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MARCH 2018

VOL. 76 • NO. 3

Orlando, Florida
26–29 March

Women in NDT
AE Source Localization
Time of Flight Diffraction
Phased Array UT
MARCH 2018

Using Iterative Time Reversal for NDT
Inspections on Composite Materials
Daniel Richard


317 NDT Women

Industry Veterans Discuss the
Opportunities, Challenges, and Triumphs of
the NDT Community
Jill Ross


296 27th ASNT Research Symposium

328 Program and Information
331 Exhibitors Gallery


371 AE Source Localization in a Steel Plate 400
S0 A0 9
Frequency (kHz)

with the Dispersive A0 Mode based on 300
the Cross-Correlation Technique and 200
Time Reversal Principle 131.8
Zenghua Liu, Tuocan Dong, Qiuling Peng, Cunfu He, Qiufeng Li,
Bin Wu 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (μs)
383 Reliability Investigation of Sizing
Horizontal Planar Discontinuities Using a 371
New Time of Flight Diffraction Technique
B.S. Hayat Gheib, M.J. Ranjbar Naserabadi


281 President’s Letter
286 Section News “NDT cannot control nature,
but we, the NDT technicians,
287 Society Notes
can do our best to provide
292 Awards and Honors safety.”

296 Society News

283 Director’s Letter
300 2017 ASNT Annual
“ASNT is diligently working to
Business Meeting Minutes
increase the awareness and
306 Certification Memo perception of NDT as being
accessible for all.”
308 New ASNT Certificate
342 Product Gallery 309 ASNT Exams
343 Spotlight: Guided Wave
Testing 348 Contact ASNT
347 Industry News 354 Corporate Partners
Detection Technology 359 Calendar
Announces ISO 9001:2015;
ISO 14001:2015 Certifications, 391 Classifieds
Aerotech Inspection Expands
391 Service Directory
286 into India
352 New Media 400 Coming Attractions
New Report on Industrial X-ray 400 Ad Index
Inspection System Market

Digital Materials Evaluation content is also available online at
IN THIS ISSUE Subscription Questions? Back Issues & Article Copies Comments & Suggestions
Research Symposium ASNT membership includes a one-year Back issues of Materials Evaluation Letters to the editor are welcome at any
Cover photo credit: subscription to Materials Evaluation. are available for purchase. See time. Letters that are timely and signifi-
Institutions, or others who wish to have for details, or cant may be published in an issue of
Jordan Adkins / a subscription without becoming an call (800) 222-2768. Copies of indi- Materials Evaluation. Not all letters are ASNT member, may simply subscribe to vidual articles may also be obtained suitable for publication, and ASNT
the journal through ASNT. To become a through ASNT: contact the librarian makes no claim regarding publication
member or subscribe to the journal, at (800) 222-2768 for more of a given letter. Letters should be
contact ASNT at (800) 222-2768 or information. sent to Editor Jill Ross at


The American Society for Nondestructive Testing


J OURNAL STAF F ASNT exists to create a safer world by advancing scientific, engineering, and
PUBLISHER: Dr. Arnold Bereson
technical knowledge in the field of nondestructive testing.
EDITOR: Jill Ross
CHAIR: David R. Bajula, Acuren Group, Inc., 2018
RE V IE W B OARD PRESIDENT: David A. Mandina, Mandina’s Inspection Services, Inc., 2018
TECHNICAL EDITOR VICE PRESIDENT: Scott P. Cargill, Mistras Group, Inc., 2018
Richard H. Bossi, The Boeing Company (retired) SECRETARY/TREASURER: David E. Savoy, Versa Integrity Group, 2018
Emmanuel P. Papadakis, Quality Systems Mohammed A. Abufour, Saudi Aramco, 2018
Martin T. Anderson, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., 2019
ASSOCIATE TECHNICAL EDITORS John Z. Chen, Schlumberger, 2020
John C. Aldrin, Computational Tools B. Boro Djordjevic, Materials and Sensors Technologies, Inc., 2018
Ali Abdul-Aziz, Kent State University John C. Duke, Jr., Virginia Tech University, 2020
Narendra K. Batra, Naval Research Gregory A. Garcia, Evraz North America, 2019
Laboratory (retired)
Mohsen Hassanein, Quality Control Co., 2019
William C. Chedister, Chedister Associates
Danny L. Keck, KCS Enterprises, 2019
John Z. Chen, Schlumberger
Michael V. McGloin, NDT Enterprises, 2018
Yiming Deng, Michigan State University
Marybeth Miceli, We-NDT, 2019
John C. Duke, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic
C. Deal Moore, NDT Seals, Inc., 2020
Trey Gordon, SpaceX
Dietmar Henning, Level III Service, LLC Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan, Therm-O-Disc/Emerson, Inc., 2019
Cara A.C. Leckey, NASA Langley Research Center William F. Via, Jr., Virginia Department of Transportation, 2019
Mani Mina, Iowa State University
William E. Mooz, Met-L-Chek Company Materials Evaluation is an archival journal in nondestructive testing/evaluation/inspection. The journal’s
Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan, Therm-O-Disc/Emerson, Inc. technical articles are refereed by experts in their fields and the papers are abstracted by major technical
Anish Poudel, Transportation Technology abstracting services, including: Acoustic Abstracts; Alloys Index; Aluminum Industry Abstracts; Applied Mechanics
Center, Inc. Review; Applied Science and Technology Index; Cadscan; Corrosion Abstracts; Current Contents; Energy Science &
S.I. Rokhlin, The Ohio State University Technology; Engineered Materials Abstracts; Engineering Index; Exploration and Production Health, Safety and
Donald J. Roth, GE Aviation Environment; Gas Processing and Pipelining; Highway Research Info Service; INIS Atomindex; INSPEC, Institution of
Electrical Engineers; ISMEC, Mechanical Engineering Abstracts; Index to Scientific Reviews; International Aerospace
Ram P. Samy, NDE Information Consultants
Abstracts; Leadscan; Metals Abstracts; Metals Information; Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center;
Robert E. Shannon, Siemens Energy, Inc.
Nonferrous Metals Alert; Offshore Technology; PASCAL; PIRA; Petroleum Abstracts; Polymers, Ceramics, Composites
Alert; Science Abstracts (Physics Abstracts, Electrical and Electronics Abstracts and Computer and Control
Steven M. Shepard, Thermal Wave Imaging
Abstracts); Science Citation Index; Solid State and Superconductivity Abstracts; Steels Alert; and Zincscan.
Roderic K. Stanley, NDE Information
Consultants Subscriptions to Materials Evaluation (noncommissionable) to other than members of the Society: $135 per
Mike C. Tsao, University of Connecticut – year domestic; $245 (prepaid) per year international, which includes special handling outside the USA. Single
Avery Point copy price: $9 for members ($12 for nonmembers), except for Buyers Guide issue in June ($21.25 for members,
$26.50 for nonmembers). Claims for replacement of lost or damaged copies must be made in writing, received
Glenn A. Washer, University of Missouri
within 60 days of the date of publication. No more than two claims for replacement copies will be honored in a
Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
single year. Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 2018 by the American Society for
Reza Zoughi, Missouri University of Science
Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
and Technology
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) is not responsible for the authenticity or accuracy of
the information herein. Published opinions and statements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ASNT.
John Z. Chen, Schlumberger (Back to Basics)
Products or services that are advertised or mentioned do not carry the endorsement or recommendation of ASNT.
Bruce G. Crouse, Inspection Services
Frank A. Iddings, Louisiana State University IRRSP, NDT Handbook, The NDT Technician and are trademarks of the American Society for
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Adventures in NDT
Editor’s note: the following article contains the opinion
of the author and does not necessarily reflect the
opinion of ASNT or its Board of Directors.
NDT cannot control nature,
but we, the NDT technicians, can do
does not. As I awake early to catch another business our best to provide safety.
flight to London, I think back to the days of when going
to work meant getting up at the same time every day. But
then, instead of a first-class seat on a jet, I had a seven- We had to make a decision quickly: hit the energy
and-half-hour drive to get to Galveston, Texas, and a one- shutdown, possibly releasing the natural gas, or wait. A
hour helicopter ride to the offshore platform. quick-thinking crewmember hit the shutdown, and the
The shift started like most others. It wasn’t a large platform shut in. The fire was out, but we were all
project, and fairly simple work: remove and replace the physically and emotionally spent.
electrical cables after installing new supports. Just a After three more days, we were running low on
few welds to inspect by magnetic particle and visual food and water. A pilot decided to take a chance and
testing. What a relief. No 18-hour days, and plenty of set off in the high winds to rescue us. The chopper
time to study for my upcoming Level III exams. It was landed into the wind with the tail rotor just above the
the perfect job: a no-brainier. stairway to the helideck. As the last 13 of us crawled
When the storm entered the Gulf of Mexico, it on our bellies to avoid the blade spinning wildly over
wasn’t a big deal. I was raised in south Louisiana and our heads, we wondered if getting on the chopper was
was by no means a rookie when it came to named the best idea, but soon we landed safety at the heliport.
storms. Just as predicted, the storm passed south of us As we hugged each other—welders, fitters, galley hands,
and was headed for landfall in Texas. The one thing and production personnel alike—we felt reborn.
you learn fast in this region, though, is that hurricanes There’s always a hero in every good story, and this
are not predictable, and it decided to turn back. one is no exception: 40 years later in a hotel in Houston, I
The storm sat over the platform for three days. The overheard a gentleman recounting this story and how bad
window blew out of the standby boat, and it was taking on it was to fly that day (and he called us crazy). I walked over
water. The boat departed the field (it was later abandoned and introduced myself. Needless to say, I treated him like
and the crew retrieved by the Coast Guard). The only way Drew Brees after winning the Super Bowl.
off was by boat, and the seas were too rough. This letter is dedicated to all the Level Is and IIs who
The storm hit hard. The platform swayed three feet risk their lives every day to make the world a safer place,
in each direction as the waves hit 40 feet, and the winds and the pilots, boat captains and crews, and crane
howled like wolves in the night. The eye passed, and the operators who lift us up to the tops of building and bridges.
platform grew eerily still. We walked outside to survey After that storm, new laws were enacted to prevent
the damage and felt confident that the platform was safe. this type of situation from reoccurring. Now, all
After the passing of the eye, the winds rose. The personnel are required to leave offshore platforms prior
fire alarm sounded as the crew ran to see what was to a named storm entering the Gulf. Natural disasters
happening. The production deck seemed to be on fire. such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes cause
A live cable had come loose and was arcing up against millions of dollars of damage to our aging infrastruc-
the flare scrubber (usually the largest vessel on the ture. NDT cannot control nature, but we, the NDT tech-
platform and full of natural gas), and things were nicians, can do our best to provide safety to those we
getting out of hand quickly. The construction crew of protect—it is our duty.
40 guys assembled at the emergency capsule
(lifeboat), which was designed for 12 people. DAV ID A . M A N DIN A
2017–2018 ASNT President


Spirit of Cooperation
worked over the winter months to set the groundwork for a fast-paced year of new
engagement opportunities, value-added services to NDT stakeholders, and the revitaliza-
tion of a world-class certification program.
The winter Board meeting was held at the end of January in Columbus. Over the
course of the week, the progress made was impressive and exceptionally encouraging of
what’s to come for the ASNT organization, membership, and future of the NDT community.
The week commenced with the annual one-and-a-half day training workshop that every
new Board member receives so that he or she is prepared to address the mantle of lead- ASNT
ership that Board service requires. Several committee meetings followed, and then the
entire Board and senior staff engaged in an intensive one-day planning meeting to is diligently
discuss key priorities. I must say, it was the best planning meeting I’ve attended since
coming to ASNT. Over 25 people with unique viewpoints put aside their individual biases
working to
and agendas to work on one accord: producing a clear vision of ASNT over the next increase the
several years. I want to thank everyone that participated. While we accomplished quite a
bit, we are by no means done. This was just a prefatory step to develop engagement awareness and
paths and opportunities in not just securing and achieving membership and certification
preeminence but maintaining ASNT’s global NDT leadership position in every juncture. We perception of
were mission driven, deliberate, and specific in our discussions and decisions. This
meeting enabled the Board at its formal meeting the following day to act on the issues
NDT as being
and priorities outlined the day before. accessible for all.
Do you plan your day’s activities with the fervor of the planning meeting? To achieve
any meaningful outcome, a plan must be designed with a goal, measurable steps, evalua-
tions, and presentation of findings, just as the Board planning meeting effected. It is very
easy for us to fall into routines and rote tasks as we move through our days. By starting
each day with a mindset to approach each objective, task, and meeting by participating
deliberately, specifically, and with a focus of “moving the needle,” we are able to find
greater fulfillment in our contributions. This thought can be applied to our personal
outlook as well as professional.
l Personally, are you interacting with your friends and loved ones in a purposeful, mean-
ingful way? Are you walking away from a conversation or encounter feeling as though
you’ve given of yourself in such a way that the other person knows how you value him
or her?
l Professionally, are you providing a level of service that leaves no doubt of your commit-
ment to creating a safer world every day?
A testament to the staying power of ASNT is the passion of its members to be mindful
and mission driven, and to believe in ASNT’s ability to weather economic downturns and
unfavorable regulatory environments, as well as its resilience to rise above personality
disconnects to achieve the ASNT the industry deserves. The Board demonstrated a cohe-
siveness and strength focused on priorities and effecting decisions that are solidly rooted
in the ASNT mission, and galvanized by prudent stewardship of funds and explicit discre-
tion of its authority to act, as elected representatives, in the best interests of all ASNT


An exemplary display of industry focus, ASNT is diligently working to increase Look forward to next month’s Materials
intention, and planning is the thought the awareness and perception of NDT as Evaluation featuring an update to the
leadership and innovation at the 27th being accessible for all. The Research strategic plan, “A Global Vision,” as a
Research Symposium taking place on Symposium will include the inaugural result of the diligent work of the planning
26–29 March. Not only will attendees meeting of a special task force to identify committee. Make sure you read how we
glean insight into the future of NDT, but gaps in the education, recruitment, and continue to drive the mission forward in
there will be opportunities to plan mean- retention of women in NDT. Over the next innovative ways. I look forward to seeing
ingful interactions with peers and also be several months, this ad hoc group will be you in Orlando. As always, I welcome your
very mindful and deliberate in lending a canvassing members and the NDT thoughts.
voice to the future of NDT. The town hall community worldwide to fully assess the
meeting, held at the spring and fall confer- environment and create actionable steps DR. ARNOLD “ARNY” BERESON
ences annually, will discuss proposed in establishing a unified global voice for ASNT Executive Director
changes to the Society bylaws. I would women on a world-class platform that
strongly encourage everyone to attend this provides the resources for success at every
public forum for ASNT membership and let industry touchpoint.
your opinion be heard.


ASNT Scope
provides readers with
updates on ASNT
members, sections, and
section news
activities. We depend on
member contributions
for this section. Send
updates, announcements,
and photos regarding
your Section, people, Capital of Texas analysis. M&M Engineering was recently
awardees, obituaries, AUSTIN, TEXAS acquired by Acuren and uses them to
and other updates to The Capital of Texas Section met on provide advanced NDT to support failure 15 November 2017 at M&M Engineering analysis in many different components
Please include Scope Associates in Leander, Texas, for a tour across differing industries. Quintero
News in the subject line,
and discussion of the importance of failure showed the group the metallurgical tools
and your name and
analysis. The tour guide, Oscar Quintero used by M&M Engineering, including
contact information.
(MS in Metallurgy and Materials section preparation, electron microscopes,
Engineering from the University of Texas at and automated microhardness testing. Six
El Paso [UTEP]), worked for Bell Helicopters members and guests attended the tour,
and Delphi Automotive Systems and has which lasted about an hour and a half.
extensive experience in root cause

Six students and

Section advisor Rand
Ernst traveled to the
ASNT Annual
Conference, where
students were able to
meet national ASNT
leaders, network with
industry profes-
sionals, and learn
about new NDT

Thanks to the sponsors and players that participated in the George Pherigo Memorial Golf
Tournament, the North Carolina Student Section was able to send a group of six students
and Section advisor Rand Ernst to the ASNT Annual Conference. From left: Sport Frazier,
Simon Trinidad, Zachary Baze, Ashley Stowe, Tamra Culp, Thomas Johnson, and Rand Ernst.



Register Now for the

Section Leaders
The Section Leaders Conference
(SLC), is scheduled for 22–23 June
2018 in Columbus, Ohio. Visit event
site at for more

NDT Buyers Guide

The June issue of Materials
Evaluation includes our Annual
Buyers Guide, one of the most
comprehensive NDT directories in
the industry. The guide is mailed to
over 15 000 subscribers and ASNT
members, and is available on all day, every day. A
basic listing in the ASNT Buyer’s
Guide is free and upgrades can be
Oscar Quintero (kneeling), pictured here with members and guests of the Capital of Texas purchased for as little as $99 per
Section, provided a tour of M&M Engineering Associates to the Section. year.  Visit and click on
“Buyers Guide” to update your
profile by 1 April 2018. All printed
Charlotte a presentation on “Nuclear Power Plant information in the June issue of
CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Design and Assembly.” The Section had a Materials Evaluation will be based
On 13 November 2017 the Charlotte total of 12 members (including two on your digital listing.  Contact Diane
Section met at Sticky Fingers Ribhouse in students) attend this monthly meeting. Oen at or
Concord, North Carolina, for a monthly Discussion about budget, potential (614) 384-2459 with any questions.
meeting. The Section had anticipated a student scholarships, and the annual
guest speaker who was unable to attend Christmas party were held prior to the
Upcoming Standards
due to an unexpected business trip, but technical presentation.
Development Meeting
The next Standards Development
thankfully Dick Hooper was able to provide Committee meeting is Sunday,
Chicago 25 March 2018 at the 27th ASNT
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Research Symposium in Orlando,
The Chicago Section met on 11 December Florida. More information is available
2017 and held an “End of the Year” online at or by emailing
meeting and party. The year was recapped, Charles Longo (
with the following highlights noted: the Come to this meeting to be part of
advancement of the Section’s student ASNT’s voice in national and interna-
outreach program; the establishment of a tional standards development.
scholarship fund; the increase in atten-
dance at the educational meetings; the
SNT-TC-1A Subcommittee
individual awards conferred on members Per the ASNT Board of Directors’
at the Annual Conference; and the presen- motion on 16 March 2017, the
tation to the Section for achieving Gold SNT-TC-1A Review Committee
Status in the President’s Award. (previously part of the Technical &
The 17 attendees were challenged by a Education Council) is now the
Charlotte Section Chair Robert Smilie (right)
quiz on ASNT and Chicago Section history, SNT-TC-1A Subcommittee under the
pictured with Dick Hooper (left), who gave a
presentation to the Section during its along with various technical questions. Standards Development Committee
13 November meeting. Stuart A. Kleven of Alloyweld Inspection (SDC).


section news

took home the first prize, an Amazon

gift card; Sal Razi of Moraine Valley
Community College won the second place
prize (donated by the Section); and David
R. Atkins of Unified Engineering took home
third prize (from the host venue, Crazy Pour).
Also discussed were the plans for 2018,
including an upcoming adult education
class, the DuPage Area STEM Expo, more
student outreach program school visits, and
the “Dig Deep, Fly High” recruitment efforts.

Hampton Roads
NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA Attendees of the Hampton Roads Section’s 14 November meeting enjoyed a presentation on
The Hampton Roads Section met on training and a briefing on the Annual Conference.
14 November 2017 to hear LeDon C.
Watkins present a briefing on the training
he performs as a Hellier instructor. Six
members and one guest attended. Bill Via, The retrospection discussion included India
regional director, briefed the membership participation in the November 2017 Kailua CHENNAI, INDIA

on the Annual Conference. The 2016–2017 High School Career Fair and the receipt of The India Section successfully conducted
Bronze President Award was delivered at a Section rebate. The action items discus- its third technical meeting of the year on
this meeting. sion focused on the Section newsletter. A 26 November 2017 at the Courtyard by
January 2018 issue is planned. Members Marriott Hyderabad. There were nearly
Hawaii are requested to provide a roster of recipi- 30 members in attendance, and the
HONOLULU, HAWAII ents, including a list for their clients. Editor meeting was chaired by Loganathan
The Hawaii Section held its December Jayme J. Martin will provide interview Thangavel, the vice chair of the Section.
quarterly meeting on 7 December 2017, at questions to two veteran members to The secretary gave an overview of the
Buzz’s Original Steakhouse in Pearl City, answer for the newsletter. The planned 2016–2017 activities of the Section to the
Hawaii. In attendance were 10 members 2018 quarterly meetings will be on members. The technical talk was given by
and guests. The agenda included the 2017 8 March, 7 June, 6 September, and Mallu Venkata Reddy from Defence
retrospection, action items, the 2018 6 December. A January potluck picnic Research and Development Laboratory,
schedule, and the January potluck picnic. had been in the works at a Pearl City park. and was titled “Advanced Radiography

The India Section’s third technical meeting of the 2017–2018 year included a talk on radiographic testing on aerospace components.


Attendees of the 29 November 2017 meeting of the Metro NY/Northern New Jersey Section enjoyed a presentation on the role of NDE in
pipeline construction and maintenance.

Testing on Aerospace Components.” The of pipeline that is laid underground Mohawk Hudson
meeting was sponsored by C/MOS within North America, and how much S C H E N E C T A D Y, N E W Y O R K

Processors, a channel partner of GE. work is involved with regards to main- The Mohawk Hudson Section held a
taining it. The meeting also included a meeting on 19 December 2017 at the Van
Metro NY/Northern New Jersey raffle giveaway. Dyck Restaurant and Lounge with 35 members
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NEW YORK and guests in attendance. The meeting
The Metro NY/Northern New Jersey Section Miami Valley included a presentation titled “Advances
held a meeting on 29 November 2017 at C I N C I N N AT I , O H I O In Wind Turbine Blade Technologies” by
the Press 195 Restaurant in Rockville The Miami Valley Section met on Shridhar Nath of GE Global Research in
Center, New York. Section Chair Toni Bailey 8 November 2017 at Miami Valley Schenectady, New York. As wind blades are
opened the meeting with officer introduc- Gaming for a very informative presentation getting longer and longer, the industry is
tions. After dinner Larry E. Mullins, Sr. titled “Advances in Resonant Ultrasound looking at new ways to design and manufac-
gave a presentation on the role of NDE in Spectroscopy for Materials and Component ture these blades to keep them cost competi-
pipeline construction and maintenance, Characterization,” by Rasheed Adebisi, tive. The talk covered new technologies being
which was an informative topic that is from the University of Dayton Research introduced for the next generation of wind
relevant to the modern NDT field. Mullins Institute. Eighteen members came out turbine blades. Materials, additive manufac-
was a great speaker, and the presentation for the presentation. turing, instrumentation, automation, and
seemed to capture everyone’s attention; inspection technologies were some of the
attendees were surprised by the mileage topics discussed.

The Mohawk Hudson Section held a meeting on 19 December 2017 that included a presentation on wind turbine blade technologies.


section news

Narragansett Bay There were 30 members in attendance. Past President John A. Stringer were also
PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND Region 11 Director Brenda L. Collins of in attendance. All attending enjoyed the
The Narragansett Bay Section held a Sherwin, Inc. gave a talk on liquid talk and asked many questions.
meeting on 28 November 2017 at the penetrant inspection and its applications.
Atwood Grill in Johnston, Rhode Island. Region 1 Director John P. Moran and ASNT North Alabama
The North Alabama Section held a meeting
on 14 November 2017 at the Redstone
Arsenal Test Center. The meeting consisted
of a technical discussion and tour, in
which attendees were able to view and
discuss radiographic and computed
tomography images of hardware, as well
as the test facility and inspection
equipment setups.

North Carolina Student

On 28 October 2017, six students from the
North Carolina Student Section and
Section advisor Rand Ernst traveled to the
ASNT Annual Conference in Nashville,
Tennessee. While attending the confer-
ence, students visited the Exhibit Hall and
were able to see the vast scope of the
industry and be exposed to the new NDT
technology available. Students met
national leaders of ASNT and had the
opportunity to network with industry
professionals and potential employers. The
trip was fruitful, as all students attending
received at least one job offer. The Annual
Conference was a great experience for all
the students, and was made possible due
to the participation of sponsors and
golfers in the annual George Pherigo
Memorial Golf Tournament.
On 30 November 2017, students and
faculty from CPCC held a meeting to
discuss the upcoming George Pherigo
Charity golf tournament. This will be the
11th annual tournament and will be held
Thursday, 19 April 2018, which is a
change from the usual fall date. General
details were discussed, as well as other
ways to help raise money for the North
Carolina Student Section. All raised money
goes toward students making the trip to
the ASNT Annual Conference, where
students have always been able to find
interviews and job opportunities. Last fall
the Section raised enough money for up to


nine students to make the trip to
Nashville, thanks to generous donations.

Old Dominion
On 27 November 2017, the Old Dominion
Section held a technical meeting at
Calabash Seafood in Mechanicsville,
Virginia. Section member Robert E.
Campbell, Jr. gave a presentation on
revisions to the AWS B1 publications.
Campbell, who is the chair of the B1
subcommittee, covered numerous topics,
including the revision process to comply
with ANSI, documents under revision, and
The Southern Africa Section held its last meeting of 2017 at Fahrenheit Seafood and Grill.
attempts to combine several documents
From left: Section Treasurer Johannes Stephanus Beukes, Section Vice Chair Benjamin Beetge,
into a useful publication. Section Secretary Elaine MacDonald, Section Past Chair Garth Appel, and Section Chair Simon
Neil Wilding.
Pacific Northwest
SE ATT L E , WA S H I N GTO N (from the regional sales department). 2017 at Fahrenheit Seafood and Grill in
The Pacific Northwest Section held a Maziuk and Herrera gave a presentation on Benoni. There were a lot of achievements
meeting on 13 November 2017 at the Old the current state of computed tomography during the year, including three well-
Spaghetti Factory in Tukwila, Washington. (CT) and showed how an entire car can be attended technical evenings, a great
Twenty-two attendees enjoyed a presenta- imaged to reveal all of the different family fun day, the most successful golf
tion by two speakers from VJ Technologies: materials inside. CT imaging has improved day to date, and another ASNT Bronze
Robert Maziuk (Level III RTR, who manages greatly and is also capable of finding Award. Everyone is very excited for the
the high energy DR/CT facility in East porosity in plastics and metals in addition upcoming year.
Haven, Connecticut), and Mel Herrera to identifying cracks.
The Section held a meeting on United Arab Emirates
11 December 2017 at the Old Spaghetti D U B A I , U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT ES
Factory that included a presentation on The United Arab Emirates Section held a
NDT automation. Automation is an ever- board meeting in Dubai on 9 December
expanding part of NDT technology, 2017. The meeting was attended by seven
increasing both speed and accuracy of members. Topics covered included
jobs and changing some of the skills creating a new Section logo with the assis-
required, which is creating more opportu- tance of the ASNT International Service
nity to learn and advance in particular Center, promoting ASNT to nonmember
disciplines and fields of interest. Brian companies, and the Section yearbook. w x
Ruhl and Whitney Moon from Genesis
Systems Group, LLC made a presentation
that was both interesting and educational.
The evening was made more festive by the
Board giving each of the 32 people in
attendance a beautiful Christmas mug On page 17 of the January 2018 issue
filled with candy. Everyone enjoyed the of Materials Evaluation, Clyde W. May
was incorrectly identified as Clyde
meeting while making connections and
Mays. May gave a presentation to the
new friendships with other NDT folks.
Pacific Northwest Section Chair Kathy Cleveland Section on 16 October; the
Ferguson (right) presented Robert Maziuk meeting was described in the Section
(left) and Mel Hererra (center) speaker gifts Southern Africa News department.
for their presentation on electronics and Materials Evaluation regrets this error.
high-energy computed tomography at the The Southern Africa Section held its
Section’s 13 November meeting. Christmas dinner and final meeting of


awards & honors

David Blosser David L. Culbertson Juan R. Diaz Jerry Fullin William H. Spaulding

Mentoring Recognition reliable mechanical integrity/quality 1994, serving as the secretary/treasurer,

assurance specialists in North America. vice president, president, and chairperson
Blosser studied business administration of the board from 1994 through 1998. He
2017 winner David R. Blosser is the acting (major) and linguistics (minor) at has also served on the Governance
CEO and QA Manager of Kinetic Solutions, Washington University in St. Louis, the Committee for more than 25 years (serving
LLC, a full-service inspection, training, and Goethe Institut in Goettingen, Germany, as chair for 16 years), along with several
consulting company specializing in NDT the University of Phoenix, and the other ASNT committees.
instruction, mechanical integrity program University of Alaska Anchorage. Culbertson also organized and
management, and third-party Level III NDT cofounded ASNT’s International Chemical
program management. He is a member of 2017 winner David L. Culbertson is the Petroleum Industry Inspection Technology
the Minnesota Section of ASNT and serves founder and president of NDT Technical topical conference in 1988, and has
on the Magnetic Flux Leakage Committee. Services, Inc., a consulting, training, and continued to play key leadership roles for
Blosser began a career in testing and technical services company that designs the conference, including serving as the
materials evaluation in 1999 on the North nondestructive testing training programs keynote speaker in 2013 and plenary
Slope of Alaska, amassing certifications to and provides consulting services to meet speaker in 2015. Culbertson was also
many national standards including ASNT customers’ specific needs. Culbertson instrumental in other ASNT activities,
Level III, API 510/570/653/580, NAS 410 performs quality audits and third-party including developing the “Organizing
Level 3, and AWS Certified Welding arbitrations, and has provided expert Topical Conferences and Revenue Sharing
Inspector. Having worked with many major testimony during litigation. Policy” and the ACCP NDT Level II program.
oil and gas exploration companies Culbertson, a past president of ASNT He is an ASNT Fellow (class of 1985), and
(including Conoco Phillips, BP, Chevron, (1996–1997), has been a member of the was awarded the Charles N. Sherlock
and Hilcorp Alaska), refineries (POET Society and affiliated with the Greater Meritorious Service Award in 2005 and the
Ethanol, REG), diving and salvage Houston Section for 47 years. He has been Philip D. Johnson Honorary Member Award
companies (Global Diving, American an actively involved leader of the Section, in 2012.
Marine), fabrication companies (Peak, having served as secretary, vice chair, and Culbertson retired from El Paso
ASRC, Northern Solutions, CH2MHILL), and chair of the Section from 1980 through Corporation, a natural gas pipeline
nondestructive testing/inspection 1982. He also cofounded the Section’s company, in 2012 after 42 years as the
companies (Acuren, Mistras, TEAM) along Gerald E. Smith Memorial Scholarship NDE Principal and Radiation Safety Officer.
the way, he has secured a reputation as program. Culbertson was a member of the At El Paso, he functioned as their technical
being among the most knowledgeable and ASNT Board of Directors from 1991 to specialist and advisor on matters of


