL ¢ WORDS SSouD 0 wave Jo axym [Pats pur umyoyunye éq 2 pur g ye parzoddas pue Y 9e pafuyy 5 wt 7 wiSu 30 por uw soins om amy apsans ( Pe un aURyY oF WHS, onenbo u Su NS6St = ‘Lamm jou uosuay 0 = ‘ex's sico-se Nave = "1 ns Swlaiqodd Jesnonays aJeUWAa}epUy LL} is ‘Sueng puesessansorduis | Syeveien jo sajueyson oF 7 ics of Materials | Simple Stresses and Strains 53 Solution Since the beam igi, it will not deform and hence the props will deform, Let By, and By, be the Let Fy and Fe the tensions in the bar AD, EB and CF respectively. Geflection of the props BO and CE respectively. Fig 1.50) shows the position ofthe iid beam afer Forequilixium —F,+F,+F. = 50 Taking moments about" 308 = Fyx2e+ Fe Fys2F, = 25 Fig 1.49 (b) shows the n ofthe rigid beam after the application of load . Fa=6F, ‘i * Tdooxixio™ a Oh ‘Taking moments about A considering the bears in equilibrium foe2e! = 25; F,410475 = 50; | id DeamABCSmlongis hinged at and supported by vertical pops BD and CE at B Fig, 150 (a). The beam caries a load of 20 KN ot | kity ofBD and CE are respectively 1x 10! Nima and 210" Ninn Find the load transmited by us a is props. — | 20 1 1 fl ! JA,= 100mm" | || 4,«2000mm? | 1 w 3 °) $ ¢ V Fie. 1504) | Fig. 151 R esr hg se say ‘oq. s9gse8 oH09 pur don au SSANS=Ap 24 Pinos yeyi ose py su9u309 009949 0) paingusgp Syenbo 5 peop Bupwnsse Ny sioqses a euro uy oF ple vw zz ase aeid 4p pe saysem s0n01 —| Ws Teuyx9 pue wu 77 39) aneydaseg Jo suaysts uo sisou suse i ype YES By UY UNoYsSe AU PUP oq seusem sade ppoweyp ws QZ & Aq s490309 Jo DED 1 poxy sape|d 9509 sepndueao8 y esta Ni0si——ay a uy Jo ypea jo eaxe peu $5039 94) J Sampo 9894 Up Paonpuy Sassans op puy O81 “peoyreonsasatp Sasa ae one SY = j eT ue oe | s sv, mpeg Sa = 'o gq onm our sson me oe s sop ocx = Ntoe = 4s - oe Uya've'y vu suome = '¥ * 0 = ax'u-x's- x08 vinoqe tou 29, 5 uopanbo ur Sunmnsng crim tg MUST Ht . TV _ = (2) uonses 0 bay 9849 = Mz) “ L (woneduora) TY = 91 weno 0 80 0 a4 (= 92 ut Bunge re pony asp aeg aug yb 0 cq pit a ouonsad on sous (q) 261 By = 2a 4 woes somes = Sueng pie esses ns SRUORW OSORIO = 56 Mechanics of taterits ‘Simple Stresses and Strains st : c sofehottover washer = £ (9022) = 1883360 UW 5 i E : Aves of es of upper washer = £ (0-20) = A765 g 3 5 8 = 8 A 8 s e Ee Load oneach washer F = 202 = S04N=50.10N E g $ 3) Before tightening the bo 8 = “lp _o the upper washer = 0 ver «Boston the waster < ‘washer = “Area of c/s of lower washer SKN ‘SKN SKN 0000 : = 2200 -s1s0tvem w el ii) After tightening the bolt: Fig. 154 Load onthe upper washer ‘Suess inthe upper washer = “Area of es of upper washer Extension ofthe rope 8 =; = 32002500 55am we : irsionoftherope 8 = A = SOOZIM 27. = BOO 222818 Nin? Deflection of oad = 75 mm (i) Consider Fig. 15406) the lower washer 5 Tension in therope F = $=25N=2500N ee Ne: LA = EN as am ‘Aload of 20 KN is supported by a rope and pulley as shown in Fig. 1.54 (a). = >= Secret ieee ereee «2 Deteontind = 228 «1515 9m ihestresin the rope and deflection ofload. The oad fssupported as shown in Fig. L544 's modulus fr the rope material is 2000 N/ Consider Fig. 1.54 his ease the Toad ion he ope is equal shared between the two ropes but the del he ropeand deflection ofthe load Consider Fig, 154 (@) inthe rope = SKN=S000N F $000 inthe ropes = “=A = Nin ngth of rope = 500+ 1000 = 1500 mm Tens wo mu SLL1= MEP PAN, 4) tun se = aan aye uawpodsyo—Bu1 (9) NAS 92=PooTMRCEHY SS7LZT= M104 PPACEPEOT (y ‘au s}OO=NISTP Peat pun uoHEHT Gx) tu ggg = wounds you] 7 wauisz=woupedeyo smear. (9 -pouegoasan ep Fuonoj oun wxspods pn Sroe209e 2204 Se tig [ ’ | (orxaor osx B Ocxose oreouxe | ne = ae ovxor= PIV PPM TOY wean « gxae gto aston mes 0D 0F= S10F= 0 OL O0T=F8D H0T="Z “amin ao=eaD 0.2"! mn ors t2—H19 OF eT coe —-}—cz 08 to ood voy ——}—— 209}. [El oy | REY > | a9 nny Igorwegiuo LA) do 283 OOT =A PE MRM IEF LAPIS} PGO OOL= AI neeanemoraneera er Aimanornreironespetes PY uw ggg (Gam ooo = ¥="¥='¥ ) 5 002 dosxeee 00s Nooo = 'y‘o+'y'o “or Sata os 60 Mechanics of Materials Determines © Young's modulus Gi) Vield point stress (i) Ukimate stress (iy) Percentage elongation _ Linear sess ol _15%10?%300 Livearstain ©" AB" 552 48 Fast coos vessa, = —_——_Eesdatyieldpoit_ 127.6510? =200046 Nin? ~ Original cross-sectional area ofbat “ma xs i) Ultimate Stress Utinatesvesso, 424.956? () Percentage elongation increase in ength 4_ 375300, Percentage elo = ee reese iene 00 = «100 =255 " Orginal engi <1" pq *100= 25% (6) Percentage reduction in area Ofisinle/sarea-Fnaters area . Percenage eduction nares = CORRS SIS FSCS 109 Sxas -Eaarat aaa = 4 0029598 East a (6) Safe stress ress _ 260036 70M. s0003 nn? yD simple Stresses and Strains Example 1.37 ‘A round bar with stepped portion is subjected to the Forees as shovn in Fig, 1.58 Determine the te of force P,such that net deformation in thebar doesnot exceed 1mm. Eforsteelis200GPaand se earner Cip ci tgen Gamer andsmallen act taperngarare 2d ‘asmmeapeie. {VTC Don ney | 400 mm? 200 mm* | | ep : L_ | Steal Steel } oom —_|_S0omm | T 1 ig 85 ‘Diata: E,=200 GPa= 200% 10" Nim? =2% 108 Nia =70GPa=70 «10° Nmn?