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Proposals to modernise and strengthen

Labours women's organisation

Paper to Annual Conference 1998

3uIIC thy women' )rganisation

1. Introduction 5

2. The Labour Party women's organisation 6

3. Consultation with the party 7

4. A new women's organisation 8

4.1 Local women's organisation 8

4.2 Regional women's organisation 1.0

4.3 NEC Women's Committee 1.1.

5. Women's representation 13

Appendix -Rule changes 14

Building a healthywomen's organisation

.1. Introduction
Women in the Labour Party have made huge Labour is determined to build upon this
advances in recent years. In the past decade progress. The introduction of the Scottish
the party has made changes which Parliament and Welsh Assembly by the Labour
have resulted in a significant decline in its government has been accompanied by a
male-dominated image and culture. selection process within the Labour Party itself
A particularly important and high-profile which ensures that half the Labour members of
milestone was the election of 101 Labour these bodies will be women. And Labour is
women MPs on 1 May 1997. committed to ensuring that our town halls
become more representative. with equal
Labour is proud to be the first major political
opportunities -and in particular the selection of
party in Britain to introduce quotas for women
more Labour women candidates -central to the
at all levels of the organisation, which have
party's new 'Project 99'.
helped bring about this change. Since the late
1980s rules have been developed to ensure that But there is still a long way to go. Women still
women are fairly represented throughout the make up less than a quarter of Labour MPs. Just
party -from the local branch to the National 25 per cent of Labour councillors -and far fewer
Executive Committee -and that those rules in many areas -are women. And women
continue to apply to all new party bodies which continue to make up just 40 per cent of our
are established. party membership. In some areas local parties
still report difficulty filling their quotas. To
The election of so many new Labour women MPs
tackle these problems effectively the party
in 1997 was largely due to the operation of
needs clear commitment and targeted action.
positive action measures, through which Labour
has begun to change the face of British politics. This paper makes proposals for a newly focused
The new Labour government is the most and structured women's organisation to support
representative in British political history, with women to play an active role in the party. This
22 women ministers -five of them in the cabinet is based upon the current women's organisation,
-including two Ministers for Women, who which has existed for decades, and is informed
oversee the delivery of policy to benefit women. by a major consultation about the role of the
The Labour government's programme has women's organisation which was carried out
women at its heart, with many measures -such with the party.
as the minimum wage, fairness at work and the
national childcare strategy -set to bring real
improvements to the lives of millions of women.
Building a healthy women's organisation

2. The Labour Party women's organisation

The women's organisation dates back to the more opportunities open up for women to be
earliest years of the party. Since 1906, Labour active in the mainstream party 'through the
women have organised together, and since 1918 operation of Quotas, the numbers involved with
women's organisations have existed at the women's organisation have dropped and a
constituency and national level. The women's number of organisations have shut down. For
organisation has also existed for many years at example, the number of local women's sections
regional level. declined from around 550 in 1994 to just 200 in
1997, and the number of women's councils
It is partly due to the work of the women's
currently stands at fewer than 50. A survey in
organisation that the achievements outlined
1995 showed that most women's sections have
above have been made. The women's
fewer than 10 women taking part regularly, and
organisation has traditionally provided an
in 1997 just seven of the 44 seats on the
environment where women can develop their
London regional women's committee were filled.
political skills in a supportive atmosphere. Many
of today's women MPs and MEPs began their The NEC is firmly of the opinion that the party
party involvement through the women's needs a women's organisation if it is to continue
organisation. And the women's organisation -at progress on women's representation and ensure
local, regional and national level -worked hard to that women's voices are heard. However, given
ensure that the principle of quotas and positive the decline in numbers, it is clear that action
action was accepted throughout the party. must be taken if the women's organisation is to
remain strong and effective.
But in recent years the party's women's
organisation has appeared to be in decline. As
Buildinga healthy women's organisation

