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वववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववव वववव वववव वववव वववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववव वववववव व

वववववववव वववववववववव व वववववववववववववववव वववववव ववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव व वव

May the king of conches panjajanya protect us; panjajanya which nestles in the hand of
Vishnu, which is very large in size and shines like the moon atop the tall peak of the
blue mountain, which fills the skies with its sound surpassing the thunder of dark clouds
and which strikes terror in the hearts of asuras.

ववववववववव ववववववव वववववववववववव ववववव ववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववव वववव व वववव ववववववववववव व वववव

ववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

वववववववव वववववववववववव वववववव वववववव वववव वववववववव

ववववव ववव

May the chakra (Disc) of Vishnu always give us peace and happiness; chakra which the
wise say symbolizes Time from seconds to eternity, which puts an end to darkness,
which is brighter than all bright objects, which shines bright as the Sun and the blades
of which are stained by the blood from the bodies of asuras.

वववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववव

ववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववव वववव

ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव वववववववववव ववव

May the terrible sound emanating from the bow of Vishnu who wishes to kill the entire
horde of enemies protect us; which bow grows in size from the air from Hari’s arms,
which is hailed by the celestials wide-eyed with wonder, the sound of which like thunder
spreads far and wide and which rains arrows in the battle like the rain of the clouds over
the sea of pralaya (deluge) at the end of a kalpa

वववववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववववव वववववववव

ववववववववववववववववव ववववव ववववववववववववववव वववव



वववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव वव ववव

May the sword of Vishnu, Nandaka, give us eternal bliss; Nandaka which gladdens the
heart of the slayer of Madhu (Vishnu) whose hand is dark blue as the cloud, which
when brandished often during wars is seen as the sudden flash of lightning and
confuses the asuras and which prides itself of tasting the blood of asuras whose eyes
are wobbly because of fright.

ववववववववव ववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववव

वववववववववववव वववववववववव वववव व वववव वववववव वव वववववव व

ववववववव ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव

वववव ववववववववववववववव वववववववव ववववववववववव ववववववव वव


May Kaumodaki, the mace dear to Vishnu, which is beautiful with its bright rays, grant
us our wishes; the mace which is lovingly held in the lotus-hand of Vishnu, which is of
the shape of a perfect sphere, which stays in the front of Vishnu and does not tolerate
others, which is intoxicated by drinking the asava (intoxicating drink) of the life of asuras
and which is wet with the smear of red (from the blood of asuras).

वव ववववववववववववववववववववव व ववववववववववववववववववव

वव वववववववववववव ववववव ववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववव


ववववव वववववववव वव ववववववववववववववववववव वववववववव ववव

I bow to Garuda, the King of birds who is of the colour of pure gold and who is the
embodiment of the Vedas, who is the very life breath of the world, who is , as it were,
(another) body of Hari, his vehicle and its flag, the very thought of whom causes the
pregnancy of female-serpents to abort and whose mouth is smeared with the blood of
serpents cut to pieces by his strong and active beak.

ववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववव वववववववववववववव

वववववववव वववववववव वववववववववववव ववववववववववव ववववववव

वववव वववववववव वववववव ववववववववववववववववव वववववववव

वववववववव वववववववववव ववववववववववव वववव ववववववववव ववववव

May Ananta (Adishesha), all-knowing and witness to everything, protect us from the
fear of snake-poisoning; Ananta who serves as the excellent bed of Vishnu the Lord of
the worlds, who supports all these worlds alone, who is the cause of all beings, who is
of great and spotless fame and knowable by all the Vedas, who is the protector of all the
worlds and the slayer of enemies of celestials and who wipes out sins.

वववववववववववववव ववववववववववववव ववववव ववव वववववववव


ववववववववववववववव वववववववव ववववववव वववववव ववववव ववववव


ववववव ववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववव वववव

I bow to Goddess Lakshmi who deserves to be worshipped by all and who has her
abode on the chest of Vishnu the slayer of Mura, whom the rishis know in different
forms as Saraswati, Mother Earth and Parvati, whose glances steeped in compassion,
falling on anyone confers on the person riches of all kinds, whose beautiful face is lit
with an impeccable smile as white as the jasmine flower and the moon and who has a
lovely body.