nondestructive testing, quality assurance, 2017 winner Jerry Fulin has served the
and welding inspection. He has 47 years NDT community as an independent NDT
of in-depth experience in nondestructive consultant for the past two years. He
testing and welding inspection within the currently holds ASNT NDT Level III certifica-
pipeline, tubing, and chemical petroleum tion in RT, UT, MT, PT, and VT. He has been
industries. In addition to his work with a member of ASNT since 1983 and has
ASNT, Culbertson currently serves in many held all officer positions for the Greater
key leadership roles on committees for the Houston Section, and continues to serve
American Welding Society, American as a director for the Section. He also
Petroleum Institute, US Department for served on the ASNT Board of Directors
Transportation (PHMSA), and NDTMA. from 2011 through 2014, and is currently
serving as the Section Operations Council
2017 winner Juan R. Diaz is the president management division chair.
of Testing Services & Inspection, Inc., Fulin’s previous employment was with
which was established in 1981 and is Fugro Consultants, Inc., where he was the
located in San Diego, California. Diaz corporate NDT Level III. There he provided
holds employer-based Level III certification training, certification, and procedure devel-
in PT, UT, MT, and VT. He is a member of opment for the company’s services in the
the San Diego Section and has served as petrochemical industry in the Houston
its chair, vice chair, and on its educational area. Prior to his work at Fugro, Fulin was
committee. During his involvement in the the corporate NDT Level III for Weldsonix,
educational committee during the early Inc., which provided automatic UT inspec-
1980s, ASNT held a competition for the tion for pipeline construction. Before this,
local sections to recruit the most Fulin was with Tennessee Gas Pipeline
members, and in 1983, the San Diego Company for a period of 32 years. There he
Section was awarded first place for most spent 15 years on the pipeline, and the
members recruited. Diaz has also served last 15 years in their research lab
on the Ground Penetrating Radar providing NDT services, developing
Committee. training classes, and training.
Diaz was born and raised in Corpus Fulin served in the US Army from
Christi, Texas. In 1968, he graduated from 1967 to 1969, and was promoted to staff
Del Mar College Technical School in welding sergeant (E-6) prior to being deployed to
and metallurgy. He also joined the US Army Vietnam, where he received two Bronze
in 1968, and was deployed to Alaska. He Star Medals.
attended the University of Alaska, studying Fulin’s initial training was for computer
in the metallurgy department. technology, and he graduated from Control
In 1972, Diaz moved to San Diego, Data Institute in 1966. After being
California. His nondestructive testing discharged from the army, he continued
career began in 1974 at National Steel & taking night classes at a local community
Ship Building (a San Diego, California college to advance his education; addition-
division of General Dynamics), where he ally, he instructed evening classes in elec-
served as a liquid penetrant and magnetic tronics and electricity at this community
particle Level I technician. For advance- college. From 1999 to 2002 he also
ment, Diaz immediately started taking instructed NDT classes for Lone Star
nondestructive courses in the evenings in College in Houston, Texas.
radiography and ultrasonic testing at San
Diego Mesa College. He achieved an 2017 winner William H. Spaulding is the
associate of arts degree in quality control owner of GSW Level 3 Services, an NDT
inspection. consulting business. He holds Level III
In addition to his work with ASNT, Diaz certification in NR, PT, RT, UT, MT, and ET.
has served as a board member of the Spaulding worked at Garrett/Allied-
American Welding Society. Signal/Honeywell (the same company) for


awards & honors

50 years. He served as the Aerospace Spaulding wrote six NDT books for About the Mentoring Recognition
Level 3 Examiner for 300 global NDT Honeywell, which were study guides. He
persons, and was the director for QA also coauthored ASNT Level II Study Guide: Mentoring is an important activity that the
special processes, auditing, NDT, and Liquid Penetrant Testing Method, second Section Operations Council of ASNT honors
quality systems. He established the edition, and ASNT Level II Study Guide: by offering an award to outstanding
Honeywell “NDE NETWORK,” with all site Radiographic Testing Method, second mentors of the past and present. Realizing
Level 3 personnel reporting to a single edition. In 1998, he received a US patent that mentors have probably touched every
management. The end result was a via Honeywell for manipulator systems person in the Society at some time, this
common/standardized NDT process that used for real-time X-ray. He has also recognition may be presented to more
reduced duplication, prevented errors, and presented technical papers on computer than one honoree. The maximum number
resulted in significant cost savings. He also image enhancement on radiographic of recipients in any given year will be five.
established the Honeywell Supplier Level 3 media and advanced eddy current testing The Mentoring Recognition was estab-
certification process (now known as the of bearing components at ASNT confer- lished to recognize those people in the
Source Certifying Agent program). While ences, as well as authored numerous Society working to encourage others to
working for Honeywell, Spaulding certified trade/quality magazine articles on NDT reach goals they may have otherwise not
over 500 supplier Level 3 personnel, and technologies. sought and to offer the rest of the
he is currently approved for Honeywell to membership an example of what they
support their supplier base. could be accomplishing by acting as
mentors. w x


society news
27th ASNT Research Symposium
Researchers, innovators, and leaders from The 27th Research Symposium is thermal testing, and ultrasonic testing.
myriad areas of NDE will come together for chaired by Anish Poudel, of Transportation The Research Symposium will also
the 27th ASNT Research Symposium, held Technology Center, Inc., with Ehsan include two short courses, both held on
26–29 March at the DoubleTree by Hilton Dehghan-Niri, of New Mexico State Monday, 26 March. The first course, titled
Hotel at the Entrance to Universal in University, serving as vice chair, and “Active Thermography for NDT,” will be
Orlando, Florida. The Research Symposium supported by a program committee of held from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and
serves as a nexus for the newest ideas more than 30 ASNT members active in taught by Steven Shepard, of Thermal
and advancement in NDE, connecting NDE research and development. Wave Imaging, Inc. The course will provide
groundbreaking research to engineering an overview of thermography and the
practices and technology advancements in Technical Program types of applications that are best suited
one exciting event. The theme of this This year’s Research Symposium includes for this technique, with the intention of
year’s symposium, “Advancing NDE three invited presentations along with enabling technicians and managers to
Technologies, Research, and Engineering more than 80 20-minute presentations know when to apply thermography, learn
in a Changing World,” aims to bridge gaps that cover a variety of NDE research and to evaluate and interpret data, and make
and build knowledge between these development, including the following: recommendations of basic acquisition
important areas of NDE. Between the short additive manufacturing, aerospace parameters.
courses, technical program, lectures, and materials, civil infrastructure, composites, The second course, titled “An
exhibits, participants will be able to learn, digital imaging/radiography, emerging NDE Introduction to Structural Health
network, and share their own knowledge methods, modeling and simulation, Monitoring,” will be held from 1:00 p.m.
to help advance and strengthen the field railroads, NDE reliability, pipes and to 5:00 p.m. and taught by Charles Farrar,
of NDE. pipelines, structural health monitoring, of Los Alamos National Lab. This course

Although perhaps best known for its theme parks, Orlando offers visitors a mix of cultural attractions, sports and recreation, and natural
beauty (Photo credit: Susanne Pommer /


is designed for engineers, and will give academic and industry leaders, especially This is a great opportunity to network with
attendees an overview of structural health through the mentoring program, which has industry leaders and see how NDE tech-
monitoring (SHM), including its develop- helped many ASNT and NDE leaders garner niques are being applied in the field.
ment, distinction from NDE, and how to important contacts and experiences early
implement the new technologies, data in their careers. This year’s Symposium Companion Program
features, and statistical classification tools will also include a special tutorial for The Companion Program includes a conti-
to move toward more continuous online student attendees titled “Overview of nental breakfast Monday through Thursday
monitoring. Nondestructive Evaluation,” presented from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., as well as local
by John C. Duke, Jr. speakers, an optional tour of Orlando, and
Meetings door prizes each day.
The Research Symposium includes Board, ASNT’s Day of STEM
council, and committee meetings, many of ASNT will be holding a Day of STEM Symposium Venue
which are open to conference attendees. workshop for high school students and The DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel at the
This is a great opportunity to reconnect teachers during the Symposium. On Entrance to Universal Orlando is located
with members of ASNT committees and Tuesday, 27 March, local area teachers within 20 miles of Orlando International
keep up-to-date on committee activities. and students will be invited to participate Airport, and is within walking distance to
Members can interact with ASNT leader- in a free daylong workshop. The workshop the attractions that comprise the Universal
ship on issues important to the industry is designed to introduce students to the Orlando Resort™. The hotel features
and the Society at the ASNT Town Hall importance of NDT and the opportunities 5852 m2 (63 000 ft2) of meeting space,
Meeting, which takes place after the that a career in NDT offers. Participants will along with complimentary high-speed
technical program on Wednesday. get to engage in hands-on activities and internet and a business center. In addition
NDT method demonstrations. Space is to a Starbucks coffee shop, the hotel also
Lectures limited to the first 150 students and has four restaurants on property: American
The 27th Research Symposium will include teachers who register. Grill offers a wide variety of American food,
three lectures. The Keynote Lecture will with the grilled cheese sandwiches as a
kick off the first full day of the Symposium Exhibits noted highlight; Pompanos Restaurant
on Tuesday, 27 March. The presentation, The exhibit hall is a great way to see the serves an American breakfast buffet along
titled “Acoustic Emission Nondestructive latest NDE research put into action through with lunch specials; the Courtyard Deli
Evaluation and Structural Health equipment, technology, and services. provides snacks, sandwiches, pizza, and
Monitoring Applications,” will be given by Exhibitors are scheduled to showcase their burgers as both a sit-down or takeout
Eric von Krumreig Hill, of Aura Vector latest products in the form of face-to-face option; and the Lakeside Pool Bar offers
Consulting. Wednesday, 28 March, will interactions with conference attendees. snacks and frozen drinks by the swimming
begin with the 2018 Research Recognition
for Sustained Excellence Lecture, given by
John C. Duke, Jr., of Virginia Tech University
and titled “Detecting and Tracking
Damage.” The 2018 Research Recognition
for Innovation Lecture, titled “My 27 Years
of Innovations in NDE: From Inventor’s
School to Development of a New NDE
Method,” will be given by Sergey
Vinogradov on Thursday, 29 March.

Student Participation
To help enable students to take advantage
of the educational and networking resources
that the Research Symposium provides, the
Society has offered travel reimbursements
of $1000 each to 15 students (the deadline
to apply for this reimbursement ended in
December). The Symposium is a great Universal’s CityWalk features a variety of dining, shopping, and live entertainment (Photo
opportunity for students to connect with credit: Kamira /


society news

The Symposium is within walking distance to Universal Studios Resort, which includes two theme parks, a water theme park, and an
entertainment district (Photo credit: Michael Gordon / Shutterstock).

restaurants ranging from fast-casual options

to upscale dining experiences. CityWalk also
features Blue Man Group, a unique
theatrical experience that incorporates
music and comedy with colorful visuals.
While the offerings of Universal
Orlando Resort will be within walking
distance to Symposium attendees, there is
certainly much more to see and do in the
city of Orlando. The DoubleTree by Hilton is
on the I-Ride Trolley route, which services
the variety of attractions, shopping, and
restaurants along International Drive and
the surrounding area (known as the I-Drive
Resort Area). A highlight of I-Drive is
the Coca-Cola Orlando Eye, the tallest
observational wheel on the East Coast of
The Coca-Cola Orlando Eye, the tallest observation wheel on the East Coast of the United the United States at 121 m (400 ft).
States, takes guests up to 121 m (400 ft) in enclosed air-conditioned capsules (Photo credit: Orlando also includes numerous golf
Zhukova Valentyna / Shutterstock).
courses, cultural attractions, natural
beauty, and a wide variety of dining. The
pool. As a Universal Partner Hotel, the Universal Studios Florida™ and Universal’s Symposium is also a 20-minute drive away
DoubleTree by Hilton offers its guests free Islands of Adventure™, along with the new from Walt Disney World Resort® and a
scheduled transportation to the Universal water theme park Volcano Bay™. For infor- one-hour drive from Kennedy Space
Orlando™ parks, along with discounts for mation about purchasing tickets, readers Center. wx
select food, nonalcoholic beverages, and can visit the Universal Orlando Resort ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
merchandise within the resort. website at Facts for this article were provided by the
For those not wanting to pay for park DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel at the Entrance to
Orlando admission, the Universal Orlando Resort also Universal Orlando, Universal Studios Resort,
Visit Florida, Visit Orlando, Coca-Cola Orlando
Orlando is famous for its theme parks, and includes CityWalk, a complex featuring a Eye, I-Drive Resort Area, and the I-Ride Trolley.
attendees of the Research Symposium will variety of dining, shopping, nightlife, and live
find themselves at the entrance of one entertainment, as well as a movie theater To access links to more information about the
Symposium and Orlando attractions, please
such destination, Universal Orlando Resort. and a mini-golf course. The dining options view this article on the digital edition of
The resort includes two theme parks, offer something for every mood, with Materials Evaluation.


society news

Photo credit: aceshot1 /

2017 ASNT Annual Business
Meeting Minutes*
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. 2017 Annual Conference,
30 October 2017 — Nashville, Tennessee

1. Call to Order — Kevin D. Smith, Chairperson of the Bylaws. Each change to the Bylaws would be voted on
Board separately.
Smith called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. and made Smith called for the vote on the proposed change to
introductions of the Officers, Past Presidents, and stagger the Council Directors’ terms in Article III. Votes were
Dignitaries. counted and the proposed change to stagger the Council
1.1 Quorum: Secretary/Treasurer Scott P. Cargill estab- Directors’ terms was approved.
lished the presence of a quorum, with 61 members in Smith called for the vote on the proposed change to
attendance, representing 24 sections. add the position of Immediate Past Chairperson of the
1.2 Appointment of Tellers: Smith appointed Michael V. Board. Votes were counted and the proposed change to add
McGloin and William F. Via, Jr. as tellers. the position was approved.
1.3 Recognition of Agenda Changes: No additions or dele- Smith called for the vote on the proposed change to the
tions were presented. The agenda was set. verbiage regarding the membership composition of the
Selection Committee. Votes were counted and the
2. Ratification of Election Results — Smith proposed change to the verbiage regarding the
2.1. On Saturday, 19 August 2017, membership ballots membership composition of the Selection Committee was
were tallied for the election of the 2017–2018 officers approved.
and new directors. The following individuals were Smith asked for a motion to ratify the Bylaws changes.
l Officers Motion: Savoy recommended and so moved to ratify the
Chairperson of the Board: David R. Bajula proposed ASNT Bylaws changes.
President: David A. Mandina
Vice President: Scott P. Cargill The motion was seconded by Doron Kishoni and was
Secretary/Treasurer: David E. Savoy approved.

l Directors at Large (three-year term) 4. Approval of 2016 ASNT Annual Business Meeting
John Z. Chen Minutes — Scott P. Cargill, Vice President
John C. Duke, Jr. The ASNT Board of Directors recommended that the 2016
C. Deal Moore Annual Business Meeting minutes, as published in the
The ratification of the election results is automatic. March 2017 issue of Materials Evaluation, and with no
comments having been subsequently received, be
3. Vote and Ratification of Bylaws Changes — Smith approved as published.
Proposed ASNT Bylaws amendments were presented to
members for consideration in the June 2017 issue of Motion: Cargill recommended and so moved to approve the
Materials Evaluation. All eligible voting members were 2016 Annual Business Meeting minutes as published.
either emailed or mailed a ballot from our balloting
provider, Intelliscan, on 1 August 2017 and voting The motion was seconded by Danny L. Keck and was
remained open through 15 October 2017. approved.
Smith asked for vote of members present that had not
already voted to accept the proposed changes to the


5. Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2016–2017 — As of 30 June 2017 ASNT’s total assets were $28.0 million.
Cargill This reflects a 1.4% increase from 2016 while total
Secretary/Treasurer Cargill was pleased to present the liabilities decreased 6.2% over the same period. Overall,
financial report that ended 30 June 2017. The Society ASNT’s net assets ended at $24.3 million, 6.2% higher than
continues to focus on investing for the future while taking 2016.
steps to ensure its financial health remain strong. In January 2017, the Board of Directors added another
ASNT revenues from operations were $8.2 million for board-designated fund. This fund earmarked a large portion
the fiscal year 2016–2017. Factors such as a weakness in of ASNT’s unrestricted funds to create and maintain a
the oil and gas industry as well as concurrent initiative financial reserve, for innovation and opportunities.
spending resulted in an operating deficit of $1.3 million. These reserves will allow ASNT to prepare for and
This deficit included initiative spending associated with respond to long-term changes in strategy or in the market,
the celebration last year of ASNT’s 75th Anniversary, the and be an investor in its future. It will also require
renewed outreach to international members and colleagues, deliberate and well-thought action of the Board before the
and the transition to computer-based testing along with the funds can be accessed in order to assure the long-term
longer-term initiatives such as improving ASNT’s certification preservation of the Society.
programs and building the training Center for Excellence. ASNT received an unmodified, or clean, opinion from
Due to positive financial market conditions, ASNT’s Clark, Schaefer, Hackett & Co. in an independent auditor’s
investment returns were favorable, generating income of report.
$2.7 million. As a result, ASNT’s fund balance had an ASNT continues to be a financially sound organization.
increase in net assets of $1.4 million.


6. ASNT State of the Society Message — Smith 6.5. Publications: ASNT Publications was very productive in
ASNT has had a dynamic year of capacity building to maintaining ASNT’s position as the preeminent profes-
solidify its leadership status and also to position the sional resource for NDT methods, industry sector appli-
Society for continued readiness for the future in the cations, study guides, and training companions.
political, economic, and workforce landscapes. Recognition was given to Patrick O. Moore, who
6.1. Memorandums of Understanding (MOU): ASNT signed passed away suddenly in March. Moore was just com-
a record number of MOUs and had a historic signing pleting his work on the Leak Testing Handbook [Nonde-
of a Mutual Recognition Agreement with the Japanese structive Testing Handbook, fourth edition, Vol. 2: Leak
Society [for Non-Destructive Inspection], JSNDI. The Testing], which was just released and was dedicated in
30 signed MOUs mean reciprocal respect for each his honor.
society’s standing as a regional professional NDT Materials Evaluation has a new digital platform
organization. that provides users with more functionalities and con-
Over the past three years, ASNT has transitioned trol over their experience. The table of content pages
from being a bubble of isolation in domestic interests are hot-linked, as are the emails and information for
to now being entrenched in international dialogues advertisers.
and decision-making and is being sought as a key 6.6. Certification: Computer-based testing had its first an-
partner for initiatives around the world. The extensive niversary this year and exams are being given in thou-
travel has opened and broadened opportunities for sands of locations around the world. Computer-based
ASNT and its members. testing has allowed ASNT to make examination loca-
6.2. Collaboration with Sister Societies: Last year NACE tions accessible while safeguarding test site security,
[National Association of Corrosion Engineers] pre- candidate verification, and preserving exam integrity.
sented a concurrent course at ASNT’s Annual Confer- ASNT is continuing the process to reshape the
ence. This year ABENDI [the Brazilian Association of ACCP [ASNT Central Certification Program] to fully
Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection] collaborated adopt the ISO/IEC 9712 and should be completed by
with ASNT to bring flexible riser integrity management the end of 2018. This includes the implementation of
(also known as FRIM) to this year’s Annual Conference Authorized Training Organizations (ATOs), which pro-
as a technical session. vide training. ASNT is also revising the process to be-
6.3. MRA with JSNDI: The MRA with JSNDI is another indica- come an Authorized Examination Center (AEC) so that
tion of how ASNT’s global outreach is creating a direct the sites can administer the ACCP examinations.
impact to ASNT’s membership and certifications. The ASNT is developing an Employer-based Certifica-
MRA brings a commitment of cooperation in mutually tion Audit Program, which will be called the ASNT EBC.
beneficial projects and opportunities for each society’s It will be a review of a company’s written practice and
members and constituents. There will be a feature arti- verification of compliance with the defined require-
cle in the December [2017] issue of Materials Evalua- ments in the written practice, to provide the assurance
tion discussing the finer points of the MRA. that the company complies with SNT-TC-1A and/or
6.4. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics CP-189. ASNT plans to create an international registry
(STEM): ASNT was the first society to integrate STEM identifying companies complying with this program.
outreach as a programmatic priority and create dedi- ASNT believes that companies will experience a signifi-
cated events to reach school-age students. Throughout cant return on their participation in the audit program
the past year, ASNT’s website, social media pages, and because they [will be] subjected to fewer audits by end
articles in Materials Evaluation gave tremendous expo- clients, and because of the brand eminence of ASNT in
sure to NDT to young audiences. ASNT also exhibited industry sectors and the administration of the program
at the National Science Teachers Association STEM by trained NDT professionals. ASNT will keep updating
Forum and the Girl Scouts’ triennial convention, the members and the NDT community as the program
G.I.R.L. 2017. continues to take shape.
ASNT began its ASNT Day of STEM two years ago for ASNT is also exploring groundwork for creating a
high school students and their educators. Since then, Performance Demonstration Qualification (PDQ) pro-
the Day of STEM, which is hosted at the Spring Sympo- gram for the oil and gas industry. The purpose is to
sium and the Annual Conference, has grown program- standardize PDQ testing of NDE technicians, alleviating
matically and practically to ensure that every moment the burden of owner/operators from providing and
of the students’ time is well spent and memorable. maintaining their own programs. The resulting impact
should be a significant minimization of costs and over-


testing of NDT technicians. The expectation is this pro-
gram strives to meet the standards of stakeholders
and will achieve full support of the industry.
These certification efforts have the goal and potential
to bring considerable growth to ASNT’s membership.
6.7. Membership: Member Services held the Annual Mem-
ber-Get-Member Campaign this year, “Who’s Next,”
and they asked every member to do his or her part in
finding those individuals who would be the next mem-
ber. To date this campaign has brought in 609 new
members through recruitment. This is above the num-
ber that ASNT already brings in over the year through
corporate marketing. The 2018 membership campaign
is “Dig Deep, Fly High.” Members were encouraged to
set a personal goal of recruiting at least one new mem-
ber in the upcoming year.
There has been one section chartered since last
year and there are two groups that completed section
petitions for review at this conference. These are in ad-
dition to the 55 active sections across 12 countries.
Members were encouraged to get involved with a local
section if they were not already involved.
6.8. Conferences: This Annual Conference appears to be
one of the most well attended in ASNT’s history. ASNT
hosted seven conferences this year. The [Research]
Symposium, topicals, and this conference have given
attendees over 500 presentations and exposure to the
technology and services of hundreds of exhibitors.

7. Regional Directors — Smith

7.1. Smith recognized the following ASNT Regional Direc-
tors by asking them to stand and be applauded.

David R. Bajula
Marwan F. Basrawi
Joseph R. Clasen
Brenda L. Collins
Mark E. Dahn
Cindy Finley
Joaquin P. Gutierrez
Dick Hooper
Brad Hoskins
John J. Kinsey
Michael V. McGloin
John P. Moran
Lawrence E. Mullins, Sr.
Mark Ormrod
Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan
Emery E. Roberts
Hussein M. Sadek
David E. Savoy
William F. Via, Jr.


8. Introduction of the Current Board of Directors — 13. New Business — Smith
Smith 13.1. The 2017–2018 Board of Directors was announced:
8.1. Smith recognized the current ASNT Board of Directors
l Officers
by asking them to stand and be applauded.
Chairperson of the Board: David R. Bajula
President: David A. Mandina
David R. Bajula, President
Vice President: Scott P. Cargill
David A. Mandina, Vice President
Secretary/Treasurer: David E. Savoy
Scott P. Cargill, Secretary/Treasurer
Executive Director: Dr. Arny Bereson
Dr. Arny Bereson, Executive Director
Mohammed A. AbuFour l Council Directors
Martin T. Anderson Sections Operations Council: William F. Via, Jr.
B. Boro Djordjevic Research Council: Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan
Gregory A. Garcia Technical and Education Council: Danny L. Keck
Mohsen Hassanein Certification Management Council:
Danny L. Keck Martin T. Anderson
Michael V. McGloin l Directors
Marybeth Miceli Immediate Past Chairperson of the Board:
Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan Kevin D. Smith
Robert L. Saunders Director at Large: Mohammed A. AbuFour
Flynn Spears Director at Large: John Z. Chen
John Turner Director at Large: John C. Duke, Jr.
William F. Via, Jr. Director at Large: B. Boro Djordjevic
Director at Large: Gregory A. Garcia
9. Recognition of Outgoing Directors of the Board —
Smith Director at Large: Mohsen Hassanein
9.1. Smith recognized the following by acknowledging their Director at Large: Michael V. McGloin
contributions and by having them come forward to be Director at Large: Marybeth Miceli
recognized by receiving a plaque. Director at Large: C. Deal Moore

Robert L. Saunders 14. Adjournment — Smith

Flynn Spears Changing of the Presidential Collar will be Wednesday
John Turner evening during the Annual Awards Banquet. The members
were encouraged to stay for the Town Hall meeting
10. Recognition of 2016–2017 Council Chairs — Smith immediately following this meeting.
10.1. Smith recognized the following 2016–2017 ASNT 14.1. The meeting was moved to be adjourned.
Council Chairs by acknowledging their contributions
and by presenting them a certificate of appreciation. Motion: Keck moved to adjourn the meeting. The
motion was seconded by Via. The motion carried.
John J. Kinsey, Certification Management Council Chairperson Smith declared that the 2017 ASNT
Roger W. Engelbart, Research Council Annual Business Meeting was adjourned.
Ricky L. Morgan, Sections Operations Council
B. Boro Djordjevic, Technical and Education Council
Glenn M. Light, Acting Chair of Technical and Respectfully submitted,
Education Council Scott P. Cargill
2016–2017 ASNT Secretary/Treasurer
11. Recognition of ASNT Past Presidents — Smith w
11.1. Smith asked Past Presidents of ASNT to rise and be
* These minutes from the 2017 Annual Business Meeting, presented at
12. Old Business — Smith the ASNT Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, have been edited
12.1. No old business was discussed. for publication. Changes appear in brackets.


certification memo
From the Desk of the Chief Technical Officer
In this new column, we’ll take a look at some of the activities of the Each examination has a pass grade personalized
certification group at the International Service Center, from day-to- (through psychometrics); therefore, a pass percentage in the
day communication exchanges with customers to Board-driven ASNT Level III Penetrant examination will be different than the
initiatives, to ensure that members, certification holders, and inter- ASNT Level III Magnetic Testing examination. It is why ASNT’s certi-
ested parties are up-to-date on the latest information affecting the fication program cannot be compared with other NDT certification
Society. bodies, as ASNT uses tools such as psychometrics to provide
world-class certification programs.
—James Bennett, Chief Technical Officer,
Examination schedules for outside the United States are no
Fact or Fiction longer available on the ASNT website.
This month, we’ll take a look at some statements that we often This is a factual statement. There are no longer examination
hear at the ISC. Are they true, true with a twist, or false? Are they schedules, as examinations can be taken at a date and time
an opinion, or factual with data to substantiate? Below are some of the candidate’s choosing. ASNT has partnered with Pearson
examples of statements made or questions asked of ASNT staff. VUE (PV), which has an infrastructure in place to allow for exami-
nations to be taken at more convenient locations for the
The ASNT program passing grade is based on the number of candidate, in most cases reducing the amount of traveling and
people examined at the same time and location. Therefore, if loss of work time. For more information about PV and CBT, please
the examination candidates answer the questions correctly, visit the ASNT website at, and click on “Certification” and
the passing grade would be offset and subsequently increased then “Computer-Based Testing.”
to ensure only a certain number of candidates passed the
ASNT uses Authorized Qualification Bodies (AQBs) to
This statement is false. There are no secrets for determining the administer qualification examinations.
pass grade or “cut score.” In the United States, certification This is certainly false, as ASNT does not use AQBs, but does use
bodies (ASNT is a certification body in the United States for NDT) Approved Examination Centers (AEC). Another statement in a
are required as part of their certification body accreditation per similar vein is, “AQBs and examination centers are the same.”
ISO-17024 (Conformity Assessment – General requirements for Again, not true. ASNT does not use or intend to use AQBs in ASNT
bodies operating certification of persons) to demonstrate that certification programs. AQBs are authorized by the certification
qualification examination questions are fair, reliable, and can body to prepare and administer qualification examinations.
discriminate between an individual that is competent or not ASNT’s model for developing and administering examinations is
competent to perform the required functions. Psychometrics is a different.
statistical based process that is a documented methodology of
demonstrating this. The Certification Management Council (CMC), I am ASNT certified if I have received a certificate from an ASNT
composed of approximately sixty (60) volunteer members holding Level III.
Level III ASNT/ACCP certificates in the applicable methods, are False! Only ASNT can issue ASNT certificates. It is likely the certifi-
responsible for developing, validating, and approving examination cate is for an SNT-TC-1A employer-based certification. The certifi-
questions to be used in the ASNT programs. cate must clearly state what the certification is for and not be


open to interpretation. There have been many cases where certifi- issues and the sources of that information. To that end, in future
cates are being issued from the employer, or from a third party via columns we will take a “deep dive” into technical issues and
a qualification certificate, containing the ASNT logo. This implies initiatives associated with the ASNT certification programs and
the certification is either from ASNT or endorsed by ASNT, which is compliance to specific ASNT requirements, in order to be a trusted
not the case. The ISC obviously takes action when notified of such source of information and squash any rumors that can “poison
an occurrence. the waters,” having a negative effect on our programs and
ASNT logos are trademarked and owned by ASNT. The only industry.
time a logo can be used is if specifically authorized by the ASNT Future “deep dive” topics in this new column include the full
marketing department or as part of an ASNT corporate member- adoption of ISO-9712 (Non-destructive testing — Qualification and
ship, which allows the use of a specific ASNT logo. certification of NDT personnel) into ASNT’s Central Certification
As professionals, we all understand the need for integrity and Program (ACCP), the Authorized Examination Center (AEC) process,
due diligence when performing process control checks, calibra- the Authorized Training Organization (ATO) process, the SNT-TC-1A
tions, and inspections, and when we develop/approve proce- audit program, and similar subjects. Questions or comments?
dures, audit, provide consultation, or complete any similar task. Email w x
We also need to be cognizant of what is said about technical


New ASNT Certificate Holders
Below are personnel who have recently obtained their initial ASNT certifications. This list includes new certificate holders
who were added to the ASNT database through 1 February 2018. Each certificate holder’s current certification information
can be found on the ASNT website at

ACCP Level II Clinton Norman Arshad Asharaf Gunha Kim

Joshua N. Barker Benigno Olano Mitchell Benes Chin Loong Lee
Jose Carlos Perez Joseph R. Byrd Major Allen Mitchell
ACCP Level II CWI Joseph R. Prince II Veera Venkata Philip W. Morris
Brandon Clark Adams Ann M. Quackenbush Ramachandrarao Paul E. Nash
Smit Raul Chanduvi Silupu Jose Antonio Rasco Chacon Chillimuntha Khalid Nejjahi
Vincent E. Clark Nick Ryan Hyungwoo Choi Kisakaran Padmanabhan
Jonathan Craver Darin E. Shick Alan Dsouza Hee Dong Park
Michael S. Ford Francis Joseph Stauter III Jacob Endres Corey P. Redhage
Michael Patrick Garbinski Aric Huntley Terrell Joshua D. Fontenot Christopher Michael Reid, Sr.
Joel Hernandez Eric C. Wynn Jason W. Gibbs Jorge T. Reyna
Michael D. Kerr Dayat Hidayat Siew Loon Shuit
Kelly Jacob Komoroski ASNT NDT Level III Brian Hudec Thiyagarajan Thiruthanivel
Roy A. McConathy Juli Agus Sumesh K. Siva Sankar Yadavalli
Santiago Morales Oscar A. Alcocer Nitin Arjun Khond



Using Iterative Time Reversal
for NDT Inspections on
Composite Materials
by Daniel Richard

In this month’s Back to Basics feature, we take a look at an ultrasonic

phased array technique that may improve inspection results by compensat-
ing for the acoustic effect imposed by an irregular surface.

—John Chen, Back to Basics Technical Editor

ver the last 15 years, phased array ultrasonic technology has
dramatically changed the face of nondestructive testing. This
advanced pulse-echo technique uses multiple elements in a
transducer to precisely steer, focus, and scan an ultrasonic sound
beam. It is a reliable, repeatable, and efficient way to inspect complex geome-
tries, visualize welded joints, and determine the size and type of flaws like
surface and subsurface cracks in a range of materials.
Phased array UT is especially effective in aerospace and aircraft applica-
tions where the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and other
composite materials continues to expand. The multimaterial and anisotropic
nature of CFRP is a challenge for nondestructive testing. Composite structures
and components can involve large areas with varying geometries and thick-
nesses. Discontinuities, including porosities, delamination, and foreign
bodies, can be introduced during the materials manufacturing process, and
can occur in a particular layer of carbon fiber or in resin. Furthermore,
suppliers of CFRP components face competitive pressures to meet the quality,
cost, and delivery expectations of their customers.
By and large, component manufacturers conduct ultrasonic testing in envi-
ronments where an automated scanner can be used to control the alignment
between the ultrasonic probe and the surface of the test material. Iterative
time reversal is a real-time adaptive phased array UT technique that is


x phased array ut

designed to eliminate the effects of misalignment encounter a discontinuity, some of that energy is
between the probe and the specimen. This article will reflected back like an echo.
explain how this adaptive UT inspection technique can Transducers (or probes) come in a variety of config-
improve inspection coverage and detection capability urations and sizes, but for typical composite shapes,
while maintaining test speed and efficiency. two types of transducers are used. A linear one-dimen-
sional (1D) phased array probe is used to inspect flat
Phased Array UT surfaces. These probes typically have 32, 64, or 128
Phased array ultrasonic testing is a common NDT elements. For curved sections, arc-shaped 1D probes
inspection method for composite component manu- are used, typically with 32 or 64 elements.
facturers. With composites, discontinuities such as Alignment is simpler to achieve on flat or nearly
cracks can occur on the surface or beneath it—and in flat surfaces where the inspection is performed essen-
different layers or plies—with no predictable orienta- tially at normal incidence with the component surface.
tion. Delamination discontinuities can occur very On a component with convex or concave surfaces or
quickly and propagate, especially in components, variable thicknesses, maintaining the proper probe
where a laminate is loaded through the thickness (for orientation generally involves sophisticated and
example, at spar or stringer runouts in an airplane expensive mechanical systems and an exact
wing structure). There may be little or no warning knowledge of the specimen geometry.
between the points of fatigue and catastrophic failure.
Phased array UT can accurately determine the Time Reversal
depth and size of discontinuities in composite Time reversal is an adaptive phased array UT inspec-
materials using pulses of high-voltage electricity that tion technique that can compensate for the effects of
are converted to high-frequency ultrasonic energy by a misalignment between the probe and specimen in real
probe or transducer. The transducer emits pulsed time. This is achieved through a two-step process based
sound waves into the material at exact intervals (focal on measurement and compensation of flight times of
laws) and set angles; when these ultrasonic waves surface echoes of individual elements in the probe.
The first step is called surface profiling (Figure 1).
During this step, a plane wave is generated by firing all
probe elements simultaneously. When the wave meets
the specimen, it is reflected back to the probe. The
Delays reflected wave is no longer a plane wave; it is affected
by the shape of the inspected component. The variation
in the wave shape translates into a different time of
flight for the response on each individual element i.
Using the different time of flights measured in the
Sound wave
initial firing, software calculates the delay for every
individual element i that will compensate for the differ-
ences introduced by the surface profile. Equations 1
and 2 show how the corresponding emission and
Figure 1: Determination of the surface profile: (a) a plane wave is generated;
reception delays are calculated:
(b) the wave is reflected back to the probe.

