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Demographic Transition Model questions

1. What is the name of the model shown in Figure 2?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… (1

2. Complete the key for Figure 2 by adding the terms birth rate and death rate in the
correct places. (1 mark)

3. Shade the areas on the graph where there is a natural increase in population.

4. Some MEDCs are said to have entered Stage 5 of the model. Complete Figure2 to
show what happens to the birth rate and the death rate in Stage 5.

5. Describe how the natural increase in population changes from stage 1-5 of the model.

6. Study the following table which shows the changes during the first four stages of the
Demographic Transition Model. Complete the table by writing in the correct phrases.
Choose your answers from the following list.

Falls rapidly Low and fluctuating Rises rapidly High and


7. Explain the changes in birth rate over the four stages of the model. (6mks)

8. Explain the changes in death rate over the four stages of the model (6mks)

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