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2. Gonorrhea
3. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
4. Carcinoma of the Prostate Gland
- Prostatic carcinoma ranks as the most
common malignant tumor in men and the
second most common cause of cancer-
related deaths in men 6. Prostatic
adenocarcinoma is by far the most common
histological type and is the primary focus of
the article.
It is primarily a disease of the elderly male. In
the United States, approximately 200,000
new cases are diagnosed each year.

7. Epididmytis
8. Testicular Tumors
9. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
10. Hydrocele
- accumulation of serous fluid between
5. Undescended Testis
visceral and parietal layers of the tunica
- occurs when one or both testicles fail vaginalis.
to move into the scrotum before birth.
- most common cause of painless scrotal
- Absence of testis in the scrotum
swelling. Hydrocele may accompany
- Testicles that do not naturally
malignant tumors, torsion, and inflammation.
descend into the scrotum are
considered abnormal. An
undescended testicle is more likely to
develop cancer, even if it is brought
into the scrotum with surgery. Cancer
is also more likely in the other
Treatment :

 Hormone injections (B-HCG or

testosterone) to try to bring the
testicle into the scrotum 11. Varicocele
 Surgery (orchiopexy) to bring the
- is a varicose vein of the testicle and
testicle into the scrotum. This is the
scrotum that may cause pain and lead to
main treatment.
testicular atrophy (shrinkage of the testicles).
 Having surgery early may prevent
In healthy veins within the scrotum, one-way
damage to the testicles that can
valves allow blood to flow from the testicles
cause infertility. An undescended
and scrotum back to the heart.
testicle that is found later in life may
need to be removed. This is because
the testicle is not likely to function
well and could pose a risk for cancer.
 6. Testicular Torsion
 - Twisting of the spermatic cord upon
itself obstructing th blood vessels
supplying the epididymis and testis. It
is also called “Bell-Clamping”.
an area of tissue
within the ovary that
occurs after an egg
has been released
from a follicle.
o Both benign and malignant tumors of
the ovary may also be cystic.
o When a cyst causes symptoms, pain
in the abdomen or pelvis is the most
common one. The pain can be
caused from:

1. rupture of the cyst,

2. rapid growth and


3. bleeding into the cyst,

12. Orchitis
- secondary to epididmytis.
4. Twisting of the cyst
- The virus that causes mumps is most around its blood
commonly implicated as the cause of
supply (known as

o There are several different types

of ovarian cysts. The most common
is a functional cyst. It forms
during ovulation
 Other types of cysts

1. Polycystic ovaries.
In polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS), the
Female follicles in which the eggs
1. Ovarian Cyst normally mature fail to
- Ovarian cysts are closed, sac-like open and cysts form.
structures within the ovary that are 2. Endometriosis. In women
filled with a liquid or semisolid
with endometriosis, tissue
- Pain in the abdomen or pelvis is the from the lining of the
most common symptom of an ovarian uterus grows in other
cyst, but most are asymptomatic. areas of the body. This
includes the ovaries. It can
Most cysts are diagnosed by ultrasound or
physical exam. be very painful and can
affect fertility.
 Type’s ovarian cysts form for
3. Cystadenomas. These
numerous reasons.
1. The most common cysts form out of cells on
type is a follicular cyst, the surface of the ovary.
which results from the They are often fluid-filled.
growth of a follicle.
4. Dermoid cysts. This type
2. Related to the
menstrual cycle is a of cyst contains tissue
corpus luteum cyst. similar to that in other
The corpus luteum is parts of the body. That
includes skin, hair,
and teeth.
2. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

o also known by the name

Stein-Leventhal syndrome
o A problem in which a
woman's hormones are out of
o Early diagnosis and treatment
can help control the
symptoms and prevent long- 3. Ovarian tumors
term problems.
o PCOS occurs in 5% to 10% of - Either malignant or benign
women and is the most - Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading
common cause ofinfertility in cause of cancer deaths in women
women. - Actually represents a group of
o PCOS's principal signs and different tumors that arise from
symptoms are related to diverse types of tissue contained
menstrual disturbances and within the ovary.
elevated levels of male - Most common type of ovarian
hormones (androgens). cancer arises from the epithelial cells
o Other PCOS signs and (the outside layer of cells) of the
symptoms include: surface of the ovary.

Possible early ovarian cancer symptoms

1. obesity and weight
include the following:

2. elevated insulin lev 1. Bloating

els and insulin
resistance, 2. Pelvic or abdominal
3. oily skin,
3. Urgent or frequent
4. dandruff,
5. infertility,
4. Difficulty eating or
6. skin discolorations, feeling full very quickly

7. high cholesterol lev

The following are risk factors for the
8. elevated blood development of ovarian cancer:
pressure, and
1. A family history of ovarian
9. Multiple cancer:
small cysts in the 2. A family history
ovaries. of breast or colon cancer
3. Age
4. Childbearing
and menstruation:
5. Medications:
6. The American Cancer society
reports that obese women
have a higher rate of death
from ovarian cancer than
women of normal weight.
7. Talcum powder use
Tests that look for ovarian cysts or tumors unexplained weight gain
1. Ultrasound. This test uses sound
waves to create an image of the
ovaries. The image helps the doctor
determine the size and location of the
cyst or tumor.