(1) Ei =
(max ⎡⎣ti ⎦⎤ − ti )

Delays (2) Ri = ( max ⎡⎣Ei ⎤⎦ − Ei )

Sound wave ti is the time of flight for the wave received by
element i.

This process can be repeated several times until

Figure 2: Application of delays to fit the surface profile: (a) the process is the wave reflected from the surface back to the probe
repeated; (b) the wave reflected back to the surface is a plane wave. is a plane wave (Figure 2).


Time reversal is an adaptive phased array UT
inspection technique that can compensate for
the effects of misalignment...


Sound wave

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Data recording using compensated delays: (a) the principle; (b) real inspection data.

Once the surface profiling is complete, a compen-

sation delay is applied to the individual elements of
the probe, and, essentially, normal incidence of the
beam on the surface is achieved.
The second step of the time reversal technique is
to record data using the delays obtained during the
profiling phase. Data acquisition is performed using
electronic linear scanning with a limited active
aperture (for example, eight elements). Figure 3 shows
the principle and the real inspection data.
At each scan position, the software performs both
steps in real time to maintain valid and accurate Figure 4: CFRP sample with flat and curved surfaces and nine brass inserts to
examination data, even on a varying surface geometry. simulate discontinuities.
It is important to mention that this complete
process allows scanning speeds similar to standard
phased array UT when using similar focal law groups inserts to simulate typical discontinuities. The inserts
and equivalent UT settings, a clear advantage for are 3 10 mm and 10 10 mm, and are located at
using the time reversal technique. various locations and depths throughout the sample
(Figure 4).
Case Study This type of geometry can be inspected in three
In order to demonstrate the capabilities of the time scan lines and requires two different probes: the flat
reversal technique, a case study on a representative sections are examined using linear 1D probes, and
specimen was performed. A CFRP sample was manu- the curved section is inspected using an arc-shaped
factured specifically for this purpose by an industrial 1D probe. All inspections are performed in complete
composite provider. It has typical composite material immersion.
attenuation and contains multiple artificial brass


x phased array ut


3 mm

Figure 6: Probe intentionally misaligned by 3 mm.

CFRP Specimen: Curved Section

The curved section of the specimen was inspected

with an arc-shaped 1D probe, at 3.5 MHz, with
64 elements. The probe has a pitch of 0.65 mm and
its width is 8 mm. Again, an active aperture of eight
elements was used.
(b) At first, the probe was installed on a two-axis
mechanical system to ensure optimal orientation and
alignment. The probe was then intentionally moved by
Figure 5: Amplitude C-scan of flat section: (a) time reversal technique;
(b) standard phased array. approximately 3 mm in order to demonstrate the capa-
bility of the time reversal technique to compensate for
the misalignment (Figure 6).
Figure 7 shows the increased detection capability
of the time reversal technique—all nine discontinuities
appear clearly on the C-scan. The standard phased
CFRP Specimen: Flat Section array UT data do not allow for adequate detection of
For the flat sections, a 5 MHz probe with a linear all the discontinuities in the sample.
medium casing was used. It has 64 elements, a pitch For the second experiment, the probe was aligned
of 0.6 mm, and a width of 10 mm. An aperture of correctly with the specimen, and then the incidence
eight elements was used. angle of the probe was misoriented by rotating the
In this case, scanning was performed manually probe holder. With the orientation of the probe
while attempting to maintain optimal probe alignment modified, the standard phased array UT data is essen-
and orientation. In theory, there should be no signifi- tially useless: the UT data show that no valid signals
cant difference between the time reversal data and the were received by the probe (Figure 8).
standard phased array UT data. However, different However, in similar conditions, and during the
results are shown on the amplitude C-scans (Figure 5). same inspection sequence, the time reversal
A constant back wall amplitude is important for technique has compensated for the misalignment and
porosity detection in CFRP materials. The back wall has generated data that allow for adequate detection
amplitude on the standard PA data is very sensitive of the discontinuities.
even when the probe operator tried to maintain
optimal conditions; indeed, a slight misalignment or Conclusion
variation in the water column can cause a loss of back From the work presented, the following conclusions
wall amplitude. can be drawn about the benefits of the time reversal
Meanwhile, the time reversal data shows a technique for the inspection of composite structures:
constant back wall amplitude over the full extent of l The time reversal technique is able to compensate
the specimen. for probe misalignment and misorientation in real
time without significantly slowing down the
scanning speed.


(a) (b)

Figure 7: Amplitude C-scan and end view for arc-shaped 1D probe intentionally misaligned by 3 mm: (a) time reversal technique; (b) standard
phased array.

(a) (b)

Figure 8: Amplitude C-scan and end view for misoriented arc-shaped 1D probe: (a) time reversal technique; (b) standard phased array.

l The time reversal technique enhances discontinuity- l By mitigating the need for exact alignment and
detection capability and improves porosity assess- orientation, the proposed time reversal solution
ment by stabilizing the amplitude of the back wall. also reduces the cost of the required mechanical
l The technique enables the ability to easily scanning systems. w x
determine the fiber orientation within CFRP
material. Time reversal stabilizes back wall ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
amplitude and straightens the interface echo, This article is based on a white paper called “Iterative
Time Reversal Technique for the Inspection of Composite
making it possible to examine large areas of a Structures” from Zetec, Inc.
curved component. The bends often contain fiber
weaving that can be noteworthy for the specimen’s AUTHOR
integrity. Daniel Richard: Technology Manager, Zetec, Inc.,
8226 Bracken Place SE, Snoqualmie, WA 98065;


Photo credit: Spectronics Corp.

Discuss the
Opportunities, Dear Reader,

Challenges, and The following is a discussion of the trials, triumphs, and hopes of nine
women who are veterans in the field of nondestructive testing, from industry
Triumphs of the to engineering to academia.
This discourse is intended to engender open conversation and awareness
NDT Community of the challenges that many in NDT—and many other traditionally male-
dominated industries—face. It’s a timely topic: as referenced in Dr. Arny
by Materials Evaluation Editor Jill Ross Bereson’s Director’s Letter this month, ASNT is making plans to establish a
special task force to identify gaps in the education, recruitment, and retention
of women in NDT, to assess the working environment, and to create actionable
steps for the future.
What is the future of women in NDT? If these women are any reflection, I
think that it is very bright indeed. I hope upon reading these stories that you
are inspired to mentor, reach out, and advocate on behalf of others to
strengthen our industry for all of our colleagues, now and for the future.
—Jill Ross, Materials Evaluation Editor


x ndt women

event. Other organizations, such as the American

Introduction by Marybeth Miceli
Advanced Technical Academy (AATA), have begun to
For every 96 men working in nondestructive testing offer free training for women who are interested in
(NDT), it is estimated that there are four women (ASNT, going into NDT.
2016, p. 289). But we have a long, long way to go.
No one knows the actual numbers. They’re higher Below, we will begin to explore some of the
in the certain sectors and in certain functions within obstacles women face in the world of NDT. Because in
NDT, such as aerospace and academia, but the order to fix any problem, you must correctly identify it
disparity is undeniable. On average, women earn first—we NDTers know that.
approximately 21% of all engineering bachelor’s Thank you for hearing our voices.
degrees and 25% of master’s degrees. Numbers in
fields related to NDT are even higher— The Women
metallurgical/materials at 28%, civil at 24%, and Now, let’s meet the women who contributed to our
chemical at 33% (Yoder, 2016). So why are NDT’s discussion. (Please note: each participant
numbers so low? responded to these questions individually, with no
It is 2018, and women’s issues have certainly knowledge of the others’ replies. All interviewees are
been in the forefront of our national consciousness based in the United States. Interviews have been
recently. This only makes these numbers even more edited and condensed due to space constraints. The
worrisome. So, here, we’ve set out to begin to under- views expressed herein are based on the opinions
stand some of the reasons that may contribute to the and experiences of the interviewees, and do not
lack of women in NDT. necessarily reflect those of ASNT or its Board of
That ASNT existed for over 50 years without a Directors.)
woman serving as president reflects that fact that
women have long been underrepresented in NDT Antionette “Toni” Bailey (pictured on previous page)
(ASNT, 2016, p. 222). However, we’ve had some has 28 years of experience in NDT. She is an ASNT
exemplary women pave the way. In 1955, Harriet NDT Level III in the methods of RT, ET, UT, PT, and MT,
Carleson became the chair of the Cleveland Section, and holds the ASNT IRRSP certification. Her career
the first woman to lead a section of the Society. In began in the US Air Force, where she was active duty
1974, Carleson became one of ASNT’s first two female from 1989 to 1997, performing NDT on military
Fellows, alongside Ellen Placas, who was also the first aircraft. She is also a decorated Gulf War Veteran and
female to serve on ASNT’s Board of Directors. In 1987, served in Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield.
Maryellen Robards became the first woman elected as Bailey is now a Level III consultant, owner of TB3 NDT
ASNT’s treasurer, putting her in line for the presidency. Consulting, LLC, and an associate instructor for Hellier
However, poor health forced her to resign. The installa- NDT. She is the current chair of the Metro New
tion of Vickie Panhuise as president in 1993 marked York/Northern New Jersey Section and the recipient of
the first time in the Society’s history that a woman the 2016 ASNT Recognition for the Advancement of
was elected to office. She was followed by Sharon Women in NDT.
Vukelich (2005–2006) and Jocelyn Langlois (2008–
2009). Karen Bruer holds Level III certifications in VT, PT, MT,
Three years ago, the Recognition for the RT, and UT (1993) and Nuclear Level III in VT, PT, MT,
Advancement of Women in NDT was created to and RT (1994). Upon retirement from 20+ years in
recognize individuals or organizations that encourage the US Navy, she became the corporate quality
women to enter and thrive in the field of NDT, either assurance manager and NDT Level III for Amee Bay,
through creation and/or implementation of programs LLC, and later NDT Level III for Ocean Bay, LLC, where
that provide educational and/or career advancement she is responsible for all facets of the quality
opportunities to women, or through leading by control, NDT, and welding programs for ship hull,
example. Additionally, ASNT just this past year mechanical and electrical modernization, and main-
attended the national conference of Girl Scouts USA to tenance and repair. She is the principle investigator
expose younger women to the opportunities in the for a Defense Logistics Agency STTR focusing on the
field of NDT. The Society also continues to host Day of development of an NDT method for detecting coun-
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathe- terfeit/misprocessed raw material. She is an active
matics) events for high school students in conjunction member of ASNT, having served on several commit-
with our conferences. The next Day of STEM, taking tees, contributed to publications, and developed
place in Orlando this month, will mark our sixth such training sessions.


Karen Bruer poses with her crew after Operation Iraqi Freedom. The two gentlemen standing directly behind her are
officers (one leaving and one relieving); the rest are her crew of NDT and QA inspectors. Also pictured is mascot Teddy,
on loan from a US second-grade class. 

Cheryl Dufur is an NDT industry veteran of more than Cara Leckey, Ph.D., has performed and led research
40 years. She started out working for the Spartan in the NASA Langley Nondestructive Evaluation
School of Aeronautics in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but soon Sciences Branch since 2010. Her research focus is in
afterward began taking classes where she was the computational NDE (CNDE), particularly ultrasound
only woman in a class of 25 students. After gradua- simulation code development, and in experimental
tion, she moved to Southern California and started her guided wave methods. In 2017 she was selected to
career in NDT, where her first job was in a department lead NASA Langley’s High Performance Computing
called “Fokker Bond,” a form of ultrasonics in which a
transducer was used to look for voids. Today she
works for Test Equipment Distributors LLC in sales and
for AAE Aerospace as a Level III RT/PT in composites.
She is a longtime member of the Greater Los Angeles
Section, where she served as director, chair, and vice
chair and received a lifetime achievement award for
women in NDT.

Forty-year industry veteran Cheryl Dufur reads film Cara Leckey takes a break in the laser vibrometry lab at
looking for large metallic inclusions. NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.


x ndt women

Incubator Project, which includes CNDE as well as

other NASA mission-related disciplines. Leckey has
40+ publications in the areas of mathematical
modeling, computational NDE, and NDE for
aerospace and is an Associate Technical Editor for
the scientific journals Materials Evaluation and
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. She has been
the recipient of the NASA Early Career Achievement
Medal and NASA ARMD Associate Administrator High
Potentials Award.

Candice Major is the current quality manager and NDT

LIII for Tooling & Equipment International, a leading
aluminum casting prototype and production manufac-
turer in the automotive and aerospace industries in Marybeth Miceli produced a YouTube video to
Livonia, Michigan, where her responsibilities include share her love of NDT with the world.
Visit the digital M.E. to
view Marybeth’s video.

ASNT’s e-Mentoring Program as well as the

Recognitions for the Advancement of Women and
Veterans in NDT.

Lisa Price is the HAZMAT

logistics specialist for
Sherwin, Inc. and general
manager for the company’s
Burlington, Kentucky distri-
bution center. She serves
ASNT as chair of the Miami
Valley Section, secretary for
the MT/PT Committee, chair
of the Section Management
Division of SOC, and member
Candice Major interprets X-ray film of aerospace castings. of the exhibitors committee.
Lisa Price in her natural
environment, working She has over 24 years of
the exhibit hall. experience in the nondestruc-
maintaining the quality management system, moni- tive testing industry.
toring all NDT operations, auditing, and company certi-
fications, and assisting in aerospace engineering
efforts. She is a US Air Force veteran with a technical
degree in NDT from USAF at NAS Pensacola with
approximately 15 years of experience.

Marybeth Miceli is the president and founder of Miceli

Infrastructure Consulting, LLC, and the cofounder of
We-NDT Marketing Network. As a materials science
engineer, Miceli has worked in many areas of NDT,
including structural health monitoring and infrastruc-
ture. She is an ASNT Fellow and currently serves on
the Board of Directors. Miceli has been the recipient of
numerous ASNT awards and has chaired the Section
Operations Council and the Technical and Education Trish Roller machines transducer shoes and housings
Council’s Infrastructure Committee. She also created on a mill.


Patricia “Trish” Roller grew up in NDT, where she
watched her father work on a new eddy current
surface probe design. Roller helped assemble his very
first order, and from then until around 1992, she
worked in probe assembly for the family business,
NDT Product Engineering, which later became NDT
Engineering Corp. Roller holds a Level II in EC and UT,
but says most of her education came from on-the-job
training, where she learned how to build transducers
and taught herself how to operate a lathe and milling
machine. In 2003 her father sold his company, and in
2004 she started her own company, Techna NDT, with
her brother. Today she holds majority ownership of
Techna NDT, where a number of women hold essential
Lalita Udpa views new sensor image data from a carbon composite sample along
Lalita Udpa received her Ph.D. in 1986 from Colorado with her students.
State University’s department of electrical engineering.
She is currently a professor in the department of elec-
trical and computer engineering at Michigan State interests include various aspects of NDE such as
University. Udpa has worked for the last 30 years in development of computational models, new sensor
the broad areas of nondestructive evaluation, signal design for composites, signal and image processing,
processing, and biomedical applications. Her research data fusion, and inverse problem solutions to


x ndt women

problems in NDE. Udpa served as an Associate Successful managers realize the greatest strength
Technical Editor of Materials Evaluation from of any organization is the people who make up the
2000–2017 and she continues to serve on the workforce, and in recent years, top management is
editorial board of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. realizing that many outdated notions concerning women
She is a Fellow of ASNT, the IEEE, and the Indian in the workforce are depriving their companies of one
Society of Nondestructive Testing, and a member of half of the potential talent that could be utilized. The
Academia NDT International. same low percentage of females in the workforce is
apparent across the spectrum of traditionally male jobs.
The Discussion In the course of my NDT career, I have worked with
hundreds of welders; very few of them were women.
In 1982, female membership in ASNT was 2%. Today, Because of ASNT outreach programs, the work of
it’s estimated at less than 5% (ASNT, 2016, p. 289). sections, articles, education, and general awareness of
Does this number surprise you? Why or why not? the wonderful opportunities a career in NDT presents, I
am truly hopeful that within the next ten years we will
Bruer: The extremely low percentage does not surprise see a huge increase of women starting careers in NDT.
me in the least; it reflects the male/female ratio found
in industry. I believe this is the product of many Miceli: Unfortunately, no, this number doesn’t surprise
variables such as low active recruiting of young ladies to me. NDT is not an easy field for anyone—it requires hard
pursue mathematics or science during early education, work, dedication, and often long hours away from home.
the general discouragement of women to pursue nontra- And for a long time, I think women were not pushed to
ditional career paths, and the overall lack of enthusiasm go into STEM fields. It took me a long time to convince
for females working in heavy industry. my colleagues that I wasn’t going anywhere, even after


having kids…something my male counterparts never encourage them, both female and male. ASNT’s
had to do in order to be accepted into the fold. involvement in STEM NDT has been instrumental in
marketing NDT as a career choice for people of many
Leckey: The overall number is indeed surprising— backgrounds, so I feel we are on our way to meeting
though I often do find that I am indeed the one female the goal of spreading the word.
in a room of 25+ people. I am surprised that the field
hasn’t upped its percentage much considering that Bruer: NDT is a field that is normally associated with
many engineering/physical science fields have seen an heavy industry such as welding, bridge construction
increase over that same time period. I’m not sure what and maintenance, shipbuilding and repair, aircraft
to attribute it to except that many folks “stumble” into building and maintenance, and so on, which are tradi-
the field through their connections, etc. Perhaps we tionally male-dominated areas. Young girls contem-
really do have a “network diversity” problem. plating future career paths are not encouraged, and in
many cases I feel are actively discouraged, from trying
Bailey: No, the low number does not surprise me. to enter heavy industry as anything other than office
Women (and men) have little knowledge that NDT is a workers because of the misconception that women are
career of choice. My friends and family still think I am not strong enough or tough enough to handle the
an aircraft mechanic or flight attendant, and some work. Additionally, NDT is a highly technical field and,
think I am a pilot! However, more and more women unfortunately, the United States has historically not
are choosing science and engineering as career paths, encouraged young girls to pursue mathematical or
and I hope that the percentage will increase. As well, scientific study. With each generation the equality gap
when I bring young women to NDT shops as a tour for between men and women is diminishing; however,
a career choice, some are disgusted by the environ- these outdated concepts and beliefs can only be truly
ment (dirt, debris, oils, big parts). It may not be visually changed through outreach and education of all young
appealing at first, but I find that once trained and minds equally. The focus for the future should be
adjusted to the environment, women are some of the guided by the encouragement of all young people to
best NDT inspectors because of their intelligence, actively seek knowledge in whatever field interests
remarkable attention to details, sense of responsibility, them, regardless of gender.
keen intuition, and wonderful organizational skills.
Roller: What I have found in all my years of being in
Upda: No, it does not surprise me. Maybe we should this field is that very few people even know about
compare how memberships have grown in other aircraft NDT. When I explain to people what I do, they
societies (IEEE, ASME, etc.) One of my observations as are usually surprised and a bit amazed to learn about
a professor in electrical engineering is that in my the “behind the scenes” of what happens to keep air
undergraduate classes, the percentage of women has travel safe. With that in mind, I think there would be
not changed much in the last 25 years—it has stayed more interest from both women and men, if there was
between 15% and 20%. It appears that more women more (for lack of a better word) advertising about the
tend to go into chemical and biomedical engineering. industry. Perhaps more widespread knowledge offered
It would be helpful to look into whether the through media, social media, and curriculum in
percentage of women has increased or decreased in schools, down to elementary and middle schools.
other fields of engineering.
What have you done personally to encourage
What do you see as potential barriers to women women to go into NDT?
entering the NDT field, and what can be done to
overcome them? Bailey: Every few years, I volunteer at high school
BOCES (Boards of Cooperative Educational Services of
Bailey: Back in 1989 when I was in high school, New York State) technical centers, FAA (Federal
hardly anyone knew about NDT; even now, people are Aviation Administration) seminars, and career fairs to
not aware. I think the number one barrier is letting tell young women (and men) about NDT. I desire to
women know that NDT is a career field that is help young adults have solid careers, so I have offered
available for them, and women who are not college NDT training at a reduced price and for free on a few
educated should be made aware that NDT is not as occasions. I then help men and women create
difficult as one would think. Also, it is important to let résumés and make calls to help people find jobs. I
women know that although this industry is dominated also encourage women to apply for promotions and
by men, ASNT has mentors who will help and take Level III exams.


x ndt women

I firmly believe that nondestructive testing

saves lives...and I share my enthusiasm and
conviction at every opportunity.
Bruer: I am a walking advertisement for successful increasing diversity in NDT. I created an e-mentoring
women in NDT. When I first started on my NDT journey, it program within NDT, in which I was able to mentor a
was not uncommon for females to be even more greatly couple of women and facilitate other women to mentor
outnumbered by male inspectors than is the case today. as well. Lastly, I have created an informal Women in NDT
I have always been fascinated with the theory, method- (WIN) networking group on LinkedIn as a place where
ology, and application of nondestructive testing and women can help each other out.
love to discuss the field with others. My focus is always
on young professionals and encouraging them to either Major: I simply tell them about it…education,
become an inspector or continue learning about new education, education! They can see my passion as I
opportunities and technologies in NDT. I have spoken at get deeper and deeper into the discussion and I can
career days in high schools, community colleges, and see their excitement grow. When I have been in facili-
industry career days. One of the most common ties and recognized intelligent hard workers in other
comments I get from young ladies is: “I didn’t think girls departments, I’ve taken them under my wing and
could do that.” To which I always reply: “Yes, you can! I personally fought for them and trained them. Recently,
did it, and you can too!” I firmly believe that nondestruc- two have gone on to remarkable success, becoming
tive testing saves lives and what we do for a living has an RT Level III and a new product engineer.
meaning, and I share my enthusiasm and conviction at
every opportunity. I would like to think that the example Udpa: I have worked with numerous women in my
that my fellow female peers and I have set will NDE lab, ranging from high school students to under-
encourage the female workforce of the future to explore graduate and graduate students. Over the last two
the wonderful world of NDT. summers, I have had high school physics teachers
work in my lab as part of the National Science
Dufur: Any chance I get, I try to promote women in Foundation Research Experience for Teachers. I have
NDT. I’ve been asked several times to go to schools graduated four female Ph.D. students from my group.
and talk to girls about opportunities. When I’m asked These students continue in NDE-related professions
by females if they should get into the NDT field, my (one in academia and three in industry).
response is most definitely.
What advice would you give to a younger version of
Leckey: Many studies have shown that female role yourself?
models/connections/mentors can have a positive
impact for young women entering STEM fields/careers. Bailey: Twenty years ago, I would have said: “Toni, you
This is certainly also true for NDT. As a field we need to don’t have to be a tough girl and a tough talker to fit
create and take advantage of opportunities to connect in with the guys.” Most of the men I have worked with
women currently working in NDT with young women who are wonderful coworkers. The ones who are rude and
are considering NDT or just entering the field. More men who cannot adapt to women (or anyone different)
in NDT need to be made aware of the valuable role they working in this field normally wash out early because
can play as mentors to women who are considering NDT they typically can’t get along with anyone…including
or who have just entered into the field. I myself have other men!
had excellent male mentors during my career.
Bruer: Twenty years ago, the best advice would have
Miceli: I championed the creation of the ASNT been to diversify my fields of study. Find out everything
Advancement of Women in NDT recognition for people that could be learned, generally, about the industry being
who encourage women to go into NDT. It came into worked in—such as maritime in my case—so that the
official existence three years ago [the first one was given direction and future of the industry and the NDT scope
in 2015]. I work with the AATA, which is dedicated to within the changing industry could be predicted. Then


work hard to ensure as changes came, the technician leave. My reputation preceded me so there was no
would be prepared to instantly work with new industry problem for me to move on and find another job.
standards, technologies, and inspection techniques. The
world is changing rapidly, and I would encourage inspec- Price: I would say to myself: “Learn as much as you can,
tors to continually prepare and learn. each and every day, and stay focused on your goals.”

Miceli: Speak up, even if it costs you a job or a client. What advice would you give to young women
It’s OK to say no. Know your worth. looking to get in the field?

Major: I would have told myself, keep doing what Bailey: I would say find a mentor to help you “hang in
you’re doing! I was told several times I moved around there” and guide your choices. My first mentor was a
too much. Yet, if I had not done so, I would not have Level III consultant named Ed Dukich. He has
gained the multitude of experience I have. I would not mentored me for 22 years and was a recipient of the
have seen the methods employed in every way ASNT mentoring recognition in 2016. Everyone needs
possible. Having that under my belt allows me to think a mentor like Eddie!
outside of the box and problem solve in a manner
most cannot. I pick up new projects/jobs or technolo- Bruer: Pick your industry well. Nondestructive testing
gies easily because I’m extremely familiar with change is a fabulous career path to pursue, but working in
and advancements. The constant moving led me to aviation is vastly different than working maritime or
deal with the most diverse, unique people in the power generation or petrochemical. Each industry has
world, allowing me to have a better understanding unique attributes and challenges, but all use NDT.
when working with others, leading them, and/or Basically, I would not recommend anyone choose to
teaching them. I was always able to hold firm to my work in this exciting field in an industry they find boring.
integrity and speak my mind because I knew I could The young women of today have the opportunity and


x ndt women

ability to do exceptionally well in the NDT field, but working in NDE are exposed to a range of topics, such
industry choice is critical to career satisfaction and as physics of electromagnetics, ultrasonics, finite
happiness. element modeling, and signal processing, which also
enhances their marketability after graduation.
Leckey: When you attend conferences, meetings, and
workshops, don’t hesitate to approach the one other What do you think the future of women in NDT looks
woman in the room and make a connection. Additionally, like?
though you may sometimes feel strange about the fact
that you are the only woman in the room (which is often Bruer: I foresee outstanding opportunities for women
the case), don’t hesitate to speak up, give your input, in NDT! As this vitally needed skill set grows in our fast-
ask questions, and make connections. paced world of developing technologies and innovation,
the prospects for all young technicians is increasing
Miceli: Go for it. Getting to work with technologies and exponentially. Nondestructive testing prevents
help save lives—there is nothing better. I cherish the accidents, avoids system failure through inspection
days I spent climbing on stadium roofs or huge bridges monitoring, and saves lives, making it an extremely
or on the antenna of the Empire State Building or at valuable and rewarding career. It is a technically diverse
Ground Zero, helping to recover remains and keep the profession that provides women outstanding opportuni-
NYPD and FDNY and construction workers safe. The work ties to learn and advance. With the changing percep-
is exciting and rewarding, and most of the people in NDT tions in our school systems, outreach programs targeting
are some of the greatest I’ve ever known. girls, and ASNT’s efforts to ensure more women are
Get involved in ASNT or another organization where aware of nondestructive testing, I see a future that
you can contribute, not just for others but for yourself. includes more women joining me—an NDT examiner
There were many times I was frustrated with circum- who happens to also be female—in the workforce.
stances in my career, and the people and mission of
ASNT kept me engaged and brightened my day. Dufur: I believe the future for women in NDT looks very
Don’t take no for an answer. Perseverance is promising. Women need to be more informed about
important in any industry but in NDT it’s priceless. the opportunity there is for a good career in NDT, and
that there are schools that offer free classes to
Major: Go for it! Make sure you study hard, never stop women, like AATA. I highly recommend women to look
learning or striving for knowledge. It’s an ever- into these opportunities.
changing field with each method having many facets.
Be the best at it that you can possibly be, and no one Miceli: I hope that as women make strides in all STEM-
will be able to stop you. Never limit yourself, let related fields and as general outreach of NDT increases,
naysayers get you down, or compromise your integrity. we will see more and more women start to see it as not
only a viable option, but as one that allows them to make
Price: Always be professional, in everything you do. the world a better place while earning a great living.
Don’t get discouraged, set a goal and stick to it, you
can do it! Bailey: I am quite optimistic about women entering
NDT in the future. As a teacher, I am seeing waves of
Roller: I would say to anyone who has a desire or women attending classes, conferences, and entering
interest in this line of work, just go do it! Work hard management positions. I can say that I have profes-
and be the best you can be, and you will succeed at sional relations with at least 10 women who are
everything you do. I hire people based on their ability, Level IIIs, and that is huge. Years ago, women would
common sense, hard work, and good work ethic. I exit this career early for various reasons, but they
have no doubt that women can do exceedingly well in mostly left due to family obligations. Now, families are
this industry, because we are not only great problem more dynamic, coparenting is more common, and
solvers, but also excellent at multitasking, brain- women are capable staying in a field that they love
storming, perfectionism, and thinking outside the box. longer. The sky’s the limit for women in NDT! w x
We can do anything we put our minds to, and don’t let
anyone tell you otherwise. REFERENCES:
ASNT, 2016, From Vision to Mission: ASNT 1941 to 2016,
Columbus, Ohio.
Udpa: When I talk to women students about my
Yoder, Brian, 2016, “Engineering by the Numbers,”
research projects, I start with how NDE can save lives.
That is always a selling point with women. The second publications/publications/college-profiles/16Profile-Front-
strength of NDE is that it is multidisciplinary. Students Section.pdf


and manufacturers. NDT test equipment like chosen FlawTech as their preferred
borescopes, thermal imaging cameras, manufacturer for their NDT specimens to
sound level meters, XRF analyzers, ultrasonic provide their NDT technicians with the very
flow meters, flaw detectors, shaft alignment best training, practice, and qualification
tools, and many other types of devices are specimens. FlawTech manufactures
available for rent. ATEC is ISO-9001 certified specimens in most alloys and for any
Advanced OEM Solutions and ISO 17025 accredited in calibration. NDT inspection method with more than
Cincinnati, Ohio Our friendly and knowledgeable team is 30 different discontinuities to choose from.
Advanced OEM Solutions (AOS) is a available to support all your needs. Visit FlawTech offers an extensive selection of
manufacturer of high-performance and stock specimens designed for various
versatile ultrasonic phased array and training and code applications. FlawTech is
multichannel ultrasound instruments British Institute of NDT renowned in the area of custom specimen
perfect for custom solutions. Phased array Northampton, United Kingdom design and research and development for
configurations include: 16/16, 32/32, The British Institute of Non-Destructive unique alloys, geometries, and NDT
64/64, 16/128, 32/128, 128/128, and Testing (BINDT) is the focal point of NDT in inspection techniques. Regardless of your
256/256. Multichannel instruments the United Kingdom, and, in addition, is industry’s certification requirements,
available with 16 and 32 channels. AOS increasingly taking on a global perspective. specimen complexities, or delivery
also produces next-generation ultrasound The objective of BINDT is to promote the requirements, contact FlawTech when
phased array technology such as full-matrix advancement of the science and practice of quality is critical. Come by our booth or
capture and total focusing method for high- NDT, condition monitoring, diagnostic visit our website at
resolution imaging and ultra-high-speed engineering, and all other materials and
data transfer rates of over 160 MB/s. Our quality testing disciplines. In achieving this InfraTec Infrared, LLC
instruments are open, allowing you to aim, BINDT, which employs a permanent Plano, Texas
customize the software user interface. Also, staff at its Northampton, United Kingdom, The privately owned company of InfraTec
OEM-PA is advanced but small enough to be headquarters, relies on the support of GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
portable or mount on mechanical scanners, personnel, companies, and other has its headquarters in Dresden, Germany,
saving cost on long, unreliable umbilical organizations in the NDT industry. and was founded in 1991. Today, it is a
cables. Service companies, integrators, and Membership is open to anyone or any fully integrated company with its own
researchers can all benefit! For more info company working in or having an interest in departments of development, production,
visit or email contact@aos- NDT, condition monitoring, diagnostic and service, employing over 200 highly engineering, or materials and quality qualified specialists. The brand InfraTec®
testing in general. Please visit our booth stands for the array of services and
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals and pick up a copy of the Institute’s journal, products offered, focusing on sensor
San Diego, California Insight, as well as other publications and technology and infrared measurement. The
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals (ATEC) is information. infrared measurement technology division
a leading high-tech equipment rental at InfraTec is among the leading providers
company that provides short- and long-term FlawTech, Inc. of thermal imaging technologies for
testing and measurement equipment for Concord, North Carolina contactless thermographic temperature
rent. Since 1981, ATEC supplies an FlawTech, Inc. has manufactured welded measurement and security applications.
extensive inventory of nondestructive and nonweld flawed nondestructive testing The range of services offered spans from
testing equipment for the evaluation of (NDT) specimens and calibration standards the sale of individual systems over the
materials, components, and infrastructures. for over 35 years. FlawTech is recognized outfitting of original equipment
ATEC provides NDT and other testing globally as specialist in the manufacturing manufacturer components to the delivery
equipment to engineering, aerospace, of specimens containing “real flaws.” of turnkey thermography automation
transportation, energy, and other industries Industries from all over the world have solutions. Applications in the field of safety


