San Martin de Porres - Karla

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Santo Peruano 


San Martín de Porres 

It was the first black saint in the Americas and is pattern universal peace. Also known as the "Saint of the Broom"
to be represented with a broom in his hand as a symbol of humility. Born in Lima, Peru on December 9,
1579. Natural son of Spanish Juan de Porres and the Panamanian black Ana Velasquez. In the book of baptism
was registered as "unknown father's son." Natural son of Spanish Juan de Porres and the Panamanian black Ana
Velasquez. He was baptized in the church of San Sebastian in the same cell and by the same priest who had
baptized Santa Rosa. Since child was Martin very generous to the poor, which was part of the money when she
went shopping. His mother often took him to the temple. His father, governor of Panama, he sought a good
education. Martin learned the trade of barber, which included a surgeon and general medicine.He fulfilled his job
well, especially for the poor, and seized the opportunity to talk about God, and such was his kindness that
touched everyone. By day he worked. In the evening was devoted to prayer. At fifteen years (1594) for the
invitation of Fray Juan de Lorenzana, famous Dominican theologian and man of virtue, he became a Dominican
tertiary in the convent of the Rosary of Lima. He was happy, serving with humility and charity to those inside and
outside. He turned the convent into a hospital. Sick and wounded are collected from the streets, carrying on his
shoulders and lay on his bed. The cared for and pampered like a mother. Some of the monks protested, since the
closure and breach of peace. Charity is above the closure, said Martin. Their rudimentary medicine, and even
more hands, healings and miracles wrought. His charity extended to the poor animals that was hungry and
injured. Martin had to suffer because of their race, humiliating contempt of colonial society. But never rebelled
against the disdain and even public insults ("dog mulatto") inferred it. His selflessness, modesty and peace that
radiated not left to impress his contemporaries. In nursing and in the goal of the convent of the Rosary (Santo
Domingo) attended with warm goodness and love for the poor was proverbial in Lima quickly you about the
sick. They tell him many miracles and healings. He was admitted as brother of the order in 1603.
There were many stray from Lima. He sought money and founded the Asylum of Santa Cruz for boys and
girls. There are cared for and taught a trade. When smallpox began to wreak havoc in Lima, activity and care of
Martin multiplied. Everywhere was solace and remedy. It is said that he enjoyed the privilege of multilocación (be
in several places at once) because they saw him heal and console simultaneously in several places. All came to
him. Everyone considered him a saint. It was the angel of Lima. That superhuman effort reached dangerously
weaken. At the age of sixty, Martin de Porres, fell ill and announced that it is time to meet with the Lord. He knew
that it would come out of this disease. He suffered so many attacks of the devil, but he felt the comfort and
company of the Virgin. When he saw the time approaching happy to go to enjoy God, the priests asked around
him chanting the Creed. As he sang, gave his soul to God. It was 9 pm on November 3, 1639 in Ciudad de los
Reyes, capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru died. . The whole city gave him the final farewell in a crowded where
people from all mixed social classes. High civil and ecclesiastical authorities took him on their shoulders to the
crypt, tolling of bells on his behalf and popular devotion was so excessive that the authorities were forced to make
a quick burial. His cult has spread prodigiously. Gregory XVI beatified 1837. He was canonized by John XXIII in
1962. Pope John XXIII who had a true devotion by Martin de Porres, canonized him on May 6, 1962 with the
following words: "Martin excused the faults of another. Forgave the bitterest injuries, convinced that the more
deserved punishment for their sins. tried wholeheartedly encourage self-conscious about his failings, comforted
the sick, provided clothes, food and medicine to the poor, helped peasants, Afro then taken as slaves. People
called 'Martin The good '. " His feast in the Catholic calendar is celebrated on 3 November, the date of his death.
In many cities of Peru are made on their behalf festivities and processions of the image that day, being the main
procession which part of the Basilica and Convent of Santo Domingo in Lima, Callao, where his remains rest. It is
also celebrated in Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, U.S. and others. Notes: ... ... .... Martin Blessed is in the United States
and other countries, the employer of the work to promote harmony between races and interracial justice, which is
why there are several biographies of popular type, ... ... ....
 Universal Patron of Peace.
 patron of social justice in Peru.
 Pattern of patients.
 Protector of the poor (at St. Vincent de Paul and St. Camillus de Lellis).
 Master barbers.
 Pattern of sweepers.
 Master of the intercession of the animals.
 Pattern of pharmaceutical chemicals in Peru.
 Pattern of health of the police forces of Peru.
 Master Volunteer Fire Company "San Martin de Porres No. 65 - District of San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru.
 Pattern of municipal workers in Peru.
 Pattern protect the District of San Martin de Porres in Lima, Peru.
 Master of the University of San Martin de Porres in Lima, Peru.
 Pattern Editor Peru and the newspaper El Peruano.
 Master's Parish Recreation, City of San Fernando in Venezuela.
 Caricuao patron of the parish Church and first to bear his name in 1962 in Venezuela.
 Trustee of the San Martin de Porres church in La Chorrera (Panama)

 Brotherhood of Knights of St. Martin de Porres and San Juan Macías: The main institution,
founded on July 9, 1922 at the Convent of Santo Domingo - Lima, Peru.
 Hermandad de San Martin de Porres de San Juan de Miraflores Founded Area C: the September
3, 1976 Lima, Peru.
 Ladies and Gentlemen Hermandad de San Martin de Porres Church Immaculate, Huancayo
Peru: Founded on May 5, 1963.
 Brotherhood of Knights of St. Martin de Porres: Founded on November 10, 1957-Santuario de la
Parroquia de San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru.
 Brotherhood Chargers and perfumed with San Martin de Porres de Barranco: Founded on
January 2, 1964. Sacred Heart of Jesus Barranco.
 Hermandad de San Martin de Porres Palomino - Cercado de Lima.
 Hermandad de San Martin de Porres de Barranco [1]
 Chargers Brotherhood of San Martin de Porres de Cruz Blanca, Santa Maria - Huacho
 Hermandad de San Martin de Porres de Sandia - Cercado de Lima: Founded on November 15,
 Chargers Brotherhood of San Martin de Porres de Valdivieso, founded on December 21, 1962.-
 Hermandad de San Martin de Porres de Conde villa Lord 2nd Stage Sector 11. San Martin de
Porres: Founded on June 17, 1979. Felix del Valle Jr. 432.
 "Hermandad de San Martin de Porres in Atlanta, GA."

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