वव वववव वववववववववव वववववव ववव वववववववववव ववववव

ववववव वव ववववववववववववववववववववव ववववव वववववववव व

ववववववव ववववववववव वववववववव ववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववव ववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववव वववववववववव

ववववववव ववव

I bow to Prakriti, consort of Vishnu, with her attributes of sattwa, rajas and tamas¸ who
brings forth all beings simply by her perennial proximity to Purusha who is none other
than Vishnu, the soul of the whole world. Prakriti takes on her sattwa attribute and
nourishes all moving and non-moving beings for their welfare and she is the creator,
sustainer and stabiliser and the power behind the whole world.

ववववववववववववववववववववव वववव वववववव वववववववव


वववववव वववववव व वववववववव वववववववव वववव


वववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव वव

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव ववववववववव

May the dust of the feet of the lotus-eyed Vishnu root out the dirt of sins committed by
us whose heart is steeped in devotion to Him; the dust which the clan of asuras
discard because they see only badness even where there is goodness and which the
celestials always want to place reverentially on their heads.

ववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववव ववववववववव वववववव


ववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववववव वववववववववववववववव

वववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव वववववव ववववववववव वववव

May the lines on the soles of the feet of Vishnu bestow auspicious things on us; the
lines which are soft, fine, well-formed, like the soft and fine threads of silk and which are
caressed by the hands of Lakshmi soft as leaf buds, delicate and beautiful,
accompanied by the tinkling sound of bangles.

वववववववववववववव ववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववव-

वववववववववववव ववववव वववववववववव ववववववववव ववववववव

वववववववव वववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव

वववववववव ववववववव ववववववव ववववववववववव वववव वववव

May the soles, soft and delicate as the heart of the lotus, of the feet of lotus-eyed
Vishnu protect us. One foot of Vishnu (as trivikrama in the Varaha incarnation) which
invaded the heavens shone, as it were, as a flag staff made of dark green gemstone
and the heavenly Ganga, with her sparkling waters, pouring down from it was beautiful
as the vaijayantee garland (worn by Vishnu) and the other foot which rested on the
earth shone as it were a huge pillar of the Earth-house.
ववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव वववव

ववववववव ववववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववववववववववव

ववववववव वववववववववववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववव
ववववववववववववववववव वववव

I repeatedly prostrate, before the beautiful lotus-like feet of invincible Vishnu which feet
bestow limitless riches (on devotees), the soles of which are red in colour and which, in
the process of invading (measuring) the three worlds, simultaneously sent Mahabali, the
king of asuras to the abode of difficulties (nether world, patala ) and Indra, the Lord of
the devas to the abode of riches (Heaven)

ववववव वववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववव वववववववव

ववववववव वववव वववववव वववववववववववव वववववववववव ववववववव

वववववववव ववववववववव ववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववव

वववववववववववववव वववववववव वववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववव

Prostrations, always, before the lotus-feet of Vishnu in his cosmic form as the
embodiment of all the worlds including all created beings; the feet from which was born
the last of the varnas, Sudra, in respect of which the vedas explicitly say ‘He is having
thousands of feet (sahasrapaad ) and which is spread over the whole of the Earth.

ववववववव वववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव ववववव वव

वववववववववव ववववव वववववववववववववववववववव वववववव

ववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववव

ववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव

May the beautiful and unblemished toes at the end of the feet of Vishnu bestow on us
all auspicious things which are wonderful and prayed for even by rishis; toes the nails
of which shine like spotless sparkling gems and are beautiful like the petals of the lotus
adorned with due drops

वववववव वववववववववववववव वववववववववववववव ववववव



वव ववववव ववववववववव वववववववववव ववववव ववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववव

May the nails of the lotus-feet of chakrapani (Vishnu) radiating beautiful rays bestow on
us soon, abundant riches yielding all comforts; the unblemished nails seeing in which
their own reflections while prostrating, the celestials including Indra are overcome by
jealousy and fear, deluded into thinking that the reflections are really another clan of



ववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववववव-

वववववव ववववववववववववव वववववववववववव


May the upper part of the feet of Vishnu bestow on us all good things and wipe out our
sins; those parts which are more beautiful than the back of a big tortoise with its shell,
as it were, of dark green gemstone, which is lighted up in multi-colours radiating from
the different types of gemstones set in the shining crowns of the celestials who have
come to bow and worship at the lotus-feet of Vishnu.