=7 x 10'Nimm! = 1mm Sol ium ofthe bar, loads acting towards must be equal tothe Toads acting towards ie, 2P43P = 4P+P SP = SP segments are shown in Fig. 1.56 42400 me" “Pep 2P-P+9p 4P-2P<| Stool >= 2F 4p} Aluminium 4p =2P 600mm 27oong ‘Ay=200 ene? Tyee] Stoel [->3P wiose = g 20104 oos+0s = Oecd “et me green Bp pot enenboog mop pen Son ym seg 29 um apor0g 0 noumes ‘onsaupputndn ax tenbo si nods ayy uoneos 94, a wens . er arty [ro oa oe on _ apt woo | Tos twos x aos 7 B nde | Ugo B 5 (orwerico>9q‘nLAl AYN 1Z= 3.2L 0g JO VONEBUOP TB, ‘onenoqeg 61 Bt eQIXOOXSTE (OLKOOLXSEE | } ax ur a8u049 ++ a9 wou jo uonsens0s + py wae wownseora = 9s ndoayu sBuey ee, ame | Pama] 99° Sigur ncys ox swout - on = "ys'y = 940g "2 Sy'y = ys'g oot WROQST wy spsemor Sue speos 201 enbe aq sn aps YA SprEmoY ZUNE SpEO 09 ap Jo Ng ory TBST MOST om 2m snp pasos worms ng en 97 oct uefa eh orp v (o10z>a'nual ape yspue 4p padopsop suopoeas sip poly NY G9="U PHP N1O8='zspe010yrpofansst stg ur OHESE HOdENs Ow YaOKIEG PEN use 0~ ¢ og ouidosouonresv05 + gyiawar jo uonntuorg =e 49s MQ= gu _ s01%SO1X0001 _,01%S01 x0001 ‘o0cix ,oTxOr penwo) wu E>ITO=g2qj0 HUE UY aBURYD EOL _s91%S010001 (001% ,OTOE 009% 070s HEHE ap wou erty Tuo NAO1—H MODE f— NOL = 0z-05-08 c 3 (muD0977 [*N10e=05-08 NA0s= 01-02-08 + 41410001 |» Infos bo uy 1992 20U0H1 & = 08" +0r+05 = 03 “91 bo. smi Is YB spremo1 Tupoe spe ort NIoL+}-—- Sa —— Noz N08 2 @ v a Steven 70 soqueuDen am Nyoe=o1 +oz—} Uoo0L 9 a a ¥ €9°1 lg ul umo4s a owas ua.ayp Jo weep Kpog 20 94 98 oo Mechanics of Materials “simple Stresses and Strains Ryx150 _(80-R, X50) _ Ry 300 pts, bey aee OoNS tess Baits ing 2 HBS eee 40’ 40" 30! ok ie, M4048, = 10 ~ ReactionatendB,R, = 36KN stepped bar havi density and Young's modulus of elastic (TU, Dec. 2010), nso diameter 1. Dand Disshown in Fig 67. Ifp and: respectively, find the extension of the bar due (iso 1.50, Fig, 167 Consider an elemenal ofthe baras shown in | Fig 68a) tion at distance x from free end on the lower port 1.5 D. [a z ) i - \ 1.5 D, t it tbo {beat a ore (a) Fig. 1.68 [Load acting on this section W, = Weightof the potion below the section = Area Length x Weight density ofthe material = © D? xxxpg Now, conser an elemental section a distance’ from the fee end on the upper portion of bara shown ing. 1.6800) [Lood acting on this section W, = Weight ofthe portion below the section = Eotepe £007 (0~ tbe < = Epipg[t+225(0~ 1)] = © v'pgf2251—12: = Eotpgft+22xe~ 13] -% o*pef225e—125¢] Extension of elemental length = + Extersion of upper part, 1as2u)? -ssia-[fes$) 02 9] = Be fese ase uns +1250] ase oe ops) _9H0el? oat (17 = ag se) is 3 25,48, - 282-8217), pal? (1 17) --Taatexension of ardvetoitsown weigh b=8,+5,= 4982 (H) 2881) “eis ww ssp ogee sy 01 X11 = WYN OT x2="9 {1g u umoys s8uppoy up sepun Jeg 249 Jo uosuanx9 ip puny "1 Paulo Kps81 xe sea. fo 541129 uonod soddo> pur W uosd fois Jo pew 8141 “Fi ut umoys 309 msodwoD ays “2 wry | al OS 08S] 00% af | nee ‘OOF eadop AMIN OL xeT="g “HMLOLxe="F “uu 009 = °v “wu oor = “¥ UDAin pus 294 241 UoN29;.=p 24 OSTe pul “puD 2045 NIE J poy vuoy San soda pur jars paonpoxd Sssaus puns ZT IU UMOYS Se IO fo pure J 21) eas # pouoddns st pue yie Powiot ud sey PIR Kan St CLDSY-RR AULD Nvoe="winror="as my 'spu9 ag padoqes2p Uo!oF2s a puLs NY 09 ="y puE NY O8 ="y SPw potfgns st pue 12:1 iy ur unoys se suoddns Buyppputun omy uoasaq pay st 301 Jo seg paddens YS ac0='saro= {yal sy Syengsty s aten'g ty suey ety sam 38g prt yo ng89m 0/8DN “pad 9 sey foro wretes 9g y seq 2441420) pode ayy ov ap pos a4 UF 53020} 2. 31 ur unos Se s270woIp enbo Jo pus euatews ues Jo spor oauy 4a panes gy se wget ssuy orig > L woos | wwoor” | umoos|uuooy | wmoos Nxo001 —j] oot Ot) o6t one 001g fF} —nxo001 NOI xE=9 pu ay jouorsuaH> Ur umOYS LOH ygEUEA Jo POH YE pasyo vonezu01g Sous 30 rnp 2 nH droning voneBuoj afew ssn omum (ssn FAR CH sHMPOGY FUNDA Cp SSS95s55088 4 fe 61 ut . aust = pone seung Fy N96 = Feeipann aI is 1 (8 = Buss oowossany NSE JPR 91¥ = Supeasinauoseneg 45730001219 © @ 10 — = spouotion join 2 = sawosino wi] sp we SE “ s = moma peas Sumo) a vn woursed uo pone WOM. a 3 ‘SaSIO¥aXa 7 Tang poe FenrenS mS ian jo SOT a 2 Mechanic of Materle || SinpleStreses and Strains 13 : ¢ 9. Avena cof ifm suengihis 1m longandhangs om acelig The aren athe ver end is00 S D ‘mir, Find the area at the upper end when the tie is tocarry a load of 60 KN. The material of the tie weights. ahve qo | [aon #20 |— os un in: 4, = 41-18% 104Ni f= 10000 | some | 300mm ___|__so0mm | 9.000 Pana, ta c= 200 sont sA,=4, i! =A. a Ars Fig 173 located atpoints A,B, Cand D areof height Sim and are supporting rigid ‘Top view Fig. 178 Hint Ft Fy+ hot Fy = 20KN ‘Taking moment about AB AF, +4F, = 20X24 2 Pot Fy a | Taking moment about AD i AR SAF, = 20X16 2 Ft F=8 } Sine the platform sig 8,48, = 848) FytF= Fut hy Equal eight some material andere) | Using these four equations, find Fand F,) Ang: Fy=SkN:F,=3 ENF =5AN; F271 10, Find the force P and the otal extension of the bar shown in Fig 1.75,E=2 x 10°Nimm? Ans: P=50KN:8= 1379 mm $20 30% P 415 6oKN 915 be 80 KN |__a00mm__} Fig, 175 OIxT __orxe, docx"© ~ exo say, ae @ 0 091 x'0 + 0001 x*9z Syo+"ytor * state wyatgety = gq 08 4 sma Ka pats peor] +309 51 £9 pHEYE PEO = EOL, aux ox 1" any OT x= 8g ” wet _ g 8 | L 3 J 3 . S A 3] (8 3B Z i |3 8 Ze |B |3- M108 RYN Tx T= song 40 012 = p21s30) 7 sposaip uy sossanns omy puld 77 Hs wIUMONSSE NY 950 PEO} ¥ eds 3H: (00013018 jouopos-ssos> Jo How spas SSe3q O43 PUE UL 9QD FANE [CUONDDS- S019 Jo pas POIs Y pue (1) suonenbo 30s, euerew s0yeam Jo Snynpow sSuno, 01 jerayew JaBUOHIS ‘puno} 2q wo