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The Parties to this Charter reaffirm their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all
governments. They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation
of their peoples, founded on the principles of strength, order and the rule of law.

The parties to this Charter seek to promote stability and well-being in the galaxy, and they are
resolved to unite their efforts for the collective defence, preservation of peace, and security of the
galaxy. They therefore agree to this Charter and devote their resources to the maintenance of the
Imperial Union and its purpose.


Section 1: The Purpose of the Imperial Union
1.1.1 The Imperial Union (henceforth referred to as The Union) is a collective hegemon
of sovereign states, corporations, and factions that share the common goal of
establishing peace, and the rule of law and order throughout the galaxy.

1.1.2 The Union shall provide a consistent framework and requirements for the
development and application of the rule of law throughout the territory of
members of The Union. This framework and requirements shall provide
consistency in the basic spirit of law, and the establishment of cooperative
enforcement practices of such laws, whilst respecting the sovereign rights and
cultures of its members.

1.1.3 The Union shall provide guiding principles for, and support in the conduct of trade
and commerce throughout the territory of members of the Union. These guiding
principles shall seek to establish reasonable requirements for trade and commerce
that build upon the laws applicable throughout The Union; encouraging the
development of a robust, extensive, and stable economy throughout The Union.

1.1.4 The Union shall provide support to assist members in the stabilisation and/or
protection of a member’s territory, upon the request of that member and where
The Union is capable of providing such support.

1.1.5 The Union shall provide a consistent framework and approach for capacity
building amongst its members that are sovereign states. This capacity building is
aimed at the growth and maturation of a government’s economy, security, and
internal governance, with a view to establishing strong and stable governments
which are the core of The Union.

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Section 1: Overarching Structure of the Imperial Union
2.1.1 With a broad array of members and interests, The Union seeks to provide for a
variety of membership levels that maintain flexibility for its members and allow a
choice as to the level of commitment that each member will invest within The
Union, to be determined through their own means of internal governance.

2.1.2 The Union is composed of the Union Council and all committees that have been
established through acts of the Union Council.

2.1.3 The Union Council is the body that governs the Imperial Union, and is mandated
with determining the collective actions of The Union, voting on matters brought
before it and within the scope of the Council’s authority, and directing the
priorities and focus of any committees.

2.1.4 The Union Council is composed of two sub-groups; the first being the Grand
Parliament and the second the Executive Council.

2.1.5 The Union maintains three standing committees that may not be disbanded in
accordance with this Charter; they are the Economic Committee, the Defence
Committee, and the Intelligence Committee. Further committees may be
established in accordance with the delegations and authorities of the Executive

Section 2: Tiers of Union Membership

2.2.1 The constituent members of the Imperial Union are organized into three tiers: the
Provisional Tier, the Parliamentary Tier, and the Executive Tier. Entities placed in
these tiers shall be referred to as “Provisional Members,” “Parliamentary
Members,” and “Executive Members.”

Provisional Members
2.2.2 Members of the Provisional Tier are permitted to send representatives to the
Economic Committee and hold observer status in the Grand Parliament.

2.2.3 Provisional members shall not access Imperial Union restricted technologies, as
provided in the Imperial Union Technology Trade Agreement.

Parliamentary Members
2.2.4 Parliamentary members receive one vote in the Grand Parliament, and may
nominate representatives for all Union Committees. Nominations are subject to
the rules governing the composition of each Committee.

2.2.5 Parliamentary members may access Imperial Union restricted technologies, as

provided in the Imperial Union Technology Trade Agreement.

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Executive Members
2.2.6 Executive members may appoint a representative to each Imperial Union
Committee and receive one vote in both the Grand Parliament and Executive

2.2.7 Executive members may veto any enactment by the Grand Parliament or
Executive Council.

2.2.8 Executive members may access Imperial Union restricted technologies, as

provided in the Imperial Union Technology Trade Agreement.

Membership In the Tiers

2.2.9 In order to become a Provisional Member, an Applicant must acknowledge, agree
to, and sign this Charter, excluding Articles V and VI, and meet the requirements
for Provisional Membership as described in the Imperial Union Member
Development Guidelines.

2.2.9 In order to become a Parliamentary Member, a Provisional Member must

acknowledge, agree to be bound by Article V of this Charter, and meet the
requirements for Parliamentary Membership as described in the Imperial Union
Member Development Guidelines.