(InfraTec Infrared, LLC, cont.)
also encompass a broad field, from well as many others, since 1982. Our high- meet or exceed aerospace and nuclear
automated early detection systems for fires speed laser-based NDT systems detect specification requirements, and is
in waste bunkers to the monitoring of many types of production and repair issues ISO-9001-15 certified. In addition, our
critical infrastructure elements and that can potentially cause equipment and popular Pen-Chek® testing program can
equipment like portable, fixed, vehicle- operations failure. Laser methods are highly provide the laboratory analyses required by
bound, and airborne infrared solutions for effective but not limited to composites, ASTM E-1417 regardless of what brand of
safety and security tasks such as sandwich panels, COPV, metal-bonded penetrants are involved. Met-L-Chek is
surveillance, harbor protection, and search structures, rocket engines, and thermal known for its newsletter, “The Penetrant
and rescue missions. The range of exclusive protection systems. Additionally, LTI offers Professor,” which is distributed via email.
products offered by InfraTec includes the in-house or onsite testing services and laser The subjects in this newsletter are largely
high-end camera series ImageIR®, which is methods training courses to SNT-TC-1A, driven by the readers and frequently
both developed and produced in-house by NAS 410 for Level II and III. Our team of address knotty situations that have been
InfraTec for applications with the highest highly skilled engineers, technicians, and successfully dealt with by other inspectors.
requirements of measurement speeds and client support personnel are dedicated to In addition to QPL-approved penetrants,
thermal and geometrical resolution, as well providing superior equipment, expert Met-L-Chek also supplies magnetic
as a varied assortment of application- technical support, and quality training. particles, UVA lights, aqueous alkaline
specific software solutions in the IRBIS® 3 Contact LTI at, cleaners, and other ancillary materials used
family for data acquisition and analysis., or (800) 832-4846. in NDT inspections. Met-L-Chek has a close
working relationship with other quality-
M2M conscious suppliers such as CeeBee
San Francisco, California Aerospace, Circle Systems, and Labino.
M2M develops, manufactures, and sells Contact us at (310) 450-1111 or email
JENTEK Sensors, Inc. ultrasound phased array systems for for your inspection
Marlborough, Massachusetts nondestructive testing. To meet industrial material needs.
JENTEK Sensors, Inc. will exhibit the new jET requirements for inspection, M2M offers
handheld eddy current array tester. The jET products ranging from massively parallel
weighs less than 1 lb (~0.45 kg) and systems (256+ channels) to portable
provides the highest impedance systems like GEKKO. M2M products are
measurement performance available with a used worldwide by integrators, inspection
wide frequency range (2.5 Hz to 20 MHz). service companies, and research and
With seven parallel channels (no development laboratories. Since 2014,
multiplexing), capability to measure M2M products have been used in the
impedance at three simultaneous aerospace, steel, oil and gas, power
frequencies, and up to 1200 impedance generation, and automotive industries. Metal Fatigue Solutions, Inc.
measurements per second, the jET can M2M systems come with cutting-edge Las Vegas, Nevada
deliver rapid and convenient inspection. functionalities like advanced ultrasound Metal Fatigue Solutions, Inc. (MFS) is a
imaging and 3D imaging, surface adapting premier manufacturer of metal fatigue
ultrasound, total focusing methods, full sensing devices worldwide. A US-based
matrix capture, and smart flexible arrays. manufacturer, MFS develops devices and
M2M also offers support and training systems that indicate the true status of
services and works with probe fatigue damage in structural metal
manufacturers and integrators to offer components. MFS offerings are in use for
packaged solutions. Today, M2M has more both structural health monitoring as well as
than 850 systems deployed in 25 countries. advanced dynamic nondestructive testing
Laser Technology, Inc. and nondestructive inspection. Though MFS
Norristown, Pennsylvania
Met-L-Chek Co. technologies are high tech, their solution
Laser Technology, Inc. (LTI) has over 40 delivery is straightforward and practical for
Santa Monica, California
years of experience as a premier the number of markets they serve. Existing
Met-L-Chek Co. has been a pioneer in
manufacturer of nondestructive digital markets include bridges and highways,
penetrant inspection since 1952. That’s 66
shearography and holography testing military applications, dams, vertical
years of quality, service, and expertise,
equipment. LTI has provided unique and structures, ships, cranes, railways, power
providing our customers with maximum
creative NDT solutions to the aerospace, plants, nuclear facilities, chemical plants,
value. Met-L-Chek manufactures a full line
automotive, electronics, marine, medical, mining equipment, piping systems, and
of AMS-2644 QPL approved penetrants that
rail, and civil engineering industries, as mechanical systems. Best known for its


(Metal Fatigue Solutions, Inc., cont.)
electrochemical fatigue sensor-based ultrasonic, and eddy current are provided Commission regulations. We provide
technologies, EFS CrackChek and with multimodality and portability. PRAGMA radiation sources used in a wide variety of
FatigueWatch systems detect and monitor distinguishes itself by focusing on testing and measurement applications,
growing fatigue cracks on metal structures. improving workflow efficiency and keeping specializing in NDT, but also including X-ray
MFS additionally manufactures and designs NDT technologies accessible and easy to florescence, neutron activation analysis,
the Fatigue Fuse, a calibrated cycle counter operate. PRAGMA’s products and solutions thickness/level/mass/flow gauging, oil well
designed to be affixed to a structure to give are helping the aerospace, oil and gas, logging, reactor startup, and security
warnings at preselected percentages of the transportation, and heavy industries. Our imaging and inspection. We also offer a
fatigue life that has been exhausted. Used mission is to provide the NDT market with comprehensive range of NDT equipment
extensively on military bridges and other portable instruments and systems that are and accessories, including gamma
permanent bridge and civil infrastructure high performance, yet simple to use and radiography projectors, X-ray equipment,
assets, the Fatigue Fuse is often affixed to application-driven. Every day, our team of and digital radiography systems. In addition
movable bridges deployed by various passionate engineers and technicians roll to that, QSA offers a wide variety of safety
countries worldwide. up their sleeves and produce little marvels. equipment, training courses, and services.
PRAGMA products are very powerful and
Olympus Scientific Solutions simple to use, handling multiple modalities
Americas - SPONSOR and multiple platforms. We feel NDT
Waltham, Massachusetts requires the most up-to-date technology,
Olympus provides a portfolio of innovative the most effective products, and the most
test, measurement, and imaging accurate traceability. It’s our contribution to
instruments. Testing technologies include make our world safer and our industries
remote visual inspection, microscopy, more effective. Sherwin, Inc.
ultrasound, phased array, eddy current, South Gate, California
eddy current array, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Sherwin, Inc. has been manufacturing the
X-ray diffraction (XRD), and optical Dubl-Chek line of penetrants since 1964.
metrology. Our products include ultrasonic Dubl-Chek products are approved by
flaw detectors and thickness gauges, video governing agencies worldwide: the US
borescopes, borescopes, microscopes, XRF QSA Global, Inc. government, the American Society of
and XRD analyzers, in-line and advanced Mechanical Engineers, ASTM International,
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
nondestructive testing systems, and a large AMS-2644, and prime aerospace and
We strive to provide the highest quality
selection of industrial scanners, probes, military contractors and original equipment
radioisotopes, nondestructive testing (NDT)
software programs, and instrument manufacturers. Dubl-Chek fluorescent
equipment, security image inspection
accessories. Olympus instruments are used penetrants are used widely in aerospace,
systems, and education in radiation around
in industrial and research applications while Dubl-Chek visible penetrants are used
the globe. Our commitment inspires our
ranging from aerospace, power generation, throughout the welding and nuclear power
innovative designs, excellent service, and
petrochemical, manufacturing, and industries. Sherwin, an independent
continuous process improvements. QSA
automotive to consumer products. Olympus penetrant manufacturer, is committed to
Global, Inc. specializes in supplying high-
instruments contribute to the quality of providing its customers with the best
quality, high-performance radiation sources
products and add to the safety of quality products at very competitive prices.
used in NDT devices, oil well logging,
infrastructure and facilities. Our products are manufactured and
industrial processes, and medical research.
available around the world. We have a
With over 100 years in organizational
complete line of penetrants and magnetic
experience, we distinguish ourselves as
particle products approved by all major
leading experts in radiation source
defense and aerospace contractors:
encapsulation, sealed source distribution,
fluorescent and visible penetrants,
and turnkey services. Our global network of
emulsifiers, developers, cleaners, solvent
PRAGMA export specialists and brokers gives
removers, penetrant test pieces, ultraviolet
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada customers the expertise they need when
lamps, accessories, and fluorescent and
PRAGMA specializes in the design and trying to solve challenging logistics issues.
colored particles.
manufacture of portable instruments and A comprehensive quality control process
systems for nondestructive testing (NDT). guarantees our industrial and medical
Technologies such as phased array, sources meet or exceed all industry
standards, including US Nuclear Regulatory


UTEX Scientific Instruments, Inc. platform, providing real-time access to
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada radio-frequency data for every channel, and
Supporting choice, flexibility, and patented algorithms for data collection and
automation for nondestructive testing, UTEX analysis. Verasonics systems facilitate the
SONOTEC US, Inc. develops software, instrumentation, and creation and optimization of emerging
Islandia, New York mechanical systems for builders and users applications in nondestructive evaluation
SONOTEC US, Inc. is a subsidiary of of advanced nondestructive testing NDT/NDE, with fully programmable transmit
Germany-headquartered SONOTEC GmbH. systems. We serve clients in all sectors of sequences and focal laws, and arbitrary
We recently developed SONOAIR, the first the NDT community including aerospace, waveform capability on every channel.
and only phased array, air-coupled, power generation, oil and gas, and Other available techniques include time of
noncontact UT inspection system in the transportation. We also serve the leading flight diffraction and guided wave testing
world. In addition, we manufacture high- producers in the metals, composites, food, for detection and characterization of
end A/B-scan thickness gauges, flaw and plastics manufacturing industries. We material discontinuities, 3D data acquisition
detectors, and standard probes according believe that NDT should be an integrated for volume assessment of materials, closed
to European and North American standards. part of manufacturing, not a separate crack detection for improved quality control
With more than 25 years of experience, process. We also believe in using and structural health monitoring, and full
SONOTEC designs high-quality OEM automation to liberate people from tedious matrix capture with real-time acquisition in
immersion, contact, phased array, or air- and repetitive activities, so that they can high resolution. The Vantage systems with
coupled probes for a large variety of UT focus on more important work. UTEX is 64, 128, or 256 channels are available in
applications. Ultrasonic innovations made unique in the field of NDT because we have three frequency ranges from 50 kHz to
in Germany and local service provided in developed a software platform that enables 50 MHz. Based in Kirkland, Washington,
the United States is what we stand for. NDT operators, engineers, and systems Verasonics licenses its technology, sells
builders to work together to deliver the best research systems and software
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC possible NDT systems. InspectionWare components, and provides consulting
Boca Raton, Florida enables NDT engineers and operators to services to customers worldwide.
Taylor & Francis Group partners with specify exactly what they need to serve
researchers, scholarly societies, their process, including user interfaces that VisiConsult GmbH
universities, and libraries worldwide to intuitively follow their workflow and easy Stockelsdorf, Germany
bring knowledge to life. As one of the automation for tedious setups and system VisiConsult GmbH is a family owned
world’s leading publishers of scholarly readiness checks. Instrument manufacturers company located in Northern Germany and
journals, books, ebooks, and reference and automation engineers finally have an is a specialist for customized and standard
works, our content spans all areas of NDT engineering platform that enables them X-ray NDT systems. More than 25 years of
humanities, social sciences, science, and to work together. InspectionWare integrates expertise in automatic defect recognition
technology. From our network of offices in the semiautomated subsystems of and image enhancement for a broad variety
Oxford, Philadelphia, New York, Melbourne, instruments, motion control, data of industries combined with experienced
Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo, Stockholm, New management, and factory networking. UTEX engineers result in solutions that set new
Delhi, and Johannesburg, Taylor & Francis is devoted to simplifying the job of industry standards. All systems are
staff provide local expertise and support to selecting the right equipment for your NDT manufactured in-house as turn-key
our editors, societies, and authors. process and making it work together solutions. VisiConsult has a subsidiary in
seamlessly. Together with our systems Atlanta and is ready to serve the market.
Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. integration partners, we deliver The fully automatic X-ray inspection system
Ferndale, Michigan sophisticated NDT systems, online process XRHRobotStar, developed and
Thermal Wave Imaging is a leading control systems, and materials manufactured by VisiConsult, reduces the
innovator and provider of state-of-the-art characterization systems of all types. inspection time to an absolute minimum.
thermographic nondestructive testing By parallelizing the loading, unloading,
solutions ranging from low-cost portable Verasonics and testing steps, the cycle time is just
systems for field applications to highly Kirkland, Washington dependent on the number of test positions.
sophisticated automated inspection Verasonics, a leader in research ultrasound The X-ray equipment is mounted on a
equipment for manufacturing and quality technology, designs, manufactures, and C-Arm, which is attached to a robot. This
assurance. Our commercial off-the-shelf distributes state-of-the-art phased array ensures a fast and free movement. The
equipment, custom turnkey solutions, and ultrasound research systems. Verasonics’ robot will adapt to the part and the software
testing and evaluation services are open architecture and novel technologies performs the automatic defect recognition.
designed to meet the critical needs of facilitate research and development for This makes part holders and exact
aerospace, power generation, and academic and commercial investigators. The positioning unnecessary. The result is a far
automotive original equipment Verasonics Vantage system is a completely more flexible, scalable, and faster system.
manufacturers and suppliers. programmable ultrasonic acquisition The cabinet is available with a belt or star


(VisiConsult GmbH, cont.)
conveyor system, depending on the parts radioscopic and computed tomography for deployment in research and
and application. Because of the short cycle inspection systems for a wide variety of development and can be integrated into any
time and high reliability, the system is applications and fields. Whether situated in production process. With our headquarters
especially eligible for industries with an the aviation and aerospace, automotive, or in Hamburg, Germany; sales and service
automated 24/7 production and high electronics industry, our customers are locations in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan;
volumes. Over five systems are already among the largest producers and major Hudson, Ohio; San Jose, California; Beijing
installed at casting parts suppliers for enterprises that place their confidence in and Shanghai, China; and Hattingen and
several prestigious German car our quality worldwide. The name YXLON Heilbronn, Germany; as well as a network
manufacturers with great success. stands for assurance and quality for all of representatives in over 50 countries,
types of cast parts, tires, electrical and as YXLON we are local for our customers
electronic components, turbine blades, all over the world. Feel free to email
welded joints, and a lot more. Our product, visit,
portfolio includes X-ray systems for or call (234) 284-7849 or toll-free
installation in radiological inspection (877) 972-9100. w x
envelopes and universal X-ray inspection
systems on the basis of fully shielded
YXLON devices, as well as solutions specific to a
Hudson, Ohio customer. Whether in manual,
YXLON International, a member of the semiautomated, or fully automated
Comet Group, designs and produces operation, our inspection systems are ideal


PRODUCT gallery
High-Resolution Wireless Digital in a lab environment where it can be run in
Detector a tethered configuration for rapid data
Carestream Non-Destructive Testing intro- transfer. Long-life lithium batteries provide
duces the new wireless HPX-DR high-reso- up to several hundred images per charge,
lution digital DR detector that provides and with the optional three-battery charger
higher resolution, heavy-duty shielding, pack and hot swap feature, crews can keep
optimum portability, and improved working as long as needed without
workflow for use in many NDT mobile and rebooting. The HPX-DR weighs only 5.6 kg
lab inspection applications. This next- (12.5 lb), making it one of the lightest, most
generation DR detector features a compact industrial detectors available.
139 micron pixel pitch, wireless capability, Carestream NDT
and a heavy-duty IP57 enclosure, making Rochester, New York
it well suited for mobile NDT work. It excels


x Guided Wave Testing

Quantitative Short-Range Technology

A new “breakthrough” inspection technology makes it possible to remotely
scan and map areas of corrosion in inaccessible pipe walls for the first time.
QSR (quantitative short range)—a new type of guided wave technology—can
provide accurate measurements of pipe wall thickness in hard-to-reach areas,
such as behind wall supports. It is the latest innovation from Guided
Ultrasonics Limited (GUL). David Alleyne, who founded GUL in 1999, said the
company recognized the need for a way to measure wall thickness remotely.
As with the original long-range guided wave technique, Alleyne believes QSR
will find wider applications than pipelines.
Guided Ultrasonics, Ltd., Brentford, United Kingdom

Pipe Testing Instrument

Designed for long-range pipe integrity, Olympus’s UltraWave LRT system
utilizes guided wave technology to perform long-range inspections on buried,
coated, and insulated pipes and pipelines. The system’s advanced software,
battery-operated acquisition unit, robust touch-screen laptop, and compact
probes combine with a low-clearance inspection collar to facilitate installation
in limited-access locations. UltraWave LRT features a unique F-scan color map
to display the entire frequency range acquired during inspections, making it
easy for operators to select the most sensitive frequencies for further
analysis. The user-friendly software also offers a step-by-step wizard and
intuitive database management structure, while automated and customizable
reports compile inspection data into a single document.
Olympus, Billerica, Massachusetts

Ultrasonic Platform
Verasonics is committed to advancing materials science research and
innovation. Using the Vantage system, researchers have access to a highly
programmable ultrasonic platform with advanced phased array technology.
New Vantage capabilities in materials science/nondestructive testing include
time of flight diffraction for assessing welds for discontinuities; 3D data
acquisition for volume assessment of materials; closed crack detection for
improved quality control and structural health monitoring; guided wave
testing for detection and characterization of material defects; and full matrix
capture with real-time acquisitions in high resolution.
Verasonics, Inc., Kirkland, Washington


Participate PRODUCT gallery
Participate in American
National Standards LED UV-A, IP65 Rated Flood Lamps
Spectronics Corporation, a leader in ultra-
ASNT’s Standards Development violet fluorescent equipment, is releasing
Committee (SDC) develops ASNT’s the first two models of the EDGE™ 13
standards, including ANSI/ASNT Series, a new group of fanless, LED UV-A,
CP-106: Nondestructive Testing — IP65 rated flood lamps. Each model is
Qualification and Certification of designed for overhead applications in
Personnel, ANSI/ASNT CP-105; ASNT nondestructive testing and fluorescent
Standard Training Outlines of inspection. The EDG-13SBLC is a fully
Nondestructive Testing Personnel. ASTM E3022-2015 and Rolls-Royce 90061
ANSI/ASNT CP-189: ASNT Standard compliant LED UV-A flood lamp for
for Qualification and Certification of overhead nondestructive testing. The required within refrigeration applications
Nondestructive Testing Personnel and EDG-13T is a noncompliant flood lamp and is rated for use at temperatures as low
ANSI/ASNT ILI-PQ: In-line Inspection perfect for NDT professionals who require as –40° C ( –40° F).
Personnel Qualification and Bacharach, Inc.
Certification. New Kensington, Pennsylvania
If you wish to join the SDC and
participate in the development of
American National Standards, Thin-Film Filter Photodetectors
contact SDC Secretary Charles Opto Diode Corporation, an ITW company,
Longo at More introduces the SXUV100TF135 and
information is available at SXUV100TF135B photodiodes with inte- grated thin-film filters. The detectors each
standards/standards.htm. feature a 100 mm2 active area and a
a rugged, high-intensity lamp to spot fluo- directly deposited thin-film filter for
rescent indications on large parts. Both detection between 12 nm and 18 nm.
EDGE 13 models come with 2.4 m (8 ft) Both detectors have a typical responsivity
Patents and 6.1 m (20 ft) AC power cord options
and are available for every country-of-
of 0.09 A/W at 13.5 nm and are optimized
for different electrical performance. The
Have you been awarded a destination. All models are gangable and photodiodes are ideal for use in applica-
patent? can share the same power supply—making tions such as laser power monitoring, semi-
it easier to expand the inspection area by conductor photolithography, and metrology
If you have recently been granted a
joining units together. systems that utilize extreme ultraviolet light.
new patent by a government patent Spectronics Corporation The SXUV100TF135 model is optimized for
office, we invite you to let us know Westbury, New York higher speed reverse bias voltage operation.
about it. We are looking for patents The device has low capacitance, typically
that describe innovations in the 260 pF, with a reverse bias voltage of
science and practice of nondestruc- Instrument for CO2 Leak Detection 12 volts. The SXUV100TF135B is optimized
tive testing. You can send a few As the use of CO2 gas increases in popu- for zero bias voltage operation, where low
paragraphs describing the invention larity as a natural refrigerant due to its low dark current is of paramount importance. The
and its range of applications, and a environmental impact and increasing HFC detector has a high shunt resistance greater
copy of the patent document (or if it (hydrofluorocarbon) regulations, than 10 M.
Bacharach, a leading manufacturer of Opto Diode Corporation
was issued by the United States
refrigerant and gas leak detection from Camarillo, California
Patent and Trademark Office, you w x
monitoring instruments and data solutions
can just give us the patent number).
to combustion and emissions analyzers, is
E-mail to with offering an effective CO2 leak detection
“ASNT M.E. New Patents” in the monitor for industrial and retail refrigera-
subject line. tion applications. This instrument is
For more information on the selective, taking into consideration both
patents, go to the US Patent and response times and operating tempera-
tures in these applications. Bacharach’s
Trademark Office website at
instrument is also appropriately specified
for use in the operating temperatures


Detection Technology Announces company decided to certify its newly quality and environmental systems
ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015 established Beijing factory according to since then.
Certifications the ISO 14001:2015 standard require-
Detection Technology, a global leader in ments. The factory has been ISO 9001 Aerotech Inspection Expands into
X-ray imaging solutions, announced that certified since 2015. India
it has been granted ISO 9001:2015 and The certificates were granted to the For many years, Aerotech Inspection &
ISO 14001:2015 certification. In 2016, company’s Oulu site in Finland in NDT, Ltd. has been a supplier of nonde-
Detection Technology made a strategic November and the Beijing sites in structive testing across the United
decision to upgrade its certified December 2017. For the first time, the Kingdom. Offering a multitude of nonde-
ISO 9001:2008 quality management company earned certification under structive testing services including radiog-
system and ISO 14001:2004 environ- ISO 9001 in 2000 and ISO 14001 in 2006. raphy, surface inspection, and ultrasonic
mental management system to the latest Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, Ltd. testing, Aerotech has served a wide
ISO 2015 standards. In addition, the has audited and registered the company’s spectrum of industries from their head


The ASNT International Service Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday
through Friday. Voicemail messages can be left 24 hours a day by following the recorded prompts. In office in Cradley Heath, West Midlands,
the U.S. and Canada, call toll free (800) 222-2768 or (614) 274-6003; fax (614) 274-6899. Email
addresses for individual staff members are given below. If you prefer, write ASNT, 1711 Arlingate Lane, and their satellite facility in Yeovil.
P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228-0518. ASNT’s website is available at Now, recognizing that India is one of
the fastest growing economies in the
Executive Offices
Executive Director Arny Bereson (201) world, Aerotech has opened their first
Executive Assistant Michelle Thomas (223) international office based in Dharwad,
Accounting Department India. The new company, known as
Chief Financial Officer Mary Potter (203)
Account balance inquiries Angie Guzzo (228) Aerotech Inspection and NDT [India] PVT,
Credit and collections Trina Coakley (220) Ltd., is based close to a major supplier of
Dues payment inquiries Margaret Leonard (229)
investment castings to the aerospace
Book Department
Book and catalog orders Kimberly Donaldson (242) industry. From there they will not only
Tomeka McCutcheon (215) provide a more local and comprehensive
Customer service supervisor Trina Coakley (220)
support for this customer, but also use it
Certification and Technical Services Department
Chief Technical Officer James Bennett (250) as a base to offer services to a wider
Certification inquires (exams/renewals) Lisa Law (226) market in India.
Jennifer Harris (237)
Tricia Davis (219) Aerotech (India) will be managed by
NDT Technical Specialist Charles Longo (241) Somnath Jagtap, a very experienced and
NDT Technical Specialist/Certification Manager Donny Didion (240)
NDT Technical Specialist/Quality Manager Brian Frye (218) highly qualified NDT and auditing profes-
Instructional Designer Bob Conklin (275) sional, who, along with other qualifica-
Conference Department tions, currently holds ASNT Level III
Senior Manager of Conferences Christine Schnitzer (202)
Conference registration Angie Guzzo (228) certification in six NDT disciplines and has
Exhibit and event coordination Ruth Staat (227) experience in a variety of industry sectors,
Level III refresher courses Alicia LeMasters (213)
CEU program Angie Guzzo (228) ranging from heavy metal forming to on-
Program coordination Alicia LeMasters (213) wing aerospace applications.
ASNT website Stephen Schaefer (222)
Advertising Diane Oen (209) NSI European Sites Attain
Marketing Communications Department Accreditation
Senior Manager of Marketing Communications Garra Liming (211) North Star Imaging (NSI), which is head-
Advertising Supervisor Diane Oen (209)
Public Relations and Brand Manager Dana Sims (244) quartered in Rogers, Minnesota,
Corporate design services Paul Conley (232) announced that their Paris, France, and
Member Relations and Services Department
High Wycombe, United Kingdom, facilities
Senior Manager of Member Relations and Services Heather Cowles (216)
Awards Jessica Ames (233) have acquired ISO 9001:2008 certification.
Sections Coordinator Debbie Segor (235) NSI’s sites in Europe have amended the
Program Coordinator Jessica Ames (233)
Committee participation Jessica Ames (233) existing processes and procedures to
Member benefits Pat White (217) improve efficiency and maintain high
President’s Award points Debbie Segor (235)
levels of customer satisfaction. As a result
Publications Department
Senior Manager of Publications Tim Jones (204) of the implementation of these processes,
Library Haley Cowans (245) the European facilities acquired their certi-
Materials Evaluation
Advertising Diane Oen (209)
fication on 5 December 2017.
Articles Jill Ross (224)
Buyers Guide
Diane Oen (209)
Haley Cowans (245)
Cyberhawk Completes ASME
Employment Service Haley Cowans (245) Inspection at US Nuclear Power
Ready Reference Guide Jill Ross (224) Plant
Reprints Haley Cowans (245)
Section News Debbie Segor (235) Cyberhawk Innovations, a market leader in
NDT Handbook Editor Karen Balkin (207) inspection and survey using unmanned
NDTMarketplace inquiries Haley Cowans (245) aerial vehicles (UAV), has inspected two
Advertising Diane Oen (209)
Educational Materials inquiries Cynthia Leeman (225) concrete containment domes for American
Toni Kervina (205) Electric Power (AEP) at the Cook Nuclear
RNDE inquiries Hollis Humphries (206) Plant, located along Lake Michigan’s
The NDT Technician (TNT) inquiries Haley Cowans (245)
eastern shoreline. Although drones have
If you are having trouble locating who should handle your inquiry, please ask the operator at extension
200 to direct your call to the appropriate department personnel. previously been utilized in the nuclear
industry, this was the first time a drone
has been used by the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) according to


the Section XI Code. The code refers to surface to the ASME code standard, with Force SBIR Program Office, and the Office
several American Concrete Institute the results digitized into a 3D point cloud of Naval Research. Successful maturation
standards for completing an examination, that will allow direct digital comparison of a fiber-optic laser beam delivery
and this inspection has been recognized for any future inspections. system will enable LSPT’s LBI system to
within the nuclear industry as a best access a greater percentage of an adhe-
practice based on these standards. LSP Awarded SBIR Grant for Bond sively bonded structure and will facilitate
Traditionally, inspections of this type Strength Evaluation the inspection of partially closed-out
would involve using a personnel basket LSP Technologies, Inc. (LSPT) has been structures.
with a 60 m (180 ft) crane, incurring awarded a US Air Force Small Business
significant time and cost just to get the Innovative Research (SBIR) Technology Zeiss Acquires Majority Stake in
equipment to the site and set up for the Transition Program to enhance its laser Bosello
inspection. In contrast, it took just one bond inspection (LBI) system, used to Zeiss, based in Germany, and Bosello High
week for Cyberhawk to inspect both evaluate bond strength in adhesively Technology, based in Italy, have
containment domes using a drone bonded composite structures. The announced that the Zeiss Group will
with minimal site disruption. The drone program is aimed at developing a fiber- acquire a majority stake in the provider of
inspection generated direct cost savings optic delivery system that will increase industrial X-ray solutions. For Zeiss,
of over 300% for AEP, as well as signifi- the flexibility and capability of current Bosello’s tailor-made solutions are a
cant indirect cost savings through LBI technology. further step in the process of evolving into
reduced site disruption. Additionally, the The program is a two-year effort, a one-stop provider of nondestructive
drone inspection method involved funded by the Air Force Research measuring and inspection technology. The
capturing images of 100% of the dome Laboratory’s ManTech Division, the Air shared goal is to strengthen inline


computed tomography in the production Mistras Acquires West Penn Testing overseeing the West Penn business as part
environment, a technology that increases Mistras Group, Inc., a “one source” global of the company’s services segment.
the level of quality in the inspection provider of technology-enabled asset Mistras funded the West Penn acquisi-
of aluminum cast parts. The initial protection solutions, announced that it tion with borrowings from its recently
customer focus will be on the automotive acquired West Penn Testing Group (West amended $250 million agreement that
industry. Penn) for $74 million in cash. was announced in 2017. The company
Moving forward, the employees at the West Penn is headquartered near expects this acquisition to be accretive to
Bosello site near Milan, Italy, will be part Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and also has earnings per share in 2018. w x
of the Zeiss X-ray network and will play a locations in Richburg, South Carolina, and
key role in further expanding the business.
For Zeiss, this is a key enhancement to the
Savannah, Georgia. West Penn provides a
wide variety of nondestructive testing Write Us
nondestructive measuring and inspection services at its in-house facilities focused
global strategy. primarily on aerospace customers. West Industry News
Subject to the approval of the competi- Penn is Nadcap accredited, ISO 9001 and Materials Evaluation publishes information
tion authorities, the agreement is expected AS 9100 certified, and complies with an on the activities of businesses in the NDT
to come into effect in the first half of extensive array of client and industry field of a noncommercial nature. Send
January. Both partners have agreed not to codes and specifications. West Penn’s
press releases concerning Industry News
disclose the purchase price or the extent president, Jim DeCellis, will function as
to Haley Cowans at
of the stake. Mistras Group’s regional manager,


NEW media
New Report on Industrial X-ray secondary research, the report aims to The report covers and analyzes the
Inspection System Market present the analysis of the global indus- potential of the global industrial X-ray
Research and Markets has added a new trial X-ray inspection system market on the inspection system market and provides
report to its offerings: “Global Industrial X- basis of imaging technique type (film- statistics and information on market size,
Ray Inspection System Market - By Imaging based imaging and digital imaging); by shares, and growth factors. The report
Technique, By Digital Imaging Type, By digital imaging type (digital radiography and intends to provide cutting-edge market
Digital Radiography Type, By End User, By computed tomography); by digital radiog- intelligence and help decision makers
Region, By Country (2017–2022).” This raphy type (direct digital radiography and make sound investment evaluation. The
report, created by Azoth Analytics, computed radiography); by end user indus- report also identifies and analyzes
indicates that the global industrial X-ray tries (food and pharmaceutical, manufac- emerging trends along with major drivers,
inspection system market has grown at a turing, automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, challenges, and opportunities in the global
sustained CAGR of 5.7% in the period power generation, government infrastruc- industrial X-ray inspection system market.
2012–2017 and amounted to US $526 ture, and others); by region (North America, Additionally, the report also highlights
million in the year 2017. Europe, Asia Pacific, and ROW [rest of market-entry strategies for various
A comprehensive research report world]), and by country (United States of companies across the globe.
created through extensive primary research America, Canada, United Kingdom, w x
(including inputs from industry experts, Germany, France, India, China, Japan, Brazil,
companies, and stakeholders) and South Africa, and Saudi Arabia).