3. Consultation with the party

Between March and June 1998 a consultation hold more informal meetings and events -
was carried out with the party on the role of the including events which members can attend
women's organisation. Around 2,000 copies of a with their families -in accessible venues at
consultation paper, 'Building a healthy women's appropriate times.
organisation', were circulated to constituencies,
There was strong support for the operation of
women's organisations, affiliated organisations
quotas within the party, with some calls for
and individuals. The results were very positive.
these to be extended and/or better monitored.
Responses were received from a spread of The equal representation of women on all bodies
organisations and individuals around the -including the new policy forums -was
country, and some strong messages came out of suggested as the best way to ensure that
their submissions. These views have been used women's voices are heard.
to influence the proposals for a new
To achieve the aims of the women's
organisation which are set out in this paper.
organisation, it was proposed that better
By far the strongest message was that the information, co-ordination and training is
primary role of the women's organisation is to required. This includes guidance to local parties
support and encourage women to play an active on operating in a women-friendly way, guidance
role in the party, particularly in elected office. It to local women's organisations on setting up
was suggested that this be achieved through training and mentoring arrangements, sharing of
training (in areas such as public speaking, good practice and co-ordination across regions
campaign skills, becoming a councillor), political through training events, and encouraging
education, informal networking and mentoring cross-constituency working.
arrangements. All of this suggests a different kind of women's
Another key role identified was for the women's organisation from that which has existed in
organisation to build links between the party most areas for many years. The survey of the
and women in the community -both with organisation in 1995 found that 98 per cent of
individual women and with women's local women's organisations held meetings,
organisations. Proposals included consultation mostly monthly, compared with only 41 per cent
meetings, joint events with external which were involved with campaigning and
organisations, encouraging women members to membership recruitment, and 29 per cent which
be active in community organisations, and were involved with women in community groups.
targeted women's recruitment and campaigning. The mood from the consultation appeared to be
that women want to re-focus their activities, and
Many views were received on the need for the
need the guidance and information -and party
culture of local parties to change. It was felt
structures -which would enable them to do so.
that many party meetings were not useful, or
were unwelcoming, and that local parties should
.Building a healthywomen's organisation

4. A new women's organisation

Despite the achievements which have been formal and informal meetings, training,
made in recent years, the NEC Women's conferences and social events, in order to
Committee remains firmly convinced of the need enable women to support each other, share
for a women's organisation within the party. experiences and expertise, build networks
This belief was solidly backed up by evidence and come to collective views.
from the consultation.
The remainder of this section proposes ways in
However, the consultation also clearly signalled which local regional and national women's
the need for a change of direction for the organisations can achieve these objectives. The
women's organisation. Traditionally the women's necessary rule changes, if agreed by Annual
organisation has given women the opportunity Conference, will then be applied. The
to have a voice in the party through a separate effectiveness of the new organisation at
organisation. However, the introduction of meeting its aims should be carefully monitored.
quotas within the party increasingly means that
women are represented within the mainstream 4.1. Local women's organisation
of the party, and have their voices heard through The local organisation is most women's main
mainstream routes. point of contact with the party's women's
With the decline of the traditional women's organisation. Most suggestions coming out of
organisation in many areas of the country, it is the consultation referred to the work of the
more important than ever that women are local organisation, and it is here that most of
represented in the mainstream of the party, with the day-to-day work for women in the labour
an equal voice on all decision-making bodies. Party is done.
This ensures that even in areas without a
women's organisation, women cannot be
There are indications that there is a lack of
focus amongst local women's organisations,
With an emphasis on women's representation in with many of the respondents to the
the mainstream, there is still crucial work for consultation seeking clearer guidance and
the women's organisation itself to do. The descriptions of responsibilities. The starting
women's organisation can play an important point is a clear set of aims. It is proposed that
role in giving women the confidence and the aims of the women's organisation locally
strength to operate effectively within the party. should be:
It can also ensure that these women are able to
.to encourage and support women members to
represent the collective voice of women in the
playa full and active part in all the party's
party, through providing a forum for women to
activities, particularly through facilitating
come together and discuss issues of policy and
training, networking and mentoring, and by
party organisation.
encouraging women to run for elected office
The specific aims of the different levels of party
.to build links with women in the community,
women's organisation -local, regional and
through contact with community
national -are proposed in the three subsections
organisations and individual women,
that follow. Achieving these should be the
consultation, campaigning and joint working
overall mission of the party's women's
organisation. .to encourage women to join the party and to
ensure that new women members are
.Equal representation
Ensuring that women are equally represented
at all levels of the party and in all the party's .to ensure that women's voices are heard in
decision-making bodies. the party, through monitoring women's
involvement in activities and communicating
.Supporting women
women's concerns to the local party and to
Giving women the support, encouragement,
policy makers
confidence arjd skills to playa full and equal
role in the mainstream of the party. .to work jointly with labour women in
neighbouring constituencies in the delivery of
.Bringing women together
the above aims.
Enabling women to come together through
Building a healthywomen's organisation

