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Welcome to Dr. Mercola’s
EDITOR: Kate Hanley

GROUP PUBLISHER: Jeffrey Williams

Guide to Optimal Health & Nutrition
Hello, I’m Dr. Joseph Mercola. I’m board certi-
ART DIRECTOR: Michael Smith �ied in family practice, a fellow of the American
College of Nutrition and founder of mercola.com.
COVER DESIGN: Mandy Barrett
mandybdesign@gmail.com I'm passionate about helping people learn how
EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Maggie Cramer to take control of their own health.
MEDICAL REVIEWER: Dr. Joseph Mercola In these pages, you’ll discover the latest
— PUBLICATION SERVICES — medical findings and learn powerful strategies
DISTRIBUTION: Ingram Periodicals, that will help you make the most important
Curtis Circulation
health decision: what to eat.
CIRCULATION DIRECTOR: Richard Rhodes & Assoc.
rrhodes142@gmail.com I've been studying nutrition since I was in
BUSINESS OFFICE: OneSource Content Marketing medical school three decades ago, because
LLC, 401 E. 124th Ave, Thornton CO 80241

IMAGES COURTESY OF: fotolia, shutterstock,123rf

I've always known that your diet affects much
more than your weight or your looks—it cre-
BEFORE EMBARKING on any health-related ates either wellness or disease. This magazine
regimen, beginning any exercise program, tak-
ing any herbs, drugs or other health related is designed to give you the information and
items, seek the care and advice of a qualified
doctor or health professional.
inspiration you need to choose
Dr. Mercola’s Guide to Optimal Health & Nutri- foods that result in optimal
tion does not recommend, approve, or endorse
the products and/or services offered by compa- well-being.
nies advertising in this magazine nor do we eval-
uate any of the advertisers’ claims in any way.

The health content in Dr. Mercola’s Guide to Op- Your partner in health,
timal Health & Nutrition is intended to inform, not
prescribe, and is not meant to be a substitute
for the advice and care of a qualified healthcare
Dr. Mercola


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WHY DIET IS SO IMPORTANT............................ 4
Changes in the Food Supply ......................................... 6
The Rise of Dangerous Bacteria ..................................... 9
Chlorine, Irradiation and Pasteurization ......................... 10
The Standard American Diet (SAD) ............................... 12
How to Choose Healthful, Safe and Nutritious Food ........ 14
Resources for Buying Local, High-Quality Foods ............... 16

ASSESS YOUR SIX HEALTH FACTORS ......................... 18
Insulin and Leptin ..................................................................20
Vitamin D ............................................................................24
Ideal Weight and Waist Size ..................................................28
Blood Pressure .....................................................................30
Cholesterol ..........................................................................31
Uric Acid ............................................................................34

Healthy Fats ................................................. 37
Organic Vegetables ....................................... 42
Grass-Fed Beef .............................................. 46
Free-Range Chicken ....................................... 47
Organic, Pastured, Free-Range Eggs .................. 48


Sugars and Artificial Sweeteners ........................... 51

Grains ............................................................. 57
Fast Foods and Processed Foods ........................... 58
Soy ................................................................. 62
Pasteurized Dairy ............................................... 63
GMOs ............................................................ 64

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HEALTHY HYDRATION .................. 66
Problems With Tap Water ....................... 67 SECTION 6:
Filtered Water ......................................
Coconut Water and Vegetable Juice .........
SUPPLEMENTS ........ 76
Red Wine ........................................... 71 Vitamin D .................. 76
Tea .................................................... 72 Omega 3s ................ 78
Coffee ............................................... 73 Antioxidants .............. 80

STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS........................................ 82
Before You Eat ..................................................... 82
When You Eat ...................................................... 85
Why You Eat ....................................................... 88
How You Eat ....................................................... 89
After You Eat ........................................................ 91
Health and Nutrition Gadgets and Apps .................... 93
8 Tips for Making the Most of Your Grocery Trip ......... 95

APPENDIX ....................................112
Q&A WITH DR. MERCOLA ................ 96 The 10 Deadliest Nutrition Myths ......... 112
Cancer ............................................. 96 7 Food Swaps That Will Make
Gut Health, Inflammation You Healthier ................................... 120
and Immunity ..................................... 99 Shopping List ................................... 126
Omega 3s ...................................... 102 Healthy Chocolate Candy Recipe ........ 128
Natural and Artificial Sugars ............... 104 Resources ........................................ 130
Tap Water ....................................... 107 Learning to Listen to Your Body ............. 132
Food and Nutrition ............................ 107 INDEX .............................................. 133

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IMPORTANT “Diet is responsible for

80 percent of health – only 20
percent is exercise.”

I’m guessing you picked up this magazine because you

are excited about improving your health and/or that
of your loved ones. Allow me to congratulate you on
focusing your efforts on nutrition. Although fitness is a
key component of health, diet is responsible for 80 per-
cent of your health, while exercise only contributes about
20 percent. That’s why you may have noticed that when you
went on an exercise streak in the past—but didn’t modify
your diet—your overall health, including your weight, didn’t
change much.
The simple fact is that what you put in your mouth has a pro-
foundly powerful impact on your body. Food provides your body
with the essential building blocks it needs to become healthy: If your
building blocks are of poor quality, so is your health. The National
Institutes of Health (NIH) even states that four of the six leading causes
4 of death in the United States are linked to unhealthy diets.

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Changes in the
Food Supply
It’s becoming harder to find high-caliber food. Today, well over 50 percent of
the food you eat is produced by factory farming—and small local farms, many
of which grow organically, are disappearing in America. We've reached a mile-
stone: The number of people in prison in the United States has surpassed the
number of farmers.
Modern food manufacturing has had a devastating effect on the quality of
your food. Soil depletion is a direct result of modern agricultural practices,
which has led to crops containing far fewer nutrients.

There are also large-scale environmental costs of modern farm practices.

These include:

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decline in Negative impact on Loss of water Agricultural Large emission
nutrient density soil quality through quality through pesticide of greenhouse
of 43 garden such factors as nitrogen and contamination to gases, including
crops, primarily erosion, compaction, phosphorus streams, ground carbon dioxide
vegetables, pesticide application, contamination in water and wells, and and nitrous oxide.
which suggests soil and beneficial rivers, streams safety concerns to
possible tradeoffs microbe depletion, and ground water. agricultural workers
between yield and and excessive who use them.
nutrient content. fertilization.

When evaluating food and nutrition,

it's imperative to understand how
Where animals once fed on green pastures, and their waste
helped that pasture to grow, we now have animals feeding on little nutrition processed foods
factory feedlots, with nowhere for their waste to go. Industrial actually provide. Most of the ultra-
agriculture also raises concerns about the welfare of farm ani- processed foods that grocery stores
mals and the farmers themselves. Farmers' net farm income
has remained stagnant for the last four decades, and more sell are made from ingredients that
than 50 percent of US farmers must supplement their income are grown in low-nutrient, pesticide-
with additional jobs during the off-season. laden soils.

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Did you know that the meat in one single hamburger could have come
from hundreds of different animals, from many different parts of the world?
It may also surprise you to learn that Chinese-raised fish, which are com-
monly sold in US supermarkets, are often fed a diet of chicken waste and
human waste.
These are just a few examples of the steep problems our global food sys-
tem poses to food safety. When you delve deeper into the world of the food
industry, it becomes

IT’S NOT JUST QUALITY clear that eating

much of its prod-
ucts is like playing

a game of Russian
roulette with your


Now, one batch of contaminated spinach or peppers can
easily sicken people across the entire country. And if you
get sick from eating a hamburger, the fact that the contami-
nated meat may have come from hundreds of different places
makes quickly tracking down the culprit nearly impossible.

When food is produced and distributed on such a massive scale,

contamination occurs on a massive scale as well. Unfortunately,
the industry’s answers to making your food safe are only
contributing to the problems.

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In areas where animal agricul-
ture is most concentrated, the
bacteria p�iesteria is common
in waterways. In fact, agricul-
ture runoff is the primary rea-
son why 60 percent of US rivers
and streams are polluted.
Further, raising animals
away from their natural envi-
ronments and diets actually in-
creases their risk of passing on
a dangerous infection to you.
For instance, most cows are
fed grains, while their natural
diet is grass. Grain diets create
a much higher level of acid-
ity in the animal’s stomach,
which promotes the growth of
potentially dangerous E. coli
bacteria that can harm you or
your family.
Despite this, there is no
federal requirement for meat
grinders to test their ingredi-
ents for E. coli prior to selling
them. And most retailers do
not test either. In August 2008,
the USDA issued a guideline
urging meat processors to test
EVEN THE their ingredients before grind-
ing. But the guideline is vol-
WASHINGTON POST STATES: untary and has been met with
“The concentrated produc- strong opposition from the
tion techniques that go with meat industry.
Big Food can help propagate So not only is your meat
pathogens. The crowded chick- being raised in ways that are
en houses, pig farms and cattle widely known to encourage
feedlots that produce most of disease-causing organisms, but
the meat eaten in America are there is also little to no test-
viewed by scientists as poten- ing being done to confirm the
tial breeding grounds for dan- meat is safe before it reaches
gerous bacteria and viruses.” your dinner plate.

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The Government’s
Answers to Food Safety
Unfortunately, rather than In fact, the US government
focusing on the root cause of allows food producers to
the problem—which is the irradiate fresh spinach and
poor conditions in which most iceberg lettuce in order to
food is grown and raised— kill organisms like E. coli and
regulators seek to mask it with salmonella, at the expense of
chemicals and other unhealthy nutrients.
“food safety” practices.


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This way, agribusiness can And if it’s not irradiation, Your produce, including let-
continue to grow and process it's pasteurization to make tuce, baby carrots and many
spinach and lettuce in the filth- your food "safe." In reality, other varieties, is also washed
iest conditions imaginable, and pasteurization turns a nor- in toxic chlorine to kill bacte-
it will still be perfectly “safe” mally healthy food (assuming ria, simply trading one toxin
for you to eat, thanks to vary- it’s raised in a healthy envi- for another. These technologi-
ing doses of radiation. ronment), raw dairy, into one cal solutions are like trying to
that causes health problems fix a leaky tire with a Band-
for the vast majority of people Aid®. At best, they will only
who consume it. prolong the problem, and at
worst they could be deadly.

The real solution to creating healthier, safer

foods lies in cleaning up the growing condi-
tions and processing plants, and most certainly
in returning farming to a small-scale basis.

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How Government Policies Promote

The Standard American Diet (SAD)
The US government subsidizes the
very crops identified as being the
most harmful to your health and
the environment: corn, wheat and
soy, amongst others. And nearly all
of the corn and soybeans grown in
the US are genetically engineered
varieties created to withstand her-
bicides like Roundup® (glyphosate).
That means farmers can douse
these crops in Roundup without
killing them, thus exposing you and
your family to heavy amounts of
this dangerous, untested chemical.

By subsidizing these crops, the

US government is actively sup-
porting a food supply that consists
of these grains in their processed
form—namely high-fructose corn
syrup (HFCS) and hydrogenated
soybean oil—which are now well-
known contributors to obesity and
chronic disease. These junk-food
subsidies make it far cheaper to
buy a burger, fries and soda from
a fast-food restaurant than to buy
grass-fed beef and organic veggies.
It’s not that these foods necessar-
ily cost more to grow or produce;
rather the prices for the junk
foods are being artificially reduced
by the government.


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US further
promotes the
use of HFCS in food
manufacturing by
imposing import
tariffs on foreign

The US
government has
repeatedly refused to
take any action
to label genetically
engineered foods, despite
public support and There is a ray of hope, but
demand for it hasn’t come from our
labeling. elected officials:
When the dangers of HFCS
The finally began to seep into the
US Food and Drug American consciousness,
Administration (FDA) has decreased consumer de-
harassed, raided and shut mand forced many compa-
down small farms producing nies to reformulate their
processed foods using

healthful organic and raw foods,
other types of sweeteners,
such as raw dairy and cheese, along or ditching sweetening
with private co-ops procuring agents altogether. Today,
and delivering such foods you can find a number of
to health-conscious food products marked “No
customers. HFCS,” but government inter-
vention had nothing to do with
this beneficial change.


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How to Choose Healthful,

Safe and Nutritious Food
“If you want to optimize
your health, you simply
must return to the basics
of healthy food choices;
typically this includes
buying your food from
responsible, high-quality,
sustainable sources.”

Buying organic is one simple and easy way to help ensure that your food is
safe. The largest study conducted on organic food confirmed that organi-
cally grown foods are healthier for you. It’s a fact.






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I encourage you to seek out organic foods as much as possi-
ble, but just know it is not always failsafe. Big corporations are
increasingly taking over organic labels, and when big business
dips their hands into a project, they are looking to maximize their
profits by turning out the largest amount of product for the least
expense. If this means sacrificing some ethics and skimping on
some quality, that is often exactly what is done.
As a result, you now have to be very wary when you see the
term “organic,” as it doesn’t always mean that the food is any bet-
ter for you or the environment. For example, Promiseland, which
has sold thousands of cows to dairy farms owned by Dean Foods
(Horizon Organic) and others, has been accused of misrepresent-
ing the organic label, including not feeding
organic grain to their cattle, selling fraudu-
lent organic feed and “laundering” conven-
tional cattle as organic.

But Local and You can start making better food

Sustainable choices today by buying from your
local farmers and suppliers.
are Better When you buy locally, you'll receive nutri-
tious food from a source that you can trust,
and you’ll be supporting the honest work of
a hard working family farmer instead of an
agri-business corporation.
Changing your shopping patterns by sup-
porting local agriculture helps everyone—
you and your family, small family farmers,
our rural communities and the environment
at large.

So, please, make it a point

to buy as much food as you
can from farmers' markets
or directly from the
farms themselves.

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While I realize that not everyone
has access to small farms, food from
local sources is increasing in popu-
larity and is becoming much easier
to come by.
The following resources can help
you find and connect with restau-
rants serving local food, farms and
farm stores, farmers' markets, CSA

(Community Supported Agriculture)

programs and more in your area. That
way, you can obtain and enjoy whole-
some food that supports you and the


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 16 1/19/15 12:15 PM

a free online directory (CISA)
to restaurants, gro-
Using their interactive
cery stores, B&Bs and CISA is dedicated to sus- “Find Good Food” map,
other outlets offering taining agriculture and you can �ind listings for
locally and sustainably promoting the products local farms, CSAs and
raised foods throughout of small farms, and their markets near you so you
the United States and website offers a search- can enjoy the freshest,
Canada. able farm guide. tastiest food possible.



Find the farmers' This website will help
markets nearest you, This foundation, dedicat- you �ind farmers’ mar-
whether you're at home ed to restoring nutrient- kets, family farms, CSA
or traveling, with this dense traditional foods programs and other
national listing. to the human diet, sells a sources of sustainably
helpful annual Shopping grown food in your area.
brand names and groups
them into categories,
including "best," "good"
and "avoid."



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One of the major principles I strongly em-
brace is to listen to your body and adjust
your wellness program based on the feed-
back it provides you. However, it is really
nice to have outside, objective benchmarks
to help monitor your progress—tools that
have been shown through many years of
study to be highly correlated to reduced risk
of disease.

There are six time-tested, clinically proven gauges of health that

you can use to determine your own level of well-being.
These six factors are your
signs on the road to optimal
wellness. Determine the sta- Factor #1 : Insulin and Leptin
tus of these proven markers
of health now, and you’ll be
able to track your success
on my nutrition plan. When Factor #2 : VITAMIN D
you see these measures start
to change, you’ll feel com-
fortable, confident and psy-
chologically ready to take
continually better care of
Factor #3 : Ideal Weight and Waist Size
yourself, because you’ll know
that your indicators of health
are in their optimal range,
and your body will be able to Factor #4 : Blood Pressure
support you in whatever en-
deavor you choose.

They are: Factor #5 : Cholesterol

Factor #6 : Uric Acid


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The �irst factor is insulin, a hor-
mone produced in your pan-
creas that regulates the amount PARTNER, LEPTIN
of sugar in your blood. Insulin
is absolutely essential to stay- Equally important to insulin
ing alive, but the sad fact is that is leptin. Just like insulin,
most of you reading this have the hormone leptin has been
too much. That means you've implicated in a vast number
developed insulin and leptin of chronic diseases that are
resistance, which is pushing you typically associated with the
towards chronic degenerative aging process.
illness, and increasing the rate at Leptin is produced by your
which you age. fat cells and tells your body
Most adults have about one whether more energy is need-
gallon of blood in their bodies, ed (thereby controlling your
and are quite surprised to learn appetite) and what to do with
that in that gallon there is only the energy available. Leptin
one teaspoon of sugar. If your also largely in�luences, if not
blood sugar level were to rise controls, the functions of the
to one tablespoon of sugar, you hypothalamus in your brain,
would quickly go into a hypergly- which impacts your reproduc-
cemic coma and could likely die. tion, thyroid function, adre-
Your body works very hard to nal function and sympathetic
prevent this by producing insulin nervous system.
to keep your blood sugar from Just like with your insulin
spiking dangerously. Any meal levels, if your leptin levels
or snack high in grain and sugar become elevated, due to
carbohydrates typically gener- leptin resistance, you will
ates a rapid rise in your blood have metabolic disruptions.
glucose. To compensate for this, your pancreas secretes insulin These interruptions most
into your bloodstream, which lowers your blood sugar. often take the form of ex-
However, if you consume a diet consistently high in sugar and cess weight, because leptin
grains, over time your body’s insulin receptors become “sensi- resistance contributes to an
tized” to insulin and require more and more insulin to get the increase in the visceral fat
job done. Eventually, you become insulin and leptin resistant. your body produces.
If you don’t change your diet, you’ll likely also become diabetic
and have a far higher risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and

Even worse, high insulin levels suppress two other important

hormones—glucagons and growth hormones—that are respon-
sible for burning fat and sugar and promoting muscle develop-
ment, respectively. So insulin from excess carbohydrates pro-
motes fat, and then wards off the body’s ability to lose that fat.


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Simply put, here’s how you
become leptin resistant:

Perhaps the Most
Important Factor in Weight
and Health You Likely
Know Nothing About
Written by my colleague
Ron Rosedale, M.D.

Prior to leptin’s discovery, fat

was viewed as strictly an ugly
energy storage depot that most
everyone was trying to get rid
When you’re leptin resistant,
of. After it was discovered that
fat produced the hormone
your body no longer hears its own
leptin (and it was subsequently signals to stop eating, burn fat or
revealed that fat produced other pass up sugary foods. The result?
very significant hormones), You stay hungry, you crave sweets
fat started to be viewed as and your body stores even more fat.
an endocrine organ like your As your body routinely stores
ovaries, pancreas and pituitary, this much excess visceral fat, you
influencing the rest of your body increase your risk for high blood
and, in particular, your brain. pressure, high cholesterol, vascu-
Leptin, as far as science
currently knows, is the most
lar disease, atherosclerosis (hard-
powerful regulator that tells your ening of your arteries) and an
brain what to do about your increased thickness in the walls of
life’s two main biological goals: your heart.
eating and reproduction. Your fat, If you have high cholesterol,
by way of leptin, tells your brain high blood pressure, type 2 diabe-
whether you should be hungry, tes or are overweight, it is highly
eat and make more fat; whether likely that, like most people,
you should reproduce and make you are simply eating too many
babies; or (partly by controlling
insulin) whether to “hunker down”
grains—yes, even unrefined,
and work overtime to maintain organic, stone-ground, sprouted
and repair yourself. whole grains—as doing so is one
In short, leptin is the way of the most common culprits for
that your fat stores speak to causing your insulin and leptin
your brain to let it know how levels to become abnormal.
much energy is available and,
very importantly, what to do
with it. Therefore, leptin may
be “on top of the food chain”
in metabolic importance and
relevance to disease.


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To find out your insulin and leptin
levels, you need to get tested by
your doctor. Ask for a fasting blood
insulin and leptin test. The tests are
done by just about every commer-
cial laboratory, and the insulin test
is relatively inexpensive.

Facts About Your Fasting Insulin Test:

“Insulin resistance itself

is not a disease, but if
it’s left unchecked, it can
create problems that
lead to virtually every
chronic disease known
to man.”



Like with many health problems,

insulin resistance affects dif-
ferent people in different ways.
Blood tests may only diagnose
the problem in the later stages,
but the symptoms may have be-
gun years earlier.