wmouyun 2 sosmnpou sfunog jones a one s.npoW ope enpoNG tp se uMoU st Foner a wopes aysodiuog uj se8500S 129 ausodu09 jo oy = 7 eq jo Suey = 1 0q30 48407 = 209 u paonp ssang 1 20q ut poonpuyssons 20930 snjopou 5 uno {09 0 snyopou uno, 7209 Jo wonoas-ss029 Jo easy 1409 wons2¥-ion9 jo ey 7309 Kg pareys peor = Ey 120 6 poseys poy = "y eq asodwon ay uo peo pordde jo], = 4 syeusyeu warp Jo da apeus seq aysodwiooe snows 12 Sta " 'y "g vy v geyely ot ° “uopuedapus 409 asodiuo> ay) uo prog ews [EL (1) = (9 or enba st seq yoco ut worssaxciuoa 40 uo 1309 ausodwoo so, jaqow 1U2x2q}p ai, 39 punodiwo> 7 Mechantes of Materials il) Subs ing in equation 20%0754,+ 16a, = S00 Suess induced in stel ba 6, = 16.129 Nim? Subsisting in equa Stress induced in brass bar 0, 121 None? ‘Thecompound bar shown weighing 80N. Fi BAR? BARS 7 00 mn 2x10Nimot | 12% t0°Nimm? | 1 10"Nmm! F=80KN 1 2 3 Fig. 23 Solution: ‘ Total loa = Load on bar 1 + ladon bar 2 + Loudon bar 3 le, Fe FAR, ie, 80000 = oA, +04, +A, Also, 8, = 8,=8, Fl. Bb 2 A "AE ME, AEs = Sh 4 stresses in Composite Section 0,100 93 x1500 _ 9 x2000 2x10 5 1x1 "1x10 ie, 6, = 256, and o,=40, ie, 6, = 046, and 6,= 0250, ‘Substituting in equation () 80,000 = 0, x 600 + 0.46, x 800+ 025 6, « 1000 Stress induced in bar 1,0, = 68376 N/mm? ‘Susess induced in bar2,6, © 04% 68.376 =27.35 Nimm? ‘uress induce in bat 3,6, = 0.25 x 68.376 = 17.094 Nim he ‘A einforced short concrete coluran 250 nin x 250 mmin section s reinforced with 8stel bars. The area ofthe sce barsis 1608.5 mm. The column carriesa load of 270 KN. Ifthe modular ratio‘s 18, a concrete of concrete column isas shown in Fig.24 Ti 7 ee Toul rs etna ae of sel 0d, = 18S : Tat epssecctonal aca ofconee A, = 2sonasn-100ss | g . = cos g Es [|e 2 « Moduarratio GE = 18 ‘Since the column isreinforced, l= (, rod + Load carried by concrete =Tot ie, FytPo= F w GAy+ Ae = 270,000N i) Also. 8, 5, toad Load caried by 180, % 1608.5 + 6, x 608915 = 270000 ‘Stress induced in concrete, = 31Ninm* Teone smr'atal aw og= "a INtore=!gounssy 9g wnUYLIN}E a4 PUE 3°g o2I5U! Pado}a.oPSEHSIAISOMI PULL IZ FLA Se sae4d aso prSts yfnoayp aopiqyf9 ayn pue 309 aun 07 pond st Nx 909 JO Peo TERE ay spc au eects pen coumtujone uy asp spe Poe APArE OS assets ope poe sory po tote 24 pe NY GoPEZ= N98 Y9PLz = E9L'SBL x 998"Se =°¥"'D = 2y 94m J8ddo9 vO POT NY GES'@e = NESESCE = OTHE x ELLE =" "0 ="y pos 21 wo PROT 2369 yo09 5G pouse> peo 21s w paonpurssans un ceL'LL=998'SE x7 = 'D) tix. 998'¢ ="0 99m 300 u paonpuyssang. oo0'0¢ = ELL x70 For FIEX "OT () wowenbo ur Sunmisgns ozs 1x1 ox 1) GA, OE oy 2a SF ogy 2H SB a a aT "g = "9 ony or Nooo0s = "v’o+'¥'0 vor gage 8 dd yey = 29m doo Kq pats peo + pos oes Kq pout pro cohen] = steno Vays nope ERE ao wie OL PIE = Oz x z ‘= pou Joors yo uortaes-ssou9 Jo vay ‘94m pu pos ogy my ssans ones ayy ,01 x T= soddoo 409-3 pu Zw) ,OT XZ 91S 40) eq ype9 Sq po} poor am pur par urssang ( uuyep “usu 9gz 09 ren oY Jo pepe ve oF po}af qa HOM 5369 2 Seu 1eus97x9 Jo 9qny Jadoo Now em doo ayy, wu cz JoYoweYP eUD}UY PLE LHL! OF 120 pasopuo 42a 1H0yp un GZ Jo Pos >9}S V 5 1wons05 oysodI0g Uy SaSONS tu Ze Zep =! ars yo eae [euoHSee-s8499 OL Norlxs = (y-osesr+¥xsi9 ()vonenba ua WIN S9=SPxST= 0 UMN SP="D 4 Es "WNOL XS = NODS =4 HUN SH = ZUM SY= "DBT CH) NWI STZE= S171 = "0p ra UL PaoapU ssang {IWIN ST°Z = "D aRISUOD UE paonpuL Hang = 00'008 = guns xo +onssx"os1 = () vonenbow ans = 29ST yy 23 ogy = 9 oy N00000¢ = *v'0+'y%o vay as gegen tusnjos 24 Aq panoddns pot yoy = ° ° { 9. wuinjoa srasou Kq poue> peor] + pos jos £9 petiies poo, L °4 = 4, poonyutas uno a 20s SW oonLs = docs - sz xosz = vy a _ BHO aE LO NL 0 5 po 20 om jung 810 jp -auosz — ‘ayesbu09 put Joos ut ssanng.(:) roo warwer ‘aLa] “N11 005J0 peo] © odds Seu suyoo xp yey s9p40 m pasMbas ys ,uyNIV sp P92a%0 Jou su BYDUOD amp WE SENS D4 J {S151 ONES ANPONY “> IS uy $s89318 7 pu UU ANS Baue feHO}Is-Ss049 Jo Eq FOIS "uon>dsauwnbs uw 5750 uranjo yasou03 ows 8 6 payzoddns} NOOO Noootor = CY -s082) » +*y xt AMUN ZL = PT = ft INE y 6= "WN OOP = 4 poe wn» WINDS = Ex 81 > 1 0 pos jai w paonpul ssang Srevoren jo saueuzeRD a 80. ‘Mechanics of Materials ‘stresses In Composite Section a1 Data: ; i _ 406793%10 - fess induced inthe steel rod 0, = 4 = SO6783210° _ 195.7 Nim? 4,= $00 mm; + Sires indoced nthe sel ado, = 3 = “OST 4,=70mm; 278 Fy _ 19320710" 7 . ress nduced inthe alminium ube o, = 4 = PEI 56.3 Ni 4,,= 100 mm; ‘Sees induced heh Men Ay = 343617 F = 600kN =6 x 10°N; < y= 210kNlovn =2.1 10° Nia? ee Example: 27 ESD Stat Oe 1 Nien a Aste bolt of 50 rea pases centrally through a copper tube of 1000 man? is 400 mm long and is closed by ighd washers which are fastened by the Solution Fig.26 croc are The whet 40 moog and sey rid masher wich 7 reads on the sec bo dighlened by + of a turn. Find the stress inthe bolt and the Ate feos section of see bar A,= = x 70° = 3848.45 mn? ds on thes ilened by rwheirthe piteh o = 10° Nm’, E,=1 10! Nima, ‘Area oferos-section ofa wnat = (107-15) «369 wt Copper tube} Ss} Loud required to compress the aluminium tbe by 0.15 mm, 8 ee __Fxson » O15 = SB6ir TOT 2 F = 721368N=72,37N 4001» =} loa Fy = 600 = 72137 = 527.863 kN bara lumina be Fig.27 ie, Fut Fy = Fy Solu Hen Fg Fyy = 527.863 KN co ‘When the mus ace ightened the ube willbe compressed ander wl be elongated. Also 8, = 8, forces oad onthe tube must be equal tthe Facts _ Fauclan me NS AS Es > Ay, . o, —_Fis*500_ Fg 500 So Seag45x2K10° ~ 396-117 x07 10" «= 3367, ‘i . = 1000e, 6,=26, | to, Taal etenson oft + Taal compression ofte = Movement of ut nares | ie, 8, + &.