2.2.10 Upon a majority vote of the Grand Parliament, a Provisional Member may be
admitted into the Grand Parliament as a Parliamentary Member.

2.2.11 In order to become an Executive Member, a Parliamentary Member must

acknowledge and agree to be bound by Article VI of this Charter, and meet the
requirements for Executive Membership as described in the Imperial Union
Member Development Guidelines.

2.2.12 Upon a majority vote of the Executive Council, a Parliamentary Member may be
admitted to the Executive Council as an Executive Member.

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Section 1: Composition
3.1.1 The Grand Parliament shall consist of two Representatives from each Member of
the Imperial Union.

3.1.2 Members of the Imperial Union shall designate two Representatives to serve on
the Grand Parliament, using such selection procedures as they see fit.

3.1.3 Members may withdraw and replace representatives as they see fit.

Section 2: Presiding Officer

3.2.1 The Secretary-General of the Imperial Union shall be presiding officer of the
Grand Parliament. The Secretary-General shall not cast a vote.

3.2.2 The Secretary-General shall be elected to a one-year term of office. There is no

limit on the number of terms the Secretary-General may serve.

3.2.3 Election of the Secretary-General shall take place on the 180th day of the galactic

3.2.4 Any Representative designated by a Parliamentary Member may be elected as

Secretary-General. The Grand Parliament shall promulgate rules governing the
nomination and election of candidates for Secretary-General that are consistent
with this Charter.

3.2.5 The Secretary-General may be removed via a vote of no confidence. A vote of no

confidence will require a two-thirds supermajority in order to pass.

3.2.6 If the Secretary-General’s sponsoring Member is the subject of a vote of no

confidence, censure, relegation, or removal, the next most senior representative in
the Grand Parliament shall preside over the discussion and voting of on the
underlying measure.

3.2.7 If the Secretary-General is unable to complete his or her full term, the next most
senior representative in the Grand Parliament shall preside over the immediate
election of a replacement Secretary-General to complete the unfinished term.

Section 3: Voting
3.3.1 Each Parliamentary Representative may cast one vote. Representatives of
Provisional Members carrying observer status shall not cast votes.

3.3.2 If a Representative is elected Secretary-General, the Member sponsoring that

Representative may designate a replacement to serve in the Grand Parliament.

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Section 4: Powers
3.4.1 The Grand Parliament is vested with the authority to conduct the following
actions by a simple majority vote: In conjunction with the Executive Council, appoint and dismiss the Chair
of the Economic Committee; Ratify Union-wide trade agreements; Elevate Provisional Members to Parliamentary Member status; Expel a Provisional or Parliamentary member from the Imperial Union; Conduct any other business not expressly delegated to the Executive

3.4.2 The Grand Parliament shall, in conjunction with the Executive Council, vote on
all matters calling for a vote of the entire Union Council.

3.4.3 Enactments of the Grand Parliament are subject to veto by any Executive

3.4.4 The Grand Parliament may override the veto of an Executive Member, where such
a veto has been used on an enactment of the Grand Parliament. In order to
override a veto, two-thirds of the Grand Parliament must vote in favour of

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Section 1: Composition
4.1.1 The Executive Council shall consist of two Representatives from each of the
Executive Members of the Imperial Union.

4.1.2 Executive Members shall designate two Representatives to serve on the Executive
Council, using such selection measures as they see fit.

4.1.3 Executive Members may withdraw and replace Representatives as they see fit.

Section 2: Presiding Officer

4.2.1 The Speaker of the Union Council shall be presiding officer of the Executive
Council. The Speaker of the Union Council shall not cast a vote.

4.2.2 The Speaker of the Union Council shall be elected to a one-year term of office.
There is no limit on the number of terms the Speaker of the Union Council may

3.2.3 Election of the Speaker of the Union Council shall take place on the first day of
the galactic year.

4.2.4 Any Representative designated by an Executive Member may be elected as

Speaker of the Union Council. The Executive Council shall promulgate rules
governing the nomination and election of candidates for Speaker of the Union
Council that are consistent with this Charter.

4.2.5 The Speaker of the Union Council may be removed via a vote of no confidence. A
vote of no confidence will require a two-thirds supermajority in order to pass.

4.2.6 If the Speaker of the Union Council or their sponsoring Member is the subject of a
vote of no confidence, censure, relegation, or removal, the next most senior
representative on the Executive Council shall preside over the discussion and
voting of on the underlying measure.