ववववववव वववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववव वववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव

ववववववववववव ववववववववव ववववववववववव वववववववववववववव

वववव ववववववववव ववववववव वववववववववववव वववववववववववव

May the shanks (lower legs) of Vishnu snatch away our sins; shanks the hairs of which
stand on end overjoyed by the caresses from Lakshmi’s hands, which are beautiful and
excel in brightness rods of blue gemstones, which are praised by the wise, which give
joy and comfort to the celestials and which kills the horde of enemies. Victory again and
again to those beautiful and well-rounded shanks of Narayana (vishnu).

वववववव वववववव ववववववव ववववव वववव वववववव ववववववववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववव व

ववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववव वववव वव वववववववववववव

वववववववववव वववववववव वववव ववववववववववववववव वववववव वव


May the well-rounded knees of ajita (the invincible, Vishnu) always bestow on us joy
and happiness; the knees which function as supports to the heavy thighs in order to be
of help to the shanks always tired of carrying the weight of those thighs and which
resemble receptacles to place the mind-mirror of good people (which is the object of
meditation for the pure minds of good and noble souls).
वववव ववववव ववववववव वववव वववववव ववववववववव वववव वव-

ववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववव ववववव

वववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववव ववववववववववववववव-

वववव वववव ववववववव वववववववववववव ववववव वव ववववववववव वववव

May the thighs of Vishnu fill our minds with wonderful joy and happiness; thighs which
are beautiful, well-rounded, equal in shape and size, well-developed and dark blue as
the cloud, on which were placed and killed by Vishnu the first asuras Madhu and
Kaitabha who had created fear in the mind of Brahma soon (after their birth from the
ear-wax of Vishnu)

ववववव ववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववव ववववव ववववव वववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववव ववववववव

वववववववववव वववववववववववववववववव वववववववववव वववव

May the hip of Pitambara (Vishnu) ever remain an object of contemplation and
meditation for us and protect us from our grave sins which hurl us into an abyss; hip
which is adorned and shines by the bright yellow of the elegantly worn silken clothes
which resemble, as it were, the bright fire (badavagni) during dissolution (pralaya) in
the dark blue ocean.

ववववव वववववव वववववववववव ववववववववव ववववववववववव


वववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

वववववव वव ववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव

वववववव वववववववववववव वव वववववववव वववववववव ववववव वववव

May the beautiful and giver-of-good-things waist-belt of gold studded with gems and
emitting rays of multiple colors worn at the hip by Vishnu ever purify my mind; the waist-
belt with the strings of which the hip of Vishnu resembles the Mandara mountain in the
midst of the deep blue ocean, tied around by the stout body of the king of serpents


वववववव ववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव वववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव वववववववववववव

वववववववववववव वववववववव वववव वववववववववववववववववव वववव

May our minds like swans playfully dwell for long on the lotus-eyed Vishnu’s well-formed
and beautiful navel-lake which appears as if filled with dark blue waters on account of
the dark blue wavy rays from the body of Vishnu; the navel from which emerged the
lotus with multi-colored petals, worshipped by the celestials and which became the
abode of the Brahma-honeybee.

वववववव वववव वववव वववववव ववववव ववववववववववव ववववववववववव

ववववववववव वववववववववववववववव ववववववव वववववववव

ववववववववववव व

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववव ववववव वव

वववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववव वववव

May the lotus which was born from the navel-lake of Vishnu who has the serpent
adishesha as his bed grant us our wishes; the lotus whose stem has its root in patala
(nether world),whose petals are the quarters, whose leaves are mountains, whose
central portion with its filaments is the golden mountain of Meru, which is the abode of
the honey-bee Brahma and which takes the form of the Earth.