=Moverent of nut = 12107 kN File, File 1 win equation ie, fey Flew ina Fs 07 = 527863 Asis Mee 1 = 406.793 kN « Serls Sele ‘Tetl load shared by aluminium tube F, = 121.07-+72.197 = 193.207 KN BT Ee : Tol ad stared by tel od F, = 46793 KN | Boo oe * ax 0" Como. +) awn z=" pos sda 29 upon _uun2="0 poe nope osex75 ~ osxts oy 29H a5 7 = peo ye oss osvoy suuay sega 3s Orn Noos = *v’o+"¥'0 “a1 Nooos = °a+8y nbooansiog por qoeoussang or ad + woos ———4 mst. t Sir bs 2 3 2 e 3 ; SAAT a ANT 2 “aN OL = pu uu’ OL eg = fy 309 wo ps 9 pu pos y>ea ut sans gy pug “M75 pos andes, Suyeuas aq soso ap yup ons x §J0 poo 911369 spua samo} 34) 1 spas oy} oy Past eG-s8019 Y “pede un gy)s pu do oye pany Spx y>eo asp sda yo 24903941 pur f09s Joao spas eana4 sf, err aOR i UWA 04 ="0109 208 2 00 = ‘ocr +" “21 coovet = “Dasy+ "0099 “21 01% 00E | «01002 ‘ospx 0 * 999% @> nu owauaroyy = “g+"g “ot my Jo wowaroyy = qm jo uosssaudwoo e104 + ozt = fosc1~fo vot 01009 = | wy aBUEND mT ‘sue OF J0 PEO aHSH> [eR BO} PPL ANS 5 2}omEIP UN PUP Suo| po PAs pPDS uma 9g =p Sarg = 9 Sam os 7 wer a eq Sr ——— scusmnersosiogpue myserxc=y su orzoore=0F2+ Ot x ¥Z-=49 +4 = sunjon eu j «ui oy = agouioan step OK Sy oy . Fa | 2 ? . A _ aunyon feurBUQ +. . oop = «9 2umonm 2BuEHD 2 ig = “putas aunmuimoy ‘ony XD ajo a Sa a BO gol emMarxre=cexoexoone FA = suman mudi 3 en ea {ee rol=teoee=Deatase © A. = 2MIOA BHO. +3 wrens oxounjon osiy Mw \n_/m \a _« ‘ag aumon wy 280EID & ql) a 4) a(S “E+ 3 UES SE ONEIDA, or cares scone- DeoLxesne9=(2-1) 9 = “Suenaumuma, reas ouemm}o, (1) ee WW 01 X ST =OZ%-01 X SLO Px HOI x SLO ="e SsouNONN 20 yRdop Ut aBUEYD vmmcarsare = “gsmaueyp ursuey, lu 01 X SC'Z= OE KOT XSLO=9% 01% SL'0="9 HEN Ut 2BuEY.) % = orvcest “1 Fe ro0rsc0 = meme: Mr © = wensyeneyoay _10°Nimmi, 503. Dats: 1=600mm; b=50mm; d=50mm F,= L2OKN= 120 x10" N (lensile; F,=F,, = 600 KN = 6% 10° (Comp); 1 E=2x10-Ninm’s = 03 . Solution: Fig. 2.15 shows the block subjected to three mutually perpendicular forees inthe x,y and z diretion respectively gy “| Suess in direction ofy-y,6, = 30x18 25030 * ‘Suress inthe direction of -—2,0, = & 1x0 : s = Fong 7075 Neer -) wy ‘Original volume v = Ibd = 250 x 80 x 30 = 6 x LO" mm? nein, « #5 (*8240) (1.2) \ fe aseasong ies hie «2x09 ox 210 Change in volume 5» = 19.62 mm? Fig, 205 Loci inte direction ofx «x ‘Stress inthe direction of ~ 0 = “ea offs perpendicular othe drectiog of F, 120%10° x50 Load i ‘Areiafe/s pempendic: -=48 Nim? (asi Swressin direction ofy—3.0, = 6x10 i = Geagg 7 Ne? (com) Load in he di Suress inthe direction of --2,, = rcs ofe/s perpengicu 6x10° : = GA = 20 Ni? omp) C oo ¢ xt, Okt Oxo8 ‘2 ¢ onenbs wor ( yore9 = Eo Suams—so0s } CG. 2 c ge IKE, 2 a c O19 cOxGe T “ub aqnns jams ei nyt a7 owe ore, ya CO teeta te 7* toe 9 * to Cc = §3°2-2o uonsomp oy ut ssans, Fo(to>'5) 3M, 2 FH 2 t54¢-6yovonompaa uns ore _y ore o ze sons MN, OL Z="a9 000 a © (dos) N01 x2 = NA O0E= =e) sed (coo Sine ‘A.LAl 36 30 yu] wy Mee; a a.EIOFE ‘Eg = Os S,toseQ PU BAD OOL= ZT “tysuayy9jqenns 0 aunssoadyeusayxausostn jo worpenqdde ayy fa paanand oa “N10 30s FEN oy Pa}FMNE HT 9 osx0s 009 8 © OLX GPT 01 tr 1-01 xE=65+43+'5 = “auens a¢naumjay (esvarzep) wa cor xr = “¢dep ur 2BuRID) wus OL T= = “Quidap o2uE4 os Fer rOlx ce So 8 sOTXZ_ ,01xt 01x zr =(o0- 8H) (erea92p) wu corre = “eum wu got XL = “empin % 4 . ee rOtxzrT ='3 ov @ e OLX tH ~=(0g— sp) SURE y 92 “Mg] Day uomed srynBuein aip jo (22 7 anu ay aptsue> ono su uo ssn a 0902 pe Sy BuO UNS eo ze 2 Zh =ag = Sy tew8ep ys E ‘uonauip 2-2 pur ¢—< oy) ut Bo yenbawreas | Aiur, = ypoyg jo ssouyonyL, | v= ¥d=d9=08 = gv1 assaidwoo pu wogsaupx— xy Zw 1p 2psu09 2 ‘anos ays o aes yas Jo oye aap Apmis of Bupoe axe sosans sate Ou Uo Ut Jes } syd Jo as se unouy 51 (2) 91° lg Ws Uns Sans ates au) 91-2 SW Uno se 1woj295 ye uoWayo Au UL Ssass 3 ates a ays aand or parsefqns nbs yo sans sways Suyouoyeq © moyen s}¥9 1OUUED ‘song avayg Aaeyu: av(1xa¥%« 3) = aydooo Buounjeq yo wow Se Ure gunoypse cee |? BY (LX ay%2)= wR s0.27 x s104 = dno jo newopy sou) HN FaLApSHED suonsanp snnoypuodiod emma snp yp ut 9sassaus or poroafgns paps Jo aqn esopisuor) ore ag : Za 8) 1p) ro 9) te) se}9 Jo snInpoy ueaMIeg LONeIEY ZEZ ay recone { I { | (oooe ‘aeamer ‘ALA y “sooig) aos o say J0 voxssozdiwo> pure wossu9y wvodeyp sey soe 10) jsaund oy pojoofans peuapens vyoup anon oF a 9 a (@orz Big u uvo4s i Bo Bm ay som om Spc sa eg oe PDH mS ay and saonpouds80ys 9}duus Jo -2upjd ur ssans anissaxdaioo ‘soz st weynsay 2M 20UD{ “D = 2 oop = avzp wnugunbasog sais season pu Gg V2019 ls Ao [9002 aeaver ‘ALA) 28OYS ojdwys Jo aje}s pue says AreuELUI\dWOD 1" 6 ojses eusodwog uy s2589"S | sjezajeyj0 S2]UBH DON 6 siresses in Composite Section 101 tan @= 5 6 [As 6 is small tan @ = 6) 1 2 8) (os) » $952 \ = 7 Ap. “26 inthe diagonal BD Poissoa's ratio. of m Wn between Modulus of elasticity and Modulus of rigidity Feb 04, JanJFeb.06, Dec.06/Jan.07, Dec-08(fan.09, June/Fuly 09, June/July 201 Draw DE perpendicular to BD’ Let 9 = Shear strain ‘c= Shear stress, . G= Modulus of rigidity BE=8D) Since the deformation is smal, take DDD E = 43°. DE ee hao~ + Cos45 = Ds ie, DE=DDeos 45 = 75° DD . ion between