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1 Increased fat storage and weight 6 Sleepiness
This is a list of some of the
In males, a large abdomen Immediate drowsiness (or
is the typical sign of insulin rebound hypoglycemia) most common complaints
resistance. In females, typically occurs after a of people with insulin
it’s prominent buttocks, pasta meal, but it can even
frequently accompanied occur after a meat meal that resistance. Many symptoms
by “chipmunk cheeks.” includes bread or potatoes occur immediately following
and a sweet dessert.
2 Fatigue a meal of carbohydrates,
7 Increased triglycerides and others are constant.
Whether you call it fatigue
or exhaustion, the most High triglycerides in the Keep in mind that these
common feature of insulin blood are typically the symptoms may also be
resistance is that it wears result of excessive refined
people out. Some are carbohydrates from your related to other problems.
tired just in the morning diet. In my experience,
or afternoon; others are fasting triglyceride levels
exhausted all day. over 100 may be an indi-
cation of a carbohydrate
3 Brain fogginess problem, even though
100 is in the so-called
Sometimes the fatigue “normal” range.
of insulin resistance is
mental (as opposed to 8 Increased BLOOD PRESSURE
physiological); the inability
to concentrate is the most It is possible that most
evident symptom. Loss of people with hypertension
creativity, poor memory, have excessive insulin.
and failing or poor grades It is often possible to
in school often accompany show a direct relationship
insulin resistance, as between your level of
do various forms of insulin resistance and
learning disabilities. your blood pressure. It is possible, although
unlikely, that many of
4 Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia 9 DEPRESSION these symptoms can be
Feeling jittery, agitated and One of the ways carbo- found in someone who
moody is common for those hydrates change your brain tolerates carbohydrates
with insulin resistance, with chemistry is by increasing quite well. Insulin resis-
an almost immediate relief serotonin, which produces a
tance sufferers may have
once food is eaten. This is depressing or sleepy feeling.
Therefore, insulin resistance other symptoms as well,
also known as hypoglycemia
or low blood sugar, which may present itself as a such as high blood pres-
is a consequence of insulin vague sense of sadness. sure, high cholesterol
resistance. Dizziness and diabetes. However,
is also common, as is 10 ADDICTIONS when a person with this
the craving for sweets,
Insulin resistance is also problem finally lowers
chocolate or caffeine.
These bouts occur more
prevalent in persons carbohydrate intake to
addicted to alcohol, tolerable levels, many
frequently before meals or
caffeine, cigarettes or other
first thing in the morning. drugs. Often, the drug is the if not most of the other
secondary problem, with symptoms may disap-
5 Intestinal bloating insulin resistance being the pear. With the stress of
primary one. Treating this
Most intestinal gas is primary problem should
insulin resistance elimi-
produced from dietary obviously be a major nated, the body is finally
carbohydrates. Insulin focus of any therapy. able to correct many of
resistance sufferers who eat its own problems.
carbohydrates may suffer
from gas—lots of it.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 23 1/19/15 3:26 PM



Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” has been asso-
ciated with a surprising number of health benefits. Once linked
only to bone diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis, this
potent neuroregulatory steroidal hormone is now recognized as
a major player in overall human health.

Vitamin D
has been found to:
≠ Strengthen your bones

≠ Radically reduce your risk of heart

disease and stroke

≠ Lower your risk of diabetes

≠ Lower your risk of cancer by as

much as 50%

≠ Reduce your risk of autoimmune

diseases like multiple sclerosis and
inflammatory bowel disease

There are 25,000 genes in your

body, and vitamin D has been
shown to influence about 10
percent of them. That is  one of
the primary reasons it is a factor
in so many diseases and other
health issues (as seen in the table
at right).


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I can’t think of another nu-
trient that so many people are
deficient in that has the potential
to prevent diseases that claim
nearly one million lives through-
out the world each year—includ- How Do You Know If You’re
ing 600,000 cases of breast and
colorectal cancers!
Getting The Right Amount
What's more, this is a nutrient of Vitamin D?
that you can get for FREE, simply
by doing something that inher- While I don’t normally recommend
ently feels great to most of us: you run out to see your doctor,
letting the sun shine sensibly on it is important to get your vita-
your bare skin. Through most of min D levels tested, because like
human history, sunlight was the blood pressure and blood sugar it
primary source of vitamin D. Then is simply impossible for most to
doctors and dermatologists start- know their levels without testing.
ed advocating never going outside Be sure when you do so that you
without wearing sunscreen—a ask your doctor for the correct
primary factor in the low levels of test, which is 25(OH)D, also called
vitamin D now so prevalent in our 25-hydroxyvitamin D. You can also
population. order the test without a doctor’s
order at grassrootshealth.net.

Is Your Hometown Harming The  OPTIMAL level of vitamin D you’re

Your Vitamin D Levels? looking for is around 50-65 ng/ml.
If you live in the United States in Though it may seem inconvenient
an area where you are regularly to go out and get a blood test done,
shoveling snow in winter and unable then continue to have your vitamin
to go outside without a heavy sweater D level monitored as you increase
or coat for months at a time, or find your sun exposure or supplementa-
yourself looking up at yet another tion, I can confidently say that it is
gray, cloudy sky, your vitamin D levels one of the most important things
are probably too low. you can do for your health.
By the end of winter, when many
of you have been cooped up inside
for months, your vitamin D stores
from summer (IF you even had any)
will have long since been used up.
Vitamin D is stored in your blood for
a few weeks and in your fat for just
a few months. This is why so many
Americans are running on fumes
when it comes to vitamin D, even
more so during the late winter and


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 25 1/19/15 12:19 PM


When you get your results, if they’re not in the

optimal range (50-65 ng/ml) then make it your
priority to get them there by:
Getting sensible sun exposure
(without sunscreen): Exposing
your skin to sunlight is the best
way to get vitamin D. As a general
rule, about 60 percent of your skin
should be exposed. (Just don’t get
burned!) If you’re able to get out in
the sun for an adequate time peri-
od each day, your vitamin D levels
should be naturally optimized.
Using a tanning bed: Because
most of us struggle with getting
enough vitamin D in the winter,
I also advise using a tanning bed
safely, to help your body produce
vitamin D naturally. Use a tanning
bed with electronic—not mag-
netic—ballasts that emits a mix
of UVA and UVB rays (since only
UVBs trigger the production of
vitamin D).

Taking a high quality supple-

ment: The most important thing

to keep in mind if you opt for oral

supplementation is that you only
want to supplement with natural
vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). I
recommend avoiding the synthetic
form of the vitamin, D2, sometimes
called vegetarian vitamin D.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 26 1/19/15 12:20 PM

How Much Vitamin D is Enough?

While federal officials have resisted increasing

the daily recommended level of vitamin D out of
fears of overdose toxicity, increasing evidence
suggests that the currently recommended intake
levels are not adequate to prevent the serious
diseases linked to low vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D Dose Recommendations

35 units per pound

2500 units WARNING:

5000 units
There is no way to know if the
8000 units recommendations given here are
suffcient to bring your levels of
vitamin D to a healthy range. The
ONLY way to know is to test your
blood. You might need four to five
times the amount recommended
in order to reach the ideal blood
level of 60ng/ml. If you do decide
to take high-dose vitamin D3, it
would be wise to also take vitamin
K2, as it has a powerful synergy
with vitamin D and helps prevent
any toxicity.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 27 1/19/15 12:21 PM



Unfortunately, two out of three
people in the US are overweight
and one out of three is obese,
and the rest of the world is not
far behind. It has been my expe-
rience that many people are in
denial about being overweight.
One effective, inexpensive
and simple method to de-
termine if you have a weight
problem is to use waist to hip
ratio. Measure the circumfer-
ence of your hips at the widest This calculation is better than
part across your buttocks, then BMI (body mass index), which
measure the distance around fails to factor in how muscular
the smallest area below the rib you are, and is also the best
cage and above the umbilicus indicator of intra-abdominal
(belly button). Divide your fat mass (the dangerous type of
waist measurement by your hip fat around your internal organs
measurement to get the ratio. strongly linked with type 2 dia-
betes, heart disease and nonal-
coholic fatty liver disease).
Don't Trust the Scale Your waist size is also a
powerful indicator of insulin
The typical bathroom scale sensitivity, as studies clearly
can’t differentiate between fat show that measuring your waist
loss and weight loss. If you’re size is one of the most power-
exercising more and your ful ways to predict your risk for
weight doesn’t change— diabetes.
because you lose fat and
gain muscle—it can be very
discouraging and make you
less likely to keep going.
If you’re not sure if you have a healthy waist
A better measure of your
overall health is your waist
circumference, a general guide is:
size. Take measurements
around the same time every FOR MEN, between 37 (94 cm) and FOR WOMEN, between 31.5 (80 cm)
day, typically in the morning 40 inches is overweight and more and 34.6 inches is typically overweight
before you’ve eaten. If you’re than 40 inches is obese and more than 34.6 inches is obese

using the scale and the

weight stays the same but
your tape measurement goes
down, you know you’re losing
belly fat. It’s a great way to
monitor your progress.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 28 1/19/15 12:21 PM

Body fat calipers are one of
the most trusted and accurate
ways to measure body fat.
Your Body Fat A skinfold caliper is a light-
weight, hand-held device that
Percentage Matters, Too quickly and easily measures
the thickness of a fold of your
The other tool, which many There are a few simple tools skin with its underlying layer
experts are now leaning you can use to help determine of fat. Taken at three very spe-
toward as the most accurate your body fat percentage. cific locations on your body,
measure of obesity, is body None of them are perfect, but these readings can help you
fat percentage. As it sounds, when you use them over time, estimate the total percent of
this is simply the percentage they will certainly tell you if fat within your entire body.
of fat your body contains, and you are moving in the right
it can be a powerful indicator direction.
of your health. Excessive body The first is a digital scale
fat has been strongly linked that determines body fat,
to chronic health problems which is what I personally use,
like heart disease, diabetes, such as an Eat Smart Precision
Alzheimer’s and cancer. Too Get Fit Body Fat Scale. Al-
little body fat is also problem- though many body fat measure-
atic and can cause your body ments can be inaccurate, they
to enter a catabolic state, are nearly all more telling than
where muscle protein is used BMI, and are particularly useful
as fuel. to determine whether you are
Another option is to go
online and view pictures of
individuals that have had their
body fat measured. You can
see which picture most closely
reflects your reflection in the
mirror, and that will typically
be close to your body fat with-
in a few percentage points.

"Remember that it is FAR

better to monitor your
body fat percentage than
gaining or losing fat. Although
the absolute value may be off, it is your total weight, as
the direction you are moving body fat percentage is
(whether your body fat is going
up or down) will be relatively what dictates metabolic
accurate, and this is an incred- health or dysfunction."
ibly useful measure of whether
you’re nearing your health
goals or not.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 29 1/20/15 10:23 AM



Hypertension doesn't mean you
are very tense, rather it's the medi-
cal term given to high blood pres-
sure—a common problem about After you begin my nutrition plan and follow it for
one in three people experience. several months, if you don’t see an improvement in your
De�ined as blood pressure above blood pressure you need to seek out a health care profes-
120/80, hypertension is diagnosed sional who is well-versed in using stress-relief methods. A
by taking your blood pressure via progressively popular approach is energy psychology that
the familiar cuff. You can have this uses acupuncture principles and psychology. My personal
done at your doctor’s of�ice, or do favorite is the Emotional Freedom Technique.
it yourself with a home
blood pressure kit.
The traditional ap- What is the Emotional Freedom Technique?
proach to controlling
high blood pressure ›
The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is one of the most popular en-
is prescribing a drug. ergy psychology techniques, and one I highly recommend to optimize your
It’s a dream come true emotional health. Although it is still often overlooked, emotional health is
for drug companies, absolutely essential to your physical health and healing—no matter how de-
but it only addresses voted you are to the proper diet and lifestyle, you will not achieve your body's
the symptoms of the ideal healing and preventative powers if emotional barriers stand in your way.
disease not the cause.
Although elevated insu-

EFT is a form of psychological acupressure based on the same energy
meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ail-
lin levels are one of the ments for over five thousand years, but without the invasiveness of needles.
most common contrib- Instead, simple tapping with your fingertips is used to input kinetic energy
utors to elevated blood onto specific meridians on your head and chest while you think about your
pressure, it’s also com- specific problem—whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc.—
mon for stress, tension and voice positive affirmations.
or anxiety to contribute
to this problem. ›
This combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive af-
firmations works to clear the "short-circuit"—the emotional block—from your
Ideally your blood body's bioenergy system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance,
pressure should be which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.
about 120/80 without
medication. If you are ›
Some people are initially wary of the principles that EFT is based on: The
on medication, you will electromagnetic energy that flows through your body and helps regulate your
be delighted to know health is only recently becoming recognized in the West. Others are initially
taken aback by (and sometimes amused by) the EFT tapping and affirmation
that following the nutri-
tion advice I'll share in
the next sections of this ›
But keep in mind that it is more successful than any traditional or alternative

magazine tends to nor- method I have used or researched. Indeed, because of its very high rate
malize elevated blood of success, the use of EFT has spread rapidly, and medical practitioners
pressures in the vast employing EFT can now be found in every corner of the country and world.
majority of people. However, please be aware it is unwise to use EFT self-treatment for serious
disorders. For those conditions, I strongly encourage you to consult with the
tens of thousands of competent EFT practitioners available.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 30 1/19/15 1:59 PM

Most people are seriously confused about their choles-
terol levels. This is because too much emphasis is placed
on the importance of lowering cholesterol. The soft,
waxy substance is found not only in your bloodstream,
but also in every cell in your body, where it helps to Also making up your
produce cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and bile
acids that aid you in digesting fat. Cholesterol also helps total cholesterol count are:
in the formation of your memories and is vital for neu-
rological function.
According to conventional medicine, Elevated levels of this

there are two primary types: dangerous fat have been

linked to heart disease and
diabetes. Triglyceride levels
are known to rise from eating
too many grains and sugars,
being physically inactive,
Lipoprotein or HDL: smoking cigarettes, drinking
alcohol excessively and
This is the “good” cholesterol that being overweight or obese.
keeps cholesterol away from your
arteries and removes any excess
from arterial plaque, which may
help to prevent heart disease. Lipoprotein (a) or Lp(a):

Lp(a) is a substance that

Low-Density is made up of an LDL “bad
Lipoprotein or LDL: cholesterol” part plus a protein
(apoprotein a). Elevated Lp(a)
levels are a very strong risk
This “bad” cholesterol circulates
factor for heart disease. This
in your blood and, according to
has been well established, yet
conventional thinking, may build
very few physicians check for
up in your arteries, forming plaque
it in their patients.
that makes your arteries narrow
and less flexible (a condition called
atherosclerosis). If a clot forms in
one of these narrowed arteries A far more important pre-
leading to your heart or brain, a dictor of cardiovascular risk
heart attack or stroke may result. than your total cholesterol
level is actually the ratio of
good cholesterol (HDL) to total
cholesterol, along with the
ratio of triglycerides to HDL.
Please note that all of these
tests need to be done fasting
or the results will not be ac-
curate or predictive.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 31 1/19/15 12:23 PM


It is important to note that some clinicians actually obtain the

HDL/total cholesterol ratio by dividing the total cholesterol by
the HDL (total cholesterol/HDL). In this case, the numbers should
be lower. The cut-off point for a poor ratio would be any number
greater than 4, with greater than 10 having serious problems.
This number rarely drops below 2.

Your total cholesterol number

on its own will tell you
virtually nothing about your
risk of heart disease, unless
it is 330 or higher. The
following two percentages
are far more potent indicators
for heart disease risk:

HDL / Total Cholesterol Ratio:

Should be above 24 perecent.

Ideally your level should be 30
or higher. It rarely gets above 50,
but to the best of my knowledge,
the higher the number the better.
Levels below 10 percent are very
dangerous and usually indicate an
imminent cardiovascular problem.

Triglyceride / HDL Ratio:

Should be below 2. The higher this


number is, the worse your insulin

control may be.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 32 1/19/15 12:24 PM

There is a small subset of
individuals born with a ge-
netic condition called familial
hyper-cholesterolemia (about
one in 1,000 people), in which
their cholesterols are typically
around 350 or higher. While
the nutrition guidance pro-
vided in this magazine will
help to moderate their choles-
terol levels, they usually do not
normalize with a low insulin
program such as this.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 33 1/19/15 12:24 PM



that seniors with elevated uric

acid levels score lower on tests
of mental processing speed,
verbal memory and working
memory than those with nor-
mal levels, suggesting it may
play a role in dementia.
Because uric acid appears
to cause these health prob-
Uric acid lems once it reaches excessive
crystals amounts, I now recommend that
a uric acid level be a routine
Uric acid is a normal waste part of your blood screening.
material found in your blood. The ideal range for uric acid
It’s a byproduct of metaboliz- lies between 3 to 5.5 mg per
ing fructose, which the body dl. The higher your number,
processes very differently than the more diligent you should
other sugars and, thus, is the be about limiting your fruc-
only sugar that forms uric acid. tose consumption.
High levels of uric acid are As a general health rule, I
associated with high blood recommend limiting your total
pressure, excess weight, kid- fructose consumption to about
ney disease and gout, a type of 25 grams per day, and that in-

painful arthritis and in�lamma- cludes fructose from fruit. The

tion that typically targets the 10 fruits containing the most
base of the big toe. Studies have fructose are (from highest to
shown that people with high lowest amount): dates, apples,
levels of uric acid in their blood persimmons, watermelons,
may have an increased risk of pears, raisins, grapes, mangos,
dying from heart disease, and dried apricots and dried figs.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 34 1/19/15 12:25 PM

However, if you have insu- gurts and yogurt drinks—near-
lin resistance, heart disease, ly all of which will exceed your
The ideal range for uric acid
cancer, high blood pressure or
elevated uric acid levels, you
daily fructose allotment in one
serving. To give you a point of
lies between 3 to 5.5 mg per dl.
may want to reduce down to 15 reference as to how much fruit The higher your number,
grams or less a day. This means and sweetener to consume in a
cutting out sodas, fruit juices, day, one banana and a teaspoon the more diligent you should
sugary coffee drinks, energy of honey will provide about 16
drinks, smoothie drinks, agave grams of fructose. (For more be about limiting your
syrup (which is up to 90 per- on the perils of fructose, please
cent fructose), sweetened yo- refer to Section 8.) fructose consumption.


Insulin and Leptin

Waist Measurement/
Body Fat Percentage
Blood Pressure
HDL/Total Cholesterol Ratio
Triglyceride/HDL Ratio
Vitamin D
Uric Acid



MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 35 1/19/15 2:01 PM


When you prioritize eating more of the
foods I cover in the pages to come, you’ll
give yourself more nutrients, feel fuller
longer, and naturally crowd out some of

the unhealthy options that may be taking

up too much room on your plate now.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 36 1/19/15 12:25 PM

Did you know that your brain belief that all saturated fat
is about 60 percent fat? So it will increase your risk of heart
should be no surprise that the disease. Folks, this is simply
fats you eat strongly in�luence another myth that has been
your level of brain function. harming your health for the last
This fact alone shows why fol- 65 years. They fooled me when
lowing a low-fat diet is not a I was growing up and they have
wise choice for most people. deceived many other health
While not all fats are cre- professionals, but you don’t
ated equal, many types of fat— have to be misled any longer.
namely saturated fats, which The truth is, healthy satu-
are found in animal products rated fats from high-quality,
such as butter, cheese, whole minimally processed animal
milk, cream, fatty meats and and vegetable sources can
some tropical plants and veg- provide a concentrated form
etable oils like coconut, palm of energy in your diet, and
and palm kernel—have been provide the building blocks for
given a bad rap. cell membranes and a variety
A misguided fallacy that of hormones and hormone-like
persists to this day is the substances.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 37 1/19/15 12:26 PM


When you eat healthy fats regu-

larly as part of your diet instead of
sugars and grains, they help your
body burn fat more efficiently.
Once you make the shift to fat-
burning from burning primarily
carbs, you can go longer without
feeling hungry or deprived. In
addition, fats act as carriers for
important fat-soluble vitamins A,
D, E and K. Dietary fats are also
needed for mineral absorption,
and for a host of other biological


Avocados, which are actually clas-
sified as a fruit, are rich in mono-
unsaturated fat. Personally, I eat a
whole avocado almost every day,
which I usually put in my salad.
This increases my healthy fat and
calorie intake without seriously
increasing my protein or carbo-
hydrate intake. Avocados are also
very high in potassium and will
help balance your vitally impor-
tant potassium to sodium ratio.

Even better, avocados are one of the safest fruits you

can buy conventionally grown. Their thick skin protects
the inner fruit from pesticides, so there’s no real need to

spend extra money on organic avocados.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 38 1/19/15 12:27 PM

Nuts are a good source of protein
for vegetarians and meat-eaters
alike, as long as they aren't eaten
in excess. The reason for modera-
tion is that, except for walnuts, al-
most all nuts are heavy in omega-6
fats and can upset the omega-6/
omega-3 ratio. The average Ameri-
can has an omega 6:3 ratio of 15:1.
It should be 1:1.