ववववववववव:ववववववववव ववववववववव वववववववववववववव



वववव ववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववव वव वववव

May the heart-swan of mine play for long in the stomach-ocean of Damodara (Vishnu)
which is adorned by a golden belt-like ornament bright as the fire during dissolution,
which appears full of water because of the dark blue brightness of the body, which
shines with wave-like folds and which is pretty with the deep navel resembling a


वववव ववववव वववववव ववववववव ववववववव ववववववववववववववववव


ववववव वव वववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववव वववववव:

ववववववववव वव वववववववववववववववववववव वववववववव वववववव वव


The pretty cluster of hair forming a line in the middle part of Vishnu (from the navel to
the chest) gives one the impression that it is a garland made of the honey-bees which
are attracted by the fragrance of the lotus in the navel and moving towards the lotus-
face of Vishnu. May this cluster of hair ever stay in our mind conferring on us
appropriate riches.
ववव ववववववव ववववववव ववववववव वववव वववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववव वववव वववववव वववववववव वववव ववववववव ववववव व व


वववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव ववववववववव


May our hearts joyously sport on the lower part of the chest of Ajita, the invincible
Vishnu, whose form is beyond the comprehension of the mind and is like the space,
from which emerges at the beginning of a kalpa all these worlds with its plurality and
into which merges all these moving and non-moving things at the end of a kalpa.



ववववव ववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव:

वववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव

I take refuge in the chest of Vishnu which is like a garden for taking rest by those who
are tired of treading the path of this samsara. In this garden the red rays emanating
from the kaustubha gem are tender leaves. The necklace of pretty pearls resemble
fruits. The vanamala of flowers picked from every forest resembles flowers in full bloom
in the garden. The garden is beautiful with the tree of Lakshmi and it is dark with the
swarm of honey bees.
वववववव ववववव वववववववव ववववववव ववव वववववव वववववववव:

वववववववववववववव ववववववव वववव वव ववववववववववव ववववव ववव

वववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववव वववववववव व ववववव वव ववववव वववव वववववव वववववव

वव वववव

May the srivatsa mark of Vishnu, dear to Lakshmi like a calf to the cow, bestow on us
abundance of wealth; which srivatsa makes the beautiful chest dark (where the mark is
) like the neck of Lord Shiva, the enemy of Kala, which is just like the mark on the moon
and the honey-bee on a blossom and which is beautiful with the continuous mixing of
the bright rays from the kaustubha gem

वववववववववववववववववववववव ववववव वव वववववव ववववववववव

वववव वववववववववववव वववववव वववववववववववववव

वववव वववववः ववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववव-

ववववववववववववववववव वव वववववववववव वववव वववववववव ववववववव


May the wonderful and bright-as-the-Sun kaustubha gem of Vishnu shower riches on
us; kaustubha which emerged from the milky ocean along with Lakshmi and abides in
the sky of Vishnu’s chest adorned with necklaces the gems in which glitter like stars,
which brightens all the quarters and which veils the brightness of other luminous objects
by its effulgence.

वव वववववववववववववववववववव ववववववव वववववववववववव

वववव ववववववववव वववव वववववव ववववववववव ववववववव व

वववव ववववववववववववववववव वववववव वववववववव व ववववव

वववव ववववववववववववववव वववववव ववववव वववववववव वववववव

May the Vaijayanati garland of Vishnu, caressed by Lakshmi, never stop bestowing joy
and comfort on us; Vaijayanti which moves with the blowing breeze, which is
incomparably bright and beautiful, which, sitting on the shoulders of Vishnu, adorns

the flowers in which are surrounded by the humming sound of swarms of honey bees
and which is beautiful with black flowers.

ववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववव वववववववववववव


ववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववव

वववववववववव वववववव वव ववव ववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववव


With folded hands (anjali) we beg that the beautiful shoulders of Ajita, the invincible
Vishnu, release us from bondage which creates countless difficulties for us; shoulders
which shine with the brightness of necklaces and the colours from the vanamala made
of flowers from different forests and the beauty and glitter of ornaments like angada
emitting rays of different colours.


ववववववव ववववववववववव वववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव

वववववववव वववव वववववव ववववववववव वववववववव वववववव

वववववववव वववववववववव वव वववव ववव: ववववव ववववववववव वववव

May the hands of Hari dispel my ignorance and delusion; hands the main vow of which
is to protect the whole world and which has the capacity to create a warrior class
(kshatriyas) with the required qualities of (valour, fight-to-finish courage etc), which are
difficult to describe, which are doers of amazing actions bringing fame and glory and
which carry the bow, arrow, sword, phalaka, chakra, mace, conch, lotus and a thousand
other weapons.

ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव-

ववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववव


ववववववववववव वववववव ववववववववव वववववववव वववववववव

वववववववववववववव ववववव वववव वव वववव वववववववववव ववववव


Let my mind, shaking off its lethargy, dwell on the neck of Mahavishnu; the neck which
glitters with many colours from the ornaments adorning it, from the rays emitted by the
golden ear-globes and the luster of the Kaustubha and which is pretty with the marks
left by the bangles of Lakshmi while embracing it.

वववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववव

वववव वववव व वववववववववव वववववववववव वव वववववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव ववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव वव

May the Sun of Vishnu’s lips wipe out the darkness of our sins; lips which give joy to
Lakshmi, which shine with a beautiful red
colour at their edges, which are expert in blowing the moon-like king of conches
Panchajanya off and on and which, staying in the sky of the mouth veils the twinkling of
the teeth which are like stars

वववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववव वव

ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववव


ववववववव ववववव वव वववववववववववववव वववववववववववव वव वववव

May the beautiful rows of teeth of the consort of Lakshmi, beautiful and shining like
pearls, always protect us who are ever engaged in bowing (at His feet) and singing (His)
praises; teeth which appear to be stars which have taken their position within the face
(mouth) of Vishnu because of their deep love for their lover the moon (the face of

वववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव वववववव ववव ववववववव


वववव वववव वववववववववववव ववववववव वववववववववव वववव ववव

ववववव वववववववववव वववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववव


वववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव वववववववववववववव वव


“ O Brahma, Do you engage your mind in single-minded meditation of the Brahman, the
Ultimate Reality?”. “O Shambhu! I honour you and welcome you”. “ O Indra ! do you
protect the three worlds along with the celestials?”. “O Narada and others ! are you well
and happy?” – May these words steeped in nectar addressed to the devas and rishis,
emerging from the moon-like face(mouth) of Vishnu gladden our hearts.

ववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववव ववववव वववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववव

ववववववववववववव वव ववववव ववववव वववववववववववववव ववव वववव

May the cheeks of Murari (Vishnu) prevent all our difficulties which may arise in the
future; the cheeks which reflect the deep red of the manikya set in the golden fish-
shaped Kundalas (ear-globes) worn in the ears, which is of beautiful dark blue colour
and which shines and surpasses the beauty of the mirror of green gemstone reflecting
the rays of the rising sun.

वववववववववववव वववववव ववववववववववव वववववववववववववववव

वववववववव वववववव वववववव ववववववववववव ववववववववववववव ववव

वववव वववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव वववववववववव वव वववववव


May the nose of vishnu which is the pathway for inhaling and exhaling the air known as
prana, give us the gift of life (prana); the nose which shines in the lotus of the face and
which gives the impression of the beak of a parrot reaching out to the bright red lower
lip to bite it since it looks like a ripe bimba fruit, which reflects the rays of red colour from
the ear-globes adorning the ears of Vishnu.

