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Morning Tea Time

March 2018 by Heather

My learning goals for this term are:
develop English language

develop confidence to speak up in social settings

willingness to try variety of activities
build confidence and assertiveness

My Te Whariki goals are:

using a range of strategies and skills to play and learn with others
moving confidently and challenging myself physically
making connections between people, places and things in my world
understanding oral language and using it for a range of purposes

The theme
for this term
is our community. To work with this
theme, our play ground was set up like a
restaurant. Rayan, you quickly set about
making morning tea with and for your
Your first
customer was Mariam and you asked what she
wanted in Arabic. She told you (in Arabic) she
wanted a nice cup of hot chocolate which you
made very nicely for her.
Next you made a strawberry and chocolate
drink for Siham. You also offered her a burger
and a sandwich. When you had made everyone their morning tea, you
relaxed and enjoyed your own drink.
It was great seeing you take the lead in your play in
this activity instead of following the actions of others.
I hope we can provide more activities where you can
feel comfortable playing the lead role. This will help
build your confidence and make your learning much
more fun and interesting.

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