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Discuss the following terms:

a) A sensory memory
b) A short term memory

Answer : a) A sensory memory as memory storage for stimuli received through

the senses. It holds the stimulus in raw, unanalyzed state for a fraction of a second.
A sensory memory exists for each sensory channel: iconic memory, echoic memory,
and haptic memory.

b) A short term memory acts as a scratch-pad for temporary recall of the information
under process. For instance, in order to understand this sentence we need to hold in
our mind the beginning of the sentence we read the rest. Short term memory decays
rapidly (200 ms.) and also has a limited capacity.

2. Long term memory is divided into two: episodic and semantic. Discuss and give
Answer : Episodic memory represents our memory of events and experiences in
a serial form. For example: past events in an individual’s life. Semantic memory is a
structured record of facts, concepts, vocabulary, and skills that we have acquired. For
example: learn new facts in our own episodic memory.
3. Memorization seems to have different process from remembering. Explain the
Answer : The basic principles behind memorization are obvious. Passages will
be easier to memorize if they meaningful, grammatical, written in the learner’s own
native language, and complete with rhyme and meter to anchor the surface structure
(Clark and Clark, 1977: 141).
4. Clark and Clark state that there are four factors which may affect the content and
accuracy of what people remember: type of language, input, retention interval, and the
output. Discuss each of the items!
Answer : Type of language –such as a passage, an ordinary conversation, a
formal lecture, a play, a poem, or just a sentence, results differently in the memory.
Input also results in different memory, whether people hear it passively, try to memorize
it word for word, list for the gist only, or listen for just grammatical errors. Retention
interval also results in different memory. The last is output does results in different
memory, for example, whether people try to recall the information verbatim or just the
idea or gist surely results in different memory.

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