वववववववव वववववववव वववव वववववववव वववववववव ववववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव वववव वववववववववववव

वववववववववववववव वव ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववव वववववव

May the eyes of the lotus-eyed (Vishnu) protect us; the eyes which the sages say are
the Sun and the moon who circle this world day and night and give us the sense
(knowledge) of space and time and provide the three worlds with light, which shine like
the lotus, the glances from which are full of compassion and which are beautiful with
light red, white and black colours


वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव व

ववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव-

वववववव वव ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववव वववव

May the eye-brows of the consort of Lakshmi protect us; the eye-brows which look like
the wings of a silent honey bee which is keen on making open the lotus-eyes closed on
seeing the half –moon of the forehead with the curly hairs on the forehead looking like
the mark on the moon, which resemble one half of the bow from which are shot the
arrows of glances of Vishnu aimed at the devas and which are capable of creating
abundant wealth.

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववव

वववववववववववववव ववववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववव

वववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववव वव वववववव वववव ववववववववववव वव वववव

May the eye-brows of Vishnu who rides the king of birds Garuda save us from falling
into the nether worlds; eye-brows which are arched at the centre, by a slight
movement of which both devas and asuras are appointed in their respective positions
and which resemble two black child snakes dancing on the forehead of pure white half-
moon with short curly hair playing on it looking like the mother snake.
ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव-

ववववववववववववववववववववव वववववव वववव ववववववववववव


वववववववववव वववववववव वव वववववववव वववववववववववववववववववव-

वववववव वववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव वववववव वववववव व


May the urdhwapundra (the mark by gopichandan on the forehead of Vaishnavas)

rising from the centre between the two eye-brows of Vishnu bestow on us riches again;
the urdhwapundra which adorns the forehead of Vishnu and breaks the cycle of births
and deaths and which resembles a holy Siva Linga of pure sphatika (crystal) which,
after being hit by the arrows of Cupid flung from his sugarcane bow, was revived by a
garland of lotus blossom like the glances of Lakshmi.

ववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

वववववव ववववववववव ववववववववव ववववववववववववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववव

ववववववव वववववववववव वववववववववव ववववववव वववववववव: वववव

May the clever dancer of intellect, drawing aside the curtain of its lethargy, make the
imagination, shining with her well-formed limbs, dance on the dancing stage which is
formed by the forehead and the low stool of curly hair falling on the forehead on which is
kept the crown which resembles the installation of a Siva Linga.

वववववववववववववववव वववववववववव वववववववव ववववववववव

ववववववववववववववव वववववववव वववव वववववव ववववववववव

वववववववव वव व
वववववववव वववव ववववववव ववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववव वव वववववववव ववववव वववववव ववववव वव वववव

May the locks of Vishnu, dark as a swarm of honey bees, bestow on us everything
auspicious; the locks which give the impression of a bunch of garlands made of blue
lilies, which make one doubt that the dark river Yamuna has climbed up and is flowing
down as locks to compete with the heavenly Ganga lodged in the matted locks of Siva
and about which the people think that Rahu (who is dark) is moving towards the face
deluded into thinking that it is the full moon.

ववववववववववव वववववववव ववववव वववववववववववववववववववववव


वववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

ववववव वववववववववव वव वववववव ववववववववववववववववववववव वववव

May the locks of the enemy of Keshi (Vishnu) destroy all the causes our sorrow ( ववव
ववववववव - ववववववव (ignorance), ववववववव ( ego, possessiveness), ववव
(attachment), ववववव (aversion), वववववववव (fear of old age and death); the locks
which appear to vanish when the Lord is in deep sleep, the real nature of which is not
seen even by devas, which occupies the whole of space, which are made bright by the
waves of the milky ocean, which appear to be an emission from the (dark) body (of
Vishnu) and which give the impression that they are the dark and thick smoke resulting
from the burning of the bodies of enemies like incense by the fire of vishnu’s anger.

वववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव-


वववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव
वववववववव वववव ववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववव

May the crown on the head of Vishnu, capable of breaking the darkness of the evils of
the Kaliyuga, bestow on us peace and happiness; the crown the brilliance of which,
arising from the spread of rays from the precious gems set in it, makes it very difficult to
look at the form of Murari (Vishnu) just like the sky with a hundred Suns shining at a
time and which makes one doubt that perhaps it is the great natural blaze of the fire of
dissolution (badavagni) on the surface of the ocean ( as the body of Vishnu is dark blue
like the ocean) .