Young's modulus, Modulus of rigidity and Bulk modulus q. IVTU, June/July 2008} $ 1 e-po Let E = Young’smodulus we wt 6 Stainn the eagona 20 = 2 ‘ Gln yaiuenr guy K = Bulk mod Fg, gp lfromthe square ABCD, BD = Ja® sa? = Va = DAB = VAD a ; BDF ATA a -» AB = BC=CD=DA=a) ‘The relation between Young's modulus and Motus frigid i, =20(14 4) ft. L Do’ _1 bp sky Of Strain in the diagonal = = 2 Bpetorted(" Stninte dagen aD = Fe TS = 3 : ‘Therelationteween Youngs maul and Bulk modlusis, B= (1~2) =f ; F {Lo BIa4 Set XO = DAupBu josmnpoW (sco+tloz = 1x1 *21 (Fete = 2 Sup josmmpoyy () wens yeopm8u07 scm bo HER PN 2 wonmos, AUWALOOL=9 I QST =" 9T= 7 HWY OL T= sau sz=p ages SOUS E(05%02) » Yoga atueyD 09 Dox orxOR 0 {sHWINO1 1990 = 3 SIMU HE erg ae NOE = AEH OIXPO “T OF ait? E+ orx¥0 497 eset eon “49! soIxroxN6 4c wero _ ove 7 . smnporand © = woymes MUN ATX UNL OLXT=aNOTxOR=NAaE=4 fumos=p swwog=qSuuoy=7 mea 0 PUE LOIN OT T "N08 Jo peo 2549) 5] ut 9¢ x uu 9 WonD95-ss0x9 sPjNBUENINS Jo.3eq ¥ ATraKIRT (ose. am got = 49 eumoA wotomD » ve tem SEA¥D «A wt ueoam 0 p(y sonar suneg_b yo se a WET Sa (0502x008). orx yi = “3 ony. = ee ied eo ON AL AOL PS aOT XZ — p01 2-01 «9279449479 = “3 oes surowN|OR (@seatsap) wes 109 = Fgupdop us oBueye) “> . cco= sOU*¥OXZ# odso s1podoyasap 2010) 4p un "12°Z ig Ur Umoys sé 4 umpespdtoy tunwyseas 344° as y ‘959 sin ut aayssaudwoo st . wom oe my \ fo? oo a y sows ansaid =~ =% A y \ mv sat fvt2av) fy 4 Y = (Were) y Go omens y wet Hoof (4) sae y ees ava % 4 }______¥ by = 2a°y Say N Z 2 S ann) = | N 2 i ¥3dd09_ V+ PV Uy N UV; bash ~ ? eas 7 Fea mas Pr ay Fines oa : sod wu alt poe Moy . = ong “1 : WDCWHEAK = fgtu'o BAUS wwe Bap woog ‘ps1 9&4 309 y= Swag sos nv. peop a 8020 uo pono 1 enp AYpayy mente ofa a ns eamiosediun so GTR [ou uosuodxo a puedya oy 2ayj you ae ssaqusaus 4p yIOg 20 ’ (9 pd 1) 214 net 389 24) a pean oq 29 30q 21 Buneay e10}09 ate sfoqurouy om 24 duos ap 127-227 fig ul UNO 1ex2 40}) slaquiaus Ow) Jo Hustsuoo seq 24sodwod ¥ s9pISUID) 7 7 48q punodwos 10 oysoduioo wt sossons sunjeiadwio, z'P'Z (61° “ie wmoys se zaquists stp us paonpul 29 4 a nana cease noc de a sessanis ou ‘aumtesaduio Jot 20 ats 0 anp y2es1U09 10 puedNe 01 aayj St JoqUIOU! BUDA, a ‘wonses eusediuog U)s03600S ‘SreueTeW 70 S21UeUz—R ‘904 108 Mechanics of Materials Solution : Cha © Minimum gap so that there sno temperature stress in temperate r= 45 - 10= 35°C. Freeexpansionoftherail = ail= 12 10-35% (30. 1000) ie, 8 = 126mm (i) Steesfor no allowance for expansion 6, = cHB=(12% 104 (35) 2x 10 =84Non? owanceof7.$ mam ‘Stress for anexpansio e se o, = tat-8p wae BiE wy 2582010" =34 Nim! T 301000 ) Themaxinwum temperature for, iszeen it F 2 I 1s emp | ITALOTC 4167+ 10=S16r°C (9) Ifo, =20 N/mm’ 7 hats the gap? E @, = (oit-5) = are = (oat 5) © ma. 8,x2.10° ie, 20 = 84 20 = 84-30 1000 = 8, = 960m ice, Ithestess developed: maximum temperature is 20 Nin, then the gap is 9.6mm oe a ee Od Example: 2.21 At room temperature the gop between bar A and bar B shown in Fig. 223 0.25 mm. What are the tresses induced in the bars, temperature rise is 35°C. Given, A100; Ay 80mm Es 2410 Niam'; Eye 0Nms O.e1210* per @,=23410¢peCC Ly =400mm; 1,300 me; ee IVT, nets 200 Z A 8 A sc00m comm Fig. 223 ‘stresses in Composite Section 109 Solution = Frec expansion = ct tly = #10 +g hy) = 35 (12% 10% 400 + 23 x 1 Since the fee expansion i restricted by the supports compressive stresses 300] = 0.4085 min setup both in bar A Forea) 0 Fala aly 04400 = 200 Contraction of bar A due to temperature stess 5, = Eqay Ey 2x10 Fol le Oat 9p x300 ction of bar Bdue wo temperature ses y= Beam =e, = age = 300% 1070, Conation of bar B uc to temperate ses 5= Egg = By = eg? 72 Now, 8,48, = 0.4095 025 ie, 200% 105g, + 300% 10° 9, = 0.1595 ie, 200% 10086, + 300% 1055, =0.1595 +, Temperature sre induced in barB, 6=34.674 Nim? (comp) Subs equation (i) Temperature stress induced in bar, =27.739 Nien? (comp) ample : 2.22 T2mm mranimum fmperture ie which wl nt produce streses inthe = 7 bar? Find stresses induced when temperature seis 40°C. Given, & E a= 12 10+ per °C a| is ag = 178x104 per °C ! B22 10°Nima 2 | B= 126 10 Nin a E eAgeds3 5 | B Solution: 7 { Maximums temperature ris which wl ot produce stress Fig. 224 Free expansion = 0,11, + Gp, ie,02 = [12% 10%%3004 175 x 10200] f= 210°C G at WOOO wununungy pais ores 304 fypeo 0) 23469 e409 sodas ag (@) 3 os ey YeUAA De ZF B4NFEADdUD} Ye 991) SSIS He S04 I -9EE AH ypors pue unjuuunyy yo dn apew seq aysodwoo Vy FETT UTE lh = “PE = 4 sunt un ur paonpur ssang LIN 9COEL = H8O'Ex ST =D HF pomp sa sq {Goa ny #99°g ="0 agM Rd sonpur 80g e+e oy » Bg « ocorsrx'o = ssyseix’o “21 vo = "Vo °y=tyum sans stor pus Jaddo9 u poonpur cdo 23) 941 2015 od aes ay) wy a4 dooy of F018 UF pBaNpU 2g 9a Jo uosuede 22124) Ur 20S Jaddo9, os au cov9set = (08-05) = ¥ uw oser9st = (,08-,0.)= = °¥ Oust = 12H aimendway = wonmes mrs rin ns sera amg WROD. ZA ais aay: Wsdao3. INOTxT="y ESOL SLE= 7D 9, 94 01 x zr =°D ‘wun 2.7.64 1 pdon pad Sasson ‘suid snjowerp wu 2 Susn Sy poypoutn aS (09) sayy 650°0¢ =" sq saddoo uy poonpur ssons anesdiuny, ¥800="0,01x9991 +”0sv0%,01 ¥900="0.01%29991 +'0,.01 x051 “#1 ZO-rsc0 = "e+ "9 ON XSL1+008%,01 x21) = st 21 wus r870= 0» (002 « +170) =i fo = vorsuedro a4 , orxet 27 01x79 co9py = sOXEL 2BY = 9 ssonsamersdiay 0 amps sade jo uononn x Fee 1 2np sta Joos jo uonge0y ‘Door moct= SOME. 89. 