Be cautious about the quantity of nuts you eat,

especially if you suffer from high blood pressure,
excess weight, high cholesterol or diabetes.
My personal favorite kinds of
nuts are pecans and macadamia,
as they are relatively low in pro-
tein. If you overeat nuts, you can
easily consume too much protein.
I normally avoid peanuts—which
are actually a legume and not a
nut—because they are one of the The Best Way to Eat Flax Seeds
most pesticide-laden foods you
can eat. Most peanuts are also THE BEST WAY TO OBTAIN FLAX IS NOT FROM THE OIL
contaminated with aflatoxin, a BUT TO GRIND FRESH ORGANIC FLAX SEEDS. A COFFEE
Seeds are similar to nuts in that
they are relatively high in omega-6
fats. Two exceptions are flax seeds SEEDS AND OBTAIN THE FRESHEST (I.E., LEAST OXIDIZED
and chia seeds, which are higher in AND DAMAGED) FATS. THEN SPRINKLE THE SEEDS OVER
the desirable omega-3 fats. SALADS AND SOUPS OR STIR INTO JUICES.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 39 1/19/15 12:27 PM


Coconut oil is a gem among satu-
rated fats, with many health ben-
efits. One of the explanations for
its broad health applications is
because it's rich in lauric acid,
which converts in your body to
monolaurin—a compound also
found in breast milk that strength-
ens a baby's immunity.
Its medium-chain fatty acids or
triglycerides (MCTs) also impart a
number of health benefits, includ-
ing raising your body's metabolism
and fighting off pathogens such as
viruses, bacteria and fungi. Capric
acid, another coconut fatty acid
present in smaller amounts, is an-
other antimicrobial component.
Coconut oil is also excellent for
your thyroid and is useful for so
many women who struggle with
hypothyroidism. Additionally, it
has recently been discovered that
coconut oil may even serve as a
natural treatment for Alzheimer's
disease, as MCTs are a primary
source of ketone bodies, which act
as an alternate source of brain fuel
that can help prevent the brain
atrophy associated with dementia.

Numerous studies have also found that the medium-chain fatty acids
(MCTs) found in coconut oil promote weight loss.
You always want to make sure
you're using organic, virgin, un-
processed coconut oil and avoiding

the refined kind, as the processing

eliminates many of the healthful
fatty acids. I recommend you use
it for all your cooking needs, in
lieu of other cooking oils, as it can
withstand high temperatures with-
out degrading.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 40 1/19/15 12:28 PM

If you only eat one organic food,
butter would be a wise choice.
Why? Because it's a highly concen-
trated form of milk. It's not uncom-
mon for non-organic butter to have
up to 20 times the level of pes-
ticides of non-organic fruits and
vegetables. I also recommend you
find a source of raw butter from a
trusted local organic farmer, as this
is the best type of butter to have.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 41 1/19/15 12:28 PM



Nearly every health authority,
I recommend that all of your vegetables be even conventional doctors, rec-
organic and preferably locally grown. Organic ommend six to eight servings
vegetable varieties will decrease your expo- of vegetables and fruits per
sure to dangerous pesticides and increase your day, but very few of us actually
nutrient intake, as they have been scienti�ically get that. Juicing is a simple and
proven to contain as much as two to �ive times easy way to virtually guarantee
more essential nutrients than non-organic that you will reach your daily
vegetables. Most people agree that they also target for vegetables.
taste much better. It is important to remember, I first became excited about
though, that nearly any non-organic vegetable juicing when I treated a pa-
is better than no vegetable at all. tient who was in her 60s but
looked like she was in her
40s. She attributed most of
her youthful appearance to
juicing. I decided to try it and
have been juicing more or less
regularly ever since. I typically
juice every day and consume
from a pint to a quart of green
juice daily.



MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 42 1/19/15 12:29 PM

If you don’t enjoy the taste of juice, or feel any level of upset
stomach after you consume it, try adding a source of raw fat into
your juice. Raw cream, raw butter, raw organic and pastured eggs,
avocado, coconut butter or freshly ground organic �lax or hemp
seeds are the sources of raw fat that I most recommend. You may
also �ind that adding some of the vegetable pulp into your juice may
make drinking the juiced veg-
etables more satisfying for you.
Ideally, you'll want to strive
for a full quart of vegetable Jazzing Up the Taste of Green Juice
juice a day, split up between
once, to save time, then store it AND BLADDER.
properly (pour your juice into
tion) and drink it throughout
the day.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 43 1/19/15 12:29 PM


Sprouts are one of the most
nutrient-dense foods you can
add to your diet. They are an
authentic “super” food that
many overlook. In addition
to their nutritional profile,
sprouts are also easy and fun
to grow in your own home, as
they don’t require an outdoor
"Sprouts can contain garden.
Sunflower seed and pea
up to 39 times the sprouts top the list of the
types of seeds you can sprout,
nutrition of organic and are typically each about
vegetables grown in 30 times more nutritious than
organic vegetables. Sunflower
your own garden." sprouts are my favorite, and I
have them nearly every day.




MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 44 1/19/15 12:30 PM

The more I study health, the more I have come to appreciate
how crucially important the bacteria in your gut are. Ferment-
ed foods are the most potent source of beneficial bacteria
that can help restore your gut health. They are also capable
of drawing out a wide range of toxins and heavy metals from
your body.



Cultured vegetables are teeming Best of all, many folks

with essential enzymes and beneficial enjoy the taste of ferment-
bacteria needed for optimal digestion, ed vegetables, which have
and they are easier to digest than raw a pleasantly salty-tart
or cooked vegetables. When you eat flavor, somewhat similar
raw cultured vegetables loaded with to vinegar. If you’ve never
nutrition, you give your body an op- eaten fermented foods,
portunity to rejuvenate itself. too large a portion may
provoke a healing crisis,
which occurs when the
probiotics kill off pathogens in your gut. When these pathogens die,
they release potent toxins. If you are new to fermented foods, you
should introduce them gradually, beginning with as little as one tea-
spoon of fermented vegetables with a meal. Observe your reactions
for a couple of days before proceeding with another small portion,
and increase your dose gradually, as tolerated.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 45 1/19/15 12:30 PM


The omega-3 level in grass-fed beef is seven
Free-range cattle and game are good percent of the total fat content, compared to just
sources of omega-3 fats. Sadly, wild one percent in grain-only-fed beef. Grass-fed beef
game is not readily available for most also contains a potent nutrient called conjugated
of us. Grass-fed beef or poultry are rea- linoleic acid, or CLA, which has been linked to
sonable alternatives. Range-fed poul- long-term weight management and health. The
try is available from most health food natural diet for ruminant animals, such as cattle,
stores or local organic chicken farmers. is grass. When left to feed on grass-only diets,
levels of CLA in cattle are three to five times more
than those fed grain.



The least expensive way

to obtain authentic grass-
fed beef is to find a local
rancher you can trust, and

buy directly from him.

Alternatively, you can now
purchase grass-fed beef
from organic ranchers
online, if you don’t have ac-
cess to a local source.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 46 1/19/15 12:30 PM

Chicken can be one of the healthiest forms
of animal protein you consume, and it is
the single largest source of animal protein
I eat. Your ideal chicken is pasture-raised
and exposed to loads of fresh grasses and
insects, and gets plenty of fresh air and
sun exposure. Of course, they don't get
any antibiotics or growth-accelerating

My favorite way to prepare a

chicken is to cook it whole for three
to four hours simmering in hot water,
the pot covered with a lid. The longer
you cook it the more the bones and
their minerals will dissolve into the
broth. I typically cook my chicken
long enough so the entire bird is
broken down and most of the colla-
gen and gylcosaminoglycans that are
so beneficial for cartilage health will
be readily available. About the only
things I don't eat are the bones.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 47 1/19/15 12:32 PM


Compared to official US Department of Agricul-
ture (USDA) nutrient data for commercial eggs,
eggs from hens raised on pasture contain:

These dramatically differing nutrient levels are

most likely the result of the differences in diet
between free-range, pastured hens and commer-
cially farmed hens. Organic eggs don't have to be
certi�ied by law, so if you are fortunate enough to
know someone who raises chickens and controls
the feed and conditions, those eggs are typically

better than organic store-bought eggs.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 48 1/19/15 12:33 PM

A hen that is let outside into a barren lot for a
few minutes a day but is fed a diet of corn, soy
and cottonseed meal, plus synthetic additives,
is NOT an organic, free-range hen, and will not
produce the same quality eggs as its forag-
ing counterpart. Likewise, a hen that is fed an
organic diet but never gets to go outside is also
NOT a true free-range hen, although it may cur-
rently slide through as an "organic" one.
The key to getting high-quality eggs is to
buy them locally, either from an organic farm
or farmers' market. To locate a free-range,
pasture farm, try asking your local health food
store or visiting your local farmers' market.

You can usually gauge the quality of the egg by the color of
its yolk. Organic, pastured eggs have deep yellow or orange
yolks, whereas commercially farmed eggs tend to have very
light-yellow colored yolks.
If you absolutely must purchase your eggs
from a commercial grocery store, look for
ones that are marked free-range and organic.
They're still going to originate from a mass-
production facility (so you'll want to be careful
about eating them raw), but it's about as good
as it gets if you can't find a local source.

"I strongly encourage you to AVOID ALL

omega-3 eggs, as they are some of the least
healthy for you. These eggs typically come
from chickens that are fed poor-quality
sources of omega-3 fats that are already
oxidized. Also, omega-3 eggs perish much
faster than non-omega-3 eggs."


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 49 1/19/15 12:33 PM


What you don’t feed
your body is just as
important as what you
do put in your mouth.
For true health, you
must eliminate or
drastically reduce your
consumption of the
following foods:


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 50 1/19/15 12:34 PM

If you eat a typical American diet that
consists primarily of processed foods
and sweets, you've likely trained your
hormone system to respond very aggres-
sively to sugar. As soon as anything sweet
hits your mouth, your body instantly
releases insulin. The release occurs even
when you don’t need it to, such as when
you're using low-calorie sweeteners and
are not eating sugar or grains, and that’s
not a good thing. Over time, your cells
will become desensitized to insulin (refer
back to Section 2 for more on the perils of
insulin resistance).
It all happens because you've devel-
oped a strong link between your taste
buds and your brain, making it difficult
for your brain to distinguish between
artificial sweeteners and the real thing.
You’re not eating sugar, but you still have
sweet cravings that will sabotage your
efforts to lose weight successfully and
improve your health.
Refined sugar can also cause a physi-
cal addiction. In fact, it has been found to
be far more addictive than cocaine—one
of the most addictive and harmful sub-
stances currently known. Intense sugar
cravings make it very difficult to choose
healthier foods. Thus, a sugar addition
sets you on a course for weight gain, insu-
lin resistance and chronic inflammation
—a perfect recipe for chronic disease.

Our typical sugar-rich diet generates excessive reward

signals in the brain. These biochemical reactions can
override normal self-control mechanisms and lead to a
very real addiction to sweets.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 51 1/19/15 12:34 PM



One of the most important things you can
do to break your physiological addiction to
sugar is to start intermittent fasting, which
will shift your body to fat-burning mode
and, over time, will dramatically reduce or
eliminate your sugar cravings. It’s a pow-
erful tool with nearly miraculous results.
Intermittent fasting helps your body learn
to burn fat as its primary fuel rather than
sugar, which helps heal conditions, such
as insulin resistance and obesity, that are
precursors to chronic disease. I discuss this
powerful strategy more in Section 7.
You also want to break the cycle of ad-
diction by re-educating your taste buds. To
do so, it is essential to AVOID ALL sugars,
sweets, and simple carbohydrates—includ-
ing fruit and grains—until your cravings for
them stop. This may take a few weeks or a
few months. I know this is a lot to ask, but
the good news is that once you've cleansed
your palate and healed your sugar addic-
tion, you can begin reintroducing fruits and
grains gradually—so long as your six fac-
tors of health stay in healthy ranges.

Place your focus on exploration and experimentation-try

cooking with new spices and eating new-to-you vegetables.
Whole foods typically taste much better after you modify
your body's response to sugar.
Energy psychology tools like the Emo-
tional Freedom Technique (EFT) can be
enormously helpful in kicking the sugar

habit if you find your cravings are hard

to resist. You can use EFT to successfully
treat a wide variety of emotional stresses,
including the food cravings and emotional
responses related to sugar and grains. For
more information, visit eft.mercola.com.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 52 1/19/15 12:35 PM

the dangers of
artificial sweeteners
Aspartame—known as NutraSweet
and Equal—is 180 times sweeter
than sugar. More than 6,000 products
containing aspartame are currently
sold in over 100 countries and are
consumed by over 250 million people

There have been more reports to the FDA for aspartame reactions
than for all other food additives combined. And, there are over
900 published studies on the health hazards of aspartame.
The most significant health risk
stems from the fact that its molecular
structure contains a methyl group
rapidly broken down to methanol, or
wood alcohol. Unlike nearly all ani-
mals, humans don’t have enzymes to
detoxify this group. That means it’s
easily transported, like a Trojan horse,
inside your cells and brain where
it can cause serious damage from
headaches to seizures and even brain
Additionally, consuming aspartame
can lead to an increase in dopamine lev-
els in your brain. This can distort your
serotonin/dopamine balance, leading
to symptoms of depression. It can cause
migraine headaches and brain tumors
through a similar mechanism.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 53 1/19/15 12:36 PM


Sucralose, which is sold under
the brand name Splenda, was ap-
proved by the FDA in 1998 as a
tabletop sweetener and for use
in products such as baked goods,
nonalcoholic beverages, chewing
gum, frozen dairy desserts, fruit
juices and gelatins. It’s also per-
mitted as a general-purpose sweet-
ener for all processed foods.
This approval came after the
FDA supposedly reviewed more
than 110 animal and human safety
studies. It’s important to note,
though, that out of these 110 stud-
ies, only two were conducted with
human subjects. And, the longest
study only lasted four days.




MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 54 1/19/15 12:37 PM


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 55 1/20/15 12:25 PM


Truth be told, most people opt for art-
ificial sweeteners over regular sugar not
because they taste so good but because
they contain zero calories. However,
the belief that eating artificially sweet-
ened foods and drinking artificially
sweetened beverages will help you lose
weight is a carefully orchestrated de-
ception. If you are still opting for diet
choices for this reason, you are being
sorely misled.
In reality, these diet foods and drinks
ruin your body's ability to “count” calo-
ries, thus boosting your inclination to
overindulge. Unfortunately, many public
health agencies and registered dietitians in
the United States recommend these toxic
artificial sweeteners as an acceptable alter-
native to sugar, which is at best confusing
and at worst harming the health of those
who take their misguided advice.



When you add up all the evidence, there

is really NO reason to consume these dan-
gerous artificial substances.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 56 1/20/15 11:55 AM

I believe that most people's
health is improved by avoiding
all grains—particularly if you are
overweight. They trigger your
body to release insulin, and we’ve
already addressed how important
it is to regulate your body’s insulin


Corn is a grain, not a vegetable. Corn and corn products—including
corn chips and popcorn—are often difficult to digest. They can also
contain mold toxins. One in three people are allergic to mold, and
even small amounts of exposure to these mycotoxins (fungal toxins)
can cause a range of health problems, including cancer, heart disease,
asthma, multiple sclerosis and diabetes. Avoid all foods with corn
listed in the first five ingredients.
Additionally and importantly, nearly all corn products in the Ameri-
can market contain genetically modified (GM) corn: I discuss the
perils of GM foods in just a bit.

Potatoes raise insulin levels beyond what is considered ideal in most
people. If you don’t have problems with weight, high blood pressure,
diabetes or high cholesterol, they can be eaten with a protein meal.
Regardless, try to avoid commercially prepared french fries entirely.
They are an extremely toxic food, as they contain 100 percent trans-
fatty acids.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 57 1/19/15 12:38 PM



For the last 10 years, I’ve warned
about how much the drug industry
spends to manipulate and distort
your perceptions on the proper
solutions for your health challenges.
But the sad fact is they only spend
$20 billion a year; the food industry
spends TWICE that much to brain-
wash you and your kids to choose
convenience foods that are highly
processed and will accelerate your
path towards death and disease and
the need to use drugs to control your
Fast foods and processed foods
seem like an easy choice for many:
They usually taste good and are typi-
cally relatively cheap. Pay less and
get tasty food, what could be sim-
pler? This is likely why 90 percent of
the money most Americans spend on
food goes toward processed foods.
But what nearly all have not factored
into the equation is that they will
almost certainly pay a heavy price for
this aspect of their diet in
the long run—both literally
and figuratively. There is just no way around it: If you want to
Subsisting on “junk” foods
alone is a surefire way to achieve optimal health, you need to invest some
accelerate your aging pro-
cess and compromise your
time in the kitchen preparing your food.
health. The problem with
processed foods is that nearly all of
them contain health-sabotaging trans

fats, high-fructose corn syrup, arti-

ficial sweeteners, genetically modi-
fied ingredients and vast numbers of
additives, preservatives and artificial


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 58 1/19/15 12:39 PM

How to Avoid Junk Food Temptation


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 59 1/19/15 12:39 PM


They may taste good and be easy ents—are added to foods in the United
to prepare, but processed foods are States. While each of these substances
anything but healthy. When you eat are legal to use, whether or not they are
them, you’re choosing convenience entirely safe for long-term consump-
over your health. tion, by themselves or in combination,
During processing, dietary fiber is is a different story altogether.
removed and valuable nutrients are The most common food additives are:
lost, along with natural textures and
flavors. What's left behind is decid-  Fructose. Now the number one
edly unappetizing. That’s where addi- source of calories in the US, fructose
tives come in. diminishes your feelings of fullness,
After processing, chemicals are because it does not stimulate a rise in
added to slow spoilage, prevent fats leptin, one of the most powerful hunger-
and oils from going rancid, prevent and fat storage-regulators in your body.
fruits from turning brown, and for-
tify or enrich the food with synthetic  Sodium. Most processed foods
vitamins and minerals to replace those are loaded with processed salt. While
natural ones lost. But, they’re also natural salt is actually a compo-
added to improve that unap- nent of a healthy diet—it’s a
petizing taste, texture and source of many minerals and
appearance—and to keep you trace elements—processed
coming back for more. These salt has been stripped of
additives can override your these essential nutrients. It
body's signals that would gives food a crave-inducing

otherwise tell you it's time to salty taste, but provides such
stop eating and try something high levels of sodium that it
else, making eating processed disrupts the delicate ratio of
food a tough habit to break. sodium to potassium (anoth-
More than 3,000 food addi- er essential nutrient that has
tives—preservatives, �lavor- typically been stripped away
ings, colors and other ingredi- from processed foods) in your

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 60 1/19/15 12:40 PM

bloodstream, which can pave the way in many soft drinks, fruit juices and
for hypertension. salad dressings—cause some children
to become measurably more hyperac-
 Genetically modi�ied (GM) ingre- tive and distractible.
dients. Some 75 percent of processed Fortunately, when you avoid pro-
foods contain GM ingredients, which cessed foods you also automatically
are increasingly being linked to a host avoid virtually every one of these toxic
of health problems. food additives. I know eliminating pro-

 Monosodium glutamate (MSG). Avoiding processed foods benefits your health

This �lavor enhancer is added to thou-
sands of processed and restaurant in two major ways: You consume far more vital
foods. The problem with MSG is that
it’s an excitotoxin, which means it can
nutrients and expose yourself to dramatically
overexcite your cells to the point of fewer toxic additives.
damage, potentially causing varying
degrees of brain damage. cessed foods can be challenging (see
my suggested techniques for breaking
 Dyes, preservatives and other a junk food habit on page 59). But once
chemicals. Many food additives, such you give your body a break from these
as sodium nitrate, BHA, BHT, Blue 1 and harmful substances, you will feel so
2, aspartame and potassium bromate, good that it will be effortless to choose
have been linked to an increased risk of nutritious whole foods.
cancer. Others are estrogen-mimicking Strive to make 90 percent of your
xenoestrogens that have been linked to diet non-processed food, with 10
a wide range of human health effects, percent (or less if possible) from other
including reduced sperm counts in men food sources. Not only will you enjoy
and increased risk of breast cancer in the health bene�its, but the satisfaction
women. Studies have also shown that of preparing meals and being in control
a variety of common food dyes and the over what you put into your body can
preservative sodium benzoate—found be a great feeling.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 61 1/19/15 12:40 PM


Soy as a "health food" is one of
the largest, and perhaps one of
the most dangerous, myths within
the health food industry. Truth is,
unfermented soy is not a healthy
option, and I recommend avoid-
ing all soy products unless they're
fermented or sprouted. Although
fermented soy has many beneficial
properties, non-fermented soy
products can:

Fermented soy (tempeh, natto and miso) and soybean

sprouts don't have these problems and can be safely
consumed. Just make sure they're organic—so they
aren't genetically modified—and not pasteurized, as
that's an indication of insufficient fermentation.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 62 1/19/15 12:43 PM

Pasteurized dairy
It’s clear that most people benefit
from avoiding commercial milk that's
loaded with hormones, pesticides and
antibiotics. However, even if you're
able to obtain organic milk that's free
of these contaminants, you're still left
with a food that is pasteurized and
Yes, it is beneficial to destroy
dangerous germs, but pasteuriza-
tion does more than that: It kills
off harmless and useful germs, too.
Additionally, by subjecting milk to
high temperatures, some nutritious
constituents are destroyed. And, the
process unfortunately changes the
structure of milk proteins, particu-
larly casein, to a far more allergenic
food—a major reason why milk is the
number one food allergen.