CORPORATE partners
3angles, Inc. (Albany, NY)
3D Engineering Solutions
(Cincinnati, OH)
Thank You
ASNT is proud to present these NDT manufacturers, users
Circle Systems, Inc. (Hinckley, IL)
Clover Park Technical College
(Lakewood, WA)
3E NDT, LLC (La Porte, TX) CM Diagnostics, Sp. z o.o.
3IG Corp. (Taipei, Taiwan) and suppliers who support the Society. This list is current (Krakow, Poland)
4A Inspection, LLC (Houston, TX) as of 1 February 2018. CNI Pacific Co., Ltd.
(Banchang, Thailand)
A Coast to Coast Inspection Services,
ALX Industries (Pasadena, TX) Beijing Dragon Electronics Co. Inc. (Portland, OR)
Abdallah I AlTamimi Industrial (Beijing, China) College of the North Atlantic
AMA Consultants Corp. (Braselton, GA)
Services (Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Ben-Mem Oilfield & General (Stephenville, Canada)
American Aerospace Technical
Academy of Infrared Training, Inc. Services, Ltd. Comet Technologies USA, Inc.
Academy (Los Angeles, CA)
(Coquitlam, Canada) (Effurun Osubi, Nigeria) (Shelton, CT)
American Inspection Services, Inc.
Access Plug Flange, Inc. (Houston, TX) Best NDT (Springfield, VA) Commodity Resource &
(Grand Bay, AL)
ACML 2i2S (Alexandria, Egypt) BETZ Engineering & Technology Environmental, Inc. (Burbank, CA)
American Institute of Nondestructive
ACNDT, Inc. (Middleburg, FL) Zone (Chennai, India) Cooperheat Saudi Arabia Co., Ltd.
Testing (Baxter, MN)
Acoustic Technology Group BFW Engineering & Testing (Jubail, Saudi Arabia)
American Marine Corp.
(Grandville, MI) (Paducah, KY) CoreStar International Corp.
(Anchorage, AK)
ACS-Solutions GmbH (Saarbrucken, BG Detection Services/ LA X-Ray (Irwin, PA)
American Piping Inspection (Tulsa, OK)
Germany) (Sun Valley, CA) Correct Testing Pty., Ltd. (Alberton
American Testing Services
Actemmx, LLC (Saint Peters, MO) Bifrost Engineering (Carmel, IN) Johannesburg, South Africa)
(Miamisburg, OH)
Acuren (Edmonton, Canada) Bighorn Inspection, Inc. (Laurel, MT) Creaform, Inc. (Levis, Canada)
Amo & Partners Engineering, Co.
Adaptive Energy (University Place, WA) Bisco Integrated Services Corp. Creative Lodging Solutions
(Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia)
ADEMINSA (Lima, Peru) (Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia) (Snellville, GA)
AMOSCO (Eastleigh, United Kingdom)
Aduche, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) BKS Consulting & Training Institute Crossbridge Compliance, LLC
AMS Store and Shred, LLC
Advanced Energy (Fort Collins, CO) (Tehran, Iran) (Longview, TX)
(Lake In The Hills, IL)
Advanced Inspection Technologies Blatek, Inc. (State College, PA) Curtis Industries, Inc.
ANSA WENS Quality Assurance S.
(Melbourne, FL) BlueScope Steel Research (Cowansville, PA)
Pte., Ltd. (Singapore, Singapore)
Advanced Material Solutions (Wollongong, Australia) Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT (Brea, CA)
Aolong Group (Dandong City, China)
(Phoenix, AZ) Branch Radiographic Labs, Inc. Cutech Group (Singapore,
Apex NDT Training Services
Advanced OEM Solutions (Cranford, NJ) Singapore)
(Rayne, LA)
(Cincinnati, OH) Bridgsite Nigeria, Ltd. Cuyahoga Community College
Aplus+ NDT (Coimbatore, India)
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) (Cleveland, OH)
Applied Technical Services
(San Diego, CA) BRL Consultants, Inc. CXR Corp. (Kure City, Japan)
(Marietta, GA)
AEIS (Rahway, NJ) (San Antonio, TX) Cygnus Instruments (Annapolis, MD)
Applus RTD (Edmonton, Canada)
Aero Norway AS (Sola, Norway) Brotherhood Technical Service Co. Cylinder Testing Solutions
Apptrra Global AS
Aerofab NDT, LLC (Kent, WA) (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) (Denver, CO)
(Stavander, Norway)
Aerotest Operations, Inc. Bruker (Kennewick, WA)
Aral General Trading, LLC
(San Ramon, CA)
(Port Saeed, United Arab Emirates) BTEC, LLC (Pueblo, CO) D
AES Destructive & NDT, Ltd.
Arcadia Aerospace Industries
(Kwai Chung, Hong Kong)
(Punta Gorda, FL)
C DARLSCO Inspection Services
A-Fab Co., Inc. (Gibsonton, FL) (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
Arcmart Indonesia Cadillac Casting, Inc. (Cadillac, MI)
African NDT Centre Pty., Ltd. Daily Thermetrics Corp. (Houston, TX)
(Bandung, Indonesia) Cadorath Aerospace (Broussard, LA)
(Centurion, South Africa) Dakota Ultrasonics (Scotts Valley, CA)
Aria Azmoon Sanat Co. (Tehran, Iran) Calaya Engineering
AGD Inspection Services, LLC Danatronics (Danvers, MA)
Armstech Engineers Private, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, Nigeria)
(Stafford, TX) Danco Inspection Service, Inc.
(Cochin, India) Callington Haven Pty., Ltd.
AGR Inspection, Inc. (Burleson, TX) (Oklahoma City, OK)
Arrow-Tech, Inc. (Rolla, ND) (Rydalmere, Australia)
AIP (Houston, TX) Dantec Dynamics GmbH (Ulm,
ASG Inspection, Ltd. Canon (Melville, NY)
AIP Global Strategies (Pelham, NH) Germany)
(Aberdeen, United Kingdom) Carestream NDT (Rochester, NY)
Aircraft Inspection Services DARES SRLS (Casamarciano, Italy)
Associated X-Ray Corp. Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology
(Grand Rapids, MI) Datest (Fremont, CA)
(East Haven, CT) (Maple Grove, MN)
Aircraft X-Ray Labs, Inc. DBI, Inc. (Lenexa, KS)
ATLAIM Corp. (Anyang Si, South Korea) Caterpillar, Inc. (Peoria, IL)
(Huntington Park, CA) DECTRIS (Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland)
Atout Technical Supports CATSI, Inc. (Valparaiso, IN)
Airon Academy (Trivandrum, India) Delphi Precision Imaging
(Port-Gentil, Gabon) CD International Technology, Inc.
Aker Solutions Saudi Arabia Co., (Redmond, WA)
Austin Community College (Livermore, CA)
Ltd. (Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Delta Inspection Petroleum Services
(Austin, TX) CDA Technical Institute
Akermas Energy, Ltd. (Cairo, Egypt)
AUT Solutions (Fulshear, TX) (Jacksonville, FL)
(Victoria Island, Nigeria) Detagulf Global Services, Ltd.
Avonix Imaging (Maple Grove, MN) Cenergy International Services, LLC
Akura Bina Citra (Bekasi, Indonesia) (Port Harcourt, Nigeria)
Aycan Data Management (Houston, TX)
Al Madar Industrial for Technical Detection Technology, Inc.
(Rochester, NY) Central Flying Service (Little Rock, AR)
Services MIT (Yanbu, Saudi Arabia) (Billerica, MA)
AZTech Training & Consultancy CentroTEST Asia, Inc.
Al Mansoori Inspection Services DETEK, Inc. (Temple Hills, MD)
(Dubai, United Arab Emirates) (Mandaluyong City, Philippines)
(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Diakont Advanced Technologies
Al Rookal for Engineering Centura X-Ray NDT (Cleveland, OH) (San Diego, CA)
B Certags (Oregon City, OR)
Inspection, Ltd. (Baghdad, Iraq) Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
Al Rowad Petroleum Technical Baker Testing Services, Inc. Chemetall US, Inc. (Blairsville, PA)
Services (Ras Gharib, Egypt) (Rockland, MA) (New Providence, NJ) Dixon Hard Chrome (Sun Valley, CA)
Allis Engineering (Lake Elsinore, CA) Balteau NDT (Hermalle sous Churchill Steel Plate, Ltd. DJA Inspection Services, Inc.
Alpha NDT (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) Argenteau, Belgium) (Twinsburg, OH) (Reno, PA)
Al-Rook Engineering Services, Ltd. BCI Morocco (Casablanca, Morocco) Cifra Industrial Services Corp. D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
(Karrada, Iraq) (Makati City, Philippines) (Vadodara, India)


DolphiTech (Raufoss, Norway) Gamma Petroleum Services Hodges Transportation, Inc. Ionix Advanced Technologies
Doncasters (Groton, CT) (Basra, Iraq) (Carson City, NV) (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Drill Spec Services, LLC (Okarche, OK) Gammatec NDT Supplies SOC., Ltd. Honeywell Aerospace de Mexico IPSI (Courbevoie Cedex, France)
DÜRR NDT GmbH & Co. KG (Vereeniging Gauteng, South (Chihuahua, Mexico) Iranian Society of Technical
(Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany) Africa) Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Inspection & NDT Companies
Dynamic Software Solutions GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Technologies (Kansas City, MO) (Tehran, Iran)
(Niceville, FL) (Cannock, United Kingdom) HSI Group, Inc. (Torrance, CA) IRED Thermal Group, Ltd.
GE Measurement & Control (Edmonton, Canada)
E (Lewistown, PA) I IREZ Academy (Kollam, India)
GE Power Generation Services Iris Inspection Services, Inc.
Echem Consultants, LLC (Houston, TX) Iconicx Critical Solutions, LLC (Baytown, TX)
(Poughkeepsie, NY) George Consulting Services, Inc. (Amsterdam, NY) IRISNDT (Houston, TX)
Echo Maintenance (Nederland, TX) (Monaca, PA) ImechE Engineering Training Solutions IRM Servicos Eireli (Macae, Brazil)
Echo Ultrasonics (Bellingham, WA) GES for Petroleum Inspection & (Sheffield, United Kingdom) Isoflex Radioactive, LLC
Eclipse Scientific (Waterloo, Canada) Training Services Imen Joosh Pouyan, Co. (San Francisco, CA)
ECS, Inc. (Kennesaw, GA) (Menofeyah, Egypt) (Mashhad, Iran) IVC Technologies (Lebanon, OH)
Eddyfi (Quebec, Canada) GISS USA East, LP (Clare, MI) IMESA (Veracruz, Mexico) IveyCooper Services, LLC
EddySonix (Orbe, Switzerland) Gladd Solutions (Plymouth, MI) Imperium, Inc. (Beltsville, MD) (Soddy Daisy, TN)
Edison Welding Institute Global Academy for Inspection and Industrial Inspection Co. (Monroe, MI) Ivion Industrial Academy
(Columbus, OH) Training (Pandalam, India) Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (Cochin, India)
Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. (Vaughan, Canada)
(Minato-Ku, Japan) (Seattle, WA) Industrial Sorting Services J
Ekoscan (Saint Remy, France) Global Engineering Documents (IHS) (Sharonville, OH)
EMWorks (Montreal, Canada) (Englewood, CO) Industrial Testing Laboratory J. Core Drilling, Inc. (Centreville, VA)
Enerfab, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) Global Inspection Services Services, LLC (Pittsburgh, PA) Jan Kens Co., Inc. (Monrovia, CA)
Engineers Edge Institute of NDT (Madrid, Spain) Infrared Cameras, Inc. (Beaumont, TX) JANX (Parma, MI)
(Coimbatore, India) Global Lifting Services Nigeria, Ltd. Infrasense, Inc. (Woburn, MA) Jar Lifting (Dammam, Saudi Arabia)
Envite Nigeria, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Inmedin Ingenieria JB Testing, Inc. (Blaine, MN)
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Globe X-Ray Services, Inc. (Tulsa, OK) (Vina del Mar, Chile) JC International, Ltd.
ESD for Inspection (Khartoum, Glomacs FZ-LLC Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (Port Harcourt, Nigeria)
Sudan) (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) (Forest, VA) Jentek Sensors, Inc.
ETher NDE, Ltd. GMAR Comercializadora SAC Innodes (Quito, Ecuador) (Marlborough, MA)
(St Albans, United Kingdom) (Lima, Peru) Innovacion (Concepcion, Chile) JES Pipelines, Ltd. (Willemstad
ETM, Inc. (Newark, CA) Godavari Technical Services Insight KK (Tokyo, Japan) Curacao, Netherlands Antilles)
EuroMaTech Training & Management (Nasik, India) Inspec Testing, Inc. (National City, CA) Jesse Garant Metrology Center
Consultancy Goolsby Testing Laboratories Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. (Windsor, Canada)
(Dubai, United Arab Emirates) (Humble, TX) (Lahore Punjab, Pakistan) JETS, Inc. (Carrollton, TX)
Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. Guangdong Goworld Co., Ltd. Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC Jireh Industries, Ltd.
(Tamworth, United Kingdom) (Shantou, China) (Houston, TX) (Ardrossan, Canada)
Exova (Linkoping, Sweden) Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Inspection Quality International JMD NDT, Inc. (Piscataway, NJ)
Extende (Ballston Spa, NY) Technologies Co., Ltd. (Bangalore, India) Johnghama International Services,
ExxonMobil (Baytown, TX) (Guangzhou, China) Inspection Technologies, Inc. Ltd. (Warri, Nigeria)
Guided NDE, LLC (San Antonio, TX) (Pomona, CA) Jubail Industrial College (Jubail
F Guided Ultrasonics, Ltd. Inspectron, Inc. (Novi, MI) Industrial City, Saudi Arabia)
(Brentford, United Kingdom) Institute of Industrial Quality JZ Russell Industries, Inc.
Fangzheng Valve Group Co., Ltd. Guided Wave Analysis, LLC Management (Shoranur, India) (Nederland, TX)
(Wenzhou, China) (San Antonio, TX) Institute of Nondestructive Testing
Fish & Associates, Inc. (Middleton, WI) Gulf Energy International and Training (Mumbai, India) K
Flathead Valley Community College (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Institute of Reliability Centered
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Maintenance (Lahore, Pakistan) Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
(Kalispell, MT)
FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Instrument Technology, Inc. (Anchorage, AK)
(Edmonton, Canada) Gulf X-Ray Services, Inc. (Gretna, LA) (Westfield, MA) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
FlawTech (Concord, NC) Gulmay (Suwanee, GA) Integrated Inspection & Surveying (Nagole Hyderabad, India)
FMJ International Oil Field Pvt., Ltd. (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates) KARL STORZ Industrial Group
(Islamabad, Pakistan) H Integrity & NDT Solutions (El Segundo, CA)
Foerster Instruments, Inc. (Cundinamarca, Colombia) KBRwyle (Dayton, OH)
(Pittsburgh, PA) Hadland Technologies (Amherst, NH) Integrity Products & Supplies, Inc. Keltron Kerala State Electronics
Force Technology Haks Engineers Architects & Land (Sherwood Park, Canada) Devp. Corp., Ltd.
(Broendby, Denmark) Surveyors PC (New York, NY) Integrity Smart Services, LLC (Trivandrum, India)
Forenergy Inspection & Consultation Hamamatsu Corp. (Bridgewater, NJ) (Muscat, Oman) Kenz Al Jar General Contracting, Est.
Co., Ltd. (Xian, China) Helium Leak Testing, Inc. Integrity Testing & Inspection, LLC (Dammam, Saudi Arabia)
Formweld Fitting, Inc. (Milton, FL) (Simi Valley, CA) (Onaway, MI) Keville Enterprises, Inc.
Fujifilm North America - NDT HELLIER (Houston, TX) International Inspection (Santa Fe (Boston, MA)
Materials and Equipment Herzog Services, Inc. Springs, CA) Kimtron, Inc. (Oxford, CT)
(Valhalla, NY) (Saint Joseph, MO) International Leak Detection, LLC Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Future NDT (Vijayawada, India) High Technology Sources, Ltd. (Des Plaines, IL) (Fort Ripley, MN)
(Didcot, United Kingdom) International Mega Petroleum KTA Tator, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA)
G Highland Oilfield Services Group, Inspection Corp. Kuwait Pipe Industries & Oil
Ltd. (Aberdeen, United Kingdom) (Binan, Philippines) Services Co. (Kuwait City, Kuwait)
G. Cotter Enterprises (Springfield, NJ) Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd. (Nantwich, International Quality Systems
G&G Technical Services, Ltd. United Kingdom) (Concepcion, Chile) L
(London, United Kingdom) Hobart Institute of Welding Intertek (Spring, TX)
Gamesa Innovation & Technology Technology (Troy, OH) Intron Plus (Moscow, Russia) Labino AB (Vallentuna, Sweden)
(Sarriguren, Spain) Hocker, Inc. (Houston, TX) Inuktun Services, Ltd. Laboratory Testing, Inc. (Hatfield, PA)
(Nanaimo, Canada) Laser Technology (Norristown, PA)


CORPORATE partners
LAURUS Systems, Inc. Mudiame Welding Institute, Ltd. Opgal (Karmiel, Israel) Q
(Ellicott City, MD) (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Optim, LLC (Sturbridge, MA)
Lavender International NDT Mytechnic, Mro. (Istanbul, Turkey) Orbit Industries, Inc. (Cleveland, OH) QA Systems Pte., Ltd.
Consultants (Sheffield, United OSS Certification Services Pvt., Ltd. (Singapore, Singapore)
Kingdom) N (New Delhi, India) QSA Global, Inc. (Baton Rouge, LA)
Lickenbrock Technologies, Inc. Q-Sea Corp. (Tampa, FL)
(Saint Louis, MO) Nafto, Serv. (Istanbul, Turkey)
National University Polytechnic
P Quality Control Co. (Cairo, Egypt)
Lion Inspection Services, Inc. Quality Control Council US (Kansas
(Houston, TX) Institute (San Diego, CA) Pac Testing Services, Ltd. City, KS)
Lucid Software, Ltd. (Chennai, India) Naya Engineering Services (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Quality Control Services Co., Ltd.
Lumiworks Photonics, Ltd. (Basra, Iraq) Pacific Celerity, Inc. (Irvine, CA) (Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia)
(Southfield, MI) NDE Professionals, Inc. (Portland, OR) Pacific High Technology Services Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
LY International Aerospace NDT NDE Solutions, LLC (Bryan, TX) Co., Ltd. (Yangon, Myanmar) (Orchard Park, NY)
School (Zhu Hai, China) NDT & Corrosion Control Services Pacsess (Bellevue, WA) Quality NDE, Ltd. (Mercier, Canada)
(Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Pan American Industries, Inc. Quality Systems International, Inc.
M NDT Classroom, Inc. (Buffalo, NY) (Porter, TX) (Russellville, AR)
NDT Italiana, Srl. (Concorezzo, Italy) Paragon Industries, Inc. (Sapulpa, OK) Quality Testing Services, Inc.
M2M (San Francisco, CA) NDT Seals, Inc. (Houston, TX) Paragon NDT, LLC (Wichita, KS) (Maryland Heights, MO)
MAC NDT Services, LLC NDT Solutions (New Richmond, WI) Parker Research Corp. (Dunedin, FL) Quality Testing Services, Inc.
(Montgomery, TX) NDT, Inc. (Lenexa, KS) Patterson Tubular Services (Linden, NJ)
Machida, Inc. (Orangeburg, NY) NDT Systems, Inc. (Channelview, TX) Qualtech NDE (Karachi, Pakistan)
Magnaflux (Glenview, IL) (Huntington Beach, CA) PdM Consultores Internacional SRL
Magnetic Analysis Corp. NDT Testing, Srl. (Odobesti, Romania) (Cartago, Costa Rica) R
(Elmsford, NY) NDT Training & Testing Center Peak NDT (Derby, United Kingdom)
Magwerks Corp. (Danville, IN) (Houston, TX) Peltec Services, Inc. (Darlington, SC) RADAC -Radiographic Accessories, Ltd.
Maintenance & Inspection Services, NdtXducer, LLC (Northborough, MA) Pemo Nigeria, Ltd. (Warri, Nigeria) (Stockton On Tees, United Kingdom)
Inc. (Morganton, NC) New Tech Systems (Mansfield, TX) Performance Review Institute Radiago Work Solutions Pvt., Ltd.
Manadher Al Sahra Trading Newco, Inc. (Florence, SC) (Warrendale, PA) (Navi Mumbai, India)
(Ruwi, Oman) Newport News Shipbuilding Petra Engineering for Inspection and Rayan Petro Azmoon (Tehran, Iran)
Mandina’s Inspection Services, Inc. (Newport News, VA) Services (Amman, Jordan) Ray-Check MFG, Inc. (Clovis, CA)
(Belle Chasse, LA) Nextant Aerospace Petro Base, Ltd. (Richmond, TX) RBI Shanghai Mechanical
Marietta Nondestructive Testing, (Middleburg Heights, OH) PetroKnowledge (Masdar City, Engineering Co., Ltd.
Inc. (Marietta, GA) NextNDT (Redwood City, CA) United Arab Emirates) (Shanghai, China)
Martin Testing Laboratories, Inc. Nikon Metrology (Brighton, MI) PetroScanalog International, Ltd. R-CON NDT, Inc. (Menomonie, WI)
(McClellan, CA) Nile Oil & Gas Services Co. (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Redi Inspection Services
Massachusetts Materials (El Obour, Egypt) Pfinder KG (Boeblingen, Germany) (Evanston, WY)
Technologies (Cambridge, MA) Non Destructive Testing Quality, Ltd. PH Tool Reference Standards Reinhart & Associates, Inc.
Matec Instrument Companies, Inc. (Moscow, Russia) (Pipersville, PA) (Austin, TX)
(Northborough, MA) Nondestructive Inspection Service, PHATECO Technical Services Joint Rel, Inc. (Calumet, MI)
McNDT Pipeline, Ltd. (Channahon, IL) Inc. (Hurricane, WV) Stock Co. (Hai Phong City, Vietnam) RF System Lab (Traverse City, MI)
Medical Intubation Technology Corp. Norfolk Naval Shipyard Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. Ridgewater College
(Taoyuan City, Taiwan) (Portsmouth, VA) (Warrington, United Kingdom) (Hutchinson, MN)
Merrick Group, Inc. North Idaho College / Aerospace Phoenix Nuclear Labs (Monona, WI) Rig Solution Engineering
(West Hazleton, PA) Technology (Hayden, ID) Pine (Windsor, NJ) (Cairo, Egypt)
Merrill Technologies Group North Star Imaging, Inc. (Rogers, MN) Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions Ritec, Inc. (Warwick, RI)
(Saginaw, MI) Northbridge Energy, Ltd. (Suwanee, GA) Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments
Metal Fatigue Solutions (Igando, Nigeria) Pipe & Well O&M Services, Est. & Systems (Spartanburg, SC)
(Las Vegas, NV) Northeast Testing & Mfg, LLC (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Rokaysan Engineering Ltd., Co.
Metals Testing Co. (South Windsor, CT) (Beverly, MA) PM Testing Laboratory, Inc. (Fife, WA) (Bursa, Turkey)
Metalscan Inspection Services NOVA Geotechnical & Inspection Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Services
(Chennai, India) Services (Las Vegas, NV) (Portsmouth, NH) (Williamson, NY)
Met-L-Chek (Santa Monica, CA) NOVO DR, Ltd. (Yehud, Israel) PRAGMA (Quebec, Canada) ROSEN (Shah Alam, Malaysia)
Meyer Tool, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) Nucleom, Inc. (Quebec, Canada) Precision Castparts Corp. RTW Roentgen-Technik
MFE Enterprises, Inc. NXT NdT, Inc. (North Adams, MA) (Portland, OR) (Neuenhagen, Germany)
(Dripping Springs, TX) Precision Flange & Machine Inc. Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
MFE Rentals (Pasadena, TX) O (Houston, TX) (Edmonton, Canada)
Miami NDT, Inc. (Doral, FL) Premier Tubular Inspection Services RusselSmith Nigeria, Ltd.
Milan Tool Corp. (Cleveland, OH) Ocean Corp. (Houston, TX)
Pte., Ltd. (Karachi, Pakistan) (Lagos, Nigeria)
MIR Engineering (Tangerang Oceaneering (Panama City, FL)
Oceaneering International Asset Premium Inspection & Testing
Selatan, Indonesia) (Houston, TX) S
MISTRAS Group, Inc. (Princeton Integrity (Houston, TX)
Oceanscan USA (Stafford, TX) Premium Inspection Co.
Junction, NJ) (Bakersfield, CA) S&Q Mart AS (Istanbul, Turkey)
Mitchell Laboratories (Pico Rivera, CA) OcerT Training & Consulting, Ltd. SAI Global (Paramus, NJ)
(Jianding New City, China) Prime NDT Services, Inc.
Moraine Valley Community College (Schnecksville, PA) Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
(Palos Hills, IL) Ogden Weber Applied Technology Services (Laghouat, Algeria)
College (Ogden, UT) PRL Industries, Inc. (Cornwall, PA)
Morex 71, Ltd. (Even Yehuda, Israel) Pro Mag Inspection LLC (Gray, LA) ScanMaster IRT, Inc. (Greenville, SC)
Mountain Pressure Testing OGTC Pvt., Ltd. (Islamabad, Pakistan) ScanTech Instruments, Inc.
Ohio CAT (Broadview Heights, OH) Proceq (Aliquippa, PA)
(Longview, TX) Production Services, Inc. (Longview, TX)
moviTherm (Irvine, CA) Ohmstede, Ltd. (Corpus Christi, TX) School of Applied Non Destructive
Oilfield Equipment Marketing, Inc. (Magnolia, AR)
Mozzat Enterprise, Sdn. Bhd. PSSI NDT (Houston, TX) Examination
(Kuala Belait, Brunei) (San Antonio, TX) (Boksburg, South Africa)
OKOS Solutions, LLC (Manassas, VA) PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk.
MPM Products, Inc. (Ontario, CA) (Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia) SCI Control & Inspeccion
MR Chemie GmbH (Unna, Germany) Olympus America, Inc. (Waltham, MA) (Ajalvir, Spain)
Omni Metal Finishing, Inc. Pueblo Community College
MSPEC (Mussafah, United Arab (Pueblo, CO) Scope Petroleum Services
Emirates) (Fountain Valley, CA) (Cairo, Egypt)


Join Us
SE International, Inc. Venture Inspection, Ltd.
(Summertown, TN) (Derby, United Kingdom)
SEAL Aviation (Fort Lauderdale, FL) Verasonics, Inc. (Kirkland, WA)
Sensor Networks (Boalsburg, PA) Being a part of the Society links your business to the worldwide Verda (Sfax, Tunisia)
Setcore Arabia Petroleum Services Verichek Technical Services, Inc.
NDT community and puts your business on the front lines of the
(Dammam, Saudi Arabia) (Bethel Park, PA)
Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and industry. To learn more about becoming a Corporate Partner, see Veriphase (Birmingham, AL)
Services (Shanghai, China) the Membership section of the ASNT website at Versa Integrity Group (Sulphur, LA)
Shanghai Puxian Mechanical Vidisco, Ltd. (Or Yehuda, Israel)
Technology Co., Ltd. Vincotte International Algeria
(Shanghai, China) Standard Testing and Inspection (Mahelma, Algeria)
Shanghai QiJi Inspection Technology Top Notch EDM Services (Conroe, TX) Virgin Galactic (Mojave, CA)
Services, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Toray Industries America, Inc.
Co. (Shanghai, China) Stanley Inspection (Houston, TX) Virtual Media Integration
Shasta Services, LLC (Aliquippa, PA) (New York, NY) (Pensacola, FL)
Star Pipe Service, Inc. (Moore, OK) Tove Leeds Certification & Inspection
Shenzhen Coantec Automation Stegman Inspection Services, Inc. VIS, LLC (Cranberry Twp, PA)
Technology Co., Ltd. Co., WLL (Manama, Bahrain) VisiConsult X-Ray Systems &
(Troy, MI) Trainee World Institute (Baghdad, Iraq)
(Shenzhen, China) Stowen (Katy, TX) Solutions GmbH
Shenzhen Firstrank Industrial Trident Refit Facility (Kings Bay, GA) (Stockelsdorf, Germany)
Structural Integrity Associates Trikon Technologies, Inc.
Development Co., Ltd. (Huntersville, NC) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
(Shenzhen, China) (Vaudreuil-Dorion, Canada) (Pittsburgh, PA)
SubSea NDT (Anchorage, AK) Trinidad Inspection Services, Ltd.
Sherwin, Inc. (South Gate, CA) Sullivan & Associates, Inc. Vizaar Industrial Imaging
Siemens Energy, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) (Point Lisas, Trinidad And Tobago) (Gibsonia, PA)
(Ladson, SC) Trinity NDT Engineers
Signature TechnicAir (Greensboro, NC) Superior Inspection Services, LLC VJ Technologies, Inc. (Bohemia, NY)
Silean (Tremonton, UT) (Bangalore, India) Volume Graphics, Inc. (Charlotte, NC)
(Broussard, LA) Tru Amp Corp. (Jackson, MS)
SIUI (Shantou, China) Supervisor of Shipbuilding Volunteer NDT Corp. (Chattanooga, TN)
Sky Prime Aviation Services TSC Inspection Systems
Conversion and Repair (Bath, ME) (Buckinghamshire, United
(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) System One (Cheswick, PA) W
SME (Plymouth, MI) Kingdom)
SMEC Automation Pvt., Ltd. TTAsia Co., Ltd. (Ho Chi Minh City, Walashek Industrial & Marine, Inc.
T Vietnam)
(Cochin, India) (National City, CA)
Snell Group (Barre, VT) TCR Arabia Co., Ltd. Tubestar Oil and Gas Services Warren Associates (Pittsburgh, PA)
SOLEND (Cochabamba, Bolivia) (Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Washita Valley Enterprises, Inc.
(Dammam, Saudi Arabia)
Son Set Consultants, LLC Tulsa Welding School (Tulsa, OK) (Oklahoma City, OK)
TEAM Industrial Services (Alvin, TX)
(Owasso, OK) Turbo Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Weldex Center (Oran, Algeria)
Tech Service Products, Inc.
Sonartech (Kempton Park, (Kemah, TX) Welding Inspection (Cologne, NJ)
(Harahan, LA)
South Africa) Tech4Imaging (Columbus, OH) Welding Quality Concepts
Sonaspection International, Inc. TechCorr USA Management
U (Trichy, India)
(Concord, NC) (Pasadena, TX) Welding Technology & NDT
Ultrasonic Sciences, Ltd. Research/Application Center
Sonatest, Ltd. (San Antonio, TX) Techinco (Tehran, Iran) (Aldershot, United Kingdom) (Ankara, Turkey)
Sonaxis SA (Besancon, France) Techna NDT (Kent, WA) Uniclimb Services Pte., Ltd. We-NDT (Minden, NV)
Sonic Systems International Technical Loadarm, Ltd. (Singapore, Singapore) WesDyne AMDATA (Windsor, CT)
(Houston, TX) (Guelph, Canada) UNICO (Cairo, Egypt) West Penn Testing Group (New
SONOTEC (Islandia, NY) Technisonic Research, Inc. Unitek Engineering Kensington, PA)
Source Production & Equipment Co., (Fairfield, CT) (Gangnam-gu, South Korea) Willick Engineering Co., Inc.
Inc. (St. Rose, LA) Technology Design, Ltd. Universal Inspection Co., Ltd. (Santa Fe Springs, CA)
Sources Technology Co. (Winsford, United Kingdom) (Jubail, Saudi Arabia) World Testing, Inc. (Mount Juliet, TN)
(Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Techshore Inspection Services University of Alaska Anchorage
Southern California Regional (Cochin, India) (Anchorage, AK) X
Occupational Center (Torrance, CA) Techtra Engineering Consultants UniWest (Pasco, WA)
Southern Inspection Services (Roodepoort, South Africa) US Army Yuma Proving Ground XARION Laser Acoustics GmbH
(Chennai, India) Tecnatom SA (Madrid, Spain) (Yuma, AZ) (Vienna, Austria)
Southwest Research Institute Tehran Oilfield Inspection US Photon Service (Hayward, CA) XCEL NDT, LLC (Clifton, KS)
(San Antonio, TX) Services-Kish (Kish Island, Iran) USA Borescopes (Clarksville, TN) X-Ray Associates, LLC (San Dimas, CA)
Sowsco Inspection Services, Ltd. Teledyne DALSA (Santa Clara, CA) USPS NCED (Norman, OK) X-Ray Industries, Inc. (Troy, MI)
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Teledyne ICM (Andrimont, Belgium) UT Quality (Edmonton, Canada) X-Scan Imaging Corp. (San Jose, CA)
Sparrows (Bridge of Don Aberdeen, Tesco (Golconda, Trinidad and Tobago) UTEX Scientific Instruments, Inc.
United Kingdom) Tesco Corp. (Kanagawa, Japan) (Mississauga, Canada) Y
Spartan College of Aeronautics & Test Equipment Distributors, LLC UTX, Inc. (Holmes, NY)
Technology (Tulsa, OK) (Troy, MI)
YXLON (Hudson, OH)
Special Oilfield Services Co., LLC Testex, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) V
(Ruwi, Oman) Testing Service Group SAC (Lima, Peru) Z
Specialized Services & Supplies Texas Research International Vaal University of Technology
General Trading & Contracting Co. (Austin, TX) (Vanderbijlpark, South Africa) Zamil Lifting & Industrial Supports
(North Shuwaikh, Kuwait) Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. Valley Inspection Service, Inc. (Dammam, Saudi Arabia)
SPECPRO (Hollywood, FL) (Ferndale, MI) (Allentown, PA) Zetec, Inc. (Snoqualmie, WA)
Spectronics Corp. (Westbury, NY) ThermalStar Training Center Vandergriff Technologies NDT Zuuk International, Inc.
Sri Ramakrishna Advanced Training (Phoenix, AZ) Services (Haltom City, TX) (Charleston, SC) wx
Institute (Coimbatore, India) Thermo Fisher Scientific (Houston, TX) Varex Imaging (Salt Lake City, UT)
ST Aerospace Engineering Pte., Ltd. Thermographie GG, Inc. Vector TUB GmbH
(Singapore, Singapore) (Granby, Canada) (Hattingen NRW, Germany)
St. Johns NDT Training & Services TIBA Oil Tools (Cairo, Egypt) Velosi (B) Sdn. Bhd.
(Pathanamthitta, India) Tlou Engineering (Kuala Belait, Brunei)
Stalion-Primi (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) (Johannesburg, South Africa)


Calendar Entries
Please send all Calendar entries to our offices as
soon as the information is available. While the
Calendar runs only four months at a time, we
encourage you to send us your meeting or course
information as soon as you have it. The deadline
for entries is the first of the month, two months
prior to issue date (for example, the due date for
the June issue is 1 April).