89 = EF 2%9 ssans amperage 1 ap 1990 seems 735 onsen 9D, o- ‘oseo= 20 = fy'o 94 yay voy ours op 9q 321s guog ut dmos ag sass Pais ur 2aroy ay sasamopt eq seldom pur itoxduioo aouoq sedans ay &q pauyensv09 5 uorsuedyo ong 9.05] 9311 aumesodus9} wow pooMpUT ssaNS CW) Sreueieny jo soneyoon on ne. Mechanics of Materials = 0216 mm up both in steel and = ar = 250% 104, eun-yielding 8,48, = 0216 IST.143 x 105 6, = 0216 8,45, = 0216-01 ie, 250% 10%% 19,4 357.143x 109, =0.116 ©, = 15844 Nim? (Tensile) 6, = 15x 15844 =23.766 8 moa ‘Steel Aluminium: Fig. 2.27 (a) IVTU, JunedJuly 2008, Dec. 2010) stresses induced when temperature rises by 40°e. =2x na and hence the final position Forstatic eq o Fi 1 fl, Fs 2x10 x40x v sean eso <-Eilas ie og 12x10 40-1000) «991083 40% 500 A 2351000 18750500 04 232100 4s]. 45 410%6,-0384 = 046-9.395 «10°, ar 6, = 63.103 Nimm? im bar 6, = 1.875 x 63.103 = 118.318 Nm! eS Example : 2.26 A compound bars made up ofa centel tel plate 50 mm wide and 10 mm thick to which copper plates 50 mm wide and 5 mm thick are connected righly on each side, The length of compound bar at ‘00m temperature is 1000 mm. Ifthe temperature is raised by 100°C, determine the stress in each ne compound bar. Assume E,=200 GPa, E-= 100 GPa 4, IVTU, Dec’ 06 / Jan" 07) ur paonpurssoig omoe=9xFex Yo Hoxte)x¥orxe sans wa soaduion a4, ange = "y,04'v,'02 “> Nono0e = "y+'ye S94 Naa = Sys ety oo euprew waLayp 49 pour speoy ay jo uns ayo enbas369 as (duo) uty 9g = 88> €=,"036q UIU}Ane us PadnpU sams am () voncnbo ut (eysu2n uu gg = '0109 oes vt paonpuyssansaneoduy rae [eave We osyn'dusey eye eAa7 sore Z , s0lxz OPK (O1*21-901 x0) = Tor 3 to~"n) ato" ‘iota nye yo ru] wasn _ 7 “osty foe =o weixto = zepx ti Pu worsuoy ur 2g jm 49 os aou9p AUT =9xb7 = wnMNTyJos9y0Ry amwazep=6xre%2 = “V 12s 10570 Jory 6622 Bug wuss 6 1409 punodusoo ayp Jo UoNDAF-S5019 94 D.0P= 02-09 = asuomenduay asuaanqeaaduiy o1amp sans () Fuormes = "p pur aad or x cr = 05 aN 929401 xe Je pu ors uysassozs jeuy ayy ane yoy seq asodui09 sors £9" y's norxe="gwoug um ee eee ‘yn aura9}9p9.09 £4 pasion Kyquasse 204 a4p Jo aanyesoeusy aM JL "wU QO S192 mMEIDdWO. 1eq punod.wo> Jo ypSu9} a4, "9ps4>e9 uo Spits papouvo> ase Yu wg PuE pL UU Fz JOSIE Ss yoy. oF pI UN 9 pu apuK LF spe UTMUHUIYE esqUDD.e oda aPELUSI Je9 punOdE> Y Tec aN s01Xe odaoa jo ypFu9yu2B0e Fg uin=ieaps swe = SOE 4 Q991 x ec ooo xOF Co='0 1 oF =70 39 soo Ue paonpus ssons ammetadoy sana op'="0s09 98 Us paonpur Ssans aumsaduey, C9='9 “001 01 «ZI~¥0l «8 251 29a) 001 =" aevdwar eye [ano 309 soo vp = ‘y'o te saddoo ut uatsaxdaoo [pos u vosuay 0 bo 30g ‘uoIsso1duo> 30qJaddoo pu vo}sua ut 39 1 309 oO OUD pais ‘asu 2umesodwa1 0 29¢, seta Yaa =. fen 3 vedo weg sss pueda long = 5% 05 x2 =" vse yo uons95-s019 0 PANY { $ af $ t su woaes 1SSAUOD uy Sess0S ANE Zanoorsariors me iseapet eta joan Lee 877 Sig ur unoys se s1209 punodines 249 jo wonses-ss019 24, wanes Seam ON 7 6 Mechanics of Materials ‘Substituting in equation (i ‘Stress induced in steel bar due tothe external load Os =3 x 13.89 =41.67 Nimm* (comp.) :. Total stress induced in steel bara, = 41.67 ~8.8=32.87 Ninn? (comp) “Toa ste induced in aluminium bar, = 13.89 +26.4=40.29 Nim? (comp) Example : 2.28 Ahorizontal rigid bar PQ weighing 100 KN is hung by three vertical rods, each of 500 mm length ‘cross-sectional area as shovtn in Fig. 230 (a). The central rod is steel and the outer the temperature rise s 40°C, estimate the load carried by each rod and how much Given E,= 2 MP Nima jE, = 1108 Nima 50, = 12 x 104 per °C, = 18 Wie ile €| els "EL! “gs sae Eel a | 5) 87] BiG ! . toon ia Level after the temp.tise Fig, 230 si (Load dueto the weight 100N, ies aff = io, 8, = Ei GE" FE 6 yeannes ten Be Eos yetantayead Fath ‘Substituting in equation (i) ‘siresses in Composite Section ww 2Fe+2Fe = 1on000N {Load on copper rod due to external ond F = 2S000NN=25 KN (Ten Subsiuting in equation (i) Load on see od due toexternal load Fj =2%25 = SOKN (Tensile) (i) Load duet temperature rise Due to temperature rise, steel will expand lesser than copper. Hence steel bar willbe in tension snd copper bar will be in compression. Itis shown ia Fig. 2.30(b). For equilibrium, ‘Tal tension in stel bar = Total compression in copper bar ie, = RAR =U inten Also, Final incre of ste bar= Fina increase in length of copper bar ies yl, +8," = aul,-8," (ReferFig.2301 ie, 648," = opt cyt, oR | Fe Bees AeEg 7 HO he 2Fe EE * Topco? * Toomenngr “18*10+- 12% 10%)40 Load on copper bar du totemperaturerise FZ = 1200 = 12 KN (Com) temperature rise FS =2x 12=24 kN Tensile) load cased by steel bar F= 80-424 =74KN 3d carried by exch copper bar F,=25~I2= I3KN iomofbars 50x10" x500 10002107 Extension ofeach bar Ge tothe extent ond 1ODKN, B= 8,'=8, = ge = =01125mm : File, Extension ofeach bar due to temperature rise, = 8," = ols +8," = Olt Ge 1 Total extension ofeach bar = 8'+8"=0.125+03=045mm = 12104500404 y ‘padueyoun aq oy wows sored ayn jo supp ayy Zopunsse ‘asmpesod uD} 249 Buse Joye pureasoyaq ps pu aod uy sos o49 a1)" 09 a, g9s°9 £q N89] Poompa4st agM soddod ap Hun po pty sored jays rp wa yz 64 pu>y>oo ye paso» st3qm 2,0 A OS" puE aoaKIE sp euo}x9 wu gp aqm) ioddooe yo (10a) wrn wz'r6= sor'oL xeLECT = "0p. (ensue) en a(p-'0) Gee) ge os sad jo woysuedx9 e- su 01 arp uoonnuod ~s94d09 0 uorsuEdx2 991 sued [emo sy saudos jo uorsue yemioy sua) oy anp worsuedeg + prs so uotsuedy 2314 o ‘occ ustsix’o orsuedx9 pois {201s uo peo} aisuay, = Jaddoo uo prot axissoudiuod ‘warsts ayryo unqyjnbosog uoysod ‘ues arp ws wroyp dao 0) f2an ut peonpur 2q 1pm ssanis oy[suoy pub 4oddo9 wr paonpul 24 Il ssans aniss21duuoo ‘pals Jo uossuedyo 2ay og) ue a10ur sf Jadoo jo wosstedxo 2045 241 SY st} = "vam aNUSTSL=| anuaseose cpt = "ym atios any DeS81=SI-002 = resuameodu, on wanes arsodiwog uy Sassen tsowerr0>9q ‘ wg oor="a 48, 002 0.