4.2.7 If the Speaker of the Union Council is unable to complete his or her full term, the
next most senior representative on the Executive Council shall preside over the
immediate election of a replacement Speaker of the Union Council to complete
the unfinished term.

Section 3: Voting
4.3.1 Each Executive Representative may cast one vote.

4.3.2 If a Representative is elected Speaker of the Union Council, the Member

sponsoring that Representative may designate a replacement to serve in the
Executive Council.

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4.3.3 Each Representative on the Executive Council may veto any enactment by either
the Executive Council or the Grand Parliament.

4.3.4 An Executive Member shall not vote upon nor use its veto on any enactment
concerning the censure, relegation, or removal of that Member from the Imperial

Section 4: Powers
4.4.1 The Executive Council is vested with the authority to conduct the following
actions by simple majority vote: In conjunction with the Grand Parliament; appoint and dismiss the Chair of
the Economic Committee; Appoint and dismiss the Imperial Union Task Force Commanding Officer; Appoint and dismiss the Director-General of Union Intelligence; Form or disband new Committees; Establish the Agenda for the Defence and Intelligence Committees; Elevate Parliamentary Members to Executive Member status; Censure Union Representatives; Sanction Members with relegation to a lower tier of membership; Approve and amend the Imperial Union Technology Trade Agreement.

4.4.2 The Executive Council shall, in conjunction with the Grand Parliament, vote on
all matters calling for a vote of the entire Union Council.

4.4.3 Enactments of the Executive Council are subject to veto by any Executive

4.4.4 The Executive Council may override the veto of an Executive Member. In order to
override a veto, two-thirds of the Executive Council must vote in favour of

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Section 1: Jurisdiction
5.1.1 All Parliamentary Members and all Executive Members are parties to this Article.

Section 2: Rights and Responsibilities

5.2.1 An attack upon the territory of one member of the Mutual Defence Pact is an
attack upon all members of the Mutual Defence Pact.

5.2.2 When the territory of a party to this Article is attacked, the remaining parties of
this Article are obligated to take such steps necessary to offer a proportionate
response to the attack.

5.2.3 Parties to this Article may request the assistance of the Imperial Union Task Force
when attacked as defined in §5.1.1.

Section 3: Definition of Territory

5.3.1 For the purposes of this Article, “territory” includes galactic sectors, planets, or
systems controlled by Imperial Union members for at least three months.

5.3.2 For the purposes of this Article, all persons, vehicles, ships, facilities or other
assets belonging to any member of the Imperial Union within Imperial Union
territory as defined by §5.3.1, or within territory to which has been friendly or
neutral for at least three months, shall be considered “territory”.

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Section 1: Rights and Responsibilities in a Defensive War
6.1.1 An attack upon any member of the Military Alliance is an attack upon all
members of the Military Alliance.

6.1.2 The declaration of war against any member of the Military Alliance is a
declaration of war against all members of the Military Alliance.

6.1.2 Parties to this Article are automatically granted the assistance of the Imperial
Union Task Force when attacked.

6.1.3 In the event that a party to this Article is attacked or war has been declared against
them, all parties to this Article shall immediately declare war upon the aggressor
and place themselves in a belligerent posture toward the aggressor, and any
individual, group, or organisation that seeks to support any such war against the
Military Alliance.

Section 2: Rights and Responsibilities in an Offensive War

6.2.1 This article recognises that although the Imperial Union is by nature a defensive
organization, pre-emptive action may be necessity to protect the Union.

6.2.2 A party to this Article must obtain an authorization from the Executive Council to
declare an offensive war.

6.2.3 A two-thirds supermajority vote is necessary to sanction the declaration of an

offensive war by a party to this Article.

6.2.4 A declaration of war so authorized by the Executive Council is binding upon all
parties to this Article.

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Section 1: Mandate
7.1.1 The Economic Committee is the peak body tasked with advising the Union
Council on matters of commerce, trade, and the regulation thereof.

7.1.2 The Economic Committee shall investigate and report on Union-wide economic
development projects and present their findings to the Union Council.

Section 2: Composition
7.2.1 The Economic Committee is composed of one representative from every member
of the Union, and those individuals, groups, or organisations invited to partake in
the Economic Committee by the Union Council.

7.2.2 Members shall designate one Representative to serve on the Economic

Committee, using such selection measures as they see fit.

