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Welcome Back After A Big Holiday

March 18 by Heather
My learning goals for this term are:
develop confidence to speak up in social settings
develop fine and gross motor skills
school readiness (learn strategies to listen to and follow instructions, sustain focus, learn the
alphabets, shapes, colours and letter sounds)

My Te Whariki goals are:

managing themselves and expressing their feelings and needs
using a range of strategies and skills to play and learn with other
understanding oral language and using it for a range of purposes
recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose
moving confidently and challenging myself physically

Welcome back Mahd. You have had a big holiday and

gone back to your family home in Pakistan. It must have
been wonderful experiencing your
own culture and meeting many of
your relatives. I believe that they
would have been very happy and
excited to see you.
Since coming back to centre, you
have fitted right back and are
very happy being with your
friends again. I know that Viktor is
happy to see you too.
Since you went on holiday, you have grown more
mature and more understanding realising that
everyone is different but that we all enjoy sharing
our time and interests together.
We will keep offering you opportunities where
you can foster and develop these friendships.
There will also be many possibilities for you to
learn many more skills. We look forward to
documenting this journey.

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