You can have cheeses, particularly

raw milk cheeses, if your body toler-
ates them well. But if you have a true
milk allergy, it’s best to avoid dairy
products entirely, even organic, pas-
tured, raw dairy.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 63 1/19/15 12:42 PM


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
are plants, animals or other organisms
that have had their genetic material ma-
nipulated to create certain results—such
as resistance to pesticides or drought
tolerance. The safety of GMOs is highly
debatable. Although the United States
government makes the assumption that
they are safe, more than 60 countries
around the world have placed major re-
strictions on their production and sale.
In my perception, genetically modi-
fied foods are one of the most significant
threats against the very sustainability of
the human race.
Why? In a nutshell, these toxins are
linked to a growing number of threats
against human health and the environment.
For example, a 2009 Brazilian study
discovered that female rats fed GM soy
for 15 months showed significant chang-
es in their uterus and reproductive cycle,
compared to rats fed organic soy or those
raised without soy. And milk treated with
the Monsanto-developed, genetically en-
gineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH)
contains higher levels of insulin-like
growth factor (IGF-1), a hormone linked
to breast, prostate and colon cancers in


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 64 1/19/15 12:43 PM

A 2014 study found that GMO soybeans
contained significant levels of pesticides,
including glyphosate (the prime ingredient
in Roundup), while organic and conven-
tionally grown non-GMO soybeans carried
none. Because many GMO crops are bred to
resist glyphosate, these plants are doused
in it. In addition to the pesticide that
lingers on the outsides of the crops, many
GMOs have pesticides bred into them,
meaning they also carry pesticides that can
never be washed off.
Sadly, it is not easy to steer clear of GM
foods. Since the industry has so far success-
fully squelched every attempt at labeling
genetically engineered foods, avoiding them
requires you become an educated consumer.
Here’s how:

1. Print out the Non-GMO Shopping Guide (nongmoshopping-

guide.com) and refer to it often. It can help you identify and
avoid foods with GMOs. You can also download the free iPhone
application that is available in the iTunes store; find it by searching

2. Better yet, always buy USDA-certified 100 percent organic

products when possible, as these don't permit GM ingredients. Or,
buy whole fresh produce and meat from local farmers. The majority
of GMO exposure comes via processed food. By cooking from
scratch with whole foods, you can be sure you're not inadvertently
consuming something laced with GM ingredients.

3. When you do purchase processed food, avoid products

containing anything related to corn or soy that are not 100 percent
organic. Any non-organic processed products containing these
two ingredients likely contain them in GM form, along with toxic
herbicide residues.

We CAN shift the balance by

simply voting with our pocketbooks
and forks. Europe successfully
drove GMOs out of their food sup-
ply, without any government assis-
tance, and Americans can do it, too.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 65 1/19/15 12:44 PM


I can't say enough about the health benefits of drinking pure water. I believe that choos-
ing it over all sodas, juices and sports drinks is the single most powerful change the
majority of Americans can make to improve their health. I know it may not be easy to
do, but once you and your family make the switch, you'll likely:

You want to get plenty of clean wa-

ter daily—enough to turn your urine a
light yellow color. If your urine is darker
than that, you may be overlooking your
body's many cries for H2O.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 66 1/19/15 12:45 PM

Unfortunately, it’s not just as easy as turning on the tap and
drinking what comes out.

The level of arsenic in US tap water is
incredibly high. This poisonous ele-
ment is a powerful carcinogen, mean-
ing it has been linked to an increased
risk of the development of several
types of cancer.
The Natural Resources Defense
Council estimates that as many as 56
million Americans living in 25 states
drink water with unsafe arsenic levels.

You may have heard that aluminum
exposure increases your risk for
Alzheimer's disease, but did you
also know that the aluminum found
in your municipal water supply can
cause a wide variety of other health
problems, including hyperactivity,
learning disabilities, gastrointestinal
disease, skin problems, Parkinson’s
disease and liver disease?

If you still believe fluoride in your
drinking water prevents cavities and
helps build strong teeth, you've fallen
for a cleverly devised mass-deception.
Fluoride is a well-known toxin that has
not been proven to prevent cavities
when ingested and can cause a range
of health problems, including weaken-
ing your immune system and accel-
erating aging due to cellular damage.
Read more at fluoride.mercola.com.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 67 1/19/15 12:46 PM


Unwanted or expired prescription and
over-the-counter (OTC) drugs discarded
in the trash or flushed down the toilet
can end up in the public water supply. A
survey conducted by the Associated Press
found a “vast array of pharmaceuticals
including antibiotics, anti-convulsants,
mood stabilizers and sex hormones” in
the drinking water supplies of at least 41
million Americans.

As a result, some drugs that were never meant to be combined are

mixed together in the drinking water you consume every day. Since
nearly every prescription drug has side effects and a list of medicines
with which it interacts negatively, this unmonitored mingling of drugs
is a cause for concern.

Disinfection byproducts are the result

of disinfecting water with chlorine. It's

important to note that while consuming
chlorine is certainly not healthy, DBPs are
TEN THOUSAND TIMES more dangerous!
In addition to being powerful carcino-
gens, DBPs have also been linked to liver,
kidney and nervous system problems.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 68 1/19/15 12:47 PM

The most economical and environmentally sound choice you and your family can make for
obtaining clean drinking water is to purchase and install a water filter for your home. I rec-
ommend two different types of water filters. Let's look at the pros and cons of each.


In addition to removing chlorine, inor-
ganic and organic contaminants in your
water, an RO filter will also remove about
80 percent of fluoride and most DBPs. The
major drawback is the expense of installa-
tion; most RO filters require the expertise
of a plumber.


These are the most common types of
counter-top and under-counter water
Granular activated carbon is recognized
by the EPA as the best available technol-
ogy for the removal of organic chemicals
like herbicides, pesticides and industrial
chemicals. But it does have a downfall:
The loose carbon material inside can get
into a channel position that allows the
water to find a clear pathway out without
being filtered first.
Carbon block filters offer the same
superior filtering ability, but the carbon
medium is compressed in a solid form.
This eliminates channeling and gives the
ability to selectively remove a wide range
of contaminants.

Ideally, you want a combination of �iltration systems, as no

one option removes all contaminants. I recommend a whole-
house carbon �ilter to remove a broad spectrum of added
chemicals and an under-the-sink reverse osmosis �ilter to
remove �luoride. I recognize that this is an undertaking and
can add up cost-wise, but remember that drinking pure water is
one of the most powerful things you can do for your health.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 69 1/19/15 12:48 PM



Not all your hydration needs to come from plain water. Co-
conuts are an excellent source of fresh, pure water and elec-
trolytes. They're also also rich in lauric acid, which is known
for its immune-boosting as well as antiviral, antibacterial and
antifungal properties, making coconut water an ideal choice
when you're sick. An even better pure healthy liquid is fresh
vegetable juice made with organic vegetables (see page 42).


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 70 1/19/15 1:15 PM

Red Wine: Friend or Foe?
There’s no doubt about it: Red wine contains lots of antioxidants, namely
polyphenols, which are known to fight free radicals and reduce your risk
of a number of degenerative conditions, from cancer and heart disease to
neurodegenerative diseases. Resveratrol, perhaps the most talked about
antioxidant in red wine, may even extend your lifespan.

So, should you have a

glass now and then?
In my opinion, no. This is largely be-
cause, despite the healthy properties of
red wine, the alcohol itself is actually a
neurotoxin. As a neurotoxin, it can harm
your brain, which may explain why a 2009
study found that one to three glasses of
alcohol per day led to brain shrinkage in
men and women. Additionally, it has the
strong potential to seriously disrupt your
delicate hormone balance. This imbalance
may be the reason why drinking heavy
amounts of beer and spirits could double
your risk of developing colorectal tumors;
research suggests that sex hormones play
a role in colon cancer development.

You should also be aware that consuming large amounts of wine

increases insulin levels, which impacts health negatively. This impact
on insulin levels is especially important for people who already show
signs of insulin resistance, such as high blood pressure, extra weight,
high cholesterol and, yes, diabetes.
If you decide to drink red wine, learn
about grape growing conditions and
how the wine is made. Organic grapes
are ideal and will likely provide the
most resveratrol.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 71 1/19/15 1:16 PM



The answer is yes. Next to pure water, high-quality tea is one of the
most nutritious beverages you can consume.
Like wine, tea is packed with antioxidants that are great for your
health. Research indicates a variety of beneficial effects thanks to
these antioxidants, including:

One component of tea, epigallocatechin

gallate (EGCG), could also help prevent
psoriasis, prostate cancer and colon tu-
mors. Additionally, several studies have

found that EGCG can improve exercise

performance, increase fat oxidation and
help prevent obesity, as it’s known to have
a regulatory effect on fat metabolism.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 72 1/19/15 1:16 PM

For years, physicians have warned about the negative
health effects of drinking coffee. You may have been told
that coffee will raise your blood pressure, lead to heart
disease, give you an ulcer or cause diabetes. But research
continues to cast doubt on this "common wisdom."

Study after study has failed to prove

that moderate coffee consumption in-
creases your risk for cardiovascular
disease or any other serious illness. The
key word here is moderate. Like anything,
coffee should be enjoyed in moderation.
In fact, it's beginning to look like organic
coffee may have a number of unrecognized health-promot-
ing properties. As a result of the rather impressive list of
therapeutic benefits—there is ample research to suggest it
may reduce your odds of developing type 2 diabetes, Par-
kinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as pros-
tate, liver and kidney cancer, and that’s just for starters—
I've changed my recommendations about coffee.

Enjoy wisely, but don’t douse your cup

of Joe in creamer, sugar and other sweet-
eners and flavorings; you’ll be missing out
on the therapeutic benefits and potential-
ly harming your health in the process.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 73 1/19/15 1:17 PM


Coffee Quality is Key:

5 Tips to Remember


Coffee beans are one of the Purchase whole-bean coffee
crops most heavily sprayed that smells and tastes fresh,
with pesticides. For this reason, not stale; if your coffee doesn’t
select only coffee beans that have a pleasant aroma, it’s
are certi�ied organic. Whenever likely rancid. Grind the beans

possible, purchase sustainable yourself to prevent rancid-

"shade-grown" coffee to help ity, as pre-ground coffee may
prevent the continued destruc- be stale by the time you get it
tion of our tropical rain forests home.
and the birds that inhabit them.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 74 1/19/15 1:18 PM

When it comes to achieving any therapeutic benefits from coffee,
only quality coffee prepared correctly will do.


To truly experience, and not If you use a "drip" coffee maker, The vessel you use to drink
negate, the health benefits, be sure to use non-bleached �il- your coffee bears consider-
drink your coffee black, with- ters. The bright white ones are ation. Avoid plastic cups con-
out sugar, cream or flavorings. chlorine-bleached, and some taining BPA, which will leach
Make sure the water you're of this chlorine will leach from into your drink. Also avoid
using is pure. the �ilter during the brewing Styrofoam cups that can leach
process. Bleached �ilters are polystyrene molecules. Your
also notoriously full of danger- best bets? Glass and ceramic
ous disinfection byproducts, mugs.
such as dioxin.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 75 1/19/15 1:18 PM


While the ideal way to consume nutrients is through a diverse
diet of whole foods, there are a handful of supplements
I recommend to compensate for modern living.

As I discussed earlier, the best way
to optimize your vitamin D level is
through sun exposure or a tanning
bed, which virtually eliminates any
risk of overdose. Choose a tanning
bed that uses an electronic ballast
instead of a magnetic one. It emits
far fewer harmful electromagnetic
fields (EMFs) than its counterparts.
And, it emits UVB rays, which stimu-
late the production of vitamin D, as
well as UVA rays, which create a tan.
Always speak to a tanning salon’s
owner for details about their ma-

chines before getting in.

As a very general guide, you need
to expose about 60 percent of your
entire body to the sun for approxi-
mately 20 minutes between the hours
of 10 am and 2 pm, when the sun is
at its zenith. Stay out only as long as

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 76 1/19/15 1:19 PM

erol), the same vitamin
D your body makes when
exposed to sunshine. Avoid
it takes for your skin to turn a light those containing vitamin D2, or Dris-
shade of pink or brown if you are dol—the form used in vegetarian
dark skinned—any longer and you supplements. D2 is not the natural
run the risk of sunburn. At that point, form your body makes, and it’s far
cover up in clothes and a hat, or seek less effective than D3.
out shade. If you must remain in What’s worse, research has shown
direct sunlight with minimal clothes that vitamin D2 supplementation can
on, use a natural, zinc oxide-based actually increase the relative risk of
sunscreen. (Visit the Environmental death by two percent, compared to
Working Group at ewg.org to see an vitamin D3, which reduces the rela-
updated list of non-toxic sunscreens.) tive mortality risk by six percent.
One important note: If you take
oral vitamin D, you also need to boost
If it’s winter or you aren’t your levels of vitamin K2. Vitamin K2
deficiency is actually what produces
able to spend 20 minutes the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity,
which includes inappropriate calcifi-
each day outside, and you cation that can lead to hardening of
your arteries.
don’t have access to a The optimal ratio between vita-
min D and vitamin K2 has yet to be
tanning bed, I recommend elucidated, so there’s little to go on
in this regard. Dr. Kate Rheaume-
vitamin D supplements. Bleue, author of Vitamin K2 and the
Calcium Paradox: How a Little Known
Vitamin Could Save Your Life, sug-
Recent studies suggest that defi- gests that 150-200 micrograms of
cient adults need about 8,000 IU of K2 per day will meet the vitamin
oral vitamin D3 per day in order to K2 needs of the "average" healthy
get serum levels to a healthy point: person. Keep in mind that some of
above 40 ng/ml. Even the conserva- that can come from foods such as
tive Institute of Medicine has con- fermented vegetables, grass-fed beef
cluded that taking up to 10,000 IU and aged cheeses such as Brie and
per day poses no risk for adverse Gouda. And another important note:
effects. Remember to always take your vita-
When choosing a vitamin D sup- min K supplement with fat since it
plement, be sure to select one that is fat-soluble and won't be absorbed
contains vitamin D3 (cholecalcif- without it.

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Omega-3 fats improve cells’ response to insulin,
neurotransmitters and other messengers. They also play a role
in the repair process of cells that are damaged.

Americans consume a dangerously I’m convinced that the lack of ome-

insuf�icient amount of omega-3s, fats ga-3s in the standard American diet is
that are essential to good health but a primary reason behind many of the
are only found in krill oil, �ish oil and diseases Americans face. I also be-
a few other foods. Meanwhile, our lieve it explains our shorter lifespan
intake of omega-6 fats, another form in relation to many other "first world"
of fat found in corn, soy, sun�lower and countries, such as Japan or Greece.
other oils, is far too high. The ideal Unfortunately, nearly all fish, from
ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 should be most all sources, are now severely
3:1, but the typical American's ratio contaminated with toxic mercury,
ranges from 15:1 to 50:1! which is why I’ve amended my previ-
In other words, it’s just as important ous recommendations to consume
to lower your omega-6 fat intake as fish on a routine basis. It's simply not
it is to consciously consume omega-3 advisable for most people any longer.
fats. The best way to do so is to reduce My latest recommendation for a
your consumption of processed com- source of high-quality omega-3 fats
mercial vegetable oils. If you don't is krill oil. I suggest krill over fish
lower your omega-6 fats to acceptable oil, because it has more potent an-
levels but do consume more omega-3 tioxidants (including astaxanthin,

fats, it’s a wash: Your omega 6:3 ratio read more on page 81) and less of
won’t be low enough to allow your a tendency to oxidize and become
body to receive many of the wonderful rancid—fish oil can easily spoil on the
bene�its of omega-3s, such as reduced shelf and even inside your body once
risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, it has been consumed. Additionally,
Alzheimer's, arthritis and many other the omega-3s in krill are attached to
degenerative illnesses. phospholipids that increase its ab-

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 78 1/19/15 1:20 PM

sorption, meaning you need less of it,
and it won't cause belching or burp-
ing like many other fish oil products.
Furthermore, krill doesn’t carry
the same potential for contamina-
tion as fish oil, because it’s harvested
from the relatively pristine Antarctic
ocean. Conversely, the vast majority
of the fish population is contaminated
with mercury and other toxic sub-
stances including dioxin—a
carcinogenic byproduct of
the paper bleaching pro-
cess and chemical pes-
ticides that is pervasive
in the environment.
When purchasing
krill oil, you'll want to times a week. If you’re
read the label and check not able to consume
the amount of astaxan- fermented foods that
thin it contains. The more often, a probiotic supple-
the better, but anything ment can help your body get
above 0.2 mg per gram of krill oil the friendly bacteria it needs to
will protect it from rancidity. function well.
If you do choose to use fish oil as To ensure quality and efficacy, I
your source of omega-3 fats, then the recommend looking for a probiotic
normal dose is one 1,000 mg capsule supplement that fulfills the following
with 300 mg of EPA/DHA for every 10 criteria:
pounds of body weight.
CONTAINS STRAINS like Lactoba- DOES NOT HAVE an enteric coat-
cillus plantarum 299v and Lac- ing, which is made of synthet-
PROBIOTICS tobacillus acidophilus DDS-1,
which are proven to be able to
ic ingredients, can potentially
reduce the viability of live bac-
As I mentioned in Section 3, probiot-
survive your stomach acid and teria and is expensive—with
ics are a crucial piece of good health.
bile and reach your intestines the cost being passed along
These friendly bacteria take up resi-
alive in adequate numbers. to you, the consumer.
dence in your gut, where they signifi-
cantly boost immunity, detoxify your
body and improve your mood and HIGHLIGHTS its health-promot- HAS BEEN TESTED by an inde-
mental health. ing capabilities clearly on the pendent lab to demonstrate
The ideal way to nurture your pop- label, including supporting potency (check consumerlab.
ulation of friendly microbes is to eat digestive health, improving com or other third-party test-
traditionally fermented foods—such immunity and contributing ing services).
as yogurt and kefir (ideally made to the good balance of your
with raw, pastured milk), miso, kim- intestinal flora.
chee and sauerkraut—at least a few

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 79 1/19/15 1:20 PM


You might want to consider taking vitamin C,
especially around times of heavy exercise or
stress. It reduces the damage inflicted on the
body by stress hormones, such as impaired
immunity. Remember that vitamin C is water-
soluble and should, ideally, be taken at least
three times a day. If you’re highly sensitive
to it, you may experience diarrhea. Research
shows that one of the best ways to supplement
your diet with oral vitamin C is by taking it in a
liposomal form, which is more easily absorbed
and bioavailable to your body.

If you take traditional fish oil capsules, con-
sider taking vitamin E (400 units a day). It will
help protect the omega-3 oils you ingest from
oxidizing once you consume them, thus help-
ing protect you against any resulting chronic
Unfortunately, the vitamin E most often sold
and referred to is a synthetic form, which really

should NOT be used if you want to reap any

health benefits.
You can tell what you’re buying by carefully
reading the label. Natural vitamin E is always
listed as the “d-” form (d-alpha-tocopherol,
d-beta-tocopherol, etc.). Synthetic vitamin E is
listed as “dl-” forms.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 80 1/19/15 1:21 PM

As you age, you progressively contamination, they die, your by your body, but coenzyme Q10
lose the ability to make a vitally tissues start to lose function, also has benefits. Statin users
important antioxidant called and you create the condition for need at least 100 mg, preferably
ubiquinol, the reduced form of disease to take root. 200 mg, of high-quality CoQ10 or
coenzyme Q10. It’s absolutely Additionally, one in four ubiquinol daily.
critical in the protection of your Americans over the age of 45 are If you're not on a statin, the
mitochondria, which give you currently taking a statin drug. amount of CoQ10 or ubiquinol
the energy you need to not feel Unfortunately, few are aware of you need depends on how sick
fatigued. Ubiquinol can also the need to take coenzyme Q10 you are. The sicker you are, the
help counteract mitochondrial in tandem with statins to buffer more you need. As a general
toxicity, the result of exposure against some of their most dev- guideline, if you're not ill, aim for
to insecticides, pesticides, mer- astating side effects. 50-100 mg per day. If you're ill or
cury and other heavy metals, ra- If you’re currently taking one over the age of 70, double that
diation and EMF. It’s important of these drugs, you MUST take dose and take up to 200 mg per
to protect your mitochondria, supplemental coenzyme Q10 or day. Why do older people need
as these tiny energy factories ubiquinol—you can’t get enough more? Because your natural
within your cells are very sus- through your diet. I prefer ubiqui- CoQ10 levels begin to drop after
ceptible to damage from tox- nol, because it doesn’t have to the age of 40, and by the age of
ins. Once they are impaired by be converted in order to be used 70, drop precipitously.