Send information by e-mail, fax, or mail to

the Associate Editor, Materials Evaluation,
1711 Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus,
OH 43228-0518; fax (614) 274-6899; email


meetings PLEASE NOTE: Materials Evaluation’s Calendar department is
28–31 OCT
ASNT Annual Conference,
Meetings are events at which derived from information sent to our offices by the sponsoring George R. Brown Convention
paper and/or poster presentations organizations. ASNT staff is not responsible for collecting or Center, Marriott Marquis
are made and recent developments
verifying the information contained herein: for more information Houston, Houston, Texas.
in technology, research and devel-
opment are discussed by those in on meetings or courses, please contact the sponsoring organi- Contact: ASNT.
attendance. These are generally zation. The Calendar copy deadline is the first of the month, two
sponsored by academic or profes- months prior to the issue date: for example, 1 April for the June 2019
sional technical associations. The journal. Send your organization’s information by email, fax, or
sponsor is the same as the contact mail to the Associate Editor, Materials Evaluation, 1711 1–4 APR
except where noted. ASNT Research Symposium,
Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228-0518; fax
For ASNT meetings and events
(614) 274-6899; email Information in the Hyatt Regency Orange County,
(highlighted in red) contact the
ASNT Conference Department, Calendar runs for four months at a time. ASNT reserves the right Garden Grove, California.
1711 Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box to reject event listings for any reason. Listings will be edited to Contact: ASNT.
28518, Columbus, OH 43228- conform to ASNT’s editorial style. 18–21 NOV
0518; (800) 222-2768 or (614)
274-6003; fax (614) 274-6899; ASNT Annual Conference,
email 5–6 JUN 27–29 AUG
Westgate Resort & Casino, Las
NDE of Aerospace Materials NDE/NDT for Structural Vegas, Nevada. Contact: ASNT.
2018 and Structures, Crowne Plaza
St. Louis Airport, St. Louis,
Materials Technology for
Highway and Bridges (SMT
19–21 MAR Courses are events where partici-
Missouri. Contact: ASNT. 2018) and the International pants are instructed in the tech-
Industry, Engineering, and
Symposium Non-Destructive nologies and methodologies of a
Management (IEMS) 11–15 JUN
12th European Conference on Testing in Civil Engineering particular technical area and which
Conference, International generally conclude with the
NDT, Swedish Exhibition & (NDT-CE 2018), Hyatt Regency
Palms Resort and Conference student being evaluated to
New Brunswick, New
Center, Cocoa Beach, Florida. Congress Centre, Gothenburg, determine the student's retention
Brunswick, New Jersey.
Contact: Ahmad Elshennawy; Sweden. Contact: Peter Merck; of the material presented. These
Contact: ASNT. events often offer some form of
(209) 667-3907; email +46 (0)31-708 86 90; email; website; website 10–12 SEP course credit or continuing
education units to those partici- 15th International Conference
pants successfully completing the
8–11 JUL
on Condition Monitoring and course. For ASNT refresher
26–29 MAR
6th Japan-US NDT Symposium, Machinery Failure Prevention courses, visit
ASNT Research Symposium,
Hawaii Convention Center, Technologies (CM 2018/MFPT ASNT neither approves nor
DoubleTree by Hilton at disapproves of any program or
Honolulu, Hawaii. Contact: 2018), East Midlands
Entrance to Universal, Orlando, training course claiming to meet
Conference Centre and Orchard
Florida. Contact: ASNT. ASNT. the recommendations of ASNT’s
Hotel, Nottingham, United
Recommended Practice No.
24–25 APR 15–19 JUL Kingdom. Contact: Conferences SNT-TC-1A. The following are
2nd International Conference 45th Annual Review of and Events Department, The contacts for only those organiza-
on Diagnostics of Structures Progress in Quantitative British Institute of Non- tions that offer public courses
and Components Using Metal Nondestructive Evaluation, Destructive Testing; +44 listed in this month’s Calendar.
Magnetic Memory Method, Davis Center, University of (0)1604 438300; email The following courses are listed
Danubius Hotel Helia, Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. without necessarily giving their full; website
Budapest, Hungary. Contact: Contact: website qndepro-
László Gillemot; +36 1 278 and-MFPT2018/.
0632; email Acoustic Emission Testing
24–26 JUL 25–27 SEP Digital Imaging/Ultrasonics 5–9 MAR
Gulf Nondestructive Testing
24–26 APR Conference, Foxwoods Resort, Expo, Conrad Hilton Dubai, Level I, Princeton Junction, New
International Powder & Bulk Mashantucket, Connecticut. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Jersey. Mistras.
Solids Conference & Contact: ASNT. Contact: Marwan Basrawi; Level I/II, Milan, Italy. ETS.
Exhibition, Donald E. Stephens +971 56 724 6998; 12–16 MAR
Convention Center, Rosemont, Level I/II, Milan, Italy. ETS.
Illinois. Contact: website
Acoustic Emission Testing, cont. 2 1 – 2 5 M AY 12–16 MAR 29 MAR–2 APR
Structural Health Monitoring Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
9–13 APR Through AE Test, Milan, Italy. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Level I/II, Milan, Italy. ETS. 15–28 MAR
Level I/II, State College, Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, 2–6 APR
Pennsylvania. TechKnowServ. 4–8 JUN India. Decibel. Eddy Current Level I, San
Level II, Princeton Junction, Antonio, Texas. BRL.
10–12 APR 1–5 MAR
New Jersey. Mistras. Eddy Current Level II, Brea,
PACwin Suite, Princeton Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Bangalore, India. Trinity. California. Test.
Junction, New Jersey. Mistras. Electromagnetic Testing 2–14 APR
16–20 APR 5–9 MAR
1–14 MAR Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala,
Level I/II, Milan, Italy. ETS. Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
30 APR–4 MAY India. Decibel. 26–30 MAR
9–13 APR
High Tech Week, Princeton Eddy Current Level I, Brea,
8–21 MAR Eddy Current Level I,
Junction, New Jersey. Mistras. California. Test.
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, Cincinnati, Ohio. GE.
India. Decibel.

Course Contacts
The following are contacts for only those organizations that offer public courses listed in this month’s Calendar.

Atlantic: Atlantic NDT Training; Gary L. LTS: Leak Testing Specialists, Inc.; Cyndi QTI: QTI Services, LLC; Michael Kowatch;
Chapman; 24 Flat Rock Rd., Branford, CT Reid; 5776 Hoffner Ave., Ste. 304, (724) 217-9575; email;
06405; (203) 481-4041; atlanticndt Orlando, FL 32822; (407) 737-6415; fax (407) 737-6416; email cyndi.reid@leak Quality: Quality Testing Services;
ATS: Applied Technical Services; Lisa; website leaktesting Melissa Rankin; 2305 Millpark Dr.,
Henry; 1049 Triad Ct., Marietta, GA Maryland Heights, MO 63043; (314)
30062; (888) 287-5227; (678) 444- Mistras: Mistras Group, Inc.; Christina 770-0607; (888) 770-0607; fax (314)
2897; fax (770) 514-3299; email Librandy; 195 Clarksville Rd., Princeton 770-0103; email training@quality; Junction, NJ 08550; (609) 716-4020; fax;
BRL: BRL Consultants, Inc.; 219 W. (609) 716-0706; email christina.librandy Snell: The Snell Group; 322 N. Main St.,
Rhapsody Dr., San Antonio, TX 78216;; Ste. 8, Barre, VT 05641; (802) 479-
(210) 341-3442; fax (210) 341-2844; Moraine: Moraine Valley Community 7100; fax (802) 479-7171; email
email; brl College; 9000 W. College Pkwy., Palos; thesnell Hills, IL 60465, M150; (708) 974-5735;
Decibel: Decibel NDE Training Institute; email; TechKnowServ: TechKnowServ
1st Floor Plainfield, Pattambi, Palakkad, Corporation; Subash Jayaraman;
Kerala, India 679303; 91 9387 674 nondestructive-testing. 2134 Sandy Dr., Ste. 14, State College,
153, 91 0466 2214 333, or 91 8089 NPI: NDE Professionals, Inc.; 13339 NE PA 16803; (814) 237-1031; email
000 250; email; Airport Way, Ste. 100, Portland, OR; tech 97230; (503) 287-5255; fax (503) 287-
ETS: ETS Sistemi Industriali, Srl.; Alberto 5992; email; Test: Test NDT; Cathy Harvey; 193 Viking
Monici; Via S. Francesco 323, 20861 Ave., Brea, CA 92821; (714) 255-1500;
Brugherio (MB), Italy; 39 039877790; Odyssey: Odyssey Technology Corp.; fax (714) 255-1580; email ndttrain
email; Carol Sansieri; 3000 Village Run Rd.,; Unit 103, #149, Wexford, PA 15090; Trinity: Trinity Institute of NDT
GE: GE Inspection Academy, General (843) 817-3475; email carols@odyssey Technology; Ravi Kumar T. or Shiva
Electric, Oil & Gas: Digital Solutions; Kumar R.; Plot No. V-22a, 2nd Stage,
201 Beltway Green, Pasadena, TX PQT: PQT Services (Plumstead Training); Peenya Industrial Estate, Bangalore,
77503; (855) 232-7470; email Kim Rosa; 806 Botany Rd., Greenville, India 560058; 91 99009 29439 or; SC 29615; (864) 292-1115; fax (770) 91 98441 29439; email training 514-3299; email;;
Kraft: Kraft Technology Resources; Karl
E. Kraft; 1377 Timshel St., Dayton, OH
45440; (405) 819-7786; fax (405) 691-
4342; email; ndtboot


Eddy Current Level II, San 18–22 JUN
Antonio, Texas. BRL. Level I, Pittsburgh,
9–22 APR
Pennsylvania. Odyssey.
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, 28 JUN–2 JUL
India. Decibel. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
16–20 APR
Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Eddy Current Level I,
Cincinnati, Ohio. GE. Infrared and Thermal
Level I, Charleston, South Testing
Carolina. Odyssey. 26 FEB–2 MAR
16–29 APR Level I Infrared for Building
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, Applications, Mississauga,
India. Decibel. Ontario, Canada. Snell.
23–27 APR
Level I Thermographic
Eddy Current Level I, St. Louis, Applications, San Diego,
Missouri. Quality. California. Snell.
Level I Thermographic
30 APR–4 MAY Applications, Atlanta, Georgia.
Eddy Current Level II, St. Louis, Snell.
Missouri. Quality.
5–9 MAR
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I Thermographic
1–13 MAY Applications, Chicago
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, (Palatine), Illinois. Snell.
India. Decibel.
12–16 MAR
5–7 MAY Level I Thermographic
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Applications, Memphis,
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Tennessee. Snell.
7–11 MAY 20–24 MAR
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
8–20 MAY Decibel.
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, 26–30 MAR
India. Decibel. Level I Thermographic
14–18 MAY Applications, Seattle,
Level II, Pittsburgh, Washington. Snell.
Pennsylvania. Odyssey. 27–29 MAR
15–27 MAY Infrared Inspection for the Rail
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, Industry, St. Louis, Missouri.
India. Decibel. Quality.
31 MAY–4 JUN 27–31 MAR
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Decibel.
1–13 JUN 4–5 APR
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, Infrared for Electrical
India. Decibel. Inspections, Bonita Springs,
Florida. Snell.
4–8 JUN
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. 9–13 APR
Level II, Charleston, South Level I Thermographic
Carolina. Odyssey. Applications, Charlotte, North
Carolina. Snell.
9–22 JUN Level I Thermographic
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala, Applications, Calgary, Alberta,
India. Decibel. Canada. Snell.
11–15 JUN Level II Advanced Infrared
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Thermography, Charlotte,
North Carolina. Snell.
16–29 JUN
Eddy Current Level I/II, Kerala,
India. Decibel.


Infrared and Thermal Testing, cont. 1 5 – 1 8 M AY 19–23 MAR 5–9 MAR
Applications in Buildings Pressure Change Measurement Level I/II (NAS-410), Branford,
(French), Montréal, Québec, Level I/II (with Bubble Level Connecticut. Atlantic.
16–20 APR
Canada. Snell. I/II add-on elective), Orlando,
Level I Thermographic 6–10 MAR
Florida. LTS.
Applications, Kansas City, 1 5 – 1 9 M AY Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Missouri. Snell. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. 20–24 MAR Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
17–18 APR 1 6 – 1 7 M AY 8–9 MAR
Mechanical Specialty Course, Decibel.
Electrical Specialty Course Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea,
(French), Montréal, Québec, St. Louis, Missouri. Snell. 9–12 APR California. Test.
Canada. Snell. Leak Testing for Engineers,
2 1 – 2 5 M AY 13–16 MAR
Level I Thermographic Orlando, Florida. LTS.
17–21 APR Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Applications, Chicago 16–20 APR Quality.
Decibel. (Palatine), Illinois. Snell. Mass Spectrometer Helium
13–17 MAR
Level II Advanced Infrared Leak Testing, Milan, Italy. ETS.
23–27 APR Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Thermography, Chicago
Level I Thermographic 17–21 APR Decibel.
(Palatine), Illinois. Snell. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Applications, Louisville,
19–20 MAR
Kentucky. Snell. 2 2 – 2 6 M AY Decibel.
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I Thermographic Level I/II, Kerala, India. 23–27 APR ATS.
Applications, Dallas, Texas. Decibel. Helium Leak Testing for Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida.
Snell. 2 8 M AY – 1 J U N Engineers, Milan, Italy. ETS. PQT.
Level II Thermographic Level I Thermographic
Applications, Toronto, Ontario, 14– 18 MAY 20–24 MAR
Applications, Toronto, Ontario, Mass Spectrometer Level I/II
Canada. Snell. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Canada. Snell. (with Bubble Level I/II add-on
Level II Advanced Infrared Decibel.
Level I Thermographic elective), Orlando, Florida. LTS.
Thermography, Dallas, Texas. Applications (French), 21–22 MAR
Snell. Montréal, Québec, Canada. 15– 19 MAY Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
24–28 APR Snell. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
4–8 JUN 26–27 MAR
Decibel. Level I Thermographic 1 JUN Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas.
2–3 MAY Applications, Minneapolis, Bubble Level I/II, St. Louis, BRL.
Infrared for Electrical Minnesota. Snell. Missouri. Quality.
27–31 MAR
Inspections, Houston, Texas. Level I Thermal NDT of 4–8 JUN Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Snell. Materials, Detroit, Michigan. Mass Spectrometer Helium Decibel.
Snell. Leak Testing Level I/II, Milan,
7–11 MAY 3–7 APR
Level II Advanced Infrared Italy. ETS.
Level I Thermographic Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Thermography, Minneapolis, Pressure Change Measurement
Applications, Cleveland, Ohio. Decibel.
Minnesota. Snell. Level I/II (with Bubble Level
Level I Thermographic 5–6 JUN I/II add-on elective), Orlando, 10–14 APR
Applications, Sacramento, Electrical Specialty Course, Florida. LTS. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
California. Snell. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Decibel.
11–15 JUN
Level II Thermographic Snell. Mass Spectrometer Helium 12–13 APR
Applications, Calgary, Alberta, Infrared for Electrical Leak Testing, Milan, Italy. ETS. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea,
Canada. Snell. Inspections, Omaha, California. Test.
Nebraska. Snell. 19–23 JUN
8–11 MAY Level I/II, Kerala, India. 16–19 APR
Level I, St. Louis, Missouri. 19–23 JUN Decibel. Level I/II (NAS-410), Atlanta,
Quality. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Georgia. ATS.
Decibel. 25–29 JUN
14–15 MAY Helium Leak Testing for 17–20 APR
Electrical Specialty Course, St. 26–30 JUN Engineers, Milan, Italy. ETS. Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri.
Louis, Missouri. Snell. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Quality.
14–18 MAY Liquid Penetrant Testing 17–21 APR
Level II, St. Louis, Missouri. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Quality. Leak Testing 5–6 MAR
Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois.
Level I Thermographic 5–9 MAR Moraine. 23–24 APR
Applications, Nashville, Pressure Change Level I/II, Greenville, South Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida.
Tennessee. Snell. Measurement/Bubble Testing Carolina. PQT. PQT.
Level II Advanced Infrared Level I/II & Level III
Thermography, Cincinnati, Preparation, Orlando, Florida.
Ohio. Snell. LTS.


23–25 APR 18–19 JUN
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida.
Branford, Connecticut. Atlantic. PQT.
24–28 APR 19–23 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Decibel. Decibel.
25–26 APR 11–14 JUN
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level I/II, Kent, Washington.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Mistras.
30 APR–1 MAY 20–21 JUN
Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Moraine. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
30 APR–3 MAY 25–28 JUN
Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Level I/II, Portland, Oregon.
1–5 MAY
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 26–30 JUN
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
3–4 MAY
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea,
California. Test. Magnetic Flux Leakage
7–8 MAY
Level I/II, Greenville, South 15–28 MAR
Carolina. PQT. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
8–12 MAY
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 16–29 APR
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
14–15 MAY
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. 1 5 – 2 7 M AY
ATS. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
15–19 MAY
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 16–29 JUN
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
21–22 MAY
Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida.
PQT. Magnetic Particle and
22–26 MAY
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 19–23 MAR
Decibel. Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
23–24 MAY
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), 23–27 APR
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Level I/II, Branford,
29 MAY–1 JUN
Connecticut. Atlantic.
Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. 7 – 1 1 M AY
Quality. Level I/II, Pittsburgh,
4–5 JUN
Pennsylvania. QTI.
Level I/II, Greenville, South 1 4 – 1 8 M AY
Carolina. PQT. Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
5–9 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 18–22 JUN
Decibel. Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
12–16 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India.


Magnetic Particle Testing 16–20 APR 23– 25 MAY 12–16 MAR
Level I/II (NAS-410), Branford, Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. Radiation Safety for
5–7 MAR Connecticut. Atlantic. PQT. Radiographers (40 hours),
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea, Jacksonville, Florida. PQT.
California. Test. 17–21 APR 5–9 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India. 15–28 MAR
6–9 MAR Decibel. Decibel. Film Interpretation Level II,
Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. Kerala, India. Decibel.
Quality. 23–24 APR 6–8 JUN
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level I/II, Greenville, South Level I/II, Kerala, India.
6–10 MAR Bangalore, India. Trinity. Carolina. PQT. Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 19–23 MAR
Decibel. 23–26 APR 12–16 JUN
Computed Radiography Level I,
Level I/II (NAS-410), Atlanta, Level I/II, Kerala, India.
7–9 MAR Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Georgia. ATS. Decibel.
Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois. Digital Radiography Level I,
Moraine. 24–27 APR 18–19 JUN Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level I Film, Atlanta, Georgia.
7–10 MAR Bangalore, India. Trinity.
24–28 APR ATS.
Level I/II, Greenville, South
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 18–21 JUN Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
Carolina. PQT.
Decibel. Level I/II, Portland, Oregon. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
13–15 MAR NPI.
25–27 APR 19–28 MAR
Level I/II, Greenville, South
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. 19–23 JUN Level I Film/Non-film
Carolina. PQT.
BRL. Level I/II, Kerala, India. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
13–17 MAR Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. Decibel. ATS.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. PQT. 20–22 JUN 23–25 MAR
Decibel. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
19–20 MAR Branford, Connecticut. Atlantic. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), 3 0 A PR– 2 M AY Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. 26–28 MAR
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea, PQT. Rhythm Software Workshop
20–24 MAR California. Test. 26–30 JUN (Three Day), Cincinnati, Ohio.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 1 – 5 M AY Level I/II, Kerala, India. GE.
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. 26–30 MAR
21–23 MAR Decibel. Computed Radiography Level
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. 2 – 4 M AY Radiographic Testing II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
ATS. Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois. Digital Radiography Level II,
Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. 1–14 MAR
Moraine. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
PQT. Film Interpretation Level II,
Level I, Portland, Oregon. NPI.
8 – 1 2 M AY Kerala, India. Decibel.
27–31 MAR Level II Film, Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. ATS.
Decibel. Decibel.
Decibel. Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
9 – 1 1 M AY 5–7 MAR Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
28–30 MAR Level I/II, Greenville, South Level II Non-film Transition Radiation Safety, St. Louis,
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. Carolina. PQT. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. Missouri. Quality.
1 5 – 1 9 M AY 26 MAR–4 APR
3–7 APR Level I/II, Kerala, India. 5–9 MAR Level II Film/Non-film
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Advanced Digital X-ray Level II, (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
Decibel. Cincinnati, Ohio. GE. ATS.
1 6 – 1 8 M AY
9–11 APR Digital Detector Array Level II, 27–29 MAR
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea, Cincinnati, Ohio. GE. Level I Non-film Transition
California. Test. Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
2 1 – 2 2 M AY
10–13 APR 8–21 MAR ATS.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. Film Interpretation Level II,
Bangalore, India. Trinity. 2–4 APR
Quality. Kerala, India. Decibel. Level II Non-film Transition
2 2 – 2 5 M AY Level I/II, Kerala, India. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
10–14 APR Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. ATS.
Decibel. 12–14 MAR
2 2 – 2 6 M AY Digital Radiographic
16–18 APR Level I/II, Kerala, India. Interpretation (Three Day),
Level I/II, Greenville, South Decibel. Cincinnati, Ohio. GE.
Carolina. PQT.


2–6 APR 9–22 APR 8– 20 MAY Non-film Level I/II Transition
Advanced Digital X-ray Level II, Film Interpretation Level II, Film Interpretation Level II, (NAS-410), Greenville, South
Cincinnati, Ohio. GE. Kerala, India. Decibel. Kerala, India. Decibel. Carolina. PQT.
Computed Radiography Level I, Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India. 25– 27 MAY
Greenville, South Carolina. Decibel. Decibel. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
PQT. 16–20 APR 14– 18 MAY Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Digital Radiography Level I, Computed Radiography Level I, Computed Radiography Level I,
Greenville, South Carolina. 1–13 JUN
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Film Interpretation Level II,
PQT. Digital Radiography Level I, Computed Radiography Level I,
Intermediate Digital X-ray Kerala, India. Decibel.
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Greenville, South Carolina. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level II, Cincinnati, Ohio. GE. Level I Film, Atlanta, Georgia. PQT.
Level I, Greenville, South Decibel.
ATS. Digital Radiography Level I,
Carolina. PQT. Level I Non-film (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. 4–6 JUN
Level I, St. Louis, Missouri. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Digital Radiography Level I, Film Interpretation for
Quality. Greenville, South Carolina. Radiographers (24 hours),
Level I Film, Greenville, South 16–25 APR
PQT. Greenville, South Carolina.
Carolina. PQT. Level I Film/Non-film
Level I, Greenville, South PQT.
Level I Non-film (NAS-410), (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
ATS. Carolina. PQT. 4–8 JUN
Greenville, South Carolina.
Level I Film, Atlanta, Georgia. Level I, Heath, Ohio. Mistras.
PQT. 16–29 APR ATS. Radiation Safety (IRRSP
Level II, Portland, Oregon. NPI. Film Interpretation Level II, Level I Film, Greenville, South Preparation), Brea, California.
Radiation Safety, Palos Hills, Kerala, India. Decibel. Carolina. PQT. Test.
Illinois. Moraine. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
2–14 APR Decibel. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. 9–22 JUN
Film Interpretation Level II, Level I Non-film (NAS-410), Film Interpretation Level II,
23–27 APR
Kerala, India. Decibel. Greenville, South Carolina. Kerala, India. Decibel.
Computed Radiography Level
Level I/II, Kerala, India. PQT. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Decibel. Radiation Safety, Palos Hills, Decibel.
Digital Radiography Level II,
9–12 APR Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Illinois. Moraine. 11–15 JUN
Hands On (Four Day), Film Interpretation Level I/II, 14– 23 MAY Computed Radiography Level I,
Pasadena, Texas. GE. St. Louis, Missouri. Quality. Level I Film/Non-film (NAS- Greenville, South Carolina.
Level II Film, Atlanta, Georgia. 410), Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. PQT.
9–13 APR Digital Radiography Level I,
Computed Radiography Level 15– 27 MAY Greenville, South Carolina.
Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
II, Greenville, South Carolina. Film Interpretation Level II, PQT.
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
PQT. Kerala, India. Decibel. Level I, Jacksonville, Florida.
Digital Radiography Level II, 2 3 A P R – 2 M AY Level I/II, Kerala, India. PQT.
Greenville, South Carolina. Level II Film/Non-film Decibel. Level I, Greenville, South
PQT. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. Carolina. PQT.
21– 25 MAY
Level II, Greenville, South ATS. Level I, Brea, California. Test.
Computed Radiography Level
Carolina. PQT. 24–26 APR Level I Film, Greenville, South
II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level II, St. Louis, Missouri. Level I Non-film Transition Carolina. PQT.
Computed Radiography Level
Quality. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
II, Greenville, South Carolina.
Level II Film, Greenville, South ATS. Greenville, South Carolina.
Carolina. PQT. PQT.
27–29 APR Digital Radiography Level II,
Level II Non-film (NAS-410), Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Greenville, South Carolina. Radiation Safety for
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Digital Radiography Level II,
PQT. Radiographers (40 hours),
Greenville, South Carolina.
Non-film Level I/II Transition 3 0 A P R – 2 M AY Greenville, South Carolina.
(NAS-410), Greenville, South Level II Non-film Transition PQT.
Level II, Greenville, South
Carolina. PQT. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. Carolina. PQT. 16–29 JUN
Radiation Safety for ATS. Level II Film, Atlanta, Georgia. Film Interpretation Level II,
Radiographers (40 hours),
1 – 1 3 M AY ATS. Kerala, India. Decibel.
Greenville, South Carolina.
Film Interpretation Level II, Level II Film, Greenville, South Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Kerala, India. Decibel. Carolina. PQT. Decibel.
X-ray Computed Tomography,
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
Cincinnati, Ohio. GE. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
Greenville, South Carolina.


Radiographic Testing, cont. Ultrasonic Testing 15–28 MAR 10–29 APR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Practical Level II, Kerala, India.
1–14 MAR Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Decibel.
18–22 JUN Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Computed Radiography Level I, India. Decibel. 16–20 APR
Decibel. Time of Flight Diffraction
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Level I, Brea, California. Test.
Computed Radiography Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras.
India. Decibel.
Level II, Greenville, South Time of Flight Diffraction 19–23 MAR
16–29 APR
Carolina. PQT. Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Level I, Palos Hills, Illinois. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Digital Radiography Level I, Moraine.
1–18 MAR Decibel.
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level II, Cincinnati, Ohio. GE.
Practical Level II, Kerala, India. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Digital Radiography Level II, Level II, Portland, Oregon. NPI.
Decibel. India. Decibel.
Greenville, South Carolina. Level II, St. Louis, Missouri. Time of Flight Diffraction Level
PQT. 5–9 MAR Quality. II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Level I Film, Atlanta, Georgia. Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level II, Brea, California. Test.
ATS. Level I, San Antonio, Texas. Phased Array Level I, State 18–22 APR
Level I Non-film (NAS-410), BRL. College, Pennsylvania. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Phased Array Week 2, TechKnowServ. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Level II, Jacksonville, Florida. Pasadena, Texas. GE. 19 APR
22 MAR
PQT. Time of Flight Diffraction, St. Thickness, Digital Level II, San
Thickness, Digital Level II, San
Level II, Greenville, South Louis, Missouri. Quality. Antonio, Texas. BRL.
Antonio, Texas. BRL.
Carolina. PQT.
6–24 MAR 23–27 MAR 19–20 APR
Level II, Brea, California. Test.
Practical Level II, Kerala, India. Level II, Pittsburgh, Level I/II, Pittsburgh,
Level II Film, Greenville, South
Decibel. Pennsylvania. Odyssey. Pennsylvania. QTI.
Carolina. PQT.
Level II Non-film (NAS-410), 8–21 MAR 26–30 MAR 23–27 APR
Greenville, South Carolina. Auto Data Interpreter Level II, Level II, Charleston, South Level II, Brea, California. Test.
PQT. Kerala, India. Decibel. Carolina. Odyssey.
Level I, San Antonio, Texas. 30 A P R – 1 MAY
Non-film Level I/II Transition Phased Array Level II, State
(NAS-410), Greenville, South BRL. Phased Array First 40 Hours,
College, Pennsylvania. San Antonio, Texas. BRL.
Carolina. PQT. Level I/II, Kerala, India. TechKnowServ.
Decibel. 30 A P R – 04 MAY
18–27 JUN 27–29 MAR
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I Film/Non-film Thickness, St. Louis, Missouri.
India. Decibel.
(NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. Quality. 1– 13 MAY
Time of Flight Diffraction Level
ATS. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
II, Kerala, India. Decibel. 2–6 APR
22–24 JUN
12–14 MAR Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level II, Palos Hills, Illinois.
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing, India. Decibel.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Moraine.
Greenville, South Carolina. Time of Flight Diffraction
25–29 JUN PQT. 2–14 APR Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Computed Radiography Level I/II, Kerala, India.
12–16 MAR 1– 20 MAY
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Decibel.
Level I, Cincinnati, Ohio. GE. Practical Level II, Kerala, India.
Digital Radiography Level II, Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Level I, Portland, Oregon. NPI. Decibel.
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. India. Decibel.
Level I, St. Louis, Missouri.
Level II Film, Atlanta, Georgia. Time of Flight Diffraction 5– 7 MAY
ATS. Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I, Brea, California. Test.
Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. 3–22 APR 7– 11 MAY
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level II, San Antonio, Texas. Practical Level II, Kerala, India. Level I, Palos Hills, Illinois.
Radiation Safety, St. Louis,
BRL. Decibel. Moraine.
Missouri. Quality.
Level I, Brea, California. Test.
Radiation Safety for 13–15 MAR 9–13 APR Level II, Kent, Washington.
Radiographers (40 hours), Weld Inspection, Heath, Ohio. Level I, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Mistras.
Jacksonville, Florida. PQT. Mistras. Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
8– 20 MAY
26–28 JUN 14–18 MAR 9–22 APR Auto Data Interpreter Level II,
Level I Non-film Transition Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Auto Data Interpreter Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
(NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. Bangalore, India. Trinity. Kerala, India. Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
ATS. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Decibel. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
India. Decibel. Time of Flight Diffraction
Time of Flight Diffraction Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.