$1 wos) pastes anyes>dury Sapna ey Mean Ane otoaat mann ‘su $1.0 pos sadn ess0pu9 Jour ew gy pe soup eusdX9 un sz 0090191 en ugg = “Qounjon uafueyy * oot oor ) AL) SUN OF 0 por>oFanNs 5} 9p HI OL Jo2qND Y weer mao SE Srepaiey 70 sewn oe (vi 0 Takea, =1.2«109/°C [VTUJuneluly 2008) Solution: rea ofsteel rod A, = 2x12? =36mm? Area ofsteeld, = 2x12? =36 Aresofcopperute, = S(s8°—36) <280eam! @ Compressive force in he copper tube = Te ie, RF ie, oA. = 64, ie, 6. 252n 6,36 = 958 ono t04 ©2508, _ 2 Swresin copper ube 9, = E,-€, (e-$) ° 1.05 102.032 10+ =21 336 Nim (comp) 149.352 Te w brim ofthe system “Tensile force in steel rod = Compressive Force in copps ie, FoF, OA, = oA, ie, 0,x36n = 0, x2522 9, = 10, Firal expansion of steel = Final expansion of copper = a,4 -8, = atl a stresses in Composite Section ra Length of copper tubel, = 280m =2508 mm steel rol, =2500+2%24= 2548mm Ta.XI5H8 | 9,*2500 oe an sa toD5is Bixto® * Losxio® ~ (-75*1O7%2500- 12. 10x2548)60 + Sress induce in copper temperature rise 0, =7.27 Nima(Comp) rod de to temperature ise, =74,=7%7.27 = $0.89 Nim (Te ‘Taal stress induced in the copper tube due to tightening the nuts and temperature rise 21.336+727=28.606N/mm* (Comp) ‘Total stress induced inthe steel rod dve to tightening the nus and temperature rise = 149,352+50.89 =200.249 Ni ) Exampl an wide and 10 mm thick to which copper plats, 10 DX a tyetg cor pro pad no. = gn seg A to poy + 29m [91 9 pus poo utc = (orto) =*¥>9m sn 30 vont Joey - Pas : 220011 = (001 coat) ="¥29m 121 Jo woes S019 onary ‘9qm yore éq pauses peo () irounney‘A.LA} ‘seam jo rau9y| Seon Fans i ewsoyur wd 1 Jo9qmSSe44 3p! POI jews wr | 29M f>ISJos9sIdwIO9 voHDASar}sodwHED Y RTP aM (409) ww 58 = O11 x0L 01X21 = 379% Basu2;mee:dusN OF np PoE ap USSaNg °* 2. av poe DL vor: po = FH vay i» a 170 = 9 pasa jo Suwan0ys pausasves saa|Suion 5 wosuedss 294 9g SY : mp = voisuedyo 34 os DelVOLXTI=D AMIN OTXT=7{D.0L=7 tun OZ=p Su 9997=mz=) saa De fe01xT1=0 lorozounpiseyy ‘nad ule: WW/N 1 x 1 = 3 46, “PoUTEnSuOD spud y= s0lxo0e_ 2 (enssandwoa) 01 x2 SE =" soy uomodurueng rar) 01000 (oussanduog) 01 x9 = =" 3g vomoduy wens (ons 12D) WWU/N OFZ= ZI xZ= "0'DYuORNOd u paonpu sans (oxssadaog) swag 21 = “> ‘9g uomed ut oonpuy song #S0= 9:01 xST HOEK. O1xST "St 150 = “ocOlxs1+"9,01xST “91 ssp = "9+ “osty eat ‘wonseg ai/S0dU0D uy s0sseS Dolxel = *eQ1xST = = "(Enea vereda1 012m 9 4090 uoRDE: OD rm - = "ore > = 00rx%0 “at ay 1 98 36qu 2030) ansseuduses = 3309 us 2010) ss9xdWI ‘worsés 2 jo wnpqunbaso. ‘Da PH DY 1 yRog da 2529 IPM sans aAsaAdwOD aso} 2 ka Por wa 9S0=5L201% I (ODE +008) = FOC Te) = My'04" "0 = wosuedrozeng suede 3 wopmes. wee gy 090g pt ---- 4 v loreeneo>a‘nal iu 08 F813 Pu OOF st DV JO UoNDS-ss09 Jo EDLY YS 30} D/O xTI=D PUREED WEI 24D $444 poses s aamesaduay ays pe aumesodsay woos ye odds pats) qiog yeep Nos ¥-ZETHY ML UMo4S 09 2154130 AD pue DY UpDIod Uwe} pe ss4135 yo Son MN EINE weer Ot tums} = Ss canr cog xg01ezi = 91 = SEE +001 KO8 SO «21 “g~''0='¢+'n'0=.09 punodwoo jo ua 0100 (Gio) sc o¢=02 x1 ='995444 24403. poonpurssang (one way oe ="0 2 ou psonpurssang ort | ,otxz aa) Seren 7 sce, wa 086.01% 21-501 xu) 124 Bit of ror ‘stresses in Composite Section 125 Stresses in Composite Section _______§ a inane 2237 Aste odof20mmdaneterpasescentralythroughacoppe abet 30 om irs Smace The lube enced ot achend by Hig patra ehh chess seed tay onthe prajetng part of there be temperatures raed 8 50°C Cae fests | _Fas00 aettcagedt te copper andéted enters Take Tose an copper as 200 GPaand 100 100m 2x10! 1600nx1x10" respectively. Coefficient of expansion for steel and copper are 12 10+/*C and 18 x 10° C respectively ie, F = 146606, IVTU, JunedSuly 2010) ie, Fy+F, = SOON Solution : be F, = 20.7kN be F, = 2973kN Terperatue rise 1 = 50°C rea ofeross-sction of copper tube A, =| Areaofi copper tbe, = 7 Changein length of tubes ange in length of stce tube, = “= Changeintenghof steel bed, = ‘Compressive load onthe copper = Tensile load on steel iesF =F, e le, GA, = OA, inlengthof brass ube, = 0.645mm (5, =5,) 007 ©, = 2250, a Sse ie, 0,x225% = @) Example : 2.36 4 expansion of copper tube Etat oo and K cannot beve 1m 20 = (18104-12100 ( ie, Pe 1 _ Siress induced in copper tube= {4.2 Nim (Comp) ies 52h induced in steel rod o,=2.25 x 14.12 =31.77 Nin? Tensile) Ssitesineid eae sti aps jews pin psos ‘Thus the value of Poissons atop ore be greater than 05. s gee Ma anugzam'y'suisoo~'e'srov0=''ss600 = og meena osesee amps etvosup ep i pas OAS HQC eaten any ors ug Pons OS sec fd NWS! amosp uy 49 J0 anyon wai ou 29 2INO4S 2109 4 pO 1 SPE 2 ploy em aEuryD >) PUY Osy*¢= ONEISUOHION pul; Ot Ke og Puton ui aH pu FEZ BLU ums se open} lpg was eI pe en P= pue ww oF x2 9-auinjon us 28v0y9 49 vonseHp-24p 4 3405230 Ind eo pdotgns son wu Of pus apt tks yd (202.2) gs gL9 UY 6-92, SAUINGT 9! we ZT s1zaewerso1y woe 9 as ye co fo, WIN OT XZ = 3 wu OGh =s0q youu] “noun nt jo a sues cgn 3.4 A090) 3944091 orpounoa ‘ofuei pega wr sssns put am pony Sa st ooump wis ge ogg : ceca hogs | \ i , WSO Le, a) ‘ oll stony tina aso nes KAO 2 roca’ pao "0 sess on pangs 5 S£°7 31s U UAOYS UDRs JeeBUEO= 7929 , 2 poe vw 'D pu “ u ROM woe ; NOL we] |e = wwnsar9t="0 II Y es sup sg0¢="0:suy s Zz ‘ {092 SEEN OT 0p} eu>yH wR ,OT xZ="9 UH oDD ty N»008 SHIN 01 1-13 0001 = Vato pu sseiqpodofnap oes am pad aty goo, wos Toes aysodog wy Faas ‘Sener jo SRR = a 8 Mechanics of Materiats OR Mechanis of taterats 7. rectangular block of 250 mmx [00 mn x 80 mms subjected to exial load an follows. 