Organisation cover an entire local authority area. Such groups

The key officer of the local women's would not have formal status in respect of any
organisation should be the constituency particular CLP.
women's officer, who is one of the seven main
Women in individual branches may also want to
officers of the constituency and sits on the
meet together informally to work towards the
Executive Committee. The new role of the
aims of the women's organisation. Women's
women's officer would be to ensure that the
groups at branch level would not have the same
aims of the local women's organisation are met.
formal status as constituency women's forums.
The women's officer should be responsible for
Constituencies should be encouraged to make
co-ordinating a women's "forum" in the
resources available to forums operating
constituency to assist in delivering the
successfully, to enable them to do their work.
organisation's aims. She would be, ex-officio,
the chair/co-ordinator of this group. Women's officers will be supported by national
and regional offices in doing their work, for
All individual women members in the
example, through the circulation of guidance
constituency should be deemed to be members
and good practice (see also regional/national
of the women's forum. The women's officer
sections below).
should be provided with a membership list by
the constituency secretary in order to make Activities
contact with women members. All women The women's officer and forum should draw up
members should be mailed at least annually to an annual plan and a programme of activities.
inform them of the activity of the women's This plan should be agreed by the GCs or ECs of
officer and/or forum. the constituency concerned. The plan should be
The normal route for communication with prepared bearing in mind:
women members would be through articles .the aims of the local women's organisation
and/or inserts in general constituency and
.particular interests and needs of local
branch mailings, and CLPs should support and
co-operate in this activity. women, as identified through surveying
women members
The women's forum may hold whatever informal
.guidelines and priorities circulated from time
meetings or gatherings it sees fit to work
to time by the national and regional party.
towards meeting its aims. The forum may
appoint officers to help carry out this work - Women's officers should try to build targets for
and not just secretary, treasurer, etc, as the year into their plans, which can then be
appointments may also include training officer, monitored and reviewed to help planning for
community liaison officer, etc. future years.
A meeting of the women's forum should only Women's forums should prioritise work which
have formal status if all women in the aims to support women members of the party to
constituency have been given 14 days written play an active part in all the party's activities.
notice of the meeting and the business to be In particular, train1ng, mentoring and networking
discussed, and at least 10 eligible women among women to encourage women to:
members attend. .hold elected office within the party (eg as
At a formal meeting the women's forum would branch or constituency chair, political
be able, if it wishes, to make nominations to the education officer, etc)
CLP for posts open to nomination from branches
.stand as councillors, MPs, MEPs and other
(ie CLP officers, parliamentary/European forms of elected representative for the party
parliamentary candidate, members of the NEC,
National Policy Forum, etc) and to elect two .become involved in the community, for
delegates to the constituency General example, as school governors/board
Committee. A formal meeting would also be able members, on committees of local
to agree motions to be sent to the General organisations, as magistrates, members of
community health councils. etc
.take part in all forms of party activity, in
Women's officers should be encouraged to work
particular, campaigns, recruitment activity.
on joint activities and projects across
party committees. meetings and policy
constituency boundaries, and may wish to form
joint women's forums. These mi~ht. for examole.
Building a healthywomen's organisation