I know it is a mouthful to say, but Astaxanthin’s unique "antioxi- one cause of blindness) and
astaxanthin (“asta-zan-thin”) has dative artillery" provides for an cataracts
recently jumped to the front of impressive array of health ben-
the line in terms of its status as efits, including: It can even help protect you
an antioxidant “supernutrient,” from sunburn by acting as an
becoming the focus of a large  Improved cardiovascular internal sunscreen. And due
and growing number of peer- health to its ability to reduce DNA
reviewed scientific studies.  Enhanced athletic perfor- damage from radiation, it can
Natural astaxanthin is pro- mance be useful for frequent travel-
duced by the microalgae Hae-  Blood sugar stabilization ers and/or if you need medical
matococcus pluvialis when its  Strengthened immune imaging. If you decide to give
water supply dries up, forcing system astaxanthin a try, I recommend
it to protect itself from ultravio-  Protection against starting with 4 mg per day. You
let radiation. It exhibits VERY Alzheimer’s can increase the dose to 8-10
STRONG free radical scaveng-  Reduction in inflammation mg if you want to truly tap into
ing activity and protects cells,  Improved eye health, includ- its anti-inflammatory or ocular
organs and body tissues from ing protection against macu- benefits.
oxidative damage. lar degeneration (the number

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 81 1/19/15 1:21 PM


By now you know how important your food choices are.
But when it comes to optimal wellness, when, why and
how you eat are almost as important as what. Let’s look
at these important factors.

this way of thinking is only setting

you up for a rocky road in the years
to come.
So, don’t let the clock get the best
of you. The tips below will help. Fol-
low them, and you won’t be able to
make any more excuses; you’ll find
plenty of opportunities to eat nutri-
tious food even if you think your
schedule doesn’t allow it.

Cook in Large Batches

Whether you’re cooking grass-fed
bison patties or making fermented
vegetables, cooking in large batches

guarantees quick and healthy left-

One of the biggest challenges to eat- overs. Almost anything you make
ing healthfully is finding the time to can be stored (in glass containers)
do it. But while it may be tempting overnight and eaten as another meal
to justify unhealthy food choices by the next day.
saying you don’t have the time for Leftovers from dinner can even be
preparing healthy meals, in the end eaten for breakfast and, in fact, are

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 82 1/19/15 1:21 PM

likely to be a healthier choice than the Raw, whole, organic eggs from
typical American breakfast of cereal, free-range chickens are a phenom-
toast, pancakes, bagels or doughnuts. enally inexpensive and incredible
source of high-quality nutrients
Eat at Least One-Third of that many of us are deficient in,
Your Food Raw especially high-quality protein and
Cooking and processing food can de- fat. They’re also one of the quickest
stroy some of its valuable and sensi- foods to eat if you’re short on time.
tive micronutrients—heat alters their Try them in a healthy smoothie or
shape and chemical composition. Reg- protein shake without worry. Sal-
ular vegetable juicing will help you monella contamination is a concern
easily meet this one-third goal, but in eggs from CAFO (confined animal
you may need to set aside the time to feeding operation) chickens,
juice regularly. because the crowded con-
There are also plenty of foods that ditions enable bacteria to
can be eaten raw while on the go to flourish. Organic flocks
save you the time of cooking. Raw veg- are typically much small-
etables, raw seeds, raw nuts and raw er than commercial ones,
dairy all fit into this category. Most of making eggs from truly
my meals at home are raw, and I typi- organic, free-range chickens
cally only eat cooked foods when I go FAR less likely to contain dan-
out to restaurants with friends. gerous bacteria.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 83 1/19/15 1:22 PM


Eating fresh, homemade food is a necessity for

Prepare Your Lunch later in the day. It’s much easier to
the Night Before eat healthily if you can grab your
Morning can be a very hectic time of ready-made lunch from the refrigera-
day, so cut down on what you have to tor as you head out the door.
do by preparing your lunch the night
before. Advance preparation also re- Eat Only When You’re Hungry
duces the risk that you’ll neglect to If it’s lunchtime at work and you
fix a lunch altogether and then decide don’t feel hungry, skip it. The worst
to pick up some unhealthy junk food thing you can do is go out and grab
some fast food simply because your
colleagues are eating. Chances are
your body can use the break from
digestion, and the junk food you
would be tempted to get while on
the run will only make you tired and

Try Stress-Free Shopping

Embrace the twenty-first century
and buy your groceries online using
automated delivery services that al-
low you to get non-perishables deliv-
ered once every month (or whatever
frequency you like).

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 84 1/19/15 1:23 PM

Plan Your Meals Before
You Hit the Market
If you're ready to eat the kind of
meals that will improve your health Your ancestors very rarely
and not lead to health issues, then had access to food 24/7.
you need to get serious about meal And since your genes and
planning and making a shopping biochemistry adapt over
list focused on whole, fresh, organic centuries, or even lon-
foods. Outlining a week’s worth (or ger, your body is actually
more) of meals only takes 10-15 min- adapted to take in food
utes and saves you the headache of much less frequently than
multiple shopping trips; it also helps you likely do.
you avoid “emotional” purchases. Of At any given time, you have
course, you’re not limited to the tra- about six to eight hours of sugar
ditional grocery store. By shopping at stored in your liver as glycogen. If
food co-ops or farmers' markets, you you eat every six to eight hours, you
can also turn your shopping into an never fully deplete these stores, and
enjoyable social event while getting thus your body is more prepared to
the highest quality food possible. burn sugar as your primary fuel. But
sugar isn’t the ideal fuel;
the better fuel is fat.
r optimal health. To make it easier for
your body to shift to fat-
burning mode, alter your
eating schedule to allow
Learn a Few Healthful your glycogen stores to
Cooking Techniques be depleted. This style of
Good-for-you food is only as good as scheduled eating is called
how its prepared. Use methods that intermittent fasting. It
don’t seriously impair its quality, and get simulates the eating pat-
back to the basics of cooking, such as: terns of your ancestors,
for which your biochem-
 Creating bone broth: Simmering istry and genetics are
leftover bones over very low heat optimized.
for an entire day creates one of the Putting intermittent
most nutritious and healing foods fasting into action is
there is. Use the broth for soups or simple: avoid eating after
stews, or drink it straight. dinner and skip break-
 Extending a slow-cooked Sunday fast. This type of fast can
roast to use for weekday dinners. be a powerful strategy for helping "FOR MUCH MORE DETAIL
 Learning how to make hearty stews your body shift to fat-burning mode, ABOUT HEALTHY HYDRATION,
from inexpensive cuts of meat. reducing your visceral fat stores and REFER TO MY NEW BOOK,
 Cooking with real ingredients like optimizing your lean body mass.
coconut oil and butter in lieu of Best of all, you won’t have to eat this EFFORTLESS HEALING. "
polyunsaturated vegetable oils or way for the rest of your life to notice
margarine. changes—you can turn to intermit-
 Planning your meals around the tent fasting any time you notice extra
seasonal produce available in pounds creeping on or your overall
your area. vitality waning.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 85 1/19/15 1:23 PM


 Reducing inflammation and free

radical damage

There's also plenty of research

showing that fasting has a beneficial
impact on longevity in animals. A
number of mechanisms contribute to
this effect: Normalizing insulin sensi-
tivity is a major one, but fasting also
inhibits the mTOR pathway, which
plays an important part in driving the
aging process. The fact that fasting
improves a number of potent disease
markers also contributes to its overall
beneficial effects on general health.

Is Fasting Right for Me?

I understand that it can get confus-
ing at times trying to determine

It’s easiest to do a short fast in the morning, as you’ve already gone

Fasting used to be much more com- when and what to eat for optimal
monplace, and it has been a part of health. Unfortunately, besides a few
spiritual practice for millennia. But basic principles that apply to vir-
modern science has confirmed there tually everyone—such as strictly
are many good reasons for fasting limiting consumption of sugars
today outside of religious reasons, (particularly fructose) and grains—
including: the rest is really a matter of figuring
out what works for your individual
 Normalizing your insulin sen- biochemistry. This requires some
sitivity, which is key for opti- trial and error.
mal health; insulin resistance For example, there is good evi-
(which occurs when your insu- dence supporting the recommenda-
lin sensitivity plummets) is a
primary contributing factor to
nearly all chronic diseases, from
diabetes to heart disease and
even cancer
 Balancing/regulating ghrelin
levels, also known as "the hunger

 Promoting human growth hor-
mone (HGH) production, which
plays an important part in health,
fitness and slowing the aging
 Lowering triglyceride levels

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 86 1/19/15 2:09 PM

already mastered a nutritious diet,
which is always the first step on the
path to wellness.
One important note: Intermit-
tent fasting combined with a highly
processed, toxin-rich diet won’t do
you any favors. In fact, you could
make things worse for yourself,
since you're not giving your body
proper fuel when you DO eat.

Who Should Use Extra Caution

When Fasting or Avoid it Altogether?
If you're hypoglycemic, diabetic
or pregnant or breastfeeding, I don’t
recommend fasting without specific
guidance from your physician.
Hypoglycemia is a condition char-
acterized by an abnormally low level

without eating for about eight hours overnight.

tion to eat a protein-heavy breakfast of blood sugar. It's commonly as-
if you want to lose weight, and even sociated with diabetes, but you can
more so if you exercise first thing be hypoglycemic even if you're not
in the morning to enhance muscle diabetic. Common symptoms of a
growth and recovery. But there may hypoglycemic crash include:
be times when you feel like you've
hit a plateau, and while your diet and n Headache
exercise routine may be where they n Weakness
should be, the simple act of skipping n Tremors
breakfast and exercising on an empty n Irritability
stomach could be what catapults you n Hunger
onto that next level of health and
weight loss. As your blood glucose levels
Personally, I skip breakfast and continue to plummet, more severe
exercise in a fasting state whenever symptoms can set in, such as:
I've gained a few pounds I want to
shed. I find this works well for me. n Confusion and/or abnormal
While I have not widely promoted behavior
calorie restriction in the past (as I n Visual disturbances, such
believe most people need to address as double vision and blurred
the foods they DO eat before consid- vision
ering skipping meals), it is an impor- n Seizures
tant piece of the puzzle. Intermittent n Loss of consciousness
fasting may be helpful for shedding
excess pounds and improving overall One of the keys to eliminat-
health for many, especially if you've ing hypoglycemia is to eliminate

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 87 1/19/15 1:24 PM


sugars, especially fruc- Your baby needs plenty of nutrients

tose, from your diet. during and after birth, and there's no
It’s also helpful to research supporting fasting during
eliminate grains and this important time.
replace them with Others best served to avoid fast-
higher amounts of quality ing include those living with chronic
proteins and healthful fats. However, stress and those with cortisol dys-
it will take some time for your regulation.
blood sugar to normalize
even if you do so. Ideally,
you should work on your
overall diet to normalize WHY YOU EAT
your blood sugar levels There is no greater ene-
before you fast. If and my to your physical health
when you do fast, pay care- than a negative self-image
ful attention to hypoglycemic or high stress. Many people
signs and symptoms; if you sus- initially succeed at implement-
pect that you're crashing, make sure ing a diet—whether to lose weight,
to eat something. heal a disease or strengthen their
As for pregnant and/or lactating body against sickness—but then fall
women, fasting isn’t a wise choice. back into old habits...and their "old"
body. Why? Because their emotional
barriers remained in place.
To truly succeed at any nutrition plan,
you must overcome your emotional
barriers, whether they're based on life's
anxiety factors or past traumas.
There are a host of techniques to
instill positive emotions and thoughts
and create a sense of inner peace. The
best rule is to find the strategy that
works for you, whether considered
traditional or alternative, and to keep
on using it.
In my clinical practice, I’ve tried a
variety of methods, and have been ex-
posed to many more (both traditional
and alternative) through my medical
background. None have come close to
the success rate I’ve experienced with

the Emotional Freedom Technique,

or EFT. I highly recommend that you
give it a try.
EFT is a form of psychological
acupressure that, although may ap-
pear a bit unusual at �irst, is almost
miraculous in its ability to erase nega-

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 88 1/19/15 1:25 PM

tive emotions and instill positive ones.
While using affirmation to mentally fo-
cus on psychological/emotional issues
in a positive manner, pressure is ap-
plied to the same energy points used
for thousands of years in acupuncture.
These energy points are finally being
recognized as legitimate
by the pharmacy- and sur-
gery-addicted American
medical establishment.
The energy points
are tapped, not punc-
tured with a needle as
in acupuncture, as it has
been shown that apply-
ing pressure to them is
all that is necessary to
activate your body's bio-
energy. This combination
of positive mental focus
on the issue(s) and physical stimulus
to your body's biochemistry is amaz-
ingly effective at eliminating the con-
cern—be it stress, cravings, trauma,
etc.—and eliminating it quickly.
Perhaps best of all, it’s a do-it-
yourself tool for emotional challenges
large and small that’s easy to learn. HOW You Eat
EFT will help you: It's very important when it comes
to your health to carve out time to
n Remove negative emotions eat at a leisurely pace and to chew
n Reduce food cravings your food properly. Unfortunately,
n Reduce or eliminate pain Americans tend to eat under a state
n Implement positive goals of stress and anxiety. While under
stress, your heart rate goes up, your
Discover how to start using EFT on blood pressure rises and your blood
yourself and those close to you right gets shunted away from your midsec-
now with my free online EFT Manual, tion, flowing instead to your arms,
available at mercola.com/forms/eft- legs and head for quick thinking,
course.htm. fighting or fleeing.
However, if you’re facing serious All of these changes are referred to
emotional obstacles—such as PTSD, as the physiological stress response.
crippling anxiety or suicidal thoughts, Under these circumstances, digestion
for example—please seek out the completely shuts down. Even if you’re
help of a skilled EFT professional be- eating the healthiest meal in the
fore you begin self-treatment. world, if you’re eating it while under

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 89 1/19/15 1:26 PM


the stress response, your body won’t As if that’s not enough, your cho-
be able to fully digest and assimilate lesterol and triglycerides also go up,
the food or be able to burn its calories while gut flora populations decrease.
effectively. The results are: You’re also more likely to experience
increased sensitivity to food and
 Decreased nutrient absorption gastroesophageal reflux, or heart-
 Decreased oxygenation to your burn. But perhaps most importantly,
gut when your body is under the stress
 As much as four times less blood response, your cortisol and insulin
flow to your digestive system, levels rise. These two hormones
which leads to decreased me- tend to track each other, and when
tabolism your cortisol is consistently elevated
 Decreased enzymatic output in under a chronic, low-level stress
your gut—as much as 20,000- response, you’ll likely notice that
fold! you have difficulty losing weight or
building muscle.
Many nutrients are also excreted Additionally, if your cortisol is
during stress, particularly: chronically elevated, you’ll tend to

gain weight around your midsec-

 Water-soluble vitamins tion. We’ve known for some time
 Macrominerals like calcium that body fat, and especially visceral
(calcium excretion can increase fat (the fat that gathers around your
as much as 60 to 75 mg within an internal organs and shows around
hour of a stressful event) your midsection) is a major contrib-
 Microminerals uting factor to in the development

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 90 1/19/15 1:27 PM

of diabetes and metabolic syn-
To combat some of the effects of
any stress you may be under, take a
few deep breaths before you begin
eating, resist the urge to multi-task
while you eat and try to chew your
food to a liquid form before you
swallow it. Ample chewing is an
important part of breaking down
food so that your body can digest
it efficiently. Believe it or not, talk-
ing while eating also interferes with
optimal digestion; chew your food
fully before starting a conversation. "Ample chewing is an important part of
breaking down food so that your body
can digest it efficiently.”
plan. Similar to a diary, my “Learning
to Listen to Your Body” sheets (I’ve
included one at the end of this maga-
zine, please refer to page 132) will
help you learn from your experience
and discover what is right for you.
Once you learn your custom guide-
lines, and experience how your body
feels, you’ll find that my nutrition
AFTER You Eat plan isn’t difficult or burdensome; no-
I applaud you for reading this maga- ticing the benefits of your dedication
zine and providing your brain with will be the best motivator to keep you
the information it needs to guide you going. Once you begin experiencing
in making the right food choices. But the physical vitality and emotional
for optimal, long-term benefits, you stability that a well-nourished body
need to get your body involved in the can provide, you’ll find this nutrition
experience, too. plan is an incredibly simple, exceed-
When you first begin following my ingly manageable, healthy way to eat
nutrition plan, pay careful attention for the rest of your life.
to how your body reacts to the foods If you’re like most people in our
you eat. This responsiveness will country and eat the Standard Ameri-
eventually become second nature can Diet (SAD), at first you’re likely
to you, but in the beginning, I sug- to notice the following feelings and
gest using a tool I developed called experiences; you:
“Learning to Listen to Your Body.”
It’s a systematic and simple way to nD
 on’t feel satisfied with your
assess your reaction to the nutrition meals

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 91 1/19/15 1:27 PM


Once you’ve started changing your

eating habits, you’ll experience a
profound difference in the way you
feel. Namely, you will:

 Be more satisfied with your

 Go for longer periods without
 Be completely free from all crav-
 Experience a more positive and
stable mood
 No longer experience “brain fog”
but heightened levels of mental
clarity instead
 Have more consistently good
 Lose weight if you’re overweight
and gain weight if you’re under-
 Have cravings, especially for  Support ongoing cellular repair
sugar and regeneration
 Have frequent and intense  Begin to realize your full health
hunger potential
 Experience mood swings
 Experience some degree of As for how much you should eat of
“brain fog” any given food in your meal plan, ini-
 Have inconsistent and/or low tially you should let your appetite be
energy your guide, and then learn from your

 Are more prone to feeling anx- experience. Always listen carefully to

ious and depressed your body, trust what it tells you and
 Are more prone to addictions remember what you’ve learned. If you
 Are very prone to being over- pay attention, your body (how you
weight or underweight feel physically, mentally and emotion-
 Are prone to all types of degenea- ally) will let you know if you are or
tive processes aren’t nourishing yourself.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 92 1/19/15 1:27 PM

Tech Support: of your nutrient intake. I use this
Health and Nutrition app nearly every day to do so.
Its easy-to-use interface allows
Gadgets and Apps you to access about one million
Technology can play food items in its database. Plus, you
a key role in helping can add your own foods and recipes
you take control of your health. I at any time and access them from
have a passion for all things tech in anywhere with an Internet con-
addition to wellness, so health apps, nection. Once you enter new food
which combine the two, are invalu- nutritional information, it’s there
able to a “gadget geek” like me. That for you the next time you need it.
means I’ve scanned thousands of I love how quickly this app al-
articles and downloaded several lows you to see the amount of
hundred applications to find the carbs, fats and protein you're
best. I recommend the following: consuming. I was even shocked by
my numbers the first time I used
 MyFitnessPal: By far one of my it. MyFitnessPal is a powerful tool:
favorite apps, this free tool lets you an easy way to monitor your food
track your activity and food/caloric intake without a lot of fuss.
intake using an activity log and
food diary. The food calorie portion  Fitness Builder: For keep-
is one of the best pieces of software ing track of your workouts, this is
out there to record and keep track my favorite app and, in my experi-

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 93 1/19/15 1:28 PM


Did you know that 80

percent of doctors use
smartphones and medical
apps to help monitor and
improve their health?

cess to the 12 types of produce that

are most contaminated with pesti-
cides, so you’ll know which fruits
and vegetables you should only buy
organic. It also shares the Clean 15:
the 15 least contaminated fruits
and vegetables that are okay to buy
conventionally grown. The app is
updated every year after the EWG
conducts extensive tests, so you can
be sure that the information provid-
ed is up-to-date.

ence, the most comprehensive fit-  The True Food Shopper's

ness database in the world. (I use Guide: From the Center for Food
this app to track my workouts, not Safety, this app helps you identify
MyFitnessPal). FitnessBuilder gives and avoid genetically modified (GM)
you access to an extensive library of ingredients.
exercise images and videos, challeng-
ing workouts across all disciplines,  The NON-GMO Shopping Guide:
access to a live personal trainer and By the Institute for Responsible
a complete set of tracking features. I Technology, this app also helps you
generally use only free apps, but this avoid GM foods. The guide is avail-
one costs $10 for the base version. It able in Spanish.

is worth every penny if you use it, as

it helps you keep incredibly detailed Because the nature of technology is
records for your workouts. to continually evolve, these apps may
become outdated over time. Be sure
 EWG’s Dirty Dozen: This app, to do a quick search on mercola.com
developed by the Environmental for my latest health app recommen-
Working Group, gives you quick ac- dations.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 94 1/19/15 1:28 PM

For Making the Most of Your Grocery Trip
Becoming a savvy shopper is key to making the right food choices and not the wrong ones. Get smart with these tips:
1. Shop with a list: Preparing a list 4. Focus on fresh vegetables: 7. Eat before you go: Studies show
in advance will keep you fo- The deeper and more vibrantly that having food in your stomach
cused—ideally on fresh, whole, colored a produce item is, the while you shop helps you to re-
organic foods. Only buy what more nutrients it contains. Fresh sist junk-food options and make
you need. is better than canned. healthier choices.
2. Forget the end caps: They often 5. Check the nutrition labels: Labels 8. Choose a basket, not a cart:
contain "sale items" that aren't help you identify ingredients, Use of a shopping cart has
actually cheap or very healthful. compare products and make pur- been shown to increase shop-
chases with maximum nutrients. pers’ purchases by up to 40
3. Shop the store's perimeter: The
percent. A basket gives you
outermost edge of the supermar- 6. Educate your kids about healthy
enough room for the staples
ket contains healthier, non-pro- eating: You’ll resist the tempta-
you need without extra room
cessed foods. Once you become tion to buy unhealthy foods or a
for unhealthy impulse buys.
serious about healthy eating, product you’ve never purchased
you'll rarely have to venture into before simply to please your
the aisles. children.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 95 1/19/15 1:29 PM


Dr. Mercola
Answers Your Pressing CANCER
Q: What’s the most important strategy to
Health and Nutrition reduce my risk of developing cancer?