8–27 MAY 13–17 JUN
Practical Level II, Kerala, India. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Decibel. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
14–18 MAY 16–29 JUN
Level II, Brea, California. Test. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
15–27 MAY
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
India. Decibel. Time of Flight Diffraction Level
Time of Flight Diffraction II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. 18–22 JUN
Time of Flight Diffraction, St.
16–20 MAY
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Louis, Missouri. Quality.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. 25–29 JUN
Level II, Pittsburgh,
21–25 MAY
Level II, Kent, Washington. Pennsylvania. Odyssey.
Mistras. 26–28 JUN
Level II, Pittsburgh, Ultrasonic Thickness Testing,
Pennsylvania. Odyssey. Greenville, South Carolina.
22–24 MAY
Thickness, St. Louis, Missouri.
Quality. Visual Testing
Weld Inspection, Heath, Ohio. 6–8 MAR
Mistras. Level I/II, Portland, Oregon.
1–13 JUN NPI.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Pittsburgh,
Decibel. Pennsylvania. QTI.
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, 12 MAR
India. Decibel. Weld Inspection, Pittsburgh,
Time of Flight Diffraction Pennsylvania. QTI.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
13–17 MAR
1–20 JUN Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Practical Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
19–21 MAR
4–8 JUN Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas.
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. BRL.
Level I, St. Louis, Missouri.
Quality. 20–24 MAR
Phased Array Week 1, St. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Louis, Missouri. Quality. Decibel.
5–27 JUN 26–28 MAR
Practical Level II, Kerala, India. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Decibel. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
9–22 JUN 27–31 MAR
Auto Data Interpreter Level II, Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Kerala, India. Decibel. Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 2–4 APR
Decibel. Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, ATS.
India. Decibel.
10–14 APR
Time of Flight Diffraction Level
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
11–15 JUN
16–18 APR
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas.
Level II, St. Louis, Missouri.
Phased Array Week 2, St. 17–21 APR
Louis, Missouri. Quality. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel.


Visual Testing, cont. Short Courses/Topical Lead Auditor ISO 9001, Kerala, 1–15 APR
Seminars India. Decibel. Certified Quality Controller—
17–19 APR
NDT Auditing Systems, Kerala, Civil, Kerala, India. Decibel.
1–2 MAR India. Decibel. Mechanical Inspector Oil and
Level I/II, Greenville, South Hardness and Conductivity, St.
Carolina. PQT. Welding Inspection and Gas, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Louis, Missouri. Quality. Quality Control Level I, Kerala, 2–4 APR
24–26 APR 1–10 MAR India. Decibel.
Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. Flow Iron Recertification, State
Inservice Inspection Corossion Welding Inspection and College, Pennsylvania.
Quality. Monitoring, Kerala, India. Decibel. Quality Control Level II, Kerala, TechKnowServ.
24–28 APR India. Decibel.
1–12 MAR 2–14 APR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Certified Quality Controller— 12–16 MAR
API 510 Preparatory Course,
30 APR–2 MAY Mechanical, Kerala, India. All in One (PT, MT, and
Kerala, India. Decibel.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Decibel. Ultrasonic Thickness Testing)
Welding Inspection and
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Level II, State College,
1–14 MAR Quality Control Level I, Kerala,
Pennsylvania. TechKnowServ.
8–10 MAY API 510 Preparatory Course, India. Decibel.
Weld Inspection, Heath, Ohio. Kerala, India. Decibel. 12–24 MAR Welding Inspection and
Mistras. Welding Inspection and Certified Quality Controller— Quality Control Level II, Kerala,
Quality Control Level I, Kerala, Mechanical, Kerala, India. India. Decibel.
8–12 MAY Decibel.
India. Decibel. 3–22 APR
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Welding Inspection and 15–28 MAR Concrete NDT, Kerala, India.
15–19 MAY Quality Control Level II, Kerala, API 653 Preparatory Course, Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. India. Decibel. Kerala, India. Decibel. 9–22 APR
22–26 MAY 1–15 MAR NDT Train the Trainer, Kerala, API 570 Preparatory Course,
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Certified Quality Controller— India. Decibel. Kerala, India. Decibel.
Civil, Kerala, India. Decibel. Welding Inspection and Lead Auditor ISO 9001, Kerala,
28–30 MAY
Mechanical Inspector Oil and Quality Control Level I, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Gas, Kerala, India. Decibel. India. Decibel. NDT Auditing Systems, Kerala,
Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Welding Inspection and India. Decibel.
12–16 JUN 1–18 MAR Quality Control Level II, Kerala,
Concrete NDT, Kerala, India. Welding Inspection and
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. India. Decibel.
Decibel. Quality Control Level I, Kerala,
19–23 JUN 16–30 MAR India. Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. 5–7 MAR Piping Inspection, Kerala, Welding Inspection and
Flow Iron Recertification, State India. Decibel. Quality Control Level II, Kerala,
20–22 JUN College, Pennsylvania.
Level I/II, Greenville, South 20–22 MAR
India. Decibel.
Carolina. PQT. Basic Metallurgy for NDT, 10–20 APR
6–24 MAR Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Inservice Inspection Corossion
25–27 JUN Concrete NDT, Kerala, India.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), 1–12 APR
Monitoring, Kerala, India.
Decibel. Decibel.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Certified Quality Controller—
8–21 MAR Mechanical, Kerala, India. 10–29 APR
26–30 JUN API 570 Preparatory Course,
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Decibel. Concrete NDT, Kerala, India.
Kerala, India. Decibel. Decibel.
12–24 APR
Online Education Certified Quality Controller—
Mechanical, Kerala, India.
The following are contacts for organizations offering online courses available any time. For Decibel.
course offerings and other information, please contact the organization. 16–29 APR
API 653 Preparatory Course,
Chuck Hellier’s NDT Classroom, Inc.: William Son Set Consultants Training, LLC: Rick Kerala, India. Decibel.
Cronberger; 710 Main St., Buffalo, NY Gaffney; 7679 N. 140th E. Ave., Owasso, NDT Train the Trainer, Kerala,
14202-1915; (716) 812-8165; email OK 74055; (918) 633-0740; email sonset India. Decibel.; weld- Welding Inspection and
Global NDE Guru: S.B. Prasad; 11210 Quality Control Level I, Kerala,
Steeplecrest Dr., Suite 370, Houston, TX WorldSpec NDT Training, a division of Hellier India. Decibel.
77065; (877) 237-2858; fax (832) 237- NDT: Parker Ray; 600 Kenrick Suite C-1, Welding Inspection and
2800; email or Houston, TX, 77060-66239; (877) 506- Quality Control Level II, Kerala,; 7773; email; India. Decibel.


16–30 APR 1 2 – 2 4 M AY Lead Auditor ISO 9001, Kerala, 13–17 MAR
Piping Inspection, Kerala, Certified Quality Controller— India. Decibel. PT Level III, Kerala, India.
India. Decibel. Mechanical, Kerala, India. NDT Auditing Systems, Kerala, Decibel.
23–27 APR
Decibel. India. Decibel. RT Level III, Kerala, India.
All in One (PT, MT, and 1 5 M AY
Welding Inspection and Decibel.
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing) Welder Workmanship, St. Quality Control Level I, Kerala, 14–16 MAR
Level II, State College, Louis, Missouri. Quality. India. Decibel. PT Level III, Houston, Texas.
Pennsylvania. TechKnowServ. Welding Inspection and Kraft.
1 5 – 2 7 M AY Quality Control Level II, Kerala,
1–3 MAY API 653 Preparatory Course, India. Decibel. 19–23 MAR
Flow Iron Recertification, State Kerala, India. Decibel. ET (Eddy Current) Level III,
11–15 JUN
College, Pennsylvania. NDT Train the Trainer, Kerala, Houston, Texas. Kraft.
All in One (PT, MT, and
TechKnowServ. India. Decibel. 20–22 MAR
Ultrasonic Thickness Testing)
1–12 MAY
Welding Inspection and MT Level III, St. Louis,
Level II, State College,
Certified Quality Controller— Quality Control Level I, Kerala, Missouri. Quality.
Pennsylvania. TechKnowServ.
Mechanical, Kerala, India. India. Decibel.
Welding Inspection and 12–24 JUN 27–31 MAR
Decibel. UT Level III, Kerala, India.
Quality Control Level II, Kerala, Certified Quality Controller—
1–13 MAY India. Decibel. Mechanical, Kerala, India. Decibel.
API 510 Preparatory Course, Decibel. VT Level III, Kerala, India.
1 6 – 3 0 M AY
Kerala, India. Decibel. Decibel.
Piping Inspection, Kerala, 16–29 JUN
Welding Inspection and 2–6 APR
India. Decibel. API 653 Preparatory Course,
Quality Control Level I, Kerala, Advanced Digital X-ray Level
Kerala, India. Decibel.
India. Decibel. 1–10 JUN
III, Cincinnati, Ohio. GE.
NDT Train the Trainer, Kerala,
Welding Inspection and Inservice Inspection Corossion
UT Level III, Houston, Texas.
India. Decibel.
Quality Control Level II, Kerala, Monitoring, Kerala, India.
Welding Inspection and
India. Decibel. Decibel.
Quality Control Level I, Kerala, 3–5 APR
1–15 MAY 1–12 JUN India. Decibel. PT Level III, St. Louis, Missouri.
Certified Quality Controller— Certified Quality Controller— Welding Inspection and Quality.
Civil, Kerala, India. Decibel. Mechanical, Kerala, India. Quality Control Level II, Kerala,
Mechanical Inspector Oil and Decibel. India. Decibel. 3–7 APR
Gas, Kerala, India. Decibel. Basic Level III, Kerala, India.
1–13 JUN 16–30 JUN Decibel.
1–20 MAY API 510 Preparatory Course, Piping Inspection, Kerala, MT Level III, Kerala, India.
Concrete NDT, Kerala, India. Kerala, India. Decibel. India. Decibel. Decibel.
Decibel. Welding Inspection and
26–28 JUN 4–6 APR
Quality Control Level I, Kerala,
Basic Metallurgy for NDT, Basic Level III, Greenville,
Human Factors Awareness, India. Decibel.
Heath, Ohio. Mistras. South Carolina. PQT.
St. Louis, Missouri. Quality. Welding Inspection and
Quality Control Level II, Kerala, 29 JUN MT Level III, Greenville, South
8–20 MAY India. Decibel. NDT 101, St. Louis, Missouri. Carolina. PQT.
API 570 Preparatory Course, Quality. PT Level III, Greenville, South
1–15 JUN
Kerala, India. Decibel. Carolina. PQT.
Certified Quality Controller—
Lead Auditor ISO 9001, Kerala, Level III Examination UT Level III, Greenville, South
Civil, Kerala, India. Decibel.
India. Decibel. Carolina. PQT.
NDT Auditing Systems, Kerala,
Mechanical Inspector Oil and Preparation/Refreshers VT Level III, Greenville, South
Gas, Kerala, India. Decibel.
India. Decibel. 5–9 MAR Carolina. PQT.
Welding Inspection and 1–20 JUN Basic Level III, Houston, Texas. 9–13 APR
Quality Control Level I, Kerala, Concrete NDT, Kerala, India. Kraft. Basic Level III, Houston, Texas.
India. Decibel. Decibel. UT Level III, St. Louis, Kraft.
Welding Inspection and 4–6 JUN
Missouri. Quality. CWI Level III, St. Louis,
Quality Control Level II, Kerala, Flow Iron Recertification, State 6–10 MAR Missouri. Quality.
India. Decibel. College, Pennsylvania. Basic Level III, Kerala, India. 10–14 APR
8–27 MAY TechKnowServ. Decibel. PT Level III, Kerala, India.
Concrete NDT, Kerala, India. MT Level III, Kerala, India.
5–27 JUN Decibel.
Decibel. Concrete NDT, Kerala, India. Decibel. RT Level III, Kerala, India.
10–20 MAY Decibel. 12–14 MAR Decibel.
Inservice Inspection Corossion MT Level III, Houston, Texas.
9–22 JUN 16–18 APR
Monitoring, Kerala, India. API 570 Preparatory Course, Kraft. MT Level III, Houston, Texas.
Decibel. Kerala, India. Decibel. Kraft.


Level III Examination Basic Level III, St. Louis, 21– 25 MAY 12–16 JUN
Preparation/Refreshers, cont. Missouri. Quality. Basic Level III, Brea, California. PT Level III, Kerala, India.
16–20 APR
IR Level III Best Practices, Test. Decibel.
RT Level III, St. Louis, Missouri. Kansas City, Missouri. Snell. UT Level III, Dayton, Ohio. RT Level III, Kerala, India.
Quality. 8 – 1 2 M AY
Kraft. Decibel.

18–20 APR
PT Level III, Kerala, India. Decibel. 22– 26 MAY 18–22 JUN
PT Level III, Houston, Texas. Kraft. RT Level III, Kerala, India. Decibel. UT Level III, Kerala, India. UT Level III, St. Louis,
1 4 – 1 6 M AY
Decibel. Missouri. Quality.
24–28 APR
UT Level III, Kerala, India. Decibel. MT Level III, Dayton, Ohio. Kraft. 30 MAY – 1 JU N 25–29 JUN
VT Level III, Houston, Texas. ET (Eddy Current) Level III,
1 4 – 1 8 M AY
30 APR–4 MAY Kraft. Houston, Texas. Kraft.
RT Level III, Houston, Texas. Kraft. ET Level III, St. Louis, Missouri.
Quality. 5–9 JUN
RT Level III, St. Louis, Missouri.
1–3 MAY Basic Level III, Kerala, India. Quality
1 6 – 1 8 M AY UT Level III, Brea, California.
VT Level III, St. Louis, Missouri. Decibel.
Quality. Basic Level III, Greenville, Test.
South Carolina. PQT. MT Level III, Kerala, India.
1–5 MAY MT Level III, Greenville, South Decibel. 26–30 JUN
Basic Level III, Kerala, India. ET Level III, Kerala, India.
Carolina. PQT. 11–15 JUN
Decibel. Decibel.
PT Level III, Dayton, Ohio. RT Level III, Dayton, Ohio.
MT Level III, Kerala, India. Decibel. UT Level III, Kerala, India.
Kraft. Kraft.
7–11 MAY UT Level III, Greenville, South
VT Level III, Kerala, India.
Basic Level III, Dayton, Ohio. Carolina. PQT.
Decibel. wx
Kraft. VT Level III, Greenville, South
Carolina. PQT.



AE Source Localization in a Steel Plate with the

Dispersive A0 Mode based on the Cross-Correlation
Technique and Time Reversal Principle
by Zenghua Liu*, Tuocan Dong†, Qiuling Peng†, Cunfu He†, Qiufeng Li‡, and Bin Wu†

ABSTRACT maximum and minimum relative errors of 0.98%

The accuracy of damage localization, especially the and 0.58%, respectively. Thus, this paper shows
accurate determination of the time arrival differ- an optional technique to localize AE sources with
ence, is important in the field of acoustic emission the A0 mode, which is of significant importance.
(AE) source localization. In this paper, we propose KEYWORDS: acoustic emission, source localization,
a new approach to localize an AE source with the time reversal, cross correlation, pencil-lead break
dispersive A0 mode. For this approach, we
analyzed the cross correlation of AE signals with a
reference database and determined the time lag of Various techniques have been developed to guarantee the
A0 mode. The technique is carried out in a two- safety and operational performance of different structures,
such as composite parts (Liu et al., 2013b), aircrafts (Han
stage computational process. First, AE signals are
et al., 2011), bridges (Pullin et al., 1999), pipelines (Liu et al.,
used to construct the reference database and 2015b), and concrete materials (Grondel et al., 2002; Li et al.,
compensate for the dispersion of waves based on 2015). Among the various techniques used for structural
the time reversal principle. Second, the time arrival health monitoring (SHM), the acoustic emission (AE)
method is widely used to evaluate and investigate damage
difference of the A0 mode is determined by the
positions in structures. AE is a mechanical stress wave
cross correlation of AE signals with the reference resulting from an energy released during microstructural
signals using the first threshold-crossing changes. The waves travel through structures and lead to
technique. A localization algorithm is carried out micro displacement on the structure’s surface, which can be
detected by AE sensors (Wevers, 1997). In general, AE waves
based on the triangulation technique. The
show characteristics of lamb waves when propagating in plate-
proposed approach is conducted on a steel plate like structures. Researchers have investigated the applications
with three AE sensors coupling on the surface. of lamb waves for several years because it is a promising
Pencil-lead breaks are adopted to simulate AE candidate in monitoring and evaluating damages (Liu et al.,
2013a; Niri and Salamone, 2012). However, this technique
sources. Results indicated that eight verification
still has some disadvantages because of its multimode and
points were successfully localized with the dispersive characteristics (Barthorpe et al., 2012; Harb and
Yuan, 2015). AE source localization using lamb waves can be
achieved by using an active-passive or passive only approach
(Niri and Salamone, 2012). In the active-passive approach,
* College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology, both emitting and receiving transducers are used, whereas in
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100124, China; email: the passive approach, only receiving transducers are used. The AE technique is a typical passive technique in which only
† College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology,
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, 100124, China receiving transducers are used. In large plate-like structures,
‡ The Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of NDT, Nanchang Hangkong two fundamental lamb wave modes always exist: symmetric
University, Nanchang, 330063, China mode (S mode) and antisymmetric mode (A mode), which


x ae source localization

have different types of vibration displacements and travel at obtain the arrival time of waves because the exact time of
different frequencies. Figure 1 shows the mode shapes of two generation of acoustic events is unknown (Kundu, 2014).
lamb waves in plate-like structures (Watkins and Jha, 2012). Therefore, a modified approach of source localization was
Figure 2 shows group velocity dispersion curves of lamb developed based on the arrival time difference technique. The
waves in a 3 mm thick steel plate. Here, its longitudinal wave arrival time difference is the difference of arrival times or the
velocity is 5960 m/s, its shear wave velocity is 3260 m/s, and arrival time delay among different sensors (Aljet et al., 2012;
its density is 7932 kg/m3. The dispersion curves illustrate that Xiao et al., 2014). This approach is always applied to the
the different frequency components of lamb waves travel at sensor array by measuring the velocity of AE waves and the
different velocities. The nature of lamb wave modes leads to a arrival time difference. This approach is applicable to
drastic decrease in the performance of a source localization isotropic materials, such as metallic materials. However,
system (Ciampa and Meo, 2010). In the low-frequency range uncertainties are inevitably introduced into the arrival time
(<200 kHz), only A0 and S0 modes exist. The S0 mode travels difference measurement because of random errors, systematic
faster than the A0 mode and shows a nondispersive character- errors, and AE signal characteristics (multimode and disper-
istic, whereas the A0 mode is largely dispersive. The disper- sion). To reduce these errors, different techniques have been
sion characteristic makes it difficult to analyze the arrival investigated to determine the arrival time difference.
times when localizing AE sources based on the A0 mode. In previous research, other authors (Sedlak et al., 2013)
However, in large plate-like structures, due to the attenuation presented an automatic determination technique for the first
effect, a low-frequency A0 mode can propagate a long distance arrival time based on the akaike information criterion (AIC)
with high energy (Ziola and Gorman, 1991; He et al., 2017), of AE signals for a thin multilayer plate. In the study, the first-
which indicates that the A0 mode of lamb waves has a prom- coming mode (S0 mode) was not dispersive due to the short
ising application in AE source localization. source-to-sensor distance and the small plate-like specimens
A classical way to localize the AE source is to calculate the used. Although it is still difficult to quantify the reliability of
distance between the source and the sensor by the multiplica- the arrival time, the proposed two-step AIC approach is a
tion of wave velocity with the arrival time of waves. This tech- useful tool to locate AE events by automatically assigning
nique is commonly used in the AE method for its ability to arrival time. However, in large plate-like structures, dispersion
locate the source (Kishi et al., 1991), but it is impossible to and multimode nature are two crucial factors in AE event
localization. To minimize the influence of multimode nature
and dispersion, other authors (Mohd et al., 2014) proposed a
novel technique of wavelet transform analysis and modal
location based on lamb waves theory and time-frequency
analysis and proved that this technique is more accurate for
source localization than the time of arrival (TOA) technique.
(a) (b) Also, it could be considered a more reliable and easier source
localization methodology than delta T, since no test grid and
Figure 1. Two lamb waves mode shapes in plate-like structures:
Hsu-Nielsen source for training data is needed.
(a) symmetric lamb waves mode; (b) antisymmetric lamb waves Other authors (Zarate et al., 2015) proposed a bayesian
mode. framework that considered uncertainties in wave velocities
and arrival times and adopted a continuous wavelet transform
(CWT) to calculate. They obtained a greater accuracy with
the use of liquid-borne waves and obtained reliability through
the bayesian approach, which can eventually lead to signifi-
Group velocty (m/s)

cant improvements in source localization technology for

S0 A1
liquid-filled tanks. Other authors (Niri and Salamone, 2012)
proposed a probabilistic approach for AE source localization
in an isotropic plate based on an extended kalman filter
(EKF) and studied the uncertainties by using the CWT tech-
A0 nique. Further research (Zhong et al., 2015) achieved multi-
S1 impact localization on aircraft composite structures by using
the near-field two-dimensional (2D) multiple signal classifica-
0 200 400 600 800 1000 tion (2D-MUSIC) algorithm and a uniform linear PZT
Frequency (kHz) sensor array. Moreover, many researchers have investigated
various signal-processing techniques, such as the time-
Figure 2. Group velocity dispersion curves of lamb wave in a 3 mm frequency analysis (Kishimoto et al., 1995; Poggi et al., 2013),
thick steel plate. the wavelet analysis (Mostafapour and Davoodi, 2015;


Poggi et al., 2013), the time reversal technique (Liu et al., time domain because of its functions of inverse filtering
2014; Liu et al., 2015a; Draeger and Fink, 1999; Draeger (Ciampa and Meo, 2011), dispersion compensation (Ernst
et al., 1999; Sohn et al., 2007), and the cross-correlation and Dual, 2014), signal self-focus (Ing and Fink, 1998), signal
technique (Chen et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2015). reconstruction (Mustapha et al., 2014), and multichannel
Among these techniques, the cross-correlation technique signal focusing (Liu et al., 2014).
shows the possibility of determining the time delay of signals. In this research, we combined the advantages of three
Cross correlation is one of the signal-processing techniques techniques, including time reversal, CWT, and cross correla-
used to compare the similarity between two different signals tion, to analyze AE signals. The time reversal technique was
as a function of time lag. In most of the cases, the obtained chosen to construct the reference signal, compensating for the
sensor outputs were compared with the reference database dispersion and improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the
signal, and then the similarity or time lag was identified. Other focused waveform. The CWT technique was used to extract a
research (Kim et al., 2015) improved a normalized cross- narrowband component of the AE signal, as the AE signal is a
correlation technique to localize the low-velocity impact broadband signal. The reference signal was narrowband and
position in a stiffened composite panel. It showed that the the dispersion was compensated after time reversal, and then
proposed technique more accurately estimated the actual it was used to determine the arrival time difference of the A0
location of the impact source by comparing the normalized mode based on the cross-correlation technique. Some related
cross-correlation between the reference database and the techniques used in the literature are summarized in Table 1.
obtained impact signals. Other authors (Ziola and Gorman, This paper is organized as follows. First, the arrival time
1991) determined the arrival time difference by cross-corre- difference is used to localize the position of the AE sources. In
lating the output signal obtained from the AE sensors with a a large plate, AE source localization can be simplified as a two-
single frequency cosine wave modulated by a gaussian pulse. dimensional source localization model using the triangulation
The idea behind this research is that if a single frequency in technique (Kaphle, 2012a).
the AE signal can be isolated, then the arrival time differences Second, we explain the reference signal construction based
due to the propagation of that frequency component can be on CWT and the time reversal technique. Next, we show the
used for the location analysis. Generally, in the cross-correla- experimental setup and compare the localization results of the
tion technique, a pre-obtained reference database is essential. proposed technique with the first threshold-crossing tech-
Many techniques can be chosen to construct the reference nique. Some conclusions of the proposed technique are
signal, such as simulating a modulated signal or training presented in the conclusions.
points for the monitoring structure. However, the training
process of points is time-consuming due to many prior Reference Signal Construction
preliminary works before the experiment. In this study, the In this study, the reference signal was captured by the AE
reference signal was constructed with the AE signals obtained sensor. The time difference t can be obtained by cross
from different sensors based on the time reversal technique, correlating different AE signals with the reference signal
which saves time. The time reversal technique has been (Ziola and Gorman, 1991; Kim et al., 2015). As described
widely used to evaluate impacts or defects on plate-like struc- above, the reference signal is necessary and important when
tures (Liu et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2011; He and Yuan, 2016). conducting cross correlation with AE signals. Many tech-
It can make a signal more visible with a high resolution in niques can be used to construct the reference signal to

Related techniques used in literature review
Citations Techniques used* Key words of functions
Chen et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2011; X Signal focusing
He and Yuan, 2016; Ciampa and Meo, 2011
Chen et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2011; X Dispersion compensation
He and Yuan, 2016; Ciampa and Meo, 2011
Mustapha et al., 2014 X Signal reconstruction
Mustapha et al., 2014 X Signal filtering
Zarate et al., 2015 X Uncertainty element
Mostafapour and Davoodi, 2015 X Frequency selection
Ziola and Gorman, 1991 X Time-lag calculation
Kim et al., 2015 X Impact source localization

* TR = Time reverse; CWT = Continuous wavelet transform; CC = Cross correlation


x ae source localization

compare the similarity of two signals or calculate the arrival Reference Signal Construction based on Time Reversal Principle
time difference. In this study, to obtain the reference signal, The second step to construct the reference signal is to focus
two steps have been carried out. The first step is to extract the on the extracted signal in the time domain based on the time
narrowband component from the AE signals. In other words, reversal principle. In many signal-processing applications,
the dominant frequency component should be isolated from time reversal acts as a spatiotemporal matched filter to
the AE signals. The second step is to focus the narrowband compensate for the shift of signal (Tanter et al., 2000).
signal in time domain based on the time reversal principle. However, it is discovered that narrowband signals behave
Consequently, the focused signal serves as the reference better than broadband signals in minimizing amplitude
signal. In general, narrowband component extraction is dispersion (Park et al., 2009), and different frequency compo-
achieved by the CWT technique due to its abundant informa- nents in a broadband signal, such as AE signal, may be influ-
tion and high resolutions both in time and frequency enced by the time-reversal operator during time reverse
domains. The extracted narrowband signals were then time operations (Wang et al., 2004). Thus, it is necessary to extract
reversed and focused with the improved signal-to-noise ratio. the narrowband signal from AE in advance as described later.
The time reversal technique is an approach meant to mitigate
Narrowband Component Extraction dispersion effects and perform SHM without baseline data. It
The wavelets have the maximum resolutions in time and was initially aimed at increasing lamb wave resolution by
frequency, which are dependent on the mother wavelet. using time reversal mirrors (Fink and Prada, 2001) and
Different mother wavelets have been investigated (Niri and focusing lamb waves at the location of damage in the time
Salamone, 2012; Mohd et al., 2014), and the morlet wavelet domain (Ing and Fink, 1996). According to the theoretical
was chosen and applied in AE due to its admissibility as a studies of the time reversal technique, the proposed reference
wavelet of a zero mean value (Zitto et al., 2015). signal construction principle based on time reversal for AE is
The complex morlet wavelet is defined as: shown in Figures 3 and 4. Three AE monitoring sensors were
coupled on the surface of a steel plate, and an artificial AE

1 source (Hsu-Nielson source) was simulated by a pencil-lead
(1) ψ (t) = e fb
e 2πfc jt
πf b break (PLB) placed on the surface.

fb and fc, respectively, represent the bandwidth frequency
and the center frequency, Forward AE sensor
 is the ratio of circumference to diameter, Backward AE source
S3 (ω)
e is the Euler’s number,
j is the imaginary unit. H3 (ω)

After a signal is transformed by CWT, the information can

be determined from CWT both in time and frequency P (ω)
domains. As the X vector is time and the Y vector is
frequency, the numeric values in the continuous wavelet H2 (ω)
H1 (ω)
transform matrix represent the wavelet coefficients. The
dominant frequency of the AE signal can be obtained by fast
fourier transform (FFT). The dominant frequency compo-
S1 (ω) S2 (ω)
nent is extracted from the wavelet scale matrix according to
the relationship between wavelet scale and the frequency:
Figure 3. Illustration of AE signal focusing based on the time reversal
fc principle with three AE sensors.
(2) fa = Ts
fa is the extracted frequency, As shown in Figure 3, when an excited AE signal P( ) is
Ts is the sampling interval of AE signals. simulated on the surface of a steel plate, the response signals
at three AE monitoring sensors, Si( ), where (i = 1,2,3) can
In actual operation, the extracted frequency fa is not single be expressed in frequency domain as:
but narrowband.
(3) Si (ω) = P (ω) K (ω ) Gi (r, ω)


2) Receiving signal 1) PLB impact
Si (ω) Hi (ω) P (ω)
AE sensor AE source

Steel plate
Time reversed

E (ω) = ∑ S∗i (ω ) Si (ω)
i =1
Signals focused

P (ω) is multiplied
3) Reversed signal 4) Reference signal

Si (ω) Hi (ω)
AE sensor AE source

Steel plate

Cross correlation

Figure 4. Illustration of the basic concept of cross correlation with AE signal in a steel plate.

where re-emitted from the AE sensor to the AE source, indicating

is the angular frequency, the backward propagation in Figure 3. The focused signal at
r and Gi(r, ) for (i = 1,2,3) are the propagation distance the location of the PLB based on the time reversal principle
of lamb waves and the structure transfer functions of can be expressed as:
the paths between AE source and sensors, respectively, 3
K( ) is the electro-mechanical efficiency coefficient of AE (5) D (ω) = ∑ Si* (ω) Hi (ω)
i =1
However, the focused signal, D( ), is impossible to
G(r, ) can be defined as capture because no sensor is coupled at the location of the
PLB. Furthermore, Hi( ) is unknown. Therefore, it is more
− jk (ω) r
(4) G ( r , ω) = A ( r , ω) e complicated to achieve the focused signal. To reconstruct the
reference signal, P( ) is multiplied by Equation 5, which is
A(r, ) and k( ) are the amplitude function and the wave E (ω ) = D (ω ) P (ω )
number of a lamb wave mode, respectively, 3
j is the imaginary unit, = ∑ Si* (ω) Hi (ω ) P (ω)
i =1
e–jk( )r is a phase-delay factor.
(6) 3
= ∑ P* (ω ) H i* (ω ) H i (ω) P (ω)
i =1
For a particular path, K( )Gi(r, ) can be simplified as 3
Hi( ). Then, the response signal Si( ) is time reversed and = ∑ Si* (ω) Si (ω )
i =1


x ae source localization

In Equation 6, E( ) can be expressed as the summation of three preamplifiers with gain sets at 40/60 dB; a four-channel
the product of Si( ) and Si*( ) with point wise multiplication. AE signal recording card integrated in computer; a steel plate
D( ) is the focused signal after P( ) is time reversed, and measuring 1000 mm 1000 mm 3 mm; and six cables. The
E( ) can be explained as the process on which the signal is plate was supported by a desk with both sides being free.
focused at the location of the PLB after P( )*P( ) is time During the experiment, three sensors were affixed with vinyl
reversed. The process of adding terms on both sides of electrical tape and Nd-Fe-B magnets to the surface of the steel
Equation 5 functions as an operation strategy. Because plate, and petroleum jelly was added between the sensors and
P( )*P( ) and the original excited AE signal, P( ), have the steel plate surface for a better coupling environment. A
same frequency characteristics, no influence is introduced to 0.5 mm 2H pencil lead was broken on the plate’s surface to
the refocused signal. As E( ) is narrowband, so Si( ) is simulate the AE source. AE waves were then generated and
processed by CWT in advance. To accomplish the cross recorded by the sensors. The AE sensor outputs were pream-
correlation in the frequency domain, the AE signal Si( ) plified by 40 dB using one of the preamplifiers. Signals were
should be multiplied by the conjugate of the reference signal then digitized at a sampling rate of 10 MHz and stored in the
E*( ). (Note that E*( ) is equal to E( ), so no additional computer with 2048 points.
calculation is required in cross correlation.) The basic concept On the surface of the steel plate, the bottom-left corner
of cross correlation with the AE signal in the steel plate is was selected as the origin of coordinates. The sensor arrange-
illustrated in Figure 4. ment with the coordinates of S1(200,90), S2(800,90), and
S3(500,990) is shown in Figure 5. Eight different positions
Experimental Investigation were chosen as the verification points for PLBs to confirm the
repeatability of the experiment. The coordinates of PLB posi-
Experimental Setup tions are shown in Table 2.
As shown in Figure 5, the experimental setup consists of a In order to ensure the stability of the experiments and
pencil with 2H lead; three 150 kHz resonant frequency AE reduce the errors caused by instruments or cables, a
sensors with an operating frequency range of 50 to 400 kHz; 3 mm long pencil lead was pulled out every time and a circular

Real-time data
Preamplifier acquisition software

Computer with AE signal

recording card
Pencil-lead break
AE sensor
2H lead β

3 2 1
1000 mm

Steel plate
5 4

8 7 6
S1 Cable
AE sensor AE sensor
Vinyl electrical tape

1000 mm

Figure 5. Illustration of experimental setup.