Women's forums should also seek to build links .to run training sessions to enable local
with women in the community through, for women's organisations within the region to
example: operate effectively
.building relationships with organisations such .to spread good practice and provide
as women's voluntary organisations, tenants information which helps local women's
groups, trade unions and other organisations organisations to meet their aims
in which women are active, through
.to encourage joint working between women's
information exchange, personal contact, joint
organisations in different constituencies
meetings, events and campaigns
within the region
.working with the party and Labour councillors
.to build links with women in voluntary
and MPs to consult women in the community
organisations, trade unions and their women's'
about their views and concerns, using ..
organisations and other groups at regional I
consultation meetings, policy forums,
level and facilitate joint working which
surveys, listening campaigns and other
encourages women to support, join or
become involved in the party
.targeted campaigning and recruitment
.to ensure that women are fully involved in all
activity with women, including campaigns on
party activities within the region, including all
issues of particular interest to women, such
policy-making events and activities.
as women's health, childcare, and violence
against women.
Women's forums should seek to ensure that The organisational structure within the region is
women's voices are properly heard in the party, the regional women's committee, which should
through the above activities and also through: work closely with
the above aims. the regional board in meeting
.feeding women's views on policy into local
and national policy forums and to the The regional women's committee should
constituency's General Committee comprise the following members:

.encouraging women to play an active role in .all women members of the regional board (at
these and other bodies, monitoring women's least seven)
involvement and working with the rest of the
.up to five co-opted voting members, agreed by
party to develop arrangements which
the women regional board members, to fill
maximise this involvement
specific gaps in the board membership (eg
.bringing any problems regarding women's woman MP or MEP, women from particular
involvement, including the filling of quotas, to trade unions or particular parts of the region)
the attention of the constituency secretary,
.where there is an NEC Women's Committee
other officers or the regional party
member resident in the region, this woman
.holding local policy forums for women. will be a member of the committee (where
there is more than one eligible woman they
4.2. Regional women's organisation will agree one who will sit on the committee)
The regional women's organisation plays an .a Labour Party regional officer.
important role in co-ordinating activities
between women in different constituencies The above structure will apply in the first
instance to the committees in the English
within the region, and bringing women together
to share good practice. regions. Women's committees in Scotland and
Wales will be constituted in accordance with
Aims Scottish and Welsh rules but should be
The aims of the regional women's organisation encouraged to move towards similar structures.
are to implement the national aims of the Regional women's committees should be
women's organisation and to support local chaired by a member of the regional board.
women's organisations within the region in
Regional women's committees may set up
meeting their own aims. In particular it aims:
taskforces to work on particular projects (eg
.to co-ordinate training which supports women training, conference organisation. etc) and may
within the region in playing an active part in want to co-opt additional women with specific
all the party's activities expertise/backgrounds onto such taskforces.
Building a healthywomen's organisation

Other women may be invited to attend regional in building good relationships with these
women's committee meetings subject to the organisations. This may include exchange of
agreement of the committee. information, invitations to conferences and other
The regional women's committee will report events, regional or subregional consultation
regularly to the regional board. events, policy forums and campa'igns. As far as
possible these activities should be organised in
The chair of the regional women's committee
partnership with women from the local Labour
will be invited to meet regularly with the NEC
Party women's organisation, with the regional
Women's Committee and report back to
women's committee taking a co-ordinating role.
the region.
Regional women's committees should take an
Activities overview of activities within the region and
The regional women's committee should draw up women's involvement within them, to ensure
an annual plan and a programme of activities to women are fully represented and encouraged to
achieve their aims, taking into account the be involved. They should work closely with the
priorities of the region and the priorities and regional board to ensure that women are fully
guidelines circulated by the national party from involved in the region's activities and that the
time to time. This should be agreed by the party seeks to achieve equal representation for
regional board. Women's committees should try women in decision-making and elected office
to set targets for the year which can then be throughout the region.
monitored and reviewed to help planning for
future years. 4.3. NEC Women's Committee
The NEC Women's Committee is the strategic
Regional women's committees should be
body at national level which drives the work of
responsible- for organising events for women
the women's organisation, and seeks to ensure
across the region and would normally be
that women are fully involved in all the party's
expected to organise at least one event or
conference annually which would:

.be open to all women in the region to attend, Aims

and be well publicised The aims of the NEC Women's Committee are as
.include training for women in priority skills to
enable them to be involved in the party, .to set the strategic direction of the women's
particularly through holding elected office organisation of the party, agree priorities for
women in the party, draw up plans of action
.enable women within the region to meet key
and initiate projects to achieve these priorities
women representatives from the regions,
including regional committee, MPs, MEPs, .to ensure, in close co-operation with the NEC,
councillors, National Policy Forum members that women are fully involved in all party
activities and that the party is welcoming and
.in the case of a conference, invite the
supportive of women
Minister for Women and women from the NEC
Women's Committee to attend .to take action to encourage women to run for
elected office and to improve women's
.at the discretion of the regional women's
representation among party representatives
committee, include a policy forum element.
at atl levels
Constituency parties should be encouraged to
.to encourage women to support Labour and to
fund at least one woman annually to attend a
join the party
regional women's conference or training event.
.to ensure that the concerns and priorities of
Regional women's committees should regularly
women are fully in the mainstream of party
circulate contact lists of women's officers in the
activities, policy and campaigns
region, to encourage joint working, and may
want to hold events to bring women's officers .to build links with women's organisations
outside the party, and with trade unions and
their women's organisations, to encourage
Where organisations outside the party (such as
dialogue and joint working
women's voluntary organisations, trade unions,
etc) operate at regional or subregional level, the .to work with the party's regions and with
regional women's committee should take a lead local parties in carrying out the above.
Building a healthy women's organisation

Organisation [Note that these proposals would result in a

In keeping with the new style ofNEC maximum of eight additional members of the
committees, and in the light of the changes to committee, above the minimum of 12 NEC
the NEC itself (from October 1998), it is women. Currently there are 21 members of the
proposed that the NEC Women's Committee committee in addition to the NEC women.]
becomes a smaller and more focused body, with
a revised membership. This membership should Activities
comprise: The NEC Women's Committee would normally
.all women on the NEC (with the new quota on meet four times a year.
all NEC sections comprising more than one The committee should draw up an annual work
person, this gives a total of at least 12 programme in order to meet its aims and the
women), and: annual priorities of the party. This would be put
.in the event that the youth representative on to the NEC for approval, and circulated to
the NEC is a man, the Young Labour national regional committees for information or action.
The plan should seek to set clear targets which
committee should be invited to nominate a
woman to the committee may be monitored.

.in the event that there are no women from The NEC Women's Committee would meet
the Scottish Labour PartY on the NEC, the regularly (and in any case at least once a year)
with the chairs of the regional women's
Scottish Executive should be invited to
nominate one woman (who should be a committees to discuss priorities and plans and
member of the Scottish Women's Committee) listen to any feedback. Regions should be kept
to the committee informed regularly about national priorities.