It’s virtually impossible to pinpoint

Questions just one strategy. Your overall life-

style has to be taken into account as

a whole.
That said, the first and most impor-
tant step is to stop consuming refined
sugars and processed foods. Your
diet should consist entirely of whole,
organic foods. Besides significantly

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 96 1/19/15 1:29 PM

has cancer is burning carbs as their
body’s primary fuel source, as cancer
cells rely on a steady stream of glu-
cose to grow.
All of your body’s cells are fueled
by glucose, in fact. However, cancer
cells don’t have the metabolic flexibil-
ity of your regular cells and cannot
reducing the amount of sugar in your adapt to using fat for fuel as all your
diet, this will also allow you to avoid other cells can.
countless synthetic ingredients that That’s why the final tactic I sug-
can wreak havoc on your health, gest is following a high-fat diet—
including agricultural chemicals like which calls for eliminating starchy
glyphosate, which may be one of the carbohydrates, sugars and grains
most potent drivers of chronic dis- and replacing them with healthy fats
ease in our modern food supply. such as organic butter (ideally raw
Optimizing your vitamin D level is and grass-fed), coconut oil, olives, ol-
also crucial, as research has shown ive oil and nuts like macadamia and
that this alone can cut your risk of pecans, along with low-to-moderate
cancer in half. Ideally, you’ll want protein intake.
to keep your vitamin D level in the There are a couple of rea-
therapeutic range of 50-70 ng/ml sons why it's prudent
year-round (see Sections 2 and 6 for to limit your protein
more information). intake. The first is
The third step is to incorporate that if you eat more
intermittent fasting, which will help protein than your
your body shift to burning fat as its body requires, it
primary fuel. Nearly everyone who will simply convert

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 97 1/19/15 1:30 PM


most of those calories to sugar, and as quire more are those who are aggres-
I’ve just discussed, increased blood sively exercising (or competing) and
sugar levels can potentially fuel can- pregnant women, who should have
cer cell growth. about 25 percent more.
In addition, excessive protein can To estimate your individual protein
have a stimulating effect on an im- requirements more closely, first de-
portant biochemical pathway called termine your lean body mass percent-
the mammalian target of rapamycin age. To do that, subtract your body fat
(mTOR). This pathway has an impor- percentage from 100. For example,
tant and significant role in if you have 20 percent body fat,
many cancers. When you then you have 80 percent lean body
reduce protein to just mass. Then multiply that percent-
what your body needs, age (in this case, 0.8) by your current
mTOR remains in- weight to get your lean body mass in
hibited, which helps pounds. So, in the above example, if
minimize your you weighed 160 pounds, 0.8 multi-
chances of cancer plied by 160 equals 128 pounds of
growth. lean body mass. Using the "one-half
So, how much gram of protein" rule, you would need
protein is enough about 64 grams of protein per day.
without being too This type of high-fat, moderate-
much? The answer lies protein eating has been shown to
in a simple formula: one- be excellent for both prevention
half gram of protein per and treatment of cancer. This is
pound of lean body mass per day. because when you alter your diet
For most people, this amounts to and become what’s known as “fat-
40 to 70 grams of protein a day. This adapted,” you basically starve any
comes down to a protein serving that cancer cells out, as you’re no longer
is about the size of a deck of cards. supplying the necessary fuel—glu-
The only people who would truly re- cose—for their growth.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 98 1/19/15 1:30 PM

Q: If I’ve been diagnosed with cancer, what protein consumption to the 40-
steps do you recommend for treating it? 70 gram range (depending on the
formula I shared in the previous
The strategies I’d recommend for answer), and deriving up to 80
anyone diagnosed with cancer would percent of your daily calories from
be to make sure you are following the high-quality fats.
steps I listed above (which I recap
below) and a couple more: 5. Find an integrative medicine spe-
cialist who will incorporate these
1. Eliminate refined sugar or pro- nutritional principles into a cus-
cessed foods from your diet. tomized program for you.

2. Optimize your vitamin D level, ide-

ally by exposure to sunshine or a
tanning bed. For the treatment of GUT HEALTH,
cancer, the optimal level is higher
than for prevention: in the 70-100
ng/ml range. AND IMMUNITY
3. Adapt your body to burn fat by Q: What is the link between “good”
intermittently fasting. gut bacteria and avoiding cancer and
other disease?
4. Adopt a high- (quality) fat, low-
carb, moderate-protein diet to The microorganisms residing
help starve the cancer. This means in your gastrointestinal tract
severely limiting all grains and form an intricate, living fabric
starchy vegetables, keeping your of natural controls that affect
your body weight, energy, nu-
trition and immune function.
Research has also shown
that probiotics, or “good” bacteria,
influence the activity of hundreds

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 99 1/19/15 1:31 PM


of genes, helping them to genetic expression, the more protec-

express in a positive, health- tion you’ll naturally receive against
promoting manner. For ex- a host of chronic illnesses, including
ample, probiotics lower the cancer.
expression of important im-
mune components like inter- Q: What are the top three foods I can
leukin-6, one of several cyto- eat to help keep my gut healthy?
kines involved in inflammatory Long before the invention of the pro-
processes. They appear to be an biotic supplement, people benefited
important player in helping to from probiotics by regularly eating
control chronic inflammation, which cultured or fermented foods, such as:
is a hallmark of cancer.
Probiotics also have a powerful ef-  Sauerkraut, kimchee and
fect on your immune system—about other fermented vegetables
80 percent of which originates in  Yogurt made from raw,
your gut. They play a crucial role in grass-fed milk
the development and operation of  Natto and miso
the mucosal immune system in your
digestive tract, and they also aid All non-processed fermented
in the production of antibodies to foods are great sources of natu-

pathogens. ral, healthy bacteria. In fact, they

Needless to say, if you have a typically contain significantly more
robust, well-functioning immune good bacteria than a probiotic
system, the battle against disease supplement, making them extremely
is half-won already. And, the more cost effective, too. Avoid nearly all
dietary and lifestyle habits you en- commercial yogurts; they’re classic
gage in that positively influence your examples of how a good food can


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 100 1/19/15 1:32 PM

Modern wheat has a much higher
proportion of gluten than the wheat
your ancestors ate.
be perverted with the addition of us are negatively affected by gluten
sugars, artificial sweeteners, fla- to some degree because our bodies
vors and preservatives. Also be very create zonulin in response to gluten.
careful that any fermented foods Certainly, with the disease statis-
you buy are not pasteurized, a pro- tics we currently have in the US, it
cess that kills beneficial bacteria. seems reasonable to say that the
vast majority of people would ben-
Q: Is gluten really the enemy? efit from avoiding gluten in order to
It certainly is a primary player in optimize their gut health.
chronic disease. Several decades’ Even if you don’t want to err on
worth of research shows that grain the side of caution to protect the
consumption—which is the primary integrity of your intestines and im-
source of gluten—leads to higher mune system, avoiding all grains
prevalence of psychiatric and neu- is still beneficial, as grains quickly
rological problems, including Al- break down into sugar, which is why
zheimer’s disease and schizophrenia, excessive grain consumption is a
and a variety of gut disorders. Celiac major driver of insulin resistance—
disease and leaky gut are two now another hallmark of most chronic
well-known examples. disease, including cancer.
Gluten also acts as fuel for au-
toimmune diseases by promoting Q: What are the immediate benefits I
inflammation. can expect if I eliminate gluten?
In response to gluten, your body A reduction in or elimination of
creates a protein called zonulin in symptoms of gluten sensitivity can be
your intestines, which makes your gut expected, whether you ever associated
more permeable. This allows proteins the symptoms with gluten or not. This
to get into your bloodstream where includes the reduction or elimination
they don’t belong. That then triggers of gastrointestinal complaints such as:
your immune system and promotes
inflammation and autoimmunity. n Nausea
It’s also important to realize that n Diarrhea
modern wheat is very different from n Constipation
the wheat your ancestors ate. The n Abdominal pain
proportion of gluten in wheat has
increased enormously as a result of Long-term, you may also experi-
hybridization. ence a reduction in or elimination of
non-gastrointestinal symptoms, such
Q: Is anyone truly gluten tolerant? as osteoporosis, skin problems, exces-
Some experts, such as Dr. Alessio sive weight, depression and fatigue,
Fasano at Massachusetts General just to name a few.
Hospital, insist that virtually all of

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 101 1/19/15 1:32 PM


Q: We’ve learned that omega-3 fatty
acids are important for health. What
are the best sources of these essential
fatty acids?
The average American diet is serious-
ly deficient in the essential animal-
based omega-3s DHA and EPA. Except
for certain types of fish—including
wild Alaskan salmon, which delivers
omega-3s without the high levels of It also contains phospholipids, which
mercury that so many other types make the omega-3 fats into a form your
of fish contain—there are very few body can absorb very quickly and get
sources of these important fats. across its blood-brain barrier to im-
That’s why I suggest getting your portant brain structures. Additionally,
omega-3s from supplements. And the risk of mercury contamination is
rather than the typical fish oil supple- extremely low since krill are so small
ment, I recommend krill oil. they don’t have the chance to accumu-

One of the main reasons I recom- late toxins before being harvested. And
mend getting your omega-3 fats from �inally, there is some evidence that sug-
Antarctic krill oil is because it contains gests that the omega-3s in krill oil are
natural antioxidants like astaxan- more easily absorbed by the body than
thin—more than 47 times the levels those in �ish oil.
found in �ish oil—which prevent the I was one of the first to promote
oil from oxidizing and going rancid. krill as an exceptional source of

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 102 1/19/15 2:12 PM

mately 85 million tons per year, the
actual mean total annual krill catch
equals a mere 0.14 percent of the
whales’ consumption. If you aren’t
good with numbers, that is LESS than
one-fifth of one percent.
Over-fishing, on the other hand,
animal-based omega-3 dietary fats. IS indeed a reality, because rather
Many have criticized me, and some than following scientists’ recom-
still do, for recommending it over fish mendations and using precaution-
oil because of the lack of research. ary approaches to ensure sustain-
But, the bulk of emerging studies are ability of fish stocks, quotas for
confirming that krill oil is the better fishing fleets are on average 15 to
option. It merely took time for the sci- 30 percent higher than those recom-
ence to document what was obvious mended as safe.
clinically, that krill had the identical This simply isn’t the case with
fats as fish oil but was a far higher krill harvesting, which is being as-
quality source. sessed and monitored from season
There have been a number of un- to season by qualified scientists and
founded scare tactics to stop con- concerned ecological experts from 25
sumption of krill oil supplements,
stating krill is endangered and that
different countries. Look for a krill
oil supplement that bears the seal Krill harvesting
whales are being threatened by krill
harvesting. Such fears appear to be
of the Marine Stewardship Council
(MSC)—an independent organization
is one of
completely unfounded. First of all, of
the global krill catch, 43 percent is
that monitors the fishing industry
and recognizes and rewards sustain-
the MOST
used for aquaculture feed, 45 percent able practices—to ensure that your sustainable
is for sport fishing bait and a mere supplement is produced responsibly.
12 percent is used for human con- (The krill oil supplement we sell on practices on
sumption. There are more krill on the mercola.com is MSC-certified.)
planet than any other creature, and the planet.
all the evidence points to the fact that Q: Can you recommend the best fish
krill is in no danger of over-harvest- choices for those who are concerned
ing anytime in the near future. about mercury?
In fact, krill harvesting is one of
the MOST sustainable practices on Fortunately, fish that tend to suffer
the planet. It’s also one of the most the least amount of toxic contami-
carefully regulated, with strict inter- nation also happen to be the best
national precautionary catch limit sources of fat and antioxidants. These
regulations that are reviewed and include wild-caught Alaskan sockeye
reassessed regularly to assure sus- salmon and smaller fish like sardines,
tainability. Such regulations and catch anchovies and herring. Avoid larger
limits ensure a very large standing fish that are higher up in the food
stock of renewable krill for both natu- chain, as these tend to be far more
ral predators and human use. contaminated with mercury and
With the estimated baleen whale other environmental toxins like PCBs
consumption of krill being approxi- and dioxin.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 103 1/19/15 1:34 PM


their “diet” claim. Research has re-

peatedly shown that artificial sweet-
eners actually intensify your appe-
tite, increase cravings for carbs and
stimulate fat storage and weight gain,
not weight loss. In fact, studies find
that people gain weight more readily
when consuming them. Furthermore,
recent research has also demonstrat-
ed that aspartame worsens insulin
sensitivity to a greater degree than
sugar, making it a hidden threat to
those trying to manage their diabetes.
Aspartame is the worst of the
bunch. When broken down by your
NATURAL AND body, it forms a harmful methanol
that travels through your blood ves-
ARTIFICIAL SUGARS sels into sensitive areas, such as your
brain and bone marrow. Once there,
Q: You are not a fan of sugar, and you an enzyme called alcohol dehydro-
have been warning people about the genase (ADH) converts the methanol
to formaldehyde. All animals except
dangers of artificial sweeteners, such as
humans have a protective mecha-
aspartame, for years. What is the most nism that allows methanol to be
significant threat they pose to our health? broken down into harmless formic
Artificial sweeteners are an industry acid. Without this protective mecha-
fraud, and I believe the FTC should nism, the resulting formaldehyde is
fine their manufacturers. free to cause enormous damage in
Why? Because they fail to live up your tissues.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 104 1/19/15 1:34 PM

Q: What types of products are artificial It’s completely safe in its natural form
sweeteners typically used in? What should and can be used to sweeten most
I look out for if I want to avoid them? dishes and drinks. Monk fruit is the
fruit of a vine that’s indigenous to
Aspartame alone is used in more than Southeast Asia that is typically sold
6,000 products, including salad dress- in powdered form. A third alternative
ings, breads, chewing gum and baby is to use pure glucose (also known as
formulas. Other arti�icial sweeteners dextrose). Unlike fructose, glucose
can also be found in a wide variety of can be used directly by every cell
processed foods, but “diet” foods or in your body and thus is a far safer
products advertised as “no-” or “low- sugar alternative. You can find these
calorie” are the most typical culprits. To natural sweeteners in health food
avoid these harmful substances, you’ll stores, and even many grocery stores
need to carefully read the labels on now carry stevia.
the foods you buy or, as I recommend,
avoid processed foods altogether. Q: What exactly is fructose, and how
much should I be consuming?
Q: How can I safely satisfy my Glucose and fructose are both
sweet tooth? simple sugars, but there are
Two of the best sugar substitutes are differences in the way your
stevia and Lo Han Guo (also referred body processes them. Every cell in
to as Luo Han Kuo, or monk fruit). your body, including your brain, uti-
Stevia, a highly sweet herb derived lizes glucose. Therefore, much of
from the leaf of the South American it is "burned up" immediately
stevia plant, is sold as a supplement. after you consume it.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 105 1/19/15 1:34 PM


to result in overeating. Among the

health problems you invite with a
high-fructose diet are:

 Obesity, insulin resistance,

metabolic syndrome and
type 2 diabetes
 Elevated triglycerides and
LDL (bad) cholesterol levels
 Elevated blood pressure
 Liver disease
 Depletion of vitamins and min-
By contrast, fructose is turned into erals—unbound fructose, found
free fatty acids (FFAs), VLDL (the in large quantities in HFCS, can
damaging form of cholesterol) and interfere with your heart's use
triglycerides, which get stored as fat. of minerals such as magnesium,
Not only is fructose metabolized to copper and chromium
fat far more rapidly than any other  Cardiovascular disease, arthritis,
sugar, it also promotes the accumula- gout and cancer
tion of visceral fat—the type that col-
lects around your organs and in your As a standard recommendation,
abdominal region and is associated I advise keeping your total fructose
with a greater risk of heart disease. consumption from all sources below

Also, glucose suppresses your 25 grams per day. If you are over-
hunger hormones, like ghrelin, and weight, or have insulin resistance,
stimulates leptin, which suppresses diabetes, high blood pressure or
your appetite. Fructose, on the other heart disease, it would be wise to
hand, has no effect on ghrelin and limit your fructose to 15 grams or
interferes with your brain's com- less until your health and weight has
munication with leptin, which tends normalized.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 106 1/19/15 1:35 PM

Q: You’re a well-known advocate more about getting this neurotoxin
out of the public water supply.
of removing fluoride from the water
For more information about
supply. Why? healthy hydration, see Section 5 of
You might assume that consuming this magazine. And for much more
fluoride in your drinking water only detail about choosing the best pos-
affects dental health. Yet research sible drinking water, please refer to
shows that fluoride is an endocrine my new book, Effortless Healing.
disruptor that can affect your thyroid
gland and is a leading cause of hypo-
thyroidism in women. Worse, half of
the fluoride you ingest accumulates Q: Since labeling is not yet required in
in your skeleton, where it can stay
most states in the US, what’s the best
for up to 20 years and cause skeletal
fluorosis and bone fractures. It
way to avoid consuming GMOs (geneti-
can also affect your brain’s pi- cally modified organisms)?
neal gland and even your blood Seventy-five to eighty percent
sugar control. of the conventionally grown
But perhaps the most egre- and processed foods that are
gious offense of all has to do available in your grocery
with the youngest of us: at store have GM ingredients.
least 25 human studies Your best bet is to buy
and more than 100 ani- whole, organic foods. By
mal studies link fluoride buying organic, you will
to brain damage, includ- also dramatically reduce
ing lower IQ, in children. your exposure to pes-
Studies have also shown ticides, hormones and
that fluoride toxicity can antibiotics. There are
lead to a wide variety of nine primary GM food
other health problems, crops that you’ll want to
including increased avoid, so make sure none
tumor and cancer rate, of these, or their de-
dementia and disrupted rivatives, are listed on the
immune function, just to label:
name a few.
While a small percent- n Soy
age of water filters will n Cottonseed
remove fluoride from tap n Corn
water, the most effective n Canola oil
way to consume non-fluo- n Hawaiian papaya
ridated drinking water is n Alfalfa
to convince local govern- n Sugar from sugar beets
ments to not add it in the n Some varieties of
first place. Visit the Fluo- zucchini
ride Action Network at n Crookneck squash
fluoridealert.org to learn

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 107 1/19/15 1:36 PM


Also avoid any prod- enal health bene�its, from

uct containing aspar- improving your insulin
tame, which contains sensitivity to shifting
genetically modified your body into burning
ingredients, and any fat instead of sugar for
milk product that may have rBGH—a fuel—which helps you painlessly lose
genetically engineered bovine growth weight without being hungry.
hormone that has been banned in Eating first thing in the morning
upwards of 30 countries around the also leads to a rapid and large insulin
world because of its risks to human release and a corresponding rapid
health. The Institute for Responsible drop in your blood sugar levels. So
Technology has put together a help- skipping breakfast could make it
ful Non-GMO Shopping Guide you easier for you to control food cravings
can download and print; visit nong- and hunger throughout the day.
moshoppingguide.com to get it. They The most amazing aspect of inter-
even have an iPhone app that’s handy mittent fasting, though, is that once
when you’re out shopping. you’ve made the transition to fat
burning, your cravings for junk food
Q: Breakfast is the most important and sugar almost magically disap-
meal of the day, right?

pear. You don’t require any willpower

Not necessarily. Omitting breakfast as at all to eat healthy and reap all the
part of an intermittent fasting sched- benefits that result from making that
ule can lead to a number of phenom- wise choice.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 108 1/19/15 1:36 PM

To learn more about intermittent Q: In our reduced-fat world, you say eat
fasting, including information on who plenty of good fat. What foods do you
shouldn’t try it, see Section 7. recommend?
Q: Why is it important to eat My favorite sources of healthy fats
pasture-raised meats and eggs? include:

True free-range eggs and meats come n Butter made from raw, grass-fed,
from animals that roam freely out- organic milk
doors on a pasture where they can n Grass-fed meats
forage for their natural diet. Animals
raised in confined animal feeding
operations (CAFOs), on the other
hand, are typically given genetically
engineered grains along with a vari-
ety of growth hormones, antibiotics
and other veterinary drugs you don’t
want to consume.
Furthermore, the crowded condi-
tions in CAFOs create a hotbed for
dangerous pathogens that you rarely
come across in food animals that
have been out in the open air and
sunlight. These differences in ani-
mals' basic diet and living conditions
make a huge impact on the safety
and nutritional content of the food
they become.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 109 1/19/15 1:37 PM


 Raw milk, and cheese and yogurt why some people are unable to lose
made from raw milk weight, no matter what they do.
 Organic, pastured egg yolks Yet another benefit of coconut oil
 Coconuts and coconut oil is that its fat is a relatively small fat
 Unheated organic nut oils that is broken down quickly and eas-
 Raw nuts, such as, almonds, pe- ily. That means your body can use it
cans and macadamia, and seeds fast as a substitute for sugar when
 Avocados you’re feeling tired. This is especially
useful when you’re making the tran-
Q: You recommend coconut oil as a sition from carb burning to fat burn-
healthy fat. Does coconut oil have other ing using intermittent fasting, as
potential health benefits? consuming a small amount of coco-
nut oil—such as tablespoon blended
Half of the fat content in coconut into a glass of green juice—can help
oil comes from a fat rarely found curb sugar cravings.
in nature called lauric acid, which In addition to weight loss, there are
your body converts into monolaurin. other advantages to boosting your
Monolaurin, in turn, has potent anti- metabolic rate: your healing process
viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa accelerates, cell regeneration increas-
properties. es to replace old cells and your im-
Coconut oil is also a rich source of mune system functions better overall.
medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, Research has also demonstrated that
which produce a whole host of health coconut oil can increase levels of HDL
benefits, including the ability to help (good cholesterol) and decrease your
stimulate your metabolism. Many LDL/HDL ratio.
studies have demonstrated that coco- Your oral health can also benefit

nut oil can help decrease body weight from coconut oil. “Oil pulling" with
and reduce fat deposition. coconut oil has reduced my plaque by
Additionally, research has shown about 50 percent, allowing me to go
that, due to its metabolic effect, longer between visits to the hygienist.
coconut oil increases the activity Oil pulling is a practice dating back
of the thyroid. And you likely know thousands of years, having originated
that a sluggish thyroid is one reason with Ayurvedic medicine. When oil
pulling is combined with the antimi-
crobial power of coconut oil, you have
one very powerful health tool.
Oil pulling is simple. Basically, it
involves rinsing your mouth with
coconut oil, much like you would with
a mouthwash. The oil is "worked"
around your mouth by pushing, pull-
ing and drawing it through your teeth
for a period of 15 minutes, which
allows the oil to "pull out" bacteria,
viruses, fungi and other debris. The
used oil is discarded and your mouth
rinsed with water. You shouldn’t swal-

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 110 1/19/15 1:37 PM

low the oil since it's loaded with bac-
teria and toxins. When done correctly,
oil pulling has a significant cleansing,
detoxifying and healing effect.