7.2.3 Members may withdraw and replace Representatives as they see fit.

Section 3: Presiding Officer

7.3.1 The Economic Committee shall be presided over by a Chairperson selected by the
Union Council.

7.3.2 The Chair of the Economic Committee shall be elected to a one-year term of
office. There is no limit on the number of terms the Chair may serve.

7.3.3 Election of the Chair shall take place on the 90th day of the galactic year.

7.3.4 The Chair may be removed via a two-thirds supermajority vote of the Executive

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Section 1: Mandate
8.1.1 The Defence Committee is tasked with advising the Union Council on matters of
strategic defence, maintaining the readiness of the Imperial Union Task Force, and
assisting in the coordination of joint operations with member military forces.

8.1.3 The Imperial Task Force Commanding Officer oversees the strategic and
operational command of the Imperial Union Task Force.

Section 2: Composition
8.2.1 The Defence Committee is composed of one representative from every member of
the Executive Council, plus representatives from the Parliamentary Members
equal to one-half of the total number of Parliamentary Members, up to a limit of
five Parliamentary representatives.

8.2.2 The Grand Parliament shall nominate Parliamentary Members for holding a seat
on the Defence Committee on an annual basis. The appointment of each
Parliamentary seat is subject to confirmation by the Grand Parliament in the form
of a majority vote.

8.2.3 Parliamentary Members who have been given a seat on the Defence Committee
shall designate one Representative to serve for a period of one year, using such
selection measures as they see fit.

8.2.4 Executive Members may withdraw and replace Representatives as they see fit.
Replacement Parliamentary Representatives are subject to confirmation by the
Grand Parliament.

Section 3: Presiding Officer

8.3.1 The Defence Committee shall be presided over by an Imperial Union Task Force
Commanding Officer selected by the Executive Council.

8.3.2 The Imperial Union Task Force Commanding Officer shall be elected to a one-
year term of office. There is no limit on the number of terms the Commanding
Officer may serve.

8.3.3 Election of the Imperial Task Force Commanding Officer shall take place on the
180th day of the galactic year.

8.3.4 The Commanding Officer may be removed via a two-thirds supermajority vote of
the Executive Council.

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Section 4: The Imperial Union Task Force

8.4.1 Upon the ratification of this document, the Imperial Union Task Force shall be
created to aid in the defence of Union members.

8.4.2 Executive Members shall contribute military resources to the Imperial Union Task
Force. The mandated contribution of each Executive Member shall be determined
by the Executive Council.

8.4.3 The mandated contribution may include credits, personnel, materiel, intelligence,
or any combination thereof.

8.4.4 Parliamentary Members may volunteer credits, personnel, materiel, intelligence,

or any combination thereof to the Imperial Union Task Force. The Defence
Committee may accept or decline these contributions at its discretion.

8.4.5 The Executive Council shall not mandate contribution of Executive Members to
the extent that contributions to the Task Force will place Members at significant
risk of loss of life or critical infrastructure where they are mandated to provide
contributions that would jeopardise the ongoing protection of their territory.

8.4.6 Executive Members may petition the Executive Council for a reduction or
modification of its contribution. The Executive Council shall, with a simple
majority vote, grant such petitions upon a showing of good cause.

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Section 1: Mandate
9.1.1 The Intelligence Committee is tasked with facilitating coordination and
cooperation among the intelligence, counter-intelligence, and law enforcement
apparatuses of the Members of the Imperial Union.

9.1.2 The Intelligence Committee, through the Director-General, is further tasked with
providing the Executive Council with timely intelligence and advice regarding the
state of affairs outside the Imperial Union to assist in decision making where

Section 2: Composition
9.2.1 The Intelligence Committee is composed of one representative from every
member of the Executive Council, plus representatives from the Parliamentary
Members equal to one-half of the total number of Parliamentary Members, up to a
limit of five Parliamentary representatives.

9.2.2 The Grand Parliament shall nominate Parliamentary Members for holding a seat
on the Intelligence Committee on an annual basis. The appointment of each
Parliamentary seat is subject to confirmation by the Grand Parliament in the form
of a majority vote.

9.2.3 Parliamentary Members who have been given a seat on the Intelligence
Committee shall designate one Representative to serve for a period of one year,
using such selection measures as they see fit.

9.2.4 Executive Members may withdraw and replace Representatives as they see fit.
Replacement Parliamentary Representatives are subject to confirmation by the
Grand Parliament.