.in the event that there are no women from The committee will also ensure regular dialogue
the Welsh Labour PartY on the NEC, the with national women's officers of all affiliated
trade unions.
Welsh Executive should be invited to
nominate one woman (who should be a The committee may set up taskforces to work
member of the Welsh Women's Committee) to on specific projects, which would meet on an
the committee ad hoc basis, and may co-opt other women onto
.in the event that there are no black or ethnic such taskforces.
minority women on the NEC, the Black The committee, through the National Women's
Socialist SocietY national committee should Officer, will ensure that constituency women's
be invited to nominate one woman to the officers are contacted regularly, kept informed
committee of priorities, and given clear guidance on their
role and activities. Women's officers should also
.in the event that there is poor representation
be kept informed about key mainstream party
of the trade union women's organisation on
the committee, affiliated unions should be activities, including the work of the National
Policy Forum.
invited to nominate a total of no more than
two women, bearing in mind the need to The NEC Women's Committee will also have
ensure good links with the TUC women's responsibility for organising an annual National
committee and trade union women's officers, Women's Conference which:
and the need for a spread of unions on the
.is open to all women in the party to attend
.has a policy-making role through close links
.in the event that there is no woman from the
with the National Policy Forum, including
Westminster PLP on the committee, the PLP
discussion of National Policy Forum
Women's Committee should be invited to
documents and feeding results to the forum
nominate one woman to the committee
and policy commissions
.in the event that there is no woman from the
.provides a range of skills training for women
EPLP on the committee, women EPLP
to support them in playing a more active role
members should be invited to nominate one
in the party.
woman to the committee
Constituency parties should be encouraged to
.the Minister for Women should be an ex-
fund at least one woman annually to attend the
officio member of the NEC Women's
National Women's Conference.
Building a healthy women's organisation

5. Women's representation
The party is proud of the progress which has As well as devising quotas, it is important that
been made following the introduction of quotas local parties are kept aware of them, and that
throughout the party organisation. For the their implementation by local parties is properly
foreseeable future, we remain committed to monitored.
quotas, at all levels, to ensure that women are
A key objective remains equal representation for
fairly represented and that women's voices are
women as elected representatives of the party.
heard in decision making.
The party is committed to taking action to
As new party bodies are set up, we should achieve equal women's representation at all
continue to apply the principle of quotas from levels of ejected office, for example, as
the outset. This principle has been applied, for councillors, members of the Scottish Parliament
example, to the new National Policy Forum and and Welsh Assembly, MPs and MEPs. The
applies to all sections of the new NEC. Following women's organisation of the party will have a
f concerns raised in the consultation, quotas central role in devising methods, and taking
should be extended to the new policy action, to achieve this goal.

Building a healthy women's organisation


Delete all existing 10A, 10B and 10C and 10.A.4 Management
replace with: a) The women's officer shall be responsible for
co-ordinating a women's forum in the
10.A Women's forums constituency to aid her in delivering the aims
of the organisation. She will be, ex-officio, the
1.0.A.1. Name
chairjco-ordinator of this group.
[ ] Constituency Labour Party women's
forum b) The women's officer and forum shall draw up
an annual plan and a programme of activities.
1.0.A.2 Aims and values This plan shall be agreed by the GCjEC of the
a) National constituency. The plan shall be prepared
The aims and values of the Labour Party as bearing in mind:
outlined in Clause IV of the national
i. the aims of the local women's organisation
constitutional rules shall apply to this women's
forum. ii. particular interests and needs of local
women, as identified through surveying
b) Constituency women members
The aims of this women's forum shall be:
iii.guidelines and priorities circulated from
i. to encourage and support women members
time to time by the national and regional
to playa full and active part in all the
party's activities, particularly through
facilitating training, networking and c) The women's forum may appoint other
mentoring, and encouraging women to run officers to help carry out its work.
for elected office d) The women's officer shall build targets for the
ii. to build links with women in the year into her plans, which can then be
community, through contact with monitored and reviewed to help planning for
community organisations and individual future years.
women, consultation, campaigning and e) The women's forum shall register with the
joint working appropriate regional director, and re-register encourage women to join the party and on an annual basis.
to ensure that new women members are
welcomed 1.0.A.5 Meetings
a) A meeting of the women's forum shall only
iv. to ensure that women's voices are heard in have formal status if all women in the
the party, through monitoring women's
constituency have been given 14 days written
involvement in a~tjvities, and 'feeding notice of the meeting, and the business to be
women's concerns to the local party and to discussed, and at least 10 eligible women
policy makers members attend.
v. to work jointly with Labour women in b) At a formal meeting the women's forum may,
neighbouring constituencies in the delivery if it wishes, make nominations to the CLP for
of the above aims. posts open to nomination from branches (ie
CLP officers, parliamentary/European
:10.A.3 Membership
parliamentary candidate, members of the
The membership of the women's forum sholl
NEC, National Policy Forum, etc) and elect
consist of all individual women members in
two delegates to the constituency General
[ ] Constituency Labour Party. The
Committee. A formal meeting may also agree
women's officer should be provided with a
motions to be sent to the General Committee.
membership list by the constituency secretary
in order to make contact with women members. c) The women's forum may hold whatever
All women members shalt be mailed at least informal meetings or gatherings it sees fit to
annually to inform them about the activity of the work towards meeting its aims.
women's officer and/or forum.
1.0.A.6 Activities women's involvement and working with the
a) The women's forum shall prioritise work which rest of the party to develop arrangements
aims to support women members of the party which maximise this involvement
to play an active part in all the party's
activities -in particular, training, mentoring
iii.bringing any problems regarding women's
and networking among women to encourage
involvement. including through the filling of
quotas, to the attention of the constituency
women to:
secretary, other officers or the regional
i. hold elected office within the party (eg as party
branch or constituency chair, political
iv. holding local policy forums for women.
education officer, etc)

