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Name : - Agnes Margaretha Situmeang

- Damasia Elci Hutajulu

Class : 1.1 PSIK

Courses : English



In the era of globalization and a more modern era this. we must be able to speak English,
Although in some ways of expressing the words wrong. If we want to be able to speak English
then we must learn and never shy to speak English. Because if we are ashamed to speak English
then we will not be able to speak English.

There are 4 ways to learn the English language are:

1. listening
If we are accustomed to listening the English language, then we'll find it easier to
listen English. Maybe we don’t understand a single word of the word that we listen, but
don’t let that deter you.

2. Reading
Reading is a difficult thing we have to do, but without this small sacrifice we
would not get anything. If you find it difficult to read thick books, then start reading the
book thin. If we often do that then gradually we will be able to speak English, although
the pronunciation is not perfect.

3. Writing
If you've listen and read, there is also a good idea we write. Because writing we
can always look back if we make a mistake. Word we speak can’t be withdrawn but,
written sentences that we can be repaired. Thus we can develop a sense of awareness,
which in turn will help us to speak English.

4. Speaking
Our primary aim is to be able to speak English. Practice speaking English, but
sometimes we are not able to remember and read perfectly. Don’t let that stop us in
Speaking. Don’t allow ourselves to be dictated by other people who would like to see to
see us fail.

So, if we still have the time and ability to learn language. Then do it before its too late.

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