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The research methodology indicates that the general pattern organizing
the procedure for the empirical study to gather with the method of obtaining valid and reliable
dates for problem under investigation. It includes the description of research approach research
design setting of the study .sample and sampling techniques development of data collection the
plan for data analysis.

The present study was conducted among the GNM 2nd year in selected
mahatma Gandhi institute of nursing college of Jabalpur.

Aimed at assessing the knowledge of GNM 2nd year regarding the organ

The choice of research approach constitutes one of the major
decision .which must be made in conducting a research study. Research approach is the
systematic objective method of discovery with empirical evidence and rigorous control.
Quantitative evaluate approach the research has used one group pre-test, post-test study one
group pre-test, post-test approach provide a comparison between a group of subject before and
after the test. In this study investigator aimed at programme regarding organ donation among
GNM 2nd year at selected mahatma Gandhi institute of nursing college of Jabalpur the study
intended to measure the gain in knowledge score after the were given plan teaching programme
here group was observed independent variable.


The research design refers to the strategies that the research
adopts to develop information that is accurate objective and meaningful. According to pilot and
Hungler (1990) the research design is an overall plan for obtaining answers to the question being
studied. It spells out the basic strategies that the research adopts to develop information whether
there is an intervention that is accurate and interpretable. The research design indicates then there
is an intervention and what the intervention is the nature of any comparison to be made.

The method to be used to control extraneous variables and enhance the studies
interpretability. the timing and frequency of data collection the setting in which the data
collection is to take place and the nature of communication with subjects the selection of
research design depend upon the purpose of the study research approach and variable to be
studied. The research design for prevent study is pre experimental one group pre-test and post-
test design to measure the effectiveness of the plan teaching programme for GNM 2nd year
student An experimental design is a blue print of the procedure that enables the research to test
the hypothesis by reaching valid conclusion about the relationship between independent and
dependent variables. It is considered as a strong measure before and after planned exposure
which as 01and 02 aspectively In the present study the base measure was plan teaching

These research design can be represents

01 X 02

Pre-test Intervention Post-test

01- It is the knowledge the administered to the GNM 2nd year before the administration of plan
teaching programme

X- Plan teaching programme for GNM 2nd year regarding the organ donation

02- It is the knowledge test administer to the GNM 2nd year undergone organ donation section of
plan teaching programme.

The investigator observed the experimental group prior to the

investigation (pre-test).The intervention plan teaching progamme was administered to the group
again the group is assessed (pre-test )

“A variable as the implies is something that varies or a variables is any
quality of an group or situation that make different values ( polit and Hungler ).


- The dependent variable are the condition or characteristics that
appear, disappear or changes as the investigation introduces removes or changes independent
variable .

-The dependent variable of this study was knowledge of GNM 2nd year
in organ donation.
-The independent variables is the condition or characteristics that the investigator
manipulation or control in his /her attempt to as certain their relationship to observe phenomena.
In the preset study independent variable was effectiveness of plan teaching programme on
knowledge regarding organ donation are cannot be charged so demographic variable and plan
teaching programme was independent variables.


Setting refers to the area where the study is conduct (polit and Hungler).The
setting of the present study was proposed the setting to be present study was proposed to be
conducted in the GNM 2nd year of under gone organ donation in the mahatma Gandhi institute of
nursing college of Jabalpur.

POPULATION- A population group who is member person specify attribute that the
researcher is interested in this study (TALBDAT).

A population of the present study comprises GNM2nd year who have undergone
organ donation in selected mahatma Gandhi institution of nursing college of Jabalpur.

SAMPLE- A Sample is a portion of the population that has been selected to present the
population interest” calbor”.

In this study the sample include 30 GNM 2ND in the selected mahatma Gandhi
institute of nursing college of Jabalpur.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE- A purposive is a deliberate selection of sample unit that confine to

source predetermined criteria. In this study non probability purposive sampling technique was
used to selected sample for the study.

CRITERIA FOR SAMPLE SELECTION- The following criteria are set select
INCLUSION CRITERIA – The study include-
 All GNM 2ndyear student who have undergone organ donation in mahatma Gandhi
institute of nursing college of Jabalpur.
 GNM 2nd year student who were present during the time of data collection.
 GNM 2nd year student who understand Hindi.
 Those who are willing to participate in the study.

 GNM 2nd year who can’t learned and write the h Hindi.
 GNM 2nd year student who are willing to participate in the study.


The most important aspect of research in data collection which provide answer to
the question under study.

 FIRST DRAFT- The first draft was made in English then it was translative in hindi
and given to English and hindi expend for correction.
 SECOND DRAFT- The second draft was used for the pilot studies the investigator
given question are to 3 GNM 2nd year student. The course were analyesed and item
analysis done then they tried as final draft was prepared.
 THIRED DRAFT – The draft was use for the final studies.
Validity refers to adequacy of sampling of domain studies.

To determined the contain validity the knowledge question was sub to expends the
expands were regarded to give then opinion and suggestion. The pretest study aimed and
assessing the effectiveness of planned teaching program terms of knowledge gained by GNM 2nd
year student in selected mahatma Gandhi institute of nursing college of Jabalpur Thus the
question is was prepared and used for data collection the plan teaching programme on organ

Treece and Treece emphasized that the instrument selected in research should be a possible the
variable and would best obtain data for during conduction presenting to the study. The structured
question is was prepared for answering the knowledge of mahatma Gandhi institute of nursing
college verify regarding of organ donation. The planned teaching was prepared on organ
donation A thorough review of that published on well as unpublished literature conceiving the
knowledge of GNM 2nd year student regarding the organ donation.

Reliability is defined as the extend to which instrument yields the some result on repeated
measures it is then conurened with consistency accuracy stability and homogencity.


After establishing the validity of the tool to be used for the study the final tool was made and
then the reliability of the tool was done. The reliability of the question was obtained by split half
method. Tool was administered to 30 GNM 2nd year student of selected mahatma Gandhi
institute of nursing college of nursing Jabalpur.

Schematic Presentation Of Research Design


Pre experimental

Quantitative evaluative approach

Target population

GNM 2ND Year

Accessable population

Among GNM 2nd year student mahatma Gandhi

institute of nursing college of Jabalpur.
Sampling size and sampling technique

Sample size 30 sampling technique non probability

purposive sampling technique.

Tool for data collection self structured question for

the knowledge.

Pre test

Structured teaching programme

Data analysis and interpretation


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