ij. stand as councillors, MPs, MEPs and other 1.0.A.6 Finances

forms of elected representative for the The funds of the women's forum shall consist of
party donations, collections, profits from sales, and
receipts from activities undertaken by the
iii.become involved in the community, for
forum. In the event of the dissolution of the
example, as school governors/board
women's forum its assets shall belong to the
members, on committees of local
[ ] Constituency Labour Party.
organisations, as magistrates, members of
community health councils, etc The Constituency Labour Party shall, by
iv. take part in all forms of party activities - agreement, make resources available to the
women's forum (if operating successfully), to
in particular campaigns, recruitment
enable it to function effectively.
activity, party committees, meetings and
policy forums.
10.A.7 General
b) The women's forum shall also seek to build a) The general provisions of the constitution and
links with women in the community through, rules of the Labour Party shall apply to the
for example: women's forum.

i. building relationships with organisations, b) The women's forum shall not enter into
such as women's voluntary organisations, affiliation or give support financially or
tenants' groups, trade unions and other otherwise to any political party or
organisations in which women are active, organisation ancillary Of subsidiary thereto
through information exchange, personal declared ineligible for affiliation to the party
contact, joint meetings, events and by the annual party conference or by the
campaigns National Executive Committee.

ii. working with the party and Labour c) This women's forum shall not without the
councillors and MPs to consult women in approval of the constituency party and the
the community about their views and consent in writing of the NEC:
concerns, using consultation meetings,
i. buy freehold or leasehold land and erect
policy forums, surveys, list.ening campaigns buildings thereon and/or freehold or
and other techniques
leasehold premises
iii.targeted campaigning and recruitment
ii. appoint trustees or a company to hold any
activity with women, including campaigns
land or property so acquired for or on
on issues of particular interest to women
behalf of this forum
such as women's health, childcare and
violence against women. iii .define the powers of any trustees or
company so appointed or lay down the
c) The women's forum shall seek to ensure that
manner in which such power shall be
women's voices are properly heard in the
party, through the above activities and
through, for example: iv. borrow money on mortgage or otherwise on
security of any property owned by the
i. feeding women's views on policy into local
women's forum
and national policy forums and to the
constituency's General Committee v grant or take a lease or sell freehold or
leasehold land or property.
ii. encouraging women to play an active role
In these and other bodies, monitoring d) This women's forum shall adopt standing
Building a healthy women's organisation