Q: Do you believe that juicing should be

incorporated into my nutrition strategy?

Yes. Juicing vegetables is a power-

ful tool that you can use to acceler-
ate your progress towards optimal Q: What are the benefits of vegetable
health. Virtually every health author- juicing?
ity recommends that we get six to
eight servings of vegetables and fruits Juicing helps you absorb more nutri-
per day, yet very few of us are actu- ents from vegetables. This is impor-
ally able to do that. Vegetable juicing tant because most of us have im-
is an easy way to guarantee that you paired digestion as a result of making
reach your daily target. less-than-optimal food choices over
While you can certainly juice fruits, many years; impaired digestion limits
they provide high amounts of sugar your body's ability to absorb nutri-
that can impede your body’s transi- ents. Juicing "pre-digests" important
tion to burning fat and contribute nutrients for you, making it easy for
to insulin resistance. If you’re over- your body to receive nutrition, rather
weight or have high blood pressure, than sending it down the toilet.
diabetes or high cholesterol, it is best It also allows you to consume a
to limit your consumption of fruit higher amount and wider variety of
juice until you normalize these con- vegetables in an efficient manner.
ditions. Due to their high fructose There’s no need to have the same veg-
content, fruits are best consumed in gie salad every day. Experiment with
their whole state—meaning, eat the unique juice mixtures, and be sure to
actual apple slice, don’t just drink the give those veggies you don’t typically
apple juice—so you can receive the like a chance: Blended with others in
beneficial fiber, which limits the rate this new way may give you a new ap-
of increase of your blood sugar. preciation for them.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 111 1/19/15 1:38 PM


The 10 Deadliest
Many nutrition myths get
repeated over and over
until they are mistaken
for truth. It is critically
important to decipher
fact from �iction.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 112 1/19/15 1:38 PM

here is no shortage of health
information available. Un-
fortunately, when it comes
to nutrition, most of it is bad
advice. Some misguided no-
tions are harmless, while oth-
ers are outright dangerous, leading
you down the road to chronic health
problems and even trimming years
off your life.
Therefore, it is critically important
to decipher fact from fiction. Many
nutrition myths get repeated over
and over until they are mistaken for
truth, especially when perpetually
spread by public health authorities.
Following is a list of the 10 most
destructive nutrition lies I encour-
age you to stop believing—and act-
ing on—immediately. Let’s explore
the truth.

into an ef�icient fat burner, intermittent

LIE #1: You Should Eat Many Small fasting can also boost your level of hu-
Meals a Day, Most Importantly Breakfast man growth hormone production (aka
The advice to "eat six small meals the "�itness hormone") by as much
per day" comes from logical as 1,200 percent for women and
principles: portion control, 2,000 percent for men.
keeping your energy Other bene�its include
up and stabilizing reduced in�lammation,
blood sugar. But improved blood pres-
eating this way has sure and increased
not been shown to lean body mass. Inter-
provide these bene�its. mittent fasting can also
Instead, a good deal of improve your brain function
research now supports the by increasing levels of BDNF, a
health bene�its of intermittent protein that protects brain cells
fasting for optimal meta- from the changes associ-
bolic function. ated with Alzheimer's and
Intermittent fast- Parkinson's.
ing—what you are really The easiest way to
doing when you zip out of implement intermittent
the house in the morning fasting is to simply skip
without breakfast—has been shown breakfast and limit your eating to a
to produce weight loss and improve narrow window of time each day—
metabolic risk markers, including in- between 11 am and 7 pm, to start.
sulin resistance. Besides turning you See Section 7 for more information.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 113 1/19/15 1:39 PM


LIE #3: Seed and Vegeta-

ble Oils are Good for You
An offshoot of Lie #2,
this deception heralds
vegetable and seed
oils—such as canola oil,
corn oil and soybean
oil—as healthy alter-
LIE #2: Saturated Fat natives to saturated
Causes Heart Disease fats. The problem is
The dangerous recom- that products made with
mendation to avoid saturated fat highly processed vegetable and seed
arose from one study’s unproven oils are some of the worst health-
hypothesis about the fat’s impact destroying foods on the market.
on the cardiovascular system, and When consumed in large amounts,
it has been harming people's health as they are by most Americans, they
since that study was published in seriously distort your body’s impor-
the mid-1950s. tant omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. In a
The truth is, saturated fats from perfect world, this ratio is 1:1—but
animal and vegetable sources provide the average American gets 20 to
the building blocks for cell mem- 50 times more omega-6 fats than
branes and a variety of hormones omega-3s. Excessive omega-6 fats
and hormone-like substances with- from processed foods significantly
out which your body cannot function increase your risk for heart disease,
optimally. Fats also serve as carriers cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, rheu-
for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E matoid arthritis and other serious
and K and are required for converting illnesses.

carotene into vitamin A, absorbing Many vegetable and seed oils are
minerals and a host of other impor- also genetically engineered (GE),
tant biological processes. What’s which compounds their health risk
more, saturated fat is the preferred since GE crops are doused in large
fuel for your heart! See Section 3 to amounts of pesticides—particularly
discover the best sources of healthy glyphosate, the active ingredient
saturated fat. in the broad-spectrum herbicide

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 114 1/19/15 1:40 PM

Roundup—which you then ingest The irony is that nearly all of the
(learn more about this in Lie #7). studies to date show that artificial
More than 90 percent of US canola sweeteners cause even MORE weight
oil is GE. gain than standard sweeteners,
So what's the best oil for everyday such as table sugar, honey and
cooking? Coconut oil, hands down. It maple syrup. Studies also
is close to a completely saturated fat, show that artificial sweet-
meaning it is much less susceptible eners actually decrease
to heat damage, which oxidizes cho- insulin sensitivity, mak-
lesterol within the oil and produces ing them an even worse
harmful free radicals that lead to choice than sugar for diabetics.
vascular disease. Olive oil, while cer- In 2005, data gathered from the
tainly a healthful oil, is easily dam- 25-year-long San Antonio Heart
aged by heat and is best reserved for Study demonstrated that drinking
drizzling cold over salad. diet soft drinks increased the likeli-
hood of serious weight gain more
than regular soda. On average, each
diet soda the study participants
consumed per day increased their
risk of becoming overweight by 65
percent within the next seven to
eight years, and made them 41 per-
cent more likely to become obese.
There are several possible reasons
for this:

n S weet taste alone appears to

increase hunger, regardless of
caloric content.
Lie #4: Artificial Sweeteners are Safe nN  on-caloric sweeteners appear to
Sugar Replacements and Help Promote perpetuate a craving for sweets,
Weight Loss and overall sugar consumption
Most people use artificial sweeteners is therefore not reduced, leading
to lose weight and/or because they to further problems with weight
are diabetic and need to avoid sugar. control.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 115 1/19/15 1:40 PM


 Artificial sweeteners may LIE #5: Soy is a Health Food

disrupt your body's natural For decades, tofu has been lauded by
ability to "count calories," as those in the health-food world as a
evidenced by multiple studies. preferable alternative to meat. More
For example, a Purdue Univer- recently, soy milk has become a popu-
sity study found that rats fed lar non-dairy milk substitute. It is true
artificially sweetened liquids that properly fermented and preferably
ate more high-calorie food than organic soy foods—such as tempeh,
rats fed high-caloric sweetened miso and natto—offer great health ben-
liquids. e�its courtesy of the bene�icial bacteria
(probiotics) the fermentation process
I maintain an ongoing list of produces. But make no mistake: Unfer-
studies related to the detrimental mented soy products are NOT healthful
effects of aspartame at aspartame. additions to your diet, regardless of
mercola.com, which I recommend your age or gender. The meteoric rise
you review for yourself if you are of these soy offerings as "health food"
still on the fence. is a perfect example of how a brilliant
marketing strategy can fool millions.
Thousands of studies have linked
unfermented soy to a number of
health problems, including breast
cancer, thyroid problems and immune
system dysfunction. Additionally, more
than 90 percent of American soy crops
are genetically engineered, which only
increases health risks. For more infor-
mation on the perils of soy, see Section
4 of this magazine.

LIE #6: Whole Grains are

Good for Everyone
For the longest time, you have been
told that whole grains are highly ben-
eficial and should make up the largest
percentage of your daily diet. Unfor-
tunately, ALL grains can elevate your
insulin and leptin levels—even whole
grains and organic varieties—and
elevated insulin/leptin increases your

risk of chronic disease.

It has been my experience that
more than 85 percent of Americans
have trouble controlling their insulin
and leptin levels. You may be in the
85 percent if you struggle to main-
tain an ideal body weight and body

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 116 1/19/15 1:41 PM

composition, tend to accumulate fat
around your belly or have high blood
pressure and/or distorted cholesterol
rations. In fact, insulin/leptin dys-
regulation is a common indicator for
many of the diseases so prevalent to-
day, including diabetes, heart disease, the US are GE, then you can count
dementia and cancer. on virtually every processed food
Many whole grains also contain having at least one GE component
gluten, which is a common trigger if it does not bear a "USDA 100%
for allergies and sensitivities. Mod- Organic" or non-GMO label.
erate gluten intolerance is far more Perhaps the worst health-harming
common than you might think, with aspect of genetic engineering is that
symptoms that are not always obvi- crops are saturated with one of the
ous. I strongly recommend eliminat- most dangerous herbicides on the
ing or at least restricting grains from market, glyphosate, to the tune of
your diet, as well as sugars/fructose, nearly a billion pounds per year. This
especially if you have any of the con- toxic chemical can't be washed off,
ditions listed above. As a general rule, as it becomes integrated into nearly
the higher your insulin levels are, the every cell of the plant, and thus gets
less grain you should consume. transferred into your body.
No one knows exactly what will be
the ultimate impact of these foods on
LIE #7: Genetically Engineered our health, particularly over the long
Foods are Safe and Comparable to term. Animal studies have pointed
Conventional Foods to increased disease, infertility and
Genetic engineering may be the birth defects as the top contenders.
most dangerous aspect of our food The first-ever lifetime feeding study
supply today. I strongly recommend showed a dramatic increase in organ
that you avoid ALL GE foods. Since damage, cancer and reduced lifespan.
more than 90 percent of the corn For more information on the perils of
and 95 percent of the soy grown in GE food, see Sections 1 and 4.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 117 1/19/15 1:41 PM


from what you eat. Only foods from

animal sources—such as eggs—con-
tain complete proteins and provide
all essential aminos.

 Lutein and zeaxanthin. Eggs are

good sources of these antioxidants
that help prevent eye diseases such as
macular degeneration and cataracts.

 Choline. This member of the vi-

tamin B family is essential for proper
functioning of the nervous system
and cardiovascular system, as well as
prenatal brain development.

 Vitamin D. Eggs are one of the

few foods that contain naturally oc-
LIE #8: Eggs are Bad for Your Heart curring vitamin D (24.5 grams per
Eggs are one of the most demonized egg). Vitamin D is a health-providing
foods in the US thanks to the choles- powerhouse that plays a vital role in
terol and saturated fat myth (see Lie immunity, bone health, brain health
#2). Studies have shown that eggs do and disease prevention. For more
NOT have a detrimental impact on information on Vitamin D, please see
cholesterol levels and are actually one Section 6.
of the most healthful foods you can
eat. In one Yale study, six participants
were asked to consume two eggs daily
LIE #9: Low-Fat Foods Prevent
for six weeks. Researchers found that Obesity and Heart Disease
this level of egg consumption did not Conventional recommendations
spike cholesterol levels and did not over the past 40 years or more have
have a negative effect on endothelial called for drastically decreasing the
function, a measure of cardiac risk. overall fat in your diet for increased
Some of the many nutritional ben- well-being. But, fat aversion is actu-
efits of eggs include:

 Protein. One egg contains six

grams of high-quality protein and all
nine essential amino acids. Protein is
essential to the building, maintenance

and repair of your body’s tissues. It is

also a major component of your im-
mune system and hormones. Proteins
are made up of 22 vital amino acids.
Your body can make most of these,
but there are nine, known as essential
amino acids, that must be obtained

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 118 1/19/15 2:16 PM

ally a driving force behind today's bene�icial fats corrects these meta-
metabolic dysfunction, obesity and bolic issues. Recent research has
ill health. As discussed earlier, most demonstrated that the ketogenic
people need between 50 and 85 diet—one marked by carbohydrate
percent of their calories from fats—a restriction and substantial healthful
far cry from the less than 10 percent fats—extended the lifespan of mice by
from saturated fat recommended by 20 percent, because it optimized their
the USDA! insulin sensitivity and other metabolic
Let's face it, if low-fat diets worked, processes. There is evidence that low-
the United States would be the healthi- carbohydrate diets, combined with ap-
est nation on the planet—folks have propriate amounts of protein, can even
been following them since the late slow the progression of Alzheimer's
1970s. Yet America's waistline has done disease and some cancers.
nothing but expand since then. Despite
mounting research to the contrary, low-
fat diets are still being pushed as "heart And now for the #1 nutrition truth...
healthy" by the majority of nutrition-
ists, cardiologists and the like. The more you can eat like your
ancestors, the better: fresh, whole
foods that are locally and sustainably
LIE #10: Carbs Should Be Your raised and minimally processed or not
Biggest Source of Calories processed at all. These are the types of
One of the primary reasons that bread foods that your genes and biochemistry
and pasta have been a such mainstay are adapted to and that will provide
of the American diet is because wheat you with the ability to reverse and pre-
is a highly subsidized crop—the US vent most diseases. You will �ind them
government needed to create a mar- at your local farmers' market, food
ket for the ubiquitous, inexpensive co-op or in your own backyard garden.
grain and voila, grains became the And you will be amazed at the positive
base of the USDA food pyramid. The changes you will see in your health
problem is that a diet high in non- when you "clean up" your diet!
fiber carbohydrates—particularly Be wary of nutritional advice
processed grains and sugar—leads di- from mainstream "experts," as it
rectly to insulin and leptin resistance, may not be based on science—or
a key factor in disease. worse, based on bad information
A high-carb diet disrupts your that is several decades outdated.
insulin and leptin signaling, and over Truthful, accurate information is
time may very well result in type 2 your number one weapon in taking
diabetes. By contrast, a diet higher in control of your health.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 119 1/19/15 1:42 PM



Just a few strategic food swaps can go a long
way toward improving your health—especially

those that involve replacing processed and

factory-farmed foods with less contaminated

and more nutritious options.

* * *


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 120 1/19/15 1:43 PM

n many ways, the most important Organic fruits and vegetables culti-
dietary decisions you make occur vated in healthy soils can be far more
at the grocery store. When you nutritious than their conventional
have nutritious foods on hand counterparts grown in depleted
rather than foods that work soils with synthetic chemicals.
against your health, making Another major benefit of
better food choices becomes organically grown produce is
a no-brainer that doesn’t that it reduces the number of
require any extra time on pesticides and chemicals you
your part. Think about it: ingest, which is a very good
Does it take more time to use thing indeed because many of
real butter instead of margarine? these substances have direct links
Of course it doesn’t! to cancer, birth defects, and damage
While the following list could be far to the brain and immune system. In
longer, the food swaps covered here fact, a 2012 meta-analysis by Stanford
are the seven I believe to be the most University confirmed that consuming
important you can make today. organic produce exposes you to fewer
health-harming pesticides than con-
Swap #1: Organic Produce for ventional produce—about 30 percent
Non-Organic Produce less on average.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 121 1/19/15 1:43 PM


SWAP #2: Organic, Grass-Fed Meats for

Conventionally Raised Meats
Non-organic meat is among the most
contaminated foods you can buy, as
the animals are fed a steady diet of
conventionally grown, pesticide-con-
taminated and genetically engineered
grains. Therefore, if you can only af-
ford to buy some organic foods, spend
on organic, grass-fed meats. They will
radically reduce your exposure to toxic
pesticides, hormones and antibiot-
ics—three mainstays in the life of an
animal raised on a con�ined animal
feeding operation (CAFO).

SWAP #3: Raw, Organic Milk for


Pasteurized Milk
Milk from cows raised on CAFOs must
be pasteurized to prevent the spread
of potentially hazardous pathogens,
which are the result of crowded,
unsanitary living conditions and the

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 122 1/19/15 1:44 PM

routine administration of antibiotics
needed to keep these cows well. In
SWAP #4: Organic, Grass-Fed Butter
the process, all valuable enzymes are (Preferably Raw) for Margarine
also destroyed. Without them, milk is There are myriad unhealthy compo-
very difficult to digest and gives rise nents to margarine and other butter
to allergies. impostors, including:
On the other hand, raw milk from n Trans fats: These unnatural
organic farms that allow their cows fats in margarine, shortenings and
to graze on pastures is loaded with spreads contribute to heart disease,
healthy bacteria, beneficial raw fats, cancer, bone problems, hormonal
amino acids, vitamins, minerals and imbalance and skin disease;
proteins in a highly bioavailable form. infertility, difficulties in preg-
Getting your raw milk from a local nancy and problems with lac-
organic farm or co-op is one of the tation; and low birth weight,
best ways to ensure it is healthful growth problems and learning
and high quality. You can locate a raw disabilities in children. In fact, a US
milk source near you at the Campaign government panel of scientists deter-
for Real Milk website, realmilk.com. mined that man-made trans fats are
California residents can find raw milk unsafe at any level.
retailers by using the store locator n Free radicals: Free radicals and
available at organicpastures.com. other toxic breakdown products are
the result of high temperature in-
dustrial processing of vegetable oils.
They contribute to numerous health
problems, including cancer and heart
n Emulsifiers and preservatives:
Numerous additives of questionable
safety are used in margarines and
spreads. Most vegetable shortening
is stabilized with health-harming
n Hexane and other solvents:
Used in the process of extracting the
vegetable oils needed to make mar-
garine, these industrial chemicals can
have toxic effects in the body.