Coordinates of PLB* positions
PLB position #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
x (mm) 650 500 350 650 350 650 500 350
y (mm) 690 690 690 540 540 390 390 390
* Pencil-lead break

Presets of acoustic emission software applied in experiment
Threshold Pregain Sample rate Pretrigger Length of signal
40 dB 40 dB 10 MHz 25.6 μs 2048

ring was placed on the pencil lead tip so that the angle
the two dotted lines in Figure 7 represents the dominant
(shown in Figure 5) formed by the lead and steel plate surface frequency component with a frequency of 131.8 kHz. The
remained constant. Different angle values will cause different CWT result matches well with the dispersion curve. As shown
energy so it is necessary to ensure the consistency of
. SMA in Figure 7, wave package 1 is the S0 mode and wave
cables were chosen as the connectors between the sensors and package 3 is the A0 mode. Wave package 2 arrives before the
the preamplifier to guarantee impedance matching. A A0 mode with a frequency component around 300 kHz and is
commercially available software program for real-time AE considered the shear horizontal (SH) mode according to the
data acquisition and replay was applied in the experiment. analysis (Kaphle, 2012b; Geng, 2006). The SH mode is
The presets of the software are provided in Table 3. another type of guided wave mode that propagates in plate-
like structures. It should be noted that the initial time (PLB
Determination of A0 Mode Arrival Time Difference time) of the AE waves is not at the zero point (Figure 7), so
As described in the previous section, the first step to determine the reflection signal from the plate edges arrives after 200 μs
arrival time difference is to extract the narrowband component (the length of the storage signal is 2048 points and the time
from the AE signal. Figure 6 shows an AE signal received at interval is 0.1 μs), even for the fast S0 mode. The possible
sensor 1 when the PLB was conducted at position 1. All signals multiple scattering of signals due to the existence of sensors is
were analyzed with the same process, described as follows. also considered as a negligible effect due to the large sensor-
Three major wave packages with different value of to-source distance, which is ignored during the analysis of
energies and arrival times are visible in Figure 6, namely, wave signals. In conclusion, wave packages 1 through 3 represent
packages 1 through 3. To determine the modes of waves and the direct waves of S0 mode, SH mode, and A0 mode,
the dominant frequency of the signal, the CWT technique respectively.
was used. The result is shown in Figure 7 along with the Figure 8 shows the AE signals before and after extraction,
dispersion curves from Figure 2. The obvious zone denotes based on CWT. Figures 8a and 8b show the original AE signal
the component with the highest energy. The intersection of in time domain and the normalized frequency spectrum of

Wave package 3
Wave package 1
Amplitude (mV)


Wave package 2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (μs)

Figure 6. An AE signal received at sensor 1 when conducted PLB at position 1.


x ae source localization

shows the wavelet coefficient signal, extracted from the

500 original AE signal shown in Figure 8a at a frequency of
10 131.8 kHz, based on the CWT technique. Figure 8d shows
S0 A0 9 the normalized frequency spectrum of the extracted wavelet
Frequency (kHz)

8 coefficient signal using FFT. By comparing the signals and the

7 frequency spectrums before and after the extraction, we can
6 see that the high-frequency component (SH mode) has been
5 filtered out. The two signals have the same dominant
frequency, 131.8 kHz. Moreover, after the signal extraction,
the band of the signal becomes narrow. As a narrowband
signal gives a better result than a wideband signal in signal
focusing processes based on the time reversal principle, the
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 signal shown in Figure 8c was used to construct the reference
Time (μs) signal. Figure 9 shows the constructed reference signal with
the extracted wavelet coefficient signal from the original AE
Figure 7. Time-frequency spectrogram of AE signal.
sensor outputs.
Figure 10 shows the process of determining the trigger
mode by using the signals received by the data acquisition
this original AE signal using FFT, respectively. The frequency software. In the data acquisition process, the pretrigger was
of the signal falls off above 400 kHz because the AE sensor set at 25.6 μs and the threshold was 40 dB. In the software,
operates at a frequency range of 50 to 400 kHz. The original 40 dB equals to 0.01 V. For all sensors’ outputs, AE waves
signal has two main frequency components, 131.8 kHz and cross the threshold line for the first time at 25.6 μs, indicating
around 300 kHz, which can be seen in Figure 8b. However, that the arrival time is 25.6 μs. However, the arrival times
the 131.8 kHz component has a higher value of energy than from different sensors should be different because of different
the 300 kHz component. The 131.8 kHz component is the propagating paths from the PLB position to the AE sensors.
dominant frequency component of the AE signal. Figure 8c The difference was introduced by the data acquisition
Normalized amplitude

Amplitude (V)

131.8 kHz

0 High frequency component

(a) 0 50 100 150 200 (b) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (μs) Frequency (MHz)

1.0 1
Normalized amplitude
Amplitude (V)

131.8 kHz

Dominant frequency

(c) 0 50 100 150 200 (d) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (μs) Frequency (MHz)

Figure 8. Comparison of original AE signal (broadband) and the extracted AE signal (narrowband): (a) original AE signal in time domain;
(b) normalized frequency spectrum of original AE signal using FFT; (c) wavelet coefficient signal extracted from original AE signal at 131.8 kHz
based on CWT method; (d) normalized frequency spectrum of the extracted wavelet coefficient signal by FFT.



Amplitude (V)
Sensor 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Sensor 2 Time (μs)

Amplitude (V)
Sensor 3
0 50 100 150 200 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
(a) Time (μs) (b) Frequency (MHz)

Figure 9. Reference signal construction: (a) extracted wavelet coefficient signals from three AE sensor outputs when PLB was conducted at
position 1; (b) the reference signal (above) and its frequency spectrum (below).

software measurement. The principle of introducing differ- software, waves from the three paths firstly crossed the
ences by using the software measurement is illustrated in threshold line and were all set at 25.6 μs, as shown in
Figure 11. Run time represents the starting time of the Figure 11b. So the time delay of the A0 mode, as displayed in
software, and PLB time represents the time of breaking the the software, is not the actual arrival time difference of the A0
pencil lead. Nevertheless, it is impossible to record run time mode (tA0) but the relative arrival time difference of the A0
and PLB time. When the waves were captured by the mode (t). This phenomenon indicates that the actual arrival
time difference of the A0 mode (tA0) can be obtained by
adding tS0 to t. Because the S0 mode shows great charac-
0.02 teristics, such as a nondispersive characteristic in thin plates,
and t is processed by cross correlating AE signals with the
Amplitude (V)

0.01 reference signal based on the time reversal principle, tA0

shows more accuracy without having dispersion. Table 4
25.6 μs shows the arrival time differences obtained from the first
–0.01 threshold-crossing technique and those obtained from the
cross-correlation technique.
24 25 26 27 28
Time (μs) Localization Result Analysis
The AE source localization with arrival time difference was
1.0 performed through programmed MATLAB codes. The veloc-
Threshold (0.01 V)
Amplitude (V)

Signal ities used in the localization algorithm were the theoretical
group velocities obtained from the dispersion curves shown in
0 Figure 2. It has been shown through other research that the
–0.5 group velocity of AE waves is frequency dependent and may
vary with different tests. However, this was not the major
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
error to overcome in this research. For every testing point, the
velocities were determined by the dominant frequencies from
Time (μs)
dispersion curves based on CWT. For A0 mode localization,
the errors were minimized by dispersion compensation based
Figure 10. Pretrigger mode determination with the received signals
from the AE software.
on the time reversal principle. Nevertheless, errors will be


x ae source localization

sensors. As described previously, the distance from sensor 1 to

sensor 3 is the largest distance, 948.7 mm. According to the
Run time PLB time
localization results obtained with the traditional first
ΔtS0 A0 threshold-crossing technique, the maximum radius error is
44.5 mm at position 1 with a relative error of 4.69%, and the
minimum radius error is 7.0 mm at position 8 with a relative
error of 0.74%. According to the localization results obtained
(a) S0 A0 with the proposed technique, the maximum radius error is
9.3 mm at position 5 with a relative error of 0.98%, and the
Run time PLB time 25.6 μs minimum radius error is 5.5 mm at position 4 with a relative
A0 error of 0.56%.
S0 Δt
In this paper, we have combined the cross-correlation tech-
(b) S0 A0 nique with the time reversal principle, and have proposed a
novel approach to identify the arrival time difference of the A0
mode in AE source localization.
This study is focused on the determination of the arrival
Figure 11. The principle of introducing difference by measurement
from software program for AE data acquisition and replay: (a) the time difference of the A0 mode in AE source localization. The
actual arrival time of different modes: and (b) the relative arrival time A0 mode can travel a long distance with high energy, indi-
of different modes captured with the first threshold-crossing cating that the A0 mode has a great potential to monitor large
technique by the software program. plate-like structures. However, as the A0 mode shows serious
dispersive characteristics, it is not easy to obtain the arrival
time difference of the A0 mode (tA0) with a satisfying
inevitably introduced in the localization results, which should accuracy. In this paper, the proposed technique is used to
not be ignored. The localization result is shown in Figure 12, obtain tA0, and results have shown that the experimental
and the position of sensor 1 is chosen as the origin of the positions localized with the proposed technique matched well
coordinate. with the actual PLB positions. The localization accuracy is
Figure 12 shows the localization results by the first good and the maximum relative error is 0.98%. The reason is
threshold-crossing technique and by the proposed technique. that, while determining tA0 in the process of localization,
Among eight verification points, the localization results, errors were minimized due to narrowband signal extraction
obtained with the proposed technique, match well with the with CWT and dispersion compensation of the time-reversal
actual positions of the PLB. Localization errors have also been principle. It is necessary to localize the AE source with A0
analyzed. The radius error described in Figure 12b is the mode in large plate-like structures, because the A0 mode has
distance from the coordinates of the located points to the high energy and long traveling ability. Thus, this paper has
actual PLB coordinates. The relative error is obtained by provided an optional technique to localize AE sources with
dividing the radius error by the largest distance among three the A0 mode, which is of significant meaning.

Arrival time differences of A0 mode obtained by the proposed method
PLB position tS0 (μs) t (μs) tA0 (μs)
t12 t13 t12 t13 t12 t13
#1 –17.75 –72.25 –27.60 –69.30 –45.35 –141.55
#2 2.50 –62.50 –0.40 –74.00 2.10 –136.50
#3 27.50 –49.25 21.60 47.30 49.10 –96.55
#4 –24.05 –27.50 –30.60 32.30 –54.65 59.80
#5 29.45 –4.25 29.50 1.00 58.95 –3.25
#6 –35.75 15.75 –39.20 8.40 –74.95 24.15
#7 2.75 36.75 –0.60 25.90 2.15 62.65
#8 39.75 55.50 33.30 41.00 73.05 96.50


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Reliability Investigation of Sizing Horizontal Planar
Discontinuities Using a New Time of Flight Diffraction
by B.S. Hayat Gheib* and M.J. Ranjbar Naserabadi†

ABSTRACT Introduction
The reliability of a new time of flight diffraction Achieving an optimal configuration is one of the most impor-
technique for finding horizontal planar discontinu- tant steps in designing and establishing a test method. In this
regard, new nondestructive testing (NDT) methods have to
ities (H-TOFD) has been investigated using “â satisfy all criteria considered for the quality of the test proce-
versus a” probability of detection (POD) evalua- dure, which is evaluated by the procedure’s accuracy, sensi-
tion. A finite element model (FEM) was developed tivity, reliability, and other factors.
to simulate the ultrasonic response from horizontal Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) is one of the known
techniques in the ultrasonic method of NDT that can accu-
discontinuities at different depths. Several key rately measure discontinuities in parts with a moderately high
variables were also considered to represent the thickness (Silk, 1979; Temple, 1983). Reliability assessments
modeling procedure, including removing the of conventional TOFD techniques have been applied for flaw
unwanted reflections by implementing infinite sizing in many different parts, including the following: lack of
fusion, lack of penetration, and undercut at a pipeline girth
elements and using equivalent mechanical weld (Carvalho et al., 2008); surface-breaking cracks at a
damping for transducer wedges. Simulated data complex geometry like a rotor shaft (Nath et al., 2010); and
was then generated for evaluating the “â versus a” fatigue root cracks at a pipeline girth weld (Bloom et al.,
statistical model. Based on the statistical model 2010). Today, codes and standards have approved TOFD
techniques for conventional inspections as an alternative to
results, all tests were found to fit within the radiographic testing for sections with at least 12 mm of thick-
bounds of the POD model, demonstrating the ness (Verkooijen, 1995). In recent years, some researchers
H-TOFD technique is reliable for detecting and (Baskaran et al. 2006; Subbaratnam et al., 2011) have worked
sizing horizontal planar discontinuities. on new techniques to reduce inspection thickness. Nonethe-
less, it is still a noteworthy issue. Another limitation of TOFD
KEYWORDS: time of flight diffraction (TOFD), is that conventional trigonometric calculations and formula-
probability of detection (POD), finite element, tions of TOFD only provide a vertical measure of discontinu-
horizontal planar discontinuities, H-TOFD ities, and the real size of discontinuities, especially horizontal
discontinuities, are not able to be measured exactly. A new
trigonometric formula for the assessment of horizontal
discontinuities by a novel TOFD technique, called H-TOFD,
using phased array transducers was presented previously
(Bagheri et al., 2014). Recently, it was developed (Seyed
Hayat Gheib and Sodagar, 2016) in order to be used with
TOFD probes (wedge technique). However, the reliability of
the proposed technique for detecting and sizing such disconti-
nuities is not yet evaluated. In this paper, the probability of
sizing (POS) as a function of horizontal discontinuity size â is
* Department of Technical Inspection Engineering, Petroleum University of investigated. According to the Programme for the Inspection
Technology, Abadan, Iran of Steel Components Phase III (PISC-III) program (Visser,
† Department of Technical Inspection Engineering, Petroleum University of 2002), POS curves can be developed in the form of POD
Technology, Abadan, Iran; email
curves appropriately. Therefore, finding the reliability of this
new technique in terms of POD is the aim of this paper.


x new time of flight diffraction technique

The presented investigation is prepared in four stages: a

(ct3 ) − ( 2S)
2 2
description of the proposed NDT system, the finite element (2) d2 =
model (FEM) design, the test results for POD calculations, 2
and concluding remarks.
and thereby,
H-TOFD versus Conventional TOFD
In the conventional TOFD technique, determining the size of (3) a = d2 − d1
the discontinuity is accomplished by measuring the time
difference of longitudinal diffraction echoes received from where
both tips of the discontinuity using a receiver probe. Figure 1 d1 and d2 are the depth of the upper and lower tips of the
shows the schematic configuration of a conventional TOFD discontinuity from the top surface, which are hit at t2
technique. In this technique, two probes with the same angle and t3 times, respectively,
as the transmitter and receiver are posited on the part’s 2S is the center-to-center probe spacing (PCS),
surface. Lateral longitudinal wave A, which travels just c is the wave velocity,
beneath the surface from transmitter to receiver, and receiving a is the discontinuity through wall size.
back wall echo D are used to determine the inspection area
(thickness). The other received echoes between them are When operating the TOFD technique in industry, an
ultrasound waves diffracted from the two upper B and lower appropriate configuration, including different probe angles,
C ends of the discontinuity. By measuring the time of diffrac- probe center spacing, frequencies, and diameters, should be
tion echoes from both ends of the discontinuity, the depth chosen according to the material being tested (Gonulal,
and size can be calculated using a trigonometric formula 2016). In the materials associated with horizontal planar
(Charlesworth and Temple, 2001): discontinuities, since the diffraction echoes resulting from the
discontinuity arrive at the receiver probe simultaneously,
(ct2 ) − ( 2S)
2 2
there is no possibility of measuring the size with one receiver.
(1) d1 =
2 In the technique proposed by other researchers
(Bagheri et al., 2014), as shown in Figure 2, in order to

Transmitter Receiver



Lateral wave A Upper tip B Lower tip C Back wall D

Figure 1. Conventional TOFD technique configuration and the expected signals.


Transmitter Receiver
and receiver Longitudinal
diffracted wave

Back-wall wave


diffracted wave

lateral wave
(a) D-scan (c)

Figure 2. H-TOFD technique: (a) schematic configuration; (b) expected signals for receiver A; (c) expected signals for receiver B.

measure the horizontal discontinuities, a transmitter probe

(probe A) and a receiver probe (probe B) are placed at both
sides of the discontinuity. As the excited wave from probe A Acrylic glass
hits the discontinuity in the test object, the waves are m wedges
P(t) 13m
diffracted and received by the two receiver probes of A and B.
By measuring the time difference of received waves, the hori- Center-to-center
probe spacing = 60 mm
zontal discontinuity size can be obtained using Pythagoras’s
theorem. With the assumption that the discontinuity is
oriented in a plane parallel to the inspection surface, and also
30 mm

that the discontinuity is midway between the transmitter and Infinite

Discontinuity boundaries
receiver, the following equation is derived: target size a Finite
⎛⎡ ⎤2 ⎡ ⎤2 ⎞
Steel test piece
⎜⎢ L 2 − L1 ⎥ − ⎢ L 1 ⎥ ⎟
80 mm
⎜⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎟
(4) ⎝ ⎠
Figure 3. Geometric details of the finite element model.

(5) L 1 = t1CL ; L 2= t2CL

Finite Element Modeling

L1 and L2 are the total distances the wave has traveled until To simulate the behavior of wave propagation and obtain the
received by the probes of A and B, respectively, test results, a finite element analysis software is used. TOFD
t1 and t2 are the transit times of the signal diffracted from modeling is carried out in two dimensions on a steel test piece
the tips of the discontinuity, of 30 80 mm and using two acrylic glass wedges as ultra-
CL is the longitudinal wave velocity. sonic transmitter and receiver probes, similar to the real test.
The material properties used in the modeling were as
E = 210 GPa, v = 0.29, and  = 7700 kg/m3 for the steel and


x new time of flight diffraction technique

E = 9 GPa, v = 0.35, and  = 1190 kg/m3 for the acrylic glass where
wedges. By considering the above properties and an incident f is the pulse frequency,
angle at 26.5°, the wave refracted angle while hitting the target N is the number of cycles.
will be 50°. Four-node plain strain finite elements, CPE4R,
were employed for analyzing the main parts, and also four- A 5 MHz central frequency with one cycle is set for the
node plain strain infinite elements, CINPE4, which accounted pulse excitation.
for simulating an infinitely long steel piece by absorbing
reflections (Riahi et al., 2014b). The size of elements was set POD Modeling
as 0.35 mm. Figure 3 shows the geometry of the test model. In The “â versus a’’ model is a type of test regarding signal
this study, the discontinuity sizes were considered from 5 to response that shows the correlation between the measured
30 mm with a step of 0.5 mm, which were placed horizontally value, â, and the real discontinuity size, a (Nath et al., 2010).
with respect to the top surface. According to MIL-HDBK-1823A (US Department of
Defense, 2009) and ASTM E3023-15 (ASTM, 2015), this
correlation is referred to a simple linear regression model
Appropriate expressed as
- Part (7) yˆ = β0 + β1 x
- Discontinuity
Input parameters
ŷ is the expected response of given x,
- Material properties
0 and
1 are regression coefficients.
- Material damping
- Frequency and bandwidth
In terms of POD, ŷ and x may represent ŷ = â or ŷ = ln(â)
Model validation and x = a or x = ln(a) and random errors may be included.
Herein the linear regression model is defined as Equation 8:
- Signal-to-noise convergency

Evaluation of affected (8) aˆ = β0 + β1 a + δ

parameters on signal
and noise where
- Absorbing boundries  is the random error assumed to be normally distributed
- Damping factors (α, β) with a mean of zero and constant variance, 2.
â versus a
model For calculating POD for the linear regression model,
where âdec is the decision threshold,  is the cumulative
standard normal distribution function, and is the estimated
POD modeling standard deviation from the predicted response:

Figure 4. Simulation-based probability of detection (POD) process for POD ( a) = probability ( aˆ > aˆdec )
the H-TOFD technique. (9)
= 1 − probability ( aˆ ≤ aˆdec )

As the wave dissipates by passing through the wedge

and test object in a real experiment, proportional rayleigh
⎛ ⎣⎡ aˆdec ⎦⎤ − ⎡⎣ aˆ⎦⎤ ⎞
damping factors (Drozdz, 2008), including mass  and POD ( a) = 1 − Φ ⎜⎜
, were also considered as 1 105 and 1 10–9, τ ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎠
respectively. These values were selected by comparing the (10) ⎛ ⎣⎡ aˆ ⎤⎦ − ⎡β + β ( a)⎤ ⎞
⎣ 0 1 ⎦⎟
= 1 − Φ⎜
effects of different damping extents on signal-to-noise ratio
⎜ τ ⎟
(SNR). Furthermore, the piezoelectric effect is simulated as ⎝ ⎠
applied pressure on the wedge by using the following
equation (Baskaran, et al., 2007):
⎛ ⎡ ( a) − ( aˆ − β ) ⎤ ⎞
⎧⎛ ⎡ 2 πft ⎤⎞ ⎜⎢ 0 ⎟

⎪⎜1 − cos ⎢ ⎥⎟ ⋅ (cos ⎡⎣2 πft⎦⎤) , ⎜ ⎢⎣ (β1 ) ⎥⎦ ⎟
P (t ) = ⎨⎝ ⎣ N ⎦⎠ (11) POD ( a) = Φ ⎜
⎪ ⎟
⎜ ⎡τ⎤ ⎟
⎩ 0, ⎢ ⎥
(6) ⎜ ⎣ β1 ⎦ ⎟
N ⎝ ⎠
0<t< otherwise


β0 τ In order to measure NDT procedure reliability for
(12) μ = âdec − and σ =
β1 β1 inspecting horizontal discontinuities, an appropriate process
with respect to geometry, material, and to the extent possible,
With respect to the censored regression of â on log(a), the target characteristics such as affected parameters on signal and
covariance matrix is calculated for the model’s parameters as noise, are considered. Figure 4 illustrates the design process
⎡ ⎤
for generating simulation-based POD. The statistical calcula-
⎢ σβ 0 σ β 0 σβ 1 ⎥
tions are carried out using an open-source POD software
(13) ⎢ ⎥ (Annis, 2016).
⎢ σ β 1 σ β0 σ β2 ⎥
⎣ 1 ⎦
Results and Discussion
By computing the POD(a) model parameters, μ,, and The FEM results are demonstrated in Figures 5 and 6. As can
their covariance matrix, confidence bounds of the POD curve be seen, in the TOFD technique we confront three types of
will be constructed. wave modes, including lateral, longitudinal, and transverse

Transverse Longitudinal
lateral lateral
wave wave


Planar refracted
transverse wave

Planar refracted
Transverse wave

Figure 5. The result of diffractions from the left discontinuity tip at 11.4 μs using the finite element model.

Transverse Longitudinal
lateral lateral
wave wave


Planar refracted
longitudinal wave

Figure 6. The result of diffractions from both discontinuity tips at 13.8 μs using the finite element model.


x new time of flight diffraction technique

β̂0 = –24.107 (1.277)(8.66e–72)
β̂1 = 14.502 (0.45512)(1.85e–209)

τ̂ = 2.204666
25 âthreshold = 3.99
Discontinuity tip diffraction âdecision = 15
–0.075 ntotal = 102
0 5 10 15 20 25 ntargets = 51

Response, â
Time (μs)

Discontinuity tip diffraction
–0.025 10
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (μs) Confidence bound
Predicted bound
5 Test A
Test B
Figure 7. The discontinuity tip diffracted echoes received by the
probes: (a) probe A; (b) probe B.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
100 101 102

Size, a (mm)
waves, which can be diffracted, refracted, or reflected in
different directions. By recording the longitudinal diffracted Figure 8. The â versus log (a) plot showing the â scatter within
confidence and prediction bounds for the tests A and B.
wave signals, the simulated discontinuities are measured.
The corresponding A-scan signal of a 15 mm discontinuity
embedded at a 25 mm depth is shown in Figure 7. The longi- and 25 mm depths, which are introduced as test A and test B,
tudinal wave diffraction can be seen from the left edge of the respectively. Deeper discontinuities (test B) have fewer errors
discontinuity with probe A (see Figure 7a). In the signal and are easier to find, while low scattering is a notable feature
received by probe B, shown in Figure 7b, the first echo is the of both. As the analysis relies on a generalized linear model
longitudinal lateral wave, the second echo is the diffraction based on ordinary regression, the decision discontinuity size is
wave from the right edge of the discontinuity, and the last echo set as 15 mm from where the data are linearly distributed.
is the longitudinal reflection from the discontinuity’s surface. It POD(a) function curves, with their 95% confidence
should be noted that the back-wall reflection is omitted due to bounds, are demonstrated in Figure 9. The slope area of the
using absorbing boundaries. A comparison of the experimental
results obtained from photoelastic visualization in the TOFD
testing (Ginzel et al., 2008) and the experimental results a90/95
presented by other authors (Riahi et al., 2014a) indicates a50 a90
consistency with the simulated wave diffraction patterns 1.0 a50 = 14.83
resulted in this study. However, relative to the conventional
Probability of detection (POD), a

a90 = 18.02
TOFD sizing of vertical discontinuities, H-TOFD is sensitive a90/95 = 18.92
0.8 μ̂ = 2.697
to perfect alignment of the probes with the discontinuity, along σ̂ = 0.15203
with choosing appropriate PCS when testing the materials. 0.7 POD covariance matrix
0.000467 –2.1e–05
To obtain precise estimates of the POD function, 0.6 (–2.1e–05 0.000276 )
choosing at least 40 target sizes is suggested for a quantitative 0.5
target response, â. In order to plot â versus a data, the discon-
tinuity sizes are chosen in uniformly spaced extents and are
plotted on a log scale, which result in narrower confidence 0.3
bounds on the POD(a) curve (US Department of Defense, 0.2 Test A
2009). Hence, 51 data were collected for every test. Figure 8 0.1
Test B
Estimated POD
demonstrates signal response results of the simulated discon- POD 95% confidence bound
tinuities detected by the presented technique. The signal 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
response is the measured discontinuity size calculated from 101 101
the difference of the measured time of the signal diffracted Size, a (mm)
from both discontinuity tips. Two datasets have been
obtained for different discontinuity lengths placed at 20 mm Figure 9. POD curve for the tests A and B.


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Drozdz, M.B., 2008, “Efficient Finite Element Modelling of Ultrasound
18.02, and 18.92, respectively. The other statistical model Waves in Elastic Media,” Ph.D. thesis, University of London, London,
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SERVICE directory

NDT/Inspection Operations Manager

Exceptional opportunity for a motivated individual in a rapidly growing business
environment. Due to expansion and growth in our Midwestern territory the QCTL
Division of Premium Inspection & Testing, Inc. is seeking an operations manager.
Candidates would be responsible for all aspects of multiple existing nondestructive
testing and inspection service line groups residing in multiple locations. This
includes P&L management, daily operations, customer satisfaction, account
retention and growth, budgets, profitability and talent management. This position
will oversee all operations to ensure quality, sustainability, and long-term growth
while cultivating exceptional service delivery and customer satisfaction. Travel will
be required and is estimated at approximately 30% of the time.
Education and Experience
• Degree preferred or equivalent experience
• 7+ years industry or operations experience
• 3+ years directly managing people or serving in a leadership capacity
• Experience with budgets and/or P&L management a plus
Additional Qualifications
• NDT Certifications in multiple methods a plus
• Strong communication, organizational, time management, and record keeping
• Ability to work in a heavily matrixed environment
• Ability to pass governmental background screening as required by Homeland
Security criteria and DOT drug and alcohol testing requirements
• Current driver’s license and acceptable driving record
• Basic understanding of computers, word process software and accounting
Premium Inspection & Testing. Inc. offers rapid advancement opportunities, comple-
tive wages and excellent benefits package to full-time employees including incentive
program, full insurance suite, PTO, 401K, paid holidays, educational assistance
reimbursement and more. Fugro USA Land, Inc.
Interested parties must send resumes to PITINC is an Equal 10831 Train Court
Opportunity Employer Houston, TX 77041


SERVICE directory


SERVICE directory


X-RAY Sales & Service
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246 Dodge Ave, E. Haven, CT 06512
Ph: (203) 466-2446, Email:


SERVICE directory
• Real Time & Digital Imaging Systems
• Portable & Stationary Equipment
• Cabinet X-Ray Systems
• Micro focus equipment
• Radiation safe rooms and cabinets
• Safety interlock switches
• Room alarms/portable warning units
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• X-Ray film and chemicals
• High intensity illuminators
• Dark room supplies
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246 Dodge Ave, East Haven, CT 06512
Ph: (203) 466-2446, Email:


SERVICE directory


AD index
March 2018
Bolded listings in the ad index below indicate platinum and gold advertisers.
coming Advanced OEM Solutions 333
attractıons AINDT 346

l The April issue of Materials American Aerospace Technology Academy 322
Evaluation is a special technical Applus 325
focus issue on the emerging Carestream 277
topic of the NDT of Additive Curtis Industries 307
Manufacturing. Ultrasonic
Doppler IBC
testing equipment will be
featured in the Product DÜRR NDT GmbH & Co. KG 285
Spotlight. Contact the adver- Eddyfi 279
tising supervisor to reserve Fujifilm IFC
your space today!
Guided Ultrasonics 273
l In May, Materials Evaluation Hellier 282
will publish research papers on Jesse Garant Metrology Center 301
Infrastructure NDT. Ground
Laser Technology 280
penetrating radar equipment
Lavender 303
will be featured in the Product
Spotlight. This issue also M2M 338
includes our semiannual Met-L-Chek 330
NDTMarketplace product guide MFE Enterprises 336
for the nondestructive testing
NDT Boot Camp 358
industry. Don’t miss your
chance to be included! Olympus BC
PCC Structurals 290
Looking for a low cost, highly
Physical Acoustics 335
visible advertising program?
Quality Testing 299
Consider placing a directory ad
in Materials Evaluation. Build Spec 321
product or service recognition Spectronics 274
with this popular program. Techna NDT 321
Technology Design 316
Use the Coming Attractions
information to help plan your Test Equipment Distributors 325
advertising schedule. Contact TecScan 294
the Advertising Supervisor at The Phased Array Company 333
(800) 222-2768 X209 or by
Thermo Fisher Scientific 351
email at
University of Ultrasonics 293
UniWest 305
Varex 309
Virtual Media Integration 295
Volume Graphics 327


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