480k tensile in the iscton ofits length, 1000 kt compressive o the 250 mm x 100mm face and 900 kN tension 250, samx 8 mm face, 0.25. Determine (i strain inthe dieetion of each face \Changein volume. Ans :€ 52.9915 x0";,-2 10-4;€ =~33125« 104,608 10°Nimm Ke 3333 10'N/mm;8,=325 an? room | 80mm ee 480kN 250mm 900kN Fig. 237 onnected by a steel bar CE anda by is raised by 40° C find the -BDasshown in Fig. 2.38, nduced in stel and copper Fig. 238 ‘Ans :0,=35507 Nima ensile) 9,=41322Nenm' a Seal Carper unt Dae 2 10'Nin? 1x10°Nimn? 12x 10 pec 18% 10" per°C 3.2 Methods for determining stresses on oblique section (ie., Inclined piane) ‘oblique section are determined by the following methods. I method Gi) Graphical method ‘The following three types of stressed con: ions in an element are considered. at an angle 8 t0 the ki plane. 3.3 Sign Convention Compressive stress is considered a negative. = ncle @ is considered postive when itis inthe anticlockwise direction ) ) 4: Z / ) / d i ) ] } } } \ ) ) ] } 9g Seu pg aunyd vo 8 57 aunjd ap wo ty pamnseou Suiog gaiguy ‘Ze S14 u Umoys sv gg eum few Jopisuoa MON SSON5 seays OU Sta 2-9 08.4 = "y 2000 jonuoduey 5 98094 = "7 90205 HIN “Dy suey om oy onuasvn Bun>e y 2005, ‘ba aur ay 01 jeu eety yueBuey, (1) ety ash03 jeON, (1) a 5 asco v TOU pue saquiour ap yo sree ay, 5 € Sug ut unoys Se poinquisip ‘axey ogous ayp jo sued ay 0 aos raed Sy 2030p paydde aj T hea 1x Og =1% 97 = 122 2 1 c09 213.99 = 917 ons S019 Jo van yo vany pi pu ssouis jo ¥ _ g7s/2yo0ay = Dug auryd uo ssaingA V= 14g = 1g vonses sso19 Jo waxy 1 seynoypudrad s) wonsos-ss019 jovay = ¥ mg ound sapisu0.) oe 2105 ISU TERY = 4 IT zeny '€ “i w unoys se peo} ajsuon yerxeyun oy parselQns ssouyoqp un yn eave eoonos-soro wuoyun yo OEY Joauoul sejaaueioae spiseeo Ter ‘essang punoduod [ssans g ‘auejd auo uo ssayjs yoouIp 0} payoalqns seqUIOW “onez sy ssans jediound pany 24p “wishs ssanis [euojsuawrp ons320 ssons suede uy ssans pedyound sounw 2p page9 st =u teh seas ou sap ave aroyr “warshs $82 sous podsouud Se UnOUY St UN uuou fjuo Yaiys uo sounyd ap ase sa lid pue sassauys [ed So aeays 0:02 ym oe HM S055 Soueig aid ted Jwaiaj9 in Jo vor i04 asymy}20)9 2ompaud oF spu nedou pur raw otp Jo woreios asin} 28a1UND 2anpoud OF SUDA UO 248 ‘osuo1 UL rey sans se9ys oAneBon ssons sways onnsog eneh 00} aoey-t L-¢ ta) ‘sanezau se pavean st aydno> m9 pue axnisod se petran st 2jdnoo + uo Buyoe saioysrays “91 -SoxB oy} JO UoHDaNP Ianedou ayp U! S198 1 oe ssans 20395 Vn) ‘499 Zuysne> 230 4 anneBou puz annsod paropisuos s} yuowo[> ue Jo 2545 aansod ay wo “Srevoreny 70 soweuson ost 7 sae im Normal force Fy Feos0 — Feos?@ «Noma ses srs the pe 6, 0,= Oma Fi, oslo f ~ aw ofsoe4} ~asb he plane £G,,orr-= - Tmeemtia force ‘Tangential stress (ie. shear stress) across the plane EG, 0, oF P= CF ction BG Fsing Ff =~ sino cos Al cos® A 7 «= -Frsinocoso=-$ sin20 2A 2 1etative sgn indicates that , end to produce clockwise ration ofthe element "Normal stress 6, is maximum when 0 = 0 352 =Gcot0=6 353 ‘Tangential stress 0, or shear stress + is maximum when @ = + 45° “The maximum positive value of, i obtained 8 =~ 43" andthe maximum negative value of « is obtained at 8 = 45° =: Maximum normal sess ©, 8 si yyeee aa 2 $ sin 90 = 2S ° to the axis of pull are subjected to maximum shear stress ‘Maximum shear stress 6, oF, 354 When @ = 0, plane EG becomes a cross section EF and aoe ‘on planes where@ =0, 6,=Oand also on longitudinal Fig. 34 sections where 0 = 90°, 6, = 0. When @ =~ 45°, maximum positive value of o, is obtained and when 8 = + 45%, maximum negative value of Gis obtained as shawn in Fig. 34 ‘compound Stresses 133 ‘The resultant stress may be found out from the relation a, = e246" The relation holds good for compressive stress also. 3,8 Member subjected to direct stresses on two mutually Pi perpendicular directions. [Bi-axial stress] Consider a rectangular block ABCD whose thickness perpendicular tothe plane ofthe paper isunity. The bar is subjected to tw -lresses or two principal tensile stresses as shown inFig. 35 o Figs Let BE be the oblique plane inclined at an angle 0 on which the stresses are to be calculated Leto, = Major tensile stressor pi tress on face AD and BC pal stress on face AB and CD F, = Tensile force on section BE due to 6, = 6, x BCx1=0,x BC F, = Tensile force on section BE due to 6, =0,xECx 1 =0,XEC 1, = Minor tensile stress or ri Resolve the forces perpendicular to BE and along BE as shown in Fig. 3.6 (a) and (b) a XEC=F, eee « € i F.cos0 ¢ XBC=F, (al (o) Fig. 36 + Total force perpendicular to the plane BE; F, = F, cos 0 + F, sin @ ie, 6, x BE = (6, xBC) cos 0 + (6, x EQ) sin @

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