2. Other imaging tests. Computed

tomography (CT), magnetic 6 Leiomyoma (Fibroid or Uterine Fibroid)
resonance imaging (MRI),
- cause of an excess estrogen
and positron emission stimulation
tomography (PET) are highly detailed - most common benign tumor in the
imaging scans. The doctor can use uterus
- approximately 4% to 11% in adult
them to find ovarian tumors and see women
whether and how far they have
symptoms : Heavy bleeding, uterine
spread. enlargement, irregular menses, pelvic pain

Ovarian Metastases
- refers to a malignancy in the ovary 8 Endometrial Carcinoma
that metastasized from a primary site - Endometrial cancer is a type of
cancer that begins in the uterus.
- seen in all age groups, with an - Endometrial cancer begins in the
average age of 45 years. layer of cells that form the lining
Symptoms: cause abdominal or pelvic pain, (endometrium) of the uterus.
bloating, pain during sexual intercourse, Other types of cancer can form in the
Irregular bleeding may also be seen uterus, including uterine sarcoma, but they
are much less common than endometrial

Risk factors for endometrial cancer include

the following:
• Obesity
• No Pregnancies
5 • Early Puberty
Dermoid Cyst (Teratoma)
- Most common type of germ cell • Late Menopause
tumors contains skin, hair, teeth,
& fatty element. • Treatment with tamoxifen

Symptoms : Abdominal pain, abnormal • Other cancers

vaginal bleeding, painful intercourse, • Family history
- Cancer that forms in tissues of
the cervix.
- It is usually a slow-growing
cancer that may not have
symptoms but can be found with
regular Pap tests or Pap smear

The most common symptoms and signs of

cervical cancer are:
- -abnormal vaginal bleeding
- -increased vaginal discharge
- -bleeding after going through
- -pain during sex, and
- -pelvic pain

9 . Endometriosis
- Endometriosis is the development
of uterine-lining tissue outside the Causes and Risk Factors
- human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Endometriosis is especially infection,having many sexual
common among women in their
30s and 40s. The most common
- smoking
symptom is pain.
- taking birth control pills, and
- Endometriosis is usually a long-
- engaging in early sexual contact
lasting (chronic) disease. When
you have endometriosis, the type
of tissue that lines your uterus is
also growing outside your uterus. Treatment options for cervical cancer
- Diagnosis is considered uncertain
until proven by laparoscopy. A - radiation therapy,
laparoscopy usually shows the - surgery, and
location, size, and extent of the - chemotherapy
growths. This helps the doctor
and patient make better treatment

8 Breast Carcinoma

9 Benign Breast Carcinoma

10 Carcinoma of the Cervix
Sonographic Appearance:
10 Ectopic Pregnancy - “Snowstorm Patter”
- Complex mass containing many
- Also known as “eccyesis”
small cysts.
- is a complication of pregnancy in - “Cluster of Grapes”
which the embryo is implanted
outside the uterine cavity.
- development of a fertilized egg
elsewhere than in the uterus (as in a
fallopian tube or the peritoneal
- Most ectopic pregnancies (93-97%)
occur in the distal Fallopian tube (so-
called tubal pregnancies), but
implantation can also occur in the
cervix, ovaries, and abdomen.
- Transvaginal Ultrasound is the
modality of choice.

Risk Factors for Ectopic Pregnancy

1. Prior ectopic
2.In-vitro fertilization
3.Tubal ligation
4.Intra-uterine contraceptive device
5.Cigarette smoking
6.Multiple sex partners
7.Pelvic inflammatory disease 15 Hyatidiform Mole
8.Endometriosis - Also known as molar
pregnancy is a benign tumor that
forms in the uterus as a mass
of cysts resembling a bunch of

2 types:
- Complete hydatidiform mole:
An abnormal placenta with no
The gestational sac is clearly outside the fetal development.
endometrial cavity indicating an ectopic

- Partial hydatidiform mole: An

abnormal placenta with fetal
8 Trophoblastic Disease development.
- is a group of rare tumors that
involve abnormal growth of cells
inside a woman's uterus.
- TD begins in the layer of
cells called the trophoblast that
normally surrounds an embryo.
Female Infertility
- Infertility is the inability to
get pregnant after a year of
unprotected intercourse.

The Use of Ultrasound in Fertility


- During a fertility evaluation, it’s

likely that your doctor will order
an ultrasound. You might have an
ultrasound exam as part of an
initial consultation with a
reproductive endocrinologist, or
you might have one after your
hormone levels have been tested.
Your doctor will use the results of
the ultrasound to assess the
overall condition of your uterus
and ovaries, the thickness of the
lining of your uterus
(the endometrium), and follicle
development on the ovaries.

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