वववववववववव वववववववववव

वववववव वववववव वववववव ववववव वव ववववववववववववववववववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववव

वववववववववव व ववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववव ववववववव


May the limitless body-ocean of Vishnu, enemy of asuras, bestow on us the nectar of
liberation from the cycle of births and deaths; the body-ocean in which the creator of the
three worlds Brahma wandered for millions of years and, unable to find its limits, came
out through the stem of the lotus emerging from the navel (of Vishnu) and, with
refreshed energy, created a similar world.

ववववववव वववववव ववववव वववववववववव ववववव वववववववववव

वववववववववव ववववववव वववववववववव वववव ववववव ववववववववव

ववववववववववववववव वववववववववव वववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववव व ववव ववववववववववववववववववववववव वव वववव

May the incarnations of Vishnu by his partial potencies, prompted by a heart heavy with
extreme compassion, for the welfare of the worlds and for the establishment of dharma,
as the fish (matsya), the tortoise (kurma), the boar(varaha), the man-lion(narasimha) ,
the dwarf(vamana), the son of Jamadagni (parasurama), Kakutstha (Sri Rama), the
slayer of Kamsa (Krishna), the conqueror of Cupid (buddha) and the future incarnation
of Kalki protect me.

ववववववववववव ववववववववव ववववव वववव वववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव

ववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव-

ववववववववववववव वववववव वववववव ववववव वववववववववववववव वव


May that effulgence protect us which the Vedas, unable to find suitable words, describe
in terms of negation ‘not this, not this’ and, discarding the literal meaning of words,
adopt their inferred or indicative meaning but are still unable to grasp it. Like the words
of the Vedas the mind also returns unable to comprehend it which is of the nature of
Eternal Bliss, Self-Luminous, limitless and immortal and which makes those who see
and meditate on the reflection of it in their pure hearts happy and blissful.

ववववववव व वववववववववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववव

ववववव वववववव वववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव ववववववव व

ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव ववववववव


ववववववववववववववववववव वववववव ववववववववववव ववववववववववववव


We always bow at the lotus feet of those who, brimming with happiness in their pure
hearts and freed of the ills of Kali by the repeated chanting of hymns and mantras and
by oblation, into the fire of their tongues, of the divine leelas of Hari and who always
meditate on the pure and holy form of Vishnu from head to foot.
ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव व

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववव वववववव

ववववववववववववववव व वववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववव


He who happily recites this padadikesha hymn to vishnu during worship at the lotus feet
of the Lord and bows down with his head will be freed from his sins and, after shedding
his body, attain his own nature of Absolute Bliss manifest within the orb of the sun.



ववववववव वव वववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववव-

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव व


वववववव वववववववववववववववववववव: वववववव ववववववववववववववव

वववव ववववववव ववववववव ववववववववववव वववववववववववववव

वववववववव वववववववववववव ववववव ववववव वववववव वववववववव

वववववव ववववववववववववव व ववववववव ववववववववव वव व ववववववव

ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववववव ववववववववववववव

ववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

वववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव व

वववववव ववववववववववववव व वववववव ववववववववव वववववववव

वववववववव वववववव ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववव ववव

ववववववववव ववववववव वववववववववववववववववव ववववववव

वववव वववव वववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववव

वववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववव

वववववववव वववववववव

वववव ववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववव ववव

ववववववववववववववववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव-

वववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववव वव वववववववववववववव व

वववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववववववववव ववववव

वववववववववव ववववव वववववववव ववववव ववववववववव ववववववव ववव


ववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववव

ववववव वववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववववववववववववववव

ववववववववववव वववव ववववव वववव ववववववव ववववववववववववव ववव


ववववववव वववववववववव वववववववववव वववववव वववववववववव

वववववव ववववववववववववववववववववववव वववववववववववववववव

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