orders and procedural rules as may be agreed Organisation

by the appropriate Regional Director. a) The { ] Labour Party women's
committee shall comprise:
10.A.8 Alteration to rules
Any alteration or addition to these rules may i. all women members of the regional board
only be made at the annual general meeting of ii. up to five co-opteq voting members, agreed
the [ J Constituency Labour Party by the women regional board members, to
women's forum but must be submitted to the fill specific gaps in the board membership
appropriate regional director for approval before (eg woman MP or MEP, young women,
being put into operation. Such changes shall women from particular trade unions, ethnic
not contravene the spirit or intention of the minorities or particular parts of the region)
model rules as accepted by Party Conference
i-ii.where there is an NEC Women's Committee
or the NEC.
member resident in the region, this woman
will be a member of the committee (where
10.8 Regional women's committees
there is more than one eligible woman they
[This will apply in the first instance to the
will agree one who will sit on the committee)
committees in the English regions. Women's
committees in Scotland and Wales will be iv. a Labour Party regional officer.
Constituted in accordance with Scottish and b) The committee shall be chaired by a member
Welsh rules but will be encouraged to move of the regional board.
towards similar structures.]
c) The committee may set up taskforces to work Name on particular projects (eg training,
The [ ] Labour Party Women's Committee organisation of conferences, etc) and may
co-opt additional women with specific Aims and values expertise/backgrounds onto such taskforces.
a) The aims of the regional women's d) Other women may be invited to attend
organisation are to implement the national committee meetings subject to the
aims of the women's organisation and to agreement of the committee.
support local women's organisations within
e) The committee will report regularly to the
the region in meeting their own aims -in
regional board.
i. to co-ordinate training which support$ Activities
women within the region in both playing an a) The committee shall draw up an annual plan
active part in all the party's activities and a programme of activities to achieve their
ii. to run training to enable local women's aims, taking into account the priorities of the
organisations within the region to operate region and the priorities and guidelines
circulated by the national party from time to
time. This shall be agreed by the regional spread good practice and provide board. The women's committee shall set
information which helps local women's targets for the year which can then be
organisations to meet their aims monitored and reviewed to help planning for
iv. to encourage joint working between future years.
women's organisations in different b) The committee shall be responsible for
constituencies within the region organising events for women across the
v. to build links with women in voluntary region and will normally be expected to
organisations, trade unions and their organise at least one event or conference
women's organisations and other groups at annually which would:
regional level, and to facilitate joint i. be open to all women in the region to
working that encourages women to support, attend. and be well publicised
join or become involved in the party
ii. include training for women in priority skills
vi. to ensure that women are fully involved in to enabl~ them to be involved in the part y.
all party activities within the region, particularly through holding elected office
including all policy-making events and
activities. iii.enable women within the region to meet
key women representatives from the
Building a healthy women's organisatIon

regions, including regional committee organisation in the relevant area, with the
members, MPs, MEPs, councillors and committee taking a co-ordinating role.
National Policy Forum members
f ) The committee shall take an overview of
iv. in the case of a conference, invite the activities within the region and women's
Minister for Women and women from the involvement within them, to ensure women
NEC Women's Committee to attend are fully represented and encouraged to be
v. at the discretion of the committee, include involved. They shall work closely with the
a policy forum element. regional board to ensure that women are fully
involved in the region's activities and that the
c) The committee shall encourage constituency
party seeks to achieve equal representation
Labour Parties to fund at least one woman
for women in decision making and elected
annually to attend a regional women's
office throughout the region.
conference or training event.

d) The committee shall regularly circulate Finances

contact lists of women's officers in the The committee shall be funded as agreed with
region, to encourage joint working, and may the appropriate Labour Party regional board
hold events to bring women's officers (or equivalent).
10.B.6 Meetings
e) Where organisations outside the party (such The committee meetings shall be held as
as women's voluntary organisations, trade required, at least twice a year. The minutes of
unions, etc) operate at regional or sub- each meeting shall be presented to the
regional level, the committee shall take a subsequent meeting of the appropriate regional
lead in building good relationships with these board (or equivalent).
organisations. This may include exchange of
information, invitations to conferences and Alteration to rules
other events, regional or sub-regional Any alteration or addition to these rules may be
consultation events, policy forums and proposed by the committee or regional board but
campaigns. As far as possible these activities must be submitted to the General Secretary for
shall be organised in partnership with women approval before being put into operation.
from the local Labour Party women's

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