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Lunch Time

March 2018 by Heather

My learning goals for this term are:
learning social skills such as sharing and turn taking.
Learning to communicate verbally

My Te Whariki goals are:

understanding oral language and using it for a range of purposes
using a range of strategies and skills to play and learn with others
showing respect for kaupapa, rules and the rights of others managing
myself and expressing my feelings and needs
keeping myself and others safe from harm

I put this puppet on my hand and started

making her talk to you Mays. You decided
that it was lunch time and that the puppet was hungry. A spoon and plate
were picked up and you pretended to mix some food. Then you blew on it
and put it to your mouth checking the temperature (just like I have seen
your mum do with you). the spoon was then
gently put in the puppets mouth with you
talking very gently telling her to eat and yum.
The puppet shut her mouth and you removed
the spoon and pretended to fill the spoon again
and repeated this over and over until you
decided the plate was empty. Then you went
and got a tissue and washed round the puppets mouth making sure it was
clean. It was so beautiful seeing you treat the puppet as if it was a real
person and showing such empathy and love.
Mays, I have also noticed you being so caring
and loving with all the children at centre
especially with the ones who are younger
than you. I have even seen you feed one of the
little children. I hope you never loose this
loving quality.
Your actions will be rewarded by Allah.
We will keep providing you with opportunities where you can help others
and share your love.

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