A far better choice is good-old-

fashioned butter. When made with
milk from grass-fed cows, it is par-
ticularly rich in conjugated linoleic
acid (CLA)—as is grass-fed beef.
CLA is not only known to help fight
cancer and diabetes, it may even aid
in weight loss, which cannot be said
for its trans-fat substitutes. Butter is

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 123 1/19/15 1:44 PM


ent diets eaten by the two chicken

groups. Instead of seeds and insects,
the main ingredients of commercially
raised hens' diets are genetically en-
gineered soy and corn. Commercial
eggs, even if they state “free-range”
on their label, will typically fall into
this category. You can tell if eggs
are free-range by the color of their
yolks. Foraged hens produce eggs
also a rich source of easily absorbed with bright orange yolks. Dull, pale
vitamin A (needed for a wide range of yellow yolks are a sure sign the eggs
functions, from maintaining good vi- are from caged hens not allowed to
sion to keeping the endocrine system forage for their natural diet.
in top shape) and the other fat-solu- Your best source for fresh eggs is a
ble vitamins (D, E and K2). local farmer who allows his chickens
to forage freely outdoors. To find free-

range farmers, ask your local health

SWAP #5: Organic, Pastured Eggs food store or visit eatwild.com or
for Conventional Eggs localharvest.com. Cornucopia.org also
The nutritional differences between offers a helpful organic egg scorecard
eggs from true free-range, pastured that rates egg manufacturers based
chickens and commercially farmed on 22 criteria deemed important by
chickens are a result of the differ- organic consumers.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 124 1/19/15 1:45 PM

SWAP #6: Sparkling Water for Soda
Soda and other sweetened com-
mercial beverages have no nutri-
tional benefits. They are loaded
with chemical additives and high
amounts of refined sugar, typically
in the form of high-fructose corn
syrup—or even worse, artificial
sweeteners. The average 12-ounce
can of soda contains 40 grams of
sugar, at least half of which is fruc-
tose. That means one can of soda
alone exceeds your daily recom-
mended allotment of fructose (15
grams/day) if you are insulin re-
sistant, which about 80 percent of
Americans are.
If you want a carbonated beverage,
try sparkling mineral water with a
squirt of lime or lemon juice instead.
It is hydrating and satisfying without water companies. And, the plastic
any unhealthy ingredients. bottle itself can further contami-
nate the water inside by leach-
ing hormone-disrupting plastic
SWAP #7: Pure, Filtered Tap Water chemicals.
for Bottled Water Just remember that the ca-
You may still be under the mis- veat to drinking tap water is
taken impression that bottled to make sure you filter it. A
water is more pure than tap whole-house water filter is
water. In reality, about 40 your best bet, as
percent of bottled water is it will remove
regular tap water, which may harsh chlorine
or may not have received disinfection
any additional treatment. byproducts
Importantly, most munici- from each wa-
pal water districts must ter source. These
adhere to stricter purity toxins pose a health
standards than the bottled hazard not only in
your drinking wa-
ter, but also in your
shower, where any
contaminants in the
water can be readily
absorbed into your
bloodstream via
your skin.

MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 125 1/19/15 1:46 PM


Use this list for transitioning to fat-burning
 Asparagus  Garlic

 Beet greens  Kale
 Bok choy  Kohlrabi
 Brussels sprouts  Lettuce, romaine, red leaf
 Cabbage, green, red and green leaf *
and napa  Mustard greens
 Cauliflower  Onions
 Celery*  Parsley
 Chicory  Peppers, red, green, yellow
 Chives and hot*
 Collard greens  Spinach*
 Cucumbers  Sprouts, particularly
sunflower and alfalfa
 Dandelion greens

 Almonds, raw  Olive oil, extra virgin
 Avocados  Olives
 Butter or ghee***  Pecans, raw
 Cheese***  Pumpkin seeds, raw

 Coconut, shredded  Sunflower seeds, raw

 Coconut oil, extra virgin  Walnuts, raw
 Macadamia nuts  Walnut oil*
 Milk, whole***


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 126 1/19/15 1:46 PM

 mode and healing insulin/leptin resistance
 Beef **  Honey, local and raw
 Chicken**  Lo Han Guo
 Eggs** (also spelled Lo Han Kuo
or called monk fruit)
 Salmon, wild Alaskan
 Salt, natural such as sea
salt or pink Himalayan

 Sauerkraut, traditionally made

BEVERAGES * Should be organic if

 Coffee* ** Should definitely be
organic, and preferably
 Spring water, in glass bottles pastured
(for those times when filtered
tap water isn’t accessible) *** Should definitely be
organic, and preferably
 Tea, green or herbal (I love tulsi pastured and raw
tea, also known as holy basil)


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 127 1/19/15 1:47 PM



hen you reduce your sugar agree. Everyone I have shared the
and grain intake and signifi- candies with has thoroughly en-
cantly up your consumption joyed them.
of high-quality fats, you I created the recipe over the
teach your body to burn fat instead course of a year, through much trial
of sugar for fuel. and error, and have revised it doz-
I realize this is a major challenge. ens of times. Below is my most-cur-
After all, I, like most of you, enjoy rent version, but please feel free to
sweet treats. So, I sought to create play with the proportions and tweak
a recipe that would satiate both the it to your personal preferences. The
body’s need for high-quality fats only change I would advise against
and its desire for sweets. I do be- would be the use of sugar or artifi-
lieve I succeeded with my Healthy cial sweeteners, as that would radi-
Chocolate Candy, and I hope you’ll cally diminish the health benefits.






MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 128 1/19/15 1:47 PM

s s s

Combine all ingredients except the coconut oil
in a mixing bowl. If your coconut oil is solid, melt it
over low heat in a pot on the stove. (It melts around
75 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning it will already be
in a liquid state in many homes during the summer
months.) Stir the liquid coconut oil into the sweet-
ened, flavored chocolate until you have a spread-
able consistency. If it is too thick you might need to
add more coconut oil.

Spread the mixture on a plate or cookie sheet

and put it in the freezer. You could also get fancy
and purchase silicone candy molds online, and the
candies will be far more presentable for friends.

The mixture takes about an hour to harden.

Once it has, crack it with a knife and enjoy. I find it
needs to be kept frozen to be solid
enough to eat without mess. It
will keep, in the freezer, for
about three months.


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 129 1/19/15 1:48 PM


OFFICIAL WEBSITE Dr. Mercola �irst launched his website,
mercola.com, on his own in 1997 as a fo-
rum for him to share his insights on the
latest health �indings. From those humble
beginnings, his site has grown to be the
number one health-related website in the
world, with 25 million page views month-
ly and over a million newsletter subscribers. The site is dedicated
to helping you, the reader, make informed and powerful decisions
based on proven research to improve your own health. To maintain
editorial integrity, Dr. Mercola accepts no advertising or sponsor-
ship, so you get the real inside scoop on health issues, untainted by
outside in�luence. Mercola.com also has a passionate community
of readers who provide meaningful support and guidance to each
other through an online forum and a daily newsletter.

To join us, or for more information: www.mercola.com


MERCOLA_V9msFINAL.indd 130 1/19/15 1:48 PM

Dr. Mercola’s Books and
Recommended Reading
Dr. Mercola is the author of Effortless Healing,
which was just published in early 2015 by Ran-
dom House. He has also written two New York
Times bestselling books, The Great Bird Flu Hoax
and The No-Grain Diet, as well as several other
titles on issues related to health. Dr. Mercola is
also passionate about championing the work of other health pioneers and researchers and sells,
on his website, several hand-chosen titles written by others that he feels to be game-changers.
For more information: www.mercola.com/forms/background.htm

Dr. Mercola’s Recommended Supplements,

Foods and Health Products
Of the products recommended in this magazine—including krill oil
supplements, coconut oil, vitamin D, probiotics, water filters, juicers
and even organic skin care—Dr. Mercola has sourced the highest-
quality options and offers them for sale on his website. Dr. Mercola
is constantly seeking the most innovative products, and only partners
with manufacturers he believes are on the cutting edge of technol-
ogy and go above and beyond good manufacturing processes. He
uses the proceeds from the sale of these products to maintain the
site and promote his mission to help protect your health freedom
and provide you with valuable information. He also donates to a
wide array of non-profits who share his commitment to improving
health worldwide.
For more information: www.shop.mercola.com

The Health Liberty Initiative

It is Dr. Mercola's mission to help others take control of their
health, to preserve each individual’s right to make their own health
care choices and to change the current health paradigm. In sup-
port of this mission, Dr. Mercola is part of Health Liberty Initiative,
a non-profit coalition that strives to help protect every American’s
right to make voluntary health choices. Health Liberty is comprised
of several organizations that address a wide array of issues re-
lated to health—such as GMO labeling and meaningful organic
standards—with a history of rich activism and active campaigning
for positive change.
For more information: www.mercola.org


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Name: Date:
Before Lunch Assessment of Breakfast:
How was your mood before breakfast?
What did you have for breakfast? Time:
Was your breakfast satisfying to you?
Did you need a snack before lunch?
Did you or do you have any cravings?
How is your mood?
How is your energy?
How is your mental clarity?
What are you having for lunch? Time:
Before Dinner Assessment of Lunch:
Was your lunch satisfying to you?
Did you need a snack before dinner?
Did you or do you have any cravings?
How is your mood?
How is your energy?
How is your mental clarity?
What are you having for dinner? Time:
Before Bedtime Assessment of Dinner:
Was your dinner satisfying to you?

Did you need a snack between dinner and bedtime?

Did you or do you have any cravings?
How is your mood?
What is your overall assessment of how you felt today?


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-A- Blood pressure Cheese, 13, 37, 63, 77, 110, 126
(see also hypertension),
Chia seeds, 39
Addiction, 23, 51-52, 92 19, 30, 89
Chicken, free-range, 46-47
Aging, 20, 24, 58-59, 67, 86 Body fat, 29, 90-91
percentage, 29, 98 Chocolate, candy recipe, 128-129
Alcohol, 23, 31, 71
wine, red, 71 tools for measuring, 29 Cholesterol (see also HDL, LDL,
Body mass index (BMI), 28-29 lipoprotein, and triglycerides), 19,
Allergies, to food, 57, 62-63,
21, 23, 31-33, 39, 57, 71, 106,
117, 123 Bone health
110-111, 117-118
Antioxidants (see also (see also osteoporosis),
24, 107, 118, 123 Coconut, 110, 126, 128-129
astaxanthin, ubiquinol, and
oil, 37, 40, 85, 97, 110, 115,
vitamins C and E), 14, 71-72, BPA, 75
126, 128-129
80-81, 102-103, 118
Brain fog, 23, 92 water, 70
Apps, see mobile health applications
Breakfast, 82-83, 85-87, Coffee, 35, 73-75, 127
Arthritis, 78, 106 108, 113, 132
Colorectal (colon) cancer,
rheumatoid arthritis, 24, 114
Breast cancer, 25, 61-62, 64, 25, 64, 71-72
Artificial sweeteners 72, 116
Community Involved in
(see also aspartame and sucra-
Butter, 37, 41, 43, 85, 97, Sustaining Agriculture
lose), 51-56, 58, 101, 104-105,
109, 123, 126 (CISA), 17
115-116, 125, 128
-C- Community Supported
Aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal),
53, 61, 104-105, 108, 116 Cancer (see also entries for breast, (CSA), 16-17
Astaxanthin, 78-79, 81, 102 colon, kidney, liver, and prostate
cancers), 20, 24-25, 29, 35, 44- Conjugated linoleic acid
Asthma, 24, 57 (CLA), 46, 123
46, 57, 61-62, 64, 67, 71-73,
Autoimmune diseases, 24, 101 78, 86, 96-101, 106-107, 114, Cooking, strategies for, 82-85
inflammatory bowel disease, 24 116-117, 119, 121, 123
CoQ10, see ubiquinol
multiple sclerosis, 24, 57
Carbohydrates, 20, 23, 38, 52,
psoriasis, 24, 72 Corn, 12, 57, 65, 107, 117
56, 93, 97, 104, 119
rheumatoid arthritis, 24, 114
Cultured foods, see fermented foods
Carbon, for water filtration, 69
Avocado, 38, 43, 110, 126
Cardiovascular health -D-
-B- and disease, Dairy (see also butter, cheese, kefir,
Beef, grass-fed, 46, 77, 123, 127 20-21, 24, 28-29, 31-32, 34-35, milk, and yogurt), 54, 63
37, 55, 57, 71, 73, 78, 81, 86, raw, 11, 13, 41, 43, 63, 79, 83,
Beverages, see coffee, fruit juice, 106, 114-115, 117-119, 123 97, 100, 109-110, 122-123
juicing, kefir, milk, soda, and tea
Cataracts, 81, 118 Depression, 23, 53, 55, 92, 101
Bloating, 23, 55


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Diabetes, 20-21, 23-24, 28-29, omega-6/omega-3, 39, 46, Government, food policies, 10-13
31, 39, 57, 71-73, 86-87, 91, 48-49, 78-79, 80, 102-103, 114
Grains (see also corn and wheat),
104, 106, 111, 114-115, 117, saturated, 37-38, 85, 114-115,
12, 20-21, 31, 38, 51-52, 57,
119, 123 118-119
86, 88, 97, 99, 101, 116-117,
trans, 57-58, 123
Diet soda, see soda 119, 128
Fermented foods/drinks
Disinfection byproducts (DBPs), Grocery shopping, see shopping
(see also kefir, kimchee, miso,
68-69, 75, 125
natto, sauerkraut, tempeh, and Gut health, 45, 79, 90-91,
Dyes, in food, 61 yogurt), 45, 62, 77, 79, 82, 99-101
100-101, 116, 127
-E- -H-
Fish, 8, 78-79, 102-103
E. coli, 9-10 HDL, 31-32, 110
Fish oil (see also krill oil), 78-79,
Eat Well Guide, 17 Headaches, 53, 55, 87
80, 102-103
migraine, 53, 55
Eggs, organic/pastured/free-range,
Flax seeds, 39, 43
43, 48-49, 83, 109-110, Heart disease, see cardiovascular
118, 124 Foodroutes, 17 disease
omega-3 eggs, 49 Food safety, 7-11 High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS),
Emotional Freedom Technique Food supply, changes in, 6-8 12-13, 58, 106, 125
(EFT), 30, 52, 88-89
Fructose, 34-35, 43, 60, 86, 88, Honey, 35, 115, 127
Exercise, 4, 28-29, 72, 80, 105-106, 111, 117, 125 Hypertension (high blood pressure),
87, 93-94, 98 high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 21, 23, 30, 34-35, 39, 57, 61,
Eye health (see also cataracts 12-13, 58, 106, 125 71, 106, 111, 117
and macular degeneration), Fruit, 14, 34-35, 38, 42-43, 52, Hypoglycemia, 23, 87-88
55, 81, 118 60, 111, 121
Hypothyroidism, 40, 107
-F- Fruit juice, 35, 54, 61, 66, 111
Factory faming, dangers of, 6-9 -G-
Infertility, 24, 54, 117, 123
Farmers’ markets, 15-17, 49, 85 Genetically modified/
Inflammatory bowel disease, 24
Fast food, 12, 14, 58-59, 84 engineered foods
(GMOs/GE), 12-13, 57-58, Insulin and insulin levels, 19-22,
61-62, 64-65, 94, 107-109, 33, 51-52, 57, 71, 78, 87, 90,
blood tests and, 22-23, 31
114, 116-117, 122, 124 108, 116-117, 119
intermittent, 52, 85-88, 97, 99,

insulin-like growth factor

108-110, 113 Ghrelin, 86, 106
(IGF-1), 64
Fatigue, 23, 81, 101 Glucose, sweetener, 105-106 leptin and, see leptin
Gluten, 101, 117 resistance, 20-23, 35, 51-52,
Fats, 37-41, 60, 88, 93, 97, 99,
71, 86, 101, 106, 111, 119,
109-110, 114, 119, 123, Glyphosate, 12, 65, 97, 125, 126-127
126, 128 114-115, 117

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sensitivity, 28, 86, 104, 108, -M- Omega-6/omega-3 fats, see fats
115, 119
Organic foods, 14-15, 83, 85,
Macular degeneration, 24, 81, 118
Intermittent fasting, 52, 85-88, 96-97, 107, 117
97, 99, 108-110, 113 Meat, (see also beef and chicken), GMOs and, 64-65, 117
8-9, 23, 37, 46-47, 65, 85, labeling, 15, 117
Irradiation, 10-11
109, 122 produce vs. conventional
-J- Migraine, 53, 55 produce, 14
what to buy, 38-43, 46-49,
Juice, see fruit juice and juicing Milk, 14, 37, 41, 63-64, 79, 100, 62-63, 65, 70-71, 73-74, 83,
Juicing, vegetables, 42-43, 108-110, 122-123, 126 96-97, 109-110, 117, 121-124,
70, 83, 111 soy substitute, 116 126-127
Junk food, 12, 58-61, 84, 95, 108 Miso, 62, 79, 100, 116, 127 Osteoporosis, 24, 101
Mobile health applications,
-K- -P-
Kefir, 79, 127 Pasteurization, 11, 62-63, 101,
Monk fruit, 105, 127, 128
Kidney health, 34, 43, 54, Monosodium glutamate
62, 68 Potatoes, 23, 57
(MSG), 61
cancer, 73 Pregnancy, 73, 87-88, 98
Multiple sclerosis, 24, 57
Kimchee, 100, 127 Preservatives, in food, 58, 60-61,
Krill oil, 77-79, 102-103 101, 123
Natto, 62, 100, 116 Probiotics, 45, 79, 99-100, 116
Nuts, 39, 83, 97, 110, 126 Processed foods
LDL, 31, 106, 110
-O- (see also processed oils), 7,
Leptin and leptin levels, 12-13, 51, 54, 58-61, 65, 87,
19-22, 60, 106, 116-117, 119 Obesity, 12, 28-29, 31, 52, 56, 99, 105, 107, 114, 117, 119,
resistance, 20-21, 119, 126-127 72, 106, 115, 118-119 120-123
Lipoprotein (a), 31 Oil pulling, 110-111 Prostate cancer, 64, 72-73
Liver health, 28, 67-68, 106 Oils, cooking, 37, 60 Protein, 38-39, 57, 83, 86-88, 93,
cancer, 73 coconut, 37, 40, 85, 97, 110, 97-99, 118-119, 123
Local food and farms, 115, 126, 128-129
Psoriasis, 24, 72
15-17, 41-42, 46, 49, 65, 119, nut, 110
123-124, 127 olive, 97, 115, 126 -R-
palm, 37
Local Harvest, 17 processed vegetable and seed Raw foods (see also dairy, raw) 13,
(canola, corn, soybean), 12, 78, 41, 43, 45, 49, 63, 79, 83,
Lo Han Guo, see monk fruit
85, 107, 114-115, 123 97, 100, 109-110, 122-123,
Olives, 97, 126


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rBGH, 64, 108 Sugar/sugary foods and drinks Vegetables, 14, 37, 42-43, 52,
(see also fructose, glucose, and 70, 83, 95, 99, 111, 126
Reverse osmosis,
high-fructose corn syrup), 20-21, fermented, 45, 77, 82, 100
for water filtration, 69
31, 34-35, 38, 51-52, 56, 73,
Vitamins, 60, 90, 106, 123
Rheumatoid arthritis, 24, 114 75, 85-86, 88, 92, 96-99, 101,
B vitamins, 45-46
Roundup, see glyphosate 104-106, 108, 110
vitamin A, 38, 48, 114, 124
Sugar substitutes, see stevia vitamin C, 80
and monk fruit vitamin D, 19, 24-27, 31-32,
Salmonella, 10, 83 38, 76-77, 97, 99, 114,
Sunscreen, 25-26, 77
118, 124
Salt/sodium, 60-61, 127
Supplements (see also entries for vitamin E, 38, 46, 48, 80,
Saturated fat, see fats specific vitamins and supple- 114, 124
ments), 76-81 vitamin K, 38, 45, 77, 114, 124
Sauerkraut, 79, 100, 127
Scale, for weight measurement, -T- -W-
28-29 Tanning/tanning beds, Waist size, 19, 28-29
Schizophrenia, 24, 101 26, 76-77, 99
Water, drinking, 66-69, 107,
Seeds (see also entries for chia Tea, 72, 127 125, 127
and flax seeds), 39, 43-44, 83, Tempeh, 62, 116, 127 aluminum and, 67
110, 126 arsenic and, 67
oils from, 114-115 Thyroid health, 20, 40, 62, 107, filters for, 69
110, 116 fluoride and, 67, 69, 107
Seizures, 24, 53, 87 hypothyroidism, 40, 107 sparkling, 125
Shopping list, 126-127 Tofu, 116 Weston A. Price Foundation, 17
tips, 95
Trans fat, see fats Wheat, 12, 57, 101, 119
Soda, 12, 35, 56, 115, 125
Triglycerides, 23, 31-32, 40, 86, Wine, red, 71
Soy (see also tempeh and tofu), 90, 106
12, 62, 64-65, 107, 116-117, medium-chain triglycerides -Y-
soybean oil, 114-115 (MCTs), 40, 110
Yogurt, 35, 79, 100, 110, 127
Sprouts, 44, 62, 126
Standard American Diet (SAD),
Ubiquinol (CoQ10), 81
‘You absolutely can take
12-13, 78, 91-92
Uric acid, 19, 34-35
control of your health. It
Statin drugs, and CoQ10, 81
doesn't have to be in any-

Stevia, 105, 127, 128 -V-

one's hands other than
Stress, 30, 52, 80, 88-91 Vascular disease, 21, 115
your own.’
Stroke, 20, 24, 31, 78 Vegetable juice, see juicing
—Dr. Mercola, in his new book Effortless Healing
Sucralose (Splenda), 54-55 Vegetable oil, see oils

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