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March 2018 by Heather

My learning goals for this term are:

develop English language
develop confidence to speak up in social settings
develop fine and gross motor skills
follow instructions and routines

My Te Whariki goals are:

using a range of strategies and skills to play and learn with others
showing respect for kaupapa, rules and the rights of others
understanding oral language and using it for a range of purposes
understanding how things work here and adapting to change

Today you stood and watched the other

children threading beads on to a thread
then you decided to try it yourself.
You picked up a thread and with fine
motor skills …. holding the thread between
fingers and thumb you and maneuvered
the thread through the hole in the bead. The look of
concentration on your face was so intent. When you at last
succeeded getting a bead on the thread, the smile on your
face said it all and Jawaher made you feel even better by
giving you lots of praise. You repeated
this a few more times and each time
you were became more excited.
It is great seeing you try things on
your own (usually you are right
beside your brother and only do what
he is doing).
Lets encourage this new found
independence and find more
activities you enjoy doing that are of
your own choosing.

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