Section 3: Presiding Officer

9.3.1 The Intelligence Committee shall be presided over by a Director-General of Union
Intelligence selected by the Executive Council.

9.3.2 The Director-General of Union Intelligence shall be elected to a one-year term of

office. There is no limit on the number of terms the Director-General may serve.

9.3.3 Election of the Director-General of Union Intelligence shall take place on the
270th day of the galactic year.

9.3.4 The Director-General may be removed via a two-thirds supermajority vote of the
Executive Council.

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Section 1: General Declarations
10.1.1 Members of the Imperial Union shall not use violence, coercion, subterfuge, or
any other means of covert or overt hostility to resolve a dispute with another

10.1.2 In the event of a dispute between Members, the Members involved shall attempt
to resolve the dispute via direct, bilateral means before resorting to the procedure
detailed in this Article.

Section 2: Arbitration Procedure

10.2.1 In the event that Members are unable to bilaterally resolve a dispute, those
Members shall petition to the presiding officer of the body under which the
dispute arises for arbitration.

10.2.2. If a party to the dispute believes the presiding officer has a conflict of interest that
will prevent them from neutrally arbitrating the dispute, the party may petition the
Grand Parliament for a different arbitrator.

10.2.3 No presiding officer shall hear a case involving the officer’s sponsoring Member.
In the event that a sponsoring Member is involved in arbitration, the Grand
Parliament shall appoint a different arbitrator without a motion by the adverse

10.2.4 The disputing Members shall present their respective cases to the arbitrator, who
shall render a decision upon the case. The arbitrator’s decision is binding and
forms Imperial Union precedent. Decisions shall be posted in a place accessible to
Union members.

Section 3: Appellate Procedure

10.3.1 Either Member involved in the dispute may appeal the decision of the arbitrator to
the Executive Council.

10.3.2 Whether or not to hear an appeal is a matter within the discretion of the Executive

10.3.3 When the Council decides to hear an appeal, the non-appealing Member may give
a response to the points raised on appeal.

10.3.4 Upon hearing the appeal and—if given—the response, the Executive Council shall
render a decision. The Executive Council may reverse or affirm all or part of the
arbitrator’s decision.

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10.3.5 In the event of a reversal of any part of the arbitrator’s decision, the arbitrator
shall render a new decision consistent with the Executive Council’s decision on

10.3.6 In the event that a dispute involving an Executive Member is appealed to the
Executive Council, a two-thirds supermajority vote is required to reverse any part
of the arbitrator’s decision.

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Section 1: Amendment Procedure
11.1.1 Any Parliamentary or Executive Member may propose an Amendment to the

11.1.2 Proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Speaker of the Union Council, who
shall present the amendment to the Union Council.

11.1.3 After no more than thirty days of debate, the Union Council shall vote on the
matter of the ratification of the amendment.

11.1.4 In order to be ratified, an amendment shall require a two-thirds supermajority vote

of the Grand Parliament, and unanimous agreement by the Executive Council.

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Section 1: Supremacy of the Union Charter
12.1.1 By joining the Imperial Union, a Member acknowledges that this Charter and the
enactments of the Union Council pursuant to its authority supersede all other
treaties, agreements, and pacts to which the Member is a party to the extent that
those treaties, agreements, and pacts are inconsistent with this Charter and
enactments of the Union Council pursuant to its authority.

12.1.2 No Member shall make a treaty, agreement, or pact that is inconsistent with this
Charter or enactments of the Union Council pursuant to its authority.

12.1.3 Provisional and Parliamentary Members may make treaties of non-aggression

with stated enemies of the Military Alliance, but no Member provide any measure
of support to a stated enemy of the Military Alliance, or conduct trade with
enemies of a member of the Imperial Union during a period of declared war.

Section 2: Penalties for Non-Compliance

12.2.1 Non-compliance with any Article of this Charter may be subject to disciplinary
action, including but not limited to: censure, sanction, relegation, and/or dismissal
from the Imperial Union.

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Section 1: Creation of By-Laws
13.1.1 The Union Council and Committees are authorized to promulgate such legislation,
by-laws, administrative rules, and regulations necessary for the administration and
governance of the Imperial Union.

13.1.2 This Charter supersedes all legislation, by-laws, administrative rules, and
regulations promulgated by any constituent body of the Imperial Union. Any
legislation, by-laws, administrative rules, and regulations deemed by the
Executive Council to be inconsistent with